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What are hidden presentation slides for? Demonstration of the finished presentation and slides. Show a hidden slide during a presentation

If you don't want the slide you want to include in your presentation file to appear in the slide show, you can Hide it.

The hidden slide is saved in the file; it is simply hidden when you start Slideshow mode. Parameter Hide slide can be applied to each slide individually.

Hiding and showing a slide

    In the navigation pane on the left, select a slide.

    • To hide a slide, right-click it and select Command Hide slide.

      To show a previously hidden slide, right-click it and choose Hide slide.

    Right-click the slide and choose command Hide slide.

In the Navigation Pane, on the left side of the slide number, there is a slash indicating that the slide is hidden:

To show a hidden slide again, select it, right-click it, and choose command Hide slide.

If you choose to display a hidden slide in Slide Show view, you can do the following:

    Right-click the current slide and choose command View all slides.

    The screen will switch to a list of thumbnails of all the slides in the presentation.


    The slide list will open.

    Select the Hidden Slide you want to show.

    The selected slide is displayed in full screen and the slide show resumes.

If you're using Presenter View, the audience won't see the steps to take to select a slide. They will simply see the slide selected in step 2.

    Right-click the current slide and select from the context menu slide.

    In the dialog box Transition enter the number of the slide you want to display.

    Click the button OK.

    The selected slide is displayed in full screen and the slide show resumes.

Show a hidden slide during a presentation

Perform one of the following actions.

    If you are running the slide show in full screen on all monitors, go to the slide that appears before the hidden slide and press H.

    If you're using Presenter View, hover your mouse over the bottom of the screen to open the Slide Navigation Pane, and then click the hidden slide.

see also

Why hide slides?

Hiding slides is especially useful if you've added slides to your presentation that provide different levels of detail for a topic, such as different audiences. You can hide them so they don't appear in the main presentation, but you can still use them if needed.

For example, one of the viewers may ask you to explain a question in more detail. In this case, you can show hidden slides with additional information. However, if there is not enough time and the audience understands the issues being discussed, you can skip the slides with additional information and continue the presentation without visible slide skipping.

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When working with a presentation, things can often turn around in such a way that a banal error correction takes on a global scale. And you have to erase the results with entire slides. But there are a lot of nuances that should be taken into account when deleting presentation pages so that the irreparable does not happen.

To begin with, you should consider the main ways to remove slides, and then you can focus on the nuances of this process. As in any other systems, where all elements are strictly interconnected, problems can occur here. But more about that later, now - methods.

Method 1: Uninstall

The deletion method is the only one, and it is also the main one (except for deleting the presentation altogether - this, in fact, can also destroy the slides).

In the list on the left side, right-click and open the menu. You need to select an option "Delete Slide". Also, you can simply select the slide and click the button Del.

The result is achieved, the page is now gone.

An action can be undone by pressing the rollback combination − "Ctrl" + Z, or by clicking on the corresponding button in the program header.

The slide will return in its original form.

Method 2: Hiding

There is an option not to delete the slide, but to make it unavailable for direct viewing in demo mode.

In the same way, you need to right-click on the slide and bring up the menu. Here you will need to select the last option - "Hide Slide".

This page in the list will immediately stand out from the others - the image itself will become paler, and the number will be crossed out.

The presentation, when viewed, will ignore this slide, showing the pages following it in order. In this case, the hidden area will save all the data entered on it and can be interactive.

Nuances of removal

Now it's worth considering certain subtleties that you need to know when deleting a slide.

  • The deleted page remains in the application's cache until the version without it is saved and the program is closed. If you close the program without saving changes after erasing, the slide will return to its place when you restart it. It also follows that if the file was damaged for some reason and was not saved after the slide was sent to the trash, it can be restored using software that repairs “broken” presentations.
  • When deleting slides, interactive elements may be broken and not work correctly. This is especially true for macros and hyperlinks. If the links were to specific slides, then they will simply become inactive. If the addressing was "Next slide", then instead of the remote one, the command will transfer to the one that was behind it. And vice versa when "To previous".
  • When you try to restore a working presentation saved in advance using the appropriate software, with some success, you can get some of the content of the deleted pages. The fact is that some components could remain in the cache and not be cleaned out of there for one reason or another. Most often this applies to inserted text elements, small pictures.
  • If the removed slide was a technical one and there were certain objects on it that components on other pages were associated with, then this can also lead to errors. This is especially true for table bindings. For example, if the edited table was located on such a technical slide, and its display is on another, then deleting the source will deactivate the child table.
  • When a slide is restored after deletion, it always takes its place in the presentation according to its serial number, which was before deletion. For example, if the frame was the fifth in a row, then it will return to the fifth position, displacing all subsequent ones.

The nuances of hiding

Now it remains only to list the individual subtleties of hiding slides.

  • The hidden slide is not shown when viewing the presentation sequentially. However, if you make a hyperlink to it using some element, when viewing, the transition will be performed and the slide can be seen.
  • The hidden slide is fully functional, so it's very common to refer to technical sections as such.
  • If you place music on such a sheet and set it to work in the background, the music will not turn on even after passing this section.

