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Additional rolls and seals of tempered fate. Guide to missions and orders in the garrison Wow seal of tempered fate

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The extra roll mechanic introduced in Mists of Pandaria will continue in Warlords of Draenor. While farming Small Amulet of Luck - the only way Buy 3x Warforged Seal, in Warlords of Draenor there are several ways to get 3x Seal of Forged Fate, which can be used in raids of the new expansion. Each of the 6 methods yields one print per week, which means you will need to use at least three of them.

1. Weekly quests in Ashran

3. Seal of Fate: Apexis Crystal

Another way to get a seal is to exchange for 1000x (quest). The main sources of Apexis Crystals are killing rarniks on Draenor, completing the "Strategic Assault" quest (800) and (1000) dailies. The disadvantage of this method is that at first you will need Apexis Crystals to build and improve buildings.

4. Seal of Destiny: Garrison Resources

If you have extra , you can exchange them for a seal (200 pts, Seal of Fate: Garrison Resources quest). As with Apexis Crystals, at first you will need resources for other purposes (buildings, missions, crafting materials). Resources can be obtained as a reward for quests and orders, as well as from rares on Draenor.

5. Seal of fate: honor

If you participate in PvP battles from time to time and have an extra 500x Honor Points, complete Seal of Fate: Honor in Ashran and get your seal. by the most effective way honor points farm remains for battles on random battlefields and battles for Ashran.

6. Garrisons

There are two other ways to obtain Seal of Forged Fate through special garrison buildings.

Dwarven Bunker / Military Factory Level 3

By leveling up to the third level, you will receive one free in other ways, we advise you to hold it and not assign followers until the beginning of next week.

7. Small charms of luck now give not only additional rolls

If you have accumulated several thousand Small Lucky Amulet, I have good news for you! In addition to purchasing Warforged Sigils, which have had their weekly cap removed, you can now upgrade your equipment. Rare or superior quality MoP items can be upgraded 4 times, each upgrade costs 50 amulets. To upgrade an EP 4/4 item, you only need 200 amulets. The above changes have two main consequences.

First, you'll be able to make extra rolls on each OO boss, gear up quickly, and kill Garrosh on Heroic or Mythic difficulty to get heirlooms.

Secondly, you will be able to improve all your items without restrictions and meet WoD fully equipped.

Missions and Orders are two types of quests in your garrison. Orders provide you with useful reagents and give you the opportunity to use the benefits of professions that you don’t even have. Missions are completed by your followers and reward them with experience, equipment, fan items, and even additional followers.

Garrison Orders

Many of your buildings support orders. They allow you to transform one type of resource into another, more useful one. Orders are a distinctive way to craft reagents, especially if you don't have that profession at all. You can build a building, complete bounties, get Draenor-quality materials, and then talk to an NPC who crafts actual equipment with those materials.

The number of possible orders to complete depends on the level of your building. At the first level - 7, at the second - 14, at the third - 20-21.

In general, the order takes about 4 hours to complete. As soon as the order appears, a clickable box will appear in your building, which contains the reagents.

Orders and awards
Many (but not all) buildings support orders. Below is a table that shows the buildings that support orders, what materials are needed for the order, and what you get as a result.


Completed order
Alchemy Lab Level 2
5 FrostweedAlchemical Catalyst
Barn, level 2

Trapped animal.
15 Raw animal hide , wild feast, Luxurious fur
Dwarven Bunker / Military Factory Level 2

20 Iron Horde Scraps, ilvl improvement items for allies ( Weapon Upgrade Token , Armor Upgrade Token)
Enchanting Pavilion Level 2

5 Draenic Dust
Shattered Time Crystal
Engineering workshop, level 2

2 True iron ore , 2 Blackrock Ore Parts of mechanisms
Forge Level 2

5 True iron ore Truesteel Ingot
Gem shop, level 2

5 Blackrock Ore Taladite Crystal
Gladiator's Shrine Level 2

50 broken bones from killing
Primal Combatant PvP Pack
Herb Garden Level 2

5 Draenic Seeds6 Nagrand Arrowbloom
Sawmill Level 2

10 Wood20
Scribe Workshop Level 2

2 Cyan dyeBattle colors
Lunarfall Mine / Frostwall Mine

5 Draenic Stone 5 Blackrock Ore
Tannery Level 2

5 Raw Beast Hide Shiny skin
Sewing shop, level 2

5 Luxurious FurPiece of magic cloth
Trading Post Level 2

5 random resources

Professional orders can also reward you with the following items: magic air , magic land, Magic Water , magic air .

Companions and orders
If you link to a professional building of the second or third level, you will have a chance to receive much more materials from orders. Some followers themselves have abilities that increase the effectiveness of the building. For example, Goldmane the Flayer can provide 15 Raw Beast Hide .

