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What can be transferred in ik. How to transfer products to the pre-trial detention center? what can be sent from things? List of acceptable and permitted products for transfer

These notes are not intended to present all the official information on this topic.

With a complete list of what can be transferred to a pre-trial detention center, everyone for whom this is of interest, easy to find on the official website Federal Service execution of sentences in the upper left corner "For Relatives of Convicts", as well as on the pages for each specific region.

We will describe below how to make a transfer to a pre-trial detention center via the Internet. Our notes are a kind of advice and recommendations, first of all, for relatives of convicts who ended up in similar situation first.

Save the nerves for yourself and your loved ones

First of all, about the psychological side of things. Those who have gone through an army school know how pleasant and useful it is to receive parcels from a "citizen", especially if they are brought by relatives. In captivity - about the same stress, only ten times stronger.

The same applies to those who deliver the package or come to deliver it. Therefore, it is recommended to read the tips, first of all, to them - so that protect yourself and the prisoner as much as possible from any misunderstanding caused by ignorance of the relevant rules and regulations.

They don’t come to places of deprivation of liberty as if they were visiting, very strict but fair discipline here and a large list of routines by which captivity lives.

So the very first thing you need to do is download an application form from the Internet. After you fill out the application form, remember: these documents are accepted from 10 am to 12 pm.

However, in view of the understandable queues, it will be better if you get up towards the required window at 5-6, maximum - at 8 in the morning. Visitor tip: Quite it may not be possible to send the parcel the first time.

Therefore, decide on housing, but in general it will be better if you solve all the necessary questions using the phone before you go on a trip. The principle is simple: Big city- long queues, a lot of visitors.

If you have to spend the night, it will be easier to take care of a rented apartment in advance. There are many relevant ads on the Internet, it is important to immediately contact homeowners, and not agencies. With the latter, solid overpayments await you, and another hassle is possible.

How to send a parcel?

Having visited a relative, you can decide to immediately solve several urgent matters:

  • give a parcel;
  • create an account and replenish it;
  • send the message in the form of a letter.

And if no problems are foreseen with the letter and the bill, then the greatest number of misunderstandings happen with respect to the parcels. Therefore, in the question of how to transfer the transfer to the pre-trial detention center, the answer is as follows: it will be most problem-free to use the services of a stall(and also on the Internet, but more on that later).

A parcel sent through a stall promises possible overpayments, especially if you compare its prices with a parcel from the outside, which contains products grown on its own farm. You choose!

Let's move on to the main part of our notes. First of all, about the main thing:

  • total weight parcels must be no more than 20 kilograms;
  • About, how often can you send parcels, it is better to find out by phone or on the Internet;
  • In the same way, you can get information about what are the transfer days in one institution or another.

According to the law, there are no restrictions on the frequency of broadcasts for a prisoner in a pre-trial detention center. You can send products at least every day, however, there is a maximum of their total weight in the chamber.

Different regions have their own rules on how the package is formed, what things should be included in it. In any case, it will be better if the products are transferred separately from things and household items.

It should be assumed that in places of restriction of freedom there is no time for special luxury. Actually, such is any food from the will. The main thing is that the transmission contains high-calorie and, at the same time, food that does not occupy a very large place.

We must proceed from the fact that a person close to you is kept together with the rest, therefore, parcels must be made on the basis that he will transfer part of the products to the “common cauldron”.

The most versatile food that is especially popular- This is a vegetable oil, it can be added to a variety of foods, improving its quality and nutritional value.

Tea - strictly black, not granulated and in unlimited quantities, you can separately make one package - for a relative, and the other - for everyone.

You should not think about cigarettes, they are in places of restriction of freedom needed not only by smokers, but also by non-smokers.

In any case, tobacco is the same “hard currency” as many other things, with its help you can find a language not only with roommates, but also with staff.

The more democratic the cigarettes, the easier communication will be. Although you can transfer a few packs more expensive - to find the very common language. It will be more practical if the purchase of cigarettes is made through a stall, then they will immediately fall into the hands and whole.

