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Don't be afraid to go to a new job. They don't thank you. What to do the day before

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As a child, I somehow understood the saying in my own way "Worknot a wolf." Not knowing the continuation, I was sure that it means something like this: "Work is not a wild animal and should not be feared." After all, it seemed to me people are very often afraid of work, especially new and unusual. To be honest, I still feel that way. Let's figure it out why we are afraid and how to overcome fear.

What are we afraid of?

What are the horrors of a new job, since we are afraid of it?

New experience. Almost always, with a change of work, we have to do some new things, take on new responsibilities. So, re-learn, and immediately in practice. Therefore, many have a natural fear: "What if I can't do it." After all, there is practically no skill as such, but there is already responsibility.

New people. Some people fit easily into any team, others find it difficult. But anyway new company makes us nervous: after all, it is impossible to predict in advance how kind, friendly and adequate colleagues will turn out to be. In addition, it is not known by what criteria you will be evaluated in the new community: different team, different rules.

New responsibility. Fear of new job or new position often associated with the fact that in many cases change threatens to increase responsibility. Many people like to work when they have "older", who makes decisions and is responsible for them. And they do not want to take full responsibility themselves.

How not to be afraid?

Fear of new experiences normal phenomenon, it arises, and when you first get up on skiing, and when you first go to work. Oddly enough, both situations are similar there and there - a person has never done something, he does not know if he will succeed, so he is scared. How to get rid of fear? Very simple - you need to practice. If you constantly do something new, whether at work, in sports or in everyday life, you will get used to it, and the stress before a new experience will greatly decrease.

If you need to overcome the strongest fear right now, there is such a method: imagine the worst thing that can happen in case of failure (for example, you will lose your job). Play around with this situation, think about what you will do in this case. Maybe change your profession or go to live in another country? Perhaps even these changes will be for the better? If you have a good idea of ​​what you are afraid of, it will not be so scary, because Most of the time, we are afraid of the unknown.

On the other hand, in moderate doses, the fear of a new job is even useful- it allows you to gather, concentrate and avoid mistakes. But if the fear is too great, it makes us avoid change, refuse interesting offers, so as not to be stressed. This fear needs to be dealt with without change there will be no career growth.

Do you have fear of a new job? When you entered your first job, was it scary? How did you deal with this feeling?

In this article, I will not consider the case when you just got your first serious job in your life. Everything here is brand new. Everything is unusual. And advice on professional and social adaptation can be given countless.

Rule one. Let's open the chakras and calm down.

So, you are sitting on a new chair for the first day and immediately want to impress the new leadership with your remarkable talents. Nothing will come of it. You are under stress.

Whether you are so nervous that your hands are shaking or you feel a little nervous - this already depends on your personality traits. When in such a suspended state you are trying to prove that you are the best, it leads to unnecessary fuss. You will make twice as many mistakes.

By the way, if you make a mistake, don't be afraid to admit it. Try to suggest ways to fix it. And now let's take a deep breath, remember that only angels are without flaws, and even those in heaven, and open the chakras to receive as much information as possible from the outside.

Rule two. We ask questions and warm our ears.

But the information will pour on you in an endless stream. And keeping most of it in your head is the number one task in the first days of work.
You are lucky if you were met by a wise mentor on the threshold of the office. And told you the following:

  1. Job instructions. As a matter of fact, what responsibilities are assigned to you and to what extent.
  2. Inner order rules. Is it customary to make tea with cookies at the workplace, how many times a day you can go for a smoke break, how much time is allotted for lunch.
  3. It would be ideal if you were initiated into some small things. Let's say the boss doesn't like it when people sing under their breath in the workplace. But, most likely, you will have to get such information yourself.

Therefore, we warm our ears! Those. pay attention to the dress code, if it exists. If loose clothing is allowed, try not to dress too provocatively in the early days. Later, you will be able to determine what is acceptable in this team, and what is better to avoid. Appearance a new employee can become one of the annoying factors for the "oldies".

