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How to open quick loans step by step instructions. How much can you earn in microfinance organizations. What to do in such a situation

In Russia, the development of a market economy contributes to the constant growth of the popularity of the credit sector. Of strategic importance here is the provision of microloans for current expenses.

Today, in the domestic market, the prospects for the development of the microcredit market, according to many business analysts, are very optimistic. This is what attracts all start-up entrepreneurs to this industry.

In order to regulate activities in the represented industry, the federal law “On Microfinance Organizations” is applied. This law determines that the business of issuing microloans to the population is to cash issue to the borrower (as a rule, up to one million rubles) under the terms of a specially developed loan agreement.

Such cooperation is regulated on the basis of the Civil Code Russian Federation. Experts say that creating a highly profitable micro financial institution simply. Moreover, this does not require any specific skills or abilities.

It is important to note that in legal aspect consideration of the issue, all registration procedures for ordinary and micro loan enterprises are almost indistinguishable. Usually the most acceptable form of company organization is a limited liability company.

The main difference here is only that the company must be included in the state register of microfinance organizations, which is maintained by a special body of state registration. In the event that the company is not in the register, its activities will be considered illegal on all grounds. Naturally, no one wants to have serious problems with the law.

To include a company in the register of microfinance organizations, a small package of documents should be collected. It includes an application, a copy of the decision to establish a company (organization), copies of a certificate of state registration of a new enterprise and the appointment of a general director, as well as information about the location of the enterprise and about the founders. In addition, for the inclusion of a company in the register, it must pay a state duty.

The law also defines a number of prohibitions that limit the scope of activities of microcredit organizations. Violation of such prohibitions entails the imposition of a fine, and this can already be a fairly strong blow to the entire financial side enterprises. Therefore, when entering such a market, it is necessary to strictly follow the letter of the law, to play a "fair game" with your competitors, customers and partners.

When starting to organize such a business as issuing microloans to the population, it is necessary to take into account the risks that any organization may face. First of all, this is the problem of non-repayment of loans, which sometimes takes on simply incredible proportions.

Where to get money to start own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Often a large percentage of non-repayment becomes the reason for tightening the requirements, as well as strengthening the client's obligations when applying for and receiving a loan. For violating the law, microfinance companies can even be held administratively liable, which, of course, will negatively affect the reputation of the entire organization. It is also considered a significant problem that if the accrual of interest by a microfinance company was found to be illegal, the client receives full rights to challenge the amount of the interest rate.

After the registration stage is completed, and the company is entered in the state register, you can safely start looking for a comfortable office space for the purpose of further work. Very often, such offices are located in buildings large businesses centers where there are all conditions for the successful operation of the company.

In order to equip the office, there will be enough room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 30 square meters. The rent of the area also depends on the region in which the businessman will conduct his business. For the stable operation of the office, you should purchase the necessary office furniture, equipment, consumables and, of course, stationery.

At the initial stages of activity, it is not necessary to recruit too many employees. This item can save you a lot of money. It will be enough to invite only two managers to work, they will deal with the processing of loans, as well as a security officer. All payroll costs must be accounted for in the business plan.

A significant cost item in this type of business is the conduct of advertising campaign in order to attract the attention of potential customers. The point is that in order to successful work It is very important for an organization that is engaged in micro-crediting of the population to constantly maintain its image, and these functions, as a rule, are not assigned to advertising.

The most acceptable way to advertise a microloan company is to print and then distribute flyers, production, placement on the streets of the city of pavement signs and signboards, as well as the use of block and text ads in magazines, newspapers and on the pages of modern online publications.

Any citizen of Russia aged 18 to 60 can receive a microcredit, provided that they have a passport. Even despite the fact that many clients who take microloans, for the most part, do not want to spoil their credit history, drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to lay down about 50 percent of non-returns. However, most likely, this percentage will be much lower, but in such a very complex issue, it is still better to play it safe.

Experts note that in the case of the correct organization of the work of the enterprise, a businessman can rise to the required level of self-sufficiency in the first month of work. Even more than that, approximately by the end of the first year of its work, the business can be gradually expanded.

Consequently, the entrepreneur will have the opportunity to open additional outlets for issuing microloans. In conclusion, it is worth noting that many microfinance organizations are opening today according to the franchising system, which is very profitable, since the entrepreneur has the opportunity to minimize all costs for promoting his own brand.

