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How Digital Marketing Works Nowadays. Digital marketing: what is it? Or examples from the Russian Federation Examples of the use of digital marketing

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Issues discussed in the material:

  • How is digital marketing different from internet marketing?
  • How to understand that you need digital marketing
  • What are the different tools and channels of digital marketing?
  • What do digital marketing agencies do?
  • What are the options for digital marketing strategies?
  • Where to learn digital marketing
  • What books about digital marketing should I read in my spare time?

How is your company doing with Internet marketing? We hope this direction is at a high level. What can you say about digital marketing? You've probably wondered what it is and what the difference is between the two concepts. We can assume that you haven't seen it yet, since the terms seem very similar. Believe me, you have never been so deeply mistaken.

Internet marketing and digital marketing: what is the difference

Today it is easy to meet those who believe that digital marketing, internet marketing, e-commerce are different names for the same phenomenon. Or he simply believes that we are only talking about automating business processes in digital form. Let's figure it out to correct this annoying misunderstanding.

Digital marketing (also called “digital marketing” in Russian, digital marketing) is not so much attracting customers using the Internet, but rather attracting and retaining customers using digital technologies.

As you have already noticed, the difference is this: no one says that promotion will be carried out only through the Internet. In digital marketing, in addition to the Global Wide Web, radio, television, and mobile technologies are used. In other words, most of the processes take place offline.

Let’s say that a tool for such promotion could be digital signs on the streets, advertising in mobile applications, sms, mms. Remember about the incredibly popular QR codes in Asian countries, which could not take root in our land - this is also a vivid example of offline digital marketing.

To summarize all that has been said, this article will focus on promotion methods based on the use of digital channels.

A little background: the term appeared only in the 1980s. To be more precise, in 1985, the SoftAd Group company, which experts around the world call the progenitor of digital marketing, created the approach itself, and the name for it was invented only five years later. Since then, the brainchild of SoftAd Group began to actively develop.

If we talk about Internet marketing, modern dictionaries define it as follows: this is the practice of using all aspects and elements of traditional marketing only on the Internet. The main goal of such events is to obtain the maximum effect from the potential audience of the site and increase it.

Integrated Internet marketing uses all available channels of advertising and promotion on the Internet. Increasing website traffic and increasing sales are the goals of Internet marketing, and with digital strategies, almost all possible online and offline resources are used.

Digital marketing tools

  • Basic

The most commonly used strategy is search engine marketing (SEM), usually supplemented by SEO. The fact is that these two approaches have a common meaning: to increase traffic, the site adapts to the requirements of search engines.

If you want the content of your website and its architecture to be, on the one hand, SEO-effective, and on the other hand, perceived as natural, you will need the help of a specialist.

Another possible approach to digital marketing is SMM, that is, work is carried out on social platforms. This method differs from others, consistently gathering a huge audience. Therefore, only it allows you to get brilliant results and feel the reaction of the audience.

In addition, content marketing will be required. It can even be the cheapest, the main thing is that it is of good quality.

Don’t forget about online PR and email marketing, because there is nothing difficult in unobtrusively sending interesting offers to clients.

Create a landing page for the product on the Internet, with the help of which you can sell your offer. Ideally, such a page should become his business card: it will not only present the product, but also make him want to purchase it as soon as possible. That is, you must know exactly the tastes of your audience.

  • Advanced

This version of digital marketing is complex in execution, but it is very effective. The fact is that here the perception of a product is managed using the so-called “influence marketing”, based on the authority of a certain person. As a result, customers themselves begin to look for your product.

Don’t neglect strategic partnerships, try to work with non-competitive companies in your field, organize promotions and events together. This way you will expand your audience.

Another important point is cooperation with organizations that provide your digital marketing, that is, providers, publishers, distributors, digital agencies. Their services are not very expensive, and the risks of working with them are low.

As you understand, when building effective promotion strategies, you need to remember the necessary resources, the main of which are finance and specialists.

One of the most productive digital marketing or digital marketing tools are applications from the App Store and Google Play. When working with them, you cannot do without UX (User Experience), which uses all the opportunities to attract a client, namely the clickable space and every stage of using the application by a potential client.

The higher the attractiveness of a given resource, the more traffic you get. It is also worth remembering the advertising possibilities of this method of promotion - prepare digital advertising and place it through possible channels. Another option is games; today they attract a considerable audience and also provide the opportunity to place advertisements.

  • Offline

Who says you can't reach your real-life audience online? Your best assistant in this matter will be the main digital companion of a modern person - his phone.

Send SMS with attached links, use the capabilities of WOW smartphones, because smartphones allow you to quickly access the Internet. Distribute advertisements, attractive offers on displays in public places, do not give up QR codes.

Remember about cooperation with the media, because customer impressions of your product and promotions may well turn into news feeds. Do you want people to write about you? Then learn to attract attention to yourself, while being prepared for criticism. Or do it easier and pay for a custom article.

Digital marketing channels

  • World Wide Web (Internet)

In this case, we are talking about all devices that have access to the Internet, that is, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, PCs. The Internet provides many different platforms for promotion, these include search results, third-party sites, teaser networks, social networks where you can post videos, articles, posts, audio recordings, pictures, infographics.

  • Digital television

This channel is gradually replacing analogue television and is increasingly integrated with the Internet. Here you get a choice between three promotion formats: short videos that are shown during commercial breaks, TV shopping and tickers. However, it is worth noting that the latter option is now used only in rare cases.

  • Mobile devices

The most common digital marketing channels are the SMS messages already mentioned above, branded applications, and WOW calls. But don’t rely only on your own apps; place ads in third-party ones too. Games are often advertised this way.

  • Local networks

Another area of ​​effective promotion is local networks integrated with the Internet. This includes corporate networks of companies, city districts and other similar associations.

  • "Smart" gadgets

Most of them have access to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Here we mean smart watches, scales, fitness bracelets, etc. Advertising on these devices is not yet popular; advertisers usually establish connections with users through branded applications.

  • Interactive screens

Use digital banners, virtual fitting room screens in stores, POS terminals, smartphone chargers, etc. The main digital marketing tools in this case are advertising videos or advertising windows, branded interactive screens.

  • Digital art

This is a more creative direction, since we are talking about any type of art whose work is created or broadcast using digital technology. Games, music, and images are considered artistic works.

