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How to start a commercial sports club. How to register a sports club if you already have a LLC. How much can you earn at the opening of a fitness club

The question of how to open a non-profit sports organization is relevant for those who want to start creating their own large-scale sports club from scratch without the goal of making material profit. We’ll talk further about how to create such an NPO and what documents are required for this.

Creation of a sports organization

This process can be summarized in the following paragraphs:

    project demand analysis. It is very important to assess the level of demand for the services that your future organization will provide. Location plays a big role here. It is most appropriate to open sports clubs in the suburbs, cottage villages or in those urban areas where there are no such establishments;

    collection of necessary documents. To create any non-profit organization, an application for registration of a legal entity, a receipt for payment of state taxes is required. duties (approximately 4,000 Russian rubles), protocol on the creation of an NPO, details and documents with rights to equipment. In the process of collecting papers, other documents may be needed.

    submitting an application. The application is submitted for consideration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. A little more than a month is given to review the documents.

    If your application is accepted and the registration of the NPO is successful, then you can start recruiting activists and volunteers. Place advertisements on various thematic forums and social networks. More detailed information on how to register an NPO can be found on the official portal.

Physical culture and sports society

The level of complexity of creating an NPO depends on the type of organization. The simplest and most accessible solution in the field of independent sports organizations will be the sports and physical education society of trade unions. This option is economical and popular among other analogues.

To create it, it will be necessary to carry out all the same steps as when opening another type of NPO. A complete list of documents can be clarified in the Ministry of Justice or on the federal websites of the country. There you will also find deadlines for filing documents and considering the case.

The key to success in the process of creating a sports society is the presence of a close-knit team and a large number of activists who want to support a young project. It will be much more difficult to create a physical education NPO on your own. It is also worth considering the material issue well and taking into account all possible costs for several years ahead.

children's sports is looking for sponsors

As a person far from big-time sports, it used to seem to me: “so something, and sports in Russia and sports organizations receive worthy support from the state.”
After learning more about sports organizations in Russia, I realized that this is not always the case.

sports clubs (sports federations) in which our children train sports, and with professional coaches and instructors (formerly professional athletes), they simply survive.
Existing as a non-profit organization, clubs are forced to constantly look for sponsors.
Regional websites are full of advertisements: “The club exists as a public organization. We need uniform tailoring and field rental. We will post information about the sponsor onuniforms and banners. Volgograd.", "Team XXXXX asks you to help them defend the honor of the country at world competitions. You need to collect 100,000 rubles. Nizhny Novgorod,” “we are looking for a sponsor... our sports club is the development of children’s sports in St. Petersburg.”

Why is that? Mostly sports clubs are created as sports federations - non-profit organizations that do NOT have the goal of making a profit. However, this form of organization (as opposed to a commercial one) presupposes:
- membership, the possibility of members joining the organization;
- possibility of financing through membership fees or donations from philanthropists (sponsorship);
- the opportunity to receive government grants or grants from private charities and sports organizations.

Such sports clubs have benefits for renting residential premises. Howeverthe cost of classes in sports federations is significantly lower than in commercial clubs. In addition, children from families of preferential categories train with a significant discount on fees or free of charge (subject to availability of such places).

One can only wonder how sports federations find funds for the purchase of sports equipment, furniture and renovation of premises.
According to established practice, paying for sports uniforms and spending money to participate in competitions most often falls on the shoulders of parents. Which, of course, does not make sports in Russia accessible to everyone...

But it is sports federations that are the basis of children's, adolescent and youth sports! Such sports clubs, unlike Olympic reserve schools, are “walking distance from home”; you don’t have to go to the other end of the city to play sports. One thing is bad - in recent years there have been fewer of them!

Ordinary sports sections at schools and recreation centers cannot replace sports federations, because First of all, they have an amateur orientation - they are engaged in general physical training.

