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Virtual excursion to the historical museum presentation. Presentation "virtual tour of the Hermitage". Weapons and defensive weapons

Marina Lukina
Presentation "Virtual tour of the mini-museum "Russian hut"

Cards to presentations.





2. Hello! Let's get acquainted. I am a cheerful and inquisitive Brownie Kuzya. I have lived in this for a long time. Russian hut. I invite you and your friends to stay with me, I want to tell you a lot.

3. As in one side,

In a small hut.

Once upon a time there was not a kitten,

Once upon a time there was not a mouse,

Not even a child, it's a brownie.

4. People say « Izba about four corners is built".

Is it so?

Indeed, the inner space of the hut was divided or partitioned off, and each corner had its own meaning. Men's and women's places were clearly defined in the house.

5. The space near the stove served as the female half and was called "baby kut", which meant "baby corner". Next to the stove was a wooden tub of water and a towel hung. At a caring hostess, everything is put in its place on the shelves in the kuta and closet. And pots for storing cereals, salt, oil and a clean towel (rukoter) always at hand, and fresh water in the washstand.

No wonder people say "Everything has its place".

6. Oven! How many good things have been said about her! In fairy tales, she

He will feed the traveler, and protect him from the evil pursuit. Oven in the hut, special

occupies a place, a whole world of ideas is connected with it,

beliefs and rituals. Pro Russian oven can be said that it is universal.

fed, saved from the cold and treated. Served as sleeping

place and bath.

The stove was perceived as the guardian of housing, the gatherer of the family,

protector of marriage and family ties.

7. Bread shovel - stood by the stove. She was constantly in contact with fire, possessing

cleansing and rejuvenating power, so in Russia it was also considered a magical tool.

It was used in the fight against heavenly water - rain and hail. When clouds approach, a shovel

taken out of the house, and sometimes just thrown into the yard.

8. Fork - also called a stag or iron pitchfork, which is used to put in the oven and take out pots and cast iron. To put a pot in the oven, skill was needed, since it was a

difficult. The tongs, like the pots, were of different sizes, so there were a lot of them near the stove. They were taken care of and they served people for a long time. If the family left the house for a long time,

they blocked the stove so that the brownie, who, it was believed, lived in the undergrowth, would not leave.

Not a single housewife could do without a sieve or sieve. In addition to its direct purpose, the sieve was widely used in rituals, and many beliefs were associated with it. The sieve was likened to the vault of heaven, rain and the sun, so it contained the idea of ​​wealth and fertility. To make it rain, pour water through a sieve, and to stop it, turn the sieve upside down. Water spilled through a sieve was given a healing property - to protect from possible diseases.

9. When making dishes, the peasant showed extraordinary ingenuity and ingenuity. All kinds of caskets and boxes are bent from linden and birch bark, from oak and pine planks.

Birch bark tuesas are used to store liquids - they reliably retain moisture.

Pesteri, resembling shoulder packs with a lid, are convenient for carrying things, picking mushrooms, they are light and do not get wet in the rain.

Salt shakers, woven from light birch bark, the peasant took with him, going to fish or field work.

10. A lot of dishes in a peasant family were made of clay. Jugs with a round, ball-like body, flasks for beer and kvass. The most common universal vessel for cooking various foods on fire is a pot. In it and cabbage soup, it was possible to cook porridge, steam turnips and cook jelly.

Glassware was rarely used, it had to be bought, but where did the extra money come from? peasant economy. And she seemed too fragile for her hands, hardened from hard work. But metal, mainly cast iron, was quite widespread, although it was much less common than clay and wood.

11. Samovar - he brought a special touch to the family meal. The samovar was a symbol of family

prosperity and comfort. He became a symbol Russian culture. He calmed, healed mental trauma, gathered a family around him. He was affectionately called by the people "grandfather", "Ivan Ivanovich". And how many proverbs and sayings have been added - "Drink tea - disperse longing", "The samovar is boiling - it does not order to leave".

