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Specifications. Launch vehicle "Proton-M": characteristics, launch, crash Starting weight of the proton rocket

Proton is one of the largest car manufacturers in Malaysia, which specializes in the manufacture of vehicles under the license of Mitsubishi.

For the first time, the production of vehicles in Malaysia began in 1983 in connection with the signing of an interstate agreement between the local Malaysian auto company Heavy Industry of Malaysia, as well as the Japanese concern Mitsubishi Motor Corporation. The first representatives of the "Proton Saga" were rolled off the assembly line in 1985. The Saga (Iswara, Magma) hatchback or sedan was an externally modified 1983 Lancer. The car was equipped with a more reinforced suspension, which ensured the efficient operation of transport in local conditions.

In 1991, the so-called transformation took place. common enterprise to Public Limited Company (PLC), which was freed from the influence of Mitsubishi Motor Corp. In 1995, the company becomes one of the constituent elements of the DRB-HICOM group.

In early 1996, the first show of the Proton Perdana middle class sedan takes place, this model was created on the basis of the Mitsubishi Eterna. Toward the end of the year, Proton decides to acquire a controlling stake (80%) of the shares of Lotus, a British company.

Proton is rather "briskly" expanding the range of its modgel range, which a few years ago included only models licensed by Mitsubishi.

The 400 series vehicles are quite similar in design to the Mitsubishi Lancer. Cars are produced with sedan bodies, as well as a 5-door hatchback.

The Proton Putra 218 GLXi is a replica of the famous 1991 Mitsubishi Mirage two-door coupe. The car does not have a bright and original "appearance", however, it looks pretty good and harmonious. The model is equipped with a spoiler, which is located on the trunk roof, as well as a chrome-plated tip placed on the double-barreled exhaust pipe.

The Wira Cabrio was based on the Satria model. By appearance the models are quite different from each other, mainly due to the use of a different body kit.

So, the largest and most powerful car company in Malaysia, Proton Otomobil Nasional Berhad, produced more than 169 thousand cars during 2000. Nevertheless, the company is not going to stop there, and in the near future it will significantly expand the range offered with its own development models that will not be produced under a Mitsubishi license.

So, at the beginning of 2000, the world saw a new Waja model, which since the summer of 2001 has been presented on European markets under the sonorous name - Impian, which means "a dream comes true" in the native Malaysian language. This model is an exclusively Malaysian development with the help of Lotus engineers.

Since 2003, Malaysia has eliminated huge import duties vehicles, which is why the local car manufacturer Proton is making every effort not to be forced out by "import guests".

To launch a significant amount of payload into near-Earth orbit, and then into outer space, a powerful launch vehicle (LV), the so-called heavy class, is needed. In the USSR, the OKB-23 division was engaged in the creation of such an apparatus - currently the GKNPTs im. M. V. Khrunichev. The result of the research was the creation of a two-stage carrier UR-500 (the first in the Proton line). He belonged to the medium-heavy class launch vehicle. On its basis, in the future, Proton-K, Proton-M (heavy class) were created. In the United States, such missiles are abbreviated "Saturn-1B".

Thus, all Soviet and later Russian spacecraft TKS, L-1/Zond, AES, orbital and interplanetary stations (Salyut-DOS, Almaz), Mir modules and ISS were launched into orbit by Proton rocket carriers. By the mid-2000s, the Proton-M modification was most widely used. It accounts for the bulk of spacecraft launched into orbit (federal Russian and foreign commercial ones).

Initially, the UR-500 (universal missile) was designed and built as an orbital and intercontinental ballistic missile capable of delivering a super-powerful (100 megatons or more) thermonuclear warhead to any point on the planet. However, the option of using it as a launch vehicle for heavy satellites was also envisaged. On July 16, 1965, the first launch of the two-stage launch vehicle UR-500 took place. The payload was the H-4 spacecraft No. 1 Proton-1. In total, four launches were carried out in the period from 65 to 66.

As part of the Soviet "lunar program", a new three-stage launch vehicle UR-500K (8K82K "Proton-K") has been developed since July 1965, and the design of the fourth stage began in parallel. Officially, the birthday of the Proton-K launch vehicle is March 10, 1967, when a three-stage rocket with the D and KK 7K-L1P (Cosmos-146) block was launched.

Despite significant successes and a large number of successful design solutions, the number of accidents was too high (between March 1967 and August 1970 - 21 launches, and only 6 completely successful). This delayed the adoption of the Proton-K launch vehicle until 1978 (after 61 launches). The last launch of a rocket of this class was carried out on March 30, 2012. It was collected at the GKNPTs them. M. V. Khrunichev in the late 2000s and was kept in the arsenal. The purpose of the launch is to put the last satellite of the US-KMO series into orbit. At the same time, the upper stage of the DM-2 version was used last time. Currently, "Proton-K" is out of production. From 1967 to 2012, launch vehicles of this series were launched 310 times. The three-stage version of Proton-K was used to deliver the PN (payload) to the so-called low orbits, and the four-stage version to high-energy orbits. To a height of 200 km, "Proton" could lift up to 21 tons of payloads, and to the GSO (geostationary orbit) - up to 2.6 tons.

In 2001, GKNPTs them. M. V. Khrunichev switched to the production of a new modification 8K82KM, otherwise - "Proton-M". The modern rocket is superior to previous modifications in terms of environmental friendliness. In addition, new upper stages are installed on it - 14С43 Briz-M, thanks to which it became possible to significantly increase the payload when ascending to the geotransfer and geostationary orbits. The Proton-M launch vehicle is equipped with a high-precision digital control system based on an onboard digital computer system. And, finally, it became possible to increase the size of the fairings in comparison with the previous Proton-K launch vehicles.