Briefly, about what sports federations are and in what form they exist.
Federal Law of December 4, 2007N329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" defines the concepts:
- all-Russian sports federation - an all-Russian public organization that was created on the basis of membership, received state accreditation and whose goals are the development of one or more sports, their promotion, organization, as well as holding sports events and training athletes - members of sports teams;
- sports federation - a public organization that is created on the basis of membership and whose goals are the development of one or more sports, their promotion, organization, as well as holding sports events and training athletes - members of sports teams.
In accordance with the law “On Public Associations,” public organizations that operate in the territories of more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and have their representative offices there can be all-Russian. This is only possible for very large sports organizations with good funding.

Therefore, most sports federations are local and regional sports federations for any kind of sport, operating in a certain territory.
Regional laws stipulate that state accreditation of such sports federations is possible if there is no other accredited federation operating in the field of the same sport in the given territory.

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I bring to your attention information about one of the oldest sports federations in Moscow.

The regional public organization "Sports Club" Junior "has been operating in the Alekseevsky district of Moscow since 1996.

information from the website of the sports club

“For more than 15 years of work, we have raised more than one healthy generation of children, raised more than three hundred athletes, winners and prize-winners from regional to federal and international levels of competitions in various types of martial arts (karate, Thai boxing, kickboxing, boxing).

Classes are conducted by professional coaches and instructors, many of whom started to take their "first steps" in sports in our "Junior" sports club.

With the support of the Municipality of the intracity municipality of Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow, the club's specialists have developed and are successfully implementing various areas of sports leisure. As part of the comprehensive social program “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family!” the club offers one of the creative directions “Fitness for Parents”. You can come to us with your whole family. While the child is engaged in a physical development group or a group of Thai boxing, kickboxing, parents have an excellent opportunity to increase their vitality and relieve stress after a hard day's work. The club operates in the "Health Group" direction.

If you have a persistent desire to try yourself in the ring, or you want to seriously engage in sports, you dream of seeing your child strong and healthy, self-confident both mentally and physically, prepared for life’s adversities, then professional trainers are ready to help you realize this dream. The club is an official member of the Moscow Regional Federation of Thai Boxing and the Moscow Kickboxing Federation. You will be able to become a member of the “Junior” national team - children's, youth or adult in Thai boxing, kickboxing and compete at city, regional or even international level competitions, receive a qualification category, and maybe even the high title of Master of Sports of Russia.

The business idea of ​​opening your own sports club is not new, but its relevance has been increasing over the years. Today, more and more people are starting to think about leading a healthy lifestyle. To do this, they visit gyms equipped with modern exercise equipment to exercise. Specialized sports complexes provide an opportunity for people to keep themselves in shape regardless of their age category, social status, or time of year.

How to open a gym? This question is asked today by many beginning entrepreneurs who want to organize their own business in the field of providing sports services from scratch.

Business plan for a sports club

A business idea with the organization of a gym is an ideal option for starting your own entrepreneurial activity from scratch. But before implementing this idea, you need to carefully analyze everything in order to create an effective business plan. This will subsequently help you avoid many mistakes and unfavorable circumstances.

To make it profitable to maintain your own hall, you need to take into account the following criteria:

  1. First of all, you need to decide what category the establishment will be, for example, a fitness club, a health complex, a gym for professionals.
  2. Next, you need to choose the most suitable room. Considering the significant demand for gyms today, they can be installed in any area of ​​metropolitan areas, even in a small town. When choosing a premises, the main thing you need to pay attention to is the possibility of redevelopment, as well as the cost of rent.
  3. It is also necessary to initially carry out a marketing analysis, that is, ask which sports services are most in demand among different categories of the population in a particular place. You need to find out about the availability of already open sports facilities.
  4. Carry out an analysis of the business activities of competitors in order to determine their main shortcomings, operating hours, sports programs used, etc. This data will be useful when organizing your own sports club.

Such a business project must be registered. In this case, it is recommended to use the legal form of an individual entrepreneur. In addition, you will need to obtain permits to carry out business activities in this service sector from regulatory government bodies: Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and epidemiological station, fire safety service.

