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Presentation on the theme of the tower of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is a stone necklace of the city. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin - a stone necklace of the city

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The ensemble of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin resembles “a stone necklace thrown on the slopes of the Dyatlov Mountains.” At the confluence of the Volga and Oka rivers, on top of a mountainous cape, the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is located. Built in the 16th century. he was one of the main points of defense of young Rus', first from the Golden Horde, and then from the Kazan Khanate. It was also here that the people's militia was assembled under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky. He played an important role in the formation Russian state, Nizhny Novgorod and currently one of the largest cities in Russia, and its heart - the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin - is the administrative center of the city and region.

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The beginning of the construction of a stone fortress The first attempt to replace a wooden fortress with a stone Kremlin dates back to 1374, the era of the Nizhny Novgorod-Suzdal Grand Duchy (1341-1392). Under the year 1372, the Nikon Chronicle reports: “The same summer, Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich of Suzdal and Novgorod Nizhny lay Novgorod the Nizhny Kamen.” This message is supplemented by the Nizhny Novgorod chronicler: "Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich in the Nizhny New Town ordered to make a stone city wall and the Dmitriev Gates were conceived." In the summer of the same year, the construction of the stone Dmitrievsky Gates began. Their construction was completed by 1374.

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The emergence of the idea of ​​building a stone Kremlin in Nizhny Novgorod, apparently, dates back to the 15th century. It is known that as early as 1482, the builder of the Moscow Kremlin, the famous architect Aristotle Fioravanti, visited Nizhny Novgorod. He escorted artillery sent to Nizhny Novgorod to take part in the battles against Kazan, and then returned to Moscow. It is quite possible that it was at this time that the initial outlines for the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin were born. Under Ivan III, Nizhny Novgorod played the role of a guard city, having a permanent army and serving as a military gathering place during Moscow's actions against Kazan. In order to strengthen the defense of the city, work on the fortress walls begins again. According to the Solikamsk chronicle: "September 1500, 1 day, the Tver tower was laid in Novgorod." ( we are talking about the modern Ivanovskaya or Kladovaya tower).

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The Nizhny Novgorod chronicle notes the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin under 1509: “In the summer of 7017 (1509), the tsar, the sovereign and the Grand Duke Vasily Ioannovich sent Peter Fryazin to Nizhny Novgorod and ordered to dig a moat, where to be a city stone wall.” Work on the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin began in the spring - summer of 1509, and on September 1 of the same year, the builders began stone work. The construction of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is associated with a well-known legend about the beautiful Alena, immured together with buckets and a yoke under the base of the Rocker Tower.

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The builders of the KremlinThe head of the construction of the lower part of the Nizhny Novgorod stone fortifications was an Italian master, sent by order of the Grand Duke from Moscow, and known from Russian sources as Pietro Francesco "Peter Frenchyushko Fryazin." There is an assumption that Pyotr Fryazin could be the architect Pyotr Anthony Solari or Pyotr Antony Fryazin, who built a number of towers of the Moscow Kremlin in 1490-91. It should be noted that the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is very close to the Moscow Kremlin in terms of planning principles, the presence of a bridgehead and a number of other features. Petr Fryazin can rightfully be considered a first-class specialist. Studies have shown that the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin was built at the level of the highest world fortification achievements of its time. Direct work was carried out, most likely, by an artel of Pskov masons, transferred to Nizhny Novgorod.

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Builders of the Kremlin To participate in the construction of the Kremlin - "for the city business", as they used to say in the old days, a large number of residents of the city and the region were involved. Information about the number of people involved in the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin has not been preserved. Usually, one worker from 3-4 yards and a horse cart with a worker from 6-7 yards were involved "for the city business". During the entire period of construction, the maintenance of workers and the supply went at the expense of those from whom they were sent.

