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Presentation on the topic of fat metabolism in the body. Presentation on the topic "Metabolism - as the main property of a living system" Presentation on the topic of the metabolic process

The totality of physical, chemical and physiological processes of the transformation of substances and energy in the human body and the exchange of substances and energy between the body and the environment. Provides plastic and energy needs of the body. Metabolism

This is achieved by extracting Q from nutrients entering the body and converting it into high-energy (ATP and other molecules) and reduced (NADP - N-nicotinamide-adenindinucleotide phosphate) compounds. Their Q is used for the synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, as well as components of cell membranes and cell organelles to perform mechanical, chemical, osmotic and electrical work, ion transport.

Metabolism Energy metabolism (dissimilation, catabolism) Energy metabolism (dissimilation, catabolism) Plastic metabolism (assimilation, anabolism) Plastic metabolism (assimilation, anabolism) The totality of biosynthesis processes of organic substances, cell components and other structures of organs and tissues. Provides growth, development, renewal of biological structures, as well as continuous resynthesis of macroergs and accumulation of energy substrates. energy accumulation is a set of processes of splitting complex molecules, components of a cell, organs, tissues to simple substances, using some of them as biosynthesis precursors, and to final decay products with the formation of macroergic and reduced compounds. release of energy

Metabolism begins from the moment of absorption of monosaccharides (carbohydrates); glycerin and fatty acids (fats); amino acids (proteins). Metabolism begins from the moment of absorption of monosaccharides (carbohydrates); glycerin and fatty acids (fats); amino acids (proteins).

They account for 50% of the dry mass of the cell. They are broken down into amino acids (non-essential and non-essential). Protein contains 16% nitrogen. 6.25 g of protein breaks down into 1 gram of nitrogen. N-balance ("+" and "-" balance). The breakdown of protein in the body occurs continuously. For 1 kg of body weight a person per day, 0.028-0.075 g of nitrogen is subject to complete destruction. 3.77 g of nitrogen is released per day (3.77 g (N) x 6.25 g \u003d 23 g of protein (wear coefficient according to Rubner).

- are part of hormones, catalysts, enzymes, cell structures. Proteins build membranes of protein-lipid complexes, are part of the chromosome apparatus, cell organelles, microtubules. The whole set of metabolism in the body (respiration, digestion, excretion) is provided by the activity of enzymes, which are proteins. All motor functions of the body are provided by the interaction of contractile proteins - actin and myosin. plastic meaning

Not great compared to carbohydrates and fats. Proteins - 1 g - 17.6 kJ Of the 20 amino acids that make up 10 essential: leucine, isoleucine, valine, methionine, lysine, threonine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, histidine, arginine. The most biologically valuable proteins are meat, eggs, fish, caviar, milk. Energy value.

Protein contains 16% nitrogen. His body absorbs only in the composition of food. 6.25 g of protein breaks down into 1 gram of nitrogen. Wear coefficient according to Rubner. For 1 kg of body weight a person per day, 0.028-0.075 g of nitrogen is subject to complete destruction. During the day, 3.77 g of nitrogen is released 3.77 g (N) x 6.25 g \u003d 23 g of protein in a healthy person, the amount of synthesized N \u003d N decayed. N-balance ("+" and "-" balance). The breakdown of protein in the body occurs continuously. nitrogen balance.

- leads to inhibition of hematopoiesis and synthesis of immunoglobulins, to the development of anemia and immunodeficiency, reproductive dysfunction. In children, growth is disturbed, at any age - a decrease in muscle tissue and liver, a violation of the secretion of hormones. Decreased intake and malabsorption of iron

Protein - causes the activation of amino acid metabolism and energy metabolism, an increase in the formation of urea and an increase in the load on the renal structures, followed by their functional exhaustion. As a result of the accumulation in the intestine of products of incomplete cleavage and putrefaction of proteins, intoxication may develop. Protein minimum - g (in some categories up to 50 g or more) per day. Excess food intake

Regulation Dissimilation Assimilation Hormones: somatotropic during the growth of the body - an increase in the mass of all organs and tissues. In an adult - an increase in synthesis due to the permeability of cell membranes for amino acids, increased RNA synthesis in the cell nucleus. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine - in certain concentrations stimulate protein synthesis and, due to this, activate the growth, development and differentiation of tissues and organs. In the liver - glucocorticoids - stimulate protein synthesis Adrenal hormones - glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone, corticosterone) increase the breakdown in tissues, especially in muscle and lymphoid, and in the liver, on the contrary, stimulate protein synthesis.

