Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Riddles about a beauty salon. "Beauty saloon". Role-playing game in the senior group. Hairdresser Uncle Sasha

What is a profession"?

Every adult has a profession. This is something that benefits other people. Every profession is important and necessary!


We are still guys

Maybe not enough knowledge

But you can dream!

I'll probably be a doctor

I will heal people!

I will travel everywhere

And save sick children!

Soon I will be a soldier

Or just an ace pilot!

Like an ordinary hero

I will protect you!

ballerina and singer

I have always dreamed of becoming!

To dress up nicely

Sing and dance for you!

I am a famous artist

I will definitely.

I'm interested in drawing

Very exciting!

I am a school teacher

I will give knowledge to children!

The kids will be happy with me

I tell you for sure!

Well, I'll be back here!

Affectionate, attentive

And always responsive

I will become an educator!Irina Gurina

finger game

There are many noble professions,

( Connect the fingers of the right hand with the thumb )

Both useful and enjoyable.

( Connect the fingers of the left hand with the thumb )

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,

Vendor, miner, builder...

( Consistently connect the fingers of both hands with the thumb )

I don't name everyone at once.

( Clench and unclench your fists )

I suggest you continue.

( Stretch your arms forward with your palms up )

Fizminutka "We played in the profession"

We played in the profession -

In an instant, we became pilots!

They flew in an airplane

And suddenly they became drivers!

The steering wheel is now in our hands -

Let's go to the mountains fast!

And now we are at the construction site,

Lay bricks straight.

One - a brick and two, and three -

We are building a house, look!

Here's the game over

It's time for us all to sit down again.


“Who in the days of illness is more useful than all
And heals us from all diseases?

I've got a lot to do
If someone gets sick
I will cure all my friends!
Guess who am I?

A doctor is a person who wants everyone to be healthy. And he does everything for people's health. Knows how the human body works. What are the diseases and cures for them. How to recover and protect yourself from disease.

children's doctor

Children's doctor early in the morning

Putting on his robe

He washes his hands under the tap

He calls the guys to the office.

And then in the heat and cold

Like Dr. Aibolit

Through the whole huge city

The doctor on call is in a hurry.

We are not afraid of influenza, tonsillitis,

ORZ, chicken pox, measles,

Physician - minister of medicine

Will conquer any disease!

L. Gromova


“He walks in a white cap with a ladle in his hand.

He prepares dinner for us: porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.”

The chef is very knowledgeable about the products. In how to cook them. Invents different dishes. Chefs cook in kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities, cafes, restaurants, children's camps and recreation centers. The taste and benefits of lunch depend on the professionalism of the cook. And also appearance that increases appetite!


Give the cook food:

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.

S. Chertkov


The cook at the stove creates

As he soars on wings.

Everything rages around him

The kitchen is his forge.

Each of his creations

Just a fairy tale, food,

Thoughts, creativity flight.

Those who have tried will understand


"All roads are familiar to me,

I feel at home in the cockpit.
A traffic light is flashing for me
He knows that I am…”

Every day I sit in the cab,
I start the car engine
I'm going to distant lands.
Did you guess who I am?

No car, no bus, no trolleybus, no tram can go without a driver. In order to drive a vehicle, you first need to obtain special rights. And to get them, you have to study.


Rustling along the roads

funny tires,

Hurry on the roads

Cars, cars,

And in the back - important

Urgent cargo:

cement and iron

Raisins and watermelons.

Chauffeurs work

Difficult and complicated

But how is it for people

Needed everywhere!


"For apartments and houses,
Many letters, telegrams,
He brings to the addressees.
What's his name guys?"

I am blue
hanging on the wall
And many hello
Stored in me (mail box)

sheet of paper in the morning
We wear to the apartment
On one such sheet
Lots of different news (newspaper)

Seal firmly with glue
And they sent me urgently
I won't pity him
I'll get it and paste it in an instant (envelope)

The postman delivers letters, parcels, telegrams to every house. He makes sure that letters and parcels are delivered to those to whom they are written.


Letters, telegrams and newspapers

He delivers on time to addresses.

News from all over the world

The postman will always deliver to you.

O. Poveshchenko


Who will deliver the telegram

Mail smartly smash?

Postmen, be glorious!

In bad weather, in ice

You bring people news

Work is worthy of praise!

We will say about you without flattery -

You are brave and courageous!