Room for a gym

To open a gym, the first thing you will need to do is select a building responsibly. The area depends on how many visitors the gym is expected to accommodate. There is a mandatory norm - for 1 person from 2 squares. That is, if you are planning a small hall for 50 visitors at a time, then its area should be from 100 square meters.

Required premises:

  • Main hall for sports activities.
  • Bathroom, shower.
  • Locker room.
  • Medical office.

The project plan for the placement of the main and auxiliary premises of the sports club must be coordinated with the city administration and the fire safety inspection.


To set up an economy class gym you will definitely need the following equipment:

  • Sports complexes for performing strength exercises.
  • Running tracks.
  • Exercise bikes.
  • Equipment for performing gymnastic exercises.
  • Small sports equipment.
  • The necessary furniture elements are tables, tables, chairs, cabinets, and always large mirrors.


In order for a business project to organize a gym to develop as successfully as possible, you need to pay exceptional attention to the selection of employees, especially trainers. This category must be distinguished by its own professionalism and have sufficient coaching experience. The success of the business will largely depend on them.

Minimum staff:

  • Manager.
  • Accountant.
  • Administrator – 2 people. (shift work schedule).
  • Sports instructors – 4 people.
  • Cleaning woman.
  • Additional employees.

How much does it cost to open a sports club?

I want to open an economy class gym on my own, is it profitable? The main criteria by which the costs of opening an economy class gym from scratch are assessed:

  1. Renting a premises with an area of ​​100 square meters costs about 150 thousand rubles.
  2. Furniture, sports equipment - about 1.3 million rubles.
  3. Employee salaries – 400 thousand rubles.
  4. Communal payments.
  5. Additional expenses for household needs.
  6. Advertising campaign.

On average, to open a sports club, the costs will be approximately 4 million rubles.

How profitable is it to run your own sports club?

The average annual income of a business project is about 5 million rubles:

  • From one-time visitors – up to 1.5 million rubles.
  • From regular customers with club cards, up to 3.5 million rubles.

The gym will reach such profitability if the gym is provided with 25 visitors. Profits will be much higher when attracting more clients. In this case, the payback of the business project is approximately 2 years.

Attracting clients

When organizing a business in the sports field, you need to not only calculate how much it costs to open a gym. You also need to consider the most effective options for attracting customers to extract maximum profit from your business. Therefore, an advertising campaign plays an important role when organizing a new business project.

  1. To get customers interested in the gym, you need to think about creating attractive flyers.
  2. In residential areas it is worth placing large-scale advertising posters and billboards.
  3. The first thing that people passing by the sports club will pay attention to is a bright sign advertising discounts and promotions.
  4. To retain clients in your own gym, it is also recommended to set prices for the services provided lower than those of competitors.

Prospects for expanding the gym

To start a business from scratch, a significant investment is required. But if the business is organized correctly, the costs will quickly pay off, and the business will begin to bring the entrepreneur a stable, good income.

You can increase the profitability of the hall by providing secondary services. For example, a business plan for a gym project can provide for a gradual expansion of the product range.

I want to expand my own mini-gym, what additional services should I offer to make it profitable?

If you have additional space, you can open:

  • Massage room.
  • Sporting goods store.
  • Food retail outlet for athletes.

Sports activities have always been and will be in demand. Therefore, if you organize your small business in the field of sports services correctly at the initial stage, you can eventually transform it into a larger fitness center. And this is another income!

Advice from an Expert - Business Consultant

Photos on the topic

Being healthy and athletic is fashionable, so interest in sports clubs is growing. You can open either a highly specialized sports club (strength, for men) or a multifunctional one. It depends on your financial capabilities and desires. In any case, opening a sports club involves developing the concept of such a club and obtaining the necessary permits for it.

Just follow these simple step-by-step tips and you'll be on the right track.

Quick step by step guide

What you need to have: premises (size depends on the club), registration and government permits, equipment and personnel, as well as advertising.
So, let's get down to action, focusing on the result.

