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Work schedule. Presentation of calendar plans with the development of a schedule for the movement of workers Schedule for the movement of people at the site

A computer model of a project makes it possible to calculate many project indicators, the calculation of which in the absence of a computer approach is extremely labor-intensive, especially when the source data is constantly changing. One of the indicators that allows you to assess the correctness of planning work on the project, as well as analyze both the current state and prospects - .

At the planning stage using Workforce movement graphics we have the opportunity to assess changes in the total load of our human resources throughout the entire project. This information allows customers to assess the intensity of work performed on site by subcontractors, and direct contractors to assess their own resource load. Such an assessment can be quite important, for example, for objects in the case of a mobile nature of the work. At the planning stage, it becomes possible to assess the amount of human resources at the site over time for the subsequent determination and optimization of associated costs: installation of temporary camps, economic needs, life support, mobility, etc.

When working with the model, the result allows us to estimate the total peak loads on human resources within the project, as well as to get an idea of ​​the reasons for the increase in work completion time when resource leveling the model. During the execution of the project, we get the opportunity to monitor changes in the resource load in the future and make corrective management decisions.

Plotting a graph

The program does not have a special explicit option “Creating a labor flow schedule”, since in different projects the range of human resources used Resources may be different. Selection criteria Resources, included in the pool displayed on such a graph, are numerous. These criteria may not be repeated from project to project, and one model may simultaneously contain human Resources several independent organizations. Only the planner, when building a model, can indicate exactly which Resources this graph will be constructed and, if necessary, several similar graphs will be built simultaneously for different groups Resources within one project.

In the presented example, on different Operations busy various human Resources. These are installers, welders, masons, painters and general workers. Let's say these are specialists from one company and we are initially interested in all specialties at the same time.

All Resources are indicated in the table Resources with available quantity in the field Quantity.

On Operations Resources prescribed in various combinations. Operations in the project under consideration are connected in accordance with the technology of work production. Operations have DPG type Duration to simplify the example.
Using the standard chart builder, we can display Diagram employment Resources.

A graph that is not entirely clear visually - lines Resources overlap each other in places, and the total number of employees Resources at each moment of time is not visible - for each we receive only its values. To obtain the necessary indicators, it is necessary to perform addition.
In a large project with hundreds of varieties of human Resources The output of such a “roll-call” graph will result in a completely unreadable diagram.

In order to create, you need to collect all the necessary Resources together. For this purpose the tool is used Resource Center.
Let's create a new one Resource Center and that's what we'll call him.

Bookmarked Data besides Titles And Code our Center(which is mandatory) you must select which calculation mode will be used using the checkbox.
Enable/disable option Count Quantity [Plan] as a simple sum specifies how many Resources from the composition Center assigned to Operations, will be displayed in the column Work Gantt Charts Resource Center [Qty] on lines with Operations And In phases. If this option is enabled, then the number Resources is calculated as the sum of the maximum number of each assigned Resource Center(taking into account their load) for each Operations for the entire period of time.

In other words, in one case (the option is enabled), the program adds up the physical number of workers Resources, even if they did not work simultaneously: 2 on the day shift, 2 on the night shift - total Operation performed 4. In the other case (the option is disabled), the program takes into account the peak value: 2 in the day shift, 3 in the night shift - total Operation performed 3. In different situations, a certain calculation method is necessary.
We will calculate the usual amount, i.e. enable the option.
After creation Center let's go to the bookmark Compound and collect in this Center necessary for us Resources. Let's add all our human Resources in our Center.

After that, using the build tool Diagram, we build a schedule according to our Center Labor movement schedule, indicating the type of indicator Quantity and disabling the checkbox Cumulative total.

Bookmarked Data select the frequency with which we want to see the resulting information, for example Days.

If the model contains many human Resources different companies, the program allows you to withdraw any number of Labor movement schedules, collecting the necessary Resources to the relevant Resource Centers.

Work schedule at the construction site - a special schedule that is developed to understand the real number of people,

working on a construction site, you need to pay attention to the calendar plan and put down the number of people working in columns.

For example, on some day simultaneously roofing and finishing work is being carried out, which means it is necessary to add up the number of people employed in the first and second work. These amounts must be clearly displayed. That's why it exists worker movement schedule at the construction site.

When compiling it, you must be guided by the following rules. Firstly, it is important to correctly draw up a calendar plan to eliminate jumps in the workers’ movement schedule. Secondly, it is necessary to review the smooth start and completion of construction. The correctness of the schedule is checked by identifying the maximum and average number of people involved in construction for the entire period.