12. In the peasant economy, it was impossible to do without cooper's products. Under this name, large water containers were combined. These are buckets, tubs, tubs, barrels, tubs.

They served their masters for a long time and faithfully, and the profession itself gave rise to many surnames: Bondar, Bondarev, Bondarenko ...

13. In "babem kutu" simple peasant dishes were placed on the shelves.

For different purposes, utensils were needed different: shallow and deep, large and small. About the thrifty hostess spoke: “It won’t spill out of a large dish, but you will splash out of a small one”

Spoons, plates, bowls, salt shakers, scoops, ladles, as well as large water containers, from buckets to barrels, were made of wood. The wood is easy to process, so wooden utensils often decorated with carvings, colorful paintings.

Many beliefs and signs are associated with dishes. You can not leave the dishes open, the evil spirits will take advantage of this. If the knife fell from the table - the guest will be, if the spoon is a guest.

14. The owners slept on the floorboards, a plank flooring under the ceiling between the stove and the opposite wall, on the floor (for this, a lower flooring was arranged behind the stove, on benches, on a golbets or karzhina - a plank flooring near the stove. Beds appeared later.

15. And for children served as a bed - a cradle (unsteady, cradle, rocking chair, pitching) once

she was not named. They were made hanging on a flexible pole, always wide and long for

for the child to grow freely. Only that house was considered full-fledged, where the ochep creaks under the ceiling, where the kids, growing up, nurse the younger ones.

16. There were chests near the walls, where the master's goods were saved. The number of chests measured the wealth of the owner of the house. A good chest is already the work of a master, so in a peasant house a chest is a purchased item. A chest is a simple wooden box with a flat lid, always with an ingenious lock, often bound with strips of iron for strength. If a girl grew up in a family, then from an early age in a separate chest, they collected a dowry for her.

17. The corner of the hut opposite the door was called red (front, top, holy, god's, elder, first). This is the most important place in the hut. There were icons, a large smooth wooden table, and benches. The icons were decorated with woven or embroidered towels. They were treated with care, they were kept in the family, passed on by inheritance, they were blessed for marriage, for a long journey. Icon lamps burned near the icons - small lamps filled with oil.

In this part of the hut, the most important events in people's lives took place. the most expensive guests of honor seated in a red corner on a bench at the table. decorated with an elegant tablecloth - a tabletop.

18. The size of the table corresponded to the number of eaters in the family. The table should never be empty, there was always bread on it and a salt shaker with salt, which ensured the prosperity and well-being of the house. No wonder there proverb: "Bread on the table, and the table - the throne, but not a piece of bread - and the table is a board."

19. In her free time, the hostess was engaged in needlework, the owner was engaged in various handicrafts and minor repairs. In the household part of the hut, you can also see many interesting things, and each has its own history and secret.

From the end of October, when all field work ended, women sat down to spin. The spindle and spinning wheel are the main tools. The spinning process itself is simple, but requires

certain skills that girls acquired from the age of ten. In the old days, such crafts how: spinning, weaving, making lace, were widely developed, because a woman had to provide her family with fabrics and clothes.

Men's crafts were more often associated with processing tree: basket weaving, matting,

making dishes, yokes, mending shoes. Every peasant knew how to weave bast shoes,

short-lived, but comfortable, light and cheap shoes, warm in winter and cool in summer.

20. On the last day of Maslenitsa, they often arranged spinning from the icy mountains.

will be the best yarn.

And on Svyatki in the evening you can’t wind threads so that the rye does not get tangled. And if you see through the window through the window that the women are spinning, it’s better to turn back, otherwise there will be no way.

21. You already understood that the world Russian the hut was filled with pagan symbols. With the help of mysterious ornaments, various rituals and beliefs, people sought to ensure safety and well-being for themselves and their homes. The entire arrangement of domestic life was subordinated to the household and labor needs of the family, but at the same time it brought order and harmony. simple peasant hut, and how much wisdom and meaning it absorbed into itself!

