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How much does a copywriter earn? How much does a beginning copywriter earn per month: how to overcome difficulties and get a good income Examples of making money from copywriting

The spread of communications and Internet technologies stimulates the development of remote collaboration. Copywriting remains one of the popular areas. However, the question of how much copywriters (freelancers working remotely) earn does not have one correct answer: the current prices for a printed sign depend on the customer.

What is copywriting

Creating high-quality text content is necessary to promote an Internet resource and its full development. Copywriting is the process of creating slogans, press releases, landing pages, writing texts aimed at search engines such as Google, Yandex. Information should be presented in such a way as to interest a potential buyer or reader. Copywriting consists of three areas:

  1. Rewrite. Competent processing of one or more articles to obtain unique material. A rewriter is the first stage in the development of a copywriter.
  2. SEO copywriting. Rewriting with the obligatory use of keywords and phrases. They are needed for search programs to offer text to the user in the TOP of the search.
  3. Copyright. A decently paid job for experienced authors: it requires not only the use of keywords for online search engines, but also talent, professional skills, and high-quality accessible presentation of the material.

Is it possible to make money from copywriting?

Payment is calculated based on the number of characters written without spaces. Even a beginner, if he knows how to present material well, can earn about 1,000 rubles per working day. On the other hand, one article of small volume, but appearing in the TOP of search engines and having high selling potential, can cost as much as you can earn from copywriting per month.

Due to the minimum requirements for beginners, the copywriting market consists of thousands of performers. However, only a few achieve serious success. In addition to the ability to write text without errors, you need to understand the algorithms of search engines in order to create unique content. You also need knowledge of psychology, rules of text construction, rhetoric and other related sciences.

Such conditions greatly limit the possibility of professional development. Therefore, there is no exact answer to the question of how much a copywriter earns per month. High-quality copywriting, as a piece of goods, can cost thousands of rubles for one article of excellent quality, and streaming texts are paid on average 50 rubles per thousand characters. It is important to understand that searching for a job on your own is almost impossible for a beginner: there is no reputation, rating and ability to distinguish honest offers from outright fraud.

Selling articles

This line of work (direct sale of finished texts) involves independent choice of topic, selection of material, and putting the finished article up for sale. The author chooses a topic that he understands and creates the content himself. However, irrelevant works may remain on sale for years. If a copywriter finds a mainstream topic, then his earnings can be 30-50% higher than that of authors writing to order.

Articles to order

Employer-ordered content creation accounts for 90% of the copywriting market. Due to the large number of authors, competition is fierce. Real earnings depend on the personal qualities of a copywriter: literacy, quality of text, responsible attitude to deadlines. An executive employee with a regular customer can earn from 20,000 rubles (which is considered good pay).

Prices for copywriting

How much copywriters earn depends entirely on the content they create and the greed of the client. Beginning authors can focus on prices of 30-50 rubles per thousand characters without spaces (ZBP). A further increase in the rate directly depends on the initiative of the copywriter, his professional growth and the salary policy of the customer. How much does copywriting cost in 2019 for texts of different types:

  • rewrite – 15-25 rubles/1000 ZBP;
  • informational articles (copywriting) – 30-70 rubles/1000 ZBP;
  • analytical articles – 50-100 rubles/1000 ZBP;
  • SEO copywriting – 100-150 rubles/1000 ZBP;
  • selling texts – from 200 rubles/1000 ZBP.

Earning money from copywriting on the Internet

Freelancing content exchanges can work according to two principles. Or the author receives orders directly from the editors of the system (for example,): he does not look for a customer and is always confident in the guarantee of earnings. Or you need to register on the exchange, fill out a form, portfolio and independently search for a convenient order. This is more complex and requires a direct agreement with each individual employer.

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Hi guys. We continue the topic we started yesterday about. Today we’ll find out how things are going with making money from copywriting on the RuNet. I’ll tell you and give real examples of how much a copywriter earns, what his salary depends on, and what a beginner can expect.

As an example, I’ll give you a skill like. The faster you type, the less time you will spend writing 1000 characters. This will make your hour of work more expensive.

Place of work and permanence

The third reason on which payment for 1000 characters will depend is the project where you will work and the consistency of orders.

If you are a freelancer and are always looking for work, you catch orders on freelance exchanges for copywriters and rewriters, spend a lot of time on discussions, and each time adapt to the customer’s conditions. I remember when I started, I could just sit stupidly all day and not find anything.

It is clear that monthly income depends on this. On the other hand, if you are a professional, then the price of services may be higher than for remote work.

When you work full-time and have a content plan planned for a month in advance, you always know that you won’t be left without bread tomorrow. No need to waste time searching. This reduces the price per thousand characters; one might say, you work at wholesale rates.

You can also get involved in a large project, where the prices are an order of magnitude higher, but the liability conditions are most likely stricter.

Types of texts and their purpose

The conditions and technical tasks are different for everyone - this is already the 4th factor. For example, rewriting a text costs 3 times less than writing a unique one.

Selling text, on the contrary, costs several times more than informational text. Information - can be divided into news, technical, entertainment, etc. Here, too, each type can have its own price. Agree that it is easier to describe some news than to write a technical article.