Other followers have a random chance to acquire a profession-related ability when upgrading from Rare to Epic. You can also build the Tavern and - in fact - impose the necessary abilities on the followers.

Garrison missions

Missions provide you with garrison resources, fan items, experience for allies, and even potential gear. You can send your comrade-in-arms to complete any mission.

There are several factors that affect the success of a mission:

  • the level of your companion, as well as the quality of his equipment;
  • whether your follower has an ability that can withstand the threats in this mission;
When you open the mission table in the garrison, you will see a list of all your followers on the left side. If they have an ability or skill that can be useful in completing this mission, they will become more visible on the list. You can drag a follower to the mission interface to see theoretical indicator success without starting the mission itself.

Incomplete missions remain in your journal (separate from the quest log) for approximately 7 days. So don't worry if you miss something.

The duration of the missions is contrasting. Some of them are completed in half an hour, others - in a whole day. Generally, the longer the duration, the better reward. Some missions require garrison resources to start. Some followers have abilities designed to shorten mission times (WowHead filter).

Mission types
There are several types:

    The first barracks level unlocks patrol-style missions. They reward at higher rates, provide rewards above normal.

    The third level of the tavern unlocks treasure hunt-style missions that reward you with extra gold.

    Item missions (described below) require 100 level followers.

Some missions are classified as grueling. This means that after completing them, the ally will not be able to complete other missions for some time.

Item missions
Some missions require followers to have a certain item level:

  • MP 615 missions require 630 MP from the player or follower:
  • MP 630 missions require 645 MP from the player or follower:
  • UP 645 missions reward you with epic gear. For those who normally do Mythic raids, an additional 1000 gold is also included.
All of these missions are classified as rare; this means you won't be able to perform them every time your follower reaches the required item level. They are meant to give players a chance to get some epic items before the next raid tier comes out. There are many missions that do not require a certain PM from allies at all.

All of these quests require 3 followers and 8 hours to complete. There are some item missions that just reward you with gold and are completed much faster.

All missions reward followers with experience, and some of them also provide garrison resources or gold.



Items for the player


fan items

Good morning to you, dear readers! Kuvaldych hopes that your festive week is filled with the opportunity to sleep in and play more WoW.

  • January 18 - Normal and Heroic modes.
  • January 25 - Mythic mode and 1 wing of the LFR.
  • February 8 - 2nd wing of the LFR.
  • January 22 - 3rd wing of the LFR.
  • March 8 - 4th wing of the LFR.

Killing the Wreckage is very easy, and to make it even easier - watch this video!

Speaking of Artifact Knowledge. If you've been hard at work on this since the launch of WoW: Legion, you should hit the cap of 25 AP this week and won't be able to research anymore. However, Blizzard has promised to introduce new Artifact Lore ranks in the future.

In the meantime, you can enjoy the Piece of History achievement, which unlocks a new Artifact skin!

But let's continue. This week there is a bonus event in the Arena that allows you to get 50% more honor points in skirmishes.

Archaeologists can complete a new quest Dark Secrets, for which you can get the Blood of young Mannoroth, and then turn it into Obliterum! Judging by the comments to the Wowhead quest, the task is not easy, be careful!

And yes, don't forget about the Darkmoon Fair - the first of 2017. If you haven't fished out 500 Darkmoon Sharptooth to trade for Darkwater Ray yet, now is the time to do it =).

Released in Overwatch new map- Oasis! This is a huge city in the middle of the Arabian desert with unique mechanics and very dangerous car traffic that can quickly and effectively end your character's life.

Last but not least, don't be scared! - this is how Thunder Hellscream is represented in distant Peru ...

Well, isn't he handsome?

“Remember, you once said that I was marked with the seal of fate,” I asked. “Then you didn’t want to explain to me what that means.” Maybe you can explain now?

“I can explain, but you probably won’t understand what it is,” Lee said. “You need to feel the seal of fate, and you need to be able to use the luck that is bestowed on you, so that not only your fate influences you, but you also influence your fate, much like the Taoist did in the parable that I will tell you. This is a parable about Taoism and destiny.

One Taoist told everyone that he could influence his own destiny. His fate heard about this and appeared to him in the form of an old woman with a bag.

“In this bag,” said the old woman, “your whole life, and I am your destiny.” Tell me, how can you influence me if I predetermine the path of your life?

Without thinking twice, the Taoist grabbed the old woman, hit her on the head with a stick, took away the bag and went on his way.

The calm ones say right:

There will always be a third solution.

Who will not believe the Taoist now if he says that he influenced his own destiny?

The teacher looked at me with a sly smile, waiting for a question.