In order to start issuing microloans and start working in this area, you need initial capital. Where to get it? You can take a loan from a bank, but then the profit will be less due to the payment of interest on the loan. You can find an investor, but in order to convince him to invest in this business, you need a business plan. Let's consider both options. First, we took out a bank loan. Initially, in order to start working fully, we need an amount of about 2,000,000 rubles.

Find a room.
It should not be large, we are not a bank branch, but comfortable. The room must be located near the metro or large shopping centers so that it can be easily found. The rent will be about 30,000 rubles per month, the contract can be concluded immediately for half a year, so that your head does not hurt.

Next, we find workers.
Our working day and they will be 12 hours from 9.00 to 21.00. This means that workers must be recruited taking into account shifts, let's say schedule 2 through 2. From the staff, we need the operator himself, the telephone operator, the security service, the security guard, the cleaner and the cashier.
There will be 2 operators, on schedule, security guards too, but you can hire a citizen of the neighboring countries as a security guard, then he will work every day from 9.00 to 21.00 without days off.
The cashier can and should make a schedule from 9.00 to 18.00, but every day. There should be no problems with the employment of personnel, only with the security service. We need a person who worked in the authorities and has connections in order to "break through" a person.

Business registration.
The form of ownership is suitable for sole proprietorship, by the way, nowadays there are a lot of companies that help to open a sole proprietorship and in the future offer accounting support at a discount. Let's set aside 45,000 a year for registration, plus an accountant. Everything is included in this amount.

Expenses for software and s/n.
Further, computer support will cost us 100,000 including communications, Internet, indoor alarm, video cameras at the box office.

For wages, we will allocate an amount at the rate of 100 rubles per hour.
It is more reasonable to issue loans in small amounts, the so-called "payday loans", because, firstly, they are easier to repay, and secondly, with a large percentage there will be a small overpayment, since the interest comes from the loan amount, and the loan is small. That is, for a person who wants to use our services, the amount will not be unbearable, respectively, the percentage of non-performing loans will be less.

Business development plan.
The maximum loan amount is indicated at 10.000 with a maximum term of 4 weeks. You can pay weekly or all at once. We will choose cash and non-cash payment methods. It is possible to conclude agreements with electronic service providers such as Qiwi, Eleksnet, etc. And people are comfortable, and us.

Since all our profits are interest paid by borrowers for using the loan, we will make the interest not large 0.01 of the loan amount per day. The conditions, in principle, are standard; among competitors in this area, no one has less than a percentage. So, with a loan of 10,000 for 4 weeks, the borrower will give 13,000. In total, our profit is 3,000 per borrower. We will miss the moment with fines in case of non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract. This is a separate article.

The more people use our loan, the greater the profit. But people need to know us. Of course, the best advertisement is the recommendation of a person who has already used a loan and liked everything, that is, the so-called "word of mouth". Basically, our potential clients are young people from 18 to 35 years old, we do not have to give loans to younger people by law, older people, as a rule, are already on their feet and prefer loans or reborrow from friends. Accordingly, advertising should be placed on various Internet portals, forums, pop-up windows and other methods on the Internet. For these purposes, it is better to hire a competent specialist who will probably make and promote the site. Payment is one-time, as a full-time employee, we do not need it. Well, approximately allocate 25,000-30,000 rubles for this work.

If, on average, you give a loan in the amount of 100,000 per day, which is 10-20 people, then the profit can be up to 400,000 in the second month.

The amounts are huge, the risks are huge, investments are not as big as it seems at first glance, but competition in this area is growing by leaps and bounds.

Consider this option, we start-up capital provided by the investor. In this case, according to the terms of the contract, he will most likely first take his amount of money with interest, and only then you will be able to make a profit if you get promoted.

Microloan risks.
Do not forget about the risks. associated with non-repayment of loans. In this case, it is worth concluding an agreement with a collection agency, as they are usually professionals in their field. We will allocate a small amount for the services of a lawyer for drafting contracts, again, this is a one-time thing, we do not need a permanent lawyer in the state.

Naturally, there will be such borrowers who simply will not repay the loan, you can sue, but this can take months. Even if you win the court, you can not get anything from a person if he does not work or the bailiffs simply do not find him. But with good telephone operators and security service, the percentage of non-return should not be high. In any case, the profit will cover the bad loan.

