Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Explanation of the proverb work feeds and laziness spoils. Laziness spoils, and labor feeds: physical and moral aspects. Ideas for a school essay. What will happen to a person if he is lazy

Target: To consolidate the concepts of diligence, responsibility, for the task assigned, respect for the work of a person.


Educational: Helping students understand the importance of work.Explain that only work gives prosperity.

Developing: The development of memory, thinking based on the analysis of works of art, proverbs. Development creativity students.

Educational: Education of diligence, positive personality traits.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.
Forms of organization of cognitive activity : frontal, individual, collective, group, game.

Concepts: labor, industriousness, industrious, laziness.

Preliminary work: learning poems, preparing a scene; reading fiction; homework: find proverbs about work; production of multi-colored apples from cardboard.

Resources: Laptop, presentation, multimedia projector; tablets with parts of proverbs; task cards; costumes of a pharmacist, a lazy person; crossword; a tree drawn on whatman paper, apples made of red, yellow, green cardboard.The "Ladder of Success" is drawn on A4 sheet. Set of little men, memos of a hardworking schoolboy.

Lesson progress

I. Org. moment.

Guys, I am very pleased to see you in good mood in class. I hope that you will work in class with interest, be attentive and active.

Before starting our lesson, let's remember the rules of conduct that we must observe.Slide number 2

Educator: A desk is not a bedStudent 1: And you can't lie on it.Educator: You sit at your desk harmoniously,Student 2: And behave with dignityEducator: Don't talk in classStudent 3: Like a foreign parrot.Student 4: The teacher will ask you to stand up.Educator: When he allows you to sit down, sit down.Educator: If you want to answer - do not make noise,Student 5: But just raise your hand!

II. Introduction to the topic. "Tree of Achievements".

Look at our tree. What is it?(Without fruits). So that there would be fruits on the tree, what should be done?(Care, water, loosen the soil).

The fruits from this tree are in envelopes. They are different colors. On red apples write your permanent duties, on yellow ones - the work that is done at the request of adults, on green apples - the one that you never do:

I go to the store for bread.

Walking with dog.

I clean up after the cat.

I feed the animals.

I remove the bird cage.

I water the flowers.

I'm sweeping the floor.


I take out the trash.

Cleaning up in my corner (tidying up)

I make my bed.

I am washing the dishes.

It’s hard for me to force myself: to sit down for lessons, start cleaning, start any housework.

Attach your apples to the tree. What conclusion can be drawn:

“A tree is red with fruits, but a man with deeds” . Slide number 3

How do you understand the meaning of the proverb? (If you work well, with soul, conscientiously, diligently, and the result will be of high quality, rather than a blunder and you're done.)

Guys, we start our lesson with a proverb, not by chance,throughout the lesson we will often use proverbs, "A proverb does not say against the wind."

Let's evaluate the situation in our group. And let everyone ask themselves the question: “How hardworking am I?”. "Is my workplace, party? Is it always a blank slate? "Is the class always clean?".

Many guys, without reminders, take a broom and sweep the floor, take a rag - and wash the board, clean up candy wrappers thrown by someone, garbage. And others, let's not name names today, say: "But this is not me ... But this is not mine ...".

III. Topic message.

Who guessed what we will talk about in class?(about labor)

Let's define the topic of the lesson, and a proverb will help us with this, pick up the missing word: "... it feeds a person, but laziness spoils."(Children collect a proverb) Slide №.4,5

How do you understand this proverb?(A person who works will earn money, and a lazy person does nothing)

Now, let's set the objectives of the lesson.(Learn new things on the topic, repeat the material covered and consolidate existing knowledge)

IV . Work on the topic.

So, labor is the main necessity on earth. Everything we have, we owe to work.What is industriousness? What is laziness? What are the cures for laziness? So what kind of hardworking person is he? We will talk about all this in class today.

1. Acquaintance with concepts. Slide number 6

In our lesson we will often hear the words:

Work - a type of activity, the result of which is fixed in material and spiritual values.

industriousness - love for work moral quality manifested in the desire to work.

Hardworking - loves to work.

Laziness - lack of desire to act, to work, a tendency to idleness.