For example, I set a price tag for an article based on the principle of whether the article is useful for my readers or not. If the author addresses a topic, but it is too narrow, has a small circle of readers and is not suitable for the main structure of the site, then I accordingly announce the minimum prices.

So, we figured out what can determine how much a copywriter earns. Now let's talk about the average cost of 1000 characters on the Internet and real examples.

How much do copywriters earn?

As you probably already understood, writing texts is not easy work, for some it is tedious, but for others, on the contrary, interesting. To earn good money, you need to show interest and desire in your business. As they say, do what you like, then you will achieve results faster.

If you are a beginner and have never written custom texts before, then, honestly, the maximum you can count on when working online is 10 - 15 thousand rubles for the first few months, again, it depends on your desire.

Yes, for some it’s pennies that you can’t live on. But for a resident of a small city, where the average salary is just 10 - 15 thousand rubles per month, it will be cool. Considering the bonus that you can work while sitting at home.

Low quality texts are paid on average 30 - 40 rubles per 1000 characters. I give this price to beginners for test assignments. There are bloggers I know who have full-time copywriters who work for that price and at the same time write good materials. I’m telling you, 15-20,000 rubles will be enough for someone, just to have a constant income and work from home at their own pace.

Then there is the average price - from 50 to 100 rubles per 1000 characters. There are a lot of copywriter friends who work in this range. They manage to earn from 25 to 50,000 rubles a month. In the regions of Russia, this is the average salary of a person; in Ukraine, salaries are even lower.

More than 100 rubles per thousand characters are paid to guys who have extensive experience, create cool and useful content and work more responsibly. It’s quite possible to get out in a year or two with an income of 50 thousand rubles. Maybe even earlier.

I don’t want to miss such a concept as an office copywriter (content manager, journalist). Various news publications, magazines, and other companies are hiring for this office position. They also sit and write articles, only in the office and on a work schedule. Here the salary mainly depends on the average income of an office employee in a certain city.

As for earning money in foreign currency - in dollars, there are foreign exchanges where you can look for work, but there you need to know languages ​​well. If you can translate written text into another language, then it is clear that the cost of your skills is many times more expensive. This is a rare case and I don’t have much experience in foreign markets, so I don’t have much to advise here.


It seems that everything I wanted to tell you about making money from copywriting, I hope it’s clear, what you can count on and what prospects there are in the future.

Who is really ready to work, in a previous article I already wrote that I can take a couple of people to the team. To do this you need to contact me on VKontakte ( Write in a personal note with a note “Vacancy copywriter”.

Leave your feedback in the comments, what you think about it, and ask questions. Sometimes not everything is clear, so write.

That's it, good luck, see you in the next articles.

In this article, we will look at various aspects related to working as a copywriter on the Internet and how a beginner can start working as a copywriter, list the best exchanges for making money, and also you will get some tips on how to start making good money from copywriting.

If you know the Russian language well, love to read, and at school you were good at essays and presentations, then you can easily make money on copywriting exchanges on the Internet. Also, good copywriters can be people with a broad outlook who can quickly find and process information on the Internet. A good help would be the ability to touch type without looking at the keyboard. This skill can be acquired both during work and with the help of special programs that allow you to quickly learn how to type with 10 fingers.

How much do they pay for texts?

The main customers on the copywriting exchange are the owners of online stores and various websites. Most often, they order texts with product descriptions, articles, news and selling texts for various landing pages. Depending on how the text is written, all work on articles can be divided into several large groups: rewriting, copywriting and SEO-copywriting. Below we will discuss how texts of various types are created and evaluated. Depending on the source, the same text can cost from 10 to 100 rubles per 1000 characters. Let's take a closer look at what the cost of work depends on.

  1. Rewriting- This is the simplest text processing. Rewriting can be from one or several sources. Often the source that needs to be rewritten is given directly by the customer himself. The essence of the work is to rewrite the received text in other words. Various techniques can be used here, such as replacing words with synonyms or changes in the structure of the sentence itself. Most often, the customer wants the contractor to rework the original text and write the article in the form of a summary while preserving the original meaning. In this case, the uniqueness of the resulting new article will be much higher. Rewriting is paid from 10 to 20 rubles per 1000 characters. This type of work is most suitable for beginners, as it does not require broad and deep knowledge of the topic on which the article needs to be written.
  2. Copywriting. The main orders on the exchange are copywriting work. If a customer needs copywriting, this means that he wants to see the original author’s text. Very often, in the process of working on copywriting, authors also use sources on the Internet, drawing initial information from them. However, copywriting should not be confused with rewriting from multiple sources. The minimum required for such a text is a competent presentation and a new structure of the article. In this case, the text will not repeat any existing articles on the Internet. Copywriting is paid from 30-50 rubles per 1000 characters and more. For work, they select already experienced workers who have more than one month of work on the stock exchange behind them and have written at least 200-500 articles.
  3. SEO copywriting is a type of copywriting when the author must write not only a unique text, but also enter certain words and phrases into it. Often words need to be entered in certain word forms. To do this kind of work you need to be a true master of your craft. SEO copywriting is one of the most expensive ways to make money on the stock exchange. It is ordered from very experienced copywriters. The cost of such work can be up to 150 rubles per 1000 characters.

How much can you earn from copywriting?

