Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Ivan da Marya competition program. Class hour “Ivan da Marya. Competition for young artists “Watercolor”

Review: Ivan goes to the market to sell a wedding gift and, out of his kindness, ends up with nothing. But his confidence in his wife's kindness brings them a horse as a gift.

Once upon a time there was a young man named Ivan in the village. He had a wife, Marya, kind and caring, which is extremely rare. But, the most surprising thing is that Ivan understood and appreciated this. He and his wife lived soul to soul, enjoyed the happiness sent to them. Whatever Ivan did, everything was approved in advance by his wife. Whatever he changed or altered in the house, his wife said that this was exactly what she dreamed of, and thanked him for guessing her desire.

However, they were not particularly rich. Of all the gifts they received for their wedding, the TV was the most expensive. But they did not like to watch TV and decided to sell it.

So Ivan went to the market with a TV in the city, spent the whole day there and, before returning home, looked at his friend Peter.


Hello Ivan! Long time no see. Come in. How are you doing?


Yes, everything is fine, thank God.


What are the fates for us?


Yes, I went to the market, I sold the TV.



Yes, yes. Nothing to brag about, but nothing to complain about either.


Why? Did you cheap out?


You see, I did not sell the TV, they offered me to exchange it for a washing machine. I agreed. I was just about to return home, as it turned out that the car was so heavy that it was simply impossible to carry it in my hands. They offered me a bike. I thought - that's good, I'll get home quickly. Just drove off - the chain broke. I had to return. I fixed the bike, and then a man next to me sells a food processor. I think: that a bicycle, where should I ride it, but it will still be easier for my wife to manage the housework. Well, I have changed. But then, at the exit from the market, I saw a woman with five children, all dressed poorly. Selling mixer. She definitely doesn’t need a mixer, but a combine with such a horde is more necessary than my wife. I changed the combine to a mixer, went to the nearest store to check, but it does not work. The seller looked and offered me an electronic alarm clock instead of a mixer. I would hardly be able to fix the mixer, but the alarm clock is good, it goes exactly - I changed it. I left the store, I looked, and my bus left, the next one was only two hours later. And there is horror as you want. I returned to the market, sold the alarm clock for 30 rubles, and dined at a cafe with that money.


Yes!!! Well, you're in trouble, my friend! You will now get from your wife. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.


But it could have been worse. Whether it’s bad, whether I did well, my wife is kind, she won’t reproach me with a word.


I look at you and marvel. Forgive me, but I don't believe you. I bet it will fly to you from your wife. I'll give you my horse if your wife doesn't reproach you for anything! And if he reproaches me, you will regale me for a week!

Friends shook hands and went home to Ivan. Peter remained behind the door in the hallway to hear how his wife would meet Ivan.


Good evening, mistress!


Hello dear! Thank God you came back safe and sound! Well, how are you?


Neither good nor bad. They didn’t want to buy a TV, I changed it to a washing machine.


That's nice! Now I will be so happy to wash! But where is she? Let's take her to the bathroom.


I did not carry it home - too heavy - I changed it to a bicycle.


I would do the same if I were you. Now we can quickly get to any place, and we will also go to services. Let's put it in the shed.


Yes, I don't have a bike. I traded it for a food processor.


Well done! Thank you so much for taking care of your wife. Now I can quickly and tasty cook for you. Come on, let's take the combine to the kitchen.


And I don't have a combine. Dear, I gave it to a mother of many children in exchange for a mixer.


Ah, I wonder what a good heart you have! You did the right thing. Why do we need a combine that my hands will wither without it?! And with a mixer, I can bake delicious cakes for you every week.


I don't have a mixer, I changed it to an alarm clock.


That's good! When you think carefully - where do we eat cakes so often, people will say that we eat up everything that we have earned. Yes, and get fat for so long. And the alarm clock will wake us up in the morning for work, and we will not be late for services. Put an alarm clock next to your bed.


You know, by the evening I was so hungry that I had to sell my alarm clock for 30 rubles and have dinner in a cafe. Otherwise, I would have starved to death.


Thank God you did it! You always know what's best for me. For that matter, why do we need an alarm clock? We get up early anyway. I am happy that you returned alive and well, and I do not need anything else, but to be with you all the time.


