Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Types of business on the Internet: choosing the most profitable one. Directions and tools Creating your own online business

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers. If not all of you, then many have heard about the benefits of creating your own business on the Internet: every now and then you come across admiring reviews from former clerks, small traders, and the unemployed about their dizzying success after creating a particular business online. Should we believe them? Is it worth repeating their actions?

The majority of our fellow citizens, who honestly built their business offline, are depressed and disappointed by the exorbitant amount of money that they had to invest, and the lion's share of which (let's be honest) went to bribes to officials. And the extortions do not stop, so businessmen go to the Internet - such disgrace has not yet been observed here.

But they are seasoned. What should a newcomer do, who still doesn’t really know what kind of business he is, but is ready to give his all, work hard and build it. According to my observations, the biggest problem, a question that is difficult to answer, for most beginners is: Internet business from scratch - where to start?

And they are all looking for it on forums and in tempting advertisements that promise to bring the newly created business to a high level of income within a month. This doesn't happen, don't believe it. If you intend to get an honest and objective answer to a question that concerns you, turn to more experienced comrades who, at the cost of their own ups and downs and many mistakes, have built their own, now thriving, Internet business. Now almost each of us, online business owners, maintains our own blog, where in great detail, using our own example, we teach beginners to move forward confidently and consistently.

Another nuance: many are attracted by the fact that you can start a business on the Internet from scratch without investment. They do not quite correctly understand the essence of the phrase: in any case, there will be investments, either a hundred dollars to create an online store (this is not much) or their own labor to fill the resource and promote it - it will not work out for nothing. And sitting idly by will not work either.

1. Online business for beginners – what is it?

Let's start with the fact that making money on clicks, viewing ads and videos is not a type of business, but a quick side hustle. I would also say – very boring and poorly paid. Therefore, if you came to the Internet to build a real highly profitable business, do not even look towards such offers, you will only waste time.

Business on the Internet for beginners doesn’t even involve rewriting, although many have risen to the occasion by writing articles. In principle, you can try it, if this is your thing, then in some time you will make some money to pay for the creation and promotion of your own resource.

You need to start only with the type of activity that you are fluent in, and in a short time you will be able to gain a rating and increase your earnings several times over. But I still advise, or, if you have the appropriate skills, to start creating and promoting custom websites - these are the most popular services now, and they will remain so for a long time - as long as the Internet exists.

1.1. First example

Let's say you are an excellent programmer and at the same time fluent in the html language. In this case, you don’t need to worry about how to build an online business from scratch. in a few minutes, create a one-page page with a list of your services, reviews and price list, promote it on social networks or set up a direct message - and get customers with crisp banknotes.

However, this will not mean that you have created a business, because business is not work, even working “for yourself” is not a business. But, since in this article we are looking at the possibilities from scratch. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the fact that one of the stages of building a business on the Internet will be: working for yourself. After all, having gained experience, you will know how all this should be arranged and then you will be able to hire several assistants and train them. And now, when you no longer work alone, when you give instructions and monitor the progress of their implementation, your activity can be called a business.

1.2. Second example

Now, as for websites: they can be created by anyone and for any purpose. There are many types and subtypes of sites. But in this example, I want to talk about the most, in my opinion, suitable for the article “business from scratch”. So, this type of site is called: “Content”.

Roughly speaking, it works like this (if from scratch):

  1. We create a website, choose a topic, fill it with articles. In six months or a year, such a site will begin to bring in 15-25 thousand rubles per month (almost like renting out a one-room apartment);
  2. We, as future businessmen, do not spend this money, but invest it in the development of the project. Namely: we hire a copywriter who will write articles for you, and an assistant who will select pictures and publish them. In this way, we completely or partially relieve ourselves of responsibilities, and our site continues to develop itself;
  3. When your income increases, and this is inevitable, you can create several more similar ones;

And let it be - it's actually not as simple as it seems. But believe me, I have proven from personal experience that by creating a website from scratch, you can earn an income of more than 100,000 rubles per month.

And before moving on to the next section, I want to note one more thing: the internal attitude is important. If you don’t know how to create a business on the Internet from scratch, still behave like a businessman, and not like an employee who is constantly afraid of some kind of click or kick. Believe me, my experience: both sometimes turn out to be the best motivation for active action.

2. How to create an online business from scratch - basic rules

If you have zero money and zero ideas, don’t be upset. Even in this sad situation, you have a chance to create your own business on the Internet. Considering the fact that a successful idea can “take off” at any moment or it can be found from competitors and slightly modified and improved, and money can either be borrowed, or earned extra, or completely done without it - then you, dear future colleague, have excellent prospects.

Now I will teach you what rules must be followed so that they (prospects) do not fall apart:

  1. Find “your” niche - a field of activity in which you have experience or at least knowledge, and which interests you;
  2. If there is no money at all (that is, absolutely), and you need to purchase links and post articles, too, you will have to write on your own for some time and manually post links on third-party sites by agreement. Don’t get too bogged down in this – three months, six months maximum. Remember that you came here to manage the created project, and not to become a black man of the pen (keyboard);
  3. Create a promising business, not a website that will last 1-2 years. Work for your financial future;
  4. Place maximum emphasis on passive income: You work only for a certain period - until the site becomes popular and visited, then it itself works for you.
  5. Monitor the quality, presentation format and relevance of the written articles. Don’t be afraid to edit them long after publication – information tends to lose relevance and therefore requires updating, full or partial. The more useful and interesting information your resource brings to the Internet, the higher the monetary return will be. (By the way, search engines will only be happy with the update);
  6. Find yourself motivation and a role model. In order for an Internet project to start very quickly and successfully, huge financial investments are required - about 3-5 thousand dollars. But we are talking about how to start a business on the Internet from scratch and without money, so this option is clearly not suitable. It will take at least a year to promote a young resource. You need to not only mentally prepare yourself for the fact that during this time you should not expect income from the site, but also that you should in no way be discouraged, disappointed, or tired of waiting. Motivate yourself with something - future income, for example. Find a success story or several stories of webmasters and be guided by them.

3. Business on the Internet - I see the goal, I don’t see the obstacles

I argued and continue to argue that 90% of success in any business - big business online or offline, finding a job, finding an idea - depends on the psychological attitude, inner confidence and the ability to set the right goal.