Let's take a more thorough look at what a copywriter's earnings depend on. There are several factors that play the greatest role and have the greatest impact on income levels:

  • Experience on the stock exchange. A novice copywriter can only get inexpensive orders on the exchange. Often, customers do not allow untested workers to write large and expensive texts. Initially, everyone is asked to write a short text for a nominal fee in order to determine their skill level.
    If the work you perform satisfies the customer, then you will have the opportunity to earn significant amounts on the copywriting exchange by receiving individual orders. If you cannot find regular customers, then your earnings will be at a very low level. All a beginner can count on is 10-15 rubles per 1000 characters. At the same time, orders will not be constant and you will not be able to earn more than 1000-2000 rubles per month.
  • Reviews and portfolio. If you already have a personal portfolio, have completed a large number of orders and collected several dozen positive reviews, then you have a chance to receive higher-paying orders. A copywriter with at least 2 months of experience on the stock exchange can count on orders from 20-30 rubles per 1000 characters. At the same time, the chances of finding regular customers increase. Earnings per month can be 5,000 - 8,000 rubles.
  • Operation speed. Payment for a copywriter’s work depends on the number of characters he can produce in one day. Let's look at several options to understand how much income you can expect per month. A beginner can write no more than 5,000 characters per day. And this will require some work experience. An experienced copywriter can write an article of 6000-7000 characters in 1.5-2 hours. When writing 2 full-fledged articles a day, you can count on 15,000-20,000 rubles per month.

The standard amount of work that copywriting professionals perform is 20 thousand characters per day. It is possible to achieve such a volume only with work experience.

In order to write high-quality texts with a volume of 20,000 per day, it may take at least a year of hard work on the stock exchange. However, this is the figure and volume that a beginner should strive for. In this case, you need to monitor not only the quality of the resulting text, but also the speed that is spent on writing 1000 characters.

How to quickly write an article

There are several stages in writing an article. The first is collecting preliminary information, the second is drawing up the structure of the future text, and the third is working directly with writing the article. All these stages must be separated and controlled in time. In this case, you can write articles much faster.

In order to understand how much per day you can write without straining, you need to control the time spent working on one article. This can be done using a special timer or allocating a separate period of time for work.

To improve this indicator and optimize your work schedule, you need to turn off phones, social networks and other irritating factors and devote time directly only to working with text. In this case, each time it takes less and less time to write one article and the work will happen faster.

How much does a beginner copywriter earn?

A novice copywriter can count on the exchange only for small orders of 2000-3000 characters or orders for rewriting texts. In this case, a maximum of 2 jobs can be completed per day. The cost at which orders can be given to beginners is on average 10-15 rubles per 1000 characters. If you write 2 articles per day of 3000 characters, then your earnings per day will be 60 to 90 rubles (up to 2000 rubles per month). At the same time, you still need to gain access to two orders per day. Therefore, most likely, at the initial stage, beginners will not be able to earn even this money.

  1. You should focus your attention on those topics in which you are most knowledgeable. It will be much easier to write texts in them and the time it will take to work on one article will be less.
  2. Pay special attention to the quality of the article.
    Be sure to check the received text for spelling and syntax errors.
  3. The main thing that beginners should concentrate on is not the amount of work, but increasing their rating on the stock exchange.
    Create a professional, high-quality portfolio to find regular orders.

How much does an experienced copywriter earn?

More expensive orders are available to a copywriter with at least 2 months of experience on the stock exchange and more. At this stage, you can receive 30-40 rubles for 1000 characters. In this case, the amount of work can be 10-12 thousand characters per day. These are 2-3 full-fledged articles taken to order. In this case, earnings can range from 300-400 rubles per day (up to 10,000 rubles per month). Not as much as it might seem at first. Here it is worth focusing on certain topics. It is better to become a narrow specialist in a popular topic than to write articles about everything. Customers are very often interested in content on a specific topic. If they are satisfied with the quality of the texts you produce, then there is a great opportunity to receive a large order.

Also, copywriters with experience have access to work on an exchange such as , where they must undergo preliminary testing. After testing, you can also undergo special training on the proposed topics. In this case, the chances of receiving more expensive orders increase, because there are a lot of customers on this site for very narrow and expensive topics: construction, loans, medicine, etc.

How much does a professional copywriter earn?

Professional copywriters, as a rule, work with regular direct customers and very rarely take orders on the stock exchange. For professional copywriters, prices can reach from 150 rubles and more per 1000 characters. It all depends on how large a customer you managed to interest. Often, professional copywriters write not just texts for articles, but so-called selling texts for various landing pages. In this case, the work may be priced at individual rates. The monthly earnings of a professional copywriter can exceed 30,000 rubles.

How to create a portfolio and increase your ranking

After you have completed 2 or more orders, we recommend that you undergo special testing on the exchange and also upload your best work to your portfolio. Copywriters with a portfolio have a better chance of getting an order. Therefore, creating a portfolio should be taken seriously.

  • As soon as you have work that can be put on public display, be sure to include it in your portfolio so that customers can be convinced of the quality of the texts you write.
  • Also, in your personal account, be sure to indicate the topics in which you are well versed, the availability of professional education, if any, and work experience.
  • Ask customers to give you feedback. If you are confident in the quality of your work, then there is nothing wrong with writing a personal message to each customer and asking them to leave you positive feedback. Most often, they will meet you halfway and you will have several dozen positive reviews, which is also important when working on a copywriting exchange.

