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Sample letter of cooperation. Sample letter of proposal for cooperation. Brief information about the letter about the distributor, sample Letter for obtaining dealership

The concept of business correspondence is multifaceted and comprehensive, especially when it comes to ongoing written business communication with existing business partners and counterparties. However, in practice, special situations arise that require a responsible approach and concentration of the skills of a negotiator who is forced to solve complex problems through a business letter.

We are talking about all kinds of requests, appeals, petitions and notifications that require filigree work on every word and sentence in the text. For example, a request for a franchise in a foreign company, or a letter requesting information about the possible opening of a representative office. Dealership inquiries, product sample requests, sponsorship requests and more.

In principle, there are no universal templates for writing such business texts. Here, only a professional approach and knowledge of the norms of international business correspondence, experience in writing various requests and petitions, as well as an individual approach to working with the customer can help solve the problem of writing a responsible text. Contact professionals, do not risk your reputation, image and prospects.

Examples and samples

We recommend that you consult a PR TXT brief manager on how to correctly develop the text of a petition, request or appeal, taking into account the assigned tasks, in order to obtain the desired effect and expected result. The initial consultation is carried out free of charge in written or oral form based on the primary data provided by the customer. Experienced specialists in the field of business correspondence will help you compose the optimal text and find the best option for presenting the essence of the matter. Required business text You can

You don’t need to be a lawyer to understand: all transactions begin with a proposal, or an offer, as it is scientifically called. An offer is an offer to conclude an agreement on certain conditions, usually drawn up in writing. Sample letter of cooperation - a work of business art, because the fate of the transaction often depends on the results of its consideration. In the current realities, a certain kind of offer was born - a sample of an official letter of cooperation: it combines elements of a business document, an advertising offer and a description of a product, work, service.

A good headline is half the battle done

A well-written business proposal is the first step to long-term cooperation, so let your text turn into a letter sample.

Your addressee reads dozens of offers of cooperation every day. How to distinguish yours from this gray mass? The title will help you. Keep it concise and get to the point. The headline can be traditional and business-like: “Proposal for cooperation,” or it can be attention-grabbing: “You need to know about this!” or “Where are customers going?”

A traditional headline is more reliable if you have a poor understanding of the character and preferences of the recipient. If a potential partner is looking for new opportunities and fresh ideas, feel free to use the second option.

What must be included in the letter

A sample letter of cooperation is the first thing a potential partner learns about you: that is why it is so important to reflect in it everything essential and not to write too much. Try to include the following sections in your letter:

  • details of the recipient and sender;
  • address, greeting;
  • performance;
  • the essence of the business proposal;
  • formulas for expressing politeness;
  • signature and contact details.

Be sure not only to personally contact the recipient, but also to introduce yourself, by name, indicating your position or In the proposal, focus on the benefits that the recipient will receive, and not you. Include a brief description of the product, work, service, preferably for easier comprehension. Indicate your willingness to cooperate and discuss partnership terms. If you expect some action from the recipient, mention this: “Call!”, “Order!”, “Write!” The letter must end with your signature with details and contact information so that the recipient can contact you “in one click.”

If you are not sure of your capabilities, use the sample business letter about cooperation given below.

What should not be in a letter

The proposal for cooperation is designed primarily to establish business contact with a partner. Remember what usually repels you when you first meet? Obsessiveness, excess information about oneself, rudeness. A person you don’t know doesn’t inspire confidence; topics that are not relevant to you won’t interest you either.

The same rules apply offline, so check your email before sending. Here are 5 main mistakes:

  1. Excess information about yourself and your company. Indicate only the essentials related to the business proposal.
  2. Vague wording and verbosity. It's tiring. Write concisely and to the point. If possible, avoid participial phrases.
  3. Blurred sentences and phrases. Eliminate double interpretation of your statements or possible subtext. Make your sentences as clear as possible.
  4. Links to other resources, sources for obtaining information about you. The recipient will not waste his time and effort on a stranger.
  5. Eliminate the passive voice. Phrases like “he will be given”, “they will be able to have” alienate you from a potential partner. Write about your interlocutor in the first person - “you receive”, “you gain”.

Required details

When a stranger shows you a passport or ID, he involuntarily inspires trust and wins you over. The details in the letter play the role of that same passport. A serious partner who hears about you for the first time will be able to check your reliability and solidity, status, and field of activity using your details. This will greatly increase your chances of success and guarantee initial trust between you.