Maryushka, my dear, how good you are to me! I'll be right back...

Ivan go out the door.


Well, my friend Peter, I heard what kind of wife I have! You lost our agreement, bring your horse to me!

That's what the Bible says: Who will find a virtuous wife? its price is higher than pearls. The heart of her husband is sure in her, and he will not be left without profit.” (Proverbs 31:10-11).

The purpose of this event: to develop interest in subjects general development systematize their knowledge and skills previously acquired in subjects.

Within one week, events are held on the following subjects:

Technology (boys and girls),
- physical education,
- art,
- musical art,
- economy.

Week plan

Day one - “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”.
Day two - Competition for young artists "Watercolor".
Third day - Competition program "Ivan da Marya".
Day four - Intellectual ring.
Day 5 - Competition program "City of Masters".

The first day

“Mom, dad, I am a sports family”

1. Greeting teams.

2. Holding competitions.

1st competition - “colorful garland”

Equipment for each team: jump rope, 5 balloons, 5 bows, threads.

On a signal, the team members inflate the balloons and tie them on a jump rope alternately with tied bows.

2nd competition - “Come on, bring it on”

Equipment for each team: tennis ball, racket.

Each team has a tennis ball on their racket. On a signal from the leader, they must reach the mark and back as quickly as possible without dropping the ball.

3rd competition - “obstacle course”

Equipment for each team: hoops, balls, baskets.

Team members must pass the obstacle course in the shortest possible time: first, jump to the specified mark on one foot, then run through the hoops and throw the balls into the basket from the specified mark.

4th competition - "field hockey"

Equipment for each team: ball, gymnastic stick, racks.

Racks are placed in front of the participants at a distance of 2 meters. The task of the participants is to “snake” between the posts, knocking the ball with a gymnastic stick.

5th competition – “harvesting”

Equipment for each team: bag, vegetables.

At a distance of 10 meters from the teams, vegetables are located on the floor. The task of the participants is to collect these vegetables in a bag as quickly as possible.

6th competition – “darts”

Only parents participate. The team that scores the most points wins.

7th competition - “fill the container”

Equipment for each team: 1 glass of water, 1 empty glass, spoon.

For 2 minutes, participants take turns transferring water from a filled glass to an empty one.

The winner is the one who fills the glass with the least losses.

8th competition - “homework”

The whole family performs a complex of morning exercises, compiled by them at home on their own.

3. Summing up. Team awards.

Second day

Competition for young artists "Watercolor".

Materials for work: pictures depicting fairy-tale characters, chalk, geometric shapes, paints, brushes, water cups, a palette, paper, tray shapes cut out of paper, images of paintings cut like puzzles, lists of authors and their paintings.

Competition No. 1

There are 2 people per team. The first participant is blindfolded, and the second participant is given a picture depicting a fairy-tale hero. The first participant, with their eyes closed, draws on the board with chalk what the second says, looking at the picture.

Contest №2

From geometric shapes cut out of paper, you need to make a drawing and come up with a name for it.

Competition No. 3

Teams are invited to paint a tray cut out of paper using any painting technique.

Competition No. 4

It is necessary to collect an image of paintings by a famous artist, cut into puzzles. The one who collects the fastest wins. If the team members name the author and the name of the picture, they are awarded an additional point.

Competition No. 5

Each team is offered watercolors in yellow, blue and brown. The task of the participants is to draw a Christmas tree using only these colors (children must guess to mix the necessary colors to get green).

Competition No. 6

The names of the artists and the titles of the paintings are written on sheets of paper. It is necessary to connect the title of the picture and its author with lines.

Day three

Competition program "Ivan da Marya".

There are two teams involved. Boys team - Ivana, girls team - Marya. In teams of 6 people. Team members will be offered tasks that are usually performed by women, girls, girls, and tasks that are performed by men, boys, boys. Thus, we will try to find out whether each of the team members can do all the work, or whether everyone should do their own thing.

Equipment, tools, fixtures and other items:

bows, combs, hair clips, bolts, nuts, dolls, diapers, wood saws, wooden blocks, dumpling dough, mashed potatoes, boards, flour, knives, spoons, plates, nails, hammer, raw potatoes, pieces of cloth, scissors, pens , paper, needles, threads, needle cases, tools for woodworking and metalworking, names of tools on leaflets, pencils, curved nails.

