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Love letters from great women to men. Samples of letters from the 19th-20th centuries Greetings in the style of the 18th century

The epistolary genre is no longer in fashion, but it’s a pity... We have forgotten how to write letters. But it seems like it was just recently, people were corresponding. We waited for news from each other, rejoiced at the good news, congratulated us on holidays in cards; We always chose the most beautiful cards and envelopes. They found pen pals, and some began a romance in their letters.

Today we exchange letters using the Internet, it is much easier and faster than before. We live in the 21st century - this is the century of high technology! We easily communicate with people all over the WORLD using the Internet, Skype, SMS, ICQ. This didn't happen before. Handwritten letters were expected for weeks, even months. And by the time it reached the recipient, many lives had changed. Thus, people have already read history. What about today? I wrote it and sent it right away. And, no matter where a person is, receiving a letter depends mainly on how soon he turns on the computer.

Dear friends.
I am guilty before you and before one wonderful person who was really looking forward to my letter. My friend Marianna... Make my letter to you open. There are no secrets in it. I decided to write a letter as if I was writing it during the 18th-19th centuries and sending it by courier. Let this letter be my apology to you and to all my friends for the fact that I appear on the Internet so rarely. I remember and love you all.

Hello, my dear, Marianna!
Yesterday I was immensely happy when I received news from you. I want to write, but I don’t know where to start.
I really want to say something nice to you for all your troubles about me, for your affection for me. Ah, if you only knew how timely your letters found me, how with their simplicity and unobtrusiveness they shed balm on my girlish, and therefore relatively “suffering” soul!
Thank you for the respect with which your letters are filled to the brim; for the inspiration and sense of self-worth that remains after reading them; for the ability to be an interesting conversationalist...
Both your memories and your letters produce heartfelt consolation in me. In the crowd of secular gatherings, the most pleasant feeling is truth and integrity. Where are you now? Are you in good health and how are you doing in your work for the good of your homeland?
My soul, Marianna. You weren't angry with me at all. But I didn’t congratulate you on your name day... Surely there was a cheerful feast and after that the guests danced, played cards, sang, and danced in circles. But don’t hesitate, I have prepared a small gift for you and will send it by courier in the next letter, this it just didn't fit. Ah, my beauty, I am sure that you are now reading these lines and smiling! What an open and kind soul you have and everything is in your beautiful smile!
What else should I tell you about, my dear, you are my madam Marianna.
I have so many things to do in various sciences that I gave up all the companies. I am healthy, by the grace of our God, with my dear family and have set out on this new sea of ​​work for me. Yes, I concluded that I could overcome it only in solitude, so I don’t write or read. I get up with the roosters and go to bed as soon as I get home in the last carriage. Now I live in a strange place. Around our village Bobrovo there is a wonderful forest. But the weather this year is not pleasant and it is wet and damp, the rains have flooded the entire area and all the paths have become muddy. So we only travel in carriages. The courtyards are dry and beautiful, but there is absolutely no time for walks yet.
“If you feel bad or difficult, find someone who is worse and more difficult than you, and help him.” (Oleg Roy “Web of Lies”) I never helped anyone out of good intentions - I helped because I couldn’t do otherwise. Now I’m trying to somehow support my only friend in Moscow. She herself is very sick and found herself in a difficult situation due to the fault of a man and was left alone, without support. That's how men are. And another misfortune did not escape her. The only joy in her life was that her daughter fell from a swing and broke her leg. So I spend all my weekends, if possible, with her, so that Natalie (that’s my friend’s name) can solve at least some problems. Thank God everything is getting better and I will soon be more free than busy. And we will communicate with you more often. Again, sitting until late at night, reading letters and writing replies. Discussion of everything new that is happening around.
In the near future I will try to read past letters written by your kind hand, but I probably missed a lot of them. But that will make them more pleasant to read, these letters of yours lost on the road, and that will make them even sweeter.
Well, that's probably all I wanted to tell you. Say hello to all our dear neighbors and friends. The letter was probably chaotic, but that’s how it turned out. It is a pity that in our time we do not master the art of writing letters, like Pushkin and Tolstoy. My dearest friend, Marianne! Be healthy and cheerful in spirit! I don’t want to say goodbye, so goodbye.
Loving you, Galatea.