It is advisable to include the following information in the sample letter of cooperation:

  • your last name, first name and patronymic;
  • job title;
  • Company name;
  • legal and actual address;
  • email address;
  • contact numbers, fax, skype, website address;
  • full position, last name, first name and patronymic of the addressee;
  • name of the recipient company;
  • postal address to which the letter is sent.

Modern correspondence takes place primarily in electronic format, so display your contact information as fully as possible on your personal or email website.

If the letter is printed on paper, be sure to indicate the index - save your addressee from additional efforts to find this data.

Display the phone number with international codes - this will simplify and speed up communications with the recipient.

If you are writing on behalf of a company, then fill out the proposal on official letterhead and staple your business card.

What is the best form to write in?

There are no approved standards; write in free form, while being guided by etiquette standards and accepted business customs. When choosing a style and structure of presentation, be guided by a sample letter of cooperation.

If your addressee, then write, addressing him by name, using the pronoun “You”. If the letter is to a company representative, then indicate this. Mention the regalia, position, title of a high-ranking addressee - this will add points to you and give you credibility.

Sample letter of cooperation to supplier

Below is an example of a cooperation letter addressed to a router supplier.

Good afternoon, Alexander!
My name is Artyom Shirokov, I am a private entrepreneur in Zhitomir, my area of ​​interest is computer technology. I am writing to you with an offer of cooperation on the sale of routers.

I learned about your company from a representative of the company "K". The products presented on your website interested me.

About myself: I have been an official representative of company “A” for 5 years, and I am planning to expand the scope of my activities. I have practical experience in searching for Internet equipment, I am confident in computer and Internet equipment. I am confident that the demand for the products presented on your website will grow.

What is your benefit: partnership with me guarantees wholesale purchases of your products, a high level of sales and timely payments. I am committed to long-term cooperation based on mutual trust and benefit. I am ready to consider your options for interaction.

I am ready to provide additional information and answer your questions if necessary.

I hope to hear from you soon.


Artyom Shirokov
Mobile +38050700 00 00

e-mail: [email protected]

website: ***artem_shirokov.som.

Finalize the proposed layout and prepare your own sample letter. Offers of cooperation are an effective means of promoting a business, do not neglect them!


In the first part of the letter, no more than one paragraph, write what kind of person you are and greet the management of the prospective partner on her behalf. Here it is appropriate to use phrases such as “Our company wishes prosperity to your business”, “on behalf of such and such we express our respect to you.” Be sure to include the name of your organization. Remember that any company receives more than a dozen letters in the form of spam with an offer to conclude an agreement, so the addressee must immediately understand whose proposal we are talking about.

In the next part of the letter, remind the potential partner that your companies have already had preliminary agreements on a specific contract or service. You can use phrases such as “our negotiations...”, “We have considered your wishes regarding...”. Make it clear to the recipient that this offer is not template and basic, as for all clients, but was developed specifically for this company, and takes into account all the features of this particular business.

In the largest part of the proposal, indicate exactly what services or products you offer, what they are, and delivery times. Information presented in tables is easier to perceive. Offer the client several options with different quantities and volumes of services provided, so that he can choose the most suitable combination. Emphasize the benefits that the client will receive by concluding an agreement with your organization. Here you can indicate discounts, special offers on a regular basis, the possibility of concluding contracts for the provision of additional services or the supply of other goods at favorable prices.

Dedicate the last part to wishes and farewell words. Use standard phrases, for example, “We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation...”, “With best wishes...”. Be sure to sign up and leave your contact details, so that if a positive decision is made, the client does not look for a phone number or email address where they can contact you.

Video on the topic


Business proposals for cooperation are usually made to representatives of various organizations, enterprises and firms. We are driven by the desire to use the opportunity for mutually beneficial cooperation. If you start with business correspondence summarizing your proposal, an engagement letter should be included. A positive response to a proposal for cooperation depends on how you make it.

Helpful advice

The fact is that in an ordinary commercial proposal, as the main content and semantic component, there is everything necessary to divide the parties into a seller and a buyer of goods or services. A business proposal for cooperation may also present specific positions for market discussion and bargaining, but still to a small extent. The text about cooperation should contain an element of persuasion and influence not on the buyer, but on the future partner.


