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Biography every clip. Kazhe clip Solo studio albums, mixtapes, compilations

A dark horse. The assets include the patronage of the already established St. Petersburg flave in the person of Smokey Mo, who wrote 95% of the beats for his album, and Umbriaco.

With regards to his creative manner, at first everything seems extremely simple - Method Man as he is. Other domestic ms were also famous for their similarity with Tical: Capa from SBL, Nigativ from Triad. Such at first sight and Kazhe. Actually, there is no big sin here, Method Man is very loved by us and the object to follow is quite decent. But Oboyma is very hardworking and greedy for the microphone - this helps him overcome imitation.

Its peculiarity is to launch its text forward like a snowball and run after a lump of metaphors. Smokey certifies Kazhe Oboyma with the utmost seriousness: "Psycho, street man, smokes rubbish, thumps like Satan, f*cks heifers - like changing socks. He reads about that."

When did the listener dislike such fellows among us? If he made the album fit Moe's energetic definition, it should be an interesting record.

Kazhe Clip - highly appreciated by fans of the St. Petersburg underground style.

Zheka grew up in Yakutia, but has been studying in St. Petersburg for several years, where he began to seriously engage in hip-hop, in parallel with, as he himself claims, "women, parties and gifts of nature."

"My themes are taken primarily from what surrounds me plus a sick imagination. I am inspired again by what is happening around and what is happening in my head, and there is tin ..."

If you listen to his debut album "Issue 1: Inferno", most of the music for which was written by Smokey Mo, you can be convinced of this.

"The album was named so because at the time of writing most of the verses I was in such a state. It was last summer, then I gave everything to it, I thought that I would break out just somehow from what was happening in my head. Thank God, this did not happen. As for the second part of the title, everything is simple here - this is just the beginning."

The album, contrary to the information that we had before, will not be released on MDU, but on the Mediatone label. Oboyma commented on this situation as follows: "At a certain moment, I realized that the MDU label and Oboyma are incompatible. Although some of my tracks will be released by this label in the future, this is nothing more than the residual material that I left at the studio, a gift, so to speak, as a keepsake. Mediaton came to meet me halfway in quite stressful times for me, they are all fine, without a brain, in any case. It pleases."

Release "Issue 1: Inferno" is scheduled for the second half of September. But the rapper does not think to stop: "The verses that I am writing now will, in my opinion, be very different from the old ones, I look at a lot differently now, now I also take into account the fact that many more people will hear my rap. Last year I did not think about it, in my new topics I try to put as many pure emotions as possible, without impurities, but it will remain tough, incomprehensible to someone (this is the least of my worries), but in any case it will "rock" anyone ... "

Evgeny Karymov (Kazhe Oboyma a.k.a. Joe UFO) is a Russian rap artist from St. Petersburg, a member of the Saint P Family, a former member of the Def Joint group. An artist of the Black Mic Records record label, in the past he recorded on Mediaton.

A dark horse. The assets include the patronage of the already established St. Petersburg flave in the person of Smokey Mo, who wrote 95% of the beats for his album, and Umbriaco.

With regards to his creative manner, at first everything seems extremely simple - Method Man as he is. Other domestic ms were also famous for their similarity with Tical: Capa from SBL, Nigativ from Triad. Such at first sight and Kazhe. Actually, there is no big sin here, Method Man is very loved by us and the object to follow is quite decent. But Oboyma is very hardworking and greedy for the microphone - this helps him overcome imitation.

Its peculiarity is to launch its text forward like a snowball and run after a lump of metaphors. Smokey certifies Kazhe Clamp extremely seriously: “Psycho, street man, smokes rubbish, thumps like Satan, f*cks heifers - like changing socks. He reads about it."

When did the listener dislike such fellows among us? If he made the album fit Moe's energetic definition, it should be an interesting record.

Kazhe Clip - highly appreciated by fans of the St. Petersburg underground style.

Zheka grew up in Yakutia, but has been studying in St. Petersburg for several years, where he began to seriously engage in hip-hop, in parallel with, as he himself claims, "women, parties and gifts of nature."

“My themes are taken primarily from what surrounds me plus a sick imagination. I am inspired again by what is happening around and what is happening in my head, and there is tin ... "

If you listen to his debut album "Issue 1: Inferno", most of the music for which was written by Smokey Mo, you can be convinced of this.

“The album was named so because at the time of writing most of the verses I was in such a state. It was last summer, then I gave everything to it, I thought that I would break out just somehow from what was happening in my head. Thank God it didn't happen. As for the second part of the name, everything is simple here - this is just the beginning.