6 arguments in favor of digital marketing

  1. You want to better introduce a fairly limited target audience to your product/brand. Then we advise you to use contextual advertising and create joint projects with the portals that are most popular among your audience.
  2. Your offer is created specifically for a young and advanced audience. Social media, mobile and Internet applications, as well as viral videos will allow you to achieve wide coverage of a fairly receptive group of people.
  3. You want to tell as many potential consumers as possible about your product, but TV is not available to you. Then use viral content, Internet PR and non-standard large-scale promotions, because these are all elements of digital marketing.
  4. Your product is complex, consists of many parts, therefore, it needs to be discussed in detail. Internet videos allow you to present a large amount of information more conveniently and effectively.
  5. Usually your proposal is chosen on a wave of emotions. So create a positive attitude in the person. To do this, show him beautiful images, dynamic animations and emotional videos.
  6. Promotion of your product cannot be complete without constant communication with the consumer. Today, the most common way to establish contacts with audiences is through social media. Through such communication, you form a loyal attitude towards the brand.

Obvious disadvantages of digital marketing

Any method of promotion has its negative sides. You can’t do without this, because there are no ideal things in the world. The disadvantages of digital marketing are:

  • It is impossible to solve the problem with him in a short time. It’s definitely not possible to become a successful company in a couple of weeks - it takes years or at least months of painstaking work.
  • Digital marketing cannot be based on 2-3 customized tools. You will have to constantly expand their list, trying more and more new options.
  • And most importantly: you cannot start processes and leave them running without your control. To succeed, you will have to constantly check, analyze and make adjustments.

12 tenets of digital marketing

Only a third-party expert can decide whether you need digital marketing

Owners and managers rightly consider themselves good specialists in a certain field, so they take it upon themselves to decide what is best for the company. Unfortunately, such overconfidence often results in serious mistakes. Here are the main indicators that you need digital marketing:

  1. Managers constantly solve current problems, so they are deprived of the opportunity to follow the latest trends in Internet marketing.
  2. If you ask an ordinary top manager whether the company needs digital, he will begin to check how competing companies work in this area. Sometimes the latter do well without such marketing, so the manager calms down and puts this topic on the back burner. The problem is that then it will be too late: rivals will get ahead of the company.
  3. Digital marketing experts have extensive industry experience: They work on a large number of projects in parallel and stay up to date with the latest trends in their field. It is important that they clearly describe the benefits that the enterprise development strategy on the Internet, prepared together with the owner, will bring.

What does a digital marketing agency do?

In general, digital agencies are responsible for the presence and promotion of a brand in the digital environment. Typically, the team includes such specialists as a marketer, SEO specialist, analyst, project manager, designer, layout designer, programmer, content manager, copywriter. Freelancers, such as videographers and photographers, can also be hired.

Digital marketing agencies are engaged in:

  • development of a comprehensive product promotion strategy;
  • creation and promotion of websites, design, media and contextual promotion;
  • working with online communities;
  • organizing offline events;
  • creating advertising for digital TV, online radio, etc.

But all this is not enough if the main element of digital marketing is missing, that is, analytics. Collecting data in the digital environment is not difficult, so marketers can analyze information about users and their behavior. In particular, the following information is assessed: demographic data, interests, online activities, sources of referrals to the site.

As a result, it is possible to better understand the target audience and evaluate the effectiveness of specific advertising or the strategy used in general. Therefore, experts consider analytical systems one of their most important tools. They allow you to find out which techniques are the most effective and identify the popularity of channels for specific topics.

5 digital marketing strategy options

  1. Website development (in-depth audit, development strategy)
  1. SEO strategy (search engine promotion)

We are talking about internal and external optimization, a semantic core, a report with specific recommendations, screenshots and an action plan, budgeting and ROI forecasts.

  1. Online sales system (strategy, tools, tactics)

As a result, you get a set of online sales tools, ways to work with them, budgeting and ROI forecasts, a methodology for tracking online sales productivity, and a report with specific recommendations.

  1. Internet PR (articles, banners, social networks, blogs)

Thanks to this approach, the company has a media plan with budgeting, a strategy for working in social networks and blogs, the basics of developing corporate online TV, and a methodology for competently creating texts.

  1. Email marketing (strategy, segmentation, plan)

The result is a ready-made strategy for the development of electronic mailings.

Digital marketing strategy from professionals

  1. Taking into account the industry specifics of the business

It is necessary to remember at once about two characteristics of the company, namely its macro-industry and micro-industry. Let us explain: “micro-industry” is the same as specialization. Let's look at an example.

The company sells food products. Trade is a macro-industry, and food is a micro-industry, in other words, its specialization. To grow your business, you need to take into account trends in trade and products, otherwise you may not keep up with trends and look stupid, trying to reinvent the wheel when the whole world has been using cars for a long time.

By presenting the current state of the industry, you will learn about your real competitors, and not just compete with the top ten search engine results.

  1. Composition of a digital strategy
  • Diagnostics of the site, incoming lead flow, investments/results

Often companies do not use all the capabilities of this resource and do not understand this. The reason is simple: successful, stable companies have learned to work without this information channel over their life in the market, and of all the benefits of the Internet, they use only email.

But everything is changing: competition is becoming more intense, and those who are the first to sense the potential of going online have a greater chance of winning. A leading company should think about using digital marketing to maintain its position in the market.

Currently the site performs the following functions:

Sales of goods/services:

  • interactive sales;
  • attracting clients;
  • providing promotional codes and discounts;
  • carrying out various types of promotions to increase trade turnover.

Search for colleagues:

  • “career” section on the website;
  • resume submission form;
  • preliminary testing of candidates for a position using the website.

Detailed information about the organization:

  • map of offices/shops;
  • any important information that is available 24 hours seven days a week, which is very important.

Attracting partners and contractors:

  • establishing relationships with new and existing company partners.
  • support and promotion of image on the Internet.

Automation of business processes:

  • increasing the speed of service;
  • ticket system;
  • information support, representation purposes.

However, the website is not the only resource - digital marketing allows for landing pages. Unlike a corporate website, which works in several directions at once, the purpose of landing pages is only sales.

Their design may differ from the corporate style. They draw the visitor in, giving him the choice to leave or take a targeted action - buy, download, write, call.

We have already said that it is impossible to achieve the ideal, you can only go towards it. This rule does not apply to websites: the temporary ideal is achievable, but adjusted for the scope of activity and the development of IT technologies. This checklist will help you achieve what you want, where the site:

  • adaptive;
  • has good quality traffic, which is also related to its sources (bounces, number of pages viewed, average duration of a site visit);
  • performs a serious function in business.

By the way, the last point includes the main reserve for working with strategy in digital marketing.