I divide people who do not have a specific goal into two categories:

  1. Confused people are those who temporarily do not know what to do and how to realize themselves, but are trying to find their niche and set their goal, however, they get lost and cannot decide on anything for a very long time;
  2. The lost are those who are not going to look for anything, they live one day at a time. Such people wander aimlessly on the Internet, read everything, they like all the ideas, but they do not choose any for themselves. They do not fill their empty spiritual space with anything, do not strive for anything, and over time begin to degrade.

God forbid anyone ends up in the second category - it’s almost impossible to get out of such a state. But let’s not talk about sad things. I am sure that among my readers there are no lost ones. Although I will repeat once again (just in case): if a person does not have a goal in life, very soon he will begin to have problems.

And if you are now busy deciding how to organize an online business, start by setting your goals correctly.

  1. Honestly admit to yourself what you want: not what is fashionable, not what everyone is doing, but what you need;
  2. Be prepared to sacrifice something to achieve your goal: in the case of creating an Internet business - free time, friendly gatherings over beer and even a few football matches (for women - coffee with girlfriends, TV series, empty conversations on the phone). All this time needs to be devoted to something else - self-education or attending webinars;
  3. When building your Internet business, look at your goal with your own eyes, listen to the voice of your own intuition, and not outside advice. Even those closest to you, people who love you and wish you well, are unlikely to be well versed in the nuances of online business. For most of them, this is in the category of: “well, that’s it” and “whatever the child enjoys.” Don't let them negatively influence you, dissuade you or dissuade you.
  4. Having chosen a goal, you must clearly imagine the results of achieving it. Therefore, choose only goals that are important and meaningful to you.

4. How to start an online business from scratch: studying the target audience

Another important point: when promoting a resource (business), be sure to analyze and study your target audience: their interests, their purchasing power (if you trade via the Internet), their wishes for the product or information provided. Be interested in the problems of the target audience, as well as the methods that they are used to using to solve them.

An online business from scratch is just a business, not much different from any other. The same principles, rules and guidelines apply to him.
At the very beginning, you must soberly consider why you need all this. After all, promotion and promotion will take a lot of time.

According to our experience, it takes 1-1.5 years of hard and focused work until it begins to generate any significant income. One that you could live on. Plus, there will no longer be a boss chasing you around. And it’s quite difficult to motivate yourself to do hard work.

Also, what you choose for yourself as a product should greatly inspire you. Otherwise, your online business from scratch will not survive the first real difficulties.

In addition to an inspiring idea, you need a financial goal that you will achieve in the same year and a half. Income from the business should range from 200,000 to 500,000 rubles. Otherwise, all efforts are simply pointless. There is a fairly simple method for more accurately determining the amount. Multiply your current monthly income by 10. The resulting figure will become your goal.

Becoming an entrepreneur requires some skills and knowledge. Key business skills lie in sales and negotiations. You will also need good knowledge of the product.

Here are 4 parting words, following which from the very beginning will save you from many problems and bitter disappointments.

1. When it comes to your first business, choose as an object of trade only what you are well versed in. Even the famous billionaire investor Warren Buffett does not invest his money in areas he does not understand. This doesn't mean you'll never expand your horizons and do something different. But for the first voyage, well-known fairways are best suited.

2. Never spend money on your first business that was set aside for other strategic goals - housing, training, a financial safety net. Don't take loans.

3. It would be good to love what you are going to do.

4. Don't make everything perfect. Idealism sometimes plunges people into unnecessary expenses. Minimize your initial investment as much as possible. And don’t try to do everything right away - you’ll just waste time.

Internet business from scratch: 3 directions

The question of how to build an online business from scratch is now asked only by the lazy. The interest is justified, since starting a business from scratch on the Internet promises many benefits. Right on the surface lie such “eternal” values ​​as freedom, independence, mobility, the absence of ceilings and limits. True, for some reason people forget that in order to achieve them, you must first seriously limit yourself in freedom, independence, and even very often in mobility. In any case, you will need a certain amount of discipline and patience.

There are several dozen ways to start an Internet business from scratch. We will list only 3. Most likely, you have heard about them. But have you thought about it seriously? So, think about it.

Business on the Internet from scratch: consulting, teaching and other services

You somehow know how to do something well and professionally. Something that is a real problem or headache for someone. Or maybe even a dream. Consulting and teaching are good areas that will help you quickly launch a business from scratch. In this case, the Internet will give you the necessary “speedup”. Available online marketing tools allow you to quickly scale and expand your activities. Webinar rooms, online conferences and social networks can help you. Then you will grow to your network resource.

How to start an online business from scratch: online store

Your own business on the Internet from scratch: an agency with marketing specialization

Do you already have your own business from scratch on the Internet, is it running successfully? Or have you already helped someone set up an Internet business from scratch more than once? In general, you have some experience on how to build a business from scratch on the Internet. Then you can earn extra money from your knowledge in SEO promotion, content marketing, promoting your presence on social networks, setting up a YouTube channel, creating blogs/websites/landing pages.

Do not forget that when paying in cash, an online cash register is required. In online stores, it is convenient for users to pay using a bank card, so they will need to connect payment systems (for example, Yandex.Checkout, Robokassa, etc.)

We talked about how to start your business from scratch on the Internet. What directions can you choose and in what sequence to move towards the goal.

How to create your own business on the Internet and what to do to promote it successfully? What are the best ideas for making money online? How much can you earn via the Internet?

Good afternoon, dear readers! Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on financial topics at HeatherBober magazine and also the editor-in-chief of the project. My personal business on the Internet is related to texts - I create content for online resources and help others do this. But this is only one of hundreds of options for making money online.

In a new article, I will talk about the most profitable and affordable ways to earn income online. You will learn how to launch an online business competently and without problems, which niches are the most lucrative, and why aspiring entrepreneurs need risk optimization.

Read to the end: in the end you will find life hacks and expert advice that will help you successfully promote your business in a tough competition, attract new clients and expand your sphere of influence to the outskirts of the solar system.

1. Business on the Internet – a waste of time or a path to a better future

Some use the Internet for entertainment and communication, others work here. Online earnings have no geographical or social boundaries and are accessible from anywhere on the planet where there is access to the Internet.

It doesn’t matter who you are - a student, a pensioner, a housewife, a mother on maternity leave, an aspiring entrepreneur with the ambitions of a dollar millionaire: there is a place for everyone on the Internet. Monetization methods are two carriages and a small cart. All you have to do is choose the most suitable option.

The Internet is a space of limitless opportunities for enterprising, energetic and independent people. Scientific fact: you can earn any amount here, it all depends only on your abilities and ambitions.