Where to start as a novice copywriter

  1. Initially, on the exchange, do not take on complex and large orders; most likely, you will not be appointed as executors for them anyway.
  2. Concentrate your attention on orders for rewriting with a source, and also submit orders for inexpensive orders costing 30-50 rubles and 2000-3000 characters in size. Completing them in a few hours will not be particularly difficult.
  3. Work on your portfolio, constantly post examples of quality work that you have written.
  4. Ask customers to leave you positive feedback.
  5. Record the time you spend working on each article and improve this indicator.
  6. Working as a copywriter will require time to develop a good rating. And after that you will be able to gain access to expensive orders and regular customers.

This article was written with the help of two professional copywriters, including their experience, tips and background.

To earn the first thousand rubles from writing texts, you don’t need a lot of talent and time. However, copywriting is an activity that, with some abilities and knowledge, can bring a stable income that exceeds the average salary in the country.

The content of the article :

In this article we will consider in detail the topic “ How to make money from copywriting" Beginners have a lot of questions, so here we will tell you step by step about this type of activity, how and where to start, how much you can earn and where to study.

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is a neologism word that came from the English language, which translated means “ manuscript" This is the professional activity of writing texts that advertise a product, service, company, person, or simply present any information.

Such texts can be scripts, slogans, advertising, descriptions of something, etc. Note that not all texts should contain advertising, descriptions of goods and an appeal to buy it. Articles can also be analytical or informative, for example, " How to get rid of freckles" or " How to install the application on a smartphone».

According to Wikipedia, copywriting is professional writing of texts advertising a product, service, person or idea. The modern world of copyright has expanded its boundaries - now it includes almost any text content on the Internet. It includes news, articles describing the problem and its solution, master classes, translations, main pages of websites, manuals, instructions and other information.

A clear example of such copywriting is right in front of you. This text is not trying to advertise or sell you anything. Its key purpose is to convey to you information about how to make money from copywriting.

From a copywriter’s perspective, the interpretation of this term looks something like this: Copywriting is when you write texts and you get paid for them.

Today, doctors, car mechanics, various specialists, as well as students and housewives work on copywriting exchanges.

The difference between copywriting and rewriting

Since you are already interested in the question of how a beginner can make money from copywriting, it’s worth talking a little about the types of this activity. On any exchange there are three main categories into which this activity is divided:

  1. Rewriting.
  2. Copywriting.
  3. SEO copywriting.

Rewriting– this is writing a technically unique text based on a ready-made source. Rewriting is working with an existing article. Presentation without loss of meaning and structure. Typically, customers offer a ready-made text or indicate a web page that needs to be rewritten. This type of work is somewhat cheaper than copywriting, where the task is to write a similar text, but in other words, to maintain uniqueness.

Each copywriter’s text must be unique, not copied, written in your own words. There are special services to check the uniqueness of text, but we will talk about this later.

Rewriting example.

Let's say there is such text: " The average copywriter earns about 50 thousand rubles per month" If you rewrite this text, the output will be something like this: “ On average, copywriters have a monthly income of around 50,000 rubles" The information is the same, but in different words.

Copywriting- This is writing an original text. That is, a copywriter takes any facts, theses, figures, personal experience, information from various sources, and writes a new text based on them. Such work is always rated higher than rewriting a finished article.

SEO copywriting– writing an original text using keywords. SEO copywriting, on the contrary, is valued by customers above other options. The idea is to evenly distribute keywords throughout the text - words or phrases targeted to the search query. Customers, thus, solve the problem of getting the article into the top of search engines (Yandex, Google), where the probability of visiting the site is high.

Of these three main categories on exchanges, over time, customers came up with quite funny subcategories, for example, SEO rewriting, deep rewriting, rewriting from multiple sources.

How to make money from copywriting from scratch and without investment

The work of writing texts itself does not require investments and absolutely anyone can do this work, as they say - from scratch. To understand how a beginner can make money from copywriting, you just need to understand several stages of this work:

  1. Search/select an order on the exchange/directly from the customer;
  2. Writing an article;
  3. Submitting work and receiving payment.

Below we will pay attention to each stage and talk about exchanges on which you can sell your texts, write them to order, and how much you can earn from copywriting.

For beginners, the best start would be to register on one of the available copywriting exchanges. These are special sites where customers offer their tasks, and copywriters carry them out. The exchange provides convenient conditions for cooperation, security of transactions, and payment methods for both parties. Below we will talk in more detail about exchanges and where to look for clients.

  • The author selects the order he likes in the general feed, focusing on the topic, total payment amount, deadlines and customer requirements.
  • After successful selection of his candidacy by the customer, the contractor begins work.
  • The finished text in the form of a document is sent for moderation by the exchange (checking uniqueness, spelling...) and for evaluation by the customer.
  • After approval of the result, the amount specified in the order form is credited to the contractor’s account.
  • All that remains is to withdraw your earnings to your personal account. As a rule, this is an electronic wallet of any payment system or a bank account.

How to start making money with copywriting

Now we smoothly move from theory to practice.