The album, contrary to the information that we had before, will not be released on MDU, but on the Mediatone label. Clip commented on this situation as follows: “At some point, I realized that the MDU label and Clip are incompatible. Although some of my tracks in the future will be released by this label, but this is nothing more than the residual material that I left at the studio, a gift, so to speak, as a keepsake. Mediaton went to meet me halfway in times that were quite stressful for me, everything is fine with them, without brains, anyway. This makes me happy".

Release "Issue 1: Inferno" is scheduled for the second half of September. But the rapper does not think to stop: “The verses that I am writing now will, in my opinion, be very different from the old ones, I look at a lot differently now, now I take into account the fact that many more people will hear my rap. Last year I didn’t think about it, in my new themes I try to put as many pure emotions as possible, without impurities, but it will remain tough, incomprehensible to someone (this is the least of my worries), but in any case it will “rock” anyone ... "

"Bermuda Triangle"
third studio album (scheduled for release September 2011)

A dark horse. The assets include the patronage of the already established St. Petersburg flave in the person of Smokey Mo, who wrote 95% of the beats for his album, and Umbriaco. Besides, now Kazhe is one of the main hopes of the young but active St. Petersburg label MDU, which promises to release his debut soon.

With regards to his creative manner, at first everything seems extremely simple - Method Man as he is. Other domestic ms were also famous for their similarity with Tical: Capa from SBL, Nigativ from Triad. Such at first sight and Kazhe. Actually, there is no big sin here, Method is very loved by us and the object to follow is quite decent. But Oboyma is very hardworking and greedy for the microphone - this helps him overcome imitation.

Its peculiarity is to launch its text forward like a snowball and run after a lump of metaphors. Smokey certifies Kazhe Clamp extremely seriously: “Psycho, street man, smokes rubbish, thumps like Satan, fucks heifers - like changing socks. He reads about it."

When did the listener dislike such fellows among us? If he made the album fit Moe's energetic definition, it should be an interesting record.

Kazhe Clip - highly appreciated by fans of the St. Petersburg underground style.

Zheka grew up in Yakutia, but has been studying in St. Petersburg for several years, where he began to seriously engage in hip-hop, in parallel with, as he himself claims, "women, parties and gifts of nature."

“My themes are taken primarily from what surrounds me plus a sick imagination. I am inspired again by what is happening around and what is happening in my head, and there is tin ... "

If you listen to his debut album "Inferno Issue 1", most of the music for which was written by Smokey Mo, you can be convinced of this.

“The album was named so because at the time of writing most of the couplets I was in such a state. It was last summer, then I gave everything to it, I thought that I would break out just somehow from what was happening in my head. Thank God it didn't happen. As for the second part of the name, everything is simple here - this is just the beginning.

The album, contrary to the information that we had before, will not be released on MDU, but on the Mediatone label. Clip commented on this situation as follows: “At some point, I realized that the MDU label and Clip are incompatible. Although some of my tracks in the future will be released by this label, but this is nothing more than the residual material that I left at the studio, a gift, so to speak, as a keepsake. Mediaton went to meet me halfway in times that were quite stressful for me, everything is fine with them, without brains, anyway. This makes me happy".

The release of "Inferno Issue 1" is scheduled for the second half of September. But the rapper does not think to stop: “The verses that I am writing now will, in my opinion, be very different from the old ones, I look at a lot differently now, now I take into account the fact that many more people will hear my rap. Last year I didn’t think about it, in my new themes I try to put as many pure emotions as possible, without impurities, but it will remain tough, incomprehensible to someone (this is the least of my worries), but in any case it will “rock” anyone ... "

Evgeny Karymov (Kazhe Oboyma a.k.a. Joe UFO) is a Russian rap artist from St. Petersburg, a member of the Saint P Family, a former member of the Def Joint group. An artist of the Black Mic Records record label, in the past he recorded on Mediatone.

A dark horse. The assets include the patronage of the already established St. Petersburg flave in the person of Smokey Mo, who wrote 95% of the beats for his album, and Umbriaco.

With regards to his creative manner, at first everything seems extremely simple - Method Man as he is. Other domestic ms were also famous for their similarity with Tical: Capa from SBL, Nigativ from Triad. Such at first sight and Kazhe. Actually, there is no big sin here, Method Man is very loved by us and the object to follow is quite decent. But Oboyma is very hardworking and greedy for the microphone - this helps him overcome imitation.

Its peculiarity is to launch its text forward like a snowball and run after a lump of metaphors. Smokey certifies Kazhe Clamp extremely seriously: “Psycho, street man, smokes rubbish, thumps like Satan, f*cks heifers - like changing socks. He reads about it."