"He puts the bricks in a row,

Building a garden for children
Not a miner and not a driver,
The house will be built for us ... "

Among the clouds, on high,
We are building together new house,
So that in warmth and beauty
The people in it lived happily.

A builder is a professional who builds houses, apartments, kindergartens, schools and all other buildings.

The builder knows how to deal with building materials, tools and technology.


It's customary for a builder

Build a new brick house.

Excavator Stepan

Dug a pit in the field

He drove large piles into the ground,

And now the cement gets in the way

Exactly lays bricks -

The wind will not find a crack.

Bricks from the ground to Stepan

Lifting handy by crane.

Here is the new house ready.

It's time to run the cats!

O. Emelyanova


"I'm going to fly

I'm getting on the plane
And I'm flying above the ground.
Guess who I am?"

In reality, not in a dream
He flies in the air.
Flying an airplane in the sky.
Who is he, tell me? (Pilot)

A pilot is a person who knows how to fly an airplane, helicopter or other aircraft.


I will build an airplane

I'll put on my helmet and fly.

Through the wavy mists

I'll fly to other countries

Over seas and forests

Over mountains and fields

I will cover the whole globe of the earth,

And then I'll be back home.

V. Shishkov


The pilot knows his stuff

An airplane flies in the sky.

He flies boldly over the earth,

Making a flight.


“If suddenly a fire breaks out,

Who will run the fastest
In a bright red car
To pour a dangerous fire?

Can I be gentle sometimes
I will warm your house in winter.
But if they start playing with me -
I can turn into a fire!

Hanging - silent,
And turn it over, hisses,
And the foam is flying.
(fire extinguisher)

I rush with a siren to the fire,
I carry water with foam.
Put out fire and heat
We are fast as arrows.
(fire engine)

Any of us can put out a fire or even a lit towel in the kitchen. But when trouble happens - a real fire, who will help? Of course, firemen. Only they can put out the fire quickly and correctly!

We are firemen

In a bright red car

We rush forward.

The work is hard and dangerous

We firefighters are waiting.

Howl of a piercing siren

Can stun

Let's be water and foam

We put out the fire.

And people in trouble

Can we help

After all, we will fight the fire

Bold day and night!


Scissors, shampoo, comb -

I do hair for everyone
I cut both adults and children.
Guess me soon!"

Made of iron
They know how to cut and cut.
When they meet
Parts are separated.

In this little thing
A warm wind has settled.
(hair dryer)

Hair and hairstylist. Knows how to care for hair and how to cut it properly.

Helps people to cope with their hair, to be beautiful, neat, stylish.


Who is the hairdresser today?

Let me be.

I'll do your hair

For example, like mine.

Sit in front of the mirror

I will tie a cape

And, of course, first of all

I'll comb carefully.

Now let's twist the bangs

On big curlers

Braid braids on the side

Tie the tail behind.

We fix it all with varnish

Or hair gel

Let's put lipstick on the lips

And powder your nose a little.

I did great

Praise me.

Because now my girlfriend

Became better than it was.


“He took out an easel and a canvas, a fluffy brush.
Draw a strong bridge
Through the fast river.
Draw our city
Gray rain in the sky.
This cityscape

I have a pencil
colorful gouache,
watercolor, palette, brush
And a thick sheet of paper
And also - an easel-tripod,
Because I...

Artists are creative individuals who create various works of art.

The artist draws people, animals, buildings and even various events. Each artist has his own style of drawing, because we all see even the same events in our own way.

On canvas artist Petya

Draws everything in the world.

Dip the brush into the paint

And on the canvas her bread!

Smear well,

"Good picture!" - will say.

There will be people for many days

Think about what's on it.

O. Emelyanova


Try coloring:

This is a pond, and there is crucian carp in it;

This is a garden, and this is a house,

And the sun in the blue sky;

This is me, and this is you,

We bring flowers for mommy!

T. Vtorova


"If you come to the store,

then of course, meet him there.
Who will sell you bread and milk,
count money easily?
Who will sell you delicious lollipop?
Polite friend…”

In the store, dad with Nastya
They buy sweets for tea.
Chocolate cake "Whimsical"
Loves Aunt Luda very much.
Three eclairs, five rings
Wrapped them up...

big stores now called shopping malls there are many different departments. This is a grocery department, and a bookstore, a shoe department, a toy department, a furniture department, and a computer department.

In each department there are people who help you choose a purchase - sellers. The seller knows everything about the quality of the goods sold in his department, about the price of the goods.

