Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Presentation "Globalization and its consequences" (grade 11) in geography - project, report. Globalization and its consequences Purpose: to get acquainted with the process of globalization, to show the contradictions of the globalization process, the role of scientific and technological revolution and information and communication. Probl

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Lesson plan 1. What is globalization. 2. Globalization of the economy. 3. Multidimensionality of globalization processes. 4. Contradictions of the process of globalization.

slide 3

In the early 80s. 20th century American sociologist J. Naisbit identified new trends in world development - the transition: from industrial society to information; development of technology to the development of high technologies; closed national economy to an open world economy; short-term tasks of planning and programming development to setting long-term strategic goals; tendencies of centralization towards decentralization; hierarchical to network type of organization of social and political space; alternative choice (according to the “either-or” principle) to the variety of choice; developed North to the developing South.

slide 4

What changes have taken place in the world? Review the diagram and comment on it. Globalization Weakened the ability to effectively cope with the requirements of the state Goods, capital, people, knowledge, as well as crime easily cross state borders Global systems of trade, finance and production have tied together the fate of housewives, collectives and entire nations TNCs, social movements and relations have become penetrate into almost all spheres of human activity. The functions and responsibilities of the nation-state have expanded

slide 5

In nai more the tendency to erase boundaries is manifested in the economy. How does it happen? What does it lead to? Exploring this problem. Globalization of the economy There is a division of labor not on a regional or national scale, but on a planetary scale Economic boundaries between countries are blurring There are mechanisms for regulating world markets at the supranational level The degree and role of the mutual influence of national economies on each other is increasing Financial markets are also globalized. They began to play a role independent of the market. Integration processes in the world economy are intensifying (for example, the creation of the European Union). The symbol of globalization is transnational corporations. Their activities: reduce differences between countries within regions; affects people's lives; increases economic dependence; contributes to the creation of a planetary culture; accelerates integration, development of new technologies; leads to the unification of the image and standard of living

slide 6

Working with the text of the textbook on p. 388-389, fill in the table "Multidimensionality of globalization processes".

Slide 7

Technological High technologies are turning into a defining component of ensuring the security, prosperity and geopolitical status of a country or people within the world community. Dominated high tech(primarily information, communication and biotechnologies). They are directly related to the central resource of the new economy - the production of knowledge. Technology has become a universal means of economic, cultural and political development. At the same time, they play an increasingly significant role in changing international economic ties. They expand the possibilities of subordinating many enterprises scattered in different regions to direct control concentrated in one place.

Slide 8

Political Under the influence of economic globalization, the priorities of state policy in the international arena are gradually shifting to the economic sphere, which, of course, is accompanied by increased competition. The forms of regulation of this competition will in the future have a great influence not only on world economy but also to the entire field of international security and political relations. The essence of the ongoing changes lies in the gradual transition from "power games" between states seeking to expand their territories to "prosperity games", in which the task of economic growth is set. Instead of the confrontation between states that has dominated for centuries, an extra- and supranational system of financial markets, organizations, and structures is emerging.

Slide 9

Cultural Under the influence of technical and technological changes, globalization is increasingly manifesting itself in the field of culture. When open state borders and intensification of communication between people, under the influence of the development of means of communication and under the influence of the media, certain prerequisites are created for the formation of a kind of single human community, increasingly united by common goals, values ​​and interests. Powerful broadcasting corporations have a huge impact on the widest international audience, since the programs of the world's largest television companies can now be received almost anywhere in the world. In terms of broadcast volume and audience reach, television has become an unparalleled cultural force. Not only information, but also entertainment youth channels (such as MTV) are becoming more widespread. The development and strengthening of the influence of the media are also one of the manifestations and at the same time a factor in the deepening of the process of globalization. The Internet plays a big role

"Modern Society" - To the survey. I do not agree that people in our time have become more immoral. Increasing the share of "educational" subjects (ethics, cultural studies, world culture, aesthetics, etc.). Challenges modern society. Consumer competition (to be "no worse than others", and on the other hand - "do not blend in with the crowd").