2. Practical task "Qualities of a hardworking person." Slide number 7

Now I will distribute cards to each of you, where the qualities of a person are written. You need to choose and emphasize the qualities that a hardworking person should have.



    good faith


    Strength of will


    Ability to work




- How can you call those who do not want to do anything?

idler, loafer, loafer, lazybones. Slide number 8

How do society treat lazy people? (They don't like it)

Why?(Lazy people want to drink, eat, dress, but they don’t like to do it with their own labor. It means that others work for him.)

- The reason for everything bad is laziness. Laziness generates many negative moral character traits. What do you think?

- indiscipline because too lazy to follow the rules and follow the laws;

- indecision because to make a decision is a great work, sincere, emotional, strong-willed;

- irresponsibility because it is also a lot of work to be responsible for your own and other people's actions.

- envy , do not rejoice in the success of your comrades.

Guys, what qualities do you have, a lazy or hardworking person?

4. Dramatization "The Tale of Laziness".

(Characters: loafer, pharmacist)

We prepared for the lesson, worked:

read literary works about working people, their professions;

We got acquainted with proverbs and sayings about labor, drew pictures;

Learned skits and poems.

Now the guys will show us the scene “The Tale of Laziness”:

Loafer: (Yavorskaya K.) Give me a remedy for laziness, for I can, but I don’t want to.

Apothecary: (Pavlenko R.)

There is a fragrant rubbing from mosquito bites,
There is a mixture for sneezing, swallowed - and be healthy
There is a medicine for migraine, but no medicine for laziness.


It would be nice if this tool were invented as soon as possible,
So that all lazy people from childhood can take it
If this medicine appeared, I would buy two packages.
No, not two, but as many as three are needed, don’t say.


Who knows how to live by the clock and appreciates every hour,
You don't have to wake him up ten times in the morning.
And he will not say that he is too lazy to get up,
Do exercises, wash your hands and make the bed.
He will have time to get dressed on time, wash and eat,
And before the bell rings, sit down at the school desk.

Guys, what do you think, do you need a cure for laziness?(No, it depends on the person himself)

IV . Fizminutka.

Let's not be lazy, let's be cheerful and cheerful. Let's move a little.

What is physical education? Training and play.
What is physical education? Phys. and kul, and that and ra
Hands up, hands down - this is physical.
We twist the neck, as if the steering wheel is a sack.
Dexterously jump in height - this is the one.
Run half an hour in the morning - this is ra.
Take care of this business
You will become strong, dexterous, courageous.
Plus a good figure
That's what physical education means.

V . Work with proverbs.

It's time to remember folk wisdom, proverbs about laziness and diligence.In the Russian people, children were taught to work from early childhood. Proverbs and sayings about labor acted as the rules of labor behavior. Now we will check how you know proverbs about work.

    D / I "Pick a proverb for the picture." (Group work)

I would like to offer you thisgame: "Pick a proverb for the picture." Group assignment: I will give each group a card. These cards illustrate proverbs that have come to us for a long time, they are about laziness and hard work, but the trouble is, the proverbs are mixed up, you must pick up proverbs for illustrations and read them aloud in turn:

Grow up and get to work.

Collect a berry - you will collect a box.

I want to eat, but I don't want to climb.

To eat a fish, you have to get into the water.

Work is not a wolf in the forest will not leave.

Lazy sitting sleeping, lying down working.

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

Who does not work shall not eat.

Why is the cat smooth? - Ate, and on the side.

Hurry up and make people laugh.

You can't even catch a fish from a pond without effort.

You love to ride, love to carry sleds.

VI . Solving the crossword puzzle. Slide #9

Let's try to guess the crossword puzzle and find out where the lazy one was driven from under the stick.

    What scares a lazy person more when you have to wash your face in the morning?(Shower)

    Which of the ratings is most often in the diary of a quitter?(Deuce)

    What state does the lazy person like the most?(Dream)

    What is the main character trait of a lazy person?(Laziness)

    What replaces a lazy bed in a lesson?(Desk)

    Where are the lazy ones driven from under the stick?(To school)

Tell me, how do lazy children live in our school?(Lazy schoolchildren get bored in class, study poorly. They don’t like to write cleanly in notebooks, read books.) - Can they be entrusted with the task?(They do not want to carry out any assignments. They do not develop the habit of working, helping others in business.)

