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Presentation of microbes for the senior group. Presentation on the topic "microbes". And say how many eyes he has

Alena Bogacheva
Presentation “Microbes. What or who is it?

Mom very often says that you need to wash your hands with soap after the street, be sure to wash fruits and vegetables before eating.

She warned that some bacteria would get into my body and microbes and I might get sick. I became interested. Why can I get sick? What is this microbes? How can they harm me? Where do they come from? Is that all microbes harm a person?

I've always wondered who these microbes and where they are if I don't see them at all. Maybe mom made it all up?

Name Microorganisms(microbes) derived from the Greek words micros- small and bios - life.

Microbes- very small and living creatures microorganisms include bacteria, yeast, microscopic fungi and algae.

Majority microorganisms are made up of one cell.

Microbes very, very small, smaller than the smallest insects.

In order to see microbes, we need a special device - microscope which magnifies objects hundreds of times. How to see for example microbes? If you put a drop of water on the glass microscope, then we will see microbes who live in it.

The droplet is so small, but how much is in it microbes! Among microbes there are our friends and enemies. With both, we must learn to behave properly in order to stay healthy.

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slide 2

Where there is dirt, microbes live. Small - not to see. There are a lot of them, microbes, It is impossible to count. Among microbes there are our friends and enemies. With both, we must learn to behave properly in order to stay healthy. Microbes are friends and enemies of man, so you should be extremely careful.

slide 3

Here is a drop of water, look how many microbes are on it! Can't you see anything? That's right, because the microbes are very small, less than a droplet, they are so easy not to see.

slide 4

Small, but remote microbes - friends and enemies of man. The size of microbes - friends and enemies of man is from thousandths to millionths of a millimeter, they can only be seen under a microscope.

slide 5

Smaller than mosquitoes and midges In many, many thousands of times. The darkness of invisible little animals Prefers to live in us. The microflora of the human body "weighs" up to 1.5 kg. Bacteria live on the skin, mucous membranes, in the organs of the digestive system, acting as our helpers and protectors. "Harmful" microbes - also feel very comfortable in our body, and when immunity is weakened, they completely "unbelt", provoking various diseases.

slide 6

Frequent hand washing for modern man not just a sign of good upbringing and accuracy. This simple procedure can protect against dangerous diseases, because it is through dirty hands that pathogenic microbes enter our body.

Slide 7

Washing hands according to certain rules is one of the better ways prevention, which requires only soap and warm water.

Slide 8

If we cut our nails short, there will not be a black border of dirt under them and, of course, the bacteria contained in it will not get inside us, and we will not get sick. The same can be said about a handkerchief. It is essential for coughing and sneezing. It is necessary to turn away and hide behind them so that germs do not fly to comrades.

Slide 9

Everyone knows that with scratches and cuts, you need to lubricate the wound with a disinfectant: alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or iodine, so as not to leave germs a chance.

Slide 10

If you eat or touch your mouth with dirty hands, Your stomach will definitely hurt from microbes.

slide 11

A good breeding ground for microbes are foods containing a lot of water (milk, broths), as well as meat, fish, etc.

slide 12

In crowded places (metro, public transport, supermarkets, concert and cinema halls) the number of microbes reaches 300 thousand per cubic meter.

slide 13

There are much fewer germs in the open air, so it is very useful to walk in the fresh air in the forest, in the park.

Slide 14

Most people are sure that microbes are only harmful and they should be destroyed by all available means: from washing hands to cleaning every square centimeter of the apartment. But it's not like there are many beneficial microbes.

Interactive game with children of primary preschool age

"Microbes around us"

Target: through an interactive game to introduce children to the concept of "Microbe".



1. Give an idea that various microbes live around us.

2. To introduce at a level accessible to children that microbes are different, they are very small and invisible.

3. Continue to acquaint children with the fact that microbes are harmful and cause disease.

4. Familiarize yourself with the fact that hygiene helps to defeat germs.


1. To develop children's attention, the ability to compare objects in appearance.

2. To develop the speech activity of children.


1. Raise the desire to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

2. Enrich children's emotional responsiveness.

Children sit on chairs near the interactive whiteboard. A voice sounds: “Do you recognize me? It's me, the microbe!"- oh who is it? - Have you heard? Is it a microbe? Do you know what microbes are? (children's answers with reflections)

Let's see how these microbes differ from each other?