  1. What do you need to have to start copywriting?
  2. What do you need to know to make money from this?
  3. Where to begin?

To start copywriting, you will need a computer (PC) or laptop. If you are not reading this article from a smartphone, then you already have some of the above. Although you can start making money by writing texts with a smartphone (tested).

Copywriting software:

  • Word or Open Office.
  • Yellowpile– for recording important notes. The program is free, simple, and will allow you to place supporting information on the same screen where the text you are typing is displayed.
  • This is the most comprehensive service for checking text for literacy, beauty and quality.
  • Sovar-synonyms.rf. Often, to construct a phrase, finding a synonym does not quickly come to mind, and tautology (repetition of words with the same root) reduces the quality of the text. It is to solve such a problem that the search for a suitable replacement was created.
  • Text analyzers(as an example - or The quality of texts must comply with certain parameters. Most often this is " water" - words that do not carry a semantic load. Without them, the text will not lose significance. In addition to unnecessary and stop words, analyzers determine the relevance of an article based on search queries.
  • Anti-plagiarism(for example, and the same Exchanges have their own services, however, some customers require additional verification of the uniqueness of the text.

If you have the skills listed below, you can achieve great success in the copywriting profession:

    Ability to convert your thoughts into text

    Almost all copywriters compare this activity to school essays. The presence of this skill can only be verified in practice. Try writing a short article on a topic that is familiar to you.

    Ability to write without errors

    In order for your texts to consistently receive money, they must be written correctly, without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors.

    Normal working conditions

    Your environment should be such that you can concentrate on what you are doing.

    Ability to search for information

    Yandex and Google can help you here. There is only one “but”. In order for your texts to be paid consistently and a lot, the information you will put into them must be reliable, so relying on sources of information, make sure that the data is up to date.

How much can you earn from copywriting?

On almost all exchanges it is customary to pay for texts depending on their size, or more precisely, volume. It is measured in characters (letters, punctuation marks) without spaces or with spaces. The price of a copywriter’s services is the amount of money the customer pays for 1000 characters without spaces (sbp), but on some exchanges spaces are also taken into account (ssp). Accordingly, the cost of one text is the amount that is obtained from the volume and price.


The cost of copywriter services is 100 rubles per 1000 St. Petersburg. The customer orders a text of 5000 characters from him. Accordingly, the copywriter will earn 500 rubles from this article.

When a novice author just registers on the exchange, orders for simple texts with a price tag of about 5-15 rubles per 1000 characters will be available to him. Accordingly, if you can write, for example, 3 articles of 3000 characters each in one working day, you will earn about 150 rubles. If you work like this for a whole month, then taking into account the weekends you will get about 3-4 thousand rubles.

If you're serious you can pass qualification on the stock exchange– submit any finished text for review, which will be checked for errors (spelling, punctuation, style) and given a higher rating, with which expensive orders will become available to you.

After working a little, even at a low price, you will gain experience, learn more about copywriting, and perhaps you will have regular clients who are willing to pay more for your work.

If we talk about exchanges, the average price for copywriting services on them varies within 50 rubles for 1000 characters. Accordingly, if you recalculate monthly earnings in such situations, you will get neither more nor less - about 1 0-15 thousand rubles per month. And if you have the ability and perseverance, you can reach this level already in the second month of work.

Having studied most of the tricks of copywriting, gained experience and other privileges, which we will talk about below, the copywriter reaches the level where they pay for his texts from 100 rubles per 1000 characters. A simple mathematical calculation will show that his earnings in one month can easily reach 30,000 rubles.

Unfortunately, it is already difficult to earn more on copywriting exchanges. Here you need to become an expert in a certain field, where you can find regular and targeted clients, when the author does not write everything, but only on a specific topic, for example, construction, finance

If a copywriter is capable, writes interestingly, without errors, originally and on time, then on the stock exchange he will be able to find customers who will pay 150-200 rubles per 1000 text characters. And this will result in an average monthly income of about 50,000 rubles.

Typing more text takes practice. And this concerns not only the speed of typing on the keyboard, but also the ability to search for information, analyze it, generate and systematize your thoughts.But in order to increase the price tag for your work, you need to constantly improve your skills, develop your own style, study theory, listen carefully to customers and meet deadlines.

In the case of exchanges, the cost of your work will be greatly influenced by your profile - a high rating, many positive reviews and the absence of negative ones, a portfolio filled with your texts, and other information about you.

How much do experienced authors earn from copywriting?

Instructions for Beginners

Step 1. Registration on the copywriting exchange

A copywriting exchange is a platform where both performers and customers register. On the exchange, orders are publicly available. You choose a task that you can handle, complete it, and then send it to the customer for review. If the written text meets the customer’s requirements, after verification you are paid a pre-agreed amount. On copywriting exchanges there are orders not only for copywriting and SEO copywriting, but also for rewriting. What is the difference between them, we will talk later.

An important point about working on exchanges: these sites work for a reason, but so that the creators also receive money. Therefore, any copywriting exchange takes a percentage of each order. For example, the ETXT exchange charges 5% from both the contractor and the customer. And here ContentMonster This is not a profitable site for performers at all, because... a commission of 20% is charged specifically to them, and not to the customer.

Step 2. You need to decide on a topic that is easy for you to write texts on.