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Interest-bearer, usurer, spider - as soon as they did not name people who lend money at interest. Who with envy, and who with hatred, parting with the last property. But they agreed on one thing: such a business brings its owner a fabulous income! In the era of a developed banking sector, it is difficult to imagine that you can try to do something like that. And in vain, not so long ago, Russia adopted federal law No. 151, which regulates the activities of microfinance organizations (MFIs) and brings illegal creditors out of the shadows. Let us consider in more detail whether it is profitable to lend in our time.

What it is?

MFIs - entity, registered in one of the permitted forms of organization and entered in the State Register of MFIs. This business is registered when the issuance of loans is systematic, and this activity is the main income of the company.
In addition, the official status allows you to attract investors who will at least invest 1.5 million rubles in the business (the lower limit according to the law). It will be possible to insure the risks of non-repayment of loans. And the number of those willing to borrow will increase, because legally operating firms are more trusted.

Why not create an MFI?

It will be more difficult to open a car wash than to register an MFI. The activity of such organizations is not banking in the legal sense of the word, therefore it is not required to obtain licenses and have a multi-billion dollar authorized capital. Only the reporting form is somewhat more complicated than the standard form for entrepreneurs.

As a form of organization, the legislator offers us a number of different options, but in the vast majority of MFIs, they are registered as LLCs. Therefore, the package of documents to be submitted to tax office exactly the same:

  • Statement;
  • Certificate of State registration legal entity;
  • Constituent documents;
  • Decision on the establishment of the organization and on the approval of constituent documents;
  • Decision on approval of the management bodies of the organization;
  • Information about the address of the organization;
  • Information about the founders;
  • Payment of state duty;
  • Extract from the Register of Foreign Legal Entities, if any among the founders.

The only thing is that after registration with the Federal Tax Service, you need to send an application with copies of the above documents to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (any nearest branch) with the requirement to include your organization in single register MFI. By the way, according to the law, you must post the terms of the loan on the Internet, but it is not specified that you need to have your own website, so at first you can rent a place on some third-party resource.
To start, rent 3-5 square meters in mall(3000 - 5000 rubles per regional center). Buy a table (from 2,000 rubles), a chair (from 700 rubles), a filing cabinet (from 3,000 rubles), an MFP (from 3,000 rubles) and bring a computer or laptop from home. As for advertising, everything is very individual, everyone has their own marketing budget. As you may have guessed, you yourself will do the work of the director, accountant and one of the employees. Since sometimes everyone needs to rest, we will hire a second worker. Qualification is not important here, you can also take a student of the 4th - 5th year of the institute, 15,000 rubles. more than satisfied. As you can see, the starting capital for arranging the point is cheap. It is better to leave all other funds for loans, but you need to allocate at least 200,000 rubles for these purposes. Then by the end of the year you can get 1 million rubles, subject to a rate of 2% per day and non-return at the level of 30%.

The auditor is coming to us.

The microfinance market is currently very poorly regulated. At the heart of 151 federal laws, there are no tough sanctions against organizations, so many honest players complain about a large number of "illegal immigrants". Though Lately The Central Bank of the Russian Federation pays close attention to small competitors of banks. In the second and third quarters of 2014 should be debugged electronic form acceptance of MFI reporting ( Personal Area on the website of the Central Bank), from July of this year, Nabiullina's subordinates will be able to limit the maximum rates on unsecured loans and borrowings. And inflated interest is the main bread of MFIs. It is also necessary to prepare a solution General Assembly participants” (founders) for each loan equal to or more than 10% of the authorized capital.

In principle, MFIs can be audited in the same way as any other organization. That is, having found in the office of the company violations of the rules fire safety, the inspector may close your business.

By your own strength.

Knocking out debts is strongly associated with the "dashing nineties." But lately, the media are increasingly full of reports of criminal methods of debt settlement. Bandits again? No, this time they are legal, officially registered creditors.

Any founder of an MFI initially puts in a business plan a 10% - 15% risk of non-repayment of the loan, and sometimes, reducing the time for checking the debtor and increasing the speed of issuing money, and all 30%! But, you see, even having calculated such a situation, I want to return everything back. MFOs often do not have a staff of lawyers and funds for the services of collectors, and therefore they have to cope on their own. Well, what comes out of this, we see in the news.
Large networks, along with banking institutions, prefer to resolve disputes with clients in a civilized manner: from bailiffs to collectors. The latter generally redeem debts from MFIs, however, from 3% of the value of the amount of obligations. In 2013, the volume of repurchased debts increased by 66%! Given the number of delays in such firms, cooperation with collectors will only be strengthened.

