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Musical fairy tale "The wolf and the seven kids, but in a new way. Seven kids go to school. Fairy tale play Goat's Aria "Lovely little children" performed by the Wolf

musical fairy tale

"The wolf and the seven Young goats,

Yes, in a new way."

Compiled by:

Musical director

Target:to develop interest in theatrical and gaming activities, the desire to participate in it, self-confidence and social behavior skills in children; revealing their creative potential, uniting preschoolers into a friendly team, capable of creating a stage performance in the improvisation mode, in which children are both performers and witnesses of how an image is invented, how dances, games, songs, poems are included in the performance.

Equipment.Mother Goat's House:table, 7 chairs, 4 mugs on the table and a plate of cabbage; oven, apron, tray, basket; a bench and next to it are the boots of the kids, a shoe brush; a computer; a mirror with a comb and beads lying on it. Forest: 2 Christmas trees, flowers in a clearing and a forest music school. Forest school: 2 benches, 3 stumps, a log (table) on which are musical instruments (xylophone, 2 metallophones, rumba, tambourine, bell, triangle, maracas) and a children's piano nearby.

Operating faces.

Mother goat (adult)

Wolf (adult)

Storyteller (adult)

seven kids

Uncle Owl

little mouse

Rooster (music teacher)

His pupils:

wolf cub




Insects (dancing): 4 butterflies, 2 grasshoppers and 2 ants.

Preliminary work.

1. Reading and viewing the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

2. Work on musical images and voice in individual and group lessons on musical development

3. Work on vocal numbers

4. Joint production of costumes and attributes for the performance by teachers and parents.

Explanatory note

This performance was prepared systematically for six months with children middle group. The children sang both to the piano and to the minus soundtrack for the film "The Wolf and the Seven Kids in a New Way" music by G. Gladkov, lyrics to songs by Y. Entin.

Action 1.

The curtain closed.

Magical music sounds. All participants in the theatrical performance come out and stand in front of the curtain.

Mom - Goat:We gathered today with you not in vain,

I invite everyone to the fairy-tale kingdom.

Quiet - quiet - quiet

It's already the beginning

And see the fairy tale

Our time has come!

All de T And perform song "Fair of Miracles" (words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by E. Frumkin)

Mom-Goat with goats and the Wolf go behind the curtain, and all the other participants sit in the hall (in the forest) on the chairs.

Storyteller:In the dark forest at the edge,

Everyone lived together in a hut,

The children were waiting for their mother

The wolf was not allowed into the house,

This story is for kids...

All children: "The wolf and the seven Young goats".

Leading: Yes, in a new way!

The curtain opens. Decoration of the goat's house. Goats, sitting at the table, drink milk from mugs, eat cabbage. The mother goat feeds the kids.

Mother Goat:I fed you goats,

Made you guys drink milk.

1st kid(getting up). Oh, I ate my friends

Now I'll be full!

He goes to clean his shoes on the bench. The 2nd and 3rd kid, running out from behind the table, run up to the Goat, hug her, kiss her.

2nd goat.Thanks for the delicious

Useful fork.

3rd goat.Cabbage for breakfast

Health guarantee.

Mom-Goat, waiting for help in cleaning, is surprised when the kids go to show off in front of the mirror (comb their hair, try on beads, etc.). The 2nd kid is standing near the mirror, stamping his foot, waiting for another kid to bring a chair. The 3rd kid, having brought a chair, tries to sit on it, but the other one does not allow him to sit down himself. He, sighing, begins to comb it.

4th kid(ties an apron and tells mom):

I will help you dear!

I'll take the dishes off the table.

5th kid (pulling the hem of the Goat, asks ):

I would eat some more.

Mother Goat (affectionately). Remember how your stomach hurt.

You ate a lot of cabbage!

The kid goes offended, sits down at the table and squints, licking his tongue at the cabbage. Having seized the moment when no one sees him, he hides the cabbage leaf in his bosom and stealthily hides behind the stove. Mom-Goat sits on a bench, the 7th goat runs up to her and sits on her knees. At this time, the 4th kid is clearing the dishes from the table.

4th kid (referring to the 6th kid).

Help me brother

Take your mug!

6th kid.Things are waiting for me now.

Time for my computer! ( Goes to play computer

The 4th goat is indignant and removes his mug.

7th kid(mother).Mommy , Darling .

I love you.

All the floors in the house now

I'll sweep quickly.

The intro sounds "Song of the Mother Goat", music G.Gladkova, sl. Yu Entina. The goat is going to the garden for cabbage, saying goodbye to the kids. She sings, telling them to beware of the Wolf, the goats sing along with her.


1. Oh, goats, you guys.

You are left without your mother.

I go to the garden for cabbage.

Can the wolf come

I feel with my heart.

Chorus:You have to sit, you hear 4 times

Quieter than water, lower than grass.

2. You lock yourself with seven locks.

Oh, I'm afraid for you guys.

Oh, the signs would not come out.

Chorus.You have to sit, you hear

Quieter than water, lower than grass. 4 times.

3rd goat.Don't worry mommy!

Everything will be all right.

We know from a fairy tale

The wolf is terribly ugly!

Mother Goat leaves.

Action 2

The kids go about their business (clean shoes, sweep floors, play computer, preen in front of a mirror). At this moment, the 5th kid comes out from behind the stove, stealthily and looking around.

5th kid (in a loud whisper, asks)

Is our mother here?

7th kid (answers). We went for cabbage.

5th kid (happily).

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

It's time for us to have fun!

1st kid (frightened). And if we

Will the wolf hear?

5th kid (boldly). I'm on his nose, click! ( shows click)

2nd kid (clapping his hands, runs to close the door).

We will close the door!

6th kid.And we won't let anyone get hurt!

The goats begin to have fun and perform a dance to rhythmic music.

Dance of the goats.

The kids, having fun, jump around the table. Suddenly there is a loud knock on the door. The kids freeze and, having heard the voice of the Wolf, they begin to fuss in the house, trying to hide. The wolf sings, and they answer him in a frightened voice

Wolf (sings in a rough voice ) .