The layout of the three-stage launch vehicle "Proton"

The first stage is made in the form of blocks. The central one has a tail compartment, an oxidizer tank and a transition compartment. Six side blocks are symmetrically placed around it. Each of them is divided into a front compartment, a fuel tank and a tail compartment. The latter houses a propulsion liquid-propellant rocket engine of the RD-253 type. Thus, we can say that the propulsion system of the first stage includes six autonomous liquid rocket engines. They are started by breaking through the pyromembrane located at the engine inlet. The RD-253 engine is equipped with a fuel supply system with generator gas afterburning.

The second stage is made in the form of a cylinder. Compartments: transitional, fuel and tail. The propulsion system consists of three RD-0210 and one 0211 (all autonomous). The task of RD-0211 is to provide pressurization of the fuel tank. All of them can deviate in tangential directions by an angle of up to 3 ° 15 ". The total thrust of the propulsion system is 2,352 kN in empty space. The second stage engines are started before the first stage LRE is turned on, due to which the "hot" principle of stage separation occurs. Namely:

The thrust of the engines of the second stage becomes greater than the residual thrust of the LRE of the first stage;
- the pyrobolts connecting the trusses of the steps are undermined;
- the steps begin to diverge;
- Combustion products coming out of the LRE chambers of the second stage act on the heat shield of the first stage and repel it.

The third stage includes three compartments (instrument, fuel and tail) of a cylindrical shape. Equipped with one sustainer LRE.

Power plants all stages of the Proton launch vehicle use the same propellant components. This is an asymmetric dimethylhydrazine (otherwise heptyl or UDMH), the chemical formula of which is (CH3) 2N2H2, as well as nitrogen tetroxide - N2O4. These components are highly toxic and require the most careful handling. Their use is due to the possibility of increasing the reliability of the propulsion system and simplifying its design due to the self-ignition of the fuel mixture.

All launches of the Proton launch vehicle take place exclusively from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. There, by the beginning of 1965, the launch and technical complexes were built - two workplaces (site 92/1) and two launchers (site 81). An additional launch complex (pad 200) was completed in the late 70s. The cost of one launch of a Proton-type launch vehicle, on average, costs $80-$100 million, or 2.4 billion rubles.

"Proton" (UR-500 - Universal rocket, "Proton-K", "Proton-M") is a heavy-class launch vehicle (LV) designed to launch automatic spacecraft into Earth orbit and further into outer space. Developed in 1961-1967 in the OKB-23 subdivision (now the M.V. Khrunichev GKNPTs), which was part of V.N. Chelomey's OKB-52. The original two-stage version of the Proton carrier (UR-500) became one of the first carriers of the medium-heavy class, and the three-stage Proton-K became one of the heavy ones, along with the American Saturn-1B launch vehicle.

Video of the launch of the Proton-M rocket

The Proton launch vehicle was the means of launching all Soviet and Russian Salyut-DOS and Almaz orbital stations, the modules of the Mir and ISS stations, the planned manned spacecraft TKS and L-1 / Zond (of the Soviet lunar flyby program ), as well as heavy satellites for various purposes and interplanetary stations.

Since the mid-2000s, the Proton-M launch vehicle has become the main modification of the Proton launch vehicle, used to launch both federal Russian and commercial foreign spacecraft.


The first version of the Proton launch vehicle was a two-stage one. Subsequent modifications of the rocket, "Proton-K" and "Proton-M", were launched either in three- (into a reference orbit) or in four-stage versions (with an upper stage).

RN UR-500

The launch vehicle (LV) UR-500 (Proton, index GRAU 8K82) consisted of two stages, the first of which was developed specifically for this launch vehicle, and the second was inherited from the UR-200 rocket project. In this version, the Proton launch vehicle was capable of launching 8.4 tons of payload into low Earth orbit.

First stage

The first stage consists of a central and six side blocks arranged symmetrically around the central one. The central block includes a transition compartment, an oxidizer tank and a tail compartment, while each of the side blocks of the first stage booster consists of a forward compartment, a fuel tank and a tail compartment in which the engine is fixed. Thus, the propulsion system of the first stage consists of six autonomous marching liquid rocket engines(LRE) RD-253. The engines have a turbopump fuel supply system with generator gas afterburning. The engine is started by breaking the pyromembrane at the engine inlet.

Second step

The second stage has a cylindrical shape and consists of a transfer, fuel and tail compartments. The propulsion system of the second stage includes four autonomous sustainer rocket engines designed by S. A. Kosberg: three RD-0210 and one RD-0211. The RD-0211 engine is a refinement of the RD-0210 engine to provide pressurization of the fuel tank. Each of the engines can deviate up to 3° 15" in tangential directions. The second stage engines also have a turbopump fuel supply system and are made according to the generator gas afterburning scheme. The total thrust of the second stage propulsion system is 2352 kN in vacuum. The second stage engines are started before the start of the shutdown of the main LRE of the first stage, which ensures the "hot" principle of stage separation.As soon as the thrust of the engines of the second stage exceeds the residual thrust of the LRE of the first stage, the pyrobolts connecting the stage trusses are blown up, the stages diverge, and the combustion products from the chambers of the LRE of the second stage, acting on the heat shield, they slow down and repel the first stage.

LV "Proton-K"

Launch vehicle (LV) "Proton-K" was developed on the basis of two-stage LV UR-500 with some changes in the second stage and with the addition of the third and fourth stages. This made it possible to increase the mass of the PN in low Earth orbit, as well as to launch spacecraft into higher orbits.

First stage

In the initial version of the Proton-K launch vehicle, it inherited the first stage of the UR-500 launch vehicle. Later, in the early 1990s, the thrust of the RD-253 first-stage engines was increased by 7.7%, and the new version of the engine was named RD-275.