In order for your texts to be correctly formatted, you need to decide on which topics it is easier for you to write articles, relying on your own skills and knowledge. For example, if you have absolutely no understanding of legal matters, then you shouldn’t write about it. Without mastering professional skills and terms, you are unlikely to be able to create a complete and useful article. It will always be easier to write a text on a topic that is familiar to you.

The most popular and customer-requested topics for articles:

  • beauty and health;
  • medicine and psychology;
  • cinema, games and similar leisure activities;
  • work, finance and business;
  • construction;
  • cars;
  • cooking, etc.

Step 3. Search and select an order

Once you register on the exchange, you will see a lot of orders. However, make no mistake, not all of them will be publicly available to you. For example, on the Advego and exchanges, most orders are available to performers from the white list. You can get on this list over time by showing your skill level on simple tasks available to beginners.

In the first couple of days, you will be able to take inexpensive orders costing 10 - 50 rubles / 1000 characters. For example, if you have at least a little knowledge of cooking, you can take an order to prepare a dish. Even if you don’t know how it’s prepared, you can always find information on the Internet and describe the recipe in other words and in a different style.

Having spent 1 - 1.5 hours writing a text with a volume of 4500 characters, you will earn approximately 140 rubles + raise your rating to access more expensive orders. If the customer likes your text, he will probably order more from you, because mostly the exchange has regular customers.

Step 4: Execute and review the article

After receiving your order, carefully study the terms of reference ( technical task), which each customer forms for the performers before submitting an application.

Having written a text on a given topic, you need to check it for uniqueness using specially created programs (Advego, ETXT, etc.). Most beginners often make spelling mistakes. This is where the Orfogramka website or the free service from will come to the rescue.

Any text must be structured:

  • have headings and subheadings;
  • paragraphs should be indented;
  • the presence of numbered and bulleted lists is also required.

Step 5. Place the order, receive and withdraw money

After completing the technical assignment, send it for review. As a rule, customers approve the order or send it back for revision within 24 hours. Once the order is accepted, payment is credited to your exchange account. You can withdraw funds to a pre-specified EPS wallet ( often this is WebMoney, QIWI or Yandex.Money) or bank account.

Volume or quality of texts

Now let's go back a little, where we looked at the factors that determine how much you can earn from copywriting. The fact is that, theoretically, if you increase the volume of texts issued per day, you can endlessly increase your income. However, there is one nuance that will soon lead you to a dead end with this approach to work.

This nuance is called quality. What is text quality? A high-quality text should be informative, without unnecessary words, well structured, and without errors. When writing it, the wishes of the customer must be taken into account. The text needs to be checked more than once, proofread, processed, so to speak, with a file.

To do all this takes a lot of time. Accordingly, if you aim yourself specifically at high-quality texts, then you will have to forget about increasing volumes. But why, you ask, do this? This also reduces the amount you can earn from writing texts.

But no. The catch is that customers pay more for high-quality texts and are more willing to commit to long-term cooperation with you. As a result, in fact, you will be able to write less text in one day, and your income will increase.

Our copywriter friend has a lot of examples from personal experience, when cooperation with a customer began with a bet of 50 rubles for 1000 characters. But in the end, the same customer returned for quality texts and was ready to pay 150 rubles for 1000 characters. Where in real life will you find an employer who triples his employee's salary? Do you think this is due to volumes, or due to quality?

Naturally, not all customers on copywriting exchanges will increase your payment for quality. But there will definitely be others who will appreciate your approach to work, style and efforts.

9 books on copywriting

We won’t go into detail about which books are better or worse for beginners. There is something to learn from each of these works, so the more you read, the better off you will be. It definitely won’t be worse (tested in practice).

It would be a good idea to start your acquaintance with the world of copywriting with these books:

  1. Olga Solomatina « Writing is easy. How to write lyrics without waiting for inspiration».
  2. Andrey Parabellum « 77 copywriting secrets».
  3. All books by Peter Panda. At the time of writing this material, there were three of them, and a fourth is in development.

As you gain experience and gain an understanding of the essence of copywriting, you can move on to more complex literature, for example:

  1. Joseph Sugarman « The art of creating advertising messages».
  2. Dmitry Kot« Copywriting: how not to eat a dog».
  3. Anne Lamott « Bird by bird»;
  4. Alexandra Karepina « We write convincingly. Your own copywriter».
  5. Denis Kaplunov « Business copywriting».
  6. Elina Slobodyanyuk « Copywriter's handbook».

In fact, there are a lot of books on copywriting. If you are really interested in this profession, then you will definitely find and read all the other works written by famous copywriters.

When reading professional literature, keep in mind that it was written by copywriters, each of whom has their own style, their own understanding of the issue, and their own tricks. Therefore, different authors can find very contradictory opinions, different understandings of the same issue, and so on. Your task is to extract from these books what suits you best and apply it in practice.

Now you have a lot of information in your arsenal about how to make money from copywriting, is it real, where and how to start. All that remains is to back it all up with a few practical recommendations, the benefits of which has been tested in practice many times.