Rule four, five, six, etc.

No need for gossip. Washing the bones is an unworthy occupation. And for a new employee is simply unacceptable.

Do not talk on personal topics on the mobile, and even more so on the office phone. In extreme cases, you should leave the working room.

Don't be late. Remember, accuracy is the courtesy of kings!

Don't stay up late. Evening gatherings most likely mean that you cannot properly plan your working day or are trying to curry favor with your superiors. Neither of these will work for you.

Of course, running headlong as soon as the arrows reached six in the evening is also not worth it. We maintain a balance.

Remember, any organization is complex mechanism. And you will be able to become its full-fledged cog only in a few months. I hope these rules will help you spend these months without unnecessary nerves!

The most difficult period in a new workplace is the first days. How to behave during this period in order to organically integrate into the existing team and prove yourself well from the first days? According to , the first impression of a person is extremely important and it is this that lays the foundation for future relationships. How to behave with new colleagues?

Coming to a new place, you find yourself in an established community with its own values, laws and rules. Most of these rules exist in an unspoken and unwritten form, and it will take you time to absorb them. Therefore, at first, your main task is to remain neutral and observe. Be polite, restrained, open. At the same time, use every opportunity to look at new colleagues, learn the rules of the game, understand the boundaries that should not be crossed.

Each work team is a rich set of roles and masks. Try to understand who is who, and then it will be easier for you to find a place for yourself.

The style of relationships in the company is most often dictated from above and fluctuates depending on the degree of formality adopted. The informal environment develops in young, as well as in small companies. In large corporations, the degree of openness and freedom is much less. State institutions in our country are famous for a very specific atmosphere. Different degrees of formality have their pros and cons, but you should stick to the accepted rules: "white crows" do not survive long.

Here are a few rules that will help you adapt more easily.

What not to do in a new team:

    Don't start a revolution. At least in the first weeks of work. Take a closer look, orient yourself, you will still have the opportunity to prove yourself.

    There is no need to hide, hide in a corner and hide your eyes in documents. Sooner or later, you still have to communicate, but then it will be more difficult to do. No need to lay out your soul in front of new acquaintances, just observe

    Don't be arrogant. Often this is a way to hide the excitement, but such an attitude will alienate co-workers from you.

    Do not give in to provocations. For employees, you new toy for a child: it is interesting to check how she behaves in different situations. Don't let them use you as entertainment. Gently but confidently show that you are a business person and came here to work, turn the provocation into a joke.

    Don't try to please everyone at once give new colleagues time to look at you.

    Don't lose your sense of proportion. Even if it is customary here to celebrate the arrival of a new employee, you should not overdo it with alcohol on the first day.

What to do in a new job:

    Follow the rules of engagement accepted in this working environment. This applies to the manner of communication, style of clothing, nuances of the work process (smoke breaks, tea drinking, being late). By adapting, it will be easier for you to understand how to express your personality without compromising your career.

    Maintain a friendly and open attitude. Remember that not only are new colleagues studying you, but you are also looking at them. It happens that it is the acquaintance with new colleagues that makes a person understand that he did not get where he wanted to, and helps to make a decision to change jobs.

    Find- a person with undeniable authority. Having established a trusting relationship with him, it will be easier for you to integrate into the team at his suggestion.

    Set up a new workplace so that you feel comfortable and convenient, bring sincere and useful little things. This will give you confidence.

    Remind yourself of your talents: what you are particularly good at, what you feel competent in - and do it first of all.

    Use Keep your palms open, do not pinch, do not cross your legs - this signals to the interlocutor that you are confident and ready to make contact. However, do not hope that these measures will be enough: it is important to really feel like this, otherwise you risk looking ridiculous.

    Learn to refuse. Show colleagues that you know what you're worth. Otherwise, they will sit on your neck on the first day. It will be very difficult to get rid of this later.