Second step

The second stage of the Proton-K launch vehicle was developed on the basis of the second stage of the UR-500 launch vehicle. To increase the mass of the PN in orbit, the volumes of the fuel tanks were increased and the design of the truss transition compartment connecting it with the first stage was changed.

Third step

The third stage of the Proton-K launch vehicle has a cylindrical shape and consists of instrument, fuel and tail compartments. Like the second stage, the third stage of the Proton-K launch vehicle was also developed on the basis of the second stage of the UR-500 launch vehicle. For this, the original version of the second stage of the UR-500 launch vehicle was shortened, and one sustainer rocket engine was installed on it instead of four. Therefore, the main engine RD-0212 (designed by S. A. Kosberg) is similar in design and operation to the RD-0210 engine of the second stage and is its modification. This engine consists of a single-chamber propulsion engine RD-0213 and a four-chamber steering engine RD-0214. The thrust of the propulsion engine is 588 kN in the void, and the steering engine is 32 kN in the void. The separation of the second stage occurs due to the thrust of the third-stage steering LRE, which is launched before the second-stage sustainer LRE is turned off, and braking of the separated part of the second stage by the six 8D84 solid-propellant engines available on it. The separation of the payload is carried out after turning off the steering engine RD-0214. In this case, the third stage is braked by four solid-propellant engines.

Control system LV "Proton-K"

The Proton-K launch vehicle is equipped with an autonomous inertial control system (CS), which ensures high accuracy in launching the launcher into various orbits. The control system was designed under the direction of N. A. Pilyugin and used a number of original solutions based on gyroscopes, the development of which had begun earlier on the R-5 and R-7 missiles.
The CS instruments are located in the instrument compartment located on the third stage booster. The riveted non-pressurized instrument compartment is made in the form of a torus shell of rotation of rectangular cross section. In the compartments of the torus, the main devices of the control system are located, made according to a triple scheme (with triple redundancy). In addition, the instruments of the apparent velocity control system are located in the instrument compartment; devices that determine the parameters of the end of the active section of the trajectory, and three gyro stabilizers. Command and control signals are also built using the principle of tripling. Such a solution increases the reliability and accuracy of launching spacecraft.

Fuel used

Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH, also known as heptyl) (CH3)2N2H2 and nitrogen tetroxide N2O4 are used as fuel components in all stages of the rocket. The self-igniting fuel mixture made it possible to simplify the propulsion system and increase its reliability. At the same time, fuel components are highly toxic and require extreme care in handling.

Improvements in the Proton-M launch vehicle

From 2001 to 2012, the Proton-K launch vehicle was gradually replaced by a new upgraded version of the launch vehicle, the Proton-M launch vehicle. Although the design of the Proton-M launch vehicle is mainly based on the Proton-K launch vehicle, major changes were made to the launch vehicle control system (CS), which was completely replaced by a new advanced control system based on an onboard digital computer complex (OBCC). With the use of the new control system on the Proton-M launch vehicle, the following improvements are achieved:

  • more complete depletion of the onboard fuel supply, which increases the mass of the PG in orbit and reduces the remnants of harmful components in the impact sites of the spent first stages of the launch vehicle;
  • reduction in the size of the fields allocated for the fall of the spent first stages of the launch vehicle;
  • the possibility of spatial maneuver on the active leg of the flight expands the range of possible inclinations of reference orbits;
  • simplifying the design and increasing the reliability of many systems, whose functions are now performed by the BTsVK;
  • the possibility of installing large head fairings (up to 5 m in diameter), which allows more than doubling the volume for accommodating the payload and using a number of promising upper stages on the Proton-M launch vehicle;
  • quick change of flight task.

These changes, in turn, led to an improvement in the mass characteristics of the Proton-M launch vehicle. In addition, the modernization of the Proton-M launch vehicle with the upper stage (RB) Breeze-M was carried out even after the start of their use. Starting from 2001, the LV and RB went through four stages of modernization (Phase I, Phase II, Phase III and Phase IV), the purpose of which was to facilitate the design of various blocks of the rocket and the upper stage, increase the power of the engines of the first stage of the LV (replacement of RD-275 by RD -276), as well as other improvements.

Launch vehicle "Proton-M" of the 4th stage

A typical version of the Proton-M launch vehicle currently in operation is called Phase III Proton Breeze M (Proton-M launch vehicle - Breeze-M launch vehicle of the third phase). This variant is capable of launching into a Geotransfer Orbit (GTO) a PG with a mass of up to 6150 kg using a conventional launch path (with an inclination of 51.6°) and a PG with a mass of up to 6300 kg using an optimized path with an inclination of 48° (with a residual ΔV up to GEO of 1500 m /With).

However, due to the constant increase in the mass of telecommunications satellites and the impossibility of using an optimized route with an inclination of 48 ° (since this route is not specified in the Baikonur Cosmodrome Lease Agreement, and every time the Proton is launched at this inclination, it is necessary additionally coordinate with Kazakhstan), the carrying capacity of the Proton-M launch vehicle was increased. In 2016 GKNPTs them. M. V. Khrunichev completed the 4th stage of modernization of the Proton-M launch vehicle - Breeze-M (Phase IV Proton Breeze M). As a result of the improvements carried out, the mass of the payload of the system launched to the GPO was increased to 6300-6350 kg on a standard path (inclination 51.6 height at apogee up to 65,000 km). The first launch of the improved carrier took place on June 9, 2016 with the Intelsat 31 satellite.