High risk, high margin.

If in Moscow or St. Petersburg MFIs are not very noticeable, then in the regions they literally flooded the streets. In some cities, there are more kiosks a la “Dame money” than flower stalls! Not only the ease of registration attracts new entrepreneurs to this business, but also a lot of earnings. The average profit margin is 20%! What type of activity can still bring such income with a minimum investment? However, 10,000 rubles contributed to create an LLC is clearly not enough to start working, it takes about 500,000 rubles (according to an expert estimate of the Russian Microfinance Center). We should not forget about the high level of overdue debts of clients of such organizations.
The most important thing is to calculate in advance and understand what you have to do. According to statistics, every tenth registered MFI does not issue a single loan. A simple paperwork procedure ensures the entry into the market of many inexperienced businessmen who, due to strong competition and lack of working capital are rapidly leaving the microfinance sector. Some go bankrupt due to the development of an inefficient network of branches instead of one successfully operating office.

In light of the purge of the financial market and the tightening of legislation, now is not the best time to create an MFI. If you are confident in yourself and potential investors lined up, I advise you to organize a franchise business of some kind federal network. By the way, it is not necessary to wait for a benefactor with 1.5 million. You can create a pool of small investors who transfer funds to one of them, who will conclude a loan agreement. Even better, if he is an individual entrepreneur, then, being on the “simplified”, not 13% (income), but 6% will have to be deducted from interest. Try it, do not be afraid to take risks, because moneylenders lived richly at all times.

In the last few years, the consumer lending market has begun to regain its former momentum. After the crisis of 2008, when the banking system around the world felt its imperfection, many people began to be wary of loans, and try to rely less and less on the money of banks and other financial structures. Lending sank significantly, and against this background, microloans began to come to the fore.

On the Internet, at public transport stops, in the subway and on billboards, you can see ads for the provision of small amounts of money before salary. small interest, good conditions lending, the absence of strict requirements that banks impose on their customers - all this makes microloans attractive to the population.

Well, you must admit, it’s much more convenient to get a microloan in the amount of 2000 rubles in 15-20 minutes, while providing only a passport and identification code rather than spend half a day at the bank, and then wait another week for your approval as a borrower. The demand for microloans is growing, which means that it is necessary to satisfy it with an appropriate offer.

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Economic experts point out that modern market microcredit is quite promising. In Russia this area began to develop relatively recently, and is in the early stages of origin. What could this mean? You have a good chance to enter the market, occupy a free niche, organize activities and get quite good profit. In 2011, the total number of microcredits issued was 3 times more than in 2010. In 2012, this figure increased by 2 times. There are no exact statistics for 2013 and 2014, but those who work in this area say that the demand for microcredit is growing every year.

In this article, we will talk about how to start your business on microcredit, what are the regulatory legal acts govern this business. Let's talk about what you should pay attention to first of all, how much you need to invest in the business, and when it will start to pay off. All information presented in this article is based on personal experience work with microcredits, as well as on the advice and recommendations of people for whom microcrediting is the main income and a profitable business.

Legal regulation of microcredit

Any activity that is related to the sphere of business and finance in Russia is regulated by special legislative acts. Microcredit is no exception. If you decide to engage in this type of business, then study the law “On Microfinance Organizations” in detail. This law states that the subject financial activities may issue loans for a total amount not exceeding $31,600. At the same time, all relations between the borrower and the lender are regulated in accordance with civil code RF. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the norms of this code in order to understand what you need to rely on and what you will have to work with.

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The procedure for creating a financial institution for microloans

Many people think that registering a financial institution that will issue microloans is something complicated, it requires a lot of time, knowledge and special skills. In fact, registration is quite simple. You need to register a legal entity, usually an LLC, and then the company must be registered in the state register, which takes into account microfinance organizations. Otherwise, its activities will be recognized as illegal.

For registration, you need to collect the following documents:

  • Application for registration of the organization. All statements have a clear form in which it must be written. You can find samples on the Internet, or on the website of the state registry.
  • Copies of constituent documents and certificate of registration of a legal entity. It is worth noting that the certificate must be certified by a notary.
  • Copies of protocols that prove the decision of the founders to establish a microfinance enterprise.
  • A copy of the decision approving general manager, or another head of the enterprise.
  • Information about all the founders of the legal entity.
  • Information about the legal address and place of actual activity of the enterprise. Do not forget that you may have one legal address, but in fact you have the right to anywhere in our country.
  • Receipt for payment of the state fee for entering your company in the register. Very often the amount of the fee changes, therefore, we cannot say exactly how much you will pay at the time of entering the data.