Thousands of people are doing this right now as you read this article. For them, the network is a source of financial independence, a workplace and a territory for career growth.

But don’t think that the Internet is a magical land in which money is handed out to everyone. As in real life, lazy and uninitiated citizens can continue to relax on the couch. Success is achieved by those who are energetic, responsible and hardworking.

There is a strong opinion, especially among older people, that those who cannot find a “normal” job go to the Internet for income. I want to assure skeptics: this is a wrong point of view.

When I left my full-time job as a journalist for the network, I had to deal with this attitude myself from friends and family members. But as soon as my income became higher and more stable than at a “normal” job, the puzzled looks and skeptical grins disappeared by themselves.

I will list the main advantages of making money online:

  1. Unlimited income.
  2. A huge selection of areas - realize your abilities depending on their availability.
  3. Independence - you work only for yourself without any bosses.
  4. Irregular working hours - if you want, work 4 hours a week, if you want - work from dawn to dusk.
  5. Vacations and weekends - whenever you want.
  6. You choose your place of work.
  7. You have the right to change the direction of your activity at any time.

An online home business makes you the master of your time and your life. It doesn’t matter that at first your earnings will not be as great as you would like. If you keep a course for constant development, there will definitely be results.

For me, the highlight of working for myself was the incomparable feeling of freedom when you move from strictly standardized working hours to your own schedule.

But don't confuse freedom with sloppiness. Money will not pour into your account on its own simply because you started calling yourself an entrepreneur or freelancer. You will have to work hard in any case.

People will only pay for the value you bring to them. Personally, I don’t know any easy ways to make money. If you know them, write in the comments.

Online business - or freelancing - does not mean that money falls from the sky. It means that you work from anywhere on Earth according to your schedule

Another warning: making money online is not for everyone. There is no guarantee that your investment of time and money will pay off. I have friends who, after spending a year or two on online commerce, went to work in an office for a stable salary. But there are also those who earn hundreds of thousands monthly online.

Internet business today is not about making money on clicks and playing in a virtual casino. This is a full-fledged field of activity, regulated (by the way) by law. From a legal perspective, not every type of online activity is considered a business.

For example, if you provide website development services on an exchange, it will not be a business, but self-employment. Translators, copywriters, designers and other freelancers do not have to open an individual entrepreneur.

However, if you have an entire agency of translators with corresponding income, then the activity should be formalized in the format of an enterprise.

2. TOP 5 ideas for making money online

There are actually hundreds, if not thousands, of ideas for making money online. Fresh projects are constantly emerging that become extremely profitable. This was the case with Google, Bitcoin, Facebook, VKontakte - these projects were created from scratch and brought billions to their developers.

If you don’t have an original idea yet, use our tips. We present the top 5 areas that have already proven their commercial potential.

Online store

A collective name for any type of online trading.

There are several types of stores:

  • full-fledged website;
  • one-page (landing page);
  • community (account) on social networks.

Choose an option depending on your budget, type of product, and availability of free time. An online store website requires a decent investment in content, not counting the cost of the product itself. A page on social networks is a project with minimal costs.

It is not at all necessary to immediately purchase products worth hundreds of thousands of rubles: a significant part of retail outlets operate according to the dropshipping scheme - direct deliveries from the manufacturer to the buyer without storing goods in a warehouse.

The seller in this case acts as an intermediary: he pays the wholesale price to the supplier, and receives money from the buyer for retail. The entrepreneur’s task is to bring together both sides of the transaction and organize the purchase and sale process.

Stores with a decent income are registered as individual entrepreneurs or LLCs. The owners pay taxes and fees and do the same things as the owners of offline trading enterprises.

Profits depend only on your activity, skillful marketing, effective advertising and sales talent.

Risks and prospects: some have millions in trinkets from China, others go broke in the first month.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise newcomers to immediately engage in professional store promotion.

First, tell all your friends, relatives and acquaintances that you have your own retail outlet. Be sure to promote your business on social networks with the help of the community - now this is the most effective, and most importantly, practically free promotion tool. Likes, reposts, comments in the group create excellent advertising for your resource.

Website development

Making websites is not as difficult as it seems. It is not necessary to be a programmer, but of course you need to have a basic understanding of HTML layout, types of engines, domains and hosting. Don't be intimidated by these terms if they're unfamiliar to you. With experience comes understanding.

Everyone needs websites. Qualified web developers are in high demand, but there is always work for newcomers to this field. And although there are several “elite” studios on the RuNet working in the field of creating and promoting online resources, most customers turn to local agencies or freelancers.

There are a lot of self-taught people among website creators, since web design and programming is a relatively new discipline in universities. There are many good courses and schools online that offer training in both the basic fundamentals and nuances of the profession.


The direction chosen by thousands of students, graduates, young mothers on maternity leave, unemployed journalists and philologists. The reason for the popularity of this profession is simple: millions of existing sites need to be filled with content, otherwise it will be ignored by readers and search engines.

However, if 3-4 years ago only a few resources paid attention to the quality of content, now everyone needs competent, interesting and original tests. Search engine algorithms have changed dramatically, and visitors to online resources have become more demanding and sophisticated.

Those who can create useful, interesting and relevant content now make good money in copywriting. This includes not only the texts themselves, but also media, as well as interactive things such as surveys, questionnaires and online competitions.

Sale of goods from China

The share of Chinese products on the Russian market is 60-80%. Today these are no longer low-quality crafts, but quite high-quality things, especially if purchased from an industrial manufacturer.

Cooperation with Chinese enterprises is the least expensive option for beginners. You don’t need to be a graduate of a trade university to establish partnerships with Chinese suppliers and organize delivery to the Russian Federation.

But like any commercial activity, the sale of Chinese products involves many nuances that must be taken into account.

For example, you found a super profitable supplier on the AliExpress website and ordered goods from him. But they did not take into account that delivery from this province is much more expensive than from port cities. As a result, savings turn into even greater costs.

To prevent this from happening, you need to consult in advance with experienced specialists in this field, or better yet, attend thematic master classes and trainings.

Registration for business with China is open right now, conducted by specialized specialists with successful business experience. They will teach you how to trade goods from China with a markup of 500-600% and give you contacts of trusted suppliers.

Expert Evgeny Guryev says:

Selling Internet traffic

Any commercial website needs to attract traffic (visitors). But it is not always profitable for the sites themselves to engage in full-scale advertising.