(they are of different colors, different shapes, they have a different number of eyes).

Let's think and find houses for microbes.

Through reasoning, we find out

That microbes with one eye live in the first house,

The second with two eyes, and the third with three.

Children are asked to choose a microbe

And say how many eyes he has

And what house does he live in?

After choosing a child and the correct answer

The child clicks on the selected microbe

And he takes over his house.

- these microbes also fled, let's find out who escaped from where. With the help of reasoning, we find out that the houses of microbes differ in color. Children choose a microbe, name its color. After the correct answer, click on the selected microbe, and it finds its place.

Guys, have you ever seen microbes? A voice sounds: “We are small microbes. We are not visible. You won't find us"-Guys, we've all heard about microbes, but we've never seen them. Because they are very small. to see microbes special apparatus, which increases everything, makes it big.

Let's try to find out where the microbes are hiding? - I wonder where germs are hiding in the toilet? - in the toilet, on the walls, on the floor. -What do we do? Germs can make you sick. How can we be? After reasoning, we note that after visiting the toilet, you should wash your hands with soap and water.

Where do you think the germs are hiding in the playground? -What do we do? Germs can make you sick. How can we be? After the reasoning, we note that after the walk you need to wash your hands with soap and water. Where are the microbes hiding? Yes, microbes live in the snow too. These microbes can cause a stomach ache or a sore throat, a sore throat. -What do we do? That's right, you can't eat snow outside.

Look, room! Are there microbes here too? Children's guesses are heard. . -Guys, the room is collecting dust, dirt, which is very fond of microbes. -what to do? Children's reasoning. - It is right to clean the house, wipe the dust, wash the floor.

The voice of the microbe sounds: “We microbes are very fond of dirt. Ha ha ha!" - see germs live on our dirty hands, under our dirty nails. What can we do to help us get rid of and save ourselves from microbes? The reasoning of children, we bring children to hygiene products.

Yes, we need to keep cleanliness, and we have helpers. Children find on the slide a picture with a hygiene item, name it. When the image is clicked, a bell rings and the microbe disappears.-Look, all the germs are gone! And our assistants helped us: soap, washcloth, shampoo, water, towel, handkerchiefs. If we keep cleanliness, we are not afraid of any germs!

I got sick today
I have a cold
I have a lot to do today
I will do at home

Feed the cat a pill
I'll spit a little at the window,
I'll draw an airplane
I put the thermometer in the ice

I will cough and sneeze
In general, I will rest
I'm terribly glad
What is not needed in kindergarten

However, enough business!
Do you want to know the secret?
I have snot in my nose
Pests have arrived!

Not spies, not villains,
Not performers
And microbes are viruses!
Virus viruses

Influenza viruses
Very very ugly
Fast, agile
And disease-causing

Like cows in the fields
Viruses live in snot
Do not say anything,
And they make me sick

Talked a lot about them
Me our district doctor
Nikolay Ivanovich

(We called him
Because he is a freak
Wearing small glasses
And raspberry socks)

In general, viruses live
And sickness is created
Viruses give birth
Diseases multiply

Laughing merrily
are transmitted to everyone

Let's say you take a glass,
And from there Ivan drank
Or let's say Vovka
Drank soda

Basically, you're drunk.
And then hiccupped
And the virus is hiding
And dived into you

So it starts
sad picture:
Moves into you
Vovka's angina

Forget about exercise
hello temperature
You were excellent
And now - mustard plasters!

If after that
Kiss the cat
Maybe even a cat
get a little sick

Something scary like
Viral influenza
I thought for a long time, wondered
Why didn't I see
All these dangerous
Terrible viruses

Tabletkin explains to me,
What a mysterious microbe
He's terribly very small.
Only visible through a microscope

And now I clearly know
What kills germs:
This is pure water
And boiled food!

I also want to confess
Now I like to blow my nose
Here, look: oh-la-la!
Goodbye, snot!

Goodbye viruses

Who doesn't know about them
He dies right away!