– What is the third solution? I asked.

- The third decision is the most correct decision, that is, "neither yes nor no."

“But that doesn't explain anything.

- I'm not saying that a European can explain something.

– Can you explain everything to the Chinese? - I was offended.

– There are many more Europeans in today's China than in Europe. European is a state of mind, not a geographic location. Human stupidity has no limits, but in China, as in Europe, sometimes there are people who can explain a lot.

“The parable says nothing about the seal of fate. What is it? I asked.

“A person marked with the seal of fate,” the Teacher said solemnly, “is not the person whom chance favors, but the one who grabs fate by the hair.

- What does it mean?

- The seal of fate is the presence of a certain inner strength that allows a person to freely follow his intuitive beginning. Thus, the seal of fate makes it clear that the person marked by it has the ability to make the right choice, even without full information for making a logical decision. Right choice often goes against logic and common sense, it can be risky, unpredictable and inexplicable, so it is associated with the image when a person grabs his fate by the hair and wins, sometimes putting his life at stake.

Since the Warrior of Life will never risk his life without being forced to do so, he develops and improves his gift with the help of long exercises, and the inner strength inherent in him from birth - his seal of fate - turns into a powerful weapon, beyond logic and control. The inner force begins to break out from time to time, form the desires of a person and influence his decisions.

Inner strength is a gift of intuitive choice that unmistakably leads a person in the right direction, even against his will. But this is only one of the manifestations of inner strength. There are many other forms of its manifestation associated with the mobilization of the physical resources of the body, with the release of forces previously unknown to the person himself, which you Europeans sometimes call superpowers, and with their concentration at an exceptionally high level to achieve certain goals.

Inner strength has both spiritual and purely physical facets. Developed intuition is one of the spiritual facets. You learn to listen to the guiding voice inside you and absolutely relaxed, without being tormented by doubts and fear, you make a decision that turns out to be the only right one, even if it was difficult to make it from the point of view of logic and morality.

Overview of currencies in 6.2: Oil, Seal of Unchanging Fate, etc. 31.05.2015

Getting Oil:

  • Some follower quests offer you Oil as a reward.
  • Players who complete The Time to Strike during the Bonus Apexis Crystals event will receive 1000 Oil.
  • Apexis daily quests in Tanaan Jungle also give you 600 Oil.
  • In some places of the Jungle you will find additional tasks for which you will also receive Oil.
  • Some rare Jungle creatures also drop Oil.

Oil Rewards.

  • All naval missions and battles require a certain amount of Oil.
  • The most expensive mission costs 125 Oil (Example: All Fel Breaks Loose), while most missions require 20 to 100.
  • Oil is also used to build all ships.

Garrison Resources

  • To build one ship, you will need 25 Garrison Resources.

Seal of Shifting Fate (Seal of Shifting Fate)

Seal of Shifting Fate is a new bonus roll currency (gives you the chance to get one more item from the boss) that you will find used in Hellfire Citadel and Mythic Dungeons. This is the first time the bonus roll system has been used in dungeons.

Fate-Twister Seress and Fate-Twister Tiklal, which can be found in Ashran, will offer you all kinds of tasks to get the Seal of Inevitable Fate . If during the week you complete tasks of the same type, the requirements for their completion will increase significantly. You can find the assignments below.

  • Gold: 500, 1000, 2000 (Seal of Destiny: Gold, Seal of Destiny: Pile of Gold, Seal of Destiny: Huge Mountain of Gold)
  • Garrison Resources: 300, 600, 1200 ( , )
  • Honor: 500, 1000, 2000 (Seal of Fate: Honor, Seal of Fate: Great Honor, Seal of Fate: Great Honor)
  • Apexis Crystals: 1000, 2000, 4000 (Seal of Fate: Apexis Crystals , Seal of Fate: A Fistful of Apexis Crystals , Seal of Fate: Apexis Crystal Mountain)

In addition to completing tasks, there are other ways to get a seal:

  • Your level 3 Dwarven Bunker / War Factory will give you 1 Seal of Shifting Fate per week.
  • Passage of 5 new dungeons. Quests: A Burning Path Through Time or A Frozen Path Through Time .

Seal of Forged Fate

Seal of Tempered Fate costs 300 gold and is sold by Fate-Twister Tiklal and Fate-Twister Seress in Arshan, as well as the Apexis Item vendor in Tanaan Jungle.

The number of seals you can carry (cap in other words) has been increased from 10 to 20.

Dull iron coins (Dim iron coins)

Dull Iron Coins are a unique currency available only to rogues.

Griftah wants even more coins in An Even Bigga Score, for which he will give you 1500 gold.

In the Tanaan Jungle you will also find special equipment for picking pockets.
