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Guskov is the first tender. Mistakes Suppliers Make. Alexander Guskov, First Tender Center. Three reasons to read this book

© Alexander Guskov, 2016

ISBN 978-5-4474-8208-4

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

Three reasons to read this book

– Learn how to sell absolutely any product at tenders wholesale and retail.

– Understand how to build really big business in Russia, forgetting about cold calls and building a standard sales department.

- Avoid critical mistakes when opening a tender direction in your company - do everything right from the very beginning!

This book will become your main reference point in the implementation of the tender direction of sales.

It will lead you to the first victory in a few weeks after the implementation of the techniques that are described in it.

The book answers the main questions:

- How to win a tender

How to make it happen over and over again

– How to make tenders a profitable sales channel in as soon as possible

– How to “fire” the owner so that he can control tender sales remotely


This book was written thanks to many people - my friends, teachers, clients and partners.

Most of all, I appreciate in people sobriety in decision-making, logic and consistency in actions. My clients are the most logical and purposeful people in our country. They look at things soberly, do not look back at someone else's negative experience and do their job, openly and boldly. While earning excellent money where many are afraid to even meddle.

I am very glad that in many respects thanks to my activities and the information my students bring to the world, our country is getting better, and it is becoming more comfortable to live in it every day.

I am grateful to each partner for the patience and dedication that we have invested together in a common cause - the development of a culture of tendering in Russia.

Looking at the results of many years of work that has been invested in this book, I can say with confidence that each of its chapters was not written in vain.

Each chapter has been created to describe the individual principles and techniques of our favorite work.

But I would like to express my special gratitude to my parents - Olga and Gennady Guskov, who patiently support all my undertakings and believe in me, no matter what. And also to my beloved wife, who is my main support both in life and in business. Like the best friend.

I dedicate my first book to our daughter Alice, who was born at the time of its writing.

From the author

Why I decided to write this book

In our country, initially there was no attitude to tenders as a type of sales. It was something about… “concluding contracts”, “getting government orders”, “agreements”, “formalities”. The understanding that any company can earn a good living in this way has appeared only recently.

I first used the term "tender selling" during the preparation of my training program - Intensive Tendering - just a few years ago.

Probably, precisely because of the complete lack of understanding of the essence of the issue, there are still no books on tender sales in our country. There are books on "tender purchases", "state purchases" and so on. But, unfortunately, they are not written by business owners and not by business leaders who are responsible for sales with their head, profits and salaries.

At best, I see books that approach the issue from a legal point of view. They have a lot of links to articles, a lot of terms and all sorts of legal abstruse, incomprehensible to ordinary people. How everything goes in practice, the authors of these books do not know, and how to implement tender sales in real life, they also have little idea. This is evidenced even by the fact that they address the same book to both customers and suppliers. And they have fundamentally divergent interests!

And this is a big problem. After all, it is usually important for the reader to understand how tender sales are implemented from a business point of view: what profit to expect, how tenders actually go, what risks, costs, pitfalls, how many employees are needed for all this ....

In the book that you are now holding in your hands, I want to talk about tenders, specifically as a form of sales. A normal, customizable form of sales, using the advantages of which you can take any company to a new level.

I want to talk about the implementation of this sales channel in real business and talk about tenders from my side practical experience as a person who has personally participated in more than 800 tenders and supervised over 1000 tenders of my clients. And I will reveal to you the meanings and techniques of this type of sales without embellishment and absurdity.

I am sure that this is how a book about tenders for an executive should be - frank, honest, written in simple human language.

about the author


CEO First Tender Center "Partner", founder and project manager

- Has a huge personal experience preparation and organization of competitive bidding and other tender procedures (more than 800), including international ones, since 2003.

- Experienced user of electronic trading floors(B2BEnergo, Fabrikant, Sberbank-AST, EETP, ZakazRF, MICEX, RTS-TENDER, etc.), auction instructor.

– During 2007-2011. Headed the Department of Competitive Bidding of a large contracting organization, with a staff of more than 700 people.

– Organized participation and won tenders from major customers: JSC Concern Energoatom, State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Metro, JSC Mosenergo, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Canal, Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal, JSC RAO UES of Russia, JSC FGC UES ”, OJSC “Moscow Heat Grid Company”, OJSC “TGC-1”, OJSC “TGC-2”, OJSC “HydroOGK” and many others.