Studying is hard work.

(Abolmasova Christina reads a quatrain)

Our work today is education. Are we ashamed to show our work? So you will try to do the work Let it be four, but better five.

VII . Eye movement exercise. Slide #10

- Let's take a break, let's do an oculomotor exercise. Follow the movement of objects on the picture-slide.

VIII . "Rules of the industrious schoolboy".

What is the right remedy for laziness?(Work)

What does the expression "the house is the face of the owner" mean?(The house is always judged by the people who live in it. If the house is clean, then clean, thrifty, hardworking, diligent people live here)

What kind of house do good, hardworking owners have? (Good hosts have a warm, hospitable, cozy house.)

You always want to come to such a house, because a benevolent atmosphere reigns in it. Probably every person strives to have such a house. Everyone can achieve this, but the bricks of your house must be laid now. He who has learned to do a lot himself will never be a burden to others and will not be helpless.

And now let's look at the rules of a hardworking student. Slide #11

1. Make your bed beautifully and do it every morning.

2. After class, put away books and other study materials in their place.

3. If you see garbage, pick up the garbage, wipe off the dust.

4. Watch your things, clean shoes.

5. Take care of indoor plants.

Guys, so that you do not forget the rules, take the memo of a hardworking student.(Reminders as a gift).

IX . Watching the cartoon "Finnish folk tale about labor."

Slide number 12.

Take a close look at Finnish folk tale about work, and then answer the questions.(Viewing a fairy tale).

I think everyone understood well what this tale has to do with the topic of the lesson.

Who is this story about?(about a guy who thought he would be rich without doing anything).

What made him think so?(the words of his dying father, which the guy took the wrong way) .

Did the guy finally understand what to do to live richly?(understood after the old man pointed out to him that he needed to do everything that his dying father had ordered him to do himself, with his own hands).

Did the old man listen?(he listened, began to do everything as the old man said, began to work diligently and accumulated wealth, began to live - to live even richer than before).

- What does labor give a person?(Work gives joy, well-being, health. If you work well, then you will be treated well)

What conclusion can be drawn from the story?(The work of a person paints, and idleness disfigures him. Only in work can you show all your best qualities. Without labor, a person will rust and get sick)

In our time, a person in society is valued for his work. Work is a source of joy and pleasure. Man's well-being depends on labor. We know how happy people are who can do a lot with their hands, and how unhappy and helpless those who have learned nothing.

X . Reflection. Slide #12

Well, we end our conversation. And it remains for us to summarize: look at the next picture of the slide and read:

Remember that hard work is the source of all blessings. Spiritual and material. Only by working will you achieve everything that you now dream of, or will dream of in the future.This is confirmed by the proverb “As are the works, such are the fruits.” And let this apple tree become a symbol of hard work and let us not forget what makes a person beautiful.

Let's be hardworking!

What feelings or emotions did you experience today? What do you remember the most? What did you like very much and what not so much?

Thank you for being active in class. I will ask you to complete one more task, evaluate your work using the "Ladder of Success" technique. Select a step and attach a little man.Slide number 13

If you think that:

You did not succeed, then the little man on the bottom step;

You had problems then on the middle step;

You succeeded, then on the top step.

Ask yourself the question: “What did I learn new in class today, and what do I need to achieve my goal? And let each of you draw a conclusion for himself - what to work on.