Further improvements to the Proton-M launch vehicle

  • Increase the thrust of the first stage engines.
  • Application of high-energy molecular complexes soluble in both components of high-boiling fuel.
  • Reduction of energy and hydraulic losses in the tracts of turbopump units of the engine by using special additives from polymer materials, high molecular weight polyisobutylene (PIB). The use of fuel with PIB additive will increase the mass of the payload launched into the transfer to geostationary orbit by 1.8%.

Booster blocks

To launch the payload into high, transitional to geostationary, geostationary and departure orbits, an additional stage is used, called the upper stage (UR). Boosters allow you to repeatedly turn on your main engine and reorient in space to achieve a given orbit. The first booster blocks for the Proton-K launch vehicle were made on the basis of the D rocket block of the N-1 carrier (its fifth stage). In the late 1990s, the GKNPTs im. M. V. Khrunicheva developed a new booster block "Breeze-M", used in the "Proton-M" launch vehicle, along with the RB of the D family.

Block DM

Block D was developed at OKB-1 (now RSC Energia named after S.P. Korolev). As part of the Proton-K launch vehicle, block D has undergone several modifications since the mid-60s. After a modification aimed at increasing the carrying capacity and reducing the cost of block D, the RB became known as Block-DM. The modified accelerating unit had an active lifetime of 9 hours, and the number of engine starts was limited to three. Currently, upper stages of models DM-2, DM-2M and DM-03 manufactured by RSC Energia are used, in which the number of inclusions has been increased to 5.

Blok Breeze-M

Breeze-M is an upper stage for Proton-M and Angara launch vehicles. "Breeze-M" ensures the launch of spacecraft into low, medium, high orbits and GSO. The use of the Breeze-M upper stage as part of the Proton-M launch vehicle makes it possible to increase the mass of the payload launched into the geostationary orbit up to 3.5 tons, and into the transfer orbit up to more than 6 tons. The first launch of the Proton complex -M" - "Breeze-M" took place on April 7, 2001.

Transition systems

With the standard launch scheme, the mechanical and electrical connection of the spacecraft with the Breeze-M US is carried out by means of a transition system consisting of an isogrid carbon-fiber or metal adapter and a separation system (SR). For insertion into geostationary orbits, several different transition systems can be used, differing in the diameter of the spacecraft attachment ring: 937, 1194, 1664 and 1666 mm. The specific adapter and separation system are selected depending on the particular spacecraft. The adapters used in the Proton-M launch vehicle are designed and manufactured by the GKNPTs im. M. V. Khrunichev, and separation systems are manufactured by RUAG Space AB, GKNPTs im. M. V. Khrunichev and EADS CASA Espacio.

An example is the 1666V separation system, which consists of a locking band that connects the spacecraft and adapter to each other. The tape consists of two parts, pulled together by means of connecting bolts. At the moment of separation of the RH and SC, the pyroguillotines of the separation system cut the connecting bolts of the lock tape, after which the tape opens, and by releasing eight spring pushers (the number may vary depending on the type of separation system used) located on the adapter, the SC is separated from the RH.

Electrical systems and data telemetry systems

In addition to the main mechanical units mentioned above, the Proton-M launch vehicle has a number of electrical systems used throughout the pre-launch preparation and launch of the ILV. With the help of these systems, the electrical and telemetric connection of the spacecraft and LV systems with the control room 4102 is carried out during preparation for launch, as well as the collection of telemetric data during the flight.

Head fairings

For the entire period of operation of the Proton launch vehicle, a large number of different head fairings (GO) were used with it. The type of fairing depends on the type of payload, modification of the launch vehicle and the upper stage used. The GO is reset during the initial period of operation of the third-stage accelerator. The cylindrical spacer is dropped after separation of the space head. The classic standard fairings of the Proton-K and Proton-M launch vehicles for launching the spacecraft into low orbits without US have an inner diameter of 4.1 m (outer 4.35 m) and a length of 12.65 m and 14.56 m, respectively. For example, this type of fairing was used during the launch of the Proton-K launch vehicle with the Zarya module for the ISS on November 20, 1998.
For commercial launches, head fairings with a length of 10 m and an outer diameter of 4.35 m are used in the configuration with the “DM” block (the maximum width of the payload should be no more than 3.8 m). In the case of using the Breeze-M rocket launcher, the standard fairing for single commercial launches is 11.6 m long and for double commercial launches - 13.2 m. In both cases, the external diameter of the GO is 4.35 m.

The head fairings are manufactured by FSUE ONPP Tekhnologiya in the city of Obninsk, Kaluga Region. GO is made of several shells, which are three-layer structures with aluminum honeycomb filler and carbon fiber skins, containing reinforcements and cutouts for hatches. The use of materials of this type makes it possible to achieve a weight reduction in comparison with analogues made of metals and fiberglass by at least 28-35%, increase the rigidity of the structure by 15% and improve the acoustic characteristics by 2 times.
In the case of commercial launches through ILS, which markets Proton launch services on the international market, larger alternative HEs are used: 13.3 m and 15.25 m long and 4.35 m in diameter. In addition, to increase the capabilities The Proton-M launch vehicle is actively studying the possibility of using a 5-meter-diameter GO. This will make it possible to launch larger satellites and increase the competitiveness of the Proton-M launch vehicle against its main competitor, Ariane-5, which is already used with a 5 m HD.

Configuration Options

The Proton launch vehicle (UR-500) existed in only one configuration - 8K82. The Proton-K and Proton-M launch vehicles have used various types of upper stages for many years of operation. In addition, RKK, the manufacturer of RB DM, has optimized its products for specific payloads and assigned a new name to each new configuration. So, for example, different configurations of RB 11S861-01 could have different names depending on the payload: Blok-DM-2M, Blok-DM3, Blok-DM4, etc.

