Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Job description of the chief specialist in the main department (architectural and planning workshop). Job description of the chief project engineer (design organization specialist) II. Job responsibilities

I. General provisions

1. For the position of chief specialist in the main department (architectural and planning workshop), a person has a higher professional education in the field of work and work experience in the specialty as a leading specialist for at least 5 years.

3. The chief specialist in the main department (architectural and planning workshop) is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The chief specialist in the main department (architectural and planning workshop) must know:

Prospects for the development of the relevant sector of the economy, science and technology;

Design methods;

Organization, planning and economics of design and engineering surveys;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in design and construction;

Resolutions, orders, orders of higher and other bodies, guidelines, methodological and regulatory materials on the design, construction and operation of facilities;

Technical, economic, environmental and social requirements for the facilities being designed;

Fundamentals of labor organization in design;

Building regulations;

Standards, technical specifications and other guidance materials for the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation;

Basics of standardization and patent science;

Economics and organization of construction;

Automation tools for design and computational work;

Fundamentals of labor organization and labor legislation;

Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the chief specialist in the main department (architectural and planning workshop) is guided by:

Legislation of the Russian Federation,

Charter of the organization,

Orders and instructions of the director of the organization,

With this job description,

Internal labor regulations of the organization,

6. The chief specialist in the main department (architectural and planning workshop) reports directly to (specify position)

7. During the absence of the chief specialist in the main department (architectural and planning workshop) (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the fulfillment of the assigned responsibilities on him.

II. Job responsibilities

Chief specialist in the main department (architectural and planning workshop):

1. Based on the latest achievements of science and technology, advanced domestic and foreign experience in design and construction, develops the most important design solutions for a separate section (part) of the project.

2. Organizes patent research to ensure the patent purity of new design solutions and their patentability.

3. Prepares proposals for the use of the most progressive and cost-effective competitive design solutions in the project.

4. Generates tasks for the development of sections (parts) of the project and issues them to the performers.

5. Checks the compliance of the developed design solutions with the given assignment.

6. Provides technical guidance for the development of sections (parts) of the project with extensive use of design automation tools and participates in resolving issues related to these sections (parts) at all stages and phases of design, construction, commissioning of facilities and development of design capacities.

7. Participates in the coordination of design decisions and in discussion of the project in higher organizations and examination bodies.

9. Taking into account the actual state of construction, prepares proposals for changes to the working documentation when new regulatory documents are put into effect.

10. Analyzes and summarizes the experience of design, construction and operation of constructed facilities, prepares on this basis proposals for improving the design and implementation of measures to improve the technical and economic level of design solutions.

11. Prepares reviews and conclusions on rationalization proposals and inventions, draft standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents related to design and construction.

12. Takes part in the examination of projects, preparation of publications and drawing up applications for inventions, seminars and conferences in his specialty.

13. Manages employees subordinate to him.

14. Complies with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

15. Complies with internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

16. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace.

17. Carry out, within the framework of the employment contract, the orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions.


chief project engineer (design organization specialist)

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the chief project engineer (design organization specialist) of the Design Technologies division (hereinafter referred to as the Chief Project Engineer (design organization specialist)) All-Russian Association of Employers "Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs" ( hereinafter Institution).

1.2. A person who meets the following education and training requirements is appointed to the position of chief project engineer (design organization specialist):

  • And additional professional education - advanced training programs at least once every five years;
  • Higher education (non-core) - master's degree, specialty and additional professional education - professional retraining programs in the field of activity;
  • Higher education - specialty, master's degree;
  • with practical work experience:

  • For the chief engineer of the project (Design Organization Specialist), at least ten years of work in the field of design of water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • For the group leader, at least six years of work in the design of water treatment and water intake structures;
  • 1.3. The chief project engineer (design organization specialist) must know:

  • Current trends in the design of water treatment and water intake structures;
  • Requirements for rational and safe organization of the labor process;
  • Rules for drawing up initial requirements for the manufacture of non-standard equipment for water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Occupational safety requirements;
  • Requirements for acceptance of the results of work on the preparation of project documentation;
  • Methodology for planning the activities of project departments;
  • Basics of managing subordinate personnel;
  • Rules and methods for organizing work on the design of water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Requirements for acceptance of work on the preparation of design documentation;
  • Methods and procedures of the quality management system;
  • Organizational and methodological documents regulating the implementation of designer's supervision during the construction and commissioning of water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Criteria for selecting participants in the preparation of project documentation and selecting performers of such work, as well as methods for coordinating the activities of performers of such work;
  • Regulatory documentation on water supply and sanitation;
  • Environmental legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Requirements for the preparation of assignments for the preparation of design documentation for a capital construction project;
  • Occupational safety requirements;
  • Regulatory documentation in design and construction;
  • 1.4. The chief project engineer (design organization specialist) must be able to:

  • Manage the development of projects for the design of water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Use professional computer tools to develop technical specifications for the development of special parts of design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Approve documentation drawn up based on the design results of water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Present and accept the results of work on the preparation of design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Prepare assignments for the preparation of design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Carry out a technical and economic analysis of the feasibility of carrying out design work for the construction of water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Monitor the timing and quality of development of design solutions for water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Determine criteria for selecting participants in the work on preparing design documentation for water treatment and water intake structures and selecting performers of such work, as well as methods for coordinating the activities of performers of such work;
  • Plan the work of the water treatment design unit, the design team and the wage fund;
  • Coordinate design solutions for water treatment facilities and water intake structures between developers within the water treatment design unit;
  • Check the compliance of the developed projects for water treatment and water intake structures and technical solutions with regulatory documents;
  • Use professional computer tools to prepare technical specifications for the development of design solutions for water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Apply systems analysis methods to prepare and substantiate conclusions about the effectiveness of the water treatment design unit;
  • Use professional computer tools to develop specifications and initial requirements for the manufacture of non-standard equipment for water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Accept the results of work on the preparation of design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Organize and carry out work on designer supervision of the construction of water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Use professional computer tools to approve the results of design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Generate the necessary documentation on the implementation of designer supervision over the construction of water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Use professional computer tools to prepare design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • Analyze the compliance of the work performed with the approved design solutions;
  • Apply procedures and methods of the quality management system when designing water treatment facilities and water intake structures;
  • 1.5. The chief project engineer (design organization specialist) is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the managing director of the qualifications development department of the Institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. The chief project engineer (design organization specialist) reports to the managing director of the Qualifications Development Department of the Institution and the head of the “Project Technologies” division

    2. Labor functions

  • 2.1. Organization of work of the design department for water treatment.
  • 2.2. Carrying out designer's supervision over compliance with approved design solutions for water treatment and water intake structures.
  • 3. Job responsibilities

  • 3.1. Presentation, approval and acceptance of the results of work on the preparation of design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures.
  • 3.2. Preparation of tasks for specialists of the design department for the development of special engineering and construction parts of the design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures.
  • 3.3. Drawing up a planning task that determines the calendar dates for the beginning and end of the design of elements of water treatment and water intake structures and the project as a whole.
  • 3.4. Analysis of the efficiency of the water treatment design unit, taking into account the number and complexity of projects being carried out.
  • 3.5. Coordination of the work of the design department, group of designers for water treatment.
  • 3.6. Approval of the results of design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures.
  • 3.7. Monitoring the supply of qualified personnel to the water treatment design unit.
  • 3.8. Control of timing and quality of development of design solutions for water treatment facilities and water intake structures.
  • 3.9. Development of initial requirements for the design of non-standard equipment for water treatment facilities and water intake structures.
  • 3.10. Coordination of design documentation for water treatment and water intake structures with the customer and supervisory authorities, carrying out designer's supervision.
  • 3.11. Approval of design solutions for water treatment facilities and water intake structures.
  • 3.12. Determination of criteria for selecting participants in the work on preparing design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures and selecting performers of such work, as well as methods for coordinating the activities of performers of such work.
  • 3.13. Preparation and approval of assignments for the preparation of design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures.
  • 3.14. Determination of the constituent elements of the design of water treatment and water intake structures and issuance of tasks for the development of elements within the design department.
  • 3.15. Approval of the results of design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures.
  • 3.16. Determination of the scope and composition of work, preparation and management during the inspection of water treatment facilities and water intake structures.
  • 3.17. Determination of criteria for selecting participants in the work on preparing design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures and selecting performers of such work, as well as methods for coordinating the activities of performers of such work.
  • 3.18. Monitoring compliance with approved design solutions during the construction of water treatment and water intake structures, preparation of as-built documentation.
  • 3.19. Inspection and decision-making on the operation of water treatment facilities and water intake structures as part of the commission for acceptance of structures.
  • 3.20. Monitoring the implementation of instructions entered into the author's supervision log of water treatment facilities and water intake structures.
  • 3.21. Presentation, approval and acceptance of the results of work on the preparation of design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures.
  • 3.22. Preparation and approval of assignments for the preparation of design documentation for water treatment facilities and water intake structures.
  • 3.23. Maintaining a log of author's supervision of water treatment and water intake structures, drawing up inspection reports.
  • 3.24. Making changes to the design documentation of water treatment facilities and water intake structures when changing technical solutions and equipment of water treatment facilities and water intake structures.
  • 4. Rights