In the age of fast food you can not do without all kinds of noodles, mashed potatoes and cereals(in the form of rice and buckwheat). Such food is easily cooked with a boiler, and you can eat it almost constantly.

So that the food that your relative is fed does not seem too dull, you can add the most ordinary bouillon cubes to it.

If there is an opportunity to please a person with butter, then it is better to purchase it. melted, in the form of lard or, even better, chicken fat.

As for fat, it is considered a delicacy because it is stored for a long time. Unlike sausage, it will be good only in smoked form, and even then in small quantities: there is no refrigerator, and the product quickly deteriorates.

But with the canned havoc. If you want to pamper your loved one, then you should pass a couple of cans: they are opened for security reasons, in order to pick up the cans, so you will have to eat the contents immediately.

Another thing is a herring packed in a transparent plastic jar. Can be put in the parcel and dried fish.

Stores well and retains usefulness vegetable products in the form of garlic, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, as well as parsley and dill. Instead of fruits, it is better to pass dried fruits.

Sahara won't miss much because of anti-moonshine measures.

But there are no restrictions on honey.

A couple of kilos of candy is better immediately free from wrappers and transfer in a transparent bag, caramel or lollipops are most effective. In the summer, it will be nice to remember citric acid, which can be added to tea.

A good variety in the diet is tomato paste - in plastic. Condensed milk will pass only if it immediately pour into plastic bottle . In general, it would be nice to transfer bulk products in a plastic mayonnaise bucket, it will then come in handy both for storing food and for preparing food.

Each institution has its own rules and regulations. And if there is a transfer to a pre-trial detention center, what is possible and what is not, it is precisely these documents that determine. The list is available online., but most often this can be done directly on the spot.

If you use the services of a stall, then this is a guarantee that the parcel will be handed over without problems.

The parcel should be packed in such a way that the same plastic bags during inspection it was easy to untie. As for general packaging, a large propylene bag with a zipper is best. The most win-win option is large, durable plastic bags that can withstand 20 kilograms.

The first grocery transfer is essential. In it, in addition to food, there should be household items, as well as things.

It will be most comfortable in a tracksuit, with a towel, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and disposable razors your relative will feel more comfortable. It is also necessary not to forget about slippers, underwear, socks (a week's supply), a boiler, a plastic or aluminum bowl with a capacity of 0.5 liters.

It is desirable that a person has toilet paper available, without it, however, books can be used, but this is not an option. It is good if the parcel contains an ordinary pencil and paper for writing.

From what is allowed for transmission, it is more or less clear, but now about what is prohibited by the rules.

First of all, it concerns vacuum packed products, as well as those that need more cooking.

The same applies to:

  • perishable products;
  • drugs;
  • psychotropic substances;
  • alcohol or alcohol-containing substances;
  • weapons or objects that can imitate them;
  • money
  • optics;
  • hours;
  • cards;
  • pornography;
  • computing electronics;
  • photography equipment.

It will be useful put in such a package complete list things and products. And if it turned out that some things were missing, you must be ready to defend your rights in the prosecutor's office.

It happens that they ask whether it is possible to transfer a player, a TV set, a SIM card and a phone to places of restriction of freedom.

A phone and a SIM card are definitely not allowed, but a TV and a player are possible, just keep in mind that these should be completely new things, with seals and supporting documents from the store. In addition, after the transfer, the TV becomes the property of the pre-trial detention center.

Parcel processing

The transfer of the parcel will also require you to make an appropriate statement in two copies, and then to carry out a procedure for checking its contents. Inspection is a necessity dictated by law. It is necessary to clearly write your data and the data of the arrested person, indicate family ties.

Modern means of communication allow the transfer of a parcel for a prisoner using the Network.

Today, the transfer to the pre-trial detention center through the online store - the most convenient way.