Assembling the launch vehicle "Proton-M"

Assembly and preparation for the launch of the Proton-M launch vehicle take place in assembly and test buildings (MIK) 92-1 and 92A-50 on the territory of "site 92".
Currently, the MIK 92-A50 is mainly used, which was completed and improved in 1997-1998. In addition, in 2001, a single fiber optic system was commissioned remote control and control of spacecraft (SC), which allows customers to prepare spacecraft at the technical and launch complexes directly from the control room located in MIK 92A-50.

The assembly of the launch vehicle in MIK 92-A50 takes place in the following order:

  • Blocks of the Proton launch vehicle are delivered to MIK 92-A50, where each block is checked independently. After that, the launch vehicle is assembled. The assembly of the first stage is carried out in a special slipway of the "revolving" type, which significantly reduces labor costs and increases the reliability of the assembly. Further, a fully assembled package of three stages is subjected to comprehensive tests, after which a conclusion is made on its readiness for docking with a space warhead (SHR);
  • The container with the spacecraft is delivered to hall 102 of MIK 92-A50, where work is carried out to clean its outer surfaces and preparatory operations for unloading;
  • Further, the spacecraft is removed from the container, prepared and refueled with fuel components in the finishing room 103A. In the same place, spacecraft checks are carried out, after which it is transported to the adjacent hall 101 for assembly with the upper stage;
  • In the finishing hall 101 (technical complex for assembling and checking the CHG), the spacecraft is docked with the Breeze-M launch vehicle;
  • The CHG is transported to the finishing hall 111, where the Proton-M space rocket (RKN) is being assembled and tested;
  • A few days after the completion of the electrical tests, the fully assembled ILV is transported from the MIK to the fuel filling station to fill the low-pressure tanks of the Breeze-M upper stage. This operation takes two days;
  • Upon completion of refueling, a meeting of the State Commission is held on the results of work performed at the technical and launch complexes of the Proton launch vehicle. The commission decides on the readiness of the ILV for installation on the launch pad;
  • ILV is installed on the launch pad.

The assembly of the Proton-K launch vehicle is carried out at MIK 92-1. This MIC was the main one before the commissioning of the MIC 92-A50. It houses the technical complexes for the assembly and testing of the Proton-K and KCH launch vehicles, where the docking of the KCH with the Proton-K launch vehicle is also carried out.

Standard flight pattern of the Proton-M launch vehicle with Breeze-M launch vehicle

To launch spacecraft into geostationary orbit, the Proton-M launch vehicle follows a standard launch scheme using a standard flight path to ensure the accuracy of the fall of the detachable parts of the launch vehicle in specified areas. As a result, after work first three stages of the launch vehicle and the first inclusion of the Breeze-M launch vehicle, the orbital unit (OB) as part of the Breeze-M launch vehicle, the transition system and spacecraft(SC) is launched into a reference orbit with a height of 170 × 230 km, providing an inclination of 51.5°. Further, the Breeze-M RB performs 3 more inclusions, as a result of which a transfer orbit is formed with an apogee close to the apogee of the target orbit. After the fifth switching on, the US puts the spacecraft into the target orbit and separates from the spacecraft. The total flight time from the signal "Contact lift" (KP) to the separation of the spacecraft from the RB "Breeze-M" is usually about 9.3 hours.
The following description gives the approximate times of turning on and off the engines of all stages, the time of resetting the HE and the spatial orientation of the launch vehicle to ensure a given trajectory. The exact times are specific to each launch depending on the specific payload and final orbit.

Area of ​​operation of the launch vehicle "Proton-M"

1.75 s (T −1.75 s) before launch, six RD-276 first-stage engines are switched on, whose thrust at this moment is 40% of the nominal value, and gain 107% thrust at the moment the KP signal is given. The confirmation of the KP signal arrives at the time T +0.5 s. After 6 seconds of flight (T +6 s), the thrust increases to 112% of the nominal value. The step-by-step sequence of turning on the engines allows you to get confirmation of their normal operation before the thrust is increased to maximum. After an initial vertical section lasting about 10 s, the ILV performs a roll maneuver to establish the required flight azimuth. With an orbital inclination of 51.5°, as in the case of a geostationary launch, the azimuth is 61.3°. For other orbital inclinations, different azimuths are used: for orbits with an inclination of 72.6°, the azimuth is 22.5°, and for orbits with an inclination of 64.8°, 35.0°.
Three RD-0210 and one RD-0211 of the second stage are switched on at the 119th second of flight and go into full thrust mode at the moment of separation of the first stage at the 123rd second. The third stage rudder motors are switched on at 332 seconds, after which the second stage motors are switched off at 334 seconds of flight. The separation of the second stage is carried out after six braking solid propellant motors are switched on at the 335th second and it is withdrawn.

The RD-0213 engine of the third stage is switched on for 338 s, after which the head fairing (GO) is reset approximately at 347 seconds from the KP signal. As for the stages, the moment of GO release is chosen to ensure guaranteed hitting of the booster of the second stage of the launch vehicle in a given area of ​​impact, as well as to meet the thermal requirements of the spacecraft. After turning off the third stage propulsion engine at the 576th second, the four steering engines operate for another 12 seconds to calibrate the calculated ascent speed.
After reaching the specified parameters, approximately at the 588th second of the flight, the control system issues a command to turn off the steering engine, after which the third stage is separated from the orbital block and withdrawn using braking solid propellant rocket motors. The moment of separation from the third stage is taken as the start of the OB autonomous flight. Further launching of the spacecraft is carried out with the help of the Breeze-M missile launcher.