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Construction Works The construction of the Kremlin began with the laying of a huge trench-pit for the foundations of future walls and towers in the upland part. Work was in full swing from dawn to dusk. Dozens of ships carried lime along the Oka, which was fired at the mining site. Hundreds of carts crawled along the steep slopes of the Kremlin mountain - they brought brick, sand, lime and water to the construction site. The smoke of numerous brick factories covered the surroundings of the city: at the factories, millions of pieces of large “large-sized” bricks were made, dried and fired manually, “under the bast shoes”. The masonry was carried out in the old "cross" way, which is very reliable, but is not used now because of its laboriousness. With this method, each brick lying along the length has a brick above and below it, located end to face of the masonry. The front surface of the masonry was made "in grout" - without grooves in the seams - as a result of which the wall became completely smooth.

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Appointment of the Nizhny Novgorod KremlinThe two-kilometer wall was reinforced by 13 towers (one of them - Zachatskaya - near the banks of the Volga, was not preserved). "Stone City" had a permanent garrison and a solid artillery armament. The new Volga fortress was created by the Muscovite state as the main stronghold against the Kazan Khanate. The city was subjected to frequent attacks by Kazanians (1521, 1536, 1537, 1540, 1542, 1545). However, the city's defense system was so powerful and perfect that Kazan citizens never managed to break into the Kremlin. and for her military service withstood repeated sieges and attacks. And not once in all this time has the enemy been able to take possession of it.

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kremlin kremlin kremlin nizhny novgorodsky (history and structure) Completed by a student of the ISS (K) OU school number 2, grade 8: Ilya Latushkin. Teacher: Gladikova Larisa Nikolaevna.

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“One cannot speak without excitement about one of the most beautiful fortresses of Ancient Rus' - the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin,” wrote the artist Ilya Glazunov. – It still amazes us with its majestic simplicity, the mighty scope of the walls and the harsh impregnable towers that withstood seventeen enemy sieges in their lifetime. Not once (!) did an enemy foot set foot inside the Nizhny Novgorod fortress .. "

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At the confluence of the Volga and Oka rivers, on top of a mountainous cape, is the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. Built in the 16th century. he was one of the main points of defense of young Rus', first from the Golden Horde, and then from the Kazan Khanate. It was here that the people's militia was assembled under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky. Playing an important role in the formation of the Russian state, Nizhny Novgorod and currently one of the largest cities in Russia, and its heart - the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin - is the administrative center of the city and region. The total length of the Kremlin walls is 1,802 m.

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History of the founding of the Kremlin In 1221, Russian chronicles report that Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich founded the city at the mouth of the Oka River and named it Nizhny Novgorod. A wood-earthen fortress was built to protect it. The original fortification of Nizhny Novgorod was the same as that of other Russian fortress cities. It consisted of a moat and a shaft along which a wooden wall with towers was located. In 1238 the city was captured by the Tatars. Its rapid revival began in the 13th century. In 1350 the city became the capital of the independent Principality of Nizhny Novgorod. In the first half of the XIV century. The city has grown significantly and there was a need to protect it. In the autumn of 1363, under Prince Boris Konstantinovich in Nizhny Novgorod, they began to create another outer ring of fortifications.

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At the end of the XVI-XVII centuries. Nizhny Novgorod had to carry out a significant reconstruction of the defensive structures of the Kremlin. On the one hand, this required the natural aging of the fortress, and on the other hand, frequent fires and landslides. The development of artillery also made it necessary to take action. The city was subjected to frequent attacks by Kazanians. However, the city's defense system was so powerful and perfect that Kazan citizens never managed to break into the Kremlin. Over time, the city turned into a rear support base of the Russian state. It lost its role as a border fortress in the second half of the 16th century. and served as a collection point for Russian troops during campaigns.

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In Catherine's time in the 1785-1790s. "reconstruction" of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is being carried out. The battlements on the Kremlin walls have been shortened by more than half, and the roof that has been on them since the first years of the Kremlin's construction has been dismantled. The latter was the only reliable protection against snow, rain and ice, not only for soldiers, but also for the very material of the walls. In the same years, the towers were converted to accommodate barracks or warehouses. In the absence of protection, the Kremlin is rapidly collapsing.