Thank you for your work!Slide number 14

Perhaps yes, I suppose they bring it to the point that at least drop it.
Perhaps yes, somehow they will not bring to good.
Perhaps I suppose my own brother.
The string bag twists the rope, probably tightens the loop.
Avoskal, avoskal, yes, and did an avoskal.
Arshin and caftan and two for patches.
Oh, yes, swing your hand - and you can’t cross the river on that.
Oh and oh - not accomplices.
The bins will not be filled with fables.
You will not be full of fables.
Idleness is the mother of vices.
Idleness is the sister of disease.
To the careless, everything is tryn-grass: he went for nothing, brought nothing.
A knee-deep beard, and not a log of firewood.
Walks like a blind man over a fence.
To brehat - not to wave an ax, he lied - and he rested.
There would be mowing, but frost came.
In the rain, the huts are not covered, and they do not drip into the bucket.
There is dirt in the room - even this turnip.
They go into the forest, and take one ax for three.
There are flaws in the arable land, and there are holes in the caftan.
In the hands of others, everything is easy.
If you pour it in buckets, you won’t collect it in drops.
You can see the slob by the dirty shirt.
With a fork - that of food 1, and with a spoon - that of a net.
Crush water in a mortar - and there will be water.
Indeed, Danilo was pecking, but it was pecking at random.
All and remove from him - what a spoon to sweat.
Wherever you work, just don't work.
Where there are many words, there is little deed.
Wherever he lives, he will not make good.
Eyes with a veil, a mouth with a yawn.
A year has not passed, and already finished.
Chasing a fly with a butt.
Chasing like a bear after sparrows.
The upper room is good, but the windows are crooked.
Walking is not a miracle, lazy to work.
Give me an egg, and even a peeled one.
He does not do business and does not run away from business.
Those who did - laughed, and those who did - weep.
They won’t force you to do it, but they won’t put you there.
To do is not me, to work is not me, but there is jelly - no against me.
Do it through the sleeves.
It's not a bear - it won't go into the forest.
A matter of idleness.
A long thread is a lazy seamstress.
For a lazy horse and the arc is a burden.
The peasants took a walk: there is neither bread nor flour.
Long sleep - no good to be seen.
Long sleep - with a duty to get up.
The day is long until the evening, if there is nothing to do.
They danced that they were left without bread.
The mountain was sulking in childbirth, and a mouse gave birth.
Knead him and put it in his mouth.
He is too lazy to be lazy, and not just move.
If you mow with your tongue, your back will not get tired.
He eats with his hands, but works with his belly.
There are kalachi - do not sit on the stove.
I would go to fight, but I'm too lazy to get up.
Drove straight, but fell into a hole.
Still in diapers, and laziness from a calf.
It lives like a bird of the sky: it does not sow, it does not reap.
Belly and head - lazy people always have an excuse.
We reap early and sow late.
Everything is taken, but not everything succeeds.
Over the sea - on spruce cones.
Winter caught in a summer dress: but we looked forward to, and there will be no winter.
Clinging to a stump, he stood all day.
And ready, yes stupidly.
And the fool knows the holidays, but does not remember everyday life.
And the stone is overgrown with moss.
And we will eat and dance, but we will not plow the arable land.
Play is play, but business is business.
Out of hand is bad.
Do not feed another with bread, just do not drive from the oven.
He is looking for where Shrovetide for forty years and small holidays for three years.
It is easy to rake wood chips to the finished fire.
There is no need for an empty castle hut.
If the peasant had not been lying on the stove, he would have equipped ships overseas.
Like a beetle digs in manure.
How chickens roam.
Like a lazy horse: whatever you hit, you ride away.
Like a bear in the forest bends the arc.
How to go hunting, and feed the dogs.
Like an elephant loitering.
How a dog catches flies.
Call me whatever you want, just feed me bread.
As through a stump deck.
The nag carries water, and the goat shakes his beard.
Whips viet yes dogs beats.
A horse with a stumble and a man with a hitch - they won't overstrain.
The cow is in the yard, and the water is on the table.
Whoever sleeps for a long time cannot save money.
Whoever yawns sips water.
Who mow, and we ask for hay.