It is cheaper to entrust intermediaries with the promotion of goods and services. They will attract visitors to their resources, redirect them to your site and receive a reward for this. Both parties to the transaction will benefit.

This activity is called arbitrage or selling traffic.

Comparison table of business ideas:

3. How to start an online business - step-by-step guide

Entrepreneurial activity does not tolerate fuss and chaos.

Those who have a plan win.

Step 1. Setting goals and optimizing risks

It is imperative to set a goal for yourself; it motivates and disciplines. If you yourself don’t know what you want, this will inevitably affect your business - it will be unsystematic, sluggish and ineffective.

There are risks in any commercial endeavor, but it is quite possible to reduce them to a minimum.

A few basic rules:

  1. Do not invest all your savings in the business, as well as money accumulated for other strategic purposes.
  2. Don't take out a loan to start a business.
  3. Soberly calculate your possible losses in case of failure.
  4. Involve partners and investors if you doubt your abilities.
  5. Study the market thoroughly.
  6. Work in a field you are familiar with.
  7. Start with a business plan.

Even if the activity does not require investment, risks still need to be taken into account. Because time is also an asset, and an irreplaceable one.

Step 2. Choosing a direction of activity

It all depends on your personal preferences, talents and skills. People have income in a wide variety of niches, even ones that average citizens have never even heard of.

One of my friends sells his forecasts for the German football Bundesliga. Another is industrial heating installations. The third wants to issue his own cryptocurrency.

However, the more unusual the idea, the more difficult it is to profit from it. Eight out of ten innovative startups fail at the implementation stage.

If you are not sure about the prospects of your idea, choose the usual direction. Earn money from what thousands of other freelancers and entrepreneurs are already making money from.

Step 3. Development of a business plan

For an abstract dream to turn into a full-fledged and concrete idea, it needs a competent business plan. This is a document that describes the concept of a business, its processes and mechanisms for achieving goals.

Simply put, a plan is a sequence of steps that must be taken to get from point A to point B. The plan indicates both financial costs and specific actions necessary to achieve business objectives.

A plan is needed not only by the businessman himself, but also by investors, partners, co-owners - all those whom you want to interest in your idea and take in a share.

Step 4. Launch the project

The most responsible and exciting moment. But if you have already done proper preparation, no problems should arise at this stage.

Ready to launch an online project? Go ahead and don't be afraid of anything!

Imagine a well-oiled racing car with full fuel tanks waiting to take off on the track. What can stop him? That's right - nothing! Step on the gas and let's start!

Step 5. Finding clients and expanding your business

Customers are the basis of any commerce. No clients - no income. Marketing is precisely the area of ​​business on which you cannot skimp.

On the Internet, searching for clients comes down to promoting and promoting an online resource. The more interested visitors come to your website, the more buyers of services and goods there will be.

Website promotion is a whole science. But you will definitely master it if you are not indifferent to the fate of your own business.

Learn the basic rules of promotion in the next section.

4. How to promote your business online - useful tools for promotion

Online promotion is a full-fledged branch of business. The promotion of resources is carried out by both special agencies and freelancers.

But we are interested in independent methods that are accessible to everyone.

Thematic forums

Thousands of users communicate online on a wide variety of topics, including your business. There are forums dedicated to copywriting, fashion, cosmetics, foreign language courses, cooking, etc.

By unobtrusively promoting your services on such resources, you will attract the target audience to your projects without any monetary expenses.

Social media

SMM (Social Media Marketing) is a relatively new but promising tool for business promotion.

It doesn’t matter what you make money from - create a thematic page, public page, group, or any other resource that will promote your products and at the same time entertain visitors with interesting content.

This is no longer primitive advertising, it is a way of social promotion. SMM promotion works with the target audience and is designed for a long-term effect. Your group on a popular social network is a virtual asset that will bring real profits.

Dmitry Dementiy

Ideas are much more difficult to implement than to generate. Instead of spending years thinking about what business to start, it is better to spend time on a business plan and building a workflow. This article will help you understand what business to take on. Choose a section that suits your interests and competencies, find ideas and bring them to life!


Over the past year, more than 35% of Russians made purchases online, and these numbers are only growing. Open an online store and sell those products that you are well versed in. You can do this on your website, sell through a landing page, even just through social networks. Or use third-party services - Avito, Ebay, Amazon and others.

  1. Electronics breaks all records for online sales. If you can find a way to compete with large chains and minimize the risk of damage to gadgets during delivery, this is a good option.
  2. Cloth. Many things can be picked up without trying on, and people actively buy them on the Internet - you can minimize costs by selling through social networks and offer competitive prices. Read our blog about how to create an online store on VKontakte.
  3. Books. Yes, yes, paper ones. It sounds old-fashioned, but people now prefer to order them on websites, because prices in offline stores have skyrocketed.

  1. Chinese products. Absolutely any: order clothes, accessories and gadgets in Chinese stores and resell them online in your region - you will have an advantage over AliExpress due to faster delivery. It is only important to find a reliable supplier so that the low quality of the product does not lead to losses.
  2. Promoted communities and accounts. First, of course, they will have to be untwisted. Buy bots and sell cheap or honestly recruit real people and sell high - it’s up to you. For “white” SMM promotion, you can contact us.
  3. Organic food. You can negotiate with local farmers, gardeners and mushroom pickers, find buyers online and arrange delivery.
  4. Antiques. Suitable only if you understand it or want to understand it. Among the population there will always be a layer of connoisseurs of antiquities - the main thing is to reach them and offer a relevant product.
  5. Goods for pets. Oddly enough, people can save on themselves, but not on their cats and dogs.
  6. Goods for children. Another niche with high margins.
  7. Products for everyday needs. If you can deliver detergents, razors, wipes and shampoos to people once a month, you will find grateful customers. And for an online store, be sure to choose a suitable CMS.
  8. Affiliate Marketing. Sell ​​any products from other companies for a commission. Such a business on partnership terms will require a minimum of investment.
  9. Cybersquatting. Register and resell domains.
  10. Hobby goods. People who are interested in scrapbooking, embroidery, wood carving, fishing or hunting know exactly what they need - so they are ready to make online purchases easily and quickly.
  11. Cosmetics. It is easy to sell with little investment, easy and inexpensive to deliver, and has a long shelf life - a convenient product for online trading. You can open an online store on Instagram.
  12. Used goods. Buy and sell used equipment, clothing and household items in good condition.