After submitting the documents, if everything is in order with them, the company must be entered in the register within two weeks. This fact can be checked on the website of the state registry. You are also required to provide the relevant document. It is with this document that you will confirm the legality of issuing microloans.

Basic principles of operation of a microfinance institution

The work of a microfinance institution is associated with certain restrictions, which are clearly indicated in the law governing its activities. Such restrictions include:

  • A microfinance institution does not have the right to act as a guarantor for any financial transactions.
  • Loans must be issued exclusively in national currency. These institutions do not have the right to work with foreign currency.
  • Market activity valuable papers is also prohibited. Financial institutions cannot buy and sell shares of any companies.
  • It is forbidden to take into account the interest rate for early repayment of the loan.
  • Issue loans in excess of what is specified in the relevant law.
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If a financial institution violates one of the above points, it will be fined. It is also possible that transactions carried out in violation will be canceled, the contracts are invalidated, and interest cannot be collected from the borrower.

Any activity, especially financial, is associated with certain risks. Even before starting your own business, you must clearly understand what problems you may encounter and outline for yourself ways out of these situations. The main risks include:

  • Non-repayment of loans. Perhaps this is the most common problem of financial institutions that specialize in lending to the population. And here no one is insured - be it a large and well-known bank, or a small enterprise that issues microloans.
  • Violation of the law, and subsequent sanctions by regulatory authorities. Of course, it all depends on you. Before starting any activity, you need to study in detail legislative framework on which your business will be based. You cannot work with the hope that your mistakes will not be noticed, or they will get away with it.
  • Litigation and disputes with borrowers. Some borrowers, and believe there will be, disagree with interest rates. They believe that you deceived them, counted something wrong, made a mistake somewhere, and they go to court to defend their innocence. Litigation is extra costs for you, undermining authority, difficulties and inconveniences.

What is needed to organize this business

The fact that, first of all, you need to register an LLC and put it on record in the state register, we said above. What to do next? What are the next steps to organize this type of business?

Next, we move on to finding a space for your office. It is important to find a good place, presentable, one that inspires confidence. Also pay attention to the patency of the place you have chosen. If the office is located somewhere in the middle of nowhere, then it is unlikely that someone will specifically look for you. Locate your financial institution in business centers, on busy streets, near metro stations, or in a densely populated residential area. The monthly office rental fee may vary depending on your region, city, district, and even the selected shopping center.

Further expenses will be for the arrangement of the premises. You need to buy furniture, computer and office equipment, safes, machines for counting money, stationery etc.

If we talk about the staff, then everything is as simple as possible. At the initial stages of development, your company can employ no more than 2 people who will issue loans, accept payments, and draw up contracts. Salaries for employees largely depend on the level of salaries in your area. But on average, you need to pay about $500 per person.

Also, at the initial stage, you will have to spend well on advertising. More details about the most effective ways advertising of a microfinance institution, we will describe further.

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To whom, how and how much money can be given

Microloans are good because they are given for a short period, for a specific task. The law establishes that the borrower can be persons aged 18 to 60 years. At the same time, they must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The loan amount should not exceed one thousand dollars, and the term should not exceed 15 calendar days. The interest rate can be set individually, and the law does not specify the minimum from which you need to build on when issuing a loan.

At the initial stage, if you are planning to open one financial institution, $30,000 of borrowed funds will be enough for you. As a rule, few people take a thousand dollars for half a month. Most often, people need several thousand rubles to reach their salary, cover a loan, repay a debt to another person, report and buy something they need.