Target :

To clarify the ideas of children, why a person is sick, that many diseases cause microbes and viruses. Introduce children to what they look like microbes how to avoid getting them into the human body.

Tasks :

Build the ability to talk about various ways protection of the body, to fix the rules for taking medications.

Strengthen the rules of personal hygiene

Develop speech, memory of children.

Develop a cognitive interest in the world around.

Cultivate interest in healthy lifestyle life; create a happy mood.

preliminary work :

looking at pictures, getting to know microscope reading to children books:

K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Aibolit", A. Borto "Dirty Girl",

Z. Petrova "Thank you charger", L. Zilberg “Because I take vitamins A, B, C.”

Material :

Projector, screen, presentation” Microbes and Viruses - Terrible pests". The text of the fairy tale Saveliev V. “Three microbe” A4 sheets of pencils for each child.

Lesson progress:

Microbes are different:

Terrible, dangerous

Scary and dirty

clumsy, perforated,

Nasty, contagious.

How ugly.

Have you guessed what we are going to talk about today?

Children's answers (O microbes)

Right about microbes. Let's talk about "Why do people get sick?" Tell me, by what signs can we guess that one of us is sick?

Sample responses from children : (fatigue, cough, sneezing, runny nose, headache, Bad mood, weakness).

Are you sick now? (children answer).

Why are we sick? (non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene)

What reason? (children's answers).

And who knows what is microbe?

I want to introduce you to the fairy tale “3 microbe” Saveliev Vladislav.

You listen, and then we'll figure out what it is- microbes?

After reading the story

Did you like the story

Who are the main characters in the story and what are their names?

What did they come up with microbes to get into the child's body?

What mistakes did the children make?

What were the children supposed to do to microbes could not get into their body?

What other personal hygiene practices do you know that can protect you from microbes?

« Microbe- this is a very dangerous villain,

He does not feel sorry for animals or people.

The cause of all terrible diseases - microbe,

And you can only see it in microscope».

People have long known about the existence of various diseases. Sometimes they got sick from each other, and sometimes just because they ate unwashed vegetables and fruits. Sometimes the disease affected the inhabitants of the whole city. But no one could say what is its cause, how the infection passes from person to person and how to protect yourself from it. This was the case until scientists invented microscope. And then the doctors saw those invisible poisoners that settle in the human body.

Microscope- a device with two magnifying lenses through which you can see microbes.

Consideration of slides, which are viruses, microbes.

These are the causative agents of diseases - germs or bacteria. We cannot see them with microscope. Despite its tiny size, microbes are insidious creatures. As soon as they get into the human body, they begin to rob and multiply there. A person becomes ill, he falls ill - sneezes, coughs, his temperature rises. As you know, no one likes to get sick. And the man declares war microbam - he(with the help of doctors, of course) starts to heal.

And how to be treated? What needs to be done for this? (children answer)

To microbes we didn’t overcome and we didn’t get sick, let’s do self-massage

Massage for the prevention of colds.

So that the throat does not hurt Movement through the text

We will stroke him boldly.

Not to cough, not to sneeze,

I need to rub my nose.

We will also rub the forehead,

We hold the palm with a visor.

"Fork" do it with your fingers

Massage your ears skillfully.

We know, we know yes - yes - yes, they rub their palms together

We are not afraid of a cold.

Well done guys, I think we are not afraid of a cold now.

Let's repeat the rules that will help us not get sick:

Do not drink raw water.

Do not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables.

Don't forget to wash your hands often with soap.


Ventilate the room.

To walk outside.

Do not wrap yourself in warm clothes.

Dress for the weather

Can you take medicine on your own? (children answer)

Did a great job!

Are you ready to play a game with me?

A game .

Rules of the game - if you agree with what I read, then you speak:

“This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!”.

1. In the morning and in the evening I wash my face and brush my teeth.

2. Keep my belongings clean.

3. I pick up everything from the ground and bring it to my mouth.

4. I wash my hands before eating.

5. Eat tasty but unhealthy food (chips, crackers).

6. I do gymnastics in the morning.

7. In cold weather, I go outside without a hat.

8. Eat healthy vegetables and fruits.

Are you tired? Let's take a break and stand in a circle on the carpet.