1. Open the door for mom

I'm tired, I'm hungry like a beast

Pa-holly, pa-holly!


Goats (sing).


2. I gave you milk

Pa-holly! holly!




At the threshold I will have to die,

Don't let your own mother in

Open up, don't play the fool

I am a goat, but slightly hoarse.

Pa-holly! Pa-holly!



Wolf (doomed, moving away from the door of the house, says ):

Oh, what a failed operation!

The kids, having grown bolder, carefully (they come out, crawl out, look out) begin to walk around the house. The curtain closes. The wolf speaks thoughtfully.

Wolf.What to do? ( thinks)

(happily) Invented!

I'll go to Petya-Petushka,

To the famous singing teacher!

The wolf leaves.

Action 3.

The curtain is closed. Forest. Music sounds.

Leading. The fairy tale doesn't end there.

And the miracles continue

Petya lives here - he is a Rooster.

And he has great hearing.

He walks in the forest in the morning,

And sing songs loudly.

And once in his mind

A great idea has come.

Gather everyone in the fairy forest.

Who can sing and play music.

Goat enters, butterflies fly up to her (from the hall). They are dancing. Goat sits on a stump to rest.

Dance of insects.

After dancing insects sit down in their places.

In the forest (near the curtain, near the mirror) there is a forest music school. Under the musical accompaniment, importantly pacing, the Rooster comes out (from the children sitting in the hall). Suitable for music school, examines musical instruments, looks at the clock and begins to sing (le-le-le-le, ku-ka-re-ku, (louder) ku-ka-re-ku).

Rooster (important). Well, it's time to start the lesson!

(loud) Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!

Students, I'm waiting for you all ( ringing in bell)!

The rooster sits on a stump. Pupils (animals, birds), having heard the bell, begin to go to school (from the hall). Their movement is accompanied by music. The Wolf Cub is the first to rush to school. He stops, looks in one direction, in the other, and, not seeing anyone, runs on. He greets the Rooster with a nod of his head, passes and sits down at musical instrument. The Fox follows and stands opposite the Wolf cub.

A fox (wolf cub). Hello, my dear kumanek!

Came first to class?

wolf cub (stretching).

Got up very early in the morning.

To the music school

Rather ran.

The fox goes into the classroom, nods to the Rooster, takes a musical instrument. A Hare jumps across a forest clearing, followed by a Bear.

Bear (Hare screams). Hey, oblique, wait for me.

Hare (drawn out). Long road ahead.

Belka catches up with the hare and pats him on the shoulder. He turns around.

Squirrel.Hello hare,

My friend!

What did you bring to class?

Hare.All day I pounded the rhythm.

So work, not accustomed to!

The squirrel takes the Hare by the arm and they go to school. They nod to the Rooster, take the music. inst., go to class. The Mouse runs, runs into the classroom, begins to interfere with others, look at the notes.

Little mouse.Wee-wee-wee, wee-wee-wee.

Show me the notes.

Rooster (sternly pronounces the Mouse).

You, little mouse, are not shawls.

Look at the notes better.

Uncle-Owl is flying (oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo). Flies up to the school, says hello.

Uncle-Owl.Hello musicians!

Everything. Hello Uncle Filin!

Owl takes music. tool. Mama-Goat hurries, apologizes and sits down at a musical instrument.

Rooster (asks ). Have you got the tools?

Friendly, let's play together!

Cheerful music played by a musical orchestra

(by choice of music. guide)

Goatsays goodbye to everyone (puts musical instruments in the basket).

Goat.I had fun friends

But things are waiting for me now.

I'm very, very late.

Thank you Pete-Petushka!

He leaves, singing a tune. The wolf walks towards her. They collide, are surprised to see each other.

Wolf (cunningly). Hello dear goat.

Goat (frightened). Where are you from and where?

Wolf. I hurry to school in the morning.

It's time for me to get busy!

Goat (surprise to the audience). Wow, to the forest school ( leaves).

Wolf (viewers). Yes, the answer is for the Goat

I found it lucky!

Runs up to the music school.

Wolf (Rooster). Help me Petya

Learn to sing.

Came to me in childhood

In the ear of a bear!

Rooster (thinks). Well, Wolf, help!

I will tell you everything!

The rooster and the squirrel teach the wolf to sing the song correctly. They are helped by students and children in the hall.

The song "Singing is pleasant and convenient." (lyrics by V. Stepanov, music by V. Kisten)

Rooster (strictly). So let's start chanting.

The rooster plays the piano (re, mi, fa) and sings (le, le, le), asks the Wolf to repeat. He tries to sing.

Rooster.Well, now try to sing yourself.

Wolf (sings rough

Rooster. Higher.

Wolf (thinner). I returned goats home!

Rooster. Even higher.

Wolf(very thin). I returned goats home!

(happily) Thank you, Petya-Petushok!

The wolf runs away and hides behind the tree.

Rooster (on the trail).Looking forward to the next lesson!

All students (accompanied by music), going home (to their places in the hall), bow to the teacher. The rooster examines the empty classroom, removes the notes, closes the music. tools, and importantly leaves.

Action 4.

The wolf sneaks to the Goat's house, knocking. The 2nd kid peeps out from behind the curtain, looks around and, seeing the Wolf, frightenedly disappears, hides behind the bench. At this time, at the same time about the curtain opens. The kid cleaning his boots looks at him in surprise, not understanding anything. House of the Goat. The kids go about their business (the 1st kid plays on the computer, the 3rd one straightens the chairs, the 4th washes the dishes, the 6th sweeps the floor, the 7th preens at the mirror).

Wolf(sings in a thin voice).

I returned home goats

With a bag overflowing with cabbage!

The 4th goat opens the door. Wolf runs. The goats run away.

Wolf (happily). Basta, little ones!

Dancing is over!

5th kid (boldly). Dying like this with music!

Sing brothers!