Advertising your business

Finance covers all spheres of our life. Therefore, advertising can be given taking into account this factor. Everyone needs money, and many are ready to take a short-term loan at a small percentage. So, let's look at and characterize the main advertising areas:

  • Outdoor advertising. If you have the means, you can give a good and high-quality outdoor advertising. Billboards, banners, city lights - all this will be an excellent platform for advertising your business. As a rule, in the early stages of a company's development, it is best to advertise in your area, or in close proximity to the place where you are processing loans. Considering that there is competition in this segment, you should not count on a client who will travel through the whole city to get a loan from you.
  • Public transport advertising can be very effective. 90% of your target audience enjoys by public transport from day to day. Therefore, if you correctly form an advertising offer, and consider the original presentation, then there is a possibility that given view advertising will be able to consistently bring you customers.
  • Advertising in print media. Newspapers and magazines are losing more and more every year in the race of the best advertising platforms. But the issuance of microloans is a niche that can still get good results from these sources of information. Here, too, a lot depends on the quality of the advertising material, the popularity of the newspaper or magazine, and the correct positioning of your services.
  • Internet sphere. realities modern world dictate to us such business development conditions under which the absence of a company on the Internet is considered nonsense and short-sightedness. Therefore, if you want to develop in this area, then consider creating your own website, and the possibility of issuing microloans online directly to the card of any bank in the Russian Federation. And now your site should be promoted for various requests that are related to microloans and lending. Only select requests in such a way as not to compete with banks, and collect the target audience as much as possible.
  • Social networks are also a great platform for your advertising. Although they are part of the general "Internet family", I would like to pay special attention to advertising in in social networks. Its advantages are that you can convey advertising to potential customers by selecting the necessary parameters: country, city, age, gender, place of study and work. Advertising on social networks allows you to make a wide coverage, quickly advertise your promotion or special offer, set up an advertising campaign in such a way as to get the maximum effect at minimal cost.
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In addition to targeted advertising, which is sold by social networks themselves, you can advertise in specialized public pages and groups. Look for publics on the topic of business, finance, making money on the Internet, everything related to money. Negotiate with the administration about advertising, and promote your services.

Advertising on social networks, and indeed on the Internet, is only good if you have your own website and are engaged in online lending. Thus, every citizen of the Russian Federation who has access to the Internet can become your potential client. If loans are issued only in the office and with the signing of an agreement, then it is worth limiting advertising only among users from your city or district.

How to write a business plan: investments and payback

The most important question that interests many aspiring entrepreneurs is how much should be invested in this business, and how quickly will the initial investment pay off?

One of the points of your business plan will be non-repayment of loans issued. Experienced businessmen advise to count on 50% non-returns. In fact, this amount will be much lower, but it is better to play it safe so as not to get into a difficult financial situation later.

Initial costs will be:

  • Formation and registration of the enterprise. Here the amount is not large, and if you do everything on your own, then the amount of payment of all duties will be no more than $ 100.
  • Room rental. Perhaps the biggest expense item that will drag on from month to month. The amount of the rent depends on your city, district, location of the chosen premises, and some other factors that affect the final price.
  • Employee wages. As we wrote above, at the initial stage, you need one accountant who will manage financial affairs and submit reports, and one or two office workers who will draw up contracts and issue loans.
  • Website creation and maintenance. If you decide to do online lending, which we advise you to do, you will need to spend money on creating your website. Also, the Internet resource will require monthly investments to maintain performance. This is money to pay for hosting, to write articles for the site, to hire administrators who will monitor round-the-clock performance.
  • Advertising costs. In the first few months, advertising costs will be very high. You need to understand that your further profit largely depends on a good advertising campaign. Try different ways advertising, do not rely on one thing. You need to experiment, combining online advertising, and banner advertising, advertising in print media, and promotion in social networks. Collect statistics, analyze responses and conversions, and over time you will understand in which direction of advertising you need to invest money, and what you can refuse.
  • The cost of purchasing office space and computer technology. At a minimum, you will need tables, chairs, several computers, a printer, a scanner, safes for storing money.
  • Security costs. Since the work will be with money, we advise you to sign an agreement with the security service and put an alarm button. As the saying goes, God saves the safe.
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Now a few words about payback. If we take as a basis the figure of $8,000 (monthly costs), then to reach the breakeven point, you need to issue loans in the amount of at least $20,000 per month. Many companies that competently approach the organization of business, already in the first few months, as a rule, no more than two, begin to pay for their activities. Also interesting fact, the amount of loans issued in the first three months can be one and a half to two times less than the amount of loans that the company will issue after a year of operation. After one year of work, many financial institutions have the opportunity to expand, open new branches or representative offices in other cities.

Often people are faced with the need to find a relatively small amount of money in an extremely short time. Usually banks do not issue loans of such small sizes. In addition, for the provision of loans require an impressive list of documents. Therefore, people turn to companies whose main activity is microcredit. And today such a business is considered one of the most promising.