Step - 1
All sports clubs can be divided into narrow-profile ones (only for children or only for women) and multifunctional ones, where you can practice muscle building, dancing, and swimming. In the first case, you will need a small room (several rooms). In the second, it will be more profitable for you to rent a separate building and renovate it, since a multifunctional club will need at least 8 halls. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 2
Develop a concept for your club. What will it be like - mass or elite? What sports will you be able to practice? For those who cannot do this well themselves, it is better to use the services of fitness consultants who will tell you what is in greatest demand, and also help you choose an architectural design (if you are building a building) and equipment for the club. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 3
You, as an entrepreneur, will need to undergo state registration (create a legal entity), and also have the club project approved by the architectural department and the improvement department of the district (city) administration, fire inspection authorities, and the sanitary and epidemiological station. It will also be necessary to conclude agreements on water and electricity supply. All this can take up to a year. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 4
For a sports club you will need equipment - exercise machines. There shouldn’t be enough of them, but you shouldn’t install too many either: if the club is crowded, the clients will feel discomfort. To begin, purchase the most basic equipment needed for the sports that will be represented in your club. Don't forget about the music center, since playing sports in silence is hardly pleasant. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 5
The staff is of great importance to the new club. Inexperienced trainers, with whom classes are held without tangible benefits, can deprive you of clients. Therefore, try to hire trainers with experience. In addition to them, you will need an accountant and an administrator. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 6
An advertising campaign should be thought out in advance. Use all possible sources: flyers offering a trial lesson at a discount, signs about the club opening soon, billboards. Once your club is up and running, clients will bring their friends - word of mouth will begin to work.
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The question of how to open a sports club is more relevant today than ever. And there are many reasons for this. The fashion for a healthy lifestyle, which began to actively emerge about a decade and a half ago, has now become an everyday habit. A huge number of people, even those with very busy work schedules, understand perfectly well that without a healthy body you cannot have a healthy mind, and therefore make time to visit the gym at least three times a week in order to keep themselves in good shape and not lose business activity.

Those who decide to open a gym from scratch will only have to attract significant investments at the initial stage. After the business pays off after a certain period of time, the costs of maintaining a sports club will be significantly less than income.

When approaching the question of how to open a gym from scratch, you need to understand that in big cities there are currently a fair number of elite sports facilities. Therefore, in order for the business of opening such a club not to turn into continuous expenses in a highly competitive environment, an economy class establishment should be opened to meet the needs of a specific target audience that cannot afford to shell out half of the monthly income for a subscription.

Stage one: drawing up a business plan and developing a strategy

When starting a business of this kind, you need to decide on the specifics of the future club: will it be a single project in which you will independently solve absolutely all organizational and other pressing issues, or will it be a business on a franchise basis. In the first case, there are a number of undeniable advantages, such as relative freedom of action. But for those who do not have sufficient experience in dealing with sports business, the risk of making critical mistakes that can lead to the collapse of the entire event is quite high.

If the business is carried out as a franchise, then it also has its own strengths: you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel”, because by purchasing a franchise, you not only get the already promoted brand of this club, but you can also count on support and assistance in solving almost any problems that arise. However, it is necessary to understand that this is primarily beneficial to those who have most of the rights to an already established business. You can get into a kind of bondage by giving most of the profits from the establishment to the franchise owners.

When you have decided on the specifics of a sports institution, you need to decide what level it will be and what target audience it is intended for. An economy class establishment should be located in a accessible location, albeit far from the city center. The list of services of this club should include a gym and a room for fitness, yoga, Pilates, as well as locker rooms, a bathroom, showers, a relaxation room and a reception. You can add a “zest” to your gym of this class, for example, by targeting the facility for family time with children, organizing a children’s room, or providing special training programs for parents with their children.

Thus, by being creative, it is possible to compete even with expensive elite sports clubs and acquire your own loyal audience.

If you decide to organize a club at a higher level, then, in addition to all of the above, it must have a massage room, a room for beauty services or SPA treatments, a solarium, a swimming pool, a sportswear and food store.