If you can not only sell other people's products, but also make your own, you have a competitive advantage. You can sell on your resources and on third-party sites. There is a “Fair of Craftsmen” to find buyers in Russia, and there is Etsy, where you can sell your handmade products all over the world.

  1. Individual tailoring. With the decline in quality in the mass market, the demand for clothes made from high-quality fabrics, tailored to individual measurements, is growing. All you need is a sewing machine and the ability to use it, and buyers can take all the measurements themselves and send them to you on the website.
  2. Accessories and jewelry. From polymer clay, wood, metal or fabric - perhaps you know how to make jewelry, but you just don’t know about it.
  3. Household products. This could be textiles, frames, stands, candlesticks or dishes. But making high-quality things is not a guarantee of success, because it is very important to find your buyer.
  4. Interior paintings. They are usually large and abstract; they can be made to order to suit the needs of a specific buyer. The main thing is to find this buyer.

  1. Furniture. For ease of delivery, it is better to have a small-sized one or one that can be disassembled into parts - like at IKEA. You can try to negotiate cooperation with interior design studios.
  2. Personalization of ordinary items. You can make custom engravings or give a second life to old customer items.
  3. Confectionery. Cakes and pastries can be made to order and sent to your region; gingerbread cookies and sweets can last a long time and be delivered throughout the country. Select the right content for your online store - then users will find it convenient and interesting to work with your site, and you will be able to increase sales.

Online education and information products

Modern man studies throughout his life. And more and more often he chooses online education so as not to waste time on travel, not to adjust his schedule to courses, and to have the opportunity to learn from professionals from anywhere in the world.

  1. Language training. You can create an online school with your own features. When it comes to learning foreign languages, people are picky, lazy and constantly looking for new techniques - so it’s quite possible to find ways to compete with giants like Skyeng.
  2. Practical skills training. Any of your professional activities in which you are well versed will be suitable: you can teach people targeting, design, photography, programming, SEO promotion, management. If you don’t know how yet, it’s okay - come to Internet marketing courses from TexTerra.
  3. Training for self-development. These are financial literacy, time management, public speaking and much more. You can attract not only young people, but also older people who have a lot of free time and are interested in learning new things. By the way, in our blog there is material about promoting courses for an audience of 50+.
  4. Training in highly specialized things. Perhaps you can teach programmers a new language or designers how to work with a new program.
  5. General education courses. Monetize the human thirst for knowledge: courses on modern art, history of religion or English literature also attract a lot of people if you make them entertaining and interactive.
  6. Expert books. Write them and sell them if you have a deep understanding of some area. Create a serious product and think through every little detail: content, promotion, presentation of material. You can get inspired by our book “100+ Hacks for Internet Marketers”.
  7. Teaching aids. If you don’t understand it deeply enough, compose electronic manuals based on less convenient or foreign publications - and sell them.
  8. Video lessons. You can teach people something specific by showing them by example. You can teach what you know yourself - from cooking to photo retouching.
  9. Author's courses. Develop educational materials for the lessons and sell them - just like a textbook, without any online consultations or checking the work.
  10. Tutoring for children. Any school subject can be taught via video link.

  1. Additional education for children. Open an online school of programming, journalism or any other topic - teach schoolchildren what may be useful to them in later life.
  2. Courses for parents. Recently they have been gaining popularity.


People also often spend their leisure time on the Internet - use it.

  1. Dating service. It seems that everything has already been invented, but you can do it with your own trick. For example, there is an app called Haters that matches people based on what people hate. Come up with your own trick and implement it, study the target audience. And we will help you understand how men and women behave on the Internet.
  2. Social network. Of course, there is no need to compete with VK. You need to target a narrower audience with similar interests.
  3. Online Games. This could be a large-scale project using virtual and augmented reality technologies. Or simple games in mobile applications. We have already written about how to make money from this.
  4. Content project. Make a website, write articles and shoot videos on interesting topics - about travel, human stories, science or interesting facts.

  1. Event aggregator in different cities of Russia. Not all events are published on Kudago, and not all regions are represented on the site. You can cover more interesting things, organize it conveniently and charge money for posting announcements.
  2. Event Planning. If you are naturally creative, develop and sell holiday scenarios according to the wishes of your customers.
  3. Organization of events. This can also be done online - you can select premises for events, presenters, photographers, decorators, animators and coordinate their work.


One of the most popular types of modern Internet business: if you develop an Instagram account, a YouTube channel or a blog with articles, you charge money for advertising.

  1. Blogs with photos. If you travel a lot or just see the world from an unusual angle, you can keep your followers engaged with beautiful pictures and witty captions. Learn to work professionally in Photoshop to take your content to the next level.
  2. Blogs with longreads. You can implement it on a social network, on your website, Zen or Medium. Write about things that might be interesting or useful to a wide range of readers. And we will suggest 7 win-win topics for any blog.

  1. Product Testing. Select an area and tell your subscribers about your experience using cosmetics from different brands, fishing gear, equipment and any other products.
  2. Interviews with experts and interesting personalities. If you can keep a video blog and find interesting guests, you will never run out of ideas for content - you will earn money from the stories of your heroes. You can repeat Dudya’s experience and write an entertaining blog, or choose a field and conduct discussions for specialists.

Useful services

On the Internet, any information is publicly available, but a successful resource will be one where it can be conveniently systematized and presented to users. And also, in addition to information services, you can coordinate the work of some offline services using websites and applications.

  1. Online libraries. There are already Litres and others on the RuNet, but there are not many of them yet.
  2. Library of application forms to various authorities. You can create a resource where people can quickly find and download any forms.
  3. Discount aggregators. To weaken competition, you can choose a narrow specialization in certain products. The structure of such a site can be quite complex: take care to draw up a competent technical specification for developers.
  4. Bulletin board. Make a convenient service for posting any advertisements: sales, purchases, exchanges, service offers and job searches.

  1. Online flea market. It’s convenient to implement this through an application, but if you have a small budget, you can even get by with social networks.
  2. Real estate sales and purchase service. People are turning to realtors less and less and are increasingly looking for housing via the Internet. To be taken seriously in the real estate market, take care of the little things that build trust in the site.
  3. Buy tickets and tours online. Modern people will also prefer a convenient website to travel agencies, and you can take a percentage of the amount.
  4. Photobank. Everyone needs good photographs - designers, SMM specialists, business owners, and sometimes even individuals. And they are ready to pay for them.
  5. Food delivery service. And you don’t need to run your own restaurant at all - the main thing is to organize the work of couriers, make a convenient website and succeed in promotion. And learn to write delicious texts about food that will attract customers.
  6. Courier service. Delivery of anything can now be done online.
  7. Exchange of services. You can create a resource for a wide range of services, like YouDo, or create a specialized exchange for freelancers in a particular field. For example, an exchange for copywriters, programmers, designers. Study your competitors: we published a review of popular freelance exchanges.
  8. Platform for tutors and students. Like Preply or Upstudy.
  9. Photo editing service. There are a lot of them on the Internet, but they are difficult to navigate, and not everyone has Photoshop. An editor tailored to specific needs may be in demand - for example, specifically for SMM or retouching.