  • Positioning of the enterprise on the Internet

It doesn’t matter where you want to position your company - online or offline, you need to get an answer to the question: is it clear to users when they come across you on one of the resources (website, landing page, ad, article) what services you provide how you make this world a better place.

  • Problems that are solved online most productively

A task is an action on a smaller scale than a goal. Let's say your company's goal is to conquer a new market. How is a digital strategy useful in this case? There are a number of directions for action:

  • geotargeting content for a specific region;
  • article plan: placement of material in publications that are popular with the audience;
  • calculation of how interesting the offers of the audience of the new market are;
  • building an online sales system for a market-region.

These are only a small portion of the tasks, there may be more, but they determine the methods that you will use.

  • Digital tools with justification for the need for use

We have already talked above about the tools used in digital marketing. Now let's look at some of them, as well as their advantages and disadvantages:




Corporate website

1. Any costs for the website are an investment in your asset.

2. Can play the role of a center for any activity: sales, webinars, announcements, communication.

3. Unloading the call center by posting the most up-to-date information on the website, which will be available 24/7.

1. Without external promotion, it will lose its functionality.

2. Requires constant updates in the field of improvements, promotion, and security.

SEO. Promotion to the top positions of search engines for queries

1. Consumer trust as they encounter a non-advertising channel.

2. The highest quality traffic after type-in ​​traffic.

3. The ability to plan a budget for the year, starting with small amounts.

4. High conversion of visitors into clients.

1. It is difficult to predict the result.

2. This is a forced, not always convenient, change of some website elements to meet SEO requirements.

3. It takes a long time to get lasting results.

4. High dependence on third parties: search engines, webmasters.

1. Targeting: behavioral, temporal, geotargeting, socio-demographic, thematic, device.

2. Quick start.

3. Manageability: budget, keywords, ads.

1. It’s difficult to create a good clickable ad.

4. High cost, especially in competitive niches.

1. Mass audience reach.

2. Emotions and motives in the message.

3. When repeated, it is perfectly remembered.

4. Integrates well with retargeting.

1. Large budgets.

2. Practically inapplicable for banner sales.

3. May make the audience nervous.

1. The ability to influence the target audience in an informal setting.

2. Good opportunities for analytical work within the campaign.

3. Large, continuously growing audience.

1. Reach a large audience.

2. Suitable for viral marketing.

3. “It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times” - here these two channels of perception are combined.

4. There are different testing formats: InStream, InDisplay, video SEO.

1. Poor targeting.

2. A really high-quality video requires a lot of money.

3. Large-scale promotion is expensive.

Email Marketing

1. A well-built email strategy ensures high loyalty of partners.

2. Free, if you do not take into account the costs of content and delivery.

3. Provides an opportunity to increase your customer base.

4. Possibility of a creative approach to letter design and database segmentation.

1. An increase in the proportion of spam forces the system to block even necessary letters.

2. High probability of appearing intrusive.

  1. Budgeting and planning, KPI

An important element of strategic digital marketing is budgeting tools and determining the estimated ROI. There is no point in preparing an effective strategy if it is not clear what amounts have been saved and earned with its help.



The site of the company

A person stays on the site for less than 15 seconds (Yandex.Metrica) or leaves after viewing one page (Google Analytics). A large percentage of refusals indicates that the content of the site was not interesting to visitors.

Time on site

The time that users spend on the site.

View depth

How many pages do users view?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Site positions

Positions for queries in search engines.

Traffic to the site from brand queries

The number of visitors who came to the site from a search for queries with the name of the company and/or its brands.

Traffic to the site from non-branded queries

The number of visitors who came to the site from a search for queries that did not include the company name. Usually we are talking about “simple commercial requests”.

The number of times the ad was displayed.

Cost per ad click.

Click-through rate, that is, the percentage ratio of the number of clicks on a banner/ad to the number of impressions.

Lead acquisition cost.

Cost of attracting a sale (not every lead converts into a sale).

Price per 1000 impressions.

Video viewing duration

How many minutes did a person watch out of the entire video?

SMM (Social Media Marketing)

Number of participants

Number of subscriptions, community members.

The number of users who see your posts.

Number of likes, reposts, comments

This reflects the activity and “quality” of community members.

Email Marketing

% of email openings


Transitions to the site

The number of users who read the letter and then went to the site using a link from it.

Video viewing time on landing page

Traffic quality indicator.

For email newsletters, the same indicators as for the site and context play an important role.

Regardless of the types of promotion, it is necessary to calculate the number of leads and ROI for final sales for each of them.

  1. Recommendation of specific counterparties to implement the strategy

Typically, companies preparing digital marketing strategies for large organizations do everything to carry out all the steps themselves. From their point of view, this is quite logical: firstly, “I developed it myself - I implement it myself,” and secondly, this way you can earn more.

But there is another side to this coin: there are companies that are experts in SEO promotion, and there are also those who are leaders in promotion on social networks. Therefore, a self-respecting expert will always tell you who is better at implementing a certain idea.

  1. Analytics system concept

A digital strategy not only describes the main online business processes, but also creates a basis for reporting. Then it becomes clear what indicators to track, what analytics systems to use, what goals to set.

  1. Competitor analysis

This point is mandatory for any development strategy.

A competitor review examines a maximum of four competitor websites and evaluates the following characteristics:

  • total traffic on the company’s website and the websites of competing companies;
  • traffic shares: direct visits, mailings, referrals, social networks, organic search, paid search, display advertising;
  • traffic quality: average duration of stay on the site, bounce rate, number of pages viewed.

Cool examples of digital marketing

  • Viral commercial with falling

Modern viral videos used in digital marketing are no longer similar to traditional advertising. Their popularity grows, their duration increases, and as a result they begin to resemble a funny video rather than an advertisement.

You can often understand what product the video is about towards the end. The main thing here is an attention-grabbing picture. As a memorable example, consider a Volkswagen advertisement where a boy plays Darth Vader from Star Wars.

As you understand, in the digital sphere the length of videos is off the charts, as is the amount of creativity in them, because on the Internet the imagination of marketers is limitless - they are not afraid of the rigid boundaries adopted on TV.

Another feature of such promotion is that you do not need to spend fabulous sums on it or pay for the work of guest stars. The video can even be amateurish, the main thing is that it contains creativity and something new and unexpected. If you systematize viral videos, there are only a few topics:

  • humorous- funny, parody videos;
  • dramatic- videos with a deep plot, forcing the viewer to think about the eternal;
  • action- videos that amaze with stunts and extreme plots.