"Diaspora" - Limited to individual initiative, in particular in the case of India, South Africa. Kuznetsov). Precarious employment and resident status. Favorable visa regimes. Lack of institutional support, support for private companies. Diaspora mapping: quantity, location, characteristics. Promoting diaspora by skill type.

"Problems of modern society" - 9 centers. Years ago. 3. In the center there were nine hearths that heated the dwelling. 56 thousand How did a man become a rational man. 1. New media are already linked together around the world. How man became a rational man. Pithecanthropus.

"Media" - In the near future, probably, the Internet will become a full-fledged mass media. Used Internet resources. Television today is one of the most mass media. What is mass media? Project on the topic "Media". It is difficult to say whether the Internet is a mass medium.

"The role of the media" - Provocative role. disinformation role. informational role. Theoretical part. The role of Internet technologies in the events of December 2010. Introduction. Distortion of information Fabrication of facts (outright lies) Concealment Drowning the message. Practical part. Preventive role Informational role Provocative role Disinformation role.

"Industrial Society" - A tribal community of nomad cattle breeders. 2. The development of industry has slowed down. 2. During the transition to an industrial society. The second typology Simple societies - the number of levels of government and social stratification. 2. The presence of commodity-money relations. 4. The importance of the collective has been strengthened. Preliterate Simple Written Compound.

There are 10 presentations in total in the topic

In the early 80s. 20th century American sociologist J. Naisbit identified new trends in world development - the transition: from an industrial society to an information one; development of technology to the development of high technologies; closed national economy to an open world economy; short-term tasks of planning and programming development to setting long-term strategic goals; tendencies of centralization towards decentralization; hierarchical to network type of organization of social and political space; alternative choice (according to the “either-or” principle) to the variety of choice; developed North to the developing South.

What changes have taken place in the world? Review the diagram and comment on it. Globalization Weakened the ability to effectively cope with the requirements of the state Goods, capital, people, knowledge, as well as crime easily cross state borders Global systems of trade, finance and production have tied together the fate of housewives, collectives and entire nations TNCs, social movements and relations have become penetrate into almost all spheres of human activity. The functions and responsibilities of the nation-state have expanded

To the greatest extent, the tendency to blur borders is manifested in the economy. How does it happen? What does it lead to? Let's investigate this problem. Globalization of the economy There is a division of labor not on a regional or national scale, but on a planetary scale Economic boundaries between countries are blurring There are mechanisms for regulating world markets at the supranational level The degree and role of the mutual influence of national economies on each other is increasing Financial markets are also globalized. They began to play a role independent of the market. Integration processes in the world economy are intensifying (for example, the creation of the European Union). The symbol of globalization is transnational corporations. Their activities: reduce differences between countries within regions; affects people's lives; increases economic dependence; contributes to the creation of a planetary culture; accelerates integration, development of new technologies; leads to the unification of the image and standard of living

Working with the text of the textbook on p, fill in the table “Multidimensionality of globalization processes”. Aspect Essence Technological Political Cultural

Technological High technologies are turning into a defining component of ensuring the security, prosperity and geopolitical status of a country or people within the world community. High technologies dominate (primarily information, communication and biotechnologies). They are directly related to the central resource of the new economy - the production of knowledge. Technology has become a universal means of economic, cultural and political development. At the same time, they play an increasingly significant role in changing international economic relations. They expand the possibilities of subordinating many enterprises scattered in different regions to direct control concentrated in one place.

Political Under the influence of economic globalization, the priorities of state policy in the international arena are gradually shifting to the economic sphere, which, of course, is accompanied by increased competition. The forms of regulation of this competition will in the future have a great influence not only on the world economy, but also on the entire field of international security and political relations. The essence of the ongoing changes lies in the gradual transition from "power games" between states seeking to expand their territories to "prosperity games", in which the task of economic growth is set. Instead of the confrontation between states that has dominated for centuries, an extra- and supranational system of financial markets, organizations, and structures is emerging.