Site of work of RB "Breeze-M"

The launching of the OB into the geotransfer orbit is carried out according to the scheme with five inclusions of the main engine (MD) of the RB "Breeze-M". As in the case of the launch vehicle, the exact times of switching on and the parameters of the orbits depend on the specific mission. Immediately after the separation of the third stage of the launch vehicle, the thrusters of the thruster stabilization are switched on, which ensure the orientation and stabilization of the OB in the area of ​​passive flight along the suborbital trajectory until the first start of the thruster of the thruster. Approximately one and a half minutes after separation from the launch vehicle (depending on the particular spacecraft), the first activation of the MD with a duration of 4.5 minutes is performed, as a result of which a reference orbit with a height of 170 × 230 km and an inclination of 51.5° is formed.

The second activation of the MD with a duration of about 18 minutes is carried out in the region of the first ascending node of the reference orbit after 50 minutes of passive flight (with the engines turned off), as a result of which the first intermediate orbit is formed with an apogee at a height of 5000-7000 km. After the OB reaches the perigee of the first intermediate orbit within 2-2.5 hours of passive flight, the main engine is switched on for the third time in the region of the ascending node until the fuel from the additional fuel tank is completely depleted (DTB, about 12 min). Approximately two minutes later, during which the DTB is reset, the MD is switched on for the fourth time. As a result of the third and fourth inclusions, a transfer orbit is formed with an apogee close to the apogee of the target geotransfer orbit (35,786 km). In this orbit, the spacecraft spends approximately 5.2 hours in passive flight. The last, fifth switching on of the DM is performed at the apogee of the transfer orbit in the area of ​​the descending node to raise the perigee and change the inclination to the specified one, as a result of which the US puts the spacecraft into the target orbit. Approximately 12-40 min after the fifth inclusion of the MD, the OB is oriented in the direction of the separation of the spacecraft, followed by the separation of the spacecraft.
In the intervals between switching on the DM, the US control system performs turns of the orbital unit to ensure the maintenance of the optimum temperature on board, the issuance of thrust impulses, conducting radio monitoring sessions, and also to separate the spacecraft after the fifth switching on.


Since 1993, the marketing of Proton launch services on the international market has been carried out by the International Launch Services (ILS) joint venture (from 1993 to 1995: Lockheed-Khrunichev-Energy). ILS has the exclusive right to marketing and commercial operation of the Proton launch vehicle and the promising Angara rocket and space complex. Although ILS is registered in the United States, its majority stake is owned by the Russian GKNPTs im. M. V. Khrunichev. As of October 2011, within the framework of the ILS company, 72 spacecraft launches were carried out using the Proton-K and Proton-M launch vehicles.

Cost of Proton-M

The cost of the Proton launch vehicle varies from year to year and is not the same for federal and commercial customers, although the order of price is the same for all consumers.

Commercial launches

In the late 1990s, the cost of a commercial launch of a Proton-K launch vehicle with a DM block ranged from $65 to $80 million. In early 2004, the launch cost was reduced to $25 million due to a significant increase in competition. Since then, the cost of launches on Protons has been constantly increasing and at the end of 2008 reached about $100 million on GPO using Proton-M with the Breeze-M block. However, with the onset of the global economic crisis in 2008, the exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar fell by 33%, which led to a decrease in the launch cost to approximately $80 million. In July 2015, the cost of launching the Proton-M launch vehicle was reduced to $65 million to allow competition from the launch vehicle "Falcon".

Launches under the federal space program of Russia

For federal customers, there has been a consistent increase in the cost of the carrier since the early 2000s: the cost of the Proton-M launch vehicle (without the DM block) increased 5.4 times from 2001 to 2011 - from 252.1 million to 1356, 5 million rubles. The total cost of Proton-M with the DM or Breeze-M block in mid-2011 was about 2.4 billion rubles (about $80 million or €58 million). This price consists of the Proton launch vehicle itself (1.348 billion), Breeze-M rocket launcher (420 million), delivery of components to Baikonur (20 million) and a set of launch services (570 million).
Prices as of 2013: Proton-M itself cost 1.521 billion rubles, Breeze-M booster block cost 447 million, launch services cost 690 million, transportation of the rocket to the spaceport cost another 20 million rubles, 170 million rubles - head fairing. In total, one launch of Proton cost the Russian budget 2.84 billion rubles.

Tactical and technical characteristics of Proton-M

Number of stages ........................ 3 - 4 (hereinafter for "Proton-M" of the third phase of modification)
Length ........................58.2 m
Launch weight ........................705 t
Type of fuel ........................ UDMH + AT
Payload mass
- at LEO ........................ 23 tons
- at GPO ........................ 6.35 t (with RB "Breeze-M")
- on GSO ........................ up to 3.7 t (with RB "Breeze-M")

Launch history

Launch sites ........................Baikonur
Number of launches ........................ 411 (as of 9.06.2016)
- unsuccessful ........................27
-partially unsuccessful20
First launch ........................ 07/16/1965
Last launch ........................ 06/09/2016
Total production ........................410

First stage ("Proton-M" of the 3rd phase)

Length ........................21.18 m
Diameter........................7.4 m
Dry weight ........................30.6 t
Launch weight ........................458.9 t
Propulsion engines........................6 × LRE RD-276
Thrust........................10026 kN (Earth)
Specific Impulse ........................288 s
Operating time ........................121 s

Second stage ("Proton-M" of the 3rd phase)

Length ........................17.05 m
Diameter........................4.1 m
Dry weight ........................11 t
Launch weight ........................168.3 t
Sustainer engine........................LRE RD-0210 (3 units) and RD-0211 (1 unit)
Thrust........................2400 kN
Specific Impulse ........................320 s
Operating time ........................215 s

Third stage ("Proton-M" of the 3rd phase)

Dry weight ........................3.5 t
Launch weight ........................46.562 t
Sustainer engine........................ RD-0213 LRE
Steering engine........................LRE RD-0214
Thrust ........................ 583 kN (marching) (31 kN (steering))
Specific Impulse ........................325 s
Operating time ........................239 s

Photo Proton-M

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Designed to launch automatic spacecraft into Earth orbit and then into outer space. The rocket was developed by the State Space Research and Production Center (GKNPTs) named after. M. V. Khrunichev and is used to launch Russian federal and foreign commercial spacecraft.