Physical education with breathing gymnastics:

"Get up quickly, smile".

Children follow the text poems:

Get up quickly, smile

Higher, higher stretch.

Come on, straighten your shoulders

Raise, lower.

Turned left, turned right

Touched hands with knees

Sit down - get up, sit down - get up

And they ran on the spot.

Now stop, stop breathing.

Right hand on chest, left hand on stomach:

deep inhale and exhale slowly, deep inhale and exhale sharply.

We warmed up, rested, let's test your imagination now.

I suggest you draw microbes. How do you imagine them.

Discussion: what drawing techniques to use, what colors


In order not to get sick and not meet with microbes, need to:

“Pick up your toys, help mom at home.

With a clean ear on the pillow at night, lie down in your bed.

Eat porridge with a clean spoon, do not chat at dinner.

After playing with a fluffy cat, do not forget to wash your hands.

Fantik, cores, scraps of papers

Throw it in the bin or trash can.

Then the river sparkles, flowers bloom around,

And not scary microbes when you are clean.

- I wish you to be always healthy, vigorous children.



Where do microbes live?

microbes and viruses, terrible pestiluses

How microbes enter the body

Microbes attack us when a sick person sneezes on us.

Cleanliness is the key to health!

What to do to be healthy

Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods

Thank you for your attention

Microbes Your first health lessons Yatskina Nina Mikhailovna MKDOU No. 2 “Swallow G. Semiluki 2014.

Where there is dirt, microbes live. Small - not to see. There are a lot of them, microbes, It is impossible to count. Among microbes there are our friends and enemies. With both, we must learn to behave properly in order to stay healthy. Microbes are friends and enemies of man, so you should be extremely careful.

Here is a drop of water, look how many microbes are on it! Can't you see anything? That's right, because the microbes are very small, less than a droplet, they are so easy not to see.

Small, but remote microbes - friends and enemies of man. The size of microbes - friends and enemies of man is from thousandths to millionths of a millimeter, they can only be seen under a microscope.

Smaller than mosquitoes and midges In many, many thousands of times. The darkness of invisible little animals Prefers to live in us. The microflora of the human body "weighs" up to 1.5 kg. Bacteria live on the skin, mucous membranes, in the organs of the digestive system, acting as our helpers and protectors. “Harmful” microbes also feel very comfortable in our body, and when immunity is weakened, they completely “unbelt”, provoking various diseases.

Frequent hand washing for a modern person is not just a sign of good upbringing and accuracy. This simple procedure can protect against dangerous diseases, because it is through dirty hands that pathogenic microbes enter our body.

Regular hand washing is one of the best preventive measures that requires only soap and warm water.

If we cut our nails short, there will not be a black border of dirt under them and, of course, the bacteria contained in it will not get inside us, and we will not get sick. The same can be said about a handkerchief. It is essential for coughing and sneezing. It is necessary to turn away and hide behind them so that germs do not fly to comrades.

Everyone knows that with scratches and cuts, you need to lubricate the wound with a disinfectant: alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or iodine, so as not to leave germs a chance.

If you eat or touch your mouth with dirty hands, Your stomach will definitely hurt from microbes.

A good breeding ground for microbes are foods containing a lot of water (milk, broths), as well as meat, fish, etc.

In crowded places (metro, public transport, supermarkets, concert and cinema halls), the number of microbes reaches 300 thousand per cubic meter.

There are much fewer germs in the open air, so it is very useful to walk in the fresh air in the forest, in the park.

Most people are sure that microbes are only harmful and they should be destroyed by all available means: from washing hands to cleaning every square centimeter of the apartment. But it's not like there are many beneficial microbes.

The smells of onion and garlic are beneficial. They destroy germs of various diseases. Therefore, more often you need to eat onions and garlic in food, they are very useful for the body. Foaming kvass, soft porous bread - we would not have tasted them if it were not for our friends - microorganisms.

Beneficial microorganisms that live in the human body help fight diseases, participate in digestion.

The smallest living beings play their invaluable role on Earth. Bacteria convert organic matter into inorganic, cleaning our planet of debris.

Game Useful Harmful