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Under Soviet rule, work began on the reconstruction of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. At present, they are completed, with the exception of the destroyed section in the foothill part of the Kremlin. The walls and towers have been restored to their original dimensions with battlements, loopholes, gates, slots for bolts, slots and slots for portcullises and drawbridges. In order to ensure the conditions for the preservation of the Kremlin in the future, the Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve was organized in Nizhny Novgorod, the basis of which is the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. yaaa:

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ARCHITECTURE (towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin) The Dmitrievskaya Dmitrievskaya Tower, by its position, occupies a leading place in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin and dominates its upland area. It is located in the center of the upland area and faces the extended part of the Minin and Pozharsky Square in the form of a semicircle. The Dmitrievskaya Tower got its name in memory of the Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich, whose name is associated with an attempt to create the Nizhny Novgorod white stone Kremlin of the XIV century.

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The rectangular (previously passing) Nikolskaya Tower is located in the bend of the "pipe" of the Zelensky congress. It got its name from the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, located on the opposite side of the "pipe" of the Zelensky Congress. Nikolskaya

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The round tower, now bearing the name of Kladovaya, is located at the beginning of the "pipe" of the Zelensky Congress. The tower got its name from the word "luggage" (it was used as a storage place). In the XVII-XVIII centuries, the tower was called Alekseevskaya - after the nearby church, built in 1642. Storeroom

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The round Taynitskaya tower is located above the slope of the steep Pochainsky ravine, which got its name from the Pochainsky stream, the waters of which now flow underground through pipes. The tower got its name from the way out of it - a hiding place, the half-buried remains of which were found and destroyed in the 80s of the last century. Taynitskaya

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The round North Tower is located above the mouth of the Pochainsky ravine, overlooking the ravine and the slope of the Volga bank. The tower occupies the northwestern corner of the upland part of the Kremlin and received its name in later times according to its geographical position. Northern

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The clock tower is located on the top of the Kremlin hill near the bank slope of the river. Volga. It is the only one of the towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, located on the corner with a ledge inward and, therefore, has not played an important combat value for a long time. Resolving the question of the layout of the Kremlin and the location of the towers, the architects, proceeding only from military engineering considerations, could refuse to build it altogether. But a high artistic and aesthetic sense suggested to them a different decision: they created two towers standing side by side above the steep slope - the North and the Clock Tower. And this solution is extremely successful - the ensemble of two towers, complemented by giant steps descending from the steep wall, is the most beautiful part of the Kremlin. The tower got its name from the clock, which was located at the top in a special wooden room - the "watch hut". Hence the mountain on which the tower is located is called "Sentry"

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Rectangular, in the past passing, St. George's Tower is located above the steep bank of the Volga, near the monument to V.P. Chkalov, at the beginning of the Volga stairs. The tower got its name either from a nearby church, or from the "Georgievsky Terem" - the palace of the founder of the city, Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich, mentioned in passing in the documents. The modern St. George's Tower in its appearance and structure is significantly different from the other passing towers of the Kremlin and has traces of a number of alterations. Georgievskaya

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The round tower, called Koromyslovaya, is the last in the chain of towers of the upland section of the Kremlin, overlooking the side, not covered from the attack of enemies by natural obstacles. The tower is located above the junction of the "pipe" of the exit with the Pochainsky ravine. The origin of the name of the tower is connected by popular rumor with two versions of the popular legend. Koromyslov

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Towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin History and architecture

