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Shocks about Komissarova’s return to the project: “I’m against it! In recent days, fans of the project have been discussing the reconciliation of Anton Shoka and Victoria Komissarova. Not everyone believes that reconciliation has taken place, as Anton hastened to report, because on the Wiki page it is so

Anton Shoki is a notorious ex-participant of the Dom-2 project. The young man has countless fights, he was thrown out of the show twice and each time he tried to denigrate the management of the television project in front of the audience.

Childhood and youth

At birth, Anton bore the surname Batrakov. The boy was born in Cheboksary into a dysfunctional family. When the child was three years old, the mother went to prison, and Anton ended up in an orphanage, where he lived for 11 years. The teenager was adopted by the Shockey family from America, and since then the young man has carried their last name.

It seems that great opportunities have opened up to build happy life, however, only disappointments awaited in the States. The American dream turned into a nightmare - soon the parents abandoned their adopted Russian son. At the same time, there was a scandal - Anton was accused of sexually harassing other children from this family, the young man was first sent to a psychiatric clinic, and from there for escaping to a special institution for teenagers who are labeled as juvenile delinquents.

By the age of 16, Anton Shoki had changed four foster families. Not finding understanding and happiness in a foreign land, I wanted to return to my native land, but according to the law, it is impossible for a child under 18 to leave. I had to wait. As soon as the young man reached adulthood, he immediately left the land of dreams with the help of the Children's Ombudsman.

Anton Shoki before the project "Dom-2"

However, problems awaited in Russia - Anton was an unusual orphan, unlike children who grew up in their homeland without parents, the young man was not entitled to benefits and free housing, and difficulties arose with replacing his passport. Shoki settled in the boarding school of his relatives in Cheboksary.

But the difficult fate of the young man marked the beginning of his popularity. Anton became a real star, was a guest on a television talk show, where he shared his ordeals in America with the public. As a result, he was taken under the wing of a politician and music producer.

Shoki ended up in Moscow, thanks to Razin’s patronage, he changed his documents and acquired a residence permit in the capital. The producer even bought the young man an apartment in Zlatoglavaya, which he announced on the “Live Broadcast” program, and then in Sochi - there he opened a charity office “Vozrozhdenie”, which was to be headed by his ward. In addition, Anton, with the light hand of Andrei Razin, found a new adoptive mother named Oksana.

However, a conflict arose between Shoki and Razin, and their paths diverged. Anton went for another dose of fame on the TNT project - “Dom-2”.

"House 2"

The young man came to the clearing of the long-running show about the construction of love in early February 2017 in the company of his mother, who spoke about the difficult fate of her adopted son. Anton Shoki was going to win the heart, but on the day of his arrival he was captivated by Victoria Komissarova. So much so that after just three days the young people declared warm feelings and moved in together.

Like all couples in the city of love, Anton and Victoria's relationship was far from ideal. Accompanied by frequent quarrels, separations and stormy reconciliations, the couple even tried to survive each other from “House-2”.

Anton Shoki in the show "Dom-2"

Shoki turned out to be a big fighter. Once I got into a fight with Dmitry Pshenichny, a newcomer to the project, who decided to beat back Komissarova. For such a courageous act, Vika rewarded her chosen one with a declaration of love.

Anton did not stay long on the project - he left after Victoria, who did not receive immunity. Shoki accused the management of “House-2” of deception; the young man was allegedly sent from the show “without severance pay” - an increase to the main rate.

Personal life

History is silent about Anton Shoka’s personal life before the Dom-2 project. On the first day of his appearance on the show, the young man admitted: before that he did not have much experience communicating with the opposite sex. He complained that a feeling of deep loneliness haunts him all his life, and he sees happiness in mutual love and warmth. In his free time, he writes poetry, loves rap and sometimes reads it himself.