– The cost of signed contracts based on the results of victories in tenders: from 100,000 rubles. up to 250 000 000 rub.

– Certified lawyer (second higher education- legal, the first - technical).

- Experienced business coach. Since 2007, he has already conducted more than 700 training programs on public procurement, commercial bidding, and tenders.

– He is a leading practicing speaker at the largest forums for entrepreneurs - DNBD in Skolkovo, PTF, SalesUp, ICDF, B2B Basis, etc. on the topic of tender sales.

– Created and maintains the only in Russia community of tender winners in the amount of more than 4,000 people.

– Conducts personal mentoring for several tendering companies at the same time.

– The result of the students: concluded contracts (tenders won) – for more than 23.5 billion rubles. (!)

What is a tender in modern Russia

In our country, at the legislative level, there is still no concept of "tender". There is a generally accepted opinion about what a tender is, how and who organizes it, and how everything goes.

But, unfortunately, this opinion is based on unreliable information that is exaggerated by the media in huge number. The main problem of people who decide to implement tender sales is the abundance of informational garbage, which prevents them from starting the implementation of this type of sales in their organization in the right way.

If you think about where you used to get information from, you will understand that the main source for you was and remains the mass media. These are lovers of everything to represent in black. And this applies to absolutely any issue. For example, doing business in Russia is a horror, health in Russia is a horror. Any topic is distorted by the media to a terrible state. The reason for this is a very interesting feature of most people: worse information, the more people it attracts, and the more expensive advertising spaces on TV.

There is a wonderful humorous book on this subject, it is called "The Adventures of a Poop." If you haven't read it, I recommend reading it. The essence of the book is that the turd is looking for its home and, in the end, finds it ... on TV. Therefore, if you have heard about tenders from the media, you can put this information out of your head, it is 100% untrue.

The next source is all kinds of films about business, including films about how state projects are organized, budget money is spent, i.e. about how tenders are held in Russia.

To my deep regret, in such films everything is very beautifully filmed, but also very divorced from reality. I worked both in a large company (with a staff of more than 700 people) and in a small one, I built my business from scratch, and now I know for sure that the image Russian business from the cinema does not correspond to the real one - these are more feature films. The bottom line is that the worse and worse the script, the more fees it will bring. Accordingly, this source, too, unfortunately, cannot be guided.

Another source is the Internet. There, too, today there is a whole bunch of tips "how to win a tender." Unfortunately, as a rule, the results of activities from these councils are not presented.

There are also many courses with all sorts of penalty "scarecrows". The authors of these courses advertise them by including in the program all sorts of horrors from the series “how not to fall for fines”, “avoid liability”, and so on. It is important to understand that tender courses are of two types - for those who "sell" (through tenders) and for those who "buy" (through tenders). Those who buy are customers, mostly government customers. For them, there are just huge fines, all kinds of laws that are important to comply with so as not to fall for fines. And those who sell are suppliers and contractors. There are no penalties for them. The maximum trouble that can happen to them is that they will simply be removed from the tender and they will not even lose money. The most you can lose is time.

All of the above sources (media, garbage from the Internet, cinema, etc.) are, to put it mildly, untruthful. 99% of the information offered is a close interpretation of non-professionals.

If you read the stories of "experienced" who did not succeed, keep in mind that there are always more losers than those who succeed (it would be strange if everything was the other way around). There are a lot of such people around and they have two main troubles - the lack of necessary information about how to do something in your life so that it becomes good, and the second is just laziness, banal laziness to change something in your life, in business, at work.

Unfortunately, this is the main inhibitory factor for the majority.

The conclusion is not to listen to those who failed. Study those who have succeeded.

That is why my team and I created a community of tender winners several years ago. This community is active, we meet every month and share our experience. Better to learn from them. And at me including.

Tender sales are sales like any other. There are many advantages of tender selling over all other types of selling. And there are especially many advantages, you won't believe, from government tenders! In this book, we will analyze all these advantages, and you can try them on for your business.

For clarity, I will give my definition for beginners in this topic:

A tender is a competitive procedure for selecting one supplier (contractor) among several for a specific order according to the parameters specified in the terms of reference for the tender (TOR) and tender documentation.

It sounds a bit abstruse, but it's actually quite simple.

A tender differs from a regular sale in the following ways:

This is a formal selection, i.e. it has clear rules and everything is documented.