Cultural Under the influence of technical and technological changes, globalization is increasingly manifesting itself in the sphere of culture. With the openness of state borders and the intensification of communication between people, under the influence of the development of means of communication and under the influence of the media, certain prerequisites are created for the formation of a kind of single human community, increasingly united by common goals, values ​​and interests. Powerful broadcasting corporations have a huge impact on the widest international audience, since the programs of the world's largest television companies can now be received almost anywhere in the world. In terms of broadcast volume and audience reach, television has become an unparalleled cultural force. Not only information, but also entertainment youth channels (such as MTV) are becoming more widespread. The development and strengthening of the influence of the media are also one of the manifestations and at the same time a factor in the deepening of the process of globalization. The Internet plays a big role

Conclusions: 1. Globalization is an objective process of transformation of society under the influence of scientific and technical progress, a technological breakthrough in the field of informatics, electronics, biotechnology. 2. This process really affects all aspects of modern society. 3. The benefits of globalization are clear. It promises economic growth, improved living standards and new opportunities. 4. However, in reality, globalization, like any major socio-political phenomenon, has its downside. 4. Contradictions of the process of globalization

Contradictions of globalization "For" "Against" Thanks to the development of communications and television networks, today hundreds of millions of people in various parts of the globe can listen to or watch fashionable theatrical production, the premiere of an opera or ballet performance, become participants virtual tour according to the Hermitage or the Louvre 1. The influence of globalization processes on the sphere of spiritual culture is subjected to sharp criticism. One can often hear warnings about the dangers of "McDonaldization", the depersonalizing unification of national cultures. 2. However, the same technical means deliver to a large audience and completely different samples of culture: unpretentious video clips, action movies tailored according to the same patterns, annoying advertising, etc. It’s not even that such products are not characterized high quality. Its main danger is that it has a unifying influence, imposes certain patterns of behavior, a lifestyle that often does not correspond or even contradicts the values ​​that exist in a particular society. 3. Within the framework of the global economy, the differentiation of countries according to the level of development persists and even deepens. On a global scale, new lines of fault and separation of countries and peoples are emerging. Inequality is globalizing

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The presentation on the topic "Globalization and its consequences" (Grade 11) can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Geography. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 14 slide(s).

Presentation slides

slide 1

Globalization and its consequences

Purpose: to get acquainted with the process of globalization, to show the contradictions of the globalization process, the role of scientific and technological revolution and information and communication technologies in the process of globalization

slide 2

slide 3

In the early 80s. 20th century American sociologist J. Naisbit identified new trends in world development - the transition: from an industrial society to an information one; development of technology to the development of high technologies; closed national economy to an open world economy; short-term tasks of planning and programming development to setting long-term strategic goals; tendencies of centralization towards decentralization; hierarchical to network type of organization of social and political space; alternative choice (according to the “either-or” principle) to the variety of choice; developed North to the developing South.

slide 4

What changes have taken place in the world? Review the diagram and comment on it.

The functions and responsibilities of the nation state have expanded

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Slide 7


High technologies are turning into a defining component of ensuring the security, prosperity and geopolitical status of a country or people within the world community. High technologies dominate (primarily information, communication and biotechnologies). They are directly related to the central resource of the new economy - the production of knowledge. Technology has become a universal means of economic, cultural and political development. At the same time, they play an increasingly significant role in changing international economic relations. They expand the possibilities of subordinating many enterprises scattered in different regions to direct control concentrated in one place.

Slide 8


Under the influence of economic globalization, the priorities of state policy in the international arena are gradually shifting to the economic sphere, which, of course, is accompanied by increased competition. The forms of regulation of this competition will in the future have a great influence not only on the world economy, but also on the entire field of international security and political relations. The essence of the ongoing changes lies in the gradual transition from "power games" between states seeking to expand their territories to "prosperity games", in which the task of economic growth is set. Instead of the confrontation between states that has dominated for centuries, an extra- and supranational system of financial markets, organizations, and structures is emerging.