"Proton-M" is a modernized version of the "Proton-K" launch vehicle, which has improved energy-mass, operational and environmental characteristics. The first launch of the Proton-M complex with the Breeze-M upper stage took place on April 7, 2001.

Specifications launch vehicle "Proton"On July 2, the Proton-M launch vehicle, which launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, fell in the first minute of launch. For information about what the Proton launch vehicle is and what function the device performs in orbit, see the infographic.

The use of enlarged head fairings in the Proton-M launch vehicle, including five meters in diameter, makes it possible to more than double the volume for accommodating the payload. The increased volume of the head fairing also allows the use of a number of promising upper stages on the carrier.

The main task of the modernization of the launch vehicle was to replace the control system (CS) created back in the 1960s, which had become obsolete both morally and in terms of the element base. In addition, the production of this system was established outside of Russia.

The upgraded Proton-M launch vehicle is equipped with a control system based on an onboard digital computer system (OCCC). The Proton-M control system made it possible to solve a number of problems: to improve the use of the onboard fuel supply due to its more complete production, which increases the energy characteristics of the launch vehicle and reduces or even eliminates the remains of harmful components; to provide spatial maneuver on the active leg of the flight, which expands the range of possible reference orbit inclinations; ensure prompt entry or change of the flight task; improve the mass characteristics of the launch vehicle.

After being put into operation in 2001, the Proton-M launch vehicle went through several stages of modernization. The first stage was implemented in 2004 and ended with the launch of the heavy Intelsat-10 spacecraft weighing 5.6 tons into a geotransfer orbit. The second stage was completed in 2007 with the launch of the DirekTV-10 apparatus weighing 6 tons. The third stage ended in 2008. The fourth stage of modernization is currently being implemented.

"Proton-M" forms the basis of the Federal Space Program of Russia in the dimension of heavy launch vehicles. It is used to deploy satellite system Glonass, satellites of the Express series are launched, which provide satellite communications all regions of Russia. In addition, the Proton-M launch vehicle is widely used to launch spacecraft in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The Proton launch vehicle is a direct successor to the Soviet two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile UR-500, designed in the design bureau headed by Vladimir Chelomey. Its development began in 1961, it soon became clear that it would not go into service because of its excess power, although it was capable of delivering the famous thermonuclear bomb, conditionally called "Kuzkin's mother", to the enemy's territory. The rocket was supposed to be based in the mines, Khrushchev, who once arrived at Baikonur, having learned how much money was needed for this, said:

"So what are we going to build - communism or mines for UR-500?"

The missile lost its combat purpose, but was reoriented to launch satellites. The first launch took place on July 16, 1965 with the laboratory for the study of cosmic particles "Proton". In total, four launches of the two-stage version were performed, of which three were successful. On the basis of this rocket, Chelomei proposed a program for a manned flight around the moon, and another, third stage and a small upper stage were put on the rocket. However, the developers did not have time to implement the program, because to make spaceship and the upper stage were entrusted to the design bureau of Sergei Korolev. For Chelomey, in fact, only a rocket remained. In total, 11 unmanned spacecraft were launched under the program, 4 of them did not enter the Earth's orbit due to launch vehicle accidents, 4 spacecraft circled the Moon.

One ship in July 1968 was not launched due to an upper stage failure during preparation for launch. In January 1970, the program was closed due to the fact that the Soviet Union lost priority in the first manned flight to the Moon (in December 1968, American astronauts on the Apollo 8 spacecraft were the first in the world to fly around the Moon with access to a lunar orbit, and in July 1969 on the Apollo 11 landed on the lunar surface). After the flyby program was closed, the rocket, which eventually received the name "Proton", was used in three-stage and four-stage versions to launch spacecraft.

Alexander Shlyadinsky

In the 1970s, the first Soviet orbital stations Salyut and Almaz, as well as interplanetary probes to the Moon, Mars and Venus, were launched on a rocket. The Proton was the only Soviet rocket capable of launching geostationary satellites hovering over a single point on the equator at an altitude of 36,000 km. With a total mass of 700 tons, the rocket delivers 21 tons to low Earth orbit or up to 3.5 tons to geostationary orbit. Launch complexes for Proton were and remain only at Baikonur. In 1993, American and Russian enterprises established Lockheed-Khrunichev-Energia International (LKEI), transformed in 1995 into International Launch Services (ILS), which since 1996 has been launching foreign satellites on the Proton rocket on a commercial basis.

One step, two steps...

The military past of this rocket determined one of its main differences - all three stages use asymmetric dimethylhydrazine (heptyl) as a fuel and nitrogen tetroxide as an oxidizer. This is due to the fact that a ballistic missile must be in a combat-ready state long before the launch. In contrast, previously developed royal rockets used liquid oxygen as an oxidizer, which evaporates and does not allow for long storage. The disadvantage of long-term fuel is the toxicity of both of its components, the advantage is that it does not require an ignition system, since the fuel ignites itself upon contact with an oxidizing agent.

In contrast to the Soyuz, in which both the “sides” of the first stage and the central second stage begin to work simultaneously at the start, the Proton is made according to the optimal scheme with sequential division of steps.

Currently, the most advanced modification of the rocket, the Proton-M, is used, equipped with uprated engines, a lightweight design and a digital control system.