You will only have to pay commission costs, their amount is not comparable to the costs that you would incur if you went to another city and did everything yourself.

There is another definite plus here. All products and goods that are available on the site (for example, you can use the Internet site are allowed to be transferred to the arrested person.

In 2020, a lot of people are already using this type of service. And yet, despite the obvious simplicity of design, many have not yet mastered the Web.

Starting with home page, after entering information about the prisoner and the sender, follow:

  • general information about the intended package;
  • the process of choosing products and items;
  • order formation
  • confirming moment;
  • receipt printout.

The cost of forming a parcel is calculated automatically as soon as the item you specified is in the basket. Three days are given for payment, as soon as the money is received from you, according to the receipt, the order is processed and transferred to the addressee within three days.

And, finally, the last question: how to transfer the medicines to the pre-trial detention center so that they all get to their destination. It is forbidden to include in the parcel glass containers, dry herbs, drugs, hormonal agents and dietary supplements, as well as, of course, everything that contains alcohol.

A complete list of prohibited drugs is available both on the Internet and at the stand useful information in the jail itself.

For all other medicines that are allowed, there are quantitative restrictions.

As a general rule, no more than one package of a given medicine is allowed to be transferred.

All medicines given according to the respective prescriptions, which can be obtained using the services of the transfer bureau.

Video: What to transfer to the pre-trial detention center

In accordance with SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products":

Perishable are food products that require special temperature and/or other regimes and rules to maintain the quality and safety, without which they undergo irreversible changes that lead to harm to the health of consumers or deterioration.

Perishable products include processed meat, poultry, eggs, milk, fish and non-fish species; floury creamy confectionery with a mass fraction of moisture more than 13%; creams and finishing semi-finished products, incl. on vegetable oils; beverages; vegetable processing products; fatty and fat-containing products, incl. mayonnaises, margarines; quick-frozen ready meals and semi-finished products; all types of preserves; thermized fermented milk products and sterilized dairy products.

Particularly perishable products - products that cannot be stored without cold and are intended for short-term sale: milk, pasteurized cream; chilled semi-finished products from meat, poultry, fish, seafood, raw and boiled vegetables, all products and dishes Catering; freshly squeezed juices; creamy confectionery products made using manual operations; perishable products in packages opened during the sale.

Non-perishable foods are foods that do not require special handling. temperature conditions storage subject to other established storage rules; dry products with a mass fraction of moisture less than 13%; bakery products without finishing, sugary confectionery, food concentrates.

Bakery products: rye and wheat bread, small pastries without fillers (individually packed);

Crackers, dryers, gingerbread, cookies, waffles;

Sugar (refined), sweets, chocolate, marmalade, gozinaki, sherbet, tea, coffee, cocoa, honey, sugar substitute, salt, condensed milk packed in containers;

Raw-smoked, smoked and boiled-smoked sausages (from April to October only raw-smoked sausages);

Salo salted and smoked;

Butter (packaged in the manufacturer's packaging) (from April to October up to 250 g);

Hard cheese (packaged in vacuum packaging);

Vacuum-packed cold smoked fish (do not accept from April to October);

Fruits: apples, pears, tangerines, oranges, lemons, grapefruits (clean, dry, packaged in plastic bags);

Dried fruits: raisins, peeled nuts, dried apricots, figs, bananas, prunes;

Vegetables: onion, garlic, radish, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes (clean, dry, packaged in plastic bags);

Soups, noodles, mashed potatoes instant preparations to be hydrated with hot water;

Vegetable oil (packaged in a container);

Margarine (packaged in containers).

Seasonings, mustard, ketchup;

Natural juices, mineral water, carbonated fruit (in packaged containers);

Instant coffee, cocoa, tea (in packs), baking soda (in packs);

Baby food: meat, fruit, vegetable purees, juices, powdered milk mixtures.

Attention! food products, with the exception of vegetables and fruits, must be industrially produced and in the packaging of the manufacturer (supplier), indicating the expiration date (according to GOST R 51074-2003 "Food products. Information for the consumer. General requirements").