  • business proposals for cooperation
  • Positive response to a letter with a proposal for cooperation
  • How to write a letter about a cooperation offer

Just a few years ago, the ability to express one's thoughts on paper was regarded as a priceless gift. Today, this is not such an important quality, because it is so easy to come to an agreement, and even just talk via telephone. But still, in some areas, writing ability remains an important aspect. Business communication is impossible without correspondence, for example, many have to write letters about cooperation, which determine whether it will take place. That is why it is very important to correctly and competently compose such letter.


The letter must be issued on the organization's letterhead. It’s great if the header of the letter is printed in colored ink, since from the point of view of psychologists, this attracts the reader’s attention.

It is known that some organizations introduce registration of incoming and outgoing correspondence, so the next item will be to write the registration and date of the outgoing message.

After that, write your message in the center in bold and highlighted font, for example, Dear Sirs! Then proceed to the address, it must be written correctly, for example, “you, you, you” must be written with a capital letter.

After this, indicate the reason for writing a commercial proposal, for example, it could be a past relationship or a discussion at a meeting. Next, proceed to writing the proposal itself; there is no need to write large proposals with a detailed analysis of further commercial proposals. You can include all this information in the appendices, while referring specifically to them in the text.

Next, proceed to describe the conditions, for example, how you will contact the client, how the cooperation will take place. You can also tell a little about your company, for example, present achievements and successes in commerce.

If letter has several pages, it would be advisable to number them so that the client does not get confused. When designing applications, remember that the main thing is simplicity, since a clutter of facts may bore your future client.

Video on the topic


  • how to write a letter correctly


If your company is just starting its activities or has been operating for a short time, then your task is to establish new contacts and search for new markets. It doesn’t matter whether you act as a producer of goods and services or as a potential client or consumer. The main task of inviting cooperation- to interest those who are interesting to you. Therefore, in form and content, it should not be detached-neutral and simply informational, but such that your potential partner understands that you are interested in him and are waiting for him.

Break up the text of your invitation to cooperation into several information blocks. In the first, provide information about your company - how long have you been working, what do you do, how dynamically are you developing. The person who reads this text should form a positive opinion based on this data. He should get a complete understanding of your company’s activities, its goals and those areas that it considers to be priorities for itself.

In the second part, describe your needs for cooperation with your recipient. It’s good if the addressee is specific and you are well acquainted with his market offers and the specifics of production. The text should be specific and convince the reader that your company is an ideal partner or consumer of his company’s services.

Finally, confirm the benefits of the cooperation you are offering. It’s not bad if you can back them up with economic calculations and specific numbers.

Be careful about the formatting of such a business letter with an offer of cooperation. Don't forget to address the recipient by name and patronymic. Check that the text does not contain spelling or stylistic errors and that its design strictly complies with the standards. This will serve as confirmation of the seriousness of your intentions and that your company is a solid and reliable business partner.


Pay great attention to every detail in the design of the letter. Its text should be large enough to make it easy to read. Try to ensure that its color is not gray, as happens when the printer runs out of cartridges. The paper must be white and of good quality. Read the rules for drawing up business documents set out in GOST R 6.30-2003 to make the correct margins. It is better to write it on your company’s letterhead. And, of course, perfect literacy is simply necessary here.

Even if you offer your cooperation to a legal entity, be sure to find out the name and patronymic of the manager, mentioning him in the greeting after the word “Dear.” After this, common courtesy requires that you introduce yourself. You can also do this by giving your last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the position you hold at the company on whose behalf you are writing. Then tell us about your company, mention how long it has been on the market and list your business partners with whom you have had successful collaborations.

Before you proceed to presenting your proposal, mention in just a few words that you, for example, have been watching with interest for a long time the activities of the enterprise headed by your addressee or that this enterprise is known for its innovative developments. This will please him and endear him to you, and will also explain why you came to this address.

Tip 5: How to offer cooperation by letter, call or personal meeting - you need to say what the person will be interested in. In this situation, the cornerstone of the entire business proposal should be a statement of the partner’s benefits, and you need to start your speech with this.

A proposal for cooperation must be promoted competently in order to have a chance to attract interest. The order of the blocks of the proposal should be in the following order: description of the interests of the future partner, the main text of the proposal, questions and unclear places (although you should try to speak or write so that there are no or few questions left), a request to contact you personally, contact information and coordinates .

