Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Organizational bases of the management process. Participants in the management process. Management process and its characteristics

Management, although it plays a very specific role in the organization, nevertheless, as it were, permeates the entire organization, touching and affecting almost all areas of its activity. However, with all the variety of interaction between management and organization, it is possible to quite clearly establish the boundaries of the activity that constitutes the content of management, as well as quite clearly define the subjects management activities- managers.

Organization management appears as a process of implementing a certain type of interrelated actions to form and use the organization's resources to achieve its goals. Management is not equivalent to all the activities of the organization to achieve the ultimate goals, but includes only those functions and actions that are associated with the coordination and establishment of interaction within the organization, with the motivation to carry out production and other activities, with the target orientation of various types of activities, etc. (Fig. 1).

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Rice. 1. Place of process management V organizations

The content and set of actions and functions carried out in the management process depend on the type of organization (business, administrative, public, educational, military, etc.), on the size of the organization, on the scope of its activities (production of goods, provision of services), on the level in the management hierarchy (top management, middle-level management, lower management level), on the function within the organization (production, marketing, personnel, finance) and on many other factors. However, despite all the diversity, as A. Fayol drew attention to this back in 1916, the presence of, in general, homogeneous types of activities is characteristic of all management processes in an organization. You can group all types of management activities into four main management functions: 1) planning, which consists in choosing goals and an action plan to achieve them; 2) the function of the organization, through which the distribution of tasks between individual units or employees and the establishment of interaction between them; 3) leadership, consisting in motivating performers to carry out planned actions and achieve goals; 4) control, which consists in correlating the actual results achieved with those that were planned.


A manager is a member of an organization that carries out managerial activities and solves managerial tasks. With full responsibility it can be argued that managers are the key people in the organization. However, not all managers play the same role in the organization, not all managers occupy the same position in the organization, the tasks performed by different managers are far from the same, and, finally, the functions performed by individual managers are also not identical. This is due to the fact that there is a hierarchy in the organization, that various functions are performed in the organization, and finally, that there are different kinds management activities.

An organization cannot exist without managers, and there are a number of reasons for this)