    The chief project engineer (design organization specialist) has the right:

    4.1. Request and receive the necessary information, as well as materials and documents related to the activities of the chief project engineer (design organization specialist).

    4.2. Improve your qualifications, undergo retraining (retraining).

    4.3. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve issues within the competence of the chief engineer of the project (design organization specialist).

    4.4. Take part in the discussion of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

    4.5. Make suggestions and comments on how to improve activities in the assigned area of ​​work.

    4.6. Contact the relevant local government bodies or the court to resolve disputes arising during the performance of functional duties.

    4.7. Use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform your job duties.

    4.8. Pass certification in the prescribed manner.

    5. Responsibility

    The chief project engineer (design organization specialist) is responsible for:

    5.1. Failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s functional duties.

    5.2. Failure to comply with orders and instructions from the Managing Director of the Qualifications Development Department of the Institution.

    5.3. Inaccurate information about the status of fulfillment of assigned tasks and instructions, violation of deadlines for their execution.

    5.4. Violation of internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety rules established in the Institution.

    5.5. Causing material damage within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.6. Disclosure of information that has become known in connection with the performance of official duties.

    For the above violations, the chief engineer of the project (design organization specialist) may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative, civil and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

    This job description has been developed in accordance with the provisions (requirements) of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197 FZ (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (with amendments and additions), the professional standard “Specialist in the field of design of water treatment facilities and water intake structures” approved by order Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2017 No. 177n and other regulations governing labor relations.

    Organizational and legal documents


    Job description of a specialist in the architectural and design department

    This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. A specialist in the architectural and design department belongs to the category of specialists, is hired and dismissed by order of [name of manager's position].
    1.2. The specialist in the architectural and design department reports directly to [name of the immediate supervisor].
    1.3. A person with a higher professional education in the specialty “Building Design” or higher professional education and professional retraining in the direction of “Design of Buildings and Structures”, work experience in the specialty of at least [enter the required] years, is accepted for the position of specialist in the architectural and design department; advanced training at least once every 5 years and the availability of a qualification certificate for compliance with the position held.
    1.4. An architectural design department specialist should know:
    - laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of architecture and urban planning;
    - administrative methodological and regulatory documents on the design, construction and operation of facilities;
    - prospects for the development of architectural and construction design;
    - design methods;
    - organization, planning and economics of design and engineering surveys;
    - advanced domestic and foreign experience in design and construction;
    - technical, economic, environmental and social requirements for the facilities being designed;
    - basics of labor organization during design;
    - building regulations;
    - standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents for the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation;
    - basics of standardization and patent science;
    - economics and organization of construction;
    - Copyright;
    - software systems and types of automation tools for design and computational work;
    - basics of labor legislation;
    - labor protection rules.