If in “ordinary life” you can choose any supplier, say, a supplier of water to your office, then if you organize a tender, you will have to record everything in protocols, documents, etc. And, as you understand, no one will not "steam" with formalities for 100 rubles. Therefore, tenders are mainly organized to buy something in bulk or for large amounts, for example, from 100,000 rubles and more.

This is a competition between several sellers of the same product/work/service.

The one who organizes the tender is called the “customer”, and the one who participates in the tender is called the “participant”. Very often, specialists who are illiterate in this matter call everyone “participants” in the tender process, but in fact there are only one “participants” there - suppliers or contractors who apply for a tender in order to win it and get an order. "Customer" not is a "participant" in the tender, he "organizes" it.

The order goes to the winner of the tender. The winner is determined based on the minimum price and / or other parameters.

In later chapters, I will explain how to determine which rules are used to conduct different kinds tenders. But I’ll say right away that absolutely all tenders are organized in order to save money when buying.

Each bidder knows the price of the order in advance and may not submit an application for a tender if it is unprofitable for him.

At the same time, he understands that, perhaps, he will have to decrease at the tender, and therefore he calculates the “fork” in advance - to what price he can fall at the tender, so as not to go into the red and make a profit. At the same time, it is interesting that some tenders are won even at a loss. Later I will tell you why.

I will talk about other features of tenders in the following chapters, and now the most important thing for you is to understand who exactly can take part in tenders, and especially in government tenders, and whether you can do it.

Who can legally bid

Should it be OJSC, IP, LLC? What system of taxation? With what OKVEDs? And if we are talking about government tenders, how many years does a company have to exist to be “allowed” to tender?

The answer is this: absolutely any person can participate in the tender, to the extent that, according to the law, even an individual (!) Can participate in the tender.

From the point of view of current legislation, it does not matter what your taxation system is, and what you are: individual entrepreneur, LLC, OJSC, etc. - anyone can participate!

But the biggest (!) taxes in Russia are individuals and it's easier to become Individual entrepreneur. As an individual entrepreneur, you will be able to participate in the auction with a lower tax burden.

It is also absolutely unimportant which OKVEDs are recorded in your constituent documents. I will cover this in more detail in the following chapters.

Another point that scares many people away from participating in tenders is whether it is necessary to have experience in performing similar work or similar deliveries? Not necessary!

Moreover, in 90% of government tenders, experience does not affect the determination of the winner. The main thing is the minimum price and compliance with the TOR. When it comes to taxation, the less taxes included in your price, the better.

This is especially true for VAT. For participation in the tender it does not matter whether your goods are subject to it or not. But for victories in the tender, it matters. If you won a state tender for a million and pay VAT, it will be a million “including VAT”. If you are a VAT non-payer, it will be a million without VAT. And since the main thing in most state tenders is the minimum price, then consider for yourself what is more profitable.

I talked about this in more detail in my video “The Sixth Benefit of Tender Selling”. You can watch it here

Thus, according to the law, any organization can participate in tenders, incl. with no experience, with a minimum tax burden, with a minimum number of people in the state, and maybe without them at all!

The absence of everything that I have listed above does not affect the choice of the winner in any way. state tender In most cases!

It is for this reason that in this book I will focus on government tenders. And almost everything that I will write about further, except for special reservations and comparative data, will refer specifically to them.

And now I will tell you which organizations can generally sell their goods at tenders.

(audio call)

The first such global mistake concerns more established companies. And the owners of these organizations think

that someone will build their tender sales for them. And they themselves do not want to come to this at all, somehow study the topic and implement it themselves.

How to sell in public procurement is a question that more and more entrepreneurs are asking. How to master new sphere and not make mistakes? The tender expert, head of the First Tender Center Alexander Guskov tells about the most frequent of them.

There is an opinion in the market that let's find some tender brokers who will sell everything for us or give it to them, we will hire a smart specialist who will sell for us. Practice shows that if

this is being done, then either there are no sales at all, or they are extremely low, even there not by a deuce, but by a count with a minus. And good, namely statistics, I observe when either the owner of the business himself starts doing this, or some

some employee, proactive, well, for example, it can be a general director, or the head of some

The existing regular sales department comes to the director and says, “I'm ready to launch tender sales. I don't want for it

nothing, no extra pay. I just want a certain percentage of sales - that is, this work is clearly for the result.