PowerPoint has all the features you need to create professional presentations. When you create a PowerPoint presentation, it is a series of slides. Slides contain the information you want to convey to the audience. It can include text, pictures, graphics, videos, sounds, and more.

Before you start adding information to slides, you need to learn basic slide techniques. In this lesson, you will learn how to insert a new slide, change the layout, change the view of the presentation, and more.

Slides Basics

Each PowerPoint presentation is a series of slides. To get started creating a presentation, you need to learn the basics of working with slides. You will need to perform actions such as adding a new slide, changing the layout of the slide, reordering the slides, adding notes and comments to the slide.

About slides

They may also contain miniature icons representing certain commands, such as Image, Add Chart, Insert Video. In PowerPoint, just hover your mouse over these icons to see what type of content you can add to the placeholder.

Slide layouts

Placeholders are located on various layouts, which can be applied to existing slides or selected at creation new slide. A slide layout lays out content using different types of placeholders, depending on the kind of information you want to include in your presentation.

In the example above, the slide layout is called Title and object. It contains a title and placeholders. Each layout has a descriptive title and a thumbnail showing the location of the placeholders.

Setting up slide layouts

To change the layout of an existing slide:

  • Select the slide you want to change.
  • Click on command Layout in Group Slides tab home. The menu will appear.
  • Select the desired layout from the menu. The slide in the presentation changes.
  • To remove a placeholder:

    You can easily customize your layout by removing unwanted or redundant placeholders.

  • Place the mouse cursor on border placeholder from points, the cursor will change to cross with arrows.
  • Click on the border to select it.
  • Press the key backspace or Delete. The placeholder will be removed from the slide.
  • To add a caption:

    Text can be added to your current layout so you can place text anywhere on the slide.

  • On the tab Insert, click on command Inscription.
  • The mouse cursor will change to a cross.
  • Click and, without releasing, drag the cursor until you draw a text field.
  • To use a blank slide:

    For better content control, you may prefer to use a blank slide (a slide without placeholders). Blank slides can be customized with captions, pictures, charts, and more.

    Select Empty slide on the Layout command menu.

    Working with slides

    To insert a new slide:

  • On the tab home click on the bottom of the command Create slide to open the menu.
  • Select the slide you want to insert.
  • A new slide is added to the presentation.
  • *To immediately add a slide with the same layout as the currently selected slide, simply click on the top of the command Create slide.

    To copy and paste a slide:

  • On the tab Slides on the left side, select the desired slide.
  • Click on command Copy tab home. You can also right-click on the selected slide and select Copy.
  • In the left pane, click on the slide below (or between two slides) to choose where the copied slide will appear. The horizontal insertion point will indicate the location.
  • Click the Paste command on the Home tab. Or right-click and select Paste. The copied slide appears.

    *To highlight multiple slides, press and hold ctrl, and click on the desired slides. To duplicate a slide:

    An alternative to the Copy and Paste commands is the command Duplicate selected slides, which copies the selected slide in one step and pastes the copy below. This feature does not allow you to select the insertion point (nor does it prompt you to choose the insertion options). Therefore, it is useful for quickly inserting similar slides.

  • Select the desired slide.
  • Click on command Create slide.
  • Select Duplicate Selected Slides from the drop-down menu.
  • A copy of the slide will appear below the original.
  • To remove a slide:

  • Select the desired slide.
  • Press key Delete or backspace.
  • To move a slide:

  • Select the desired slide.
  • Click on the slide and, without releasing, drag it to a new location. The horizontal insertion point will indicate the location.
  • Let go mouse button. The slide will appear in the new location.
  • Slides and presentation management

    When you add slides to your presentation, PowerPoint offers several slide options and tools to help you organize and prepare your presentation.

    Slide types

    It is important that you have access to different types of slides and use them for different purposes. Teams Slide view located at the bottom right when Normal View is selected.

    Normal view: This view is selected by default. You can create and edit slides and move them around on the Slides tab in the left panel.

    slide sorter: Shows thumbnail versions of all slides on the screen. You can easily move the slides around with the mouse, reorder them and see what happens. This view is useful for checking if all slides are present.

    Reading mode: In this view, most of the screen is occupied by the preview presentation. Unlike the Slide Show view, the navigation buttons on the bottom right are easily accessible.

    slide show: In this view, the entire screen is occupied by slides, and in the same way as they are seen by the audience. In this mode, a menu of navigation and some functions is available, which appears when you hover over it with the mouse.

    *Use the keys on your keyboard (arrow keys, Page Up and Page Down, spacebar and Enter) to move through the slides in Slide Show mode. Press the Esc key to exit this mode.

    To see the structure of your presentation:

    The Outline tab displays the presentation text as an outline. This allows you to quickly edit text and see the contents of multiple slides at the same time.