Stage two: choosing the most suitable premises

In any case, you will have to look for premises for a future club on your own, no matter whether you are opening your own authentic establishment or a business on a franchise basis. It is necessary to understand that the vast majority of people want to play sports in close proximity to their home or place of work; accordingly, the premises of a sports institution should be located near a business center, or in the very heart of a residential area near a major transport interchange.

The premises of a sports facility must have a good ventilation system, which is very important, high ceilings, and all communications, such as heating, electricity, cold and hot water, must be properly installed and function properly. Otherwise, you risk incurring large unplanned costs in addition.

The larger the area of ​​the premises of such a club, the better, of course, however, it is worth weighing your own financial capabilities so as not to get into trouble. Therefore, you first need to find out what range of services the institution will offer, and based on these needs, look for suitable premises for rent. The area of ​​the fitness room should be at least three to five square meters for each person.

Even for the smallest economy-level club, a total area of ​​at least 160 square meters is desirable; a higher-level establishment can occupy up to 1,500 square meters.

Third stage: selection of equipment

To open your own club, in any case, you will need to purchase equipment, the costs of which “eat up” the lion’s share of the entire budget. So, here is an approximate list of the most necessary things:

  • To fully equip a gym, at least ten to fifteen exercise machines are required. A common mistake made by novice businessmen is to purchase cheap copies in the hope of saving some money. However, this is not very profitable, or rather, on the contrary, the purchase of unsuitable equipment not only contradicts safety regulations, but with a high degree of probability it can be argued that such a step will lead to the need to replace the equipment within a few months after its commissioning. Good quality exercise machines, in turn, can last up to ten years with proper care, lubrication, and replacement of cables and small parts once a year. By the way, at the moment there are enough domestic brands offering a full range of high-quality exercise equipment (from block exercise equipment to treadmills) at quite reasonable prices starting from $400 per unit, which is quite profitable.
  • Equipment for fitness, Pilates and yoga, such as step platforms, special balls, etc., are cheaper than exercise equipment. For example, the cost of a quality step platform is approximately $100.
  • To open a hall, you can limit yourself to the above set of equipment. If the level of such a club is above average, then you will additionally need to purchase a solarium, a table for a massage room, refrigerators for the bar, cosmetic equipment for depilation, rejuvenation and other equipment.

Stage four: preparation and execution of necessary documents

If you have firmly decided “I want my own business,” you should understand that establishing a club involves documenting and obtaining all the necessary permits granting the right to conduct such activities. You can deal with this issue yourself or entrust the process to intermediaries, which is not very profitable from a financial point of view. So, you will need:

  • A certificate that is issued upon registration for further registration as a CJSC/LLC.
  • Permits signed after inspection of the establishment by the fire service and SES.
  • Original registration documents from the pension fund.
  • A passport issued to a sports institution and granting the right to engage in recreational activities.
  • Permission issued by Rosptrebnadzor.

Fifth stage: personnel selection

The staff of such a club plays one of the key roles, because even if in an establishment of the highest level with a sauna, swimming pool and relaxation area, clients are greeted by sullen administrators and trained by incompetent instructors, then we can say with confidence that the audience in such a club will be extremely small.

Therefore, when starting your business from scratch, you should pay careful attention to the selection of qualified personnel; you can give the opportunity to try your hand at young employees, whose lack of experience is compensated by their zeal for work and the desire to prove themselves, which often bears fruit. Even a small establishment must be staffed with:

  • Gym instructors (including personal trainers).
  • Fitness, Pilates and yoga instructors.
  • At least one senior coach.
  • Administrators.
  • Cleaners.
  • Managers (often this function is assumed by the owner of the establishment).


It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of how much it costs to organize a gym; it depends on many factors, including in which city the establishment will be located. In any case, such a business requires investments of ten million rubles and more. But if you have firmly decided “I want”, then it’s definitely worth trying yourself in the wellness field. This is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first. The payback period for a business is from one to three years.