    2. Job responsibilities

    A specialist in the architectural and design department is assigned the following job responsibilities:
    2.1. Participates in the development of the most important design decisions for a separate section (part) of the project.
    2.2. Organizes patent research to ensure the patent purity of new design solutions and their patentability.
    2.3. Prepares proposals for the use of the most progressive and cost-effective competitive design solutions in the project.
    2.4. Takes part in the formation of tasks for the development of sections (parts) of the project and issues them to the performers.
    2.5. Checks the compliance of the developed design solutions with the given assignment.
    2.6. Participates in resolving issues related to the developed sections (parts) of the project at all stages and stages of design, construction, commissioning of facilities and development of design capacities.
    2.7. Participates in the coordination of design decisions and in discussion of the project in higher organizations and examination bodies.
    2.8. Carries out design supervision of construction on issues within its competence.
    2.9. Taking into account the actual state of construction, prepares proposals for making changes to the working documentation when new regulatory documents are put into effect.
    2.10. Analyzes and summarizes experience in the design, construction and operation of constructed facilities, and on this basis prepares proposals for improving the design and implementation of measures to improve the technical and economic level of design solutions.
    2.11. Prepares reviews and conclusions on rationalization proposals and inventions, draft standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents related to design and construction.
    2.12. Takes part in the examination of projects, preparation of publications and drawing up applications for inventions, seminars and conferences in his specialty.
    2.13. [Other responsibilities].

    3. Rights

    A specialist in the architectural and design department has the right to:
    3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.
    3.2. Within your competence, analyze the activities of the department and make proposals for its improvement.
    3.3. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.
    3.4. Receive materials and information on your activities.
    3.5. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the enterprise relating to his activities.
    3.6. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.
    3.7. Improve your professional qualifications.
    3.8. [Other rights].

    4. Responsibility

    The specialist in the architectural and design department is responsible for:
    4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of the duties provided for in this instruction, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4.3. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Modern realities allow the customer to choose any design organization that is suitable in all respects, in terms of timing, price and quality of services provided. The chief engineer still plays an important role in creating a construction project. Explanation of the abbreviation GIP - chief engineer of the project. The job responsibilities of such a specialist imply not only affixing a certification signature on project documentation for compliance with specific regulatory documents in the field of construction, but also a wide range of responsibilities.

    In a broad sense, a PI is a specialist with a higher construction education, certain work experience, periodically undergoing advanced training courses, and excellent organizational skills. The quality of the project will depend on the flexibility of mind and existing work experience of such a specialist. The chief engineer must propose new and original ideas that can satisfy all the customer's needs at minimal cost.

    Myths about the position of GIP

    Many customers are still completely confident that the GUI is the person who is fully responsible for the quality of all documentation. In fact, previously such a specialist made personal decisions and was responsible for their consequences. However, today such a person is just a project manager. The main functional responsibility of the official is to ensure the dynamic flow of investments and the return on financial investments. Simply put, a person looks at the entire project from an economic point of view, optimizing processes that will generate more income with minimal investment. Decisions of a technical nature are made by other project participants, naturally, in agreement with the GIP.

    The chief engineer of the project cannot even physically check all the stages of creating the project; he is just one of the members of the project creation team.

    Will they go to prison or not?

    Don’t think that in the event of an accident, an engineer will definitely be imprisoned. In fact, the pre-trial investigation implies the purpose of identifying the designer who made incorrect coefficients or made incorrect calculations in order to bring charges against the contractor. It turns out which organization provided the expert opinion. Although punishment may also apply to the person checking, in this case the State Inspectorate puts his signature on it, thereby confirming that he has checked the documents.

    Highest qualification

    A strong but incorrect opinion is that the project manager is the most qualified specialist from the entire design organization. In fact, when selecting a candidate for a position, the employer is guided by other criteria. For some, it is important that the applicant has a second education, economic or specialized, for example, a diploma in the field of creating ventilation systems. The candidate must have excellent communication skills, be organized in order to keep control over the deadlines for all stages of the project, be able to negotiate and other skills.

    Which side is the GIP on?

    The project manager is a kind of arbiter who must reconcile the parties. If the heating engineer and the electrician cannot agree, it is natural that the chief engineer cannot be more qualified in specific issues than highly specialized designers. Therefore, he must convey to both parties the economic feasibility of resolving the dispute, in essence, protect the interests of the investor without loss of quality and full compliance with safety regulations.

    Requirements for job description

    There are no special requirements for the form of the GIP job description, but his rights and responsibilities should be clearly stated.

    Qualification requirements

    Naturally, the best option is when a specialist has a first specialized education; the second can act as an additional advantage when making a decision when choosing an employer between candidates.

    As a rule, the chief engineer in construction must have at least 8 years of experience in the declared vacancy. If the object is of a huge and industrial scale, then 10 years. The logical conclusion is that the applicant cannot be under 28 years of age. There are usually no requirements for the top level of applicants for such a position, since even people of retirement age are generally full of energy with vast and invaluable experience in designing and project management.