Tasks for teams:

  1. 2 fans are invited from the hall. Each team of fans should beautifully and neatly tie bows on their heads, use hairpins, do their hair and name it.
  2. Each member of the team needs to pick up a bolt, find a suitable nut (from a variety of nuts of different sizes), and wrap it. Whose team will do it faster and accurately wins this competition.
  3. Team members are invited to peel potatoes. The safety regulations must be observed. The cut layer of the peel should be very thin, but the peel should not remain on the potatoes. After the potatoes have been peeled, it is proposed to cut them to prepare fried potatoes.
  4. Each team is asked to divide a wooden block into 6 identical parts, and use a hacksaw to cut it. Evaluated the speed, accuracy of cutting.
  5. Each team is invited from the test and mashed potatoes make dumplings. Can be applied various ways modeling.
  6. Each member of the team needs to drive a nail into a bar, and the nails must be driven in to different heights, according to the principle of a ladder. Whose "ladder" of nails will be strong and correct - gets the highest score.
  7. The participants have dolls and diapers on the table. Both boys and girls need to swaddle these dolls. This work must be done carefully and carefully.
  8. On the table at each team there are tools for woodworking and metalworking. Variants of the names of these tools on separate sheets are also proposed. The task for each team is to find a match between the tool and its name.
  9. Each team is invited to choose from the listed products those products that are necessary for the preparation of specific dishes (borscht, pancakes, vinaigrette, bigus)
  10. Blitz tournament. 20 questions from areas: sewing, needlework, cooking, woodworking, metalworking.


  1. Sharp metal rod with an eye
  2. Name the main parts of a tree
  3. Table culture
  4. What wood is plywood made from?
  5. Apparatus for WTO tissue and garments
  6. How is a sketch different from a drawing?
  7. A company that cleans clothes
  8. What is the difference between a screw and a bolt?
  9. First sewing machines shaped like a pistol? Well no.
  10. How can you detect a broken wire in a cord?
  11. Millet groats
  12. Why is it necessary to reduce the pressure of the drill on the workpiece at the end of drilling?
  13. Flour product kneaded with liquid
  14. How to properly handle a vice?
  15. Distance between two successive needle punctures
  16. What is called tin?
  17. How to pass a knife?
  18. Therefore, sawdust cannot be blown off or swept away by hand from a workbench?
  19. Motherland of pasta
  20. What tools and fixtures are used when sawing?

Competitions are evaluated by the jury on a five-point system.

Tasks for fans:

  1. Come up with and draw a friendly caricature of the opposing team.
  2. Temporarily thread three needles with different eye sizes.
  3. From the fabric, only with the help of scissors, cut out a circle, square, triangle.
  4. Straighten the nail.

Day four

Intelligent ring

7 teams of 7 people take part in the ring. The teams included one student from each parallel.

At the same time, all teams are offered the same questions, to which they must answer in the allotted time. The questions are based on topics drawn from the fields of music and visual arts, etiquette, cooking, handicrafts and sports. The team that gave the largest number of correct answers becomes the winner in the intellectual ring.

Day five

Competition program “City of Masters”

The guys should be distributed in advance according to the areas of work in the “City of Masters”. 6 destinations are offered:

- “Art workshop” (2 students)
- “Funny note” (2 students)
- “A drop of sport” (2 boys, 2 girls)
- “Maria the mistress” (2 girls)
- “Danila is a master” (2 boys)
- “Entertaining Economy” (2 students)

You have 40 minutes to complete the tasks. The results of work in the directions will be evaluated on a 5-point system. The guys of each class will earn points, which will eventually be summed up to determine which class became the leader of the game, and the winner in each direction will also be determined. All directions work simultaneously, but in different rooms. The sporting event takes place in the gym, the artists paint on the street on the pavement, and all the other participants study in the classrooms.

“Entertaining Economy”

Materials for work: pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, brushes, paper, glue, scissors, pictures, magazines.

Creative task: “New banknotes”

Each state has its own currency: dollar, euro, rubles, etc. On banknotes different countries depict presidents and scientists, animals and plants, architectural structures and dishes of national cuisine.

Imagine that one African state, in which another coup has recently taken place, has decided to carry out a monetary reform. The government has announced a competition for the best sketches for the national currency.