When did the listener dislike such fellows among us? If he made the album fit Moe's energetic definition, it should be an interesting record.

Kazhe Clip - highly appreciated by fans of the St. Petersburg underground style.

Zheka grew up in Yakutia, but has been studying in St. Petersburg for several years, where he began to seriously engage in hip-hop, in parallel with, as he himself claims, "women, parties and gifts of nature."

“My themes are taken primarily from what surrounds me plus a sick imagination. I am inspired again by what is happening around and what is happening in my head, and there is tin ... "

If you listen to his debut album "Issue 1: Inferno", most of the music for which was written by Smokey Mo, you can be convinced of this.

“The album was named so because at the time of writing most of the verses I was in such a state. It was last summer, then I gave everything to it, I thought that I would break out just somehow from what was happening in my head. Thank God it didn't happen. As for the second part of the name, everything is simple here - this is just the beginning.

The album, contrary to the information that we had before, will not be released on MDU, but on the Mediatone label. Clip commented on this situation as follows: “At some point, I realized that the MDU label and Clip are incompatible. Although some of my tracks in the future will be released by this label, but this is nothing more than the residual material that I left at the studio, a gift, so to speak, as a keepsake. Mediaton went to meet me halfway in times that were quite stressful for me, everything is fine with them, without brains, anyway. This makes me happy".

Release "Issue 1: Inferno" is scheduled for the second half of September. But the rapper does not think to stop: “The verses that I am writing now will, in my opinion, be very different from the old ones, I look at a lot differently now, now I take into account the fact that many more people will hear my rap. Last year I didn’t think about it, in my new themes I try to put as many pure emotions as possible, without impurities, but it will remain tough, incomprehensible to someone (this is the least of my worries), but in any case it will “rock” anyone ... "

"Bermuda Triangle"
third studio album (scheduled for release September 2011)

A dark horse. In the asset - the patronage of the already held St. Petersburg Flave in the face of Smoky Mo, who wrote 95% of the beats for his album, and Umbriaco. In addition, Kazhe is now one of the main hopes of a young, but active St. Petersburg label MDU, which soon promises to release his debut.

With regards to his creative manner, at first everything seems extremely simple - Method Man as he is. Other domestic ms were also famous for their similarity with Tical: Capa from SBL, Negative from the Triad. Such at first sight and Kazhe. Actually, there is no big sin here, Method is very loved by us and the object to follow is quite decent. But Oboyma is very hardworking and greedy for the microphone - this helps him overcome imitation.

Its peculiarity is to launch its text forward like a snowball and run after a lump of metaphors. Smokey certifies Kazhe Clamp extremely seriously: “Psycho, street man, smokes rubbish, thumps like Satan, fucks heifers - like changing socks. He reads about it."

When did the listener dislike such fellows among us? If he made the album fit Moe's energetic definition, it should be an interesting record.

Kazhe Clip
- highly appreciated by fans of the St. Petersburg underground style.

Zheka grew up in Yakutia, but has been studying in St. Petersburg for several years, where he began to seriously engage in hip-hop, in parallel with, as he himself claims, "women, parties and gifts of nature."

“My themes are taken primarily from what surrounds me plus a sick imagination. I am inspired again by what is happening around and what is happening in my head, and there is tin ... "

If you listen to his debut album "Inferno Issue 1", most of the music for which was written by Smokey Mo, you can be convinced of this.

“The album was named so because at the time of writing most of the couplets I was in such a state. It was last summer, then I gave everything to it, I thought that I would break out just somehow from what was happening in my head. Thank God it didn't happen. As for the second part of the name, everything is simple here - this is just the beginning.

The album, contrary to the information that we had before, will not be released on MDU, but on the Mediatone label. Clip commented on this situation as follows: “At some point, I realized that the MDU label and Clip are incompatible. Although some of my tracks in the future will be released by this label, but this is nothing more than the residual material that I left at the studio, a gift, so to speak, as a keepsake. Mediaton went to meet me halfway in times that were quite stressful for me, everything is fine with them, without brains, anyway. This makes me happy".

The release of "Inferno Issue 1" is scheduled for the second half of September. But the rapper does not think to stop: “The verses that I am writing now will, in my opinion, be very different from the old ones, I look at a lot differently now, now I take into account the fact that many more people will hear my rap. Last year I didn’t think about it, in my new themes I try to put as many pure emotions as possible, without impurities, but it will remain tough, incomprehensible to someone (this is the least of my worries), but in any case it will “rock” anyone ... "