HOW to write a declaration of love in the style of the 18-19th century? and got the best answer

Answer from Irina Polyakova[guru]
19th century. Appeared new type of literature - writers. Here are 2 examples for you to follow:
“Dear young lady N.1 My love for you is unquenchable. From the moment I got to know you closely, I lost peace. Your charming image, which hovers above me with a gentle smile, does not leave me. Since the time I met you, I walk more cheerfully through the whirlpools of life, and in my happy loneliness tears come to my eyes, which I intend to sacrifice to you. Oh, make your faithful admirer N.N happy with reciprocal love.”
“Dear Minka!
This letter will fly to you on the pink wings of love to convey the feelings of my heart. Oh, if I could convince you that I love forever. Fulfill my wish, and if until now in our relationship we have kept certain boundaries, we will finally show openly that we truly love each other. Since your parents have known me for a long time, I think they will have no objections to our reunion, although they are richer than mine (!). And if you think that the favorable moment has already arrived, today, without waiting for tomorrow, I will gladly ask for your hand. Your admirer N. is waiting for an answer from you.”

“My dear, I think about you all the time and reproach myself for being involved in a pleasure that you cannot share with me... Take care of yourself for the sake of the one who loves you more than anyone in the world and lives solely to make you happy..."
“God bless you, love me, think about me, kiss the children; I do not harbor sinful envy of your happiness for the fact that you can hug them, I only would like to share it and embrace their mother in my embrace...”

Answer from Dimonka[expert]
You can’t just write a letter in the style of the 18th-19th century!

Answer from Gennady Akhmedov[newbie]
My dear! The beauty is touching! Strongest of all. Please do me mercy and love me. Stealing my soul! Be tender, bow your heart, don’t be cruel. More than Minerva, the eyes are clear, the words are red, the lips are sugary. I love you, dear one, you are melting all over!

Answer from Alina Dudaeva[newbie]
that letter will fly to you on the pink wings of love to convey the feelings of my heart. Oh, if I could convince you that I love forever. Fulfill my wish, and if until now in our relationship we have kept certain boundaries, we will finally show openly that we truly love each other. Since your parents have known me for a long time, I think they will have no objections to our reunion, although they are richer than mine (!). And if you think that the favorable moment has already arrived, today, without waiting for tomorrow, I will gladly ask for your hand. Your admirer N. is waiting for an answer from you.”
18 century. Sample (love letters from the nephew of Kuruc Antal Esterhazy, the French general and governor of Rocroi Balint Esterhazy, which he wrote to his wife).
“My dear, I think about you all the time and reproach myself for being involved in the pleasure that you cannot share with me... Take care of yourself for the sake of the one who loves you more than anyone in the world and lives solely to make you happy..."
“God bless you, love me, think about me, kiss the children; I do not harbor sinful envy of your happiness for the fact that you can hug them, I only would like to share it and embrace their mother in my embrace...”
2 Likes Complain

Answer from Nikolay Smorodin[guru]
The main thing is not the style in which you express your thoughts and feelings, but these thoughts and feelings themselves... And it doesn’t matter what the letters look like, what the word order you use, what matters is with what feelings in your soul you took the pen in your hand and slowly wrote on the sheet of paper: “I’m writing to you, why more...”.

Answer from Varvara Shelkovskaya[guru]
As I understand it, on behalf of a Russian nobleman, then it must be in French.
Love letters - A. S. Pushkin - to the bride N. N. Goncharova...
Sep 2010 – A. S. Pushkin - To the bride N. N. Goncharova - An unknown lady and A. ..Natalia Nikolaevna, Dantes. The following letters refer to...

Language, I remembered one incident, absolutely unremarkable in all other respects.

Having been, in my distant youth, invited to a friend’s birthday celebration, for some reason I was forced to look for a gift along the way. Having dropped into the first bookstore I came across, I think it was “Bukinist” on Morskoy, I began to leaf through all the books in a row, hoping to find something suitable for a gift.

I didn’t have enough capital for expensive academic publications, and all the other books were randomly empty, meaningless, and in no way suitable not only as a gift, but for anything else in the world. Being late, I leafed through them faster and faster, one by one, and after going through three or four dozen of them, I was already inclined to think about buying a cookbook, when in a dusty, unfrequented corner I found a nondescript book.
These were letters from some Russian traveler of either the 18th or 19th centuries, whose name had disappeared from my memory over the years, addressed to his relatives. The letters began with approximately the following words: “My dear mother and father, as well as sisters Nadenka and Olenka,” and in the few pages that I looked through, absolutely no remarkable events occurred. The man was traveling somewhere, eating something, describing the customs of the inhabitants of some Astrakhan province, through which his quiet horse was taking him at that moment, shaking and dropping cakes into the dust, and it seemed like nothing more. So I mumbled apologetically, handing the birthday boy a book, but the language in it was somehow strange. Nice.
I meant Russian.
A couple of years later, during a chance meeting, that friend himself reminded me of the book and said that he was using it as a model for writing letters. The language in it is very pleasant.