    Remember that you came here to work! The authorities will evaluate your results, not your communication skills.

All these rules will help you only if you do not forget the main thing - be yourself. Even ideally built behavior will not help much if you are insincere: any deception will be revealed sooner or later.

Feeling nervous about a new team is normal. It will be easier for you if you perceive this experience as unique opportunity for self-realization. Strangers did not know you until this moment and are ready to see and support you as you are at the moment, while the familiar environment often unwittingly slows down development. The main thing is to remember that you came here to work, to improve your professionalism. Good relationships with colleagues is a secondary goal that is designed to ensure the comfort of your career growth.

I don't have much experience of joining new teams, but I managed to meet two completely different options. In the first, the entire work team was a real single team, although the duties and occupations of people did not intersect. Everyone is ready to help, if anything, the shoulder of a person is felt nearby. It is easy and pleasant to join such a team and become a part of it. In the second case, it seems that everyone communicates, but at the same time there is no cohesion, everyone does strictly his own area of ​​​​work, helping his neighbor is wildness (let him deal with his problems himself, the main thing is that his work is done). In such a team, you feel constrained and lonely for a very long time. I myself am a non-confrontational person. In a new environment, I usually adapt, so there are no major problems. True, there is one minus: everyone perceives such behavior as a manifestation of weakness for some reason and tries to sit on the neck. - Alexey, coordinator in an Internet company

Personally, when I come to new team, I try to establish friendly relations - joint tea breaks help a lot. There you can learn about the relationship in the team, identify the leader, etc. Be sure to bring delicious treats for tea. A fail-safe way to establish friendly contact and win over colleagues. But the main thing is your confidence as a professional. Treats will not make you more professional in the eyes of your colleagues and boss. - Valeria, printing house employee

Expert opinion

Anna Dadeko

Psychologist, Director of the Center for Career Counseling "Reference Point"

Coming to a new place, most people seek to quickly join the team and win the favor of others. The first impression of a person is really important and can be controlled. If tomorrow is your first day at work in a new place, remember the following:

  • Appearance. At the interview, pay attention to the dress code that exists in the company. On the first working day, it is worth choosing clothes of the appropriate style.
  • Come on time. Take care of your itinerary in advance and allow for extra travel time. Being late can be perceived as disorganized and irresponsible.
  • Smile. Smiling has the interlocutor and reduces the distance in communication. At the same time, refrain from insincere, "stretched" smile.
  • Listen and watch. Tune in to collecting information and its accumulation. This will help you navigate the situation.
  • Find similarities. People tend to bond faster with others if they have something in common. In a conversation, note any details that bring you closer to your colleagues.
  • Ask. Feel free to contact the old-timers with questions about the company's traditions, procedures, or for help (at a convenient time for them). In this way, you will show respect for their knowledge and experience.
  • refrain from promises, statements about changes and innovations. Even if you are a crisis manager and your plans include changing something in the future, impose a moratorium on innovation until you assess the situation and orient yourself in the environment.

Feeling corporate culture and the rules of the game, start acting. But this is the next step.

After spending eight years in the same office, I realized that it was time to change something. However, as soon as it came to finding a job, I was seized by a real panic. The new job scared me to the knees. Am I doing it? How will the team meet? Will there be a relationship with superiors? Have I lost my business savvy and flexibility in my eight years in the same job? What if I don't get through probation? The fear of a new job just paralyzed ...

During the Soviet Union, labor dynasties were held in high esteem. It was considered very prestigious to spend your whole life in one workplace or in one work collective. And if there was fear, it was not before work, but before the boss or before the opinion of the team. “He went from a locksmith’s apprentice to a production manager”, “Thirty years ago she came to the enterprise as a young graduate”, “He is one of those specialists whom the plant raised from its own personnel, having trained them at the expense of the enterprise”, “Her whole life took place before the eyes of the team, ”such phrases were once often found in labor biographies.