After leaving the television set with Victoria Komissarova, Anton broke up for a short time. Afterwards, the former lovers met and realized that the feelings were still alive. For two weeks, the ex-participants of “House-2” lived in a rented apartment in the capital of Russia, and when the money ran out and they asked to vacate the apartment, Vika went to live with her parents in Krasnodar. Anton could not find a job for a long time; he spent the night with friends and even at the train station.

Another version of the development of the relationship says that the couple allegedly began to live together in the girl’s parental home in Krasnodar. Vika wrote on social networks that the young man does not work and does not even think about looking for a job. The source of income was Komissarova’s clothing store. Anton Shoki left for Moscow, and in turn began to accuse his beloved on the page in

The “HOUSE-2” participant is dissatisfied with the blonde’s decision to come to Polyana. Anton Shoki explained to the site that Vika Komissarova is going to get married, so she has nothing to do on the television set. Moreover, the guy is sure that the girl does not dream of a relationship, but only of PR.

Vika Komissarova appeared in the TNT CLUB application in the section where viewers can return a former TV participant to the project. The girl also expressed a desire to come to “DOM-2” again. Moreover, Anton Shoki is now in Polyana, who yesterday officially became a participant in the show. The guy was horrified by the news that he ex-girlfriend may also return to reality. Let us remember that for several months Anton and Vika built a relationship on “DOM-2” and were considered one of the brightest couples. The guys decided to test their relationship outside the perimeter, but there their alliance quickly fell apart. And now Anton urges Vika to come to her senses and not come to the perimeter.

"I'm against it! I don't understand why this is being done at all. I saw papers where she said that she wanted to return to the project in order to forget her relationship with Anton Shoki. This is such nonsense! She lives in Bali with some dude, hangs out there for a week and tells everyone that she is marrying this man...

I just don’t understand: if she has a boyfriend and gets married, why forget her relationship with me? You're lying in bed with him and going on a project to forget me... I don't get it!

Vika wants to forget her relationship with Anton
​Photo: Social networks

Moreover, Shoki is sure that Komissarova does not need to understand herself, because everything is serious in her relationship with her fiancé. Anton insists that for the ex-reality participant, only PR is important, for the sake of which she is ready to give a damn about loved ones and her own opinion.

“She doesn’t need a new relationship, because she really already has one..

Now only the audience decides whether Vika Komissarova will return to the project, or whether Anton Shoki can breathe out and build a new relationship with another girl. Vote in the TNT CLUB application for the one who deserves to come to DOM-2 and build beautiful love here.

Komissarova and Shoki quickly separated outside the perimeter
Photo: Social networks

7-07-2017, 10:55 // 1 796

In recent days, fans of the project have been discussing the reconciliation of Anton Shoka and Victoria Komissarova. Not everyone believes that reconciliation has taken place, as Anton hastened to report, because photos of them together never appeared on the Wiki page...

Victoria Komissarova decided to clarify the situation with reconciliation. According to the wiki, Anton was the first to write to her and ask for forgiveness, and she has such strong feelings for him that she simply could not resist, so she forgave, although her mother was categorically against it, the site reports.

According to Vika, her mother believes that she has the right to do as she wants, although Anton is far from the image of an ideal groom. But Shoki was always temperamental, and this did not bother the girl - the couple’s relationship was difficult from the very beginning, and Anton’s touching courtship was constantly interspersed with insults.

“The conversation was difficult, but I gave in. We lived together for a week while there was room. On this moment he’s looking for an apartment, and I went home to Krasnodar,” Victoria explained.

The girl does not hide the fact that she still has not cooled down to Shoki, but she does not intend to worry about housing. If he wants them to make peace, then that’s his concern, let him do the searching and pay. Previously, Vika noted that they broke up partly because Anton lived at her expense and did not want to work.

Arrogance and stardom tormented the guy even while he was on the project. According to rumors, he and Vika left after the producers refused to raise his salary, and Anton believed that he deserved it, since he was a real star. The guy expected that they would try to stop him, but this did not happen.