Part of the fat components of the body can be synthesized from carbohydrates. : are part of cell membranes .. : their calorific value is more than 2 times greater than that of carbohydrates and proteins. 1 g of fat during splitting gives 38.9 kJ Plastic value Energy value.

Fat is absorbed from the intestines, enters mainly into the lymph and in a smaller amount directly into the blood. The body receives lipids mainly in the form of the so-called. neutral fat, which is broken down in the body into glycerol and fatty acids. A small amount of free fatty acids also comes from food. Essential unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic - are not formed in the human body.

Dietary intake - 30% of the daily caloric intake. In old age up to 25%. Increasing fat intake - gaining weight body-enhancement the risk of developing SS and metabolic diseases, as well as cancer of the intestine, breast and prostate glands. Excess vegetable oil - increased risk of various cancers (except olive oil).

Regulation Dissimilation Assimilation of the CNS: hypothalamus - with the destruction of the ventromedial nuclei - a prolonged increase in appetite and increased fat deposition Sympathetic influence Hormones: epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenal medulla); somatotropic, thyroxine (thyroid gland), sex hormones,

Can be synthesized in the body from amino acids and fat. But there is a minimum of carbohydrates in the diet - 150 g. Normal intake per day.

Primary fuel for most organisms. The main role is determined by the energy function. It comes mainly in the form of a plant polysaccharide - starch and an animal polysaccharide - glycogen. Blood glucose is the direct source of energy in the body. The level of glucose in the blood is 3.3-5.5 mmol / l (60-100 mg%). Decreased blood glucose levels - hypoglycemia. Decrease in the level to 2.2-1.7 mmol / l (4.-30 mg%) - "hypoglycemic coma". The introduction of glucose into the blood quickly eliminates these disorders. Energy value. 1g - 17.6 kJ

Glycogen is synthesized from glucose in the liver cells - a reserve carbohydrate stored in reserve. Nutritional hyperglycemia (alimentary) - after a meal with rapidly absorbed carbohydrates. As a result, glucosuria is the excretion of glucose in the urine when the blood glucose level is above 8.9-10.0 mmol / l (mg%). To maintain relative constancy in the blood, glycogen is broken down in the liver and enters it into the blood.

Brain - 12%, intestines - 9%, muscles - 7%, kidneys - 5%. The breakdown of carbohydrates in the body of animals occurs both in an oxygen-free way to lactic acid (anaerobic glycolysis), and by oxidizing the breakdown products of carbohydrates to CO 2 and H 2 O. Glucose capture from the flowing blood:

Excessive consumption of carbohydrates - contributes to increased lipogenesis and obesity. A constant excess of disaccharides and glucose, which are rapidly absorbed in the intestine, create a high load on the endocrine cells of the pancreas that secrete insulin, which can contribute to their depletion and the development of diabetes mellitus.

Dissimilation Assimilation Hormones. Insulin - pancreatic hormone (β-ki islet tissue) - increased glycogen synthesis in the liver and muscles and increased glucose consumption by body tissues) CNS - "sugar prick" - prick of the medulla oblongata in the bottom of the IV ventricle. - irritation of the hypothalamus - Ch. link - bark GM -stress

Regulation Dissimilation Hormones: glucagon (alpha cells of the islet tissue of the pancreas); adrenaline - the adrenal medulla; glucocorticoids - the cortical layer of the adrenal glands; pituitary somatotropic hormone; thyroxine and triiodothyronine - the thyroid gland. Due to the unidirectionality of their influence in relation to the effects of insulin, these hormones are often combined with the concept of "contrainsular hormones"

Heat generation in the body has a 2-phase character. During the oxidation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, one part of the energy is used for the synthesis of ATP, the other is converted into heat. The heat released directly during the oxidation of nutrients is called. primary warmth. At this stage, most of the energy is converted into heat (primary heat), and the smaller part is used for the synthesis of ATP and is again accumulated in its chemical macroergic bonds.