LG decided to use another direction - horror. After all, an event like the release of new monitors will be better remembered if it scares people. A video has appeared on the Internet where in one business center the floor in the elevator was replaced with IPS LCD monitors, which simulated the floor falling into the abyss.

Viral videos are incredibly popular in Western countries: they are always provided with a huge audience, millions of views, discussions, and at the same time they unobtrusively promote the product and work on brand recognition.

  • Stunning promotional site

Any good website, according to marketers, has the following characteristics: interactive, contains good content, conveys the right message, has an attractive home page, easy navigation, beautiful design.

But the question is: if you have just such an ideal website, will it really promote the product and attract enough users? Will it affect the image of the enterprise, increase recognition in the market, and increase the share of sales? None of this can be guaranteed.

Therefore, today digital marketing increasingly uses promotional sites. Their tasks include promoting a specific product, brand, service, or event. This tool is difficult, and it’s not worth comparing with standard sites, because here the emphasis is on the form, and not on the amount of information posted.

Compared to a corporate portal, more liberties are allowed in the design of the promotional option. This applies to its information content and style. As a result, this becomes advertising for the brand as part of the current campaign, building more effective communication with the required audience in a simple, playful manner.

One of the latest examples is called the world's deepest site. It was created by Ogilvy Ukraine for the Georgian mineral water brand “Borjomi” and received many awards.

The essence of the project is this: having reached the basement of the site, the user gets to the Borjomi source at a depth of 8000 km. On the way to the magical water, he can read what thickness of rock he has already managed to overcome, what world attractions would fit into this distance, what is the current soil layer.

At the same time, the user is given rewards for “deep” achievements. The site may seem like just a creative toy - however, it clearly conveys the brand message.

Probably, the authors of the deep site were inspired by the Skittles project ( - this is another site of infinite length, on which multi-colored blocks replace each other.

  • Mobile applications on the verge of fantasy

When talking about the basics of digital marketing, it’s impossible not to mention mobile technologies. It is dangerous to forget that we live in the era of smartphones and tablets and that we need to constantly discover new advertising opportunities. Otherwise, the company simply will not be able to compete with more advanced competitors in the market.

Today, interactive prints are being used more and more. This is a seemingly ordinary print advertisement that “comes to life” on the screens of mobile devices. The popular company Apple is preparing special projects for iPhone, iPad and the iAd application, thanks to which the user does not end up in a separate browser window, but remains in the application.

Typically, luxury brands use such advertising; for example, Lexus used interactive print: a seemingly unremarkable magazine layout is turned into a video using an iPad. This approach can impress both consumers and competitors.

Digital marketing has become a new direction for L'Oreal: this company from the world of beauty has created The Next Level application for game consoles, the Xbox 360 platform. Here you can get advice from a personal stylist, find out news, read beauty forums and even study as part of an educational program. "Academy of Style" program.

Points are used to increase brand sales: users collect them by spending time in the app and inviting friends, after which they can spend the earnings on new L’Oreal products.

  • Special project with a piano

When it comes to promotion, a special project is perceived as something related to non-standard advertising. However, this is not entirely true, and who would call the examples given above and not related to special projects ordinary?

The correct definition of a special project is this: it is a comprehensive integration of a brand into Internet resources outside of conventional advertising spaces, the purpose of which is to involve the audience in long-term communication.

The decisive role is given to the following elements: a creative approach to the idea, its execution and the widest possible involvement of the audience.

Special projects are one of the key components of digital marketing. A typical example is the promotion of the insurance company INTOUCH on the Russian market.

The Proximity Russia agency did the following: for a week in a closed garage, a piano hung on nine ropes above the car, and on the website there was a 24-hour broadcast from the garage. The fate of the piano and the car depended on random circumstances chosen by ordinary people: they offered to cut the rope in case of rain, depending on who would win a football game, etc.

Already on the sixth day, the media plan for traffic on the insurance company’s website was exceeded by 200%.

  • Digital-offline

All the trends described above were in some way related to the Internet, but as we remember, digital marketing goes beyond the boundaries of the online world. Another modern bright trend in this area is 3D projections. It is widely used by world-famous corporations such as Adidas, LG, Audi.

Nissan organized a beautiful event for Canada Day - a projection of the Nissan Altima was shown on the water in different cities of the country. To do this, a special pump released 3,300 liters of water per minute; the liquid formed a wall of 36.5 meters. The result was an ideal screen for tens of thousands of spectators, and everything that happened turned into a spectacular show.

Another example: Microsoft created the LiveTiles interface for Windows Phone 8, now it was necessary to present a developed alternative to the usual shortcuts. For this purpose, passers-by were transported to a real rock concert of the popular Norwegian electro-rock band Datarock.

They mounted a stage right on one of the streets in Oslo and hid it behind a mock-up wall; an interactive “live tile” was placed in front of this makeshift club. If you wanted to activate it, you had to step on a tile. After this, the show began: the wall fell, and passers-by found themselves in a crowd of fans at a real rock concert.

You can talk about striking examples in all areas for a long time, because new digital projects and ideas appear in the world every day. Today, experts call integrated digital marketing the most promising area for the development of the advertising business.

It is worth noting that the advertising that works most successfully is the one whose creators rely on an extraordinary approach and interactivity. Methods are increasingly being used when advertising impresses, shocks, amazes, surprises - and only after that speaks about the product.

TV commercials, printed advertising layouts, and outdoor advertising have become boring, so new ways of communicating with the audience are required. A sophisticated buyer needs to be attracted by non-standard advertising. The solution is the continuously developing digital sphere with its incredible ideas and opportunities.

Where to learn digital marketing for free

  • Online

Today it is easy to find portals that allow you to independently study online in a variety of areas. You can develop whenever it is convenient for you and as much as you want. Let’s name the most authoritative and cool projects in the field of digital marketing.

Google's training is presented in the form of a thorough Online Marketing Challenge course. According to its creators, after completing it, everyone will be able to better understand the strategic goals of their business and learn to develop a competent marketing strategy.

Coursera also has a specialized course on digital marketing, but let’s say right away that the training is conducted in English. Here you get the opportunity to learn how to correctly position your brand in the market, guess the desires of potential clients, and create unusual PR campaigns.

This is a free course. You will have to pay only if you want to write a thesis and receive a certificate.

In “Netology” you can find a number of free courses on Internet marketing. If you require a certificate of completion of the course, you will have to pay again. Here you will learn about the profession of an Internet marketer, SMM and brand positioning in social networks, about selling content, targeted advertising and other subtleties of marketing.