In the shop, in the market

And in the buffet, finally,

Everywhere, wherever you go,

The seller meets you.

He will sell yogurt to an old woman

And a whistle to the mischievous

A bright ribbon for a girl

And a cheesecake for a fat man.

A fishing rod for Uncle Petya,

And for Aunt Vera - a brooch.

So always kindly meet -

You won't leave without buying

He knows math

Well, of course, five

Counting money quickly

To give change correctly.

Buyers crowd

They go to him all day

We really need you

Seller hard work!

N. Knushevitskaya


Even on the set of a movie frame,

Though on the stage here in the theater,
We are obedient to the director
Because we …

Last time I was a teacher
The day after tomorrow - the driver.
He must know a lot
Because he …

The actor is creative profession which requires hard work and acting skills from a person. A feature of this profession is that you can become a famous and sought-after actor at any age.


Who was in the theater once

Will never forget.

Stage, curtain, actors -

The game starts!

We will show the fairy tale to mothers

Under the name "Teremok".

Rehearsed for days

We know the roles by heart.

Even though we're a little worried

We fuss and tremble

We are to thunderous applause

We hurry to reveal our talent.

Everyone will run onto the stage:

Mouse, bunny, wolf, fox ...

Silence flies in the hall

And on the stage - miracles.

real actor

Visible to everyone from afar.

They bowed and fled.

All! The game is over.

L. Razumova


Sewing for adults and children

Mom, brother, friends -
Products are excellent
With decent styles.

I'm typing on a typewriter
I want to sew a doll dress
I sewed a bodice to the hem,
It turned out very nice
Attached the gate famously,
Everyone told me...

The work of a seamstress (or a tailor, if it is a man) is to sew and repair products from various materials. She can do it manually: with a needle, scissors, pins or a special sewing machine. The seamstress works with fabrics, buttons, fasteners and other materials. With the help of patterns, threads and a sewing machine, these items are turned into clothes: blouses, dresses, trousers, skirts, jackets, etc.


There lived a skilled tailor,

He knew his business very well.

Fabrics chose for us -

Cotton, chintz and satin.

And then he took measurements,

Made a pattern, fitting,

White thread swept the fabric,

I sewed everything on the machine.

And on a holiday with the guys

The outfit was always new.

It is in human nature to crave beauty. Beautiful causes pleasure, admiration. The beauty of a woman attracts, captivates, binds. Beauty is deified, magical properties are attributed to it. She is sung by poets, they dedicate to her all the best, touching, sincere...

Quiz about the beauty of a woman contains 12 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz Maker: Iris Revue

1. A mysterious look, a wonderful smile, a perfect oval, incomprehensible charm and mystery. What person from time immemorial is the ideal of female beauty?
Goddess Diana
Ancient Roman goddess Fortuna
Gioconda +

2. How to make eyebrows beautiful: thick, even?
No way, as nature gave, so it is
Lightly rub the mixture of oils +
Do a light massage in the direction of the hairs +

3. As we all know, a healthy intestine is tender skin, lush hair, ease of gait ... What is the name of the beet and carrot salad that helps the intestines work?
"Broom" +
"Healthy Gut"

4. How to comb long hair correctly?
Starting from the ends and going to the roots +
Starting from the roots
Doesn't matter

5. Flowers are a symbol of beauty. What flower was worshiped by the ancient Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius? Which flower has more than 500 volumes in the library of the Chinese emperor?
Rose +

6. What is the best face cream to use?
I prefer the latest, innovative developments
The one that will help me best
The answer to this question is strictly individual.

7. Which ancient Roman goddess is the goddess of beauty, marriage and birth, motherhood?
Juno +

8. Continue the phrase: "The beauty of a woman is first of all ..."
Well-groomed skin +
self-confidence +
Mysterious Charm +

9. Applying lipstick, you must first consider
face shape +
Lipstick type +
Clothing color - (optional)

10. Choose the right option, in your opinion. Beautiful face "make" ...
Beautiful eyes +
Bright lipstick
Blush on cheeks

11. In what work of Russian literature is the “genius of pure beauty” mentioned?
“I met you ...” F.I. Tyutchev
“I remember a wonderful moment ...” A.S. Pushkin +
"The beautiful star of Venus bright-eyed ..." A.A. Fet

12. How to protect your hair from abundant ultraviolet radiation in summer?
Use a shampoo containing a UV filter +
Wear a hat +
Braid braids (loose hair is more likely to dry out) +

Synopsis of GCD

“Profession – hairdresser

Educator GBDOU kindergarten №78

Combined view

Primorsky district


Kuznetsova Irina Sergeevna

Children's age:

3-4 years


To teach children to take on a role and perform appropriate play actions, use hairdresser's tools during the game and call them. Develop dialogic speech, enrich vocabulary. Cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards each other.