The chicken is in the nest, the testicles are nowhere to be found, and you are already in the hunting row to trade in chickens.
Grandfather handled the ax handle, shortened it and on the alert and turned.
Lazy bokeh and the sun does not rise at the right time.
Lie down, my tow, at least for a whole week.
Lie on your side and look at the Oka.
He lies - he can't, but he won't say what hurts.
It is good to send a lazy person for death.
The lazy and the mushroom bow is not worth it.
Lazy and lazy laziness.
A lazybones and a slacker - two siblings.
Laziness does not do good, dines without salt.
Sloth is driven out by hunger.
In summer with a fishing rod - in winter with a handbag.
Famously lazy until the summer, and there sleep and lie down.
People reap, and we run from the field.
People are for business, and we are for idleness.
People plow, and we wave our hands.
People work and he sweats.
People from the bazaar, and Nazar to the bazaar.
Klim smears the cart, goes to the Crimea for turnips.
A small deed is better than a big idleness.
Master - from a cup with a spoon.
A lot of sweat, but little use.
Sleep a lot - live a little: what is overslept is lived.
Threshing - so from the edge, but at the table - so it will climb into the corner.
We are not afraid of work, we will not go to work.
I rubbed corns on my teeth.
To your laziness there will be another day tomorrow.
On the stove all red summer.
I went to the stove for firewood.
To work - sideways, and from work - lope.
In words, he will swim across the Volga, but in reality - not through a puddle.
We would like to plow so as not to fill the calluses.
You have worked enough - grab a spoon, and a lazy person - go to bed without dinner.
Without taking up the ax, you will not cut down the hut.
Not for horse food.
Hands are not given to hang out for nothing.
Don't blame your neighbor when you sleep until noon.
Do not pour from empty to empty.
Not the oven feeds, but the cornfield.
Doesn't dance - it snaps like that.
Not in the rain: let's stand and wait.
Do not teach idleness, teach needlework.
Neither shaky nor roll, nor to the side.
Neither the Swiss, nor the reaper, nor the dudu player.
Neither sew nor flog.
One does not pull, and the other is not lucky.
One on the bottom, seven on the cart shouting: "Don't fill up!"
One plows, and seven wave their hands.
Yell - do not plow.
From the yard to the barn - half a day, from the barn to the yard - it's time to have dinner.
Overgrown with moss from laziness.
Because the cart began to sing, because it had not eaten tar for a long time.
To the shepherd to doze - so the herd cannot be seen.
Transfer the awl to soap.
Water does not flow under a lying stone.
Went for oil, and went out in the oven.
Work is with the teeth, and laziness is with the tongue.
Work accumulates strength, and laziness drowns it.
Works without hands.
The working horse is on straw, and the idler is on oats.
Early birds drink dew, and late birds shed tears.
He bridled early, but left late.
From the mountain - far away, up the mountain - high, but it's better not to.
You will lead with a loafer - you will gain grief.
With clumsiness, the hands do not hurt.
Thoughtfully conceived, but done without the mind.
He puts pies in the oven, and takes out tires for pots.
The slave beats herself, if she does not reap cleanly.
He knocked down, knocked together - here is the wheel, sat down and drove off - oh, good! I looked back - some knitting needles are lying.
He did the deeds: neither a sleeve for a fur coat, nor a pipe for a jug.
Make it quick.
They sowed rye and mowed down quinoa.
Sit by the sea and wait for the weather.
Sitting - limp, sagging on the sides.
He sits with his hands clasped.
Say yes, point it out, put it in your mouth.
You can't thresh a sheaf with folded hands.
Sweep the case on a live thread.
First a match, then a buildup, and then a fever.
Sleep, sleep, but there is no time to rest.
Shoot from a cannon at sparrows.
He cooks from day to night, but there is nothing to eat.
He ground for three days, and ate it in one and a half.
The drone does not carry honey.
A lazy owner will also steal boots from his feet.
The lazy spinner has no shirt for himself.
His laziness has made a nest in his bosom.
To kill the day and not see the night.
It would be nice to plow, but not to dirty your hands.
It’s good to plow on the stove, but it’s cool to wrap.
I want to eat a fish, but I don’t want to climb into the water.
Sewing - I won’t sew, but I’ll be able to rip.