The kids dodge the Wolf, tease. And he collects them in a chain. Everyone sings (la-la-la ....) to the music in the recording. The wolf leads the kids into the forest with a snake.

Goat appears. It's knocking. Enters the house. Looks around and sings crying.

Goat (sings).

Oh, goats, where have you gone?

To whom did you leave me?

Didn't listen to their mother

You seem to have lost your vigilance.

Received signs.

You made an omission

Apparently the wolf entered the room.


The goat sits on a bench and cries. Music is heard from afar.

Goat (cheered up). Are these my goats?

Are these my guys?

I'll go and look.

The goat leaves. The curtain closes. Forest Glade. To the song "La-la-la" the Wolf and 7 kids appear. The goats surround the Wolf and persuade him not to eat them.

5th kid. Well, what's the point,

Kohl you swallow us wolf?

4th kid. You will eat two kids for breakfast,

Three kids for lunch.

3rd kid. Leave the other two for tomorrow -

From gluttony only harm!

The wolf sits down thoughtfully.

1st kid (viewers). The wolf thought, sat down.

6th kid. After all, he could not count!

7th kid (fun). And the goats are easy!

Who ran away!

The goats run away. The wolf and the kids are dancing a dance (phonogram).

Dance of the wolf and kids.

At the end of the dance, the Wolf collapses from fatigue. The kids are blowing it. Goat enters. The 2nd kid, noticing his mother, runs up to her.

2nd kid. Don't worry mommy.

We're all right!

The wolf turned out

Not terribly ugly!

Wolf (asking). Oh, goat, help!

Take your goats!

Goat. Your trick didn't work!

Wolf (apologizing). It was just a game!

Goat. We forgive you all.

Wolf(submits hand). Friendship with you forever!

Everyone puts their hands together (palm to palm). Music sounds (“La-la-la”) The goat, the kids and the Wolf go jumping one after another and stand in a semicircle in front of the curtain, all the participants in the tale join them. Bow. The curtain opens a little, everyone comes out to the music for the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids in a New Way."


A musical fairy tale performed by older children "The wolf and the seven kids, but in a new way!" Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development

Active characters:

    Mother goat (adult)

    Wolf (adult)

    Storyteller (adult)

    seven kids

  • Rooster (music teacher)

    His students:

    wolf cub

Preliminary work.

    Reading and viewing the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

    Work on vocal numbers.

    Acting out mini-dialogues based on a fairy tale.

    Role learning.

    Joint production of costumes and attributes for the performance by teachers and parents.

Explanatory note

This performance was prepared systematically for six months with the children of the eldest and preparatory groups. The children sang both to the piano and to the minus soundtrack for the film "The Wolf and the Seven Kids in a New Way" music by G. Gladkov, lyrics to songs by Y. Entin.

Action 1.

Magical music sounds. All participants in the theatrical performance come out and stand in front of the curtain.

Storyteller: We gathered today with you not in vain,

I invite everyone to the fairy-tale kingdom.

Quiet - quiet - quiet

It's already the beginning

And see the fairy tale

Our time has come!

All de T And sing the song "Fair of Miracles" (words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by E. Frumkin)

Mom-Goat with goats and Ox go behind the curtain, and all other participants sit in the hall (in the forest) on chairs.


In the dark forest at the edge,

Everyone lived together in a hut,

The children were waiting for their mother

The wolf was not allowed into the house,


This story is for kids...

All children: " The wolf and the seven Young goats".

Leading: Yes, in a new way!

The curtain opens. Decoration of the goat's house. Goats, sitting at the table, drink milk from mugs, eat cabbage. The mother goat feeds the kids.

Mother Goat: I fed you goats,

Made you guys drink milk.

1st kid(getting up). Oh, I ate my friends

Now I'll be full!

He goes to clean his shoes on the bench. The 2nd and 3rd kid, running out from behind the table, run up to the Goat, hug her, kiss her.

2nd goat. Thanks for the delicious

Useful fork.

3rd goat. Cabbage for breakfast

Health guarantee.

Mom-Goat, waiting for help in cleaning, is surprised when the kids go to show off in front of the mirror (comb their hair, try on beads, etc.). The 2nd kid is standing near the mirror, stamping his foot, waiting for another kid to bring a chair. The 3rd kid, having brought a chair, tries to sit on it, but the other one does not allow him to sit down himself. He, sighing, begins to comb it.

4th kid(ties an apron and tells mom):

I will help you dear!

I'll take the dishes off the table.

5th kid (pulling the hem of the Goat, asks):

I would eat some more.

Mother Goat (affectionately). Remember how your stomach hurt.

You ate a lot of cabbage!

The kid goes offended, sits down at the table and squints, licking his tongue at the cabbage. Having seized the moment when no one sees him, he hides the cabbage leaf in his bosom and stealthily hides behind the stove. Mom-Goat sits on a bench, the 7th goat runs up to her and sits on her knees. At this time, the 4th kid is clearing the dishes from the table.

4th kid (referring to the 6th kid).

Help me brother

Take your mug!

6th kid. Things are waiting for me now.

Time for my computer! ( Goes to play computer

The 4th goat is indignant and removes his mug.

7th kid(mother). Mommy , Darling .

I love you.

All the floors in the house now

I'll sweep quickly.

(Takes a broom and starts sweeping the floor.)


I have many cute kids

Waiting for me, now things

It's time for cabbage!

The intro sounds "Song of the Mother Goat", music. G. Gladkov, sl. Yu Entina. The goat is going to the garden for cabbage, saying goodbye to the kids. She sings, telling them to beware of the Wolf, the goats sing along with her.


    Oh, goats, you guys.

You are left without your mother.

I go to the garden for cabbage.

Can the wolf come

I feel with my heart.

Chorus: You have to sit, you hear 4 times

Quieter than water, lower than grass.

    You lock yourself with seven locks.

Oh, I'm afraid for you guys.

Oh, the signs would not come out.

Chorus. You have to sit, you hear

Quieter than water, lower than grass. 4 times.

3rd goat. Don't worry mommy!

Everything will be all right.