You need to come up with a shape, name and image of money.

At the end of the work, students protect their work.

"Maria the Craftsman"

Materials and tools for work: pencils, brushes, paper, cloth, needles, chalk,

glue, scissors, accessories, braid, ribbons, threads, cotton wool, circles of different diameters.

Creative task: Sew a simple soft toy using only fabric circles of different diameters as details. Fill the circles with cotton wool and connect with each other, or sew on each other. It is suggested to use accessories.

Possible options: bun, funny face, caterpillar, etc.

The originality and accuracy of the work is evaluated.

"Art workshop"

Materials for work: multi-colored crayons

Creative task: young artists from each team depict attributes on the pavement that symbolize the passing week of common development items. Thus, the emblem of the week should be obtained.

The depth of the idea, colorfulness and presentation of the emblem are evaluated.

“Happy note”

1 task.

Make up as many words as possible that contain notes. For example: by mi-do-r, sh- la-pa, beans etc.

2 task.

Listen to excerpts from musical works, characterize them and come up with a name for them.

3 task.

Sing the song as a team.

"A drop of sport"

Inventory: 4 hoops, 4 small balls, 12 skittles, 4 ropes, a crossbar, cards with the image of sports by the number of teams.

1. "The most dexterous."

Each player on the team receives a hoop. The stopwatch starts and the whole team spins the hoop until it falls. The time of the player who dropped the hoop last is counted.

2. "The most accurate."

Bowling game. Each player on the team is given three throws. For each pin knocked down, a point is given, the sum of points earned by the whole team is counted.

3. "Most intelligent."

The team is given cards with the image of various sports. In one minute, the team enters right kind sports under each picture. 1 point is given for each correct answer.

4. "The strongest."

The whole team performs a hanging on the bar for a while. The time of the player who jumped off the bar last is taken into account.

5. "The most agile."

Each player on the team receives a jump rope. A minute is given, the whole team jumps over the rope. The judges record the number of jumps for each member of the team. The sum of all jumps is counted.

The judge sums up and determines the winner at each stage of the route. The team that scored the most number of first places on the points and becomes the winner in the direction of "A Drop of Sports".

“Danila the Master”

Materials and tools for work: plywood, pencils, ruler, sandpaper, hacksaw.

Creative task: to make an equilateral triangle, a square and a rectangle from plywood. To complete the work, it is necessary to mark the details on plywood: a triangle measuring 50x50x50, a square 50x50, a rectangle 100x50. Saw the plywood into pieces and sand it. The accuracy of the dimensions of the cut parts and the accuracy of sanding are evaluated.

At the end of all events, a line is held, at which the results are summed up and the winners are awarded.