Educational tasks: To instill in children respect for the work of adults, a benevolent attitude towards them.

Educational objectives: To expand children's ideas about professions. To consolidate knowledge about the profession - "Hairdresser", the tools used in the work and the significance of this profession in people's lives.

Developmental tasks: To develop visual perception, attention, memory, curiosity and fine motor skills of hands. Educational areas: Cognition, communication, socialization, reading fiction, labor.

Integration of educational areas:

Speech development: . activate the vocabulary of children: with the help of words denoting professions: doctor, teacher, firefighter, educator, tool names: scissors, comb, hair dryer; "Dummy":hairdresser, barbershop, image studio, beauty salon haircut, cape.

Cognitive development:develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation. To give children knowledge about the work of a hairdresser, about his work.

Socio-Communicative Development: to promote the development of free communication between children and adults about professions. Develop Socialization: Continue to develop interest in joint activities children in class.

Physical development: to form the correct posture in all activities; the formation of purposefulness and self-regulation in the motor sphere.

Equipment : plastic barbershop set, combs, hair ties, hair clips, barber chair illustrations, capes, a set of paper dolls with hairstyles

preliminary work: looking at the picture "In the hairdresser's", illustrations about this profession; viewing illustrations depicting the tools needed for the job. Reading poems and riddles about the work of a hairdresser; excursion to the hairdresser.

GCD progress:

Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet in front of the teacher.

The group includes the character Shapoklyak: “Hello guys, oh, how tired I am, you would know ... I went around the whole city and could not find a hairdresser. Everywhere there are either a lot of visitors, or hairdressers are completely closed ... But the thing is that I was invited to my birthday. And on a holiday it is customary to go smart and beautiful. So I needed to get my hair done. Eh ... this is my problem guys. But I was told that there are very capable children in the 5th group and they will definitely help me out. But in order to help me, you must first go to a hairdressing school to learn how to become real hairdressers. Then you can do me a wonderful hairstyle.

Educator: Well guys, let's go to the hairdressing school?

Children's answers...

Educator: Today we will go with you on foot, because the walk is not long at all. (they go to the music “walking merrily together”, performing certain movements). They come to school. There is a number 1 on the carpet. In the envelope is a story about the profession of a hairdresser:

After listening to the story, you need to answer the questions:

Hairdressers work in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, and image studios. Visitors come to the hairdresser to get beautiful haircuts, hairstyles, curl their hair, change their hair color. They are met very politely, greeted and offered to go and sit in a comfortable chair (I show an illustration depicting a chair); cover the shoulders with a special cape. They wash their hair with shampoo, and then make a beautiful haircut, using a comb and scissors in their work.

Now let's see if you've been listening carefully. Guys, do hairdressers work in the store?

Children: work in hairdressers, beauty salons, and in image studios.

  • What do hairdressers do, treat?

Children: Cut. I do hair. Wash their heads. They dye their hair.
Educator: Right. Here, the skillful hands of the master conjure over our hair.

  • How do hairdressers greet their visitors?

Children: politely, greet and offer to go and sit in a comfortable chair; cover the shoulders with a special cape

  • Think, if there were no hairdressing salons, what would happen to us?

Children: Everyone would go shaggy, with a sloppy head.
Educator: Guys, do you know that every hairdresser has a certain specialty.

What is the name of a hairdresser who cuts men's, women's, children's hair?

If he cuts women's hair, then he is a women's hairdresser.

If he cuts children's hair, then he is a children's hairdresser. (Children's answers are accompanied by showing the corresponding pictures).
- Well done.

  • Have you been to the hairdresser's? What did the master do?

Well done guys, here we have learned who hairdressers are, where they work and what they do.

I think you and I will have a little rest and continue our training.

Fizminutka. Imitation of movements.
Brought to beat the child
How big is the little boy.
Before sitting in a chair
You need to wash your head (showing movements).
And after that, and after that
Dry with a towel (demonstration of movements).
Take scissors, comb-
We will cut the bangs for the child (we imitate movements with our fingers).
.The boy is unrecognizable (surprise)
You can send to kindergarten.