1 That is, a fishing rod.


Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

  • - Human anatomy from fertilization to adulthood...

    Atlas of human anatomy

  • - Scientific justification for laziness, unwillingness to work...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - Wed. Paupertas omnes artes perdocet, ubi quem attigit. Plaut. Stich, 1, 3, 24. Cf. Πενία αυτοδίδακτος. Self-taught trouble. Diogeniana. See the troubles of man teach wisdom. See the need ride...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Poverty teaches, but happiness spoils. Wed Paupertas omnes artes perdocet, ubi quem attigit. Plaut. Stich. 1, 3, 24. Cf. Πενία αὐτοδίδακτος. Per. The trouble is self-taught. Diogeniana. See A person's troubles teach wisdom...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - See SUFFICIENCY -...
  • - Will and a good wife spoils ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The will and goodness of a peasant spoils. See WILL - CUSTODY Will and a good wife spoils ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see. Will destroys, captivity torments ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WORK -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The stock does not spoil the bag ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Because of a penny, yes, the ruble spoils ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see. Kissel does not spoil the teeth ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - You can't do a job without spoiling ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The plow feeds, but the bow spoils ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see Order does not impoverish ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see Account friendship is not a hindrance ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

"Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils." in books




From the book Life in the Depths of Ages author Trofimov Boris Alexandrovich

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Work ennobles a person

From the book One Life - Two Worlds author Alekseeva Nina Ivanovna

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This is how God feeds!

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Laziness, but laziness! Who are your parents?

From the book Lucky Beginner's Guide, or the Vaccine Against Laziness author Igolkina Inna Nikolaevna

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Activity and work. Labor as proper “work” and universal labor

From the book Marxist Philosophy in the 19th century. Book one (From the emergence of Marxist philosophy to its development in the 50s - 60s of the XIX century) by the author

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From the book The Big Book of Wisdom author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Laziness See also "Work is idleness", "Labor" Lazy person: a person who does not pretend to work. Alphonse Allais * We are more willing to admit to laziness than to our other shortcomings; we inspired ourselves that it, without causing great damage to other virtues, only moderates them

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Chapter 1. Work and labor in human life

Laziness is a sign of human intelligence

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Labor is the main human resource

From the book Key to the Subconscious. Three magic words - the secret of secrets by Anderson Youell

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The word that sin spreads darkness throughout a person’s being, corrupts his mind, disfigures and poisons knowledge and predisposes the sinner to madness

From the book On Sin and Its Consequences author Religious Studies Author unknown -

The word that sin spreads darkness throughout a person's being, spoils his mind, disfigures and poisons knowledge and predisposes the sinner to madness. 1:17 The very first of the deceptions by which the infernal serpent

Theme: "Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils."

Target: education of positive personality traits.

Tasks: 1. Help children understand the meaning of work.

2. Develop memory, thinking based on the analysis of proverbs.

3. Cultivate industriousness independence.

Course progress.

I Org. moment.

Guys, I am very pleased to see you all at the lesson. You are all in a good mood. I hope that you will work well in class, be attentive and active.

II Introductory conversation.

Listen carefully to the poem and say what it is about?

The table you are sitting at

The bed you sleep in

Notebook, boots, a pair of skis,

Plate, fork, knife….

And every nail, and every house,

And every slice of bread

All this is created by labor,

It didn't fall from the sky.

For everything that is created for us,

We are grateful to people.

The time will come, the time will come

And we will work.

What is the poem about?(about labor)

Who guessed what we will talk about in class?(about labor)

III Main part.

Let's read the topic of the lesson: "Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils"

How do you understand this proverb?(A person who works will earn money, and a lazy person does nothing)

In our lesson we will often hear the words:

Work - a type of activity, the result of which is fixed in material and spiritual values.

industriousness - love of work, moral quality, manifested in the desire for work.

Hardworking - loves to work.

Laziness - lack of desire to act, to work, a tendency to idleness.

The story "Two plows".

I want to start our conversation with little story K.D. Ushinsky, which is called "Two plows". Listen carefully and then answer the questions.

Two plows were made from the same piece of iron in the same workshop. One of them fell into the hands of a farmer and immediately went to work; while the other spent a long time and completely uselessly lying around in the merchant's shop. It happened some time later that the two countrymen met again. The farmer's plow shone like silver, and was even better than when he had just left the workshop; the plow, which had lain idle in the shop, darkened and covered with rust.

Tell me, please, why are you so shiny? asked the rusty plow of his old acquaintance.

From work, my dear, - he answered. - And if you have rusted and become worse than you were, it is because all this time you have been lying on your side, doing nothing.

I think everyone understood well how this story relates to the topic of the lesson.