Municipal Budgetary Society educational institution
Secondary school №142

Targets and goals:
formation of aesthetic taste in pupils;
the formation of a relaxed, sociable personality;
revealing new facets of the creative potential of children;
consolidation of knowledge, skills, skills acquired in circles and at school;
the formation of a sense of unity among the children;
to achieve the active participation of children in the mass events of the camp
Venue: auditorium.
Age of participants: 7–15 years.
musical equipment, microphones;
decorations for the hall, backstage and stage backdrop;
task cards;
diplomas, prizes for participants
Event plan:
Greeting guests, fans.
Presentation of the contestants. Intellectual competition.
Presentation of the members of the jury.
"Nice to meet you" contest.
Competition "Intellectual".
Competition "Young Actors"
Competition "Old fairy tale on new way».
Competition "Fashion Competition" (defile on the theme "Hot Summer -2016")
Summing up, awarding.
Words of gratitude to the administration, sponsors, jury, fans and guests.
Scenario of the competition "Ivan da Marya"
in LDP "Fairytale Country"
Vedas. Hello dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday "Ivan da Marya". I think all the squads are well prepared and we will spend time with you with great pleasure. So, let's start our holiday with the introduction of the participants. From the first detachment, ____________________________________________ will take part in us.
Guys, get on stage. From the second detachment ____________________________________________. They will represent squad number 3 ______________________________. Let's applaud our members.
Vedas. The order of performance will help determine the lot. (Team draw.)
Today our competition will be judged by ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Vedas. So we start. The first "Nice to meet you" competition. Performance time 3-4 minutes. The children will have to tell about themselves, their hobbies, favorite objects, pets. The presentation can be in the form of a story, a poem, or a fairy tale, a musical potpourri.
Vedas. Our next competition is called "Intellectual". Participants will have to answer questions.
Fairy tales ask: ─ And now you, friends, Recognize us!
It didn’t lie on the window ─ I rolled along the path ... (Kolobok) And the road is far, And the basket is not easy, I would sit on a stump, I would eat a pie ... (Masha and the bear) * There is no river, no pond ─ Where is the water get drunk? Very tasty water In the hole from the hoof! (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka) * The red girl is sad: She doesn't like spring, It's hard for her in the sun! The poor thing is shedding tears! .. (Snow Maiden) * Oh, you, Petya-simplicity, You blundered a little: Did not obey the Cat, Looked out the window ... (Cockerel is a golden comb) * Along the path, walking briskly, Water themselves are dragging buckets! (By pike) Who likes to rush through the branches? Of course, the redhead ... (Squirrel) He understands a lot about raspberries The owner of the forest is brown ... (Bear) Ved. Thanks guys. The next competition is called "Young Actors". This competition consists of 2 tests. The first test is called "Pantomime". Now the participants will draw out a card where they will read the task, which they will have to depict without words, using only facial expressions and gestures (octopus, cuckoo clock, cat chasing its tail, kangaroo, hibernating bear, etc.)
The second test we have is Potpourri. To the melody heard, the guys will have to dance.
Vedas. Well done boys! How well you danced. And the next competition we have is called "An old fairy tale in a new way." And the first to rush to the stage are the guys from squad No. ___ with their support group.
(Performance of detachments.)
Vedas. And the final contest we have - "Fashion Contest". The participants had to come up with a defile on the theme "Hot summer -2016" with a support group.
Vedas. Thank you very much to all the participants. And now the word for the award is given by ________________________ (awarding of participants in nominations).

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education children

"Children's health-improving and educational center "Koster"


Director of the Center Kulev S.V.

Vyksa 2015

Goals and objectives of the event:

    Education in children of consciousness and activity, creative initiative, acting skills;

    Identification of knowledge, skills and abilities in history in children and adolescents;

    Introduction to culture and life.

Participants of the event:

From each detachment (VDK) two people: "Ivan" and "Maria".


7 sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, scissors, 2 buckets, rocker, frying pan, pancake, 2 brooms, hammer, timber with 7 nails, 7 shirt blanks, rope, 7 tables, 14 chairs, music.

Time: 20.00

Venue: Center Square

Event progress:

Hello fair world!

Hello simple people!

To the ground I bow to you and address you with speeches

Whoever sings or dances will be a hundred times more beautiful!

I've been waiting for you for a long time, I can't start the holiday without you!

We have a place and a word for everyone!

And our first competition Business card»

    "Business card"

Each pair of "Ivan da Marya" needs to introduce themselves: from what ancient times did they come, for what purpose and why, something about themselves ...

All competitions and tasks are started by the senior squad. Both representatives participate.


For the competition you need: a sheet of paper and scissors. Ivan holds a sheet of paper with one hand, the other hand is on Marya's waist, and Marya has to cut out a napkin with one hand.

Both are involved.

    "Water Walk"

For the competition you need: 2 buckets of water and a rocker. Marya needs to walk beautifully with a yoke on the site, without splashing water.

Only Mary participates.

Marya brought water, which means it's time to bake pancakes. Each Ivan must toss and turn the “pancake-dummy” more times in the pan.

    "Embroidery Apron"

Marya has to decorate the shirt blank for Ivan with different colors, time and colorfulness are taken into account.

Mary is involved.

    "Very well done"

For the competition you need a bar with nails and a hammer. Each Ivan needs to hammer a nail into a bar with three blows.

Ivan participates.

Two brooms (spiky) are needed. Marya must whip Ivan with brooms as much as she loves him, and he must answer her with all sorts of jokes.

Both are involved.

    Dancing homework

All couples participate at the same time, music sounds, 3 different types for 40 seconds. Couples must show how they master the art of dance.

Completion of the program and awards

The jury representative awards all couples "Ivanov da Maryushek" with diplomas and sweet prizes.