After physical education, they come to the table with the number 2 and the name of the “guessing” class. There is an envelope with riddles on the table: Hairdryer, scissors, hairdresser, ...

Though instead of a heart it has a motor,
But he is not heartless.
Yes, grumbling conversation with him,
But he is a perfect friend.
To make your face more beautiful
He'll do the styling
Dries out your hair...
What is my riddle?

Experienced tool -
Not big, not small.
He is full of worries.
He cuts and shears.

This sorceress
This artist
Not brushes and paints
A comb and scissors.
She possesses
Mysterious power:
Who will touch
He will become handsome. (hairdresser).

Often I look into it
I'm circling in front, I'm spinning.
I braid my braids
And I fix my suit. (mirror).

Well done, you guessed all the riddles. You are learning more and more about this profession. Let's go further. We approach the table with the number 3 and see what new we learn here.

Various objects fit the table on it. (hairdryer, comb, scissors, mirror, hairpins, capes). And construction tools.

The game "What tools are needed for the work of a hairdresser?"

On the table are toy tools necessary for the work of a hairdresser and other tools. Children one by one approach the table and choose only those that the hairdresser needs for work and explain what they are doing.

Well done, you have chosen only those tools that a hairdresser needs in his work

We leave for the next table number 4. (Paper dolls in bright costumes lie on the table. But without bright hairstyles).

Look at how beautiful paper dolls are, and how they have bright costumes, but the trouble is, the artist forgot to draw their hairstyles, let's pick up beautiful hairstyles for the dolls. Playing with paper dolls. Well done, what beautiful hairstyles you made them, I really like it. Show each other your dolls!

Well guys, at school we learned who hairdressers are, what tools they use in their work, and tried to make hairstyles for dolls. Now you yourself have become real hairdressers and are ready to help Shapoklyak. Let's go back to kindergarten and make the best hairstyle for our Shapoklyak!!!

Hasanova Gulbeniz Ahmed kyzy

GAPOU IOC them. V. Talalikhina



Synopsis of the GCD "Profession - hairdresser" (with presentation)

DOWNLOAD (presentation)

To teach children to take on a role and perform appropriate play actions, use hairdresser's tools during the game and call them. Develop dialogic speech, enrich vocabulary. Cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards each other.

Educational tasks: To instill in children respect for the work of adults, a benevolent attitude towards them.

Educational objectives: To expand children's ideas about professions. To consolidate knowledge about the profession - "Hairdresser", the tools used in the work and the significance of this profession in people's lives.

Developmental tasks: To develop visual perception, attention, memory, curiosity and fine motor skills of hands. Educational areas: Cognition, communication, socialization, reading fiction, work.

Integration of educational areas:

Speech development:. activate the vocabulary of children: with the help of words denoting professions: doctor, teacher, firefighter, educator, tool names: scissors, comb, hair dryer; "Mannequin": hairdresser, hairdresser, image studio, beauty salon haircut, cape.

Cognitive development: develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation. To give children knowledge about the work of a hairdresser, about his work.

Socio-communicative development: to promote the development of free communication between children and adults about professions. Develop Socialization: Continue to develop interest in the joint activities of children in the classroom.

Physical development: to form the correct posture in all activities; the formation of purposefulness and self-regulation in the motor sphere.

Preliminary work: looking at the painting “In the hairdresser's”, illustrations about this profession; viewing illustrations depicting the tools needed for the job. Reading poems and riddles about the work of a hairdresser; excursion to the hairdresser.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about the professions of adults. A profession is a job that a person is engaged in. There are a lot of professions and all of them are very necessary and respected. It is very good when a profession brings joy to a person, and he works with pleasure.

Now guess my riddle, what profession is it about (showing a slide).

"Who will do the hair,

Hairdryer, brush and comb.

Magnificent curls will curl,

Whip the bangs with a brush,

Everything in his hands is on fire

Who will change the look? (Hairdresser).

A conversation about the profession of a hairdresser:

Imagine that your family will soon have a holiday or a birthday. Mom, dad and you have beautiful clothes that you will wear for the holiday, but your hair is shaggy, ugly. Do not worry, there is a person whose profession will help us put our hair in order and make beautiful hairstyles for everyone - this is a Hairdresser, which means: “To make a wig”.

Guessing riddles about the tools of the hairdresser.