The letter should not be too long - the manager may not have enough time and patience to read it to the end. But it’s also short – it will look like spam or an unsubscribe. There must be an appeal, even if the proposal is sent to a legal entity. You can contact the director or top manager of the company. The letter should not be faceless.

What you offer should be kept concise. After this, you also need to briefly outline the advantages of cooperation with you, you can provide recommendations and reviews. Next, you can describe your product or service. In addition, you need to set out the working conditions.

There may still be questions

After you make your offer, you should definitely ask your interlocutor if he has any questions and if everything is clear to him. At the end, you can ask a simple question that will immediately show whether you have future prospects with this company: “Would you like to work with us?” or “Can we hope to collaborate with such a reputable company as yours?”

If refused

If you refuse, take the situation lightly. You cannot show your failed partner that you are very offended and angry. But a little disappointment from the missed opportunity to work together can be demonstrated. In any case, the interlocutor should have a good impression of you. Showcase your professionalism. Who knows, maybe your paths will cross again?

Well, for those of you who are in the mood for careful reading, I invite you to read a successful story about how to write a letter to a business partner. Not long ago, one of the readers of this newsletter approached me with a request to help him write such a letter. Letter to a client offering services (samples) During our activity, we have completed a number of large orders for the decoration, repair and improvement of restaurants, shops, business centers, factories, shopping centers, etc. Our regular clients are such companies as Bogatyr LLC, Avtora shopping center, Euro concern and many others. We offer many services to our regular customers, among which I would like to highlight: internal construction work; façade finishing and roofing; minor repairs. We always listen to customer requirements and carry out work in accordance with the contract.

Dealership Letter

There are also dealers who trade in the securities market, as well as poker dealers. But this is not about them at all. Components of a letter The letter being drawn up must satisfy all the requirements of business correspondence.
The purpose of the appeal should be described politely but persistently. Good business letters have a motivating effect.

But every entrepreneur knows: in order to correctly compose a letter, you need to know the needs of the addressee, his “pain,” and also how the action being performed (in this case, dealership) can help him in solving his tasks and problems. The sample dealership letter available for download above contains an introductory and main part.

The introductory document contains the following clearly defined and inviolable elements of the document:
  • Company details. Letters are best placed on letterhead that contains the name and address of the sending company.

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This agreement can be concluded by universities, colleges or schools. The agreement implies both benefits and restrictions.
Within the framework of CSOUZ, the sale of all materials within the project is carried out at preferential prices. Training under this agreement can only be provided to students of this educational institution.


The second option is the CTC (Certified Training Centers) agreement. hereinafter referred to as “Distributor”, acting on the basis, on the other hand, have entered into this Agreement as follows: 1. Concepts and definitions 1.1. Distributor is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who receives the Supplier’s products at distribution prices (lower than the Supplier’s base prices) and fulfills the terms of this Agreement.

Galkin Alexander Petrovich completeness of information, literacy of presentation, both spelling and stylistic. Everything else is, after all, your creativity.

Letter of confirmation of distribution rights

T-technologies. A newsletter can act as a marketing tool to promote the company's products, attract new customers and increase sales. How to write an information letter An information letter is drawn up in accordance with the rules established for business correspondence, its structure corresponds to the general structure of a business letter.
Depending on the purpose of the information letter, the following types are distinguished: message letter (notice, notification) - about a change in prices, director, company details, about negotiations, about the shipment of products, etc.; letter of application - about some intentions of the addressee; confirmation letter – about receipt of goods, funds, documents; reminder letter – about fulfillment of obligations; advertising and information letter - advertising of products, services; this also includes a company information letter.

The sample dealership letter attached below is an important document on the path to becoming a successful organization. By sending a message like this, the company is expanding its horizons.

By downloading the document form and filling it out according to the sample, you don’t have to worry about legal subtleties that might be missed. All requirements for the preparation of this kind of documentation are met here.
FILESDownload a blank form letter about dealership.docDownload a sample letter about dealership.doc Types of letters about leadership There are two fundamentally different types of letters about dealership:

  • A letter as a cooperation agreement. It includes the subject of the agreement, dealer status, description of the territory, trade organization, etc.
    That is, in essence, it is a dealership agreement.
  • Dealership letter as an offer. This is part of business correspondence.