If worker movement schedule compiled incorrectly, the coefficients will reveal this. Thanks to the worker movement schedule, you can see how many workers are involved on a given day. It is also taken into account when

Labor movement schedule

Rice. 4.2. Reduced in-line assembly time

Reducing labor costs for installation work– the total reduction for the entire unit and the specific reduction for the installation of one ton of equipment are taken into account. The total actual labor costs for the installation of one unit or several units are compared with the total labor costs established by current standards. Labor savings are measured in physical terms. person-days, and in %:

, (4.7)

The savings in specific labor costs for installing one ton of equipment are also determined:


Where q f– actual specific labor costs for installation, man-days/1 t;

q n– standard specific labor costs for installation, man-days/1 t.

Rhythm of installation work– production of products in uniform volumes at equal intervals of time is one of the basic provisions for organizing continuous assembly. The degree of rhythm is the most important qualitative indicator of the work of the installation site. The rhythm of installation has a direct impact on the timely completion of planned tasks in accordance with the work schedule, rational use of labor, reduction of labor costs, increased labor productivity and timely commissioning of energy capacities.

Of particular importance in energy construction is the timely commissioning of energy units at power plants, which is planned quarterly every year.

For this reason, when installing equipment at power plants, it is better to determine the rhythm by physical indicators of the volume of work, rather than by cost.

The rhythm of installation work depends primarily on the uniform commissioning of power units throughout the entire installation period at a given power plant. Power unit commissioning rhythm factor


where is the total power of power units put into operation, MW;

N 1, N 2 etc. – individual capacity of these units commissioned in one quarter of the year;

n– total number of units in the flow, pcs.

With proper organization of in-line installation (quarterly planning for the commissioning of units, timely delivery of equipment for units, readiness of the work front in accordance with the schedule), the coefficient should be equal to 1.0. If , then this means that the flow does not meet the above requirements, that the flow is uneven and causes additional labor costs for installation personnel.

Unlike labor flow schedules for the installation of individual power units, which have a convex curve, for continuous installation the schedule has the shape of a trapezoid with a constant composition of workers.

When installing energy units in a continuous flow, the most advantageous duration and, crucially, the smallest number of workers should be determined for scheduling.

The calculations are based on the total labor costs of installing the energy units involved in the flow.

During continuous construction, the number of workers during the period of steady flow is determined by the formula


Where T– flow duration. days;

Q total– total labor intensity at all objects of a given flow, person-days;

j– coefficient indicating the periods of time through which the number of workers increases on average by one.

It is important to note that for the construction of thermal power plants the coefficient j ranges from 0.12 to 0.18; for equipment installation, 0.14-0.16 should be taken.

Period of increasing the number of employees T = jP, days.

The economic effect of introducing continuous and high-speed installation of power units consists of two parts:

Savings received by the installation organization by reducing the duration of work, reducing the cost of workers' basic wages, and reducing the labor intensity of the work;

A one-time economic effect in the field of operation from the operation of facilities during the period of early delivery of water units.


At thermal power plants, where a large number of similar boiler and turbine units are installed, there are great opportunities for organizing the continuous installation of units and all auxiliary equipment.

In the organization and implementation of in-line installation of equipment at thermal power plants, several periods can be distinguished, associated with an increase in steam parameters, an increase in the power of power units and the improvement of in-line installation methods.

First period– from 1941 to 1960. Equipment with a pressure of up to 100 kgf/cm2, turbines with a capacity of up to 100 MW and boiler units with a capacity of up to 230 t/h were successfully installed using the in-line method. Among the most important constructions, the following can be noted.

During the Great Patriotic War (1942-1944 ᴦ.ᴦ.) during the construction of the Chelyabinsk Thermal Power Plant, seven boiler units (No. 3-9) with a capacity of 160/200 t/h of high pressure were installed using the in-line method within two years. The boiler units were installed in large blocks using a gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 70 tons (Fig. 4.3)

On the construction of the South Ural State District Power Plant since 1955. In 11 months, four boiler units with a capacity of 230 t/h each, equipped with shaft mills, were installed. Two overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 30 tons were used as basic installation mechanisms.

Labor movement schedule - concept and types. Classification and features of the category “Labor movement schedule” 2017, 2018.