Much has changed since then, including views on the track record of a good specialist. Today, an employee who sits in one place all his life can hardly be considered promising. The assertion that every five years you need to change jobs is becoming more and more popular in order not to lose professionalism and have enough diverse experience that increases your value as a specialist. CV and entries in work books are getting bigger. As a result, more and more people are afraid of work.

I want to change jobs, but I'm afraid ...

In my case it was exactly like that. After several years in the same place, changing jobs was daunting, even though the change seemed to be for the better. In the old team, everyone knows you and does not require you to "get the stars from the sky." Yes, and the work is familiar to automatism. What if in a new place you have to face something that you have never done before? What if I don't have enough knowledge? After all, you can easily disgrace yourself, sit in a puddle, get into a mess. Fear of a new job can poison life seriously and for a long time, turning long-awaited changes into protracted, destructive stress.

At one of the new jobs, I, by the way, did not take root. Every morning I woke up with the thought that I was afraid to go to work. The team remained alien and aggressive, almost no one talked to me. The boss gave incomprehensible tasks, without explaining anything and not going forward. The office seemed uncomfortable and hostile, and every new day only added frustration. The only plus was the salary, and I forced myself to go to work, hoping that everything would work out. It was real hard labor. Three or four cigarettes, smoked every morning before entering, made me sick, slightly dulling the sticky, nasty fear. In the evenings, alcohol came out to fight stress ... Even many years later, this negative experience is remembered as a waking nightmare.

How to overcome the fear of a new job? The answer to this question is both complex and simple. First you need to understand the main causes of fear, which lie deep inside. Is it really a fear of work or a fear of something else?

I'm afraid to go to work

My friend Olya worked for several years as a manicurist in a small private hairdressing salon. And then she suddenly decided that it was time for her to grow up and went to massage courses, after which she was promised to be placed in a large health center. At first, Olya was on fire with this idea and seemed to be happy with this turn of fate, but the closer the day of receiving her diploma approached, the sadder my friend became. In the end, she admitted that she was afraid to go to work: after a small salon, the wellness center seemed terribly frightening to her. She almost stopped eating, at night she dreamed of disgruntled clients who scandalized and shamed her in front of new colleagues. The fear of not doing a job, making a mistake, doing something wrong, or showing herself in a ridiculous light became her obsession. It got to the point that at the thought of work, her blood pressure jumped, her palms sweated and there was not enough air.

Alas, Olya did not cope with this fear and still saws other people's nails in her small salon, and the massage therapist's diploma is gathering dust among old postcards and documents. At the same time, she is a really good massage therapist, as her friends and relatives, who have experienced the skill of her hands, have long been convinced of.

This skill could be appreciated by other people if she were not so afraid to become part of a new team.

Fear of a new team

New people are almost always difficult to get along with. And it is doubly difficult if these people are your new work team. What do they say behind your back? What do they think of you? Notice every oversight and every mistake? Gossiping and discussing your clumsiness and blunders? It is very difficult to become your own in an established, close-knit team. And the thought that you will have to be an outsider and a black sheep in a new “working family” for a long time can poison the joy of the most wonderful, prestigious and highly paid job.

Two things usually come to the fore here. Firstly, the fear of change, common to many people with. New people, like everything new in general, seem to them a threat, a source of danger, an unknown and therefore frightening factor from which you don’t know what to expect. Secondly, self-doubt and increased sensitivity to the opinions of others, which inflates fear of a new team.

A couple of years ago, the company I worked for was going through a massive downsizing. My colleague Anton simply fell into a panic at such a prospect. What can I say if he had a fear of looking for a job, not to mention changing it. His hands were trembling when he sent in his resume, you could hear it from the way he nervously clicked the mouse. And when they called him about an interview, he just changed his face ... “How will I work there? I don't know anyone there! And this is a completely different end of Moscow!” he complained hysterically after another interview.