Believe it or not, you don't have to attend the University of Pennsylvania to experience a program that teaches Internet marketing to American students. Coursera has a completely free introductory university course consisting of three modules: branding, studying user behavior, and B2C marketing.

The portal specializes in business courses, among which there is a separate educational block on Internet marketing. In total, it includes 83 educational videos, each eight minutes long.

A test or quiz will help you reinforce the material. The free version is available for five days, so this is a kind of intensive intensive.

A good online encyclopedia on marketing is collected at HubSpot Academy; Let us clarify that all materials are in English. A good reason to study foreign languages ​​as well! Here you will find both video materials and articles about this direction and its components. After training at the academy, everyone can receive a confirming certificate.

If you want to understand services such as Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Google AdSense, take a look at the Alison portal. Here you will find a free, detailed course on e-commerce, which will explain to you what to do with statistics and how to read them.

  • Offline

If, in addition to learning digital marketing, you need to communicate with like-minded people and teachers, look for free offline options.

The IMpro school believes: knowledge is the most important thing, so the desire to learn should be higher than money. Following this policy, they organize free master classes, webinars, and give away certificates for training at the expense of the school. The company organizes non-commercial webinars, uploads videos and articles about Internet marketing on its blog.

Another useful training center can be called the IKRA school of interactive communications in advertising, where creative competitions are also organized from time to time. The winners receive different prizes. For example, a big discount on training, a free course, and anyone can become a winner.

The best books on digital marketing for self-education

  • Robert Rose and Joe Pulizzi "Content Marketing Management"

Even if you choose the coolest technologies for your digital project, it won’t hit the jackpot without strong content. This book will be useful not even for copywriters, but more for people who are well versed in business. With its help, you will discover the power of content marketing and learn how to solve specific business problems through abstract words.

  • Dmitry Chernyshev “How people think”

Insights, big ideas, viral effect - all this prevents you from creating a really cool project. But how can this be, you ask? In fact, you have gone into theory and forgotten how living people think.

This book will take you from the world of complex concepts to the ground, teaching you how to relax in order to solve the most difficult problems. But be careful! After every second page, the same thought will come to you: “Why didn’t I think of this myself?”

  • David Lewis "Neuromarketing in Action"

If you love Orwell's novels, after reading Neuromarketing in Action, you will realize that you have already found yourself in his dystopia. Smell, color, light, music - all these components make you turn into a hardened shopaholic. But what are we talking about?

You are on the seller's side, not the buyer's, so be sure to read, use techniques that will help you get into the brain of your potential client. And to further whet your curiosity, here is a phrase from this book about your work: “Advertising agencies are psychological laboratories.”

  • V. Chan Kim, Rene Mauborgne “Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players"

There is nothing to say here; this book was not in the hands, perhaps, only of the lazy. We hope you are not fishing in scarlet water? And if you continue to look for your fishing spot, this book gives step-by-step instructions on how to find it, how to get rid of competitors, what strategies they may have, how to invent something new and hitherto unprecedented.

Most of all, this book should be of interest to those whose business has been standing for more than one year, and it seems that there are no more fish left.

  • Martin Steve, Cialdini Robert, Goldstein Noah “The Psychology of Persuasion”

Do you really believe that only vacuum cleaner salespeople should have persuasion skills? We can assume that more than once you came to a client with your brilliant idea, but it failed because you could not find the right words and explain everything.

Start by convincing yourself to pick up and read this book, then the next Cannes case is definitely yours. Say “no” to people who disagree with you, and the answer will be “Yes”!

  • John Gribbin "13.8. In search of the true age of the Universe and the theory of everything"

About 42 answers to the main question of life, the Universe, as well as less important facts can be found in this book. Don’t ask how “13.8” ended up in the selection for marketers. Agree that it can be more boring than doing just work, even if your profession is related to advertising and digital marketing.

Perhaps, at some point, a random book like this one will inspire you to create a brilliant design for your campaign. Therefore, read more - who knows, maybe Hawking will awaken in you?

  • Byron Sharp "How Brands Grow"

Intuition and advertising acumen are the main weapons of marketers, but to achieve success, serious analytics and the conclusions of decades of research are needed. From the simplest: a category leader is driven by knowledge not about his brand, but about the entire category.

If you want to know more, read, because to be a professional, it’s not enough just to take digital marketing courses! We hope that after reading this book you will stop making predictions.

HSE has created a very good course for professional marketers. For me, its main value is its deep expertise, the experience of practicing teachers and new connections with interesting, thoughtful people. A wonderful bonus for Lifelong learning fans like me is the opportunity to attend all lectures in this program for free for the next two years. I will come!

Anna Skorobogatova, Head of Marketing, PwC Russia

Before starting the program, I did not set any other goals for myself other than developing professional skills. But a few months after defending the strategy, I was taught how to manage the digital marketing department and was entrusted with its development in my company. The learning process itself also exceeded my expectations: concentrated and structured knowledge from leading experts, inspiring cases, and communication with professionals and like-minded people! I recommend the program to marketers with good offline experience and a desire to develop further, as well as managers who want to more effectively manage their teams and contractors.

Natalia Selezneva, Head of Marketing Communications, Syngenta

I listened to the course “Marketing Strategy in Digital” with great pleasure. I would like to note the practical orientation of the material provided - all the teachers are practitioners in such a new business direction for Russia as digitalization of marketing. The final work has become a working concept for digital projects that are currently in the process of implementation. Special thanks to the course leader, Evgeniy Barmin, for his valuable advice regarding forming relationships with service providers.

Anna Baskova, Head of Marketing Department, SAS

The program “Marketing Strategies in Digital” is what I was looking for in the training market. I needed a capacious but deep digital educational program, because at that moment I was carrying out a digital transformation and understood that my own knowledge was not enough. As a result, I gained a comprehensive understanding and skill to implement marketing strategies in digital myself, and even using the example of completely different areas, since the group studied with guys from B2B and B2C. Well, getting to know the teachers - top practitioners - is simply priceless, low bow.

Anton Smirnov, Head of Direct Sales Digital transformation project leader, Panasonic

Digital marketing is the promotion of brands using all digital channels: television, radio, Internet, mobile communications, and so on. Today this is a fairly new area of ​​marketing, especially in Russia. Unfortunately, our practice of using digital marketing tools? This is just mastering the experience of the USA and European countries. The emergence of digital marketing as such is based on the emergence of information technology and the Internet. Before the active introduction of commerce and marketing into these areas, promotion on television and radio was not considered digital marketing.