Consulting for individuals

Individual consultations on a variety of issues are gaining popularity on the Internet.

  1. Psychological help. If you happen to be a certified psychologist or can hire psychologists for work, online consultations will be a good business project.

  1. Career guidance for children and adults. Nowadays everyone wants to find a calling and a job they like—some will definitely need help.
  2. Employment consultations. Finding your dream job is a separate and difficult task, and there is no worthy competitor to HeadHunter in sight. If you can track job offers all over the Internet and provide them to candidates, you can make money from it.
  3. Family relationship counseling. And for any relationship. Such services can be sold in private messages.
  4. Consultations on proper nutrition. At the same time, you can agree with brands whose products you will recommend.
  5. Fashion. Since shopping is moving online, the services of a virtual stylist may also be required here.
  6. Legal advice for individuals. Of course, you can’t work as a lawyer online, but you can answer people’s questions and suggest legal solutions to their problems for money. You can promote your services using useful content - the TexTerra blog has material on how to write good legal texts.
  7. Consultations on education abroad. It’s always relevant, because many people want to leave, and it’s difficult to understand the intricacies ourselves.
  8. Computer help. Some people cannot reboot the router or install a browser on their own and are willing to pay for help.

B2B services

A large and separate layer of ideas are various services for business. Outsourcing is gaining popularity: if a specialist is needed for a few hours a month, they will not keep him on staff.

  1. Legal assistance. You can solve any business issues: from copyright protection to resolving disagreements with partners.
  2. Mystery shopping exchange. Usually such employees are not kept on staff; they are needed for a short period of time. You can create a website to easily search for performers and monetize it.
  3. Accounting services. More and more small businesses are choosing to outsource accountants.
  4. Internet audit. Analyze the performance of websites, communities and social media accounts.
  5. Remote call center. You will need employees from anywhere in the country to answer calls for multiple organizations.
  6. System administration. Typically, the presence of a system administrator in the office is only necessary when problems arise.
  7. Trainings. Large and even medium-sized companies are willing to pay for employee training: from upgrading specialized skills to negotiation techniques, management and other soft skills. Such courses can be successfully promoted through social networks.
  1. Software development. A business needs a lot of different programs.
  2. Remote technical support. You can help employees work with programs or fix errors on websites.
  3. Recruitment agency. It seems that with the Internet the job market has become more open, but this is not the case. Company representatives don’t want to look through a bunch of resumes themselves in search of suitable people - you can help them with this. Even first interviews are now often conducted online.
  4. Marketing agency. Why not.
  5. Printing house with order on the website. Businesses are always in need of flyers, posters, merchandise and more. And with the current inexpensive delivery, the scheme will work quite well: the client ordered on the website, you printed it and sent it by courier to the address.
  6. Creation of websites, landing pages and applications. New businesses open every day, and everyone needs a website. In the TexTerra e-book you can read how to make a website yourself if you are a humanist.

  1. Translation services. You can translate documents, correspond with foreign companies, or find simultaneous interpreters for events. However, there is a lot of competition in the translation industry.
  2. Warehousing. If you have an empty premises, you can organize a storage service via the Internet - this will be relevant for many stores.
  3. Fundraising. Unfortunately or fortunately, you can also make money by raising money for charitable organizations.
  4. Equipment rent. Through your website you can rent out equipment for any area of ​​activity.
  5. Design services. Every business needs advertising products regularly, and each time it is different.
  6. Administrative services. Help businessmen with financial planning and office work.
  7. Sociological research. Conduct online surveys so businesses can improve their marketing and increase sales.

Crazy menu of ideas

If you are adventurous and don't like template solutions, you can consider more creative ideas. Among the advantages is low competition.

  1. Surprise service. The customer pays money, names the addressee, you buy a surprise gift of your choice and send it. Beautiful content on Instagram will help promote an unusual business.
  2. Draw service. The customer pays money, names the recipient, and you play him. Perhaps you can also come up with a virtual raffle.
  3. Making things based on children's drawings. The client sends you a drawing, and you bring it to life - for example, you make a toy or household item.
  4. Service for pet lovers and owners. On such a dating site, a dog owner who has no time to walk his dog in the morning will be able to meet a neighbor who dreams of walking his dog in the morning.
  5. Products for singles. More and more people live alone, but grocery packaging in stores is often family-sized. If you present the idea correctly, singles will be happy to get rid of overpayments - and you will be able to sell small portions of food with delivery through the website and social networks.
  6. Virtual friend for an hour. Since you can buy a real friend for an hour, there will also be people willing to pay for lunch with a virtual interlocutor. It is important to correctly identify the target audience for such a project.
  7. Paid newsletter with useful reminders. Apps are already appearing that remind users to get up at 8 a.m., do 100 squats, or finally get some work done. It’s easier for people to engage in self-development when they are motivated – even virtually.
  8. An online store where you can buy a surprise for yourself. The buyer pays a certain amount, and they deliver a product commensurate in cost; the more unexpected, the better.
  9. Rent of various status items: jewelry, dresses, huge bouquets for photos and people to accompany you at events.
  10. Delivery of any goods from stores abroad. Worldwide delivery is not available everywhere. Therefore, services that organize this are now relevant: you just need to find contractors abroad who are ready to send the goods your customers need.

  1. Organization of separations. People find it difficult to announce their breakup to their loved ones, and this weakness can be monetized: hire a psychologist who will tell sad news over the phone for money. Such a service can be promoted through social networks - learn how to choose the right pictures for posts Rate the material:
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Internet business without investment: features of online business + necessary tools for entrepreneurial activity + the most promising business ideas in this area.

There are a lot of people who want to start their own business in order to achieve success in the future and increase income, but, unfortunately, not everyone has a sufficient amount of start-up capital and the necessary knowledge in this area.

Fortunately, time does not stand still, and today literally every citizen can start their own entrepreneurial activity without having large savings. The best option in this case would be an online business without investment.