Another colleague, Nina, became depressed after the layoff notice and even sobbed at times in front of her computer monitor. “I’m so used to you all… How will I work with strangers?” she said through tears. At the same time, her heartbeat increased, her palms sweated and headaches began. The fear of a new job completely ruined her. last days in our friendly team...

Fear of the boss

Among the fears of work, the fear of the boss stands apart. If only because, unexpectedly, you can get it without even changing your job.

This happened to my brother, who left for another city, tempted by the offer. production company with a worldwide reputation. At first, it was not easy for him in a new place, he had to overcome both the fear of a new job, and the alienation of the team, and new responsibilities ... After a few months, he got used to it, passed the probationary period, became friends with colleagues, began to go to work with pleasure. It was then that thunder struck: the head of the enterprise changed. Instead of the previous boss, who actually invited a nonresident employee to his place, an aggressive petty fool was appointed as the head, who began his “reign” with the total suppression of any personal initiative of his subordinates, with rudeness and personal insults ...

Alas, not everyone was able to overcome the fear of the new boss, including my brother, who had to quit and leave the city, to which he got used to with such difficulty and perseverance ...

In the life of every person there are moments when he is afraid of losing his job or, having already lost it, he is afraid to go to a new job. This may be due to the fear of change, the fear of a new team, the fear of not coping with work, disgrace, not being up to par, etc. However, no matter what fears accompany the process of going to work, it cannot be avoided. Life dictates the need to earn and support ourselves and our families… And the less stress and fears will accompany changes in our working biography, the more successful and happy we will be. Sometimes it takes quite a bit, for example, to complete the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan and get rid of the fear of work forever. Free online lectures coming soon - join to learn more! Registration .

Proofreader: Anna Katargina

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

Today the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" will help you overcome the fear of a new job - a big obstacle to development.

This feeling is familiar to many women, regardless of their age, level of professionalism and the number of companies in which they managed to work. Start all over again, join the team, find mutual language building relationships with new customers is always difficult. Difficult, but not scary!

In order to develop qualitatively as a professional, you need to change jobs every five to seven years, experts say. The times of achievements like “she gave 40 years of her life to her native enterprise” are long gone.

Today, having worked for more than five years in the same position without promotion, a person loses motivation for self-improvement. Whatever the reason you're changing companies, we'll show you how to overcome the fear of a new job, because change must be done with courage and confidence.

the site offers to consider the most common fears and doubts (which are experienced by about 76% of "recruits") and methods of dealing with them.

Newbie Fear

Perhaps the scariest thing about a new job is unfamiliar team. It is close-knit, with its own foundations and traditions, newcomers are not very favored here, at best they are ignored.

Do you know what this train of thought is called? Negative scenario! How you will be treated depends only on you.

Find a reasonable compromise between and so as not to seem like an upstart. Accept the rules of the new team, not counting those that disgust you. Since overcoming the fear of a new job means working with colleagues, be sure to attend the very first corporate event, training or team building event, it will help to join the team.

Fear of the new

More positive!

Surely, among your environment there are people who change jobs several times a year, do not experience discomfort and doubts and do not even think about how to overcome the fear of the next new job. Remember how they live, communicate, how quickly they converge with new people, what this approach to life gives them.

Remember that your future is only in your hands, and only you can influence it (including changing it for the worse). Think about how many times you have had to face the new and the unknown.

Finally, fear triggers the release of hormones that will keep you in good shape. On the other hand, if within a couple of days before a new job you lose sleep and peace, you will be distracted and overwhelmed, which means that the first working days will not work. Find a middle ground so that fear doesn't make you back down from what you really want to do - improve your life.

And the easiest way to eradicate the fear of a new job is to remember that there will be no memory left in just a couple of weeks. It is enough to immerse yourself in work, be friendly, get used to new routines and be responsible. Time will fly by quickly and you will feel as if you have been working here all your life!