Perhaps in ancient letters one can find that unspoiled language, and use it not as a model for direct imitation (a lot of time has passed since those horses), but as a basis, a basis on which one can rely in the sense of language.

It may be objected to me that that language was the language of a small enlightened stratum, the cultural elite of that time, and the peasants spoke much more simply, and we, today, are more likely to correspond in social status to the peasants of that time. So the pollution of our language is excusable. But why should we look for excuses for ourselves if no one accuses us?
Moreover, the current “cultural elite” is producing this entire mutilated language for us.

I searched the Internet for old letters, but found sheer tears. And even then through one masons, foreigners or completely incomprehensible personalities. I'll post a couple anyway.
Therefore, I would like to ask those who have books with old letters, as well as time and desire, on occasion, to rewrite one or two of the ones they liked the most and post them here.
It's very interesting.

M. V. Lomonosov - I. I. Shuvalov

Dear Sovereign Ivan Ivanovich!

No one in my life has hurt me more than Your Excellency. Summoned
you take me to your place this day. I thought maybe there would be some joy in my
fair requests. You called me back and thus beckoned me. Suddenly I hear: make peace with
Sumarokov! that is, make laughter and shame. Get in touch with the kind of person everyone runs from and
not for your own sake. Contact that person who says nothing else, as soon as everyone
scolds, praises himself and places his poor rhyming above all human knowledge.
He only scolds Taubert and Miller because they don’t publish his works; and not for the sake of the general
benefits. I forget all his bitterness, and I don’t want to take revenge in any way, and God didn’t give me
evil heart. I just can’t be friends with him and treat him in any way, having experienced through
many cases, but knowing what it’s like to be in nettles...
Not wanting to offend you by refusing you in front of many gentlemen, I showed you obedience;
I just assure you that this is the last time. And if, despite my zeal, you become angry;
I rely on the help of the Almighty, Who was my protector in life and never left,
when I shed tears before Him in my justice...

Mr. Sumarokov, having become attached to me for an hour, so much nonsense
I said something that would last for the rest of my life, and I’m glad that God took it away from me. According to various sciences
I have so much to do that I have given up all companies; my wife and daughter are used to staying at home,
and do not want to treat comedians. I don’t like to hear empty chatter and self-praise.
And to this day we have lived in unanimity. Now, according to your peacemaking, we must enter
into a new bad atmosphere. If you are pleased with the dissemination of science in Russia; if my to
your zeal has not disappeared from your memory; try for the speedy fulfillment of my fair wishes
petitions for the benefit of the Fatherland, but about reconciling me with Sumarokov as a petty matter,
forget it. Expecting a fair answer from you, I remain with ancient high reverence

Your Excellency's humble and humble servant
Mikhailo Lomonosov.
January 19th day.

........................................ ...............

M. I. Kovalensky - G. Skovoroda

My dear Mainguard! *

I received your letter from Taganrog. Both your memories and your letters are in me
produce heartfelt consolation. In the crowd of social gatherings the most pleasant feeling
there are truths and integrity. And in these names I always introduce myself to you! Where are you now
are you finding it?
I am healthy, by the grace of my God, with my dear family. I set off again into the local sea, yes
I can reach the pier more conveniently. Will everything become boring: the great, the glorious, and the wondrous? essence
nothing for the human spirit.

Adio, mio ​​caro Mangard! Your friend Mikhaila Kovalensky.
February 18, 1782

* "Skovoroda's friendly nickname is Daniil Meingard, named after a Swiss
friend M.I. Kovalensky" - source note

........................................ ...............