The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is a medieval defensive structure on a flat top and the northwestern slopes of the Clock Hill in Nizhny Novgorod, the area of ​​the Kremlin is 22.7 hectares, the perimeter is 2045 m, the height of the walls is from 12 to 15 m, the thickness is from 3.5 to 4.5 m, number of towers - 11, height from 12 to 15 m. Names of towers (clockwise); Dmitrievskaya or Dmitrovskaya (main) - named after the Nizhny Novgorod Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich (XIV century), Kladovaya - served as a warehouse, Nikolskaya - next to the Nikolskaya Posad Church (now defunct), Koromyslov - after the legendary girl allegedly buried under it with rocker, Taynitskaya - along a secret underground passage from it to the river. Pochaina (otherwise - Pochaga), Severnaya, or Ilyinskaya - according to its northern position relative to other Kremlin towers and next to the township church of Elijah the Prophet, Clock - according to the churches installed on it in the 16th century. hours. Ivanovskaya - next to the Posad Church of John the Baptist (now defunct), Belaya - along the white stone cladding of the lower part of the outer facade, Georgievskaya - next to the Posad St. George's Church (now defunct), Powder - due to its purpose for storing gunpowder and other ammunition .

Plan of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

Archangel Cathedral It is located in the center of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. When the city was founded in 1221, a wooden church was built in it, which in 1227 was replaced by the stone building of the Archangel Michael Cathedral. In 1359 it was overhauled and played the role of a church at the mansions of the Grand Duke. Now from this time only separate fragments have been preserved, found under the floor and next to the Archangel Cathedral during archaeological excavations in 1960.

Dmitrievskaya tower

The Dmitrievskaya Tower, by its position, occupies a leading place in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin and dominates its upland area. It is located in the center of the upland area and faces the extended part of Minin and Pozharsky Square in the form of a semicircle. For the first time, the tower is mentioned in sources in 1372-74, and therefore it is considered the oldest of the towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. However, in the course of research in 1948-52. no masonry sites dating back to the 14th century were found in it - the tower, apparently, was completely rebuilt in the 16th century

pantry tower

The pantry tower is the second in terms of age. According to the chronicle, it was founded in 1500. Under the name Tverskaya, on the old plans, in place of the Storeroom, there is a tower designated as Tverskaya. This name comes, most likely, from the word firmament - a fortification, a strong place, a fortress. Pantry. Under the stone vaults of the tower, at different times, squeaks were also kept, i.e. fortress guns, which were located in the fence (behind the fence), and cannonballs, and cannon supplies. There were also tools of masons, the so-called "tackle of urban affairs", and documents of the Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Archival Commission ...

Nikolskaya tower

Nikolskaya - a square tower, built somewhat later. For square towers, as a rule, the presence of gates is characteristic. The tower is named after the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which once stood on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street. Before the repair in 1837, the entire lower part of the tower had a white stone cladding. In the 17th - 19th centuries, the tower was used as a warehouse and received a significant internal alteration. The Nikolskaya tower is crowned with a watch tower, the height of the tower together with the tower is thirty meters.

Koromyslov tower

The Koromyslov Tower is round, located on a sharp turn of the Kremlin wall above the intersection of the Zelensky congress ("pipe") with the Pochainsky ravine. Yes, and the tower itself with adjoining whorls resembles, when viewed from the opposite bank of the Pochainsky ravine, a strong young woman with yokes on her shoulders. Isn't that why the tower is called Koromyslova. A distinctive feature of the Koromyslova Tower is that it is completely, including the interior, made of white stone. In terms of the preservation of its original appearance, it is the best among all the round towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. In the XVIII and XIX centuries the tower housed the archive (until 1886) and then various warehouses.

Taynitskaya tower

The round Taynitskaya tower is located above the slope of the Pochainsky ravine, along the bottom of which the Pochaina River flowed, now enclosed in a collector. The tower got its name from the underground passage - a hiding place that led from it down the slope to Pochaina. The remains of the cache were discovered and destroyed in the 80s of the XIX century during the work on the improvement of the Zelensky Congress. In the 17th century, the tower was armed with one copper pishchal. In the 18th and 19th centuries, she worked under warehouses. From 1893 to 1917 it housed the archive. The height of the Tainitskaya tower in the place with a roof and a watchtower is 30 m.

north tower

This tower is by no means the northernmost of the towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, but the spin from the Tainitskaya tower towards the north coincides with the direction to the north, as if along the meridian. The tower was also called a corner tower, being the top of a right angle at the turn of the spindles. And the tower had another name - Ilyinskaya, after the church of the Old Testament prophet Elijah, built, according to legend, at the place where Murza Nogaisky, the Tatar prince, was killed: on the opposite side of the Kremlin to the Pochainsky ravine. The spinning from the North Tower towards the Clock Tower is the shortest, only 39 meters.