We know from a fairy tale

The wolf is terribly ugly!

Mother Goat leaves.

Action 2

The kids go about their business (clean shoes, sweep floors, play computer, preen in front of a mirror). At this moment, the 5th kid comes out from behind the stove, stealthily and looking around.

5th kid (in a loud whisper, asks)

Is our mother here?

7th kid (answers). We went for cabbage.

5th kid (happily).

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

It's time for us to have fun!

1st kid (frightened). And if we

Will the wolf hear?

5th kid (boldly). I'm on his nose, click! ( shows click)

2nd kid (clapping his hands, runs to close the door).

We will close the door!

6th kid. And we won't let anyone get hurt!

The goats begin to have fun and perform a dance to rhythmic music.

Dance of the goats.

The kids, having fun, jump around the table. Suddenly there is a loud knock on the door. The kids freeze and, having heard the voice of the Wolf, they begin to fuss in the house, trying to hide. The wolf sings, and they answer him in a frightened voice

    Open the door for mom

I'm tired, I'm hungry like a beast

Pa-holly, pa-holly!


Goats (sing).


    I gave you water, I gave you milk,

Pa-holly! holly!



At the threshold I will have to die,

Don't let your own mother in

I brought you cabbage from afar,

I'm tired, I'm a little cold.

Pa-holly! Pa-holly!


Wolf (doomed, moving away from the door of the house, says):

Oh, what a failed operation!

The kids, having grown bolder, carefully (they come out, crawl out, look out) begin to walk around the house. The curtain closes. The wolf speaks thoughtfully.

Wolf. What to do? ( thinks)

(happily) Invented!

I'll go to Petya-Petushka,

To the famous singing teacher!

The wolf leaves.

Action 3.

The curtain is closed. Forest. Music sounds.

Leading. The fairy tale doesn't end there.

And the miracles continue

Petya lives here - he is a Rooster.

And he has great hearing.

He walks in the forest in the morning,

And sing songs loudly.

And once in his mind

A great idea has come.

Gather everyone in the fairy forest.

Who can sing and play music.

In the forest (near the curtain, near the mirror) there is a forest music school. Under the musical accompaniment, importantly pacing, the Rooster comes out (from the children sitting in the hall). He approaches the music school, examines musical instruments, looks at his watch and begins to sing (le-le-le-le, ku-ka-re-ku, (louder) ku-ka-re-ku).

Rooster (important). Well, it's time to start the lesson!

(loud) Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!

Students, I'm waiting for you all ( ringing the bell)!

The rooster sits on a stump. Pupils (animals, birds), having heard the bell, begin to go to school (from the hall). Their movement is accompanied by music. The Wolf Cub is the first to rush to school. He stops, looks in one direction, in the other, and, not seeing anyone, runs on. He greets the Rooster with a nod of his head, passes and sits down at a musical instrument. The Fox follows and stands opposite the Wolf cub.

A fox (wolf cub). Hello, my dear kumanek!

Came first to class?

wolf cub (stretching).

Got up very early in the morning.

To the music school

Rather ran.

The fox goes into the classroom, nods to the Rooster, takes a musical instrument. A Hare jumps across a forest clearing, followed by a Bear.

Bear (Hare screams). Hey, oblique, wait for me.

Hare (drawn out). Long road ahead.

Belka catches up with the hare and pats him on the shoulder. He turns around.

Squirrel. Hello hare,

My friend!

What did you bring to class?

Hare. All day I pounded the rhythm.

So work, not accustomed to!

The squirrel takes the Hare by the arm and they go to school. They nod to the Rooster, take the music. inst., go to class. The Mouse runs, runs into the classroom, begins to interfere with others, look at the notes.

Little mouse. Wee-wee-wee, wee-wee-wee.

Show me the notes.

Rooster (sternly pronounces the Mouse).

You, little mouse, are not shawls.

Look at the notes better.

Rooster ( asks ). Have you got the tools?

Friendly, let's play together!

Cheerful music played by a musical orchestra

(by choice of music. guide)

Goat is coming. The wolf walks towards her. They collide, are surprised to see each other.

Wolf (cunningly). Hello dear goat.

Goat (frightened). Where are you from and where?

Wolf. I hurry to school in the morning.

It's time for me to get busy!

Goat (surprise to the audience). Wow, to the forest school ( leaves).

Wolf (viewers). Yes, the answer is for the Goat

I found it lucky!

Runs up to the music school.

Wolf (Rooster). Help me Petya

Learn to sing.

Came to me in childhood

In the ear of a bear!

Rooster (thinks). Well, Wolf, help!

I will tell you everything!

Rooster (strictly). So let's start chanting.

Chanting "Do, re, mi"

The rooster plays the piano (do, re, mi, fa) and sings (le, le, le), asks the Wolf to repeat. He tries to sing.

Rooster. Well, now try to sing yourself.

Wolf (sings rough

Rooster. Higher.

Wolf (thinner). I returned goats home!

Rooster. Even higher.

Wolf(very thin). I returned goats home!

(happily) Thank you, Petya-Petushok!

The wolf runs away and hides behind the tree.

Rooster (on the trail). Looking forward to the next lesson!

All students (accompanied by music), going home (to their places in the hall), bow to the teacher. The rooster examines the empty classroom, removes the notes, closes the music. tools, and importantly leaves.

Action 4.

The wolf sneaks to the Goat's house, knocking. The 2nd kid peeps out from behind the curtain, looks around and, seeing the Wolf, frightenedly disappears, hides behind the bench. At this time, at the same time about the curtain opens. The kid cleaning his boots looks at him in surprise, not understanding anything. House of the Goat. The kids go about their business (the 1st kid plays on the computer, the 3rd one straightens the chairs, the 4th washes the dishes, the 6th sweeps the floor, the 7th preens at the mirror).

I returned, goats, home

With a bag overflowing with cabbage!

The 4th goat opens the door. Wolf runs. The goats run away.

Wolf (happily). Basta, little ones!

Dancing is over!

5th kid (boldly). Dying like this with music!