Marketers today divide marketing communications strategy into offline and online environments. Let’s immediately move on to the process of creating a communication strategy in the digital environment. There are many techniques, but the basic steps must be completed. The work of a digital strategist begins with an overview of the company’s marketing plan:

1. Description of the product/service. This point should answer in great detail the question “What does the company offer on the market?”

2. Market assessment. Main? have market intelligence that can influence the potential success of the brand. It is necessary to have answers to all questions. How are other brands in the category doing? Will innovative products or new brands appear on the market in the near future?

3. Source of business development. The following points should be clarified as accurately as possible from the marketing plan: how are you planning to increase market share? attract new customers to the category, lure consumers of other brands, stimulate trial purchases, stimulate repeat purchases.

4. Assessment of the competitive environment. Do you need to understand who consumers consider your competitor? What creative strategies are competitors using? It is necessary to clearly understand what market situation is formed by the marketing communications of competitors.

5. Marketing goals. What marketing goals should the brand achieve? Here you need to understand not only the marketing goals for the brand, but also the goals in terms of the market and sales volumes. As a rule, these numbers are indicated in the marketing plan.

In “classical” communications, the development of a communication strategy within a brand or a separate campaign has long become, in the eyes of the advertising community, an integral element of successful and well-constructed communication. However, in digital communications, strategy development is still accompanied by significant difficulties. This is due to the fact that Digital communications are the youngest area of ​​advertising communications with its inherent “childhood diseases”.

Of the most significant it is worth noting:

· Lack of a sufficient number of experienced specialists who have experience in creating a classic strategy, including analysis of the market situation, analysis of the target audience, setting goals and objectives, etc. Therefore, creating a digital strategy today remains largely a creative process.

· Lack of “industrial standards” in the field of digital strategy. Different agencies have their own way of presenting the necessary sections in such a document, and even the place of digital strategy in the marketing plan.

· Shifting focus towards tactical decisions. Often, tactical decisions replace strategic initiatives.

This problem is fairly easy to identify. The agency's strategy, in this case, is identified with the choice of channel within digital and specific tools for each channel. On the part of advertisers, this problem appears when the manager begins to “think” in well-known cases and references (“we need to develop a digital strategy that includes a brand video channel on YouTube with viral videos”).

Trends and fashion for a certain technological solution are put at the forefront, so at different moments we see the dominance of viral videos, activations on social networks, or the search for a wow effect for clients for whom this is contraindicated. When developing a strategy, the choice of channels and tools should be based on 3 key elements:

Understanding the Client's goals and objectives. Is the campaign an image campaign or is it aimed at tactical sales promotion? Are we introducing a new brand to the market or do we want to maintain brand loyalty among existing consumers? Without a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the campaign, further work on the campaign will not be successful. You should also make sure that the goals and objectives of the digital strategy are subordinated to the general hierarchy of goals and their achievement is aimed at solving the Client’s marketing objectives.

Target audience analysis. It must be remembered that understanding the interests of the audience in the digital space is one of the main factors in the success of the campaign. Many people forget and plan based on the tools, and not on the interests of the audience, its online behavior. An accurate portrait of the brand’s digital audience and its behavior will clearly show which channels and tools are relevant to solving the Client’s goals and objectives. It is extremely important to use commercially available target audience research to select tools based on objective data, rather than relying solely on expert opinion or “common sense.”

? The “role” of a category and a specific brand in the digital space. Different categories and even individual brands have their own specific presence in the digital space, their “natural” potential and limitations in involving users in dialogue, creating a viral effect and word of mouth (rumors). It is necessary to analyze this specificity and not offer channels and tools that are irrelevant to the category and brand.

The most useful analysis tool will be the so-called digital listening - monitoring and analysis of the presence of a brand and its competitors in all digital channels. The tool selection matrix presented in Appendix 2 will serve as a kind of “hint” when working on a strategy.

Today, in Russian medium and large businesses, marketing work is determined by strategy. Next, it gives rise to a brand strategy and a marketing communications strategy. It, in turn, gives rise to an integrated marketing communications strategy, where the distribution of tools (public relations, advertising, direct marketing) is already being formed, and then media planners are preparing a strategy for placement in channels (television, press, radio, Internet).

SMM marketing and digital marketing in general have their own characteristics. These features and the fact that the Internet? This is not a media channel, but a new environment, forcing us to come up with a separate strategy for digital:

1. A communication strategy designed for a “monologue” is not suitable for a “dialogue.”

Does this thesis apply to already boring advice? “don’t write press releases on a blog.” The communication developed in ATL is most often not suitable for communicating with an audience on the Internet. ATL communication is designed so that it is not interactive, and does not imply that the user will be able to “reply.”

2. Mechanics and creativity are limited by the capabilities of the platforms.

In ATL advertising, creativity extends to all media: a video is made, and a print can be made from the video, which can be placed outdoors and in the press. If desired, make a radio commercial. On the Internet, the creativity, the mechanics of interaction with users that were invented for one platform (for example, VKontakte) most likely will not suit another (YouTube). And what was invented for VKontakte and YouTube will most likely not be suitable for Twitter. All three sites are different; each site needs to come up with its own mechanics.

3. Real-time measurability.

The Internet and digital provide many more metrics. Much more than needed. And the question is no longer how to measure, but what metrics to use to determine efficiency. In ATL advertising, everything is measured after the campaign. The company created a video, posted it on certain channels, waits for the campaign to end and only then measures everything, when hundreds of thousands of dollars have already been spent. On the Internet, if the distribution of the same video goes unsuccessfully (the wrong strategy was chosen), we can either simply stop the campaign or change it. And we don't have to keep wasting money. In the case of ATL, we only find out whether we wasted money or not after the campaign. In addition, in digital there is an opportunity to create platform communications. And this is a definite plus. Before talking about platforms and activations, you need to understand that there are three main channels on the Internet to convey a message from a company to a user? These are paid, owned and earned media.

A similar division of channels is used in large Western advertising agencies (for example, R/GA, Critical Mass, Sapient, Isobar). Here is a summary table that defines each channel and shows the benefits and challenges of using it (Table 1.1).

Communications in digital and social media are of two types: platforms and activations. Platforms? This is the company’s own information dissemination channel, its own media on the Internet, aimed at accumulating and retaining the audience of various advertising campaigns.

Activations? These are advertising campaigns aimed at solving a specific problem. Activation tasks? These are the tasks of an advertising campaign. For example: announcing information, supporting the launch of a new product, increasing website traffic. Also, through activations, they attract an audience to the platform, and the platform, with a competent strategy, retains this audience. For activations, platforms are often used first of all, and then, if it was not possible to earn media, the missing contacts with the audience are purchased (paid media are used).