Timofeeva Oksana Alekseevna
Presentation "Excursion to the museum"

V presentations presented photographic material excursions children senior group in Bichursky district Museum history of the Bichursky district, where workers museum told in detail about the history of the formation of the village of Bichura, the traditions of the Buryat and Semey people inhabiting it, about their culture. The children were happy to look at household items, crockery, kitchen utensils, furniture, various antique household items and animal care. We visited the room "Visiting a fairy tale", where stuffed animals of various wild animals of their native land are located - a bear, a squirrel, a wild boar, a deer, a deer, owls, various excavations of unknown origin - bones, tusks, etc. Guide introduced the children to the features, conditions and tools of labor of the family (spinning wheel, barrels, tueska, yoke, scythe, self-woven rugs, family costume). The children listened with pleasure and looked at everything that was in museum. The event was planned as part of a joint work plan with cultural workers, and as part of the implementation of the local component of the PLO DO.

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Itinerary for a sightseeing tour of the Museum "History of the Native Land" 1. Introductory word about the Museum "History of the Native Land" - 3 min. 2. Section "Native land: the history of the village of Keramkombinat" - 5 min. 3. "Symbols of the Soviet era" - 5 min. 4. "Siberian antiquity" - 5 min. 5. "Pottery production" - 3 min. 6. Metallurgical products - 3 min. 7. “Fragment of a living room of the XIX - n. XX century. - 5 minutes. 8. "Fighting glory of our countrymen" - 5 min. 9. "Samovars" - 7 min. 10. Exhibition of products of arts and crafts - 3 min. 11. "Corner of nature" - 5 min. 12. Exhibition "Our countrymen" - 5 min. 13. "Coins of different times and peoples" - 3 min. "Technology on the verge of fantasy" - 5 min. Transitions to the exposure section - 1 min.

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Hello, my name is Lidia Nikolaevna. I will conduct for you an overview media tour of the local history museum "History of the native land" of the school in the village of Keramkombinat. Museum "History of the native land" is quite young. Since 2003, through the joint efforts of schoolchildren, teachers, residents of the village, the museum has been systematically replenished with exhibits that have historical value. Under my leadership, schoolchildren attending the historical circle "Local Historians" are engaged in the formation and design of expositions. I am the head of the circle and the museum.

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"Native land: the history of the village of Keramkombinat" On the bank of the Koinikha River, near the village of Evsino, the first workshop for the production of tiles and red bricks was built. The clay deposit was the production base. In 1938, the Keramik artel was founded, which was later renamed Keramkombinat, hence the name of the village. Before us are ceramic products made from local clay rocks by the Keramik artel, this is a floor vase, jars, piggy bank, whistle, tiles, bricks. 1938 - the year of foundation of the Keramkombinat settlement.

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Personal belongings of Spechenkina T.A., founder of the artel "Keramik" Albums with photographs of the workers of the plant, albums dedicated to the history of the village, models of products of the LKSM. In addition to pottery, this exposition on the stand presents photographs of the founders of the Keramik artel, the first houses. Over time, a huge plant Linevsky Combine grew up in the village building materials. We have models of the plant's products in the museum. The history of the village and the school is described in detail in the research works - Davydova N., Chernyshova I., Karimov M.

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Photo albums, badges, a sanitary bag, a cup for the victory in 1985. Sports cups, badges, pennants that belonged to the sports team of the Komsomol in the 80s. 20th century The next stand in this section reveals the history of the Linevskaya sanruzhina. This stand is represented by photo albums, certificates, badges, items belonging to the sanruzhina in the 80s. XX century. During these years, there was no equal in the area of ​​​​the sanitary squad of the Komsomol. The history of the sanitary squad was recorded by school students from the words of VF Konyukhova, V.P. Zamaraeva, A.D. Churkina, N.V. Dyuryagina. and waiting for its explorer. The exposition ends with an exhibition of sports cups, badges, pennants belonging to the sports team of the Young Communist League.