Two ends, two rings

Carnations in the middle (scissors)

In this little thing

Settled a warm wind (hair dryer)

I walk - I wander not through the forests, but through the mustache and hair

And my teeth are longer than wolves and bears (comb)

Often I look into it

I'm circling in front, I'm spinning.

I braid my braids

Guys, well done, guessed everything correctly!

What do you think should be done with dirty hair to make it look beautiful? … (Hair needs to be washed)

How do you wash your hair and head? (with shampoo or soap)

What else needs to be done with the hair? ... (Hair must be combed)

What is hair combed with? (Comb)

What is the name of the device that dries wet hair? …(Fen)

How does a hair dryer dry hair? (The hair dryer blows warm air)

: When the hair is short - this hairstyle is called short haircut. What hairstyles do girls wear? long hair? (Ponytail, pigtails)

A hairdresser can make hair curly, style it in curls with a hair dryer and a brush (demonstration of actions), he knows how to make different beautiful hairstyles for everyone, both adults and children.

When a person is cut, they put a cape on him and put him in front of a mirror so that he can see himself.

Why do you think a cape is put on a person who is being cut?

Why does a hairdresser wear a work robe?

So that cut hair does not stain clothes.

Hairdressers work in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, and image studios. Visitors come to the hairdresser to get beautiful haircuts, hairstyles, curl their hair, change their hair color. They are met very politely, greeted and offered to go and sit in a comfortable chair (I show an illustration depicting a chair); cover the shoulders with a special cape. They wash their hair with shampoo, and then make a beautiful haircut, using a comb and scissors in their work.

Now let's see if you've been listening carefully. Guys, do hairdressers work in the store?

Children: work in hairdressers, beauty salons, and in image studios.

What do hairdressers do, treat?

Children: Cut. I do hair. Wash their heads. They dye their hair.

Educator: Right. Here, the skillful hands of the master conjure over our hair.

How do hairdressers greet their visitors?

Children: politely, greet and offer to go and sit in a comfortable chair; cover the shoulders with a special cape

Educator: Guys, do you know that every hairdresser has a certain specialty.

What is the name of a hairdresser who cuts men's, women's, children's hair?

If he cuts women's hair, then he is a women's hairdresser.

If he cuts children's hair, then he is a children's hairdresser.

Well done.

Have you been to the hairdresser's? What did the master do?

Well done guys, here we have learned who hairdressers are, where they work and what they do.

I think you and I will have a little rest and continue our training.

Fizminutka. Imitation of movements.

Brought to beat the child

How big is the little boy.

Before sitting in a chair

You need to wash your head (showing movements).

And after that, and after that

Dry with a towel (demonstration of movements).

Take scissors, comb-

We will cut the bangs for the child (we imitate movements with our fingers).

The boy is unrecognizable (surprise)

You can send to kindergarten.

After a physical education session, they approach the table. On the table lies an envelope with riddles: Hairdryer, scissors, hairdresser, ...

Though instead of a heart it has a motor,

But he is not heartless.

Yes, grumbling conversation with him,

But he is a perfect friend.

To make your face more beautiful

He'll do the styling

Dries out your hair...

What is my riddle?

Experienced tool -

Not big, not small.

He is full of worries.

He cuts and shears.

This sorceress

This artist

Not brushes and paints

A comb and scissors.

She possesses

Mysterious power:

Who will touch

He will become handsome. (hairdresser).

Often I look into it

I'm circling in front, I'm spinning.

I braid my braids

And I fix my suit. (mirror).

Well done, you guessed all the riddles. You are learning more and more about this profession. Various objects fit the table on it. (hairdryer, comb, scissors, mirror, hairpins, capes). And construction tools.

The game "What tools are needed for the work of a hairdresser?"

On the table are toy tools necessary for the work of a hairdresser and other tools. Children one by one approach the table and choose only those that the hairdresser needs for work and explain what they are doing.

Well done, you have chosen only those tools that a hairdresser needs in his work


Children are invited to independently play the role-playing game "Hairdresser" in the equipped corner.

Galina Albrecht
Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the profession of a hairdresser "Guest of the group"

The conversation was held group guest -Godyatskaya E. A

Target: introducing children to the profession of a hairdresser.


Expand your understanding of professions, tools, labor actions.

Develop visual perception, attention, memory, thinking.

Raise respect for the work of adults, curiosity.