What is it, how does it differ from making money online and which areas are the most popular, we will discuss in this article.

What does an online business without investment involve?

Entrepreneurial activity carried out using the Internet is a fairly new direction in business, but it has already gained many fans.

Business on the Internet allows you to give up routine work in the office 5 days a week and at the same time receive a solid income. This type of employment is possible for anyone who has a computer with Internet access and the desire to achieve success.

Very often, online business is confused with the concept of making money online. And although at first glance it may seem that these terms are very similar, they should be distinguished.

Making money on the Internet involves a type of remote employment, while online business is the same type of entrepreneurial activity as others offline. By organizing your own business using the Internet, you also become a businessman who is entirely responsible for his activities and receives a decent return for it.

But what does it mean, or more precisely, how can you build your own business without a sufficient material base?

Since this type of business is organized on the Internet, this means that you can avoid many expenses, for example:

  • For renting premises, since you can work anywhere, and even the staff you recruit does not need a work office.
  • For the purchase of equipment and consumables.
  • For obtaining a variety of certificates, extracts and other documents that are often required by organizing a business offline.

In other words, a business without investments really means minimizing all costs of organizing business activities according to the standard scheme. As a rule, the amount required to start a business online does not exceed a couple of thousand rubles, or even comes down to zero.

But what does it take to become an entrepreneur if you don't need money? More on this later.

Online business without investment: the tools you need to start an enterprise

In addition to the theoretical aspects of creating and opening a business online, we will also talk about real ways to become an entrepreneur on the Internet without using investments. But first, a few more words about what will be useful to you at the start of your business career.

The first thing you need to understand is that a business without investment can have a good future, that is, any interesting business idea implemented on the Internet without investment has a chance of success and development. But such entrepreneurial activity most often begins with a small business, so keep in mind that to enter a large market you will have to work hard.

The second thing you should know: a business without investments, and indeed an online business in general, that intends to generate a good income, does not create much profit at first. Only by applying imagination and strength will you be able to see the result.

Ask why you need to know about this? So as not to give up your favorite business halfway, if literally tomorrow it does not bear any fruit. And many beginners really expect results only here and now.

And now about the general tools that you will need to build your online enterprise.

Let's highlight 5 main elements that will be useful to you one way or another:

    Any business, small or large, with or without investment, starts with an idea. Below we will list many areas in which you can realize yourself, but do not forget to consider each of them from a personal point of view, adjusting it to your taste.

    Also, your offer should be different from the others - this will be the key to your success.

    The desire to gain new knowledge.

    If this is your first time thinking about what Internet you can use for yourself, then get ready for the fact that you will need to learn a lot of new things and learn the various intricacies of working on the Internet.
  1. Your website or blog.

    Most online business ideas involve having your own website. This is especially true when it comes to entrepreneurship without investment.

    Immediately register in all social networks. networks, perhaps, it’s not worth it. But remember that online business is inextricably linked with such methods of communication, so they will inevitably come in handy if you want to earn money without investment.

    Creativity and sociability.

    Whatever type of online business you choose, you will have to communicate a lot online in order to sell a product or attract subscribers.

    Therefore, think in advance about how you can surprise Internet users so that your business takes off.

We can talk about such nuances for a very long time, but it would be better to move from theory to practice. Let’s analyze in what directions you can develop your own online business without investment, and add three detailed schemes for the implementation of your brainchild.

What kind of business on the Internet without investment is rational to start: a review of ideas

Today, you can organize literally any type of business activity online. The only caveat is that some of the areas still require start-up capital or extensive knowledge in this area.

We will give as an example only those options that do not need to be supported by material resources, except perhaps the most insignificant ones. But, as for knowledge, it will undoubtedly need to be acquired. And, preferably, at an accelerated pace, because your competitors are not sleeping either!

So, for convenience, using a table, we will present the most common and relevant business ideas for working on the Internet without investment.

Business ideaCharacteristic
Selling goods onlineTrade has been and will be a popular business area. And in our time, it is no longer necessary to rent space and purchase goods.

You can organize an online store directly on the Internet and sell goods directly from the manufacturer, without spending money on purchasing products (this scheme is called dropshipping, and we will talk about it in more detail later).

Website creation and promotionA website is probably the most realistic and promising option for working on the Internet today. You create a website, fill it with useful information, and then place advertising on it, for which you get good money.
Blog creationThe business idea for creating and promoting a blog looks almost the same as when using a website. But becoming a blogger is usually even cheaper and easier. Many businessmen and opinion leaders do not create a website for themselves, but use different social platforms. Instagram is very convenient in this regard.
Custom website developmentOne of the most profitable business areas today, especially in situations when it comes to the development of large websites and large-scale projects for various types of organizations.

A very profitable occupation that does not require any start-up capital, but with one major drawback - it requires specific knowledge, which is impossible to obtain in a week or two.

Web site designWeb designers are a kind of programmers, but not quite, so web design is included in a separate group of ideas for business. After all, you can create a website yourself if you put in a little effort, but designing it professionally is an entire art.

It's not that difficult to learn, so you can try. It’s worth starting with educational courses in this area.

Promotion of accounts on social networksIf blogging is a hobby of yours or even a business you run, you can make extra money by helping others along the way.

Every newcomer in this field wants to know how to get more subscribers and likes. You can build your business in this direction. This is almost the same as website promotion.

Application creationConsidering that now almost every schoolchild has their own smartphone, mobile applications are becoming very popular.

Of course, if you don’t have experience in this area, it won’t be easy. But you can start this type of business not alone, but by joining forces with some programmer - you will look for ideas for applications and develop projects, and he will turn them into reality. Essentially, you will become business partners.

Online consultingThis type of business certainly does not require investment, and almost anyone can become a businessman through consulting. With Skype, you can share your knowledge in any field with the wider public and get rewarded for it.
Creation of a Youtube channelEvery teenager already knows that you can make money from your own videos. But, as in the case of making money on a website or blog, your earnings in this area will depend on how popular the channel is and how profitable advertising you place there.
Selling texts on the InternetYou've probably already heard about copywriting and know that you can make good money from it. You can write texts yourself and sell them, but this takes a lot of time, and your earnings will remain at an average level. But you can also gather a whole group of writers under your “leadership” and create an entire agency for writing texts on various topics.

Advice: don’t focus only on writing; translations are no less successful.