The principle of microloans

At its core, microcredit resembles the issuance of conventional loans. The only difference is that in order to receive funds, the client must provide a minimum of documents - sometimes only a passport is enough. Microfinance is provided for short term, sometimes even for a week, but not more than a year. This business microloans are provided for small amounts that are not of interest to large credit organizations. The peculiarities of the work of this sphere of lending led to the emergence of a specific law that regulates these relations - Federal Law"About microfinance organizations".

For an entrepreneur, microfinance benefits from the high interest that he charges for services. For a week, on average, he receives from 15% of the amount issued, that is, for a month he can make a profit of approximately 60% of the funds provided on loan. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not so easy to open a company providing these services.

Formation of a company for the issuance of microloans

Considering such high interest rates that activities in this area promise, many entrepreneurs are interested in the question of how to open microloans. First of all, you need to register a legal entity. The most commonly used legal form is LLC. But this is still not enough for your activity in issuing microloans to the population to be legal. It is also necessary to register in the state register of microfinance organizations.

To do this, the following documents must be submitted to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation:

  • Receipt of payment of the state fee for 1 thousand rubles.
  • A copy of the decision of the meeting of founders on the creation of a microloan company. As well as the appointment of its leadership.
  • Information about the company - information about the founders, legal address.
  • Relevant statement.
  • A copy of the company registration certificate, constituent documents certified by a notary.

In the event that a company is established by a foreign organization, an extract from the register of foreign legal entities is required.

In two weeks you should receive the decision of the Ministry of Finance. With a positive decision, your company receives the status of a microfinance organization and a corresponding certificate. Now you have the right to issue loans for the population up to a million rubles.

Franchise solution

Microcredit to the population can be offered by opening a franchise company. In this case, you will need a certain amount of money to purchase a franchise. But all organizational issues are taken over by the franchisor. The entrepreneur initially teaches a well-known name that enjoys a certain trust among the population. He also receives a marketing model for doing business, which saves him from financial mistakes and helps save capital, reduces the time for business development. In addition, he receives constant support from the franchise owner. True, such a decision does not save the business from high risks.

Organizational matters

Having registered a company and becoming registered with the Ministry of Finance, you can proceed to the organizational issues of doing business. First of all, you need to find suitable premises where your office will be located. As a rule, loans to the public are offered in a location where an office can be found quickly and easily. Such places include shopping, entertainment, business centers and other places where a large number of people pass during the day.

An office space of 30 sq. m. The rental price varies depending on the city, as well as on the actual location of the area. What you need to buy for the office:

  • tables;
  • chairs;
  • computers;
  • telephones;
  • copy machine;
  • a printer;
  • cooler.

Separate funds should be allocated for stationery and consumables.

A minimum of two loan officers and one security officer must work in one office. Their wage is about 15 thousand rubles, if we talk about small towns.

The item of expenditure must include at least 50 thousand rubles. for a month for various promotional steps. These are advertisements in the media, leaflets, signs, pillars and more.

Activity of the company

As already mentioned, such an organization can issue no more than a million rubles under one contract. It also does not have the right to perform the following operations:

  • demand from customers as an obligation under the contract more than a million rubles, taking into account all fines and interest;
  • take interest on early repayment of the loan;
  • conduct activities in the securities market;
  • issue funds in foreign currency;
  • act as a guarantor.

Violation of these provisions, as well as activities without proper registration, entails a fine of up to 30 thousand rubles. In many cases, contracts concluded with violations may be declared invalid, and accordingly, you will not be able to receive interest on the funds issued.

Remember that microcredits can only be issued to persons over the age of 18 and only if they have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The lower age limit for issuing a loan is usually 60 years. On average, loans are issued in the amount of 20-25 thousand rubles. for 15 days. Usually the rate on them is from 2% per day.

Main risks

Most often, microfinance organizations face the following risks:

  • recognition of the accrued interest on the loan as unlawful;
  • disputing loan interest;
  • administrative liability for violations of the provisions of the law;
  • high percentage of loan defaults.

As a rule, when drawing up the financial part of a business plan, at least 50% of the funds are included in the non-refund item, although most often in practice this figure is lower.


If your company spends about 250 thousand rubles per month, then you need to issue loans for this period at least 700 thousand rubles. These indicators can be adhered to in the first months of the company's operation. In six months, these figures are desirable to double. As a rule, after a year, the company has the opportunity to open additional points of loans, developing a network of its institutions. You can cross the line of self-sufficiency after a month of the first office.