N.M. Karamzin
Letter to P. A. Vyazemsky

St. Petersburg, January 11, 1826

Dear Prince! I am writing to you, with Mr. Pogodin, and all the more sincerely I can say how much
we were glad that the stormy cloud did not touch you with either the edge or the slightest movement
air. Just for the sake of God and friendship, do not intercede in conversations for the unfortunate
criminals, although not equally guilty, but guilty according to universal and eternal justice.
The main ones, as you can hear, do not dare to justify themselves. Letters from Nikita Muravyov to
his wife and mother are touching: he blames his blind pride, dooming himself to execution
legitimate in the pangs of conscience. I don’t want to mention murderers, robbers, vile villains;
but aren’t all the others criminals, insane or reckless, like evil children? Is it possible
be here different opinions, about which you speak in your last letter from some
significance special? If my wife and I made a mistake in the meaning and application, then everything
what I said is destroyed by itself; There will only be a feeling of tender friendship for you,
belonging to our heart life!
Alexander is gone: the connection and charm have disappeared for me; I see without glasses, I judge without purchase and
I am humbled in spirit more than ever. I also repeat from the bottom of my heart: don’t make me happy
Izvetnikov not with the most innocent immodesty! You have a wife and children, neighbors, friends, intelligence,
talent, fortune, good name: something to cherish. I don't require an answer. Notify only about health
children are cute and their own. I kiss the hand of the most kind princess, hugging you all tenderly. Your

N. Karamzin.

........................................ ...............

V. A. Zhukovsky - S. L. Pushkin

March 13, 1837 [Petersburg].

Thank you for your letter, dear Sergei Lvovich. Don't blame me for not
conveyed your letters to the Emperor; it is much more decent if it is sent from you
in the usual way: I rejected this matter not because I didn’t want to
fulfill your wishes, I hope and you are sure of this. Taking advantage of the departure of Mr. Bartenev,
I am sending you a box with three masks, one for you, another for Nashchokin, the third for
Baratynsky, whom you hug for me. A package with letters from I. I. Dmitriev, please
hand it over to him. We are now engaged in publishing Sovremennik; but we are seven nannies,
and that’s why nothing moves forward.
Sorry, I hug you. May God give you the strength to endure your unbearable misfortune.

March 13, 1837
Enclosing packages with letters from Nashchokin and Baratynsky, I ask you to give them to them.
I will send the package with letters from I.I. Dmitriev later.

........................................ ..............

P.S. True, there are some conditions: these must be letters from pre-revolutionary times, addressed to friends, relatives, etc., that is, purely everyday letters and obviously not intended for prying eyes.

Letters specially written with an eye to publication (“in the epistolary genre”), or even with an eye to the possibility of publication (a common case among celebrities), since their language is too deliberately artistic, with beauty and pathos, are not suitable for these purposes.

With a kind permission of the author of the original posts, I begin a series of translations about Victorian courtship, love letters and other relationships. The original post is.

The mystery of love, courtship and marriage solved - how to write a Victorian love letter

So, you are sitting with a pen in your hands and a blank valentine in front of you. But you just can't find those special words that express your true feelings for your loved one. Don't be afraid, book « The mystery of love, courtship and marriage solved » [ The Mystery of Love , Courtship and Marriage Explained ], 1890, will be your savior. It's filled with great advice and sample letters to suit you and your unique circumstances..

So, let's begin .

Love letters: It is almost impossible to set any rules for writing love letters. Some of the gentlemen show themselves in a ridiculous light with their messages. They take the issue too seriously. If you are engaged and intend to further marry, it is best not to be too sweet-tongued towards the lady of your heart, otherwise she may become disgusted. Until the engagement, she might be able to handle a little more sweetness and bombast, but again, not to overdo it. Don't use too many adjectives in your letters, trying to avoid repetitive phrases of praise. One portion of flattery at a time is enough. If the lady of your heart is a reasonable person, her face will distort with a grimace even from this. Meanwhile, the peculiarity of their sex is such that they love when they are loved, but how can they know that they are loved if they are not told about it? To write a sensitive letter you will need more talent than is required to solve some extremely important philosophical problem. Lovers should not expect too much from letters to each other. Since the purpose of this treatise is to help young men court women, we will give several examples of letters that can be written to bring clarity to the relationship between you and your possible lady of the heart. Also Sample answers will be given. Which young ladies would be willing to give to such letters.

The following letter may have been written by a young man for a young lady whose company he is obviously partial to, but he himself does not dare tell her that “he adores her.” If the lady accepts him after such a message, then she will consider herself engaged and will continue to count on marriage.

Tuesday afternoon.