PROTOCOL for CP Ivan da Marya

Surname of a village family



Water hike

Apron embroidery

Valiant prowess

Host (in the guise of a good fellow): Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! And all the remaining comrades! You are all extremely lucky. Only today you have an amazing opportunity to visit the Russian festival "Ivan da Marya", where representatives from different countries of the world meet.

Leading (in the form of a beauty girl - a long braid): We ask all interested parties to prepare video and photo cameras. But, turn off mobile phones, although you can not turn off the phones, but for the reaction of foreign citizens, we are not responsible.

Leading: So, meet. One of the greatest civilizations in the world, the birthplace of many outstanding discoveries that played a significant role in the development of mankind: gunpowder, paper, silk, porcelain and the compass. Today, China is also the most dynamically developing country in the world, where ancient pagodas and mirrored skyscrapers, traditional culture and modern management. Accompanied by our charming girls, representatives from the country of dragons and fireworks enter. Disciple 1 (last name) Xiaojie and Disciple 1 (last name) Xiansheng.

Presenter: Greece celebrates many holidays, some of them are religious, some are cultural, and some are just an excuse to relax. On January 8, a holiday is celebrated - Ginaikratia, a day for the exchange of family roles in some villages in northern Greece. Women spend their day in "kafeteniya" (cafés) or other public establishments where only men usually go, while men stay at home and do housework. Your eyes are fixed on a couple of myths and legends of Ancient Greece, from the country of the first Olympic Games. Kyrie Apprentice 2 and Kyrie Apprentice 2.

Leading: The largest metropolis is Chicago (8.5 ml Evening Los Angeles US residents), the financial, industrial and scientific center of the Lake District, competing with New York with its skyscrapers; Los Angeles (9.5 million inhabitants), the center of the aviation and film industry in Southern California with the famous "dream factory" for adults - Hollywood and a fairy-tale kingdom for children and tourists - Disneyland. Rodeo, country, prairie and huge Eagles and all this is America. Meet guests from America. Miss Apprentice 3 and Mister Apprentice 3.

Presenter: Most interesting holidays and festivals: in Hameln, every Sunday at noon in the summer, there is a procession in honor of being saved from rats by the legendary piper; in Bingen am Rhein - wine festivals; Oktoberfest - the world famous Munich beer festival; museum festival in Frankfurt; International flower show in Erfurt, our friends from Germany Fraulein Pupil 4 and Jungemann Pupil 4 brought all this with them.

Leading: More than 200 holidays and festivals are held annually in Spain. Together with national and local fiestas, there are so many holidays that it is said that there is not a single week in Spain when all Spaniards work. Meet Senorita Apprentice 5 and Senior Apprentice 5.

Presenter: Israel is a truly amazing, captivating and controversial country. Its history goes back over 4,000 years. This country, full of monuments of a wide variety of civilizations, is the cradle of mankind, the center of 3 world religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The unique history of this region is combined with a variety of natural terrain, ranging from the salty tranquility of the Dead Sea to flowering national parks and scorched desert. This is a place of pilgrimage and rest, a place where the west and east are connected, a place on a tiny territory of which there are 3 seas at once - the Mediterranean, the Red and the Dead. Only in Israel can you see real biblical landscapes. Meet the guests - from the country of the richest cultural and historical heritage. Geveret Apprentice 6 and Adon Apprentice 6.

Presenter: Yes, we have told you about the countries. But we do not know anything about the guests who arrived from these countries.

Leading: Do you think our guests speak Russian?

Presenter: Certainly.

Leading: Where does such reliable information come from?

Leading / through one /: From the lips of the ambassadors of the countries represented. I think that these business people will not deceive us. By the way, here they are:

  • Authorized Ambassador of Israel to Russia - class teacher 1
  • Authorized Ambassador of Spain to Russia - class teacher 2
  • Authorized American Ambassador to Russia - Class Teacher 3
  • Authorized Ambassador of Germany to Russia - class teacher 4
  • Authorized Ambassador of China to Russia - class teacher 5
  • Authorized Ambassador of Greece to Russia - class teacher 6

Leading: Dear Ambassadors, We have very…

Presenter: Well, just a very modest gift…

Leading: Variation from the ballet "Don Quixote" performed by the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, madam of the student school (last name, first name)

Host /through one/: In general, as Petruha said in the film “White Sun of the Desert”: “Gyulchatay, open your face!”.