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"Symbols of the Soviet era" The Keramkombinat settlement developed along with the Soviet state. The whole life of the people of that time was subordinated to the Soviet ideology. Our parents, grandmothers and great-grandmothers lived in Soviet time when all the children were in the October, Pioneer, Komsomol organizations, and adults in the Communist Party. I present to your attention the exposition "Symbols of the Soviet era". This exposition occupies the largest area. Before us are the challenge banners and pennants, which were awarded to the winners of socialist competitions. A variety of badges, documents of the Soviet era, give an idea to schoolchildren about the Soviet era. Documents, copies of documents, letters, photographs, household items convincingly tell about the events of the past, help to recreate the deeds and actions of people.

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Certificate and medal "For the development of virgin lands" Komsomol ticket to virgin lands Wheeled tractor KhTZ "Symbols of the Soviet era"

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"Symbols of the Soviet era" Many exhibits reflect the history of the school. We carefully store the school Komsomol banner, the October flag and pennants, documents, pioneer albums created by schoolchildren during the Soviet period. School uniform, pioneer tie, badges help to better understand that time. The drum and pioneer horn are of particular interest to schoolchildren, everyone wants to drum and blow. This exposition is constantly updated.

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"Siberian antiquity" We continue the media tour of the school museum "History of the Native Land". The exposition "Siberian antiquity" arouses great curiosity among schoolchildren. The main population in our country was engaged in agricultural work. They grew wheat, rye and flax. On long winter evenings, the women spun. First, on spinning wheels (donets) and spindles, later self-spinning appeared. Little girls from childhood learned women's needlework and also spun. Each girl prepared a chest with a dowry for marriage. Pay attention to the small spinner.

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Men wove baskets and repaired cart wheels and made inventory. From time immemorial, peasants treated their tools with care, doing everything for many years. Most household items were made in the village by hand, from wood. Before us are exhibits that reflect the culture and life of the peasants. These are products made of birch bark, ironing rollers - rubel, bast products, agricultural implements, spindles, combed for flax, spinning wheels, spinning wheels and other household items. Onuchi, beautifully patterned rugs, towels, and tabletops were woven on homemade handmade looms. Women's undershirts (stanushki), sundresses, men's shirts and ports, valances were sewn from self-woven fabric on wooden seamstresses, they tried to decorate it all with embroidery. We have only elements of a loom in our museum.

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"Pottery production" I bring to your attention the exposition "Pottery production". Despite the fact that clay is the basis of ceramic production in our region, exhibits from different places are presented in our museum. Krynki were made in the Keramik artel, the korchaga was brought from the village. Kyshtovka, a large collection of products of the Novosibirsk plant of ceramic products, as well as clay production, was located at the end of the 20th century at the station. Dorogino, Cherepanovsky district.

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Metallurgical products The following exposition gives us an idea of ​​the metallurgical industry of the past. We have a collection of cast-iron mortars, irons, horseshoes and forged nails, the Snow Maiden skate, tongs and frying pans, locks, weights. Half a century ago, dishes and household items were completely different. The irons were heavy, they were heated on the stove, later there were irons in which coal was poured. This category also includes kerosene lamps. When there was no electric light, kerosene lamps and "Bat" lanterns were used. We continue the tour.

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Fragment of a living room of the late 19th early 20th century. This exhibition gives an idea of ​​urban life. The exhibits reflect the everyday culture of peasants and townspeople of their native land: a figured table and a Viennese chair, a bookcase, a chest without a single nail, round table on wooden nails. Prayer book, Orthodox icons, painted both on paper and on the board, reflect the spiritual culture. Previously, in each hut, the so-called "red corner" stood out, they hung a goddess (kiot) in it, where they hung icons, put candles, a lamp burned and prayer books were placed.

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Schoolchildren are especially proud of the gramophone and records for it. At the request of the guys, I include songs from the first half of the 20th century at breaks, which is interesting, the guys listen to them with pleasure. Children from preparatory group d / s "Teremok" on an excursion in the museum "History of the native land"

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Not a single museum in our country can exist without a corner of Military Glory. From our village, according to the stories of old-timers, to the front in the Great Patriotic War called four men, they all returned to the village. Unfortunately, no one can remember their names. The village developed after the war, production expanded and people began to arrive, among whom there were many veterans of the Second World War. In Soviet times, the pioneers issued cards for each veteran, which have survived to this day. We restored all the lists and created an album of veterans, residents of the Keramkombinat settlement.