Sing brothers!

The kids dodge the Wolf, tease. And he collects them in a chain. Everyone sings (la-la-la ....) to the music in the recording. The wolf leads the kids into the forest with a snake.

Goat appears. It's knocking. Enters the house. Looks around and sings crying.


The house is open, there is no one in it

Woe, my dear.

Where are you cute goats,

My little kids?

Goat (sings).

Oh, goats, where have you gone?

To whom did you leave me?

Didn't listen to their mother

You seem to have lost your vigilance.

Received signs.

You made an omission

Apparently the wolf entered the room.

The goat sits on a bench and cries. Music is heard from afar.

Goat (cheered up). Are these my goats?

Are these my guys?

I'll go and look.

The goat leaves. The curtain closes. Forest Glade. To the song "La-la-la" the Wolf and 7 kids appear. The goats surround the Wolf and persuade him not to eat them.


I am a hungry gray wolf

I know a lot about goats

Eat five first

And then everyone else.

Everyone sing and have fun

And not at all afraid .

I will open my mouth now

And I will grind my teeth.

In a moment I will swallow you all!

5th kid. Well, what's the point,

Kohl you swallow us wolf?

4th kid.

We are goats, we are goats

Very friendly guys

We protect each other

We don't offend anyone.


We are sad about mom

You don't eat us, let us go!

(The wolf sits down, thoughtful).

1st kid (viewers). The wolf thought, sat down.

7th kid (fun). And the goats are easy!

Who ran away!

The goats run away.

The wolf chases them.

Pause. Everyone subsides. Animals appear.

Bear cub. Tell me what happened to you? What are you up to, friends?

Squirrel. We will help you. We cannot live without friendship.

Kid. Gray wolf, hungry wolf.

He clicks his teeth, yes click.

He sharpens his teeth, he wants to eat us.

Bunny. Maybe give the wolf a carrot.

After all, carrots contain vitamins: A and Betta-carotene.

Kid: Song, music, fun, will cheer up the wolf.

Kid: You, angry wolf and evil. Listen to the song and sing with us.

Song "Carrot"


Our feet don't stand

They don't stand still.

It makes me want to dance. Let's dance together. (Turns to the wolf).

Dance of the wolf and kids.

At the end of the dance, the Wolf collapses from fatigue. The kids are blowing it. Goat enters. The 2nd kid, noticing his mother, runs up to her.

Wolf: What a miracle is happening

I sang, DANCED.


Goat: Children, you are my relatives,

Dear gold.

You found me, I worried in vain.

2nd kid. Don't worry mommy.

We're all right!

The wolf turned out

Not terribly ugly!

Listen to the song

dear, dear,

You are our beloved

our dear.

Song "Mom"

Wolf (asking) Oh goat,

These cute guys

Your glorious goats.

You taught to be friends

Have fun and love!

Goat: Your cunning did not help!

Wolf: I won't eat, believe me.

Even though I'm a predator, even though I'm a beast!

The wolf's heart trembled

I'll eat carrots now!

Or gingerbread or pie

The wolf will not be alone!

I will sing and dance

Play with animals!

Goat. We forgive you all.

Wolf(gives a hand). Friendship with you forever!

Everyone puts their hands together (palm to palm). Music sounds (“La-la-la”) The goat, the kids and the Wolf go jumping one after another and stand in a semicircle in front of the curtain, all the participants in the tale join them. Bow. The curtain opens a little, everyone comes out to the music for the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids in a New Way."

Target: on the material of familiar fairy tales to show children how to act in dangerous situations; teach children how to behave in such situations; consolidate the ability to use the number 01 in emergency cases; to improve the ability of children to convey the images of characters in a fairy tale using different means of expression; to teach children to interact collectively and in concert, showing their individuality; develop self-confidence and self-confidence.

Lesson progress

Leading.(referring to children):

A riddle about a fairy tale, please guess
Say her name in my ear

(to allow several children to speak)

The goat went for grass, and said to the kids:
“You can’t open the doors until the mother returns”
The wolf sang in a thin voice and managed to enter the hut.

(children's answers)

Today we will see a fairy tale
"Wolf and seven kids in a new way."

Goat. (walks and sings)

It's a tricky situation
I need information about her.
I need to teach goats,
So that there are no signs.

Goat. (stops, starts talking)

I'll sew some capes for them.
Goats go for a walk
How do you feel the danger?
They will take out the capes and hide.
For the summer I will sew them green capes,
So that they were not visible among the trees and grass.
But after summer comes autumn.
What color should I sew capes for autumn?

(thinks, then turns to the children):

Guys help me please!
What color do you think
Sew capes for autumn?

And why exactly orange (yellow, red)? (children's answers)

Goat. And what color should I sew capes for winter (spring)?

Why exactly this color? (children's answers)

The goat thanks the children for their help.

Goat. And I'll give them cell bells,

So that in a moment of danger they could call for help.

(Goat leaves. Wolf appears among the trees)

How can I grab the goats?
How can I take revenge on the Goat?
I know where the goats go for a walk!
That's where I'll be waiting for them.
To make it easier to grab them, you need to call Gray.

(Leaves to call another wolf)

(Goat appears with kids, kids ask to take a walk)

1 kid. I really want to play.

2 goat. Yes, we want to go for a walk!

Good! Go, walk
Don't forget about my instructions!
Remember about capes, they will help to hide.
Don't forget the bells too.
If there is a danger, what number should I dial?

3 kid. Don - ding! Don - ding! Zero is one! Zero - one!

Goat. Guys, do you remember this number? (children's answers)

Goat. Remember this number always, never forget!

(The goat leaves. The kids go through the forest and sing a song)

It's fun to walk together
Through the expanses, through the expanses, through the expanses!
And of course it's better to sing along,
Better in choir, better in choir!

(Kids leave. Wolves appear)

Wolf. Do you hear! Here they go! They sing songs in chorus.

Gray. Now let's jump out, we'll grab everyone.