  1. If you can’t immediately write original texts (copywriting), then try rewriting.
  2. Determine for yourself the time of day when you concentrate best. Write during these hours.
  3. Don't chase quantity. Quality, multiple checks of texts, careful proofreading - all this pays off many times faster.
  4. Let your texts rest for a bit. Write it down, put it aside, and do something else. Then re-read it again - you will probably see many shortcomings and correct them, making your text better.
  5. Constantly improve - use services for checking texts, read literature, communicate on forums and on social networks with colleagues in the workshop.
  6. If things don’t work out on one copywriting exchange, try another. Fortunately, there are enough of them today.
  7. Strive for constant cooperation with good customers. It is much easier to write several texts for one client than the same number for different ones (you don’t need to study the requirements every time, you already know what the customer pays attention to, what he likes and what he doesn’t).
  8. Start writing on the topics that are closest to you. Later, expand this circle, but without fanaticism. Never take on orders whose topics are difficult for you. You will write heresy, get a negative review and not get paid for your time.
  9. Set yourself achievable goals - the number of characters or texts per day, income per month, and so on. If you don't overestimate your capabilities, you will have a lot of fun every time you achieve a goal.
  10. Rest. Copywriting is a job like any other. If you don't rest, very soon you will become exhausted and give up on this business.
  11. Take care of your health. Arrange your workplace correctly, install programs that reduce the strain on your eyes (flux, for example).
  12. With experience, try to give up rewriting. This concept doesn’t have long to live, so it’s not worth betting on it.
  13. Develop your own writing style. If most customers like it, use it, and don’t listen to those who don’t pay you.
  14. Don’t be upset if something doesn’t work out - you come across an unfair customer, you can’t rise in the price category, there is no inspiration. All these are temporary phenomena.
  15. Learn to communicate with customers. Be polite, never be rude, comply with deadlines and order requirements. Take criticism appropriately. Remember: customers are people just like you.
  16. Think over your resume. The performer’s profile should always be interesting to customers. If there is any information confirming the author's competence in the topic of the order, it should be indicated. For example, graduation from a specialized university, work in the press, main employment in the relevant profile. The resume style is advertising. One way or another, it is important for the performer to sell his talent.
  17. Improve your skills. Many exchanges offer test, unpaid tasks to beginners. The bonus for completion is a qualification mark. The higher it is, the more likely the customer will choose the author. Take literacy tests in the same way.
  18. Follow the growing rating. For each completed job, the copywriter receives not only a reward, but also rating points. The author's demand depends on their number. If the task is not completed, the performer loses money and “goes into the red.” The consequences are as follows: long, low-paying orders, poor popularity with customers.
  19. Avoid conflicts with customers. This will lead to an accumulation of negative reviews. Even if you come across a particularly “nasty” client, you should not stoop to the level of a scandal with your neighbors. Negative feedback may appear as a result of undelivered or poor-quality work - but here the performer is to blame. In some cases, it can be challenged with the help of site moderators.
  20. Before submitting an order, please read the requirements carefully. Perhaps the client will request original photos on the topic of the article, but there is nowhere to take them. Or one of the conditions will be to independently post the text on a certain resource, and the beginner has no knowledge about the process.
  21. Work strictly in accordance with the technical specifications (TOR). If a client asks to describe pink ponies and insert a certain number of clues about apartments in St. Petersburg into the text, it is important to do this. Otherwise, why did you take the order?
  22. If the task specifies a specific volume, you should stick to it. At the same time, the quality must not suffer (empty phrases, excess water). It is better to look for additional information on the topic and expand on it.
  23. Don't linger too long on low-paying jobs. Sometimes it is difficult to refuse a regular client and you have to work for pennies for months. However, he himself is not tormented by thoughts of a small price for high-quality texts. Be able to firmly and politely reject incoming offers.
  24. Achieve a strong position on the stock exchange before going “free-floating” – working with clients without intermediaries. By the way, there are many scammers among them, and in this case the exchange protects its participants better - it blocks funds for the period of order execution. That is, the client cannot fail to pay the contractor if the article is completed in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

In polite society it is not customary to ask questions about the amount of earnings. But when applying for a job, decent wages are the first thing that interests everyone. And only then do you ask the employer about job responsibilities, working conditions and work schedule.

Copywriter is a rather interesting profession. If you have a creative streak inside you, you are ready to constantly improve, and you are literate, then you are quite capable of trying your hand at this field.

But if everything is more or less clear with the earnings of traditional professions, then the question of how much a copywriter can earn on the Internet is quite acute for newcomers to the profession. As a rule, remuneration in this specialty is piecework, and it depends both on the fame and skill of the author, and on the complexity of the work performed.

Types of copywriting by complexity

We indicate minimum prices for work for 2018, based on prices on exchanges. Depending on the experience of the author, the price may be higher.

  • Simple rewriting is rewriting the original article to make it unique. The price level starts from 15 rubles. for 1 thousand characters excluding spaces (hereinafter - 1 TSBP).
  • Deep rewriting - rewriting several sources to create a new article. From 40 rub. for 1 TSBP.
  • Materials for social networks. From 40 rub. for 1 TSBP.
  • Copywriting is the creation of text on a specific topic. From 40-50 rub. for 1 TSBP.
  • SEO and LSI copywriting - texts for sites with entered keywords, are created while working on promoting a web resource. From 50-70 rub. for 1 TSBP.
  • PR texts, selling, advertising materials and commercial offers, advertising articles for promotion purposes. From 80-100 rub. for 1 TSBP.
  • Other types: slogans, naming, coursework, dissertations, email newsletters, literary texts, quests, materials for games, etc. It is very difficult to estimate the cost of these types, since there are practically no such orders on exchanges where the lowest prices are set.