Dear Miss Thorne:

I hope you will forgive me my presumption in writing to you without your permission, and I assure you that I took out my pen only out of the need to reveal to you my feelings and my aspirations. Believing that the attention I have shown to some extent has already prepared you for a possible similar manifestation of feelings in the future, I now throw myself at your feet, begging for love! How much I I know yours own heart, it firmly tied To to you. Are you willing to answer me and will you do so? I will be with you this evening and hope to be greeted with an encouraging smile. Goodbye and see you soon ,

X. Seymour.

If a girl likes her boyfriend, which means she is ready to accept his feelings, there is no need to respond to the letter. However, if she thinks he's in too much of a hurry, or she doesn't care about him, or she wants to flirt with him a little, she might respond like this:

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

Dear Mr. Seymour:

Your message surprised me, and I apologize for such a response. I don't mind having you as a friend at any appropriate time, but at the moment let's not talk about getting to know each other more closely.

Sincerely yours,

E. Thorne

A young man, who had quarreled with his beloved the night before, left in upset feelings, and the next morning writes her a message. [ N. B . Some lovers may deliberately cause a small quarrel for this purpose.] You should not miss the opportunity to write this kind of letter, since almost any girl will enjoy such a manifestation of feelings on the part of her gentleman. If the quarrel was staged on purpose, then this must be done carefully so that she does not suspect you:

Allentown, Friday

Expensive Sarah:

Forgive me for this letter. I was very annoyed when I left you last night, and now I feel guilty and ask for forgiveness. I hardly have the courage to come to you today, but meanwhile, I will be very unhappy if I don’t. Oh Sarah, my love for you cannot be expressed in words. I have heard and read about female affection, and if I could only see it from you, life on earth would become a paradise for me. What should I do to win your heart? I will never contradict you on anything again. My only goal will be to please you and make you happy. And maybe you could show someone a little sympathy in return? I feel like I should be rewarded with a loving smile the next time we meet. Farewell And before meetings,


Tuesday morning.

My dear Miss Clayton:

Feeling an interest in you that cannot be expressed in words, I resort to my pen and hope that I do not offend you with this action. None of the most sacred feelings of the human heart would induce me, under any circumstances, to impose myself on the attention of a young lady: and if I feel an interest in you in my heart, I cannot in any way influence it. I would like you to understand my feelings, and I am sure you would pity me if I had not become your admirer. The purpose of this message is to request permission to provide you with friendly visits with a possible closer acquaintance in the future, if my company turns out to be pleasant to you. I'm not even asking for a written response, but if you wouldn't mind writing to me, I'd certainly be honored. I will allow myself to pay you a visit on Thursday evening, for which I have great hopes. Sincerely yours and with great respect,

John Davis

If the lady likes this gentleman or thinks that he can be counted on as a friend, and his acquaintance would be acceptable, she can briefly answer the message in the following manner:

Thursday, morning

Mister Davis:

Dear Sir: I have received your letter and thank you for your frankness and trust. I will be glad to see you this evening, and whenever on another day you would be so kind as to pay me a visit, I will try to make you feel welcome. Sincerely yours,

Letitia TO. Clayton.

The young gentleman, who, for some serious reason, received a cold reception from his lady love, wants to show his repentance and, at the same time, flatter her a little. He might, for example, humbly write as follows:

My dear Josephine:

I still dare to turn to you, although my heart tells me that I no longer have your respect for me or your trust. What I must do, to again conquer yours location? Do I have to prove to you that the love I have is not a lie? Will this disgusting hex become more important than the heart on which you reign supreme? Have pity on me, Josephine, but do not neglect me. Honor mine destiny Although would attention. Let me to me to know yours will. To This Not was, I I'll obey to you. Apply on me yours eternal silence! I I'll accept his. Drive away me! I I swear, What I'll leave forever. In fact, I am ready to happily do anything you say, except forget you, because that is impossible. Josephine , I All more Hope on forgiveness. If mercy is not alien to you, I pray you to cast aside this arrogant coldness, which almost plunged me into despair. One kind and encouraging word would make me the happiest man in the world. You you can say his? Will you let me atone for my guilt? If not, I must hear my verdict from your lips.

8 chosen

“A letter is a noun, without which postal officials would sit behind the staff, and postage stamps would not be sold.”
A.P. Chekhov

The art of letter writing is almost forgotten today. No, we are not considering official, business correspondence, which is sent in tons from end to end of our country. By the way, mountains of instructions and dozens of reference books have been written about it. Let's talk about that personal correspondence that has been supplanted by e-mail and mobile communications. What about congratulations? They turned into virtual postcards with " congratulations"and a rolling SMS message with the same text written by someone else. It would be sad if real letters and sincere personal congratulations would disappear from our lives forever.