The second such typical error also important in my opinion. This is what works according to the principle: first we get involved, then we figure it out. That is, he does not dig deep into the topic and does not look at all what kind of tenders there are and what their principle of victory is. It turns out that in most cases in the auction in the 44th federal law , at least for sure, the lowest price wins. Accordingly, in a good way, all these sales can be called pure mathematics. The one who reduced the cost, he won the contract. That is, if, other things being equal, I was able to reduce the cost, but, for example, my competitor could not, then, of course, I can decrease lower, without losing net profit, and my competitor will naturally lose such contracts. And one of these universal ways to reduce costs are taxes. That is, by participating in the auction by companies that, for example, are legal entities and that pay VAT. We have a huge practice when companies were opened especially for tenders, not even companies, but individual entrepreneurs and opened them on a simplified taxation system. Accordingly, this is an absolutely legal thing - to participate in the auction from the IP. It is absolutely legal and correct to participate in a reduced tax, in a simplified taxation system. Accordingly, we do not pay VAT, we do not pay money for withdrawing funds to the business owner in his pocket. Accordingly, we do not engage in any cashing, which is also illegal and which many market participants are forced to deal with, who are just a legal entity and withdraw money into their pockets, this also costs money. Accordingly, we do everything as legally as possible and at the same time reduce the cost. This is the second mistake, which, in general, I also see quite often, it’s just that they are fooling around as it is on the general taxation system, although it is absolutely legal to open an individual entrepreneur, to participate from it on a simplified system. A very superficial approach, that is, people who start doing this think that this is the same as selling on Yandex.Direct or selling on the market there. Well, that is, it does not require any great preparation. And they act on the principle - let's climb now, and then we'll figure it out. And they completely do not take into account the factors that, even those that I have already cited, lead to victory if they are all applied. And most importantly, there is also a stop factor, the same register of unscrupulous suppliers. And practice shows that when everything is done wrong, companies very quickly fly into the register and then, in fact, give up the whole thing, hack their own sales in the bud, although you just had to understand, start to understand this topic before you actually submit your first application. Because, well, not everything is so unambiguously simple, although, again, with every change, including those since July 1, the life of contractors who participate under this law is simplified.

Tender sales

The first book on tenders in human language

Alexander Guskov

© Alexander Guskov, 2016

ISBN 978-5-4474-8208-4

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

– Learn how to sell absolutely any product at tenders wholesale and retail.

– Understand how to build a really big business in Russia, forgetting about cold calls and building a standard sales department.

- Avoid critical mistakes when opening a tender direction in your company - do everything right from the very beginning!

This book will become your main reference point in the implementation of the tender direction of sales.

It will lead you to the first victory in a few weeks after the implementation of the techniques that are described in it.

The book answers the main questions:

- How to win a tender

How to make it happen over and over again

– How to make tenders a profitable sales channel in the shortest possible time

– How to “fire” the owner so that he can control tender sales remotely


This book was written thanks to many people - my friends, teachers, clients and partners.

Most of all, I appreciate in people sobriety in decision-making, logic and consistency in actions. My clients are the most logical and purposeful people in our country. They look at things soberly, do not look back at someone else's negative experience and do their job, openly and boldly. While earning excellent money where many are afraid to even meddle.

I am very glad that in many respects thanks to my activities and the information my students bring to the world, our country is getting better, and it is becoming more comfortable to live in it every day.

I am grateful to each partner for the patience and dedication that we have invested together in a common cause - the development of a culture of tendering in Russia.

Looking at the results of many years of work that has been invested in this book, I can say with confidence that each of its chapters was not written in vain.

Each chapter has been created to describe the individual principles and techniques of our favorite work.

But I would like to express my special gratitude to my parents - Olga and Gennady Guskov, who patiently support all my undertakings and believe in me, no matter what. And also to my beloved wife, who is my main support both in life and in business. Like the best friend.

I dedicate my first book to our daughter Alice, who was born at the time of its writing.

Why I decided to write this book

In our country, initially there was no attitude to tenders as a type of sales. It was something about… “concluding contracts”, “getting government orders”, “agreements”, “formalities”. The understanding that any company can earn a good living in this way has appeared only recently.

I first used the term "tender selling" during the preparation of my training program - Intensive Tendering - just a few years ago.

Probably, precisely because of the complete lack of understanding of the essence of the issue, there are still no books on tender sales in our country. There are books on "tender purchases", "state purchases" and so on. But, unfortunately, they are not written by business owners and not by business leaders who are responsible for sales with their head, profits and salaries.