  • Click on tab Structure on the panel on the left.
  • The text of the slides appears as an outline.
  • Write directly on the panel to change the text.
  • To organize slide sections:

    You can organize sections for your slides to make navigating your presentation easier. Sections can be collapsed and expanded in the left pane and named to make them easier to refer to. In this example, we will add two sections:

  • Select the slide on which you want to start the first section.
  • On the tab home click on command Chapter.
  • Select Add Section from the dropdown menu.
  • The No Title section appears in the left pane.
  • To rename a section while it is selected, click on the command Chapter and select from the drop down menu Rename section.
  • Enter a new section name in the dialog box. Click Rename.
  • Repeat the steps adding as many sections as you need.
  • On the left panel, click on arrow next to the section title to collapse or expand it.
  • Add notes to slides

    PowerPoint gives you the ability to add notes to slides, often referred to as speaker's notes. They allow you to better prepare for the presentation. You can write and read notes in the Notes panel or the Notes page. To use the notes panel:

  • Panel Notes located at the bottom of the screen under the panel slides.
  • Click and drag the panel border to make it smaller or larger.
  • Enter your notes on the panel notes.

    To see note pages:

  • Go to the tab View.
  • Click on command Note pages in Group Presentation view modes.
  • Enter your notes in text field or use scroll bar to view slides.

    Presentation and display modes 1

    PowerPoint Samples 2

    Final slide. Agenda slide 3

    Random Impressions 4

    Create hyperlinks 4

    Hidden Slides 5

    Display and presentation modes

    There are several modes in PowerPoint that provide a wide range of options for creating and presenting presentations:

      Regular (with structure, slide and notes area);

      slide sorter;

      Note pages;


    Switching between display and presentation modes is performed using menu commands VIEW or using the buttons located at the bottom of the working area of ​​the PowerPoint program window, to the left of the horizontal scroll bar.

    normal mode

    In Normal mode, three presentation areas ("three in one") are displayed on the screen at the same time:

      structure presentations - displayed on the left side of the screen;

      current slide with all the objects contained in it - displayed on the right;

      region notes - placed below the slide area.

    Regions can be resized by dragging their borders with the mouse.

    Mode (area) Structure

    In the outline area, the presentation is displayed in a reduced form: the headers only slides and contained in slides text.

    Outline view in PowerPoint is designed to organize and expand presentation content, to quickly enter, edit, and arrange text. In this mode, you can change headings and body text, change the order of slides or bulleted list items. To do this, select the appropriate item and move it to the desired location with the mouse.

    For adding text in Outline mode, you need to place the text cursor at the position of the beginning of the text and enter the text.

    For additions new slide need to press a key Enter and enter text, or click the (New Slide) button on the Standard toolbar and start typing.

    For the convenience of working with the structure of the presentation in PowerPoint, there is a special toolbar Structure .

    Mode (area) Slides

    The Slides mode is designed to work with individual slides, to add pictures, text, diagrams and other objects - movies, sounds, animations and create hyperlinks.

    Moving between slides in this mode is performed using the scroll bar or keys PageDown and PageUp.

    Notes area (Notes Page mode)

    The notes area is located below the slide area; it serves to add comments to the report, brief notes, abstracts or other information necessary for the speaker or the audience.

    Slide sorter mode

    In Slide Sorter mode cannot be edited content individual slides, but it is convenient to add, remove and move slides, set their timing and choose how to transition between slides, view slide transitions, animations and their display time.

    To work in this mode, there is a special Slide Sorter toolbar.

    Mouse click allows highlight separate slide. Selecting multiple slides is done by clicking the mouse while holding down the keys. Shift or ctrl.

    In order to change locationlocation slide, you just need to drag it with the mouse. To copy a slide while dragging, hold down the key ctrl or use the clipboard.

    For removalslide select it and press the key D el or use the menu command EDITDelete slide.

    In order to view animation on multiple selected slides, use the menu command SLIDE SHOWAnimation preview.

    Some presentation slides can play a supporting role and be shown to the audience only if a detailed explanation of a particular issue is necessary. Such slides can be hidden and they will not appear in the presentation sequence, however, the presenter can call them up at any time using special commands. Slides 5 and 6 of the presentation Plan.rr! don't contain any information yet, let's hide them.

    Note Using the slide sorter toolbar buttons slide change and Animation settings you can quickly change the transition mode and animation of the objects of the selected slides in the task pane.

    1. Using the command View > Slide Sorter switch to sorter mode.

    2. Click to select slide 6.

    3. To hide the selected slide, click the button Hide slide toolbar slide sorter.

    4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for slide 5. Notice that slide numbers 5 and 6 are now crossed out, indicating their hidden status (Figure 15.9).

    Note To return a slide to the presentation sequence, select it and click the button again. Hide slide.

    In the sorter mode, under the slides, not only the serial number is displayed, but also the transition icon.

    5. Click on the transition icon below the second slide and you will see in the sorter window the transition animation from the first to the second slide and then the entire animation sequence of the slide.

    Rice. 15.9. Hiding Presentation Slides in Sorter View

    To the right of the transition icon, the slide show time is indicated, after which the automatic transition to the next slide is performed. As you can see, the sorter mode allows you to quickly view all the assigned effects and presentation timing.