Food products with limited sales periods (less than 72 hours) for which there are no storage conditions in the institutions of the GUFSIN of Russia in the Rostov Region (to be stored at low temperatures (less than + 60 C);

Products requiring heat treatment - preparations: packaged soups and cereals (except for instant preparations to be hydrated with boiling water), cereals, meat, fish, semi-finished products;

Meat and fish canned food and preserves, herring, meat and fish products in vacuum packaging, requiring compliance with storage conditions at a temperature of (4 +/- 2) degrees. FROM;

Boiled, semi-smoked and liver sausages, cold dishes based on meat offal;

Milk and dairy products in consumer packaging with a shelf life of less than 36 hours, requiring compliance with storage conditions at a temperature of (4 +/- 2) degrees. C, except for a dry milk-containing product;

Food products of home or handicraft production;


Mayonnaise and mayonnaise-based sauces related to perishable products and to be stored at low temperatures (less than + 60 C);

Vegetables requiring heat treatment;

Fats of animal origin;

Confectionery with cream, with the addition of confiture, including meringue and marshmallows;

Food products with expired shelf life and signs of poor quality.

Storage conditions, shelf life of especially perishable and perishable products at a temperature of (4 +/- 2) 0С

If trouble happens to your loved one and he is arrested and placed in a pre-trial detention center, then he needs to be given all possible support.

Unfortunately, such institutions in our country are far from ideal. In fact, one can only survive in them, having a minimum set of clothing and food allowances.

That's why without the help of relatives, it will be very difficult for the arrested person to cope with such problems. However, in order to correctly place an order for products in a pre-trial detention center, you need to know certain rules.

If they are not observed, then it will be impossible to make a transfer to the arrested person.

The transfer rules established in the pre-trial detention center as of 2020

In order to make the transfer of food to the pre-trial detention center, First of all, you need to find out the opening hours of the pick-up point. He may not work every day. There you can also get a list of products allowed for transfer to the pre-trial detention center.

It must be taken into account that there are always a lot of people who want to make a transfer and you have to stand in line.

Products can be handed over to the detainee only once a month, and the weight of the parcel in most institutions should not exceed 30 kg.

For this reason, it is worth taking the most responsible approach to choosing the range and quantity of products. After all, the next time you can please a loved one only after a month.

At the transfer point, you must write a statement of a certain form on a standard transfer slip that lists all products and quantities.

The parcel transfer procedure involves a complete inspection of the contents with the removal of all packaging material. Wherein products are placed in transparent polyethylene packaging.

If you want this process to go faster, get rid of all boxes and opaque bags yourself beforehand. This even applies to cigarettes. They don't have to be in packs.

During screening, employees have the right break some foods and even cigarettes. You must understand that such an extreme measure helps to prevent the entry of prohibited items into the pre-trial detention center.

You can avoid the procedure of thorough inspection if you prepare for it in advance. Some of the products can be purchased at a stall right on the territory of the pre-trial detention center. This will save you from checking them.

How to write an application for the transfer of products

Arriving at the pre-trial detention center with the purchased products, you will need to write an application for their transfer to the arrested person. It should reflect the following information:

  1. Your installation data, address of the place of residence and who you are to the arrested person.
  2. Request to transfer to the prisoner indicating his identity (surname, name and patronymic).
  3. List of food products and other non-prohibited items (cigarettes, razors, soap, etc.). The weight in the corresponding column does not need to be indicated, as this will be done by the receiver after the inspection.
  4. Personal signature and date of circulation.

A written application with an inventory must be submitted to the prison officer for consideration, which examines the inventory for the absence of prohibited products in it.

If everything is ok, then the application with the permissive resolution is transferred to the receiver along with the products. It performs a thorough screening of the content.

If the transmission contains only what can be transmitted in a pre-trial detention center from products, then he weighs and counts the contents. Having entered the weight characteristics of the products in the form, the receiver certifies acceptance with his signature.

