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Template for the design of the presentation "Ancient Rus'". Presentation on the topic: Kievan Rus Template ancient rus

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The national project "Digital Educational Environment" is coming to the Russian regions: equipment will be supplied to schools, Internet access will be improved. But let's not forget about the content: what will the teacher do with the new but empty computers? The digital classroom is not only computers and the Internet, an important component of the digital environment are tools and services that allow you to organize the educational process at school using electronic educational resources.

Presentation provides information to a wide range of people different ways and methods. The purpose of each work is the transfer and assimilation of the information proposed in it. And for this today they use various methods: from a blackboard with chalk to an expensive projector with a panel.

The presentation can be a set of pictures (photos) framed with explanatory text, embedded computer animation, audio and video files, and other interactive elements.

On our website you will find great amount presentations on any topic that interests you. In case of difficulty, use the site search.

On the site you can download presentations on astronomy for free, get to know the representatives of flora and fauna on our planet better in presentations on biology and geography. At the lessons at school, children will be interested in learning the history of their country in presentations on history.

In music lessons, the teacher can use interactive presentations on music, in which you can hear the sounds of various musical instruments. You can also download presentations on the MHC and presentations on social studies. Fans of Russian literature are not deprived of attention, I present to you the work in PowerPoint on the Russian language.

For techies there are special sections: and presentations in mathematics. And athletes can get acquainted with presentations about sports. For those who like to create their own work, there is a section where anyone can download the basis for their practical work.

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Presentation on the topic: Kievan Rus

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slide number 2

Description of the slide:

Kiev principality Kiev principality (ukr. Kiev princedom, other Russian Kiev princedom) - a principality in feudal Rus' and in the Lithuanian-Russian state. Years: 1132 - 1471 Capital: Kyiv Language(s): Old Russian Religion: Orthodox Christianity Population: Eastern Slavs Form of government: Monarchy Dynasty: Rurikovichi, Gediminovichi

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Natural and geographical position Kiev Principality: geographical position This territory bordered on Polotsk land in the northwestern part, and Chernihiv was located in the northeast. Western and southwestern neighbors were Poland and the Principality of Galicia. The city, built on the hills, was ideally located militarily. Speaking about the peculiarities of the geographical position of the Kyiv principality, it should be mentioned that it was well protected. Not far from it were the cities of Vruchiy (or Ovruch), Belgorod, and Vyshgorod - all of them had good fortifications and controlled the territory adjacent to the capital, which provided additional protection from the western and southwestern sides. From the southern part, it was covered by a system of forts built along the banks of the Dnieper, and nearby well-defended cities on the Ros River.

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Public and economic life Location near the Dnieper played a big role in economic life. In addition to communication with the Black Sea, he brought Kyiv to the Baltic, which was helped by the Western Dvina and the Berezina. The Desna and the Seim ensured communication with the Don and Oka, and the Western Bug and Pripyat with the Neman and Dniester basins. Here was the so-called route "from the Varangians to the Greeks", which was a trade route. Thanks to fertile soils and a mild climate, agriculture developed intensively; cattle breeding, hunting were widespread, the inhabitants were engaged in fishing and beekeeping. Crafts were divided early in these parts. "Woodworking" played a rather significant role, as well as pottery and leather crafts. Due to the presence of iron deposits, it was possible to develop blacksmith craft. Many types of metals (silver, tin, copper, lead, gold) were delivered from neighboring countries. Thus, all this influenced the early formation of trade and craft relations in Kyiv and the cities located near it. -

slide number 5

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Public and economic life "The way from the Varangians to the Greeks", which was the core of the economy of Kievan Rus, lost its relevance after the Crusades, in particular, the capture of Constantinople (1204). Europe and the East were now connected bypassing Kyiv through the Mediterranean.

slide number 6

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Public administration Public administration in Kievan Rus. Kievan Rus was predominantly seen as an original society and state, developing in a different way than Europe or Asia. The head of the Old Russian state was the Grand Duke of Kiev, who owned the highest economic, administrative, judicial and military power. He, however, was not the sole ruler of the state, and his power had not yet acquired a distinctly hereditary character. There were various ways to replace the Grand Duke's throne: inheritance, forcible seizure, and finally, election by a veche. The latter method, however, had an auxiliary character: the election of a prince by a veche usually only reinforced the inheritance or usurpation of power by him. First, the principality was ruled by an invited prince, later power was inherited, the first Old Russian prince who ruled in Rus' was Rurik, but he did not rule in Kiev, Kiev became the main city of the Old Russian state under Oleg. Specifically, in the Kiev principality, the monarchy was the form of government. The Grand Duke had supreme legislative power. In the hands of the Grand Duke, who was the head of the administration, concentrated and executive branch also performed judicial functions. Many major laws were issued by the Grand Dukes and bore their names.

Presentation provides information to a wide range of people in a variety of ways and methods. The purpose of each work is the transfer and assimilation of the information proposed in it. And for this today they use various methods: from a blackboard with chalk to an expensive projector with a panel.

The presentation can be a set of pictures (photos) framed with explanatory text, embedded computer animation, audio and video files, and other interactive elements.

On our site you will find a huge number of presentations on any topic that interests you. In case of difficulty, use the site search.

On the site you can download presentations on astronomy for free, get to know the representatives of flora and fauna on our planet better in presentations on biology and geography. At the lessons at school, children will be interested in learning the history of their country in presentations on history.

In music lessons, the teacher can use interactive presentations on music, in which you can hear the sounds of various musical instruments. You can also download presentations on the MHC and presentations on social studies. Fans of Russian literature are not deprived of attention, I present to you the work in PowerPoint on the Russian language.

For techies there are special sections: and presentations in mathematics. And athletes can get acquainted with presentations about sports. For those who like to create their own work, there is a section where anyone can download the basis for their practical work.