(The wolves hide behind a tree; the kids, not noticing them, pass by. The wolves jump out to meet them)

Wolves together. Everyone stay where you are! Quiet! Everyone shut up!

Here we got it! We will take you into the thicket,
Nobody will find you there.

Gray. Let's go faster, and that is hunting!

(They walk through the forest, “escorting the Goats”)

The kids looked at each other, pointed to their bells and at the same time gave a distress signal:

Don - ding! Don - ding! Zero - one! Zero - one!

Wolves. What's the call? Who allowed?

4 kid.

We're going too fast
Here comes the call.

Wolf. In order not to hear this ringing, we will collect the bells.

(They collect bells, take the kids off the stage)

Two bunnies appear: Hare and Bunny

Hare. Heard anything?

Bunny. Heard bells.

Don - ding! Don - ding! Zero is one! Zero - one!

Someone is asking for help
To come to their aid.

(The hare looks through binoculars, speaks frightened)

The gray wolves captured the kids, what should we do?

What are we to do?
It is necessary to inform the whole forest about this,
You need to call the rescue service.

(The rabbits are on the phone)

An order sounds throughout the forest: we call the centrospas!
Gray wolves threaten to destroy little goats.

(Hares stand and listen to the announcement)

Hare. Our challenge has been accepted!

Bunny. The kids will not be left in trouble. (leave the stage)

By that time, the squad had received word
And none of the eaglets sit still.
They broke right away,

And they rushed to help. (Birds appear - Eagles)

Eagle. During the flight, we ask for installation.

Give me a better direction! (“They are talking” on the radio)

Gray wolves in square 05.
You need to get there as soon as possible.

Eagle. We went exactly to square 05. We begin to rescue the kids.

(Eagles “fly away”. Wolves and Goats appear)

Wolf. I'm tired of running, I want to lie down, sleep.

Gray. I'm also very tired, maybe we'll make a halt?

(The wolves yawn and begin to fall asleep. The goats look at each other, showing each other to the pockets where the green capes lie)

goats(in a whisper). It’s good that you are with me, hide from enemies as soon as possible.

(The kids are hiding under a green Christmas tree, covering themselves with capes. From a careless movement, a spruce cone fell on the wolves. They jump up and look around)

Wolf. Where are they? Where have they gone? They just stood there.

Gray. Somewhere here they are in the bushes ... (Eagles appear)

Eagles. Stay where you are!

Paws are wider! Paws up! (bunnies appear)

Hare. Look, they've all been caught.

Bunny. Where have the goats gone?

Have they been chewed up? (Kids appear)

Goats (in chorus).

Don't worry we are all here! The wolves didn't have time to eat!

Eagles. It was the bunnies who told us that the wolves had captured you.

5, 6, 7 kids. Thank you bunnies! You are good guys!

Bunnies (timidly).

We would not be able to help you.
Thank you rescuers!
They were quick to help.
They helped find you. (Goat appears)

Fairy tale is a lie; yes there is a hint in it -
Little lesson for kids!
If suddenly trouble struck
There is almost always a way out:

1 kid.

Give a sign, call for help,
Don't open the door for strangers.

2 and 3 kids.

Do not lag behind moms on the way,
Clearly know the phones.

4 and 5 kids.

Trouble happened, and you're home alone -
Hurry up and call 01!

6 and 7 kids.

Don't forget the lifeguards
They will definitely come!

(Actors bow out)

The song sounds.

A friend in trouble will not leave
Do not ask too much -
That's what real means
True friend…


  1. Audio recording of the song "True Friend". B. Savelyev, M. Plyatskovsky.
  2. “The Wolf and the Seven Kids” is a Russian folk tale.
  3. Author's development - Kugaevskaya I.F.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Zelenogorsk Kindergarten No. 6 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the social and personal direction of development of pupils "
Author-compiler: Musical director I. V. Zimina
Purpose: to develop interest in theatrical and gaming activities, the desire to participate in it, self-confidence and social behavior skills in children; revealing their creative potential, uniting preschoolers into a friendly team, capable of creating a stage performance in the improvisation mode, in which children are both performers and witnesses of how an image is invented, how dances, games, songs, poems are included in the performance.
Equipment. Mother Goat's house: table, 7 chairs, 4 mugs on the table and a plate of cabbage; oven, apron, tray, basket; a bench and next to it are the boots of the kids, a shoe brush; a computer; a mirror with a comb and beads lying on it. Forest: 2 Christmas trees, flowers in a clearing and a forest music school. Forest school: 2 benches, 3 stumps, a log (table) on which are musical instruments (xylophone, 2 metallophones, rumba, tambourine, bell, triangle, maracas) and a children's piano nearby.

Download abstract

Mother goat (adult)
Wolf (adult)
Storyteller (adult)
seven kids
Uncle Owl
little mouse
Rooster (music teacher)
His students:
wolf cub
Insects (dancing): 4 butterflies, 2 grasshoppers and 2 ants.
Preliminary work.

1. Reading and viewing the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"
2. Work on musical images and voice in individual and group lessons on musical development
3. Work on vocal numbers
4. Joint production of costumes and attributes for the performance by teachers and parents.

Explanatory note

This performance was prepared systematically for six months with children of the middle group. The children sang both to the piano and to the minus soundtrack for the film "The Wolf and the Seven Kids in a New Way" music by G. Gladkov, lyrics to songs by Y. Entin.
We slightly changed the course of the fairy tale, added and revealed the roles of each hero, so that each child could show his abilities. The performance involved all the children of the group - 22 children.
All the words, dialogues of the characters are our author's development: the musical director and educator of the group.

Action 1.
The curtain is closed.

Magical music sounds. All participants in the theatrical performance come out and stand in front of the curtain.

Mom-Goat: We gathered today with you not in vain,
I invite everyone to the fairy-tale kingdom.
Quiet - quiet - quiet
It's already the beginning
And see the fairy tale
Our time has come!

All children sing the song "Fair of Miracles" (words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by E. Frumkin)

Mom-Goat with goats and the Wolf go behind the curtain, and all the other participants sit in the hall (in the forest) on the chairs.