To be sure that the transfer in full reached the arrested person, the application is written in triplicate, one of which is transferred to the addressee, the second is invested in a personal file, and the third remains with you. This is a mandatory requirement.

Sending a transfer to the pre-trial detention center by mail

If for some reason you cannot personally visit the pre-trial detention center and make a transfer, then you have the opportunity to form a parcel and send it by mail to the address of the institution. It can be a parcel up to 2 kg or a parcel up to 20 kg.

The delivery of food products to the pre-trial detention center by mail is regulated not only by the rules established for transfers, but also by postal regulations.

Besides that products in the parcel must be placed in transparent packaging, you will need to fill out three identical forms with an inventory at the post office. Two are placed in the shipment with the signature and seal of the post office employee, and the third remains with you for control.

Please note that a parcel with products can be sent no more than once a month. Extra shipments will simply not be accepted.

How to send a transfer to a pre-trial detention center via the Internet

This is a very convenient form of transmission, primarily because the parcel is formed directly in the trade institutions subordinate to the Federal Penitentiary Service.

For this reason, the products come to the arrested person in packaging and do not lose their presentation.

To create and send a transmission over the Internet you need to find a specialized online store of UFSIN products on the network and place an order there indicating the delivery address.

After payment, the parcel will be sent to the pre-trial detention center where your loved one is. After receiving the shipment, you will be notified of the delivery.

What can and cannot be transferred to a pre-trial detention center

Before forming the transfer to the arrested person, you need to know which products can be transferred to the pre-trial detention center, and which are strictly prohibited.

According to established rules there are products that are considered luxury for those arrested, so their transfer is partially restricted. Some products are not recommended for transfer as they have a short shelf life.

Therefore, to ensure that your submission is received in full, you need to know what is included in the standard list. It includes the following products:

This is a very exhaustive list of allowed foods in the SIZO, so it's best to stick to it for a hassle-free transfer.

There are also products that are strictly prohibited for transfer., which include: meat and organ meats, cabbage rolls, meatballs, liver, boiled sausage, pates, any fish, milk and other dairy products, culinary products with cream, chicken and chicken eggs, mushrooms.

It is forbidden to transmit any products in glass jars.

In addition, you need to know that the pre-trial detention center is a specific habitat for people, where there are rules among the prisoners. When sending a transmission, you must take care not only of your loved one, but to some extent about the rest of the prisoners.

Tea and cigarettes are in high demand. These products in the transfer must be mandatory.

It is better to pass on those products that will delight your loved one for a long time. It is preferable to send dry bouillon cubes than sausage, because they are able to brighten up the taste of prison gruel.

If you are going to make a transfer to an arrested person in a pre-trial detention center, you need to prepare in advance. Knowing all the rules and nuances of this procedure, you can bring a little joy to your loved one without unnecessary hassle.


1. Suspected and accused persons may have, store, receive in parcels, transfers and acquire by bank transfer:

Food products, except those requiring heat treatment, perishable, expired or whose date of manufacture cannot be determined, as well as yeast, alcoholic beverages and beer. The list of food products may be limited by the order of the sanitary and epidemiological service. Food products, with the exception of vegetables and fruits, must be industrially produced and in the packaging of the supplying plant, indicating the expiration dates; The total weight of food that the suspect or the accused can keep with him must not exceed 50 kg;

Tobacco products, matches; - clothing (including the standard) in one set without waist belts, suspenders and ties, as well as a headdress, shoes for the season (without arch supports, metal heels); - tracksuit in one set (except for suspects and the accused who received clothes of the established sample); - no more than four sets of underwear; - socks; - gloves or mittens - one pair; - handkerchiefs; - indoor or sports slippers - one pair; - toiletries (toilet, laundry soap, liquid soap or shampoos, toothbrush, toothpaste, plastic cases for soap and toothbrush, cream, comb, comb); - pocket mirror (in the absence of a mirror in the chamber); - electric or mechanical razor; disposable safety razors; - clothing a bag or a bag; - glasses and plastic cases for glasses; - crutches, wooden canes, prostheses (with the permission of a doctor); - a factory-made household electric boiler; - a washcloth or sponge; - sh a fountain pen, refills for it (black, purple, blue), a simple pencil; - writing paper, student notebooks, postal envelopes, postcards, postage stamps; - toilet paper issued or purchased in a store (stall) of the pre-trial detention center;