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Research work students dedicated to soldiers internationalists students of the school. Letters from the Front The museum's collections contain award books and photographs of veterans. Anniversary medals, a harmonica, an aluminum mug, a front-line spoon with a bowler hat bring schoolchildren closer to the front-line everyday life of the Great Patriotic War.

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Tula samovars of the first half of the 20th century. Samovars The pride of the school museum is Tula samovars. The oldest samovar of 1904 Inv. No. 9. Samovar with the mark “Made to special order. First grade. 1904". The factory where this samovar was made has existed since 1880, as evidenced by four seals, on the samovar, with the inscriptions “exists since 1880.” The samovar is poorly preserved - there is no top and bottom. He was removed from the exhibition several times, but the students keep asking about him. I had to put it back.

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Let's see what the samovar consists of. The most noticeable part of the samovar, often having a beautiful shape, is the body, body or wall. Boiling water is poured into the body. The second detail is a special cavity for fuel, it is located in the center of the body, it was filled with coals. This pipe is called a brazier or jug. The body is connected to the lower part - the pallet, the base of the samovar, to which the legs are attached. On the side of the case there are handles - paired - for carrying the samovar. The lid closes the samovar case. The lid itself has small openings with a hinged lid. This is a steam engine, when the samovar boils, steam is released through it. A burner for a teapot is put on the lid, which is often placed on top of the samovar. No less beautiful and expressive part of the samovar is the crane. This is the mysterious history that samovars keep in themselves.

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Since February 1, 2012, we have exhibited electric samovars. On a decorative background applied art they look very good.

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Exhibition of products of decorative and applied art In decorative and applied art, a napkin made by L.I. Filatova in 1942, who previously lived in the village. Kyshtovka. For this work, L.I. Filatova, being a 12-year-old schoolgirl, received the Stalin Prize in the amount of 100 rubles. Vologda lace causes a lot of admiration. These napkins came to our museum from the city of Bogoroditsk, Tula region. At this exhibition, we can see and admire the skill of needlewomen.

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Reflecting the history of our native land, we cannot pass by natural wonders. Pay attention to the exposition "Corner of Nature" presented by natural material: handicrafts made from whole knots of trees, bird nests, wasp nests. The album with the herbarium of herbs of the region gives an idea of ​​the plant world.

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Corner of nature Mammoth's tooth The oldest exhibit is a mammoth's tooth, which was donated to the museum by the workers of the Siberian Anthracite enterprise. At the end of January 2012, the workers of Siberian Anthracite donated a mammoth tusk to the museum. It is so heavy and large (about 2 m) that it aroused great interest among schoolchildren and residents of the village. In the same month, a woolly rhinoceros horn was donated to the museum

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Corner of nature Children love the exposition "Treasure", presented by many treasures that excite the imagination.

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Our Compatriots Please pay attention to the stand “Our Compatriots”. October 2, 2011 was the opening of an exhibition of works by the artist and poet, our countryman, Alexei Pak. Relatives, friends, poets and artists of the Iskitim region came to the opening of the exhibition. Alexey Pak graduated from an art school in Leningrad, studied at the history department at the National State Pedagogical University. Exhibitions of A. Pak's works were held in the museums of Iskitim, Berdsk, Akademgorodok. The artist's work reflects his passion for Eastern philosophy. In the 90s. 20th century He cooperates with the newspapers of Iskitim, Berdsk, Cherepanovo, which publish his cartoons, prose and poetry. Illustrated books of poems by poets of the city of Iskitim. In 1996 he was one of the founders and participants creative association"Shop of Eternity", which brought together poets, musicians, artists under its roof. He was an active participant in rock festivals held in Iskitim, Berdsk and Akademgorodok.