Dealership letter sample form

Your benefits from partnering with us:

  • free training in our company;
  • the ability to purchase products at individual rates;
  • flexible approach to each Customer;
  • fast delivery of goods in a way convenient for you;
  • competitive salary.

Active and purposeful people choose to cooperate with us! You can get acquainted with the detailed terms of the partnership on our website or from a senior manager by calling 220-00-01. Petr Ivanov. Letter No. 5 Dear Victor Alexandrovich, We are currently looking for new partners to sell our products in your region.

For comfortable cooperation with us, we are ready to offer you the organization of the training process for technical and commercial personnel of your company. We also guarantee support related to issues related to the sale of our products.

Letter of proposal for cooperation

  • Letter of proposal for cooperation (samples)
  • Sample information letter
  • Sample letter about a new distributor in your territory
  • Galkin Alexander Petrovich
  • Business letter or How to write a letter to a business partner
  • Letter to client offering services (samples)
  • Software (software product) distribution agreement (sample form)

Letter of proposal for cooperation (samples) My friend Alexander, with whom I have repeatedly worked on common projects, has a specialized education. He has been actively working in the field of advertising and marketing for several years, and among his clients there are such companies as Metalloinvest, MegaFon and Avtomir. In addition to his high professionalism, Alexander’s clients value him for his creative thinking and creative approach.
If this is not the first letter about dealership, then when composing it is necessary to provide a link to the letter (application, application, etc.) that was sent from the addressee earlier. The main part of the letter There is no clearly established and generally accepted form for this document. Each organization independently decides what points it should emphasize. In the main part there is only one mandatory element - the fact of the application itself being a dealer. The rest are important but optional additions to the main phrase. The sample dealership letter available for downloading contains in its main part:

  • A short story about the activities of the organization. This should be basic data: opening, turnover, one or two facts. No official will waste time getting acquainted with the detailed activities of a company with which he is not interested.

The Distributor has experience and knowledge related to the sales of Products supplied by the Seller in its region. 1.3 The Seller grants the Distributor the right to distribute and sell in its region all types of Products currently supplied or that will be supplied by the Seller during the validity period of this Agreement. Letter of grant of distribution rights sample 1.2.

Partner is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who receives products from the Distributor at prices lower than the Supplier’s base prices, has a partnership agreement with the Distributor and fulfills the Distributor’s requirements. 1.3. Client - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who receives products from the Supplier or Distributor at prices not lower than the base prices of the Supplier. Business Forum Distributor, distributor (eng.

Brief information letter about distributor sample

The company guarantees its dealers marketing and commercial support, which guarantees sales growth and business expansion. If you decide to cooperate with, then you can count on the following advantages: - favorable terms of cooperation; - excellent quality of products and services; - the shortest production time; - a convenient system of discounts; - training of all dealership personnel in the features of working with products of the company; - consulting support on product promotion; - support from the company (marketing, commercial, advertising, information); - individual approach to the partner; - support in the design of retail points of distribution of products. Have you decided to become a dealer of our company? You can contact us by phone: [phone numbers].
You can call him at: 220-20-20. Best regards, Petr Ivanov. Letter No. 2 Dear Victor Alexandrovich, A week ago our company completed a project to develop a new logo.


The work on the project was carried out by graphic designer Alexander, who collaborates with us remotely. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of this man's work, as well as the reasonable prices of his services.

I can confidently call Alexander a talented designer who is attentive to all recommendations and wishes. If your company ever needs the services of a remote designer, I recommend that you contact Alexander. I leave you his contact details: 220-00-10 Sincerely, Petr Ivanov. Letter No. 3 Dear Victor Alexandrovich, We invite you to mutually beneficial cooperation with Stroy-Master LLC.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich, When we met at a seminar in [place], you mentioned that your company was going to hire marketing specialists. I know someone who would be perfect for this position.

My friend [Name] has been in marketing for [number] years. Some of his clients include companies such as [company], [company], and [company].

He is a qualified specialist and a creative person. He knows how to sell products to any audience. He is talented and energetic. I think you should take the time to talk to him. I mentioned the possible position and he was very interested. Please call [Name] at [number]. Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #2: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, We recently completed a project with [Name] and I was very impressed with his work. [Name] is a very talented graphic designer who works freelance (remote work).