Thus, during the oxidation of carbohydrates, 22.7% of the energy of the chemical bond of glucose in the oxidation process is used for the synthesis of ATP, and 77.3% in the form of primary heat is dissipated in the tissues. The energy stored in ATP is then used to mechanical work, chemical, transport, electrical processes and ultimately also turns into heat, denoted by secondary heat. Consequently, the amount of heat generated in the body becomes a measure of the total energy of chemical bonds formed in the body, can be expressed in units of heat - calories or joules.

- energy expenditure of the body under standard conditions, going to maintain the minimum level of oxidative processes necessary for cell life and from the activity of constantly working organs and systems (respiratory muscles, heart, kidneys, liver). - expressed in the amount of heat in kilojoules (kilocalories) per 1 kg of body weight or per 1 m 2 of body surface in 1 hour or in one day. For an average man = 4.19 kJ (1 kcal) per 1 kg of body weight per hour, or 7117 kJ (1700 kcal) per day. Women of the same weight (70 kg) are 10% lower. The value of the basal metabolism depends on many factors, but it changes especially strongly in some endocrine diseases. For example, a sharp increase in the basal metabolic rate is observed with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, and with hypofunction of this gland, it is lowered. A decrease in the basal metabolic rate results in the insufficiency of the function of the pituitary gland and the gonads.

- the totality of the basic metabolism and energy expenditure of the body, ensuring its vital activity in conditions of thermoregulatory (in conditions of cooling up to 300%), emotional (40-90%), food and work loads. * Group I - mental workers kcal; * Group II - workers of mechanized labor and the service sector kcal; * Group III - workers of moderately hard labor associated with significant physical effort kcal; * IV group - workers of heavy, non-mechanized labor kcal; * Group V - workers of very hard physical labor kcal; Nutrition is the process of intake, digestion, absorption and assimilation by the body of nutrients necessary to compensate for energy expenditure, build and restore cells and tissues of the body, implement and regulate body functions.

Efficiency - ratio mechanical energy to all the energy expended on the work, expressed as a percentage. At physical labor human = 16 to 25%. The coefficient of physical activity is the degree of energy expenditure for various physical activities = the ratio of total energy expenditure for all types of activities per day to the value of basal metabolism. According to this principle, men are divided into 5 groups, and women into 4 groups.

1. Food must provide sufficient energy to the body, taking into account age, gender, physiological state and type of work. 2. Food should contain the optimal number and ratio of various components for synthesis processes in the body (the plastic role of nutrients in).

The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates = 1: 1.2: 4.5. Protein g, as much fat, 400 g of carbohydrates. The proportion of sugars should not exceed 10-12% of carbohydrates in the daily diet, which corresponds to d. In adults, the main thing is carbohydrates. From the age they reduce calorie content by 15%, At 70 years old - by 30%. The ratio is 1.0:0.8:3.5. High need for vitamins and minerals. Daily vitamin C 0.5 g 3 times a day, dairy and vegetable food, ballast substances, optimal culinary processing of food.

3. The food ration should be adequately distributed throughout the day. Dividing the daily ration into 3-5 meals at intervals of 4-5 hours 3 meals a day breakfast - 30%, lunch - 45%, dinner 25%. Eat dinner 3 hours before bed. Eating is not

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References: Pokrovsky, V.M., Korotko, G.F. Human physiology. M.: Mir, 2009-478 p. Babsky, E.B. Human physiology. M.: Medicine, 2006-624 p. Knowledge base on human biology [Electronic resource] / Ed. A.A. Alexandrova - Electron. Dan. - M.: LLC "Light-telecom", 2001. - Access mode:, free. - Zagl. from the screen.- Yaz. Russian

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Fat metabolism Fats are part of a large group of organic compounds - lipids, so the concept of "fat metabolism" and "lipid metabolism" are synonymous. About 70 grams of fats of animal and vegetable origin enter the body of an adult per day. In the oral cavity, the breakdown of fats does not occur, since saliva does not contain enzymes for the breakdown of fats. Partial breakdown of fats into components (glycerol, fatty acids) begins in the stomach, but this process is slow for the following reasons: in the gastric juice of an adult, the activity of the enzyme for splitting fats (lipase) is very low acid-base balance in the stomach is not optimal for action of this enzyme in the stomach there are no conditions for emulsification (splitting into small droplets) of fats, and lipase actively breaks down fats only as part of a fat emulsion.