Presenter: And we ask our guests to reveal their creative faces and briefly tell about themselves. Representatives of the state are invited to the stage

  • Israel.
  • Spain
  • America
  • Germany
  • China
  • Greece

Presenter: Interesting, but what kind of representatives?

Host /through one/: These are representatives of our Russian state who were so eager to learn more about foreign countries, their traditions, culture, dances and national dishes, that they put aside all their business and came to our festival.

  • President of the Russian State - School Director (full name)
  • Prime Minister of the first and last State of the Russian - history teacher
  • Mayor of the Russian State - Deputy Director for information technology
  • Maestro of the State of Russia - music teacher
  • Choreographer of the State of Russia - school choreographer
  • Ombudsman of the State of Russia - school ombudsman

Presenter: maestro, music /sings off topic/.

Host /through one/: Dasha, Dasha, let's go backstage, we need to discuss something, and our guests from China will sing for you. Greece; America; Germany; Spain; Israel.

Presenter: So far, representatives of the Russian State are summing up. We would like to ask a few questions to our guests.

There is an intellectual competition.

Presenter: At one time, old Shakespeare said: "The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors ..."

Leading: I believe that the whole world is a restaurant, and the people in it are gourmets

Presenter: Not me, but we...

Leading: We are glad that culinary masterpieces will be created in our small modest "restaurant".

Presenter: While our magicians work wonders behind closed curtains, we invite everyone to a small concert.

Leading: Our little concert opens with a very young poet Elena Kvasenkova

Presenter: As Comrade Sukhov said: “The East is a delicate matter, Petruha”

Leading: And in the dance it looks even thinner - I said. And he invited the queen of the east, a student of the school (last name, first name).

Leading: It's possible to be smitten!

Presenter: Fine.

Leading: I have seen a lot in my life, but I have never seen so many balls at the same time even at the kennel of the club of yard dogs. You guessed it, these balls...

Presenter: Maybe you meant to say bubbles!

Leading: Ah, these soap bubbles, what does a school student (last name, first name) do with them ... ..

Presenter: Song.

Leading:"White dress" performed by ...

Presenter: The soloist of a very large ...

Leading: Well, not very big.

Presenter: But not a small theater "Duet without Co" school students (last name, first name)

Presenter: Russian folk dance performed by a student of the school (last name, first name)

Presenter: Ladies and Gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! Remaining comrades. Our restaurant is open.

Leading: With our eyes, we follow the girls walking gracefully past us, carrying the magical smells of national dishes towards the ambassadors ...

Presenter: State of the Russian.

Together: It's a shame! BON APPETIT!.

Leading: So - you are very sad and lonely ... I really want to dance.

Presenter: And the music goes on and on...

Leading: Tell me, are you able to take in such a situation, and even invite someone to dance?

Presenter: Able?

Leading: So what's up?

Presenter: Feel free to invite.

Leading: And if you are shy, then watch and learn how our guests do it.

  • China
  • Greece
  • America
  • Germany
  • Spain
  • Israel.

Presenter: I want to ask everyone one question. Tell us about your national costume.

  • China
  • Greece
  • America
  • Germany
  • Spain
  • Israel.

Leading: Our representatives of the Russian State are approaching the most difficult and crucial moment, pay attention ...

Presenter: How tense their minds are, how serious their faces are and their hands are ready for battle ....

Leading: How the numbers on the calculators lit up, and the calculation of the long-awaited points began.

Presenter: And while minds tremble...

Leading: We will relax and play.

/ game with the audience passes /

Presenter: And what are you and I all about the guests, but the guests? We, too, are not born with a bast. And we have our talents. Hold the microphone, I'll go and dance.

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and Gentlemen! And all the remaining comrades! The laureates of the young talents of Muscovy arts relay competition, the Elegy variety dance group, are dancing for you. Folk dance "Mlada" I give!!!

Leading: Well, what are the representatives of the Russian State ready to say their weighty word?

Jury word.

Presenter: Business time, fun hour, but this hour, unfortunately, has come to a final conclusion.


Alas, it's time to say goodbye
And our speech will be short:


We say goodbye to everyone!
Until new interesting meetings!