Clock tower

The clock tower was named after the clock, which was located in a pentagonal log cabin in the upper part of the tower and for two centuries was the main city clock. So the tower can be considered sentry and for guard purposes. But she was famous all the same, mainly for her watches. In the scribe book of 1621 it is said: "... There is a fighting clock on the tower", that is, the clock and the clocks were marked by a strike. The sound of the clock bells also sounded like an alarm. The clock keeper who lived near the tower was called a watchmaker. History has preserved the name of one of them: at the beginning of the 17th century. Ivan Rodionov watched the clock.

Ivanovskaya tower

Clock tower

Ivanovskaya Tower is named after the nearby church of John the Baptist, to which the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker ("Nikola at the Market") was assigned. The tower from the inside had an extension with a "city staircase", along which the defenders of the Kremlin climbed the walls. In the same annex there was a cell for prisoners and criminals. The Ivanovskaya tower with gates is the main one in the foothill part of the Kremlin, like Dmitrovskaya tower in the upland part. Across the whole Kremlin from the Dmitrov Tower descended the steep Bolshaya Mostovaya Street, paved (hence the Bridge) with thick pine blocks up to the Ivanovsky Gates. From the Ivanovsky Gates to the Volga, the Ivanovsky Congress leads, according to which in the spring of 1612 the Nizhny Novgorod militia, organized by the townsman headman Kozma Minin, headed by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, moved to liberate Moscow from the Poles. In 1896, the archive of the Archaeographic Commission and the library of P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky were placed in the tower

White Tower

White Tower - the name of the tower, perhaps due to the color of its lower tier, and perhaps due to the fact that it was built on church land, which in the old days was called white, that is, free from taxes. The steep northern slope of the Volga bank has been repeatedly subjected to landslides. The displacement of the foundations of the Kremlin walls reached 14 meters. In the inventory of 1765, it is said that "this wall and the whole will soon crumble." And so it happened. In the middle of the XX century. The White Tower was also restored, acquiring a look close to the original.

Zachatskaya tower

The Zachatskaya Tower got its name from the Zachatievsky Monastery located nearby, outside the Kremlin walls, founded in the middle of the 14th century. Documents of the 17th century it is also called "White" - apparently for the same reason that the neighboring tower is called "White". Some documents of the XVIII century. they call the Zhivonosovskaya tower - after the church located nearby. The Borisoglebskaya Tower (aka Dukhovskaya) got its name from the nearby church of Boris and Gleb. It received the name Dukhovskaya later - after the monastery founded next to it in 1584. From the data of the Scribe Book for 1621-22. and other documents, it follows that the Zachatievskaya Tower had only two tiers and did not exceed the height of the wall line in its height. According to the conditions of the area, and also based on the fact that the Russians dominated the river, the builders of the Kremlin did not attach importance to it as an important defense center and built a tower with a passage only as an exit from the Kremlin, connecting it by the shortest route to the river.

Borisoglebskaya Tower

Borisoglebskaya tower - as a memory of the Borisoglebskaya church in Nizhny. From the Borisoglebskaya tower, the Kremlin wall rises in smooth ledges in the form of huge stairs along the Volga bank towards the St. George's Tower. Spindle length - 174 meters.

Georgievskaya tower

The St. George's Tower is named after one of the most beautiful churches in the Lower - the Church of St. George - the Victorious, located on the site of the current hotel "Volzhsky Otkos". Destroyed in 1932, it lives on in the name of the magnificent Kremlin tower. The spinning thread from the St. George's Tower to the Powder Tower is 191 meters.

powder tower

The powder tower is named so for its intended purpose - ammunition was stored in the tower. Earlier, according to documents, back in the 17th century, the tower was called Spasskaya - after the Transfiguration Cathedral. In the Kremlin wall between the Powder and Dmitrievskaya towers there is a memorial "To units and formations formed in the city of Gorky and the Gorky region during the Great Patriotic War"1941 - 1945, where these units and formations are listed and their military awards and honorary titles are indicated.