Slide 9


Under the influence of technical and technological changes, globalization is increasingly manifesting itself in the sphere of culture. With the openness of state borders and the intensification of communication between people, under the influence of the development of means of communication and under the influence of the media, certain prerequisites are created for the formation of a kind of single human community, increasingly united by common goals, values ​​and interests. Powerful broadcasting corporations have a huge impact on the widest international audience, since the programs of the world's largest television companies can now be received almost anywhere in the world. In terms of broadcast volume and audience reach, television has become an unparalleled cultural force. Not only information, but also entertainment youth channels (such as MTV) are becoming more widespread. The development and strengthening of the influence of the media are also one of the manifestations and at the same time a factor in the deepening of the process of globalization. The Internet plays a big role

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

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Presentation on the topic: Globalization and its consequences

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Description of the slide:

In the early 80s. 20th century American sociologist J. Naisbit identified new trends in world development - the transition: from an industrial society to an information one; development of technology to the development of high technologies; closed national economy to an open world economy; short-term tasks of planning and programming development to setting long-term strategic goals; tendencies of centralization towards decentralization; hierarchical to network type of organization of social and political space; alternative choice (according to the “either-or” principle) to the variety of choice; developed North to the developing South.

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Description of the slide:

What changes have taken place in the world? Review the diagram and comment on it. The ability to effectively cope with the demands placed on the state has weakened Goods, capital, people, knowledge, as well as crime easily cross state borders Globalization The functions and responsibilities of the nation state have expanded Global systems of trade, finance and production have tied together the fate of housewives, collectives and entire nations TNCs, social movements and relations began to penetrate almost all spheres of human activity

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To the greatest extent, the tendency to blur borders is manifested in the economy. How does it happen? What does it lead to? Let's investigate this problem. There is a division of labor not on a regional or national scale, but on a planetary scale Globalization of the economy Mechanisms for regulating world markets are emerging at the supranational level Globalization has also embraced financial markets. They began to play a role independent of the market. The symbol of globalization is transnational corporations. Their activities: reduce differences between countries within regions; affects people's lives; increases economic dependence; contributes to the creation of a planetary culture; accelerates integration, development of new technologies; leads to the unification of the way and standard of living There is a blurring of economic borders between countries The degree and role of mutual influence of national economies on each other is increasing Integration processes in the world economy are intensifying (for example, the creation of the European Union)

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Technological High technologies are turning into a defining component of ensuring the security, prosperity and geopolitical status of a country or people within the world community. High technologies dominate (primarily information, communication and biotechnologies). They are directly related to the central resource of the new economy - the production of knowledge. Technology has become a universal means of economic, cultural and political development. At the same time, they play an increasingly significant role in changing international economic relations. They expand the possibilities of subordinating many enterprises scattered in different regions to direct control concentrated in one place.

slide number 8

Description of the slide:

Political Under the influence of economic globalization, the priorities of state policy in the international arena are gradually shifting to the economic sphere, which, of course, is accompanied by increased competition. The forms of regulation of this competition will in the future have a great influence not only on the world economy, but also on the entire field of international security and political relations. The essence of the ongoing changes lies in the gradual transition from "power games" between states seeking to expand their territories to "prosperity games", in which the task of economic growth is set. Instead of the confrontation between states that has dominated for centuries, an extra- and supranational system of financial markets, organizations, and structures is emerging.

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Description of the slide:

Cultural Under the influence of technical and technological changes, globalization is increasingly manifesting itself in the field of culture. With the openness of state borders and the intensification of communication between people, under the influence of the development of means of communication and under the influence of the media, certain prerequisites are created for the formation of a kind of single human community, increasingly united by common goals, values ​​and interests. Powerful broadcasting corporations have a huge impact on the widest international audience, since the programs of the world's largest television companies can now be received almost anywhere in the world. In terms of broadcast volume and audience reach, television has become an unparalleled cultural force. Not only information, but also entertainment youth channels (such as MTV) are becoming more widespread. The development and strengthening of the influence of the media are also one of the manifestations and at the same time a factor in the deepening of the process of globalization. The Internet plays a big role

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Conclusions: 1. Globalization is an objective process of transformation of society under the influence of scientific and technical progress, a technological breakthrough in the field of informatics, electronics, biotechnology. 2. This process really affects all aspects of modern society. 3. The benefits of globalization are clear. It promises economic growth, improved living standards and new opportunities. 4. However, in reality, globalization, like any major socio-political phenomenon, has its downside. 4. Contradictions of the process of globalization

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