Here are the 10 most popular areas of entrepreneurship on the Internet today, which can be implemented without investment. Some of them, of course, require special training, but if this does not bother you, you can start implementing your plans right today, starting with obtaining the necessary knowledge.

Now let’s take a closer look at 3 selected areas from the above, which are suitable for everyone, regardless of age, education and, most importantly, do not require investment.

Business idea 1. Selling goods via the Internet (dropshipping).

As already mentioned, there are many opportunities for organizing your online store online. But, if you follow the standard scheme, then to start a business you will need, at a minimum, the material resources to purchase goods and organize their storage.

Therefore, if you want to start an online business without investment, we suggest you pay attention to one of the options. This concept is not new at all in our country and it implies the sale of goods as an intermediary.

That is, you create a resource where you offer to buy some goods, and after the buyer submits an application to purchase the product, you contact the goods supplier directly, and he sends the order to the buyer.

What do you end up with? In turn, you make money on the difference between the prices of suppliers and yours posted on the site.

Visually, the dropshipping scheme looks like this:

This type of online entrepreneurship has many advantages:

  • You don’t need to organize a big enterprise and worry about whether it will be successful.
  • This scheme does not require any investment, except to pay for the Internet.
  • You order from the supplier only the goods you need, paid for in advance by the buyer, which means that the products will not be left behind and no one will cheat you out of your money.

On the other hand, there are also disadvantages. Firstly, in order to make your first profit, you will have to wait. And secondly, in order for your income to be consistently high, you will need to work hard.

But any business requires effort, so if you like the idea itself, we’ll look step by step at what you’ll need.

Step 1. Find a supplier of goods and services.

You can look for it everywhere: both in your own country and abroad. Most often, novice dropshippers enter into deals with Chinese suppliers of goods: they have different goods, and their prices are noticeably lower than for domestic ones.

For example, you can view the offers of the following resources:


Step 2. Create your own online store.

Many product suppliers, in addition to allowing collaboration through the dropshipping system, also offer assistance in creating resources for sale. The only caveat is that some sites create such resources for decent money. And since we are talking about business without investments, we are not interested in such offers.

The easiest way to open such an online store is to create your own website. You can order it from professionals in your field if you do not have experience. But, again, it will cost you a pretty penny.

As an alternative, you can try organizing your site on one of the social networks.

VKontakte is in great demand in this regard:

  1. First register on the site
  2. Then create a group that will serve as your trading platform.
  3. Next, fill the site with the necessary information, photos of goods and terms of purchase and sale.

  4. Advertise your online store.

    There are already a large number of dropshippers today, which means competition in this area of ​​business without investment is high. To achieve success and make your business profitable, advertise your group in every possible way, add more friends, design your page in an interesting way, and hold giveaways.

Business idea 2. Creating a website with subsequent receipt of income from advertising.

If in the case of dropshipping you could simply use an account on a social network for promotion, then for such a business you can do without investments, but not without a website. In this situation, it is your main tool, which will bring profit in the future, so you need to take its development seriously.

To save money and avoid using investments, you can resort to creating a website using online designers, of which there are many on the Internet. But for this type of business activity this option is not the most suitable.

The fact is that even though sites created with the help of a website builder can be used in a variety of areas, you won’t be able to fully earn money from advertising using them. Firstly, many advertising exchanges simply do not allow them to earn money. Secondly, employers themselves do not take such resources very seriously.

Therefore, if you don’t yet know how to make a website, open your browser and look for the necessary information or agree with the need to invest in the work of professionals.

In addition to the site itself, you will need one more thing - to purchase hosting and a domain. They are inexpensive, don't worry.

In addition, the network is full of resources where you can purchase them (check the prices before doing so, as they can differ significantly):


The final stage will be filling the site with information (you will have to create the content yourself if you are not ready to invest) and directly working on its promotion.

And this is where the fun begins. For your site to be of interest to advertisers, it must be interesting and have a large audience of readers. Therefore, think in advance in which direction you will fill it.

It could be anything:

  • new fashion and cosmetics;
  • website for car enthusiasts;
  • a professional site for people of a certain profession (medics, lawyers, biologists);
  • cooking;
  • tourism;
  • Pets;
  • ways to make money online, etc.

The main thing is that the site is updated and updated with new information as often as possible. At the same time, do not forget to monitor the quality of the information you present to the reader.

If there are no problems with website promotion and it gains popularity, then soon you will be able to place advertisements on it and receive money for it. On average, it takes about 6-12 months from the start of such a business idea without investment to the first fee, so be patient and remember that there will definitely be results.

  1. Leave your contact information prominently on your website so that potential employers can contact you.
  2. Look for sites that offer products or services with topics similar to those of your resource. Offer them advertising for a piece rate payment.
  3. Take advantage of special exchanges:

Business without investment. How to start?

How to choose the right direction? The best
ideas for internet business.

Business idea 3. Internet trainings and online consulting.

– a very interesting and promising way to start a business without investment.

Someone may disagree and call this an option for part-time work online, but not entrepreneurial activity. However, this is not entirely true, since even the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED) has in its list codes related specifically to consulting.

Such an internet business without investment has many advantages:

Essentially, all you need is to install Skype to connect with people, determine the direction in which you will consult and choose prices for such services.

What can you tell people about?

These can be narrow specialties if you have the necessary education, for example:

  • medicine;
  • psychology;
  • jurisprudence;
  • economy;
  • policy.

If you are a specialist in another field, you can provide consulting and training, telling you how to sew a dress at home or how to develop a child up to one year old. You can show via video how to fix a car or get perfect curls. In short, any of your skills can be useful to someone. The main thing is that they are valuable to others, otherwise, what is the point of paying you money?

To begin with, it is better not to set prices too high, but to “build up” an audience a little. Later, when your trainings become popular, you can raise the price and go beyond your home business on the Internet, starting to consult a wide range of people offline or conduct mass webinars.

In addition, you need to take care of self-promotion. The public needs to know about you in order to show interest.

To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • Place advertisements on websites, forums, and in the local newspaper.
  • Maintain your blog at least on a social network.
  • Create a YouTube channel.

Ideally, of course, you should develop your own website, which you will fill with information on your topic. But VKontakte and Instagram are also suitable for such purposes. The main thing is that they become interested in you and understand that your information can help people solve their problems, self-realization, or learn new, interesting information.

As you can see, doing business on the Internet without investment is not an underdeveloped area of ​​entrepreneurial activity, but a whole area that allows you to earn money from your own business anywhere and without a material base.

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