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In 1221, Russian chronicles report that Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich founded a city at the mouth of the Oka River and named it Nizhny Novgorod. A wood-earth fortress was built to protect it. In the autumn of 1363, under Prince Boris Konstantinovich in Nizhny Novgorod, they began to create another outer ring of fortifications. Under 1372, chronicles report that Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich, a descendant younger brother Alexander Nevsky, "Lay Novgorod the Lower Stone".

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The construction of the stone Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin began in 1500 in the coastal part of the city of the Ivanovskaya Tower Ivanovskaya Tower Dmitrovskaya Tower

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The word "Kremlin" or "Kremnik", as the Moscow fortress was called in the annals, appeared for the first time in 1339-1340. Then, under Ivan Kalita, new walls were erected from durable oak. It is possible that the word "kremlin" comes from the ancient Greek "kremnos" - "solid", but it is more likely that the Slavic word "krem", "kremnik", meaning "boron" or "forest", lies at the basis.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1- Dmitrovskaya; 2 - Pantry; 3 - Nikolskaya; 4 - Koromyslov; 5 - Taynitskaya; 6 - North; 7 - Hourly; 8 - Ivanovskaya; 9 - White; 10 - Zachatievsky; 11 - Borisoglebskaya; 12 - Georgievskaya; 13-Powder.

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The Kremlin system includes thirteen towers - five square ones with gates and eight round ones. Towers with a height of 18 to 30 meters are connected by powerful (up to five meters wide) walls with battlements from 12 to 22 meters high.

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"Vezha" - the same word on ancient Rus' It was called a high guard building, from which one could observe and know - to know whether the enemy was approaching the walls of the city. The word "tower", used today, was first noted only in the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible in the legends of Prince Kurbsky.

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towers like component Kremlin, fix every turn of the Kremlin walls. The section of the wall between the towers is a spinner or a link. Both the towers and the spindles were first wooden, then stone. In the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, to this day, many towers have a wooden top.

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On the first day of the New Year, September 1, 1509. Obviously, in a solemn atmosphere, the Dmitrov Tower was laid. Work on the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin began in the spring and summer of 1509, and on September 1, the builders began stone work. “For the city business” one worker from 3-4 yards was involved and a horse-drawn one from 6-7 yards. The maintenance of workers went at the expense of those from whom they were sent. The material for construction was local. The masonry was carried out in the old "cross" way, which is very reliable.

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The complex of buildings of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin was completely created in 1511 (according to the arc version, by 1517). The master builders were probably newcomers. It is believed that Pier Francesco (Pyotr Fryazin) was the direct supervisor of the work. The main material was large-sized locally produced brick and white stone - calcareous tuff.

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Dmitrovskaya tower The Dmitrovskaya (Dmitrievskaya) tower is a kind of symbol of Nizhny Novgorod. It is located on Minin and Pozharsky Square, where Nizhny Novgorod residents like to spend their holidays. The tower is named after Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich, who rebuilt it from stone.

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A long, about 29 meters, 8 meters wide bridge led to the gates of the tower, which connected the tower with the bridgehead. The outlet tower was located, as it were, on an island and was completely surrounded by a moat - a branch of the main moat. From the moment of construction, the tower played the role of the main entrance to the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin and the central defense unit of the upland area. Two exits led from the tower to the right and left, deployed in such a way that the enemy could not shoot through the bridge. The exits from the tower were equipped with drawbridges. One of the exits was closed in the 17th century - a "stump" was located near it - something like a bastion. Large guns were installed on it at the end of the century.