At best, I see books that approach the issue from a legal point of view. They have a lot of links to articles, a lot of terms and all sorts of legal intricacies that are incomprehensible to ordinary people. How everything goes in practice, the authors of these books do not know, and how to implement tender sales in real life, they also have little idea. This is evidenced even by the fact that they address the same book to both customers and suppliers. And they have fundamentally divergent interests!

And this is a big problem. After all, it is usually important for the reader to understand how tender sales are implemented from a business point of view: what profit to expect, how tenders actually go, what risks, costs, pitfalls, how many employees are needed for all this ....

In the book that you are now holding in your hands, I want to talk about tenders, specifically as a form of sales. A normal, customizable form of sales, using the advantages of which you can take any company to a new level.

I want to talk about the implementation of this sales channel in a real business and talk about tenders from my practical experience as a person who personally participated in more than 800 tenders and oversaw more than 1000 tenders of my clients. And I will reveal to you the meanings and techniques of this type of sales without embellishment and absurdity.

I am sure that this is how a book about tenders for an executive should be - frank, honest, written in simple human language.


- General Director of the First Tender Center "Partner", creator and manager of the project.

– Has extensive personal experience in preparing and organizing competitive bidding and other tender procedures (more than 800), including international ones, since 2003.

– Experienced user of electronic trading platforms (B2BEnergo, Fabrikant, Sberbank-AST, EETP, ZakazRF, MICEX, RTS-TENDER, etc.), auction instructor.

– During 2007-2011. Headed the Department of Competitive Bidding of a large contracting organization, with a staff of more than 700 people.

– Organized participation and won tenders from major customers: JSC Concern Energoatom, State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Metro, JSC Mosenergo, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Canal, Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal, JSC RAO UES of Russia, JSC FGC UES ”, OJSC “Moscow Heat Grid Company”, OJSC “TGC-1”, OJSC “TGC-2”, OJSC “HydroOGK” and many others.

– The cost of signed contracts based on the results of victories in tenders: from 100,000 rubles. up to 250 000 000 rub.

– Certified lawyer (second higher education – legal, first – technical).

- Experienced business coach. Since 2007, he has already conducted more than 700 training programs on public procurement, commercial bidding, and tenders.

– He is a leading practicing speaker at the largest forums for entrepreneurs - DNBD in Skolkovo, PTF, SalesUp, ICDF, B2B Basis, etc. on the topic of tender sales.

– Created and maintains the only in Russia community of tender winners in the amount of more than 4,000 people.

– Conducts personal mentoring for several tendering companies at the same time.

– The result of the students: concluded contracts (tenders won) – for more than 23.5 billion rubles. (!)

What is a tender in modern Russia

In our country, at the legislative level, there is still no concept of "tender". There is a generally accepted opinion about what a tender is, how and who organizes it, and how everything goes.

But, unfortunately, this opinion is based on unreliable information, which is exaggerated by the media in large quantities. The main problem of people who decide to implement tender sales is the abundance of informational garbage, which prevents them from starting the implementation of this type of sales in their organization in the right way.

If you think about where you used to get information from, you will understand that the main source for you was and remains the mass media. These are lovers of everything to represent in black. And this applies to absolutely any issue. For example, doing business in Russia is a horror, health in Russia is a horror. Any topic is distorted by the media to a terrible state. The reason for this is a very interesting feature of most people: the worse the information, the more people it attracts, and the more expensive advertising space on television.

There is a wonderful humorous book on this subject, it is called "The Adventures of a Poop." If you haven't read it, I recommend reading it. The essence of the book is that the turd is looking for its home and, in the end, finds it ... on TV. Therefore, if you have heard about tenders from the media, you can put this information out of your head, it is 100% untrue.

The next source is all kinds of films about business, including films about how state projects are organized, budget money is spent, i.e. about how tenders are held in Russia.

To my deep regret, in such films everything is very beautifully filmed, but also very divorced from reality. I worked both in a large company (with a staff of more than 700 people) and in a small one, I built my business from scratch, and now I know for sure that the image of Russian business from cinema does not correspond to the real one - these are more feature films. The bottom line is that the worse and worse the script, the more fees it will bring. Accordingly, this source, too, unfortunately, cannot be guided.