Table 1.1

Advantages and problems of using media channels

Owned, paid and earned media

Owned media - channels controlled by the company

Examples: website, blog, community, social network profile.

Role for the company: Building long-term relationships with existing consumers

Advantages:-- accumulation of audience


Non-guaranteed instrument;

Low audience trust; -- requires time from the company

Paid media - channels rented by the company
Examples: display advertising, contextual advertising, sponsorship.

Role for the company: Changes from the foundation of communication to the catalyst that fuels owned media and creates earned


Control; -- measurability


High failure rate; -- the audience has adapted to the format and does not perceive it

Earned media -- "consumers become the channel"
Examples: word of mouth, viral effect.

Role for the company: The result of well-implemented activities in owned and paid media


High audience trust;

Key role in most sales


No control; -- not measurable

We can conclude that digital marketing takes over all interactive interaction with the consumer. Some of this interaction is on social media, and there is another strategy for dealing with it. The position of the social media presence strategy in relation to business and marketing strategies (SMM strategy) is presented in Figure 1.8.

Things get even more complicated when the marketing mix is ​​divided into four components (product, price, promotion, place).

Rice. 1.8

The most important conclusion to be drawn from everything written above? this is that social media alone cannot solve the problem of marketing, and therefore business. It is impossible to increase sales through social media, as well as through advertising in general. Through communication, you can convey information about a product, etc., but whether this product will be bought or not still depends on the price, on the product itself and on distribution.

Thus, information technology has become an indispensable means of interaction between all market participants, a business tool used to carry out most business processes of companies. Today, in Russian medium and large businesses, marketing work is determined by strategy. Next, it gives rise to a brand strategy and a marketing communications strategy. It, in turn, gives rise to an integrated marketing communications strategy, where the distribution of tools (public relations, advertising, direct marketing) is already being formed, and then media planners are preparing a strategy for placement in channels (television, press, radio, Internet).

When faced with this term, not every user understands what it is about, and yet this is a type of marketing of goods and services that is based on perception by various digital devices.

Digital marketing is interaction with consumers through various digital communications - tablets, laptops, computers, phones, radio, digital screen. In addition, the use of offline channels and QR codes is available.

The peculiarities of this communication with potential clients lie in the personalization of the appeal, which means that it is necessary to find out everything about the user, his likes, interests and preferences.

  • outline the goals of the upcoming mailing - increasing demand, searching for new partners, etc.;
  • determining the source for sending the message;
  • formation and provision of the form of the message according to the selected distribution channels;
  • launch of an advertising campaign;
  • control, analysis and correction of advertising.

What are the prospects for Digital Marketing you can find out in this video:

  • the success of its application to products of a specific nature, which are necessary for a narrow circle of users, which ensures easy personalization of the user;
  • despite the huge range of channels used, the best option will still be the Internet and its active audience;
  • Digital marketing is intended to inform about a product; it is not so successful when used to sell products, but it will provide brand recognition.

Pros and cons of Digital Marketing

Following all of the above, we can highlight several advantages of this advertising option:

  • interaction with a wide range of target audiences;
  • the ability to quickly inform a wide range of the public;
  • working with clients through feedback, which ensures that all information is received;
  • greater user involvement through a powerful impact on them;
  • increasing the credibility of the brand and demonstrating trust in it;
  • increasing competitiveness through a non-standard approach;
  • the ability to monitor results in real time;
  • attracting new customers and increasing sales.

The disadvantages are completely minor and easily overcome:

  • narrow circle due to the specifics of the product;
  • not all clients like personal treatment;
  • with a poorly designed advertising campaign, there is a possibility of getting lost among the spam information that exists on the Internet.

Types of Digital Marketing and tools used

  • use in offline space;
  • online use.

Each of them is implemented through its own tools, for example, the following are used to disseminate information online:

  • – these are text ads in search engines and on websites;
  • media advertising is an emotional impact through video and graphic images; this option has many advantages, as it provides brand recognition and a colorful presentation of products;
  • targeted advertising – displaying ads on social networks according to the interests of groups. you will learn how to properly set up and use such advertising on social networks;
  • teaser advertising – boosting traffic and selling cheap products;
  • SEO optimization – ranking and bringing the site to the state required by search engines;
  • SMM is a comprehensive influence on the user on social networks in order to win him over to the manufacturer;
  • aggregators and marketplaces – platforms for collecting and comparing offers from various companies;
  • viral advertising – makes the user want to click so that a friend can see it, and so on. Viral marketing methods and tools are described in detail;
  • Email mailing – personal appeal to a network user via mail;
  • PR on the Internet is a tool for creating value and consolidating the position of a product on the Internet;
  • Crowd marketing is recommendation material distributed through forums;
  • Push notifications – advertising notifications that appear on the desktop or smartphone screen;
  • channels and chatbots in the messenger - promotion of content in messaging programs such as WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram;
  • CPA – obtaining traffic and a customer base with payment of a certain amount to the advertiser;
  • content marketing is the creation and distribution of useful content on the Internet, a very difficult option, but also the most cost-effective.

Channels and strategies

In order to apply digital marketing, it is necessary to use a well-developed strategy, and there may be several options:

  1. Performance marketing is result-oriented marketing, when the application of the strategy is based on measurable goals. It works like this:
  • Only goals and budget metrics are formed by the project manager - achieving ROI by 30% or a buyer’s check from 10,000 rubles, or reducing the cost of attracting a buyer to 2,000 rubles;
  • the marketer is provided with the space to use any of the tools designated by the manager to choose from, the main thing being the achievement of the set goals;
  • In addition, the specialist directly involved in the project must control the density and quality of communication from the site user at all stages of the process;
  • In addition, the agency requires the client to set up end-to-end analytics, including CRM business, in order to be able to view the results of their activities at all stages of interaction with clients.
  1. The usual strategy is the use of classic digital marketing options; its goal may be not only to achieve economic results, but also simply to have indicators at the proper level, which indirectly affect the company’s profit.

Funnel of such marketing.

In this case, it is advisable to use the following channels:

  1. Working out the goal of an advertising campaign, which is digitized in real terms, for example, increasing website traffic to a certain level.
  2. The target audience is determined taking into account its interests in specific products.
  3. Define and highlight by communicating product benefits.
  4. Definition with content distribution channels.
  5. Formation and execution of the message.
  6. Calculating your budget and setting time limits.
  7. Determining indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of the work done.
  8. Monitoring work, analyzing results and making adjustments.