Storyteller: In the dark forest at the edge,
Everyone lived together in a hut,
The children were waiting for their mother
The wolf was not allowed into the house,
This story is for kids...
All children: "Wolf and seven kids."
Host: Yes, in a new way!
The curtain opens. Decoration of the goat's house. Goats, sitting at the table, drink milk from mugs, eat cabbage. The mother goat feeds the kids.

Mom-Goat: I fed you kids,
Made you guys drink milk.
1st kid (getting up). Oh, I ate my friends
Now I'll be full!
He goes to clean his shoes on the bench. The 2nd and 3rd kid, running out from behind the table, run up to the Goat, hug her, kiss her.

2nd goat. Thanks for the delicious
Useful fork.
3rd goat. Cabbage for breakfast
Health guarantee.
Mom-Goat, waiting for help in cleaning, is surprised when the kids go to show off in front of the mirror (comb their hair, try on beads, etc.). The 2nd kid is standing near the mirror, stamping his foot, waiting for another kid to bring a chair. The 3rd kid, having brought a chair, tries to sit on it, but the other one does not allow him to sit down himself. He, sighing, begins to comb it.

4th kid (tying an apron and telling mom):
I will help you dear!
I'll take the dishes off the table.
5th kid (pulling the Goat by the hem, asks):
I would eat some more.
Mother Goat (affectionately). Remember how your stomach hurt.
You ate a lot of cabbage!

The kid goes offended, sits down at the table and squints, licking his tongue at the cabbage. Having seized the moment when no one sees him, he hides the cabbage leaf in his bosom and stealthily hides behind the stove. Mom-Goat sits on a bench, the 7th goat runs up to her and sits on her knees. At this time, the 4th kid is clearing the dishes from the table.

4th kid (referring to the 6th kid).
Help me brother
Take your mug!
6th kid. Things are waiting for me now.
Time for my computer! (Goes off to play computer)
The 4th goat is indignant and removes his mug.

7th kid (mother). Mommy, love.
I love you.
All the floors in the house now
I'll sweep quickly.
(Takes a broom and starts sweeping the floor.)

The introduction “Song of the Mother Goat” sounds, music. G.Gladkova, sl. Yu Entina. The goat is going to the garden for cabbage, saying goodbye to the kids. She sings, telling them to beware of the Wolf, the goats sing along with her.

Goat (sings).
1. Oh, kids, you guys.
You are left without your mother.
I go to the garden for cabbage.
Can the wolf come
I feel with my heart.
Chorus: You have to sit, you hear 4 times
Quieter than water, lower than grass.
2. You lock yourself with seven locks.
Just respond to my voice.
Oh, I'm afraid for you guys.
Oh, the signs would not come out.
Chorus. You have to sit, you hear
Quieter than water, lower than grass. 4 times.
3rd goat. Don't worry mommy!
Everything will be all right.
We know from a fairy tale
The wolf is terribly ugly!

Mother Goat leaves.

Action 2

The kids go about their business (clean shoes, sweep floors, play computer, preen in front of a mirror). At this moment, the 5th kid comes out from behind the stove, stealthily and looking around.

5th kid (in a loud whisper, asks)
Is our mother here?
7th kid (answers). We went for cabbage.
5th kid (joyfully).
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
It's time for us to have fun!
1st kid (scared). And if we
Will the wolf hear?
5th kid (boldly). I'm on his nose, click! (shows click)
2nd kid (clapping his hands, runs to close the door).
We will close the door!
6th kid. And we won't let anyone get hurt!

The goats begin to have fun and perform a dance to rhythmic music.

Dance of the goats.

The kids, having fun, jump around the table. Suddenly there is a loud knock on the door. The kids freeze and, having heard the voice of the Wolf, they begin to fuss in the house, trying to hide. The wolf sings, and they answer him in a frightened voice

Wolf (singing in a rough voice).
1. Open the door to mother as soon as possible,
I'm tired, I'm hungry like a beast
Pa-holly, pa-holly!
Goats (sing).

2. I gave you milk to drink,
And now my voice is not even familiar.
Pa-holly! holly!
Your voice doesn't sound like your mother's at all!
You sing out of tune with a thick voice!
At the threshold I will have to die,
Don't let your own mother in
Open up, don't play the fool
I am a goat, but slightly hoarse.
Pa-holly! Pa-holly!
Your voice doesn't sound like your mother's at all!
You sing out of tune with a thick voice!
Wolf (doomedly, moving away from the door of the house, says):
Oh, what a failed operation!

The kids, having grown bolder, carefully (they come out, crawl out, look out) begin to walk around the house. The curtain closes. The wolf speaks thoughtfully.

Wolf. What to do? (thinks)
(happily) Got it!
I'll go to Petya-Petushka,
To the famous singing teacher!
The wolf leaves.
Action 3.

The curtain is closed. Forest. Music sounds.

Leading. The fairy tale doesn't end there.
And the miracles continue
Petya lives here - he is a Rooster.
And he has great hearing.
He walks in the forest in the morning,
And sing songs loudly.
And once in his mind
A great idea has come.
Gather everyone in the fairy forest.
Who can sing and play music.

Goat enters, butterflies fly up to her (from the hall). They are dancing. The goat sits on a stump to rest.

Dance of insects.

After the dance, the insects sit down in their places.

In the forest (near the curtain, near the mirror) there is a forest music school. Under the musical accompaniment, importantly pacing, the Rooster comes out (from the children sitting in the hall). He approaches the music school, examines musical instruments, looks at his watch and begins to sing (le-le-le-le, ku-ka-re-ku, (louder) ku-ka-re-ku).

Rooster (important). Well, it's time to start the lesson!
(loudly) Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!
Students, I'm waiting for you all (ringing the bell)!

The rooster sits on a stump. Pupils (animals, birds), having heard the bell, begin to go to school (from the hall). Their movement is accompanied by music. The Wolf Cub is the first to rush to school. He stops, looks in one direction, in the other, and, not seeing anyone, runs on. He greets the Rooster with a nod of his head, passes and sits down at a musical instrument. The Fox follows and stands opposite the Wolf cub.