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Pantry Tower The second tower in a row and age. According to the chronicle, it was founded in 1500 under the name Tverskaya (on the old plans, a tower marked as Tverskaya stands on the site of the Kladovaya). This name comes, most likely, from the word firmament - fortification, strong place, fortress. The third name of the tower - PANTRY - speaks of its purpose: the tower served as a storehouse for all luggage. Under the stone vaults of the tower, at different times, squeaks were also kept, i.e. fortress guns, which were located in the fence (behind the fence), and cannonballs, and cannon supplies. There were also tools of masons, the so-called "tackle of urban affairs", and documents of the Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Archival Commission ...

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Nikolskaya Tower This is a square tower of later construction. For square towers, as a rule, the presence of gates is characteristic. The tower is named after the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which once stood on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street. Until the repair in 1837, the entire lower part of the tower had a white stone cladding. In the 17th - 19th centuries, the tower was used as a warehouse and received a significant internal alteration. The Nikolskaya tower is crowned with a watch tower; the height of the tower together with the tower is 30 meters.

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Koromyslov Tower This tower is round, located on a sharp turn of the Kremlin wall above the intersection of the Zelensky congress ("pipe") with the Pochainsky ravine. When viewed from the opposite bank of the Pochainsky ravine, the tower with adjoining spindles resembles a strong young woman with yokes on her shoulders. Perhaps that is also why the tower is called Koromyslov. A distinctive feature of the tower is that it is completely, including the interior, made of white stone. In terms of the preservation of its original appearance, it is the best among all the round towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the tower housed an archive (until 1886) and then various warehouses.

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The Tainitskaya Tower The round Tainitskaya Tower is located above the steep slope of the Pochainsky ravine, along the bottom of which the Pochaina River flowed, now enclosed in a collector. The tower got its name from the underground passage - a hiding place that led from it down the slope to Pochaina. The remains of the cache were discovered and destroyed in the 80s of the 19th century during the works on the improvement of the Zelensky Congress. In the 17th century, the tower was armed with one copper pishchal. In the 18th and 19th centuries, it was used as storage facilities. From 1893 to 1917 it housed the archive. The height of the Taynitskaya tower in the place with a roof and a watchtower is 30 m.

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North Tower This tower is not at all the northernmost of the towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, but the spin from the Taynitskaya tower towards the north coincides with the direction to the north, it seems to go along the meridian. The tower was also called Naugolnaya, being the top of a right angle at the turn of the spinners. And the tower had another name - Ilyinskaya, after the church of the Old Testament prophet Elijah, built, according to legend, at the place where Murza Nogaisky, the Tatar prince, was killed: on the opposite side of the Kremlin to the Pochainsky ravine. The spinning from the North Tower towards the Clock Tower is the shortest, only 39 meters.

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The clock tower It got its name from the clock, which was located in a pentagonal log cabin in the upper part of the tower and for two centuries was the main city clock. The tower can be considered sentry and for guard purposes. But she was famous all the same, mainly for her watches. In the scribe book of 1621 it is said: "... There is a fighting clock on the tower", that is, the clock and the clocks were marked by a strike. The sound of the clock bells also sounded like an alarm. The clock keeper who lived near the tower was called a watchmaker. History has preserved the name of one of them: at the beginning of the 17th century. Ivan Rodionov watched the clock.

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Ivanovskaya Tower It was named after the nearby church of John the Baptist, to which the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker ("Nikola at the Market") was attributed. The tower from the inside had an extension with a "city staircase", along which the defenders of the Kremlin climbed the walls. In the same annex there was a cell for prisoners and criminals. The Ivanovskaya tower with gates is the main one in the foothill part of the Kremlin, like Dmitrovskaya tower in the upland part. Across the whole Kremlin from the Dmitrov Tower descended the steep Bolshaya Mostovaya Street, paved (hence the Bridge) with thick pine blocks up to the Ivanovsky Gates. From the Ivanovsky Gates to the Volga, the Ivanovsky Congress leads, according to which in the spring of 1612 the Nizhny Novgorod militia, organized by the townsman headman Kozma Minin, headed by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, moved to liberate Moscow from the Poles. In 1896, the archive of the Archaeographic Commission and the library of P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky were placed in the tower.