If your dream is to finally grow your business from a small or micro business to a big and strong business, start your study of tender selling with this book. It reveals the secrets of successful tender winners - representatives of family, small and medium-sized businesses, as well as individual entrepreneurs. The book is a full-fledged author's training on the introduction of tenders as a new method of sales in any company. Recommended reading for all managers seeking to maximize profits.

Where to look for tenders

So, where to look for tenders?

In our country, this is the portal Previously, it was called OOS (main official website), but now it is the official website of the United Information System(EIS) in the field of procurement.

This portal hosts absolutely all tenders of state and municipal customers, as well as all tenders of commercial structures with state participation, incl. unitary enterprises(PJSC Sberbank, PJSC Aeroflot, JSC AK Transneft, State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Metro, etc.).

This is a single database of all Russian tenders, and this database is absolutely free!

You can find tenders for free, watch for free technical task for any tender, analyze it, participate for free. And since it's all free, in case we make some mistake, we won't lose any money. Let's just draw the appropriate conclusions, and next time we will not make the same mistakes that we made.

This is the leitmotif of tender sales - the cost of a mistake is zero. Of course, this is not in 100% of cases, but in the vast majority of tenders, any of our mistakes do not lead to a loss of funds.

As for the cost of entering the tender sales channel, there are no advertising budgets in tender sales, although the advertising goals that are set before tender sales are 100% fulfilled.

Let's take YandexDirect again as an example. Why do we pay money to YandexDirect?

For clicks of unknown people. Those. just to be seen.

At the first analysis, you will understand that most of the money was wasted, and when compared with tender sales, you will see that tenders perform the same tasks for free. I do not urge anyone to abandon Yandex, especially if it works for you. I want to show the advantages of tender sales compared to any other.

For example, suppose that we spend 100 thousand rubles on YandexDirect. per month. Accordingly, this amount will amount to 1.2 million rubles per year. Why are we paying so much money? We spend them to get a list of potential customers with up-to-date contact details who are ready to buy what we sell at our prices. And not "sometime later", but right now. And what is happening in this regard in tenders?

On the portal we drive in search engine what we sell, and we get exactly the same list of customers with the exact TOR, with the exact coordinates, the exact amount of the order absolutely free. Those. we get the same thing that YandexDirect gives us for 1.2 million absolutely free! The same list of organizations ready to buy from you at the price you want right now! In the first case, we pay for this list, in the second, we pay nothing.

If you dig deeper and analyze the costs of YandexDirect, you will be shocked. It turns out that half of the budget was simply thrown away, because half of the people who visit your site leave it after 3-7 seconds. This is explained by the fact that when a person is looking for something, he immediately opens all the links that were shown to him on the first page of the search, and then begins to dig into them and understand what he has opened. He doesn't care if paid links or not. Most people don't even know they are paid. If the “wrong” site opens, the person immediately closes it. However, your money has already been spent and flew away "to nowhere."

And now we have lost 75% of the people who were on our site and had no way to stop them.

Suppose the remaining 25% still make an order. Unfortunately, placing an order and paying for an order are not the same thing. Half the people who place an order... don't pay for it. As a result, we get that of the funds spent on YandexDirect, only 12% were effective investments!

In tenders in this regard, there are no investments at all - we receive absolutely free of charge a list of customers who want to buy your products right now. Moreover, as you understand, since the tender has been announced and opened, it means that the money has already been allocated for it.

And when ordinary customers contact you, it’s not even a fact that they have the money to buy what they want. Maybe they are just eyeing, or eyeing the future!

Another advantage of tenders is that no front office is needed, and sometimes no office at all.

Those who sold offline know how expensive it all is.

In order for a person to just come to you, not to mention a purchase, your front office should look presentable. A client will never buy something from you if your front office is not located in a passable place or it is somehow ugly, cheap, stuffy, etc.

The front office is an office for clients. There is also a back office - this is an office for employees who are not directly involved in sales. For example, in the back office there is an accounting department, and in the front office there are sales specialists. So, in the front office everything should be perfect. If everything is not perfect there, the person simply will not come to you or will come once and never return.

It turns out a very unfair thing - we have not sold anything yet, but we already have to spend the money. There should be salespeople in the front office who should be professionals, they should be trained, they should be neatly dressed, maybe even uniforms will need to be introduced. These salesmen must be able to sell, and the uniform will need to be washed periodically! In short, the costs are the sea, and whether they will pay off or not is a big question.

In tender sales, we do not need all this. A huge burden falls off the shoulders of the business owner, because all these costs are basically absent.