Items of religious worship for underwear or pocket wear;

Bed linen in one set (two sheets and a pillowcase), towel;

Literature and publications of periodicals from the SIZO library or purchased through its administration of the SIZO in the trading network;

Photographs of close relatives;

Board games (checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon);

Medications as prescribed by the doctor of the SIZO.

In addition to the above, the suspected and the accused are allowed to carry and keep documents and records related to the criminal case or concerning the implementation of their rights and legitimate interests, as well as postage forms, receipts for deposited money, valuables, documents and other items.

Items and things not provided for by this List are prohibited.

2. During the inspection of transfers, parcels and things :

Bakery products (rolls, loaves, loaves, muffins, rolls, etc.) are cut into pieces;

Liquid products are poured into replacement dishes;

Canned food is opened and transferred to another dish;

Fish, cheeses, bacon, sausages and meat products are cut into pieces;

Bulk products (sugar, granulated sugar, etc.) are poured;

Packs of cigarettes and cigarettes are opened and broken;

Sweets are accepted without wrappers, cut into pieces, all other products that can be used to hide notes and other prohibited items in them are checked in the same way.

(what you should know)

Upon admission to a pre-trial detention center, suspects and accused persons are provided for individual use with:

sleeping place;

Bedding: mattress, pillow, blanket;

Bed linen: two sheets, pillowcase;


Tableware and cutlery: a bowl (at the time of eating), a mug, a spoon;

Clothing for the season (in the absence of your own);

Books and magazines from the SIZO library.

The specified property shall be issued free of charge for temporary use for the period of detention.

At the request of the suspect or the accused, in the absence of the necessary Money on his personal account, according to the norms established by the Government Russian Federation personal hygiene products are issued:


Toothpaste (tooth powder);

Disposable razor (for men).

For common use into the chambers in accordance with established norms and based on the number of persons contained in them are issued:

Laundry soap;

Toilet paper;

Editions of periodicals from the SIZO library;

Board games: checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon;

Items for cleaning the camera;

Sewing needles, scissors, knives for cutting food (may be issued to suspects and accused for short-term use under the control of the administration).

1. Bakery products: wheat and rye bread. small-piece pastries without fillers (in plastic packaging).

2. Crackers, dryers, gingerbread, bagels, cookies, waffles. cupcakes.

3. Confectionery: sugar, sweets, chocolate, marmalade, cassava. sherbet. tea, coffee, cocoa. honey. marshmallows, marshmallows, halva and other products that do not belong to the category of strictly prohibited products.

4. Raw smoked and boiled-smoked sausages (from April to October only raw smoked).

6. Hard cheese (packed in containers). condensed milk.

7. Butter (packed in packs) (from April to October 250 gr.)

8. Cold smoked fish (not accepted from April to October)

9. Fruits: apples, oranges, lemons, grapefruits (clean, dry. packaged in plastic bags).

10. Vegetables: onion, garlic. radishes, carrots, beets (clean, dry, packaged in plastic bags).

11. Dried fruits: raisins, peeled nuts, dried apricots, figs, bananas, prunes.

12. Instant vermicelli. to be hydrated with hot water (without production packaging and spices)

- Products requiring heat treatment (cereals, meat, fish.)

- Greens (parsley, dill). lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes. meat and fish products in vacuum packaging. canned meat and fish. herring, milk and dairy products.

- Food products with limited shelf life (less than 72 hours) and subject to storage at low temperatures (less than +8 degrees)