Who and when can such a product be used?

This tool can be used in various areas of selling goods and services, for example, by stores distributing information about new products.

Case studies

English-made insulin has appeared, which does not give side effects and provides the patient with a long-term effect of up to 24 hours, the cost of the product is 1,000 rubles per 2 ml ampoule:

  • for a pharmacist, the main thing is to promote it among the target audience, for example, the task for a marketer is to promote it by 60%;
  • the marketer is obliged to interest citizens in interests who are dependent on this drug;
  • at the same time, he uses the benefits of the drug and reveals them in full;
  • He uses mailing lists, contextual advertising, communications and an integrated approach as a tool.

New generation insulin from an English manufacturer provides excellent health for 24 hours. A high-quality product completely eliminates unwanted sensations, as it adapts to the body regardless of the diabetes group.

  • at the same time, the marketer has a budget of 10,000 rubles and a time limit of up to 2 weeks;
  • Click-through rate (CTR) will be used as a performance indicator to find out the number of buyers who clicked on the link posted in text messages.

Procedure for using the Digital environment.

Digital agency

The purpose of its services is to promote information through digital tools on the Internet using high technology.

The agency can provide the following services:

  • website development and promotion;
  • promoting information on blogs and social networks;
  • providing advertising on the Internet;
  • advertising the product in other sources through the use of technological developments, for example, direct contact with the consumer using promotions in the supermarket.

Important: the goal of the agency is to interest the consumer through offline communication with subsequent transfer to the Internet.


If you want to promote a product yourself, relying only on the information received, you need to be patient and be prepared to lose money, since this advertising option has many specific nuances.

How Digital Marketing differs from Internet Marketing – see here:

Hello! In this article we will talk about such a promotion tool as digital marketing.

Today you will learn:

  • What is digital?
  • Who is it suitable for?
  • What digital marketing tools exist;
  • How to implement a digital promotion strategy.

Long gone are the days when advertising messages were distributed exclusively through offline channels. In the 21st century - the century of high technology, electronic digital channels of communication with consumers dominate.

What is digital marketing

Digital or digital marketing represents tools for communication with consumers, which are carried out through special digital channels, such as smartphones, computers, tablets, television, radio, digital screens. In addition, digital marketing is also implemented in offline channels in the form of links to electronic resources and QR codes.

Digital marketing involves a personalized approach, which means you must have an understanding of your potential customer's needs, preferences, interests, and other details.
The entire process of building an advertising campaign on the Internet can be expressed in five main stages:

  1. Outline the goals of your digital advertising campaign (increase sales, attract consumers, obtain data, etc.), develop a strategy;
  2. Select channels for distributing the message;
  3. Formulate a communication message, present it in a form appropriate to the selected channels;
  4. Launch an advertising campaign;
  5. Regularly monitor and analyze the advertising campaign, adjust if necessary.

In addition, digital marketing, despite the variety of distribution channels, is preferable for attracting active Internet users.

Another specific feature of digital marketing is its information focus. Therefore, if your goal is solely sales, then digital marketing is not for you. But digital technologies will do an excellent job of increasing your brand awareness and bringing information about the product to the consumer.

The following advantages of digital marketing can be highlighted:

  • Rapid growth of brand awareness;
  • Relatively low cost;
  • Possibility of control and correction;
  • Unobtrusiveness.

Types and tools of digital marketing

There are two types of digital marketing: those distributed in the online space and those distributed in the offline space. Each type, in turn, has its own implementation tools. Let's present them in a table.

Online space

Offline space

Optimize for user requests, this will allow you to get more visitors QR codes on various sources

Place QR codes in various sources with bonuses and gifts

Directly related to optimization. Represents advertisements (links) that appear on resources with topics corresponding to the advertisement
It is an advertising image that is located on any part of the page of the Internet resource you have chosen. TV advertising

An expensive but effective promotion channel. Allows you to reach the maximum number of audiences

Personalized social media ad leading to your website (page) Radio advertising

It is also not a budget promotion channel, but it allows you to notify a large number of people

SMS messages

Short SMS messages with information about promotions and new products

Push and Pop up windows

The most effective solution is to combine several tools at the same time. This will allow you to reach the largest possible audience.

Digital Marketing Strategies

If you have decided to implement digital marketing in your business, then the first thing you need to do is develop a strategy. In order to make the task easier for you, we will present a step-by-step algorithm for compiling it, and then we will give an example.

  1. Work through your digital advertising campaign goals. They must be digitized, that is, presented in the form of specific numerical values. For example, increase website traffic by 40%.
  2. Determine the target audience of the advertising campaign. It must match the target audience of the product you are promoting.
  3. Determine the competitive advantage of the product you are going to promote (or the company as a whole). You will have to express them in a communication message.
  4. Select channels for distributing your communication message. We recommend selecting multiple channels.
  5. Develop a communication message, as well as its design, appropriate to the selected channels.
  6. Calculate the budget and determine the deadlines.
  7. Create metrics to measure performance across each channel.
  8. Control, analysis of results and adjustments as necessary;

Example. Imagine that we are “Volosatik”, where we offer hair care products. The store is located in Moscow and we sell only in Moscow. We recently launched a new product - raspberry anti-dandruff shampoo and we want to inform the target audience about the new product through digital marketing. The cost of shampoo is 600 rubles per 200 ml.

  1. Goal: to convey information about the new product to 60% of the target audience;
  2. Target audience: visitors to our online store living in Moscow, aged from 20 to 55 years with dry hair and dandruff problems, income level from 50 thousand rubles per month;
  3. Competitive advantage: natural composition, expert-confirmed effect of use, original packaging, unusual rich raspberry smell.
  4. Channels: contextual advertising and email distribution;
  5. Communication message.
  1. Budget and time frame: 3,000 rubles for 14 days;
  2. Performance indicator and control: Click-through rate (CTR) – shows how many users followed the link in the advertisement.

Digital agency

The last point I would like to talk about is the digital agency. Compared to conventional advertising agencies, the services of digital agencies consist of promoting products on the Internet or using the network and high technology.

Digital agency services include:

  • Website development and maintenance;
  • Promotion in blogs, groups on social networks and other thematic platforms;
  • Conducting an advertising campaign on the Internet;
  • Carrying out other events using high technology and the Internet. For example, holding a competition in a shopping center based on a mobile application.

The goal of a digital agency: to transfer consumers from offline to online space, that is, to increase sales via the Internet.