    The GUI is the key person. He has a wide range of responsibilities.

    The project manager is required to provide technical supervision over design and survey work. Carry out designer's supervision over the direct construction of the facility and its commissioning.

    The State Inspectorate is obliged to take all possible measures to improve the quality of estimate and design documentation. Also prepares all data for concluding contracts with customers.

    Responsibilities include creating schedules and assignments for subcontractors. In the future, he must monitor the fulfillment of obligations by the contractor.

    Obliged to check the patentability of materials and equipment that are being used for the first time. Must defend the project.

    The project manager must justify deviations in the project from current building codes. Prepare conclusions on rationalization inventions and proposals of designers.

    Must assess the immediate risks that may arise during the implementation of the project. Responsible for monitoring customer satisfaction with the company's services. Interact with government and non-government organizations in the field of examinations. Must defend the project in the bodies of examination and government.

    The chief construction engineer distributes responsibility between the developers of design solutions and managers. Interacts with the contract department, accounting and other employer services.

    Develops proposals for possible candidates for developers of specific design solutions.

    Must organize work to eliminate inconsistencies in technical documentation and design estimates. Contribute to reducing the cost of project documentation.


    Designer supervision today is voluntary and is not regulated by any regulatory act, therefore such a function can only be provided for in local acts, that is, in the job description.

    The chief engineer in construction can participate in the working commission for the selection of routes and sites for construction, take direct part in the design and survey. It should be remembered that the selection of sites and engineering surveys are not the responsibility of the State Inspectorate, this function is assigned to the customer. The chief engineer can only take part in the commission and express his special professional opinion. Has the right to participate in the examination of projects.

    Has the right to negotiate during the conclusion of contracts with contractors, determine prices and participate in auctions and tenders for design and survey work.

    Can make proposals to senior management for entering data regarding the introduction of new legal requirements into design and estimate documentation.

    What the ISU should know

    The chief engineer in his work must be guided by current norms and laws, SNiP, GOSTs, and the Town Planning Code. Understand and apply in practice the provisions and requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011 and GOST ISO 9001-2015. The chief executive officer is obliged to engage in self-education and improve his qualifications on an ongoing basis. Must also have an understanding of the organization and management of production. Must keep abreast of new developments in design and construction. Know the rules and regulations of labor protection, the basics of copyright and patent law.


    The chief engineer of the project may bear responsibility, as provided for by current legislation, for architectural solutions and technical and economic indicators at the facility under construction, timeliness of preparation and completeness of design and estimate documentation. Also, the job description may provide for liability for failure to fulfill the signed job description.

    Profession - assistant chief engineer

    Not long ago, a new profession appeared - assistant to the Chief Inspector. Even a young specialist without work experience can be hired for such a position. Typically, the job involves directly assisting the chief engineer. The main requirements include the following personal and professional qualities:

    • higher or secondary education in construction;
    • ability to read drawings;
    • activity;
    • communication skills;
    • knowledge of computers and special programs.

    Naturally, the job responsibilities of such a specialist are a little like secretarial or However, this is a good opportunity for a novice engineer to gain work experience and understand the intricacies of the work, with the further prospect of becoming the chief engineer of the project.


    [Job title]



    [Name of company]


    _______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

    "_____" _______________ 20___


    Chief specialist in the department

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the chief specialist in the department of [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

    1.2. The chief specialist in the department is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

    1.3. The chief specialist in the department belongs to the category of specialists and reports to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

    1.4. A person who has:

    • higher professional education in the specialty “Building Design” or higher professional education and professional retraining in the direction of “Design of Buildings and Structures”;
    • work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years;
    • advanced training at least once every 5 years and the availability of a qualification certificate for compliance with the position held.

    1.5. The chief specialist in the department should know:

    • laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of urban planning activities;
    • administrative methodological and regulatory documents on the design, construction and operation of facilities;
    • prospects for the development of architectural and construction design;
    • design methods;
    • organization, planning and economics of design and engineering surveys;
    • advanced domestic and foreign experience in design and construction;
    • technical, economic, environmental and social requirements for the facilities being designed;
    • basics of labor organization during design;
    • building regulations;
    • standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents for the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation;
    • basics of standardization and patent science;
    • economics and organization of construction;
    • Copyright;
    • software systems and types of automation tools for design and computational work;
    • basics of labor legislation;
    • labor safety rules.