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Violation of fat metabolism. The physicochemical properties of fat in the human body depend on the type of fat ingested with food. For example, if a person's main source of fat is vegetable oils (corn, olive, sunflower), then the fat in the body will be more liquid. If fats of animal origin (mutton, pork fat) predominate in human food, then fats more similar to animal fat (solid consistency with high temperature melting).

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Metabolism. Norms and diet. Completed by: Biology teacher Ismailova V.V.

Metabolism (metabolism) - a set of chemical reactions in living organisms that ensure their growth, development, life processes.

Metabolism (Metabolism and energy) Plastic metabolism (assimilation) is the synthesis of organic substances (carbohydrates, fats, proteins), with the expenditure of energy. Energy metabolism (dissimilation) - the breakdown of organic substances, with the release of energy. The final breakdown products are carbon, water, and ATP.

Metabolism The process takes place in 3 phases: Preparatory phase Main phase Final phase

Preparatory phase Plastic exchange Energy exchange Synthesis of intermediate substances from low molecular weight substances (organic acids) Breakdown of complex energy substances into simple ones under the action of digestive enzymes. Proteins Amino acids Fats Glycerol and fatty acids Starch Glucose

The main phase Plastic metabolism Energy metabolism Synthesis of "building blocks" from intermediate compounds (amino acids, fatty acids, monosaccharides) Glucose undergoes cleavage. Glucose PVC + E

The final phase Plastic metabolism Energy metabolism Synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, fats from "building blocks". Cleavage is subjected to PVC PVC carbon dioxide + hydrogen

Protein metabolism 1) Under the action of digestive tract enzymes (pepsin, trypsin), proteins are broken down into amino acids. 2) Amino acids go to the liver, where excess amino acids lose their nitrogen and turn into fats and carbohydrates. 3) Proteins of the body are built from amino acids in cells.

Essential amino acids Valine (meat, mushrooms, dairy and grain products) Isoleucine (chicken, liver, eggs, fish) Leucine (meat, fish, nuts) Lysine (fish, eggs, meat, beans) Methionine (milk, beans, fish, beans)

6) Threonine (dairy, eggs, nuts) 7) Tryptophan (bananas, dates, chicken, dairy products) 8) Phenylalanine (beef, fish, eggs, milk) 9) Arginine (pumpkin seeds, beef, pork, sesame) 10 ) Histidine (beef, chicken, lentils, salmon)

Functions of proteins: Structural-plastic Support Catalytic Protective Transport Energy Anti-toxic

Fat metabolism Under the action of bile and lipase, fats break down into fatty acids and glycerol. Enters fat depots and cells through the lymphatic system. Used as a spare substance and building material.

Functions of fats Structural-plastic Regulatory Heat-insulating Energy

Carbohydrate metabolism Under the action of the enzymes amylase, maltase, ptyalin, carbohydrates are decomposed into glucose and simple carbohydrates. The decay products enter the liver through the blood vessels. In the liver, the excess is converted into glycogen, and the rest is distributed among the cells of the body.

Functions of carbohydrates Structural-plastic Protective Energy

Water-salt metabolism Neither water nor mineral salts are sources of energy, but they are necessary for the implementation of the most important functions of the body.

Water is necessary for the normal course of many physiological processes: it is a solvent, takes part in the formation of the structure of organic molecules, performs transport functions, participates in temperature regulation, and participates in hydrolysis reactions of various substances. Minerals determine osmotic pressure, are involved in the conduction of nervous excitation, in muscle contractions, and blood coagulation.

Elements of mineral salts Macronutrients Calcium Ca Potassium K Sodium Na Phosphorus P Chlorine Cl Microelements Iron Fe Cobalt Co Zinc Zn Fluorine F Iodine J

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Metabolism and energy in the body

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Metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

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