To the question ENGINEERS!!! How to build a labor movement schedule? given by the author Stripe the best answer is labor movement schedule drawing up
A schedule plan is a document that lists all types of work in their technological sequence, the timing of each type of work with mutual coordination, and the total construction period of the facility.
Based on the calendar plan, the need for labor, construction
mechanisms and transport.
The calendar plan is drawn up in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01.-85 “Organization of construction production”. The construction schedule is developed in order to establish the composition and objects of construction and installation work at the site, the priority, sequence and timing of each work.
The initial data for drawing up the calendar plan are:
- working drawings of the architectural and construction part of the ASG
- statement of calculation of the volume of work for the following structural elements and types of work
The schedule is divided into 5 cycles:
I. Zero cycle: 15 days
II. Aboveground part: 17 days
III. Roofing work: 5 days
IV. Sex cycle: 12 days
V. Finishing work: 30 days
VI. Special work: 53 days
Within each cycle, a sequence is established that pursues the goals of reducing construction time and accelerating the delivery of objects under construction for installation, providing for the maximum combination of work over time, but with strict adherence to the correct technology, high quality of work, safety and labor protection requirements.
Zero cycle work begins with mechanized excavation of the foundation pit. At the same time, soil is being moved by a bulldozer.
Before the start of the zero cycle, the entire range of preparatory work is carried out:
engineering preparation of territories,
a complex of geodetic works,
-arrangement of the construction site.
The deadline for completing the work (preparatory period) is taken according to the VSN “Civil Buildings” and SNiP 1.04.03-85 “Construction Duration Standards”.
Cleaning the bottom of an earth structure manually according to the rules of SNiP 3.02.01 - 87 “Earth structures. Foundations and foundations". Rules for the production and acceptance of work are carried out only under the foundations, immediately before their installation.
The main leading process in the zero cycle is the installation of building structures; in parallel, work is underway on the installation of input and output of underground communications
- water supply.
- sewerage,
- heating network,
- electrical network,
- low-current networks.
Next they arrange waterproofing and preparation for the floors.
After backfilling of the external sinuses is completed, a blind area is arranged around the building.
Installation of the above-ground part begins only after careful quality control and drawing up a report for the zero-cycle work.
In parallel with the installation, work is underway to install window and door openings.
In addition to the work sequence schedule, a labor movement schedule is drawn up. The schedule shows how much of the workforce should be employed at work every day, on what day workers of different specialties should be sent to the site and released. Numerically, the flow is characterized by the labor force unevenness coefficient αн, which is calculated by the formula:
ΣQ Rmax
Ravg. = -------= 717.5/60 = 12 people; αн = ------= 18/12=1.5;
T Rav
where: Rmax - maximum number of workers = 18 people.
Rcp. - average number of workers = 12 people.
ΣQ - total labor intensity = 717.5 hours-day.
T - construction period = 60 days

Based on the calendar plan and accepted work methods, a labor movement schedule is built. The graph is shown in the form of a diagram that clearly shows the use of labor over time - the vertical line reflects the amount of labor resources (people), and the horizontal line shows the time of use. The change in the number of workers is plotted for each day, which is important for assessing the uniformity of use of work teams.

The daily total number of workers is obtained by summing the number of all workers working that day in all construction processes, and for workers in one occupation, by summing the number of workers in that occupation. You should strive to keep the number of workers in a given profession at a site as constant as possible.

In this case, the coefficient of uneven consumption of labor resources is defined as the ratio of their maximum () to average ( R Wed), should not exceed 2, i.e.:

45 people

R cp =Z tr /(Т×n)= 937.1/(95)=10 people (4.1);

where Ztr - labor costs;

T – number of working days;

n is the number of shifts.

Then the coefficient of unevenness of the labor movement schedule:

Technical and economic indicators

Standard labor costs of workers, man-hours 937.1

Standard costs of machine time, machine-hours 22.4

Duration of work, days 17

Output per worker per shift, m 3 1.4

4.2 Network diagram and its optimization

The network construction model is presented on sheet 10 of the graphic part of the project.

The network diagram was calculated using a graphical method and the critical path was identified. T cr = 338 days. Since the duration of construction along the critical path does not exceed the standard construction period (Tn = 349 days), optimization of the network schedule in time is not required.

Below the network graph, a line diagram and a graph of labor movement are constructed. The criterion for the satisfactory organization of work is the condition K p > 0.6 (K p is the coefficient of uneven movement of labor).

K p = N avg (day) / N max (day) (7.1)

where N avg (day) = ΣQ person-cm / T cr (day), where N avg (day) is the average daily composition of workers, N max (day) is the maximum number of workers taken from the labor movement schedule, ΣQ is the total labor intensity in man-shifts.

Before optimization K p = 28.8 / 49 = 0.58 - it is necessary to optimize the schedule. We optimize the network schedule by moving in time the work that is not on the critical path (due to private time reserves). Optimization of the schedule is shown in the graphic part of the project (sheet 10).

After optimization K p = 28.8 / 45 = 0.64.

4.3 Construction master plan

Stroygenplan (SGP) is the general plan of the site, which shows: the placement of the building under construction, the arrangement of the main installation and lifting mechanisms, temporary structures (worker's room, locker room for workers, toilet, etc.) and installations erected and used during the construction period, storage areas for materials and structures, location of permanent and temporary roads, utility networks.

The decisions adopted by the SGP meet the requirements of safety regulations, fire safety and environmental protection conditions.