Why did the plow that came to the farmer shine like silver?(Because he worked hard)

What happened to the plow that lay idle?(It has darkened and rusted)

Who do you think this story is about? Who does Ushinsky mean when he talks about plows?(Worker and lazy)

What conclusion can be drawn from listening to the story?(The labor of a person paints, and idleness disfigures him. Only in labor can you show all your best qualities. Without labor, a person will rust and get sick)

2. Discussion of literary works.

Guys, you all read stories, fairy tales. Name me works that tell about hardworking and lazy heroes?(Tales "Frost", "Cinderella", "Two Frosts", E. Permyak "Pichugin Bridge")

How are lazy people treated? ( They don't like it)

Why? (Lazy people want to drink, eat, dress, but they don’t like to do it with their own labor. It means that others work for him.)

What does labor give a person?(Work gives joy, well-being, health. If you work well, then you will be treated well)

In our time, a person in society is valued for his work. Work is a source of joy and pleasure. Man's well-being depends on labor. We know how happy people are who can do a lot with their hands, and how unhappy and helpless those who have learned nothing.

3. Practical task for students.

Now I will distribute leaflets to each of you, where the qualities of a person are written. You need to mark "+" those qualities that a hardworking person should have.



good faith


Ability to force yourself


Ability to work

4. Proverbs.

In the Russian people, children were taught to work from early childhood. Proverbs and sayings about labor acted as the rules of labor behavior. Now we will check how you know proverbs about work.

The game "Tell the proverb."

See the trees in their fruits, but people ......(look in deeds)

Patience and hard work...(everything will be crushed)

Under a lying stone ... .. ( and no water flows

Small business...(better than a big idleness)

Don't rush your tongue....(hurry up)

Do you like to ride...(love to carry sleds)

I’m doing time…. (fun hour)

Look for a bride not in a round dance ......(and in the garden)

A person gets sick from laziness, but ....(Healthy from work)

The lazy Fedorka always has ... ..(excuses)

A slacker that is barren…..(wood)

Now read the proverb and explain its meaning.

Do not sit idly by - there will be no boredom. (If we do something, then the time will pass quickly and we will not be bored)

There would be a hunt - work will go well. (For any work you need to take on with a desire and then everything will work out)

5. Dramatization "The Tale of Laziness"

(characters: loafers, pharmacist)

Loafers: Give us a remedy for laziness, for I can, but I don’t want to.

Apothecary: There is a fragrant rubbing from mosquito bites,

There is a mixture for sneezing, swallowed - and be healthy

There is a medicine for migraine, but no medicine for laziness.

Lazy person: It would be nice if this tool were invented as soon as possible,

So that all lazy people from childhood can take it

If this medicine appeared, I would buy two packages.

No, not two, but as many as three are needed, don’t say.

Apothecary: Who knows how to live by the clock and appreciates every hour,

You don't have to wake him up ten times in the morning.

And he will not say that he is too lazy to get up,

Do exercises, wash your hands and make the bed.

He will have time to get dressed on time, wash and eat,

And before the bell rings, sit down at the school desk.

Guys, what do you think, do you need a cure for laziness?(No, it depends on the person himself)

Look at the picture.(Illustration of a lazy person)

Who do you think it is? What does a lazy person look like?


Let's not be lazy, let's be cheerful and cheerful. Let's move a little.

What is physical education? Training and play.

What is physical education? Phys. and kul, and that and ra

Hands up, hands down - this is physical.

We twist the neck, as if the steering wheel is a sack.

Deftly jump high - this is the one.

Run for half an hour in the morning - this is ra.

Take care of this business

You will become strong, dexterous, courageous.

Plus a good figure

That's what physical education means.

6. Guess the crossword.

Let's try to guess the crossword puzzle and find out where the lazy one was driven from under the stick.

What scares a lazy person more when you have to wash your face in the morning?(Shower)

Which of the ratings is most often in the diary of a quitter?(Deuce)

What state does the lazy person like the most?(Dream)

What is the main character trait of a lazy person?(Laziness)

What replaces a lazy bed in a lesson?(Desk)

Where are the lazy ones driven from under the stick?(To school)

Lazy schoolchildren are bored in the classroom, they study poorly. They do not want to carry out any assignments, do not like to cleanly write in notebooks, read books. They do not cultivate the habit of working, helping others in business. Lazy children want to live the way one student dreamed about it from B. Zakhoder's poem "Petya is dreaming."

If soap came

In the morning to my bed

And I myself would have soap,

It would be nice!