    1.6. The chief specialist in the department is obliged to:

    • timely respond to requests from other employees in the area of ​​professional activity, provide the required information in full;
    • treat other employees objectively, evaluate their contribution to achieving the organization’s goals based on the results of their work, regardless of personal attitudes;
    • comply with established deadlines for completing tasks and instructions;
    • provide assistance to work colleagues in solving problems of their activities in the event that assistance can lead to a qualitative improvement in performance results;
    • continuously improve your professional level;
    • honestly and conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to him;
    • keep the property in use safe and sound;
    • to contribute in every possible way to the formation and strengthening of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team;
    • keep official and commercial secrets;
    • comply with confidentiality rules when working with personal information of organization employees, internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

    1.7. The chief specialist in the department is guided in his activities by:

    • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;
    • internal labor regulations;
    • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
    • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
    • this job description.

    1.8. During the period of temporary absence of the chief specialist in the department, his duties are assigned to [deputy position title].

    2. Job responsibilities

    The chief specialist in the department performs the following labor functions:

    2.1. Develops the most important design decisions for a separate section (part) of the project.

    2.2. Organizes patent research to ensure the patent purity of new design solutions and their patentability.

    2.3. Prepares proposals for the use of the most progressive and cost-effective competitive design solutions in the project.

    2.4. Generates tasks for the development of sections (parts) of the project and issues them to the performers.

    2.5. Checks the compliance of the developed design solutions with the given assignment.

    2.6. Provides technical guidance for the development of sections (parts) of the project using design automation tools and participates in resolving issues related to these sections (parts) at all stages and phases of design, construction, commissioning of facilities and development of design capacities.

    2.7. Participates in the coordination of design decisions and in discussion of the project in higher organizations and examination bodies.

    2.9. Taking into account the actual state of construction, prepares proposals for making changes to the working documentation when new regulatory documents are put into effect.

    2.10. Analyzes and summarizes experience in the design, construction and operation of constructed facilities, and on this basis prepares proposals for improving the design and implementation of measures to improve the technical and economic level of design solutions.

    2.11. Prepares reviews and conclusions on rationalization proposals and inventions, draft standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents related to design and construction.

    2.12. Takes part in the examination of projects, preparation of publications and drawing up applications for inventions, seminars and conferences in his specialty.

    2.13. Manages employees subordinate to him.

    In case of official necessity, the chief specialist in the department may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

    3. Rights

    The chief specialist in the department has the right:

    3.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the Company's management relating to its activities.

    3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for by this job description for management's consideration.

    3.3. Attend meetings of committees and working groups, and other meetings of employees in the area of ​​activity.

    3.4. Participate in discussions of issues related to the activities of the structural unit.

    3.5. If necessary, interact with employees of all structural divisions of the Company.

    3.6. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from department heads and other specialists information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

    3.7. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

    3.8. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the Company).

    3.9. Demand that the management of the geological organization provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

    3.10. Act on behalf of a structural unit and represent its interests in relations with other structural units of the Company within its competence.

    3.11. Represent the structural unit in relations with external organizations in the area of ​​activity within its competence.

    3.12. Conduct official correspondence with structural divisions of the Company and external organizations on issues related to advanced training, training and development of personnel.

    3.13. Make your own decisions about planning your working time.

    4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

    4.1 The chief specialist in the department bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - criminal) responsibility for:

    4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions from the immediate supervisor.

    4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of one's job functions and assigned tasks.

    4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

    4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

    4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

    4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

    4.1.7. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4.1.8. Causing material damage and/or losses to the organization or third parties associated with actions or inactions during the performance of official duties.

    4.2. The assessment of the work of the chief specialist in the department is carried out:

    4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

    4.2.2. By the certification commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

    4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of the chief specialist in the department is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in these instructions.

    5. Working conditions

    5.1. The working hours of the chief specialist in the department are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

    5.2. Due to production needs, the chief specialist in the department may go on business trips (including local ones).

    I have read the instructions ______/____________/ “__” _______ 20__