As we can see from the proposed list, the lowest paid job is rewriting. Therefore, for career growth and increasing earnings on the Internet, a copywriter needs to constantly improve: study website management systems, marketing, SEO, HTML, graphic editors, etc.

How much can a copywriter earn per month?

Let's start with the fact that a copywriter can work both at home and in the office of a reputable company.

Text exchanges

These platforms were created to unite authors and customers of text materials. As a rule, exchanges “kill” single copywriters with their low prices, and employers with a limited budget go to exchanges. The cost of a specialist’s work here is estimated at 15 rubles. for 1 TSBP. The exchange takes a certain percentage of the commission. There are many orders here, but most of them are low-budget.
How can a copywriter make money on the stock exchange? First you need to get a high rating. To do this, you will have to complete test tasks, and then work like Papa Carlo: do not sleep at night, work practically for free for several months. And at the same time, the authors do not receive any guarantees that in the future a cornucopia of highly paid orders will fall on them.

Now let's just do the math. If you start working on the stock exchange as a simple rewriter, then you don’t have a portfolio yet. Good adequate customers do not know about you, the rating has not been developed. Let's say that you can take an order at a price of 30 rubles. for 1 TSBP. If your work speed is quite high, then you will spend about 30 minutes searching for material, writing and editing. That is, the cost of 1 hour of your work will be 60 rubles. An entire 8-hour working day will be paid in the amount of 480 rubles, and 22 working days - 10,560 rubles. At the same time, we do not take into account that you need additional time to search for new customers or to finalize texts that, for one reason or another, were not suitable for clients. Don’t also forget about the commission that the text exchange will charge you. Unfortunately, the job of a novice copywriter is sometimes more like a low-paid part-time job.

Accordingly, on such sites there are a lot of “garbage” authors who write illiterate texts with a lot of errors, which is one of the pitfalls for employers. Still, if you are still in school, but have a solid A in Russian, you can try to make money on the stock exchange. Positive result: you will take your free time, get better and create your portfolio.

The most famous text exchanges:, ETXT, Miralinks, Advego and others.

Freelance exchanges

They differ from previous platforms in that they gather not just authors, but people of various professions. Therefore, there are fewer orders for authors on such exchanges, although prices are slightly higher. The main pitfall remains - you need to constantly look for new orders. Well-known exchanges are, Weblancer, FL.

Web studios, large companies, website owners, social network group administrators

These employers offer to write materials remotely. They can hire copywriters either on staff or work with them on a freelance basis. If you have found your own employer (or several), then this is very good. You will be provided with regular orders, and the price for your services will be higher.

Let's imagine that you are a talented author who works with several regular customers. You know SEO, have a good command of words, and understand marketing. The average cost of your work is 100 rubles. for 1 TSBP. You don’t work all the time, but “switch on” your creativity only when customers contact you. Suppose you receive a lot of orders and write 3 articles per day for 5 TSBP (that’s 33,000 rubles per month). But if the customers are silent, then the author is left without bread. The earnings of a freelance copywriter are very inconsistent, and it is unlikely that you will be able to earn a million.

Copywriter on staff

Salaries in the regions differ from Moscow. Therefore, we can assume that the average salary of a copywriter in the region, who is required to be in the office all day, is 17-20 thousand rubles. At the same time, statistics are silent about the number of SBPs that the author “sculpts” every day.

Advantages of the specialty

  1. The author plans his work himself.
  2. Earnings depend on the copywriter.
  3. No special education required.
  4. You can go into another specialty and then return to writing - the skills are not lost.
  5. You can constantly learn a lot of new things.
  6. Broadening your horizons and honing your professional skills.
  7. A burst of energy for creative individuals.

Negative points

  1. Many authors work their butts off.
  2. There is little chance of getting an official job and earning money for your pension, receiving vacation pay and other benefits of the social package.
  3. Low wages in most cases.
  4. Competition with low-paid schoolchildren who write worse, but also charge less for work.
  5. Zero prestige. You can often hear dismissive questions like: “Who is a copywriter? The one who makes copies?
  6. Low career prospects... But... If you want...

How the highest paid copywriters on the Runet work and earn money

  • They receive payment not for 1 TSBP, but for an article or a series of articles.
  • With their help, companies make good money.
  • Despite the prices, there are queues of customers waiting for them for free time for months.
  • One article from such an author costs at least $200.
  • Write correctly.
  • Build a quality portfolio.
  • Be polite and correct with customers.
  • Don't be intrusive.
  • Improve yourself all the time, learn new things.
  • Don't miss deadlines.
  • Create your own website and pages on social networks.

Epilogue, or Could Pushkin become a millionaire?

The phrase “I remember a wonderful moment” costs only 5 rubles; the entire poem by Pushkin would be valued in our time at about 100 rubles. But in fact, it is priceless... In our life, the main thing is not how much a copywriter earned, but what he left behind. Even if it is a very high-quality text on the Internet...