If books and notebooks

Learned to be okay

They knew all their places -

That would be beauty!

That would be life then!

Know, walk, and rest!

Then my mother would stop

Say I'm lazy!

Tell me, will Petya's dreams ever come true?(No, why? (A person needs to do everything himself: wash, work, and then everything will be all right with him)

Listen to another poem.

If you lay in bed for a long time,

If you didn't have time to learn the lessons,

If you refused to help your mother,

So, you are seriously ill with laziness.

Laziness can be infected from each other,

Laziness is sticky, like glue or resin,

And there is one medicine - to work,

So that laziness does not find the way to you.

What is the right remedy for laziness?(Work)

What does the expression "the house is the face of the owner" mean?(The house is always judged by the people who live in it. If the house is clean, then clean, thrifty, hardworking, diligent people live here)

Showing a picture with a room where everything is lying around.

What kind of people live here?(Lazy, dirty)

Listen carefully to G. Mamlin's poem "Seryozha is looking for a pencil."

Today in the house is jumble:

Seryozha is looking for a pencil.

I put it in the sideboard

Who touched my pencil?

We have no order in the house! -

He told his mother strictly

Armed with poker

For the search for Seryozha

And for starters, he kicked

Kitten kicked in the hallway

Searched in the closet, stood on a chair

lay down on the floor,

He looked under the sofas

He brushed a vase off the shelf

And he scratched the table.

Rose in the house a hurricane

The suitcase fell from the closet,

And rushed under the ceiling

Pillows, Brema thick volume,

Notebooks and newspapers and other items.

How did Seryozha look for a pencil?(He scattered everything)

Who suffered from his actions?

Will there be order in the house with such behavior of the boy?

Showing a picture of a room where everything is neatly tidied up.

What kind of people live here?(Neat, hardworking)

Good hosts have a warm, hospitable, comfortable home. You always want to come to such a house, because a benevolent atmosphere reigns in it. Probably every person strives to have such a house. Everyone can achieve this, but the bricks of your house must be laid now. He who has learned to do a lot himself will never be a burden to others and will not be helpless.

7. The rules of a hardworking student.

And now let's look at the rules of a hardworking student.

1. Make your bed beautifully and do it every morning.

2. After class, put away books and other study materials in their place.

3. If you litter - collect the garbage, wipe the dust.

4. Watch your things, clean shoes.

IV . Outcome.

What week did we have in the group last week?(Labor Week)

Who in the group can be called the most hardworking?

Who in the group can be called lazy?

Now we will reward the most hardworking.(A medal is hung)

Every morning people start from work. The student sits at a desk, the driver climbs into the cab, the worker stands at the machine. The student takes the book, because reading is also work. An office worker turns on a computer, a businessman makes a phone call, a housewife lights a stove, and a fisherman

Out to sea. Nobody is left idle. This is because labor is a natural occupation of man.

Labor provides a livelihood. Everything that a person has achieved, he has achieved through work. Cozy houses, beautiful clothes, delicious food, interesting entertainment - all these are the fruits of human labor.

In addition, it is not in vain that they say that work ennobles a person. This, of course, should be work for the soul, which brings joy. A person who works, feels cheerful and energetic, looks fit. “The earth is painted by the sun, and man's work” - such a saying goes among the people.

The industrious personality has the ability

And talent is not wasted. She gains the authority and respect of others. "A man is glorious by work" - so they say about it.

An active person is easy to distinguish from a lazy one. Since it is unnatural for a person to do nothing, the lazy and idle will not find a place for himself. He will be bored and “kill time”. He even gets tired of having fun someday.

The works of Russian classics describe nobles who did not need to work, but they did not become happier because of this. They didn't know where to apply themselves. “Where there is work, there is joy,” says the proverb, and the idler is deprived of this joy.

Let each of us find a job that suits him, and then his personality will develop.

Essays on topics:

  1. “Work feeds, but laziness spoils,” as they say among the people. Laziness is a state of reluctance to do something necessary and useful....
  2. Our life is a continuous work, because this is what the legend says, which were created many years, no, even centuries ago....
  3. Labor is a very important factor with which the whole life of every person is closely connected. Man works to provide for himself...