Letters from the Past

In those days when long-distance letters were delivered by postal troikas, and in cities they were carried by postmen and postmasters (respected people, by the way), kept order, and the letters themselves sometimes took months and the answer to them was held in high esteem by the epistolary genre. Special aids were taught to write letters - letter writers; the author of the letter worked very carefully on each line, rewriting it completely, trying to avoid not only mistakes, but also inaccuracies and omissions, observing all decency. The content of the letter books was extensive; they set out in separate paragraphs the rules for writing various types of letters, such as: “Letters of notification”, “Letters of advice”. “Letters of recommendation”, “Letters of apology”, “Letters containing a search for friendship or affection”, “Letters containing simple courtesy”, “Letters of gratitude”, “Letters of love” and (which is so relevant) "Letters of Congratulations" as well as many other letters appropriate to the occasion.

“In letters containing only politeness, the dryness and sterility of matter can be rewarded with a choice of smooth, entertaining, not too extensive greetings. Brevity gives clarity, and therefore pleasantness. Grace should be noticeable everywhere, enticing to read. Nothing is so disgusting to the ear as words and phrases are rude and awkward..."

The syllable of the letter should have been not too tall, but not buffoonish either, but should have resembled an ordinary conversation set out on paper. We must take into account that they expressed themselves then completely differently than now! One can imagine the text of current communication on the street set out on paper... . A lot of exclamations, which are now common in electronic communication, were also not welcomed, but it was required to write simply and freely, without being carried away by verbal confusion.

Particular attention was paid to the clarity, cleanliness, decency and literacy of letters. Maybe those who lived in those days realized that their letters could eventually become a literary heritage and be available for reading?

Among others were the following rules: what is decent to write to an equal, what is beautiful in a letter from an old man and an important person, and what is ridiculous in a letter from a young man of low birth and rank. Letters were written on good paper, without blots, in clear, legible handwriting (one of the subjects in the gymnasium was penmanship), attracting attention.

Congratulatory messages

A separate topic is congratulations on the holidays. Although in those days there were not as many holidays as there are today, there were many occasions: Christmas and New Year, Easter, Angel Day, christenings, weddings, birthdays and even promotions. The biggest trouble for the post office was the New Year and Christmas greetings written on wonderful postcards, each of which was a gift in itself! Sometimes congratulations were added to the text of the letter, and sometimes they were the reason for the beginning of the letter.

Dear Ivan Maksimovich!
Kindly make an order to send me a fee * to the address: the editorial office of "Russian Thought" for transfer to me.
I congratulate you on the New Year, with new happiness.
Sincerely respecting you
A. Chekhov. Art. Lopasnya.

“...At the end of my letter, I accept the honor of congratulating you, dear sir, on the New Year, I wish your Excellency all the well-being during this year, since in all subsequent lives of yours, I am sure that your well-being is the well-being of honest people, and therefore I sincerely call With the deepest respect and most obsequious devotion, dear sir, your Excellency's most humble and most humble servant, Ippolit Bogdanovich."

Greeting cards and letters were usually written to relatives or close friends living in a remote location. It was customary to congratulate those who lived nearby, in the same city, by “making a visit” or sending a business card. Before the advent of postcards, people used the last or first letter of the year for congratulations, expressing wishes at the end or beginning of the letter.

“If there is a need to write a letter solely about the New Year, then its content should include memories of the past year, health, pleasant events and various incidents that happened to the recipient; one should wish to have a good time in the coming year.”

“To my dearest sisters, if they have not completely forgotten me, my zealous respect, as well as to Mikhail Nikolaevich, and, congratulating you and them on the upcoming New Year, with the sincere desire of all the best, I will remain forever with spiritual respect and devotion, dear lady aunt, your obedient nephewF. Tyutchev"

“Dear sir, Alexander Sergeevich, I have the honor to congratulate you on the past New Year and new happiness, and I wish you, my dear benefactor, health and prosperity.”
Arina Rodionovna – A.S. Pushkin

“...I congratulate your radiant person and your children on the New Year, with new happiness. I wish you to win 200 thousand and become a real state councilor, and most of all, to be healthy and have our daily bread in sufficient quantity for such a glutton as you.”
A.P. Chekhov - Al. P. Chekhov

How interesting it is to read these messages from the past on surviving postcards from the 19th century! The postcards themselves, the syllable in which the congratulation is written, work like a time machine, taking us back decades, and it’s a little unfortunate that they don’t write such things now...

Would you like to bring back the tradition of handwritten letters and greetings? Maybe you should start right now and, having chosen the most beautiful New Year's cards, send them to your closest people?