In total, there are 11 single-chamber marching engines on the rocket: six of the first, four of the second and one of the third stage. The third stage also has a steering four-chamber engine.

The first stage consists of one central oxidizer tank and six surrounding fuel tanks. Six oscillating RD-276 engines (developed by NPO Energomash and produced by the Perm plant Proton-PM) provide thrust and control of the rocket in the first stage operation area (approximately 120 seconds).

Third stage with booster and load

Alexander Shlyadinsky

The second stage consists of an oxidizer and fuel tank separated by a partition, as well as four oscillating engines (three RD-0210 and one RD-0211) (designed by the Design Bureau of Chemical Automation and manufactured by the Voronezh Mechanical Plant). In addition to creating thrust, RD-0211 generates boost gas to create excess pressure in the tanks.

Stage separation is carried out according to the so-called hot scheme: the engines of the upper stage are turned on before the engines of the lower stage stop. This is done in order to avoid the problem of turning on the engines in zero gravity, since the overload of the rocket is involved in creating the necessary pressure when fuel is supplied to the turbopump. The stage runs for 200 seconds.

The third stage is arranged similarly to the second - the upper tank with oxidizer, the lower one with fuel, however, it has only one fixed main engine (RD-0213) and one steering RD-0214 with four swing chambers. They also begin to work until the second stage engines are completely turned off. The steering motor actually pulls the payloaded third stage out of the adapter connecting it to the second stage. The third stage runs for approximately 240 seconds.

It is with the operation of the engines of the third stage that at least three accidents of Proton rockets are now associated - the recent one, in 2014, which was caused by the destruction of the bearing of the turbopump of the steering engine, and 1988.

“If something in the rocket stops working, the AED command is given -“ emergency shutdown of the engines. This has been going on since the days of combat missiles, so that in case of failure, the missile would fall on our territory. The engines turn off, the rocket falls in the atmosphere and, as a rule, burns out, ”explains Igor Afanasiev, editor of the Novosti kosmonavtiki magazine. Since the rocket costs much less than the launch complex, in emergency cases at the time of launch, the main task is, on the contrary, to take the rocket away from the launch. “Therefore, in the event of a failure or even an explosion of one of the first-stage engines, a command is given to force the remaining ones, and only then is the AED command given,” the expert explained.


Like, the May reason for the recent Proton accident was all in the same steering motor of the third stage, the failure of which occurred due to "increased vibration loads caused by an increase in the imbalance of the rotor of the turbopump unit, associated with the degradation of the properties of its material under the action of high temperatures and imperfection of the balancing system. At the same time, as it turned out, the refusal "has a constructive character."

To facilitate separation, powder brake motors are provided at the top of the second stage, which help to avoid dangerous stage collisions. After that, the third stage with a load and the upper stage go into transfer or low Earth orbit.

Scheme of insertion into geostationary orbit

The first upper stage, and in fact, the fourth stage of the rocket, appeared during the implementation of the moon flyby program. It is designed to transfer a spacecraft from low Earth orbit to a flight path to the Moon and other planets, or to geostationary orbit. The booster unit operates autonomously in outer space for a long time, functioning in zero gravity, and has its own system of active orientation and stabilization.

On the "Proton" two types of upper stages (RB) are used. Block "D" - oxygen-kerosene (developed by RSC Energia), is mainly used to launch GLONASS devices. "Breeze-M" (GKNPTs named after M.V. Khrunichev) - on long-term components, for launching geostationary satellites. It itself is essentially two-stage - the central part is surrounded by a toroidal block of drop tanks.

The main difference between the RB (it does not refer to a rocket, but to a space warhead) from rocket stages is that it can operate in zero gravity, when fuel can collect in the tanks in the form of balls, gas bubbles can appear in it, due to which the engine may choke. Therefore, small powder engines can be used to create weak overloads.

A common task for Proton is the launching of geostationary satellites (36,000 km). To do this, the upper stage must inform the device, which is in a low circular orbit, extra speed(about 3 km / s) so that it moves from a circular orbit to an elliptical one. And already at the far point of this ellipse, it is necessary to give the apparatus one more impulse in order to inform it of the first cosmic velocity for this height. One of the difficulties is that Baikonur is located far from the equator. Therefore, the orbits of satellites have a high inclination, and to launch a geostationary apparatus, additional pulses of the upper stage are required to “straighten” the orbit and make the satellite hover exactly above the equator.

For the same reason, Proton can send more cargo to the Moon or Mars than to geostationary orbit.

“The Proton scheme has not changed since 1965, but now new technologies are being applied, materials are changing, the efficiency of engines has been slightly increased. The possibility of improvement is strongly tied to the design of the rocket and dimensions. To increase thrust, you need to either increase the pressure in the chambers or increase the nozzle, but this requires changing the dimensions of the rocket and, most importantly, the launch complex, ”Afanasiev explained.

From Filey by train

The rocket is assembled in Fili, at the Khrunichev plant, and in the form of a small number of transportable blocks is sent by a special train to the cosmodrome. Initially, the dimensions of the rocket elements were chosen in such a way that its most dimensional part (the first-stage oxidizer tank with a diameter of 4100 mm), placed in a special elongated car, could be transported without causing problems to oncoming trains and the contact electrical network, pass freely in tunnels and along curved sections of the track . At the same time, in sections with minimal radii of curvature, in order to avoid a collision, it is necessary to stop the movement of trains in the opposite direction. The widest non-separable part of the missiles, up to 5 m in diameter, is the head fairing.

To deliver it to railway, it is divided in half lengthwise and carried in an inclined position.

Unlike aviation, where the investigation of most accidents ends with a public and detailed report by the IAC, the results of space accidents in Russia are often made public without proper detail.