Fox (Wolf cub). Hello, my dear kumanek!
Came first to class?
Wolf cub (stretching).
Got up very early in the morning.
To the music school
Rather ran.

The fox goes into the classroom, nods to the Rooster, takes a musical instrument. A Hare jumps across a forest clearing, followed by a Bear.

Bear (Screams to Hare). Hey, oblique, wait for me.
Hare (drawn). Long road ahead.

Belka catches up with the hare and pats him on the shoulder. He turns around.

Squirrel. Hello hare,
My friend!
What did you bring to class?
Hare. All day I pounded the rhythm.
So work, not accustomed to!

The squirrel takes the Hare by the arm and they go to school. They nod to the Rooster, take the music. inst., go to class. The Mouse runs, runs into the classroom, begins to interfere with others, look at the notes.

Little mouse. Wee-wee-wee, wee-wee-wee.
Show me the notes.
Rooster (strictly pronounces the Mouse).
You, little mouse, are not shawls.
Look at the notes better.

Uncle-Owl is flying (oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo). Flies up to the school, says hello.
Uncle-Owl. Hello musicians!
Everything. Hello Uncle Filin!

Owl takes music. tool. Mama-Goat hurries, apologizes and sits down at a musical instrument.
Rooster (asks). Have you got the tools?
Friendly, let's play together!

Cheerful music played by a musical orchestra
(by choice of music. guide)

The goat says goodbye to everyone (puts musical instruments in the basket).

Goat. I had fun friends
But things are waiting for me now.
I'm very, very late.
Thank you Pete-Petushka!

He leaves, singing a tune. The wolf walks towards her. They collide, are surprised to see each other.

Wolf (slyly). Hello dear goat.
Goat (frightened). Where are you from and where?
Wolf. I hurry to school in the morning.
It's time for me to get busy!
Goat (surprised, to the audience). Wow, to the forest school (leaves).
Wolf (to the audience). Yes, the answer is for the Goat
I found it lucky!
Runs up to the music school.
Wolf (Rooster). Help me Petya
Learn to sing.
Came to me in childhood
In the ear of a bear!
Rooster (thinks). Well, Wolf, help!
I will tell you everything!

The rooster and the squirrel teach the wolf to sing the song correctly. They are helped by students and children in the hall.

The song "Singing is pleasant and convenient." (lyrics by V. Stepanov, music by V. Kisten)

Rooster (strictly). So let's start chanting.

The rooster plays the piano (re, mi, fa) and sings (le, le, le), asks the Wolf to repeat. He tries to sing.

Rooster. Well, now try to sing yourself.
Wolf (sings rudely). I returned goats home!
Rooster. Higher.
Wolf (thinner). I returned goats home!
Rooster. Even higher.
Wolf (very subtly). I returned goats home!

(joyfully) Thank you, Petya-Cockerel!

The wolf runs away and hides behind the tree.

Rooster (following). Looking forward to the next lesson!

All students (accompanied by music), going home (to their places in the hall), bow to the teacher. The rooster examines the empty classroom, removes the notes, closes the music. tools, and importantly leaves.

Action 4.
The wolf sneaks to the Goat's house, knocking. The 2nd kid peeps out from behind the curtain, looks around and, seeing the Wolf, frightenedly disappears, hides behind the bench. At this time, the curtain opens at the same time. The kid cleaning his boots looks at him in surprise, not understanding anything. House of the Goat. The kids go about their business (the 1st kid plays on the computer, the 3rd one straightens the chairs, the 4th washes the dishes, the 6th sweeps the floor, the 7th preens at the mirror).

Wolf (joyfully). Basta, little ones!
Dancing is over!
5th kid (boldly). Dying like this with music!
Sing brothers!

The kids dodge the Wolf, tease. And he collects them in a chain. Everyone sings (la-la-la ....) to the music in the recording. The wolf leads the kids into the forest with a snake.
Goat appears. It's knocking. Enters the house. Looks around and sings crying.
Goat (sings).
Oh, goats, where have you gone?
To whom did you leave me?
Didn't listen to their mother
You seem to have lost your vigilance.
Have you forgotten your mother's voice?
Received signs.
You made an omission
Apparently the wolf entered the room.
The goat sits on a bench and cries. Music is heard from afar.

Goat (cheerfully). Are these my goats?
Are these my guys?
I'll go and look.

The goat leaves. The curtain closes. Forest Glade. To the song "La-la-la" the Wolf and 7 kids appear. The goats surround the Wolf and persuade him not to eat them.

5th goat. Well, what's the point,
Kohl you swallow us wolf?
4th goat. You will eat two kids for breakfast,
Three kids for lunch.
3rd goat. Leave the other two for tomorrow -
From gluttony only harm!
The wolf sits down thoughtfully.

1st kid (to the audience). The wolf thought, sat down.
6th kid. After all, he could not count!
7th kid (fun). And the goats are easy!
Who ran away!

The goats run away. The wolf and the kids are dancing a dance (phonogram).

Dance of the wolf and kids.

At the end of the dance, the Wolf collapses from fatigue. The kids are blowing it. Goat enters. The 2nd kid, noticing his mother, runs up to her.

2nd goat. Don't worry mommy.
We're all right!
The wolf turned out
Not terribly ugly!
Wolf (begging). Oh, goat, help!
Take your goats!
Goat. Your trick didn't work!
wolf (apologies). It was just a game!
Goat. We forgive you all.
Wolf (gives his hand). Friendship with you forever!

Everyone puts their hands together (palm to palm). Music sounds (“La-la-la”) The goat, the kids and the Wolf go jumping one after another and stand in a semicircle in front of the curtain, all the participants in the tale join them. Bow. The curtain opens a little, everyone comes out to the music for the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids in a New Way."

  • How to organize TV viewing and activities of preschool children with computer educational games in a family education group
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