Equipment: related picture "IN barbershop» , pictures depicting occupations of people, items for a role-playing game (scissors, hair dryer, comb, varnish).

1. Organizational moment.

-Guys, tell me, where do your parents go every day? Where do they work?

Let's remember what professions we have already spoken?

2. The main part (pictures are put up on a typesetting canvas - a teacher, a seller, a cook, a driver, a seamstress)

Didactic game "Who's doing what?"

The doctor - treats, the teacher - teaches, the seller - sells, the seamstress - sews, the cook - cooks.

Now try to guess the riddle.

Who will do the hair

Hairdryer, brush and comb

Magnificent curls will curl,

Whip the bangs with a brush

Everything in his hands is on fire

Who will change the look? (hairdresser)

The course of the conversation: Today we will talk about one such professions if you solve the riddle.

1 child guesses).

This sorceress

This artist

Not brushes and paints

A comb and scissors.

She possesses

Mysterious power:

Who will touch

He will become handsome.


Please tell me who is hairdresser? (Answers).

Surprise moment. (comes hairdresser- mother of Godyatsky Pasha).

Hello. Today we have away mother Elvira Alexandrovna. She works hairdresser and talk about his work.

You can ask our children questions, they know a lot about your work (questions are asked hairdresser) . What else can he do hairdresser?

let's play:

ball game

Comb your hair, cut your hair, comb your hair, curl your hair, dye your hair, shave your mustache and beard, dry your hair.

Right. Guys, for this hairdresser need a lot of tools and stuff

Let's play the game "Find by touch" and say what he uses in his work hairdresser.

Hairdresser uses scissors, a comb, a hair dryer, a razor, a typewriter, paints, etc. Laying out the figures of objects from sticks according to the model.

There are sticks on the tables in front of you, let's lay out of them the figures of several objects used by hairdresser, but for this you need to solve riddles (2 children make riddles).

has teeth,

Doesn't know about toothache (comb).

Two ends, two rings

Carnations in the middle (scissors).

Game on phonemic perception "Guess what's in the box?"

Children, hairdresser You need a few more items to make the hairstyle a success. There are 3 sounds in the word, catch - L, A, K. What word came out? (lacquer).In the name of the subject, the first syllable is BI (curler). The word has the syllables KA and KRAS (dye).

parent. Well done! And tell me hairdresser what kind of character should it be?

Game "Pass the item and name it"

13. Summary classes.

Thank you very much for the interesting story and hairstyles. Guys, you can ask your questions. And someone might want to become hairdresser, there are such?

We want to thank you and have prepared for you a poem by S Mikhalkov "In barbershop" (several children recite the verse).

Dad sits in front of the mirror:

I have to cut and shave!

old master everything can:

For forty years she cuts and shaves.

He's from a small closet

Quickly got the scissors

He wrapped dad in a sheet,

I took the comb

Stood up behind the chair

Clicked the scissors loudly,

Once or twice he waved his comb,

From neck to temples

Cut a lot of hair

Combed a straight parting,

He took out the razor.

Soap hissed in a cup,

To make the razor shave cleaner;

Snorted fun vial

With an inscription: "Cologne".

Near the girl sheared.

Two streams run from the eyes.

Crying stupid girl

Tears hang on the nose -

Comb hairdresser

Cuts a red braid.

If you decide to cut your hair,

Crying is stupid and funny!

Hair became like a mane

Looks like it's time to cut...

IN barbershop beautiful,

Lots of light, mirrors...

They pointed me to a chair

I didn't have time to say: "Oh!"

Flashed, flew

Scissors above the head.

I came there shaggy

And not a sheared sheep,

And I left neat

And a handsome little boy.

Hairdresser Uncle Sasha

He told me: "Do not forget our barbershop, come do not overgrow "

The hairdresser knows everything:

If you want, she will shave her head or remove her bangs,

Or trim the temples - as you want, cut it.

He knows his job

Who wants a haircut

Those will help no problem.

Hairdresser does some girls hair (Braids beautiful pigtails).


- People say: “A good hairstyle is more important than an expensive outfit”. It means that hairdresser turns us into beautiful, unrecognizable, neat people with the help of his magic hands, tools, his skill. In order to look beautiful, you must always keep your head in order and visit barbershop.

I give you "Kit hairdresser» and you can play. Thanks to all.

A GAME "Question answer" ("What do you know about barber profession)

Master class "Beautiful braid"

A game "What first, what next?"

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