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Fortune telling without cards. The interweaving of various energies with numerous signs is manifested in small things. So much can be recognized by the pattern of dust on a shoe or the shape of a cloud in the sky…. Here and now

The life situation reflected in the text of the sixty-second hexagram of the Chinese classical “Book of Changes” brings both new opportunities and unexpected obstacles. If you want to know how best to avoid troubles encountered along the way and correctly use the opportunities that arise, read the description carefully

symbol "Xiao-guo - Overdevelopment of the small".
To interpret the meaning of the words “overdevelopment of the small,” we need to turn to the situation that preceded the current one. If you remember, it was about the fact that for successful activity it is necessary to realize the goal, which will serve as a guide when moving forward, towards self-improvement and self-manifestation.
But since both the goal and the path were something new, previously unknown to you, when trying to take the first steps in the chosen direction, difficulties and traps also awaited you. It is about these obstacles and their possible elimination that the text tells
hexagrams "Xiao-guo".
So, in your previous activities, you inevitably made a number of mistakes, because you did not have enough experience to avoid the obstacles you encountered along the way. But nevertheless, this activity could not be erroneous in principle: after all, you were moving forward, focusing on the correctly chosen goal.
This goal was not something far-fetched, on the contrary, it was a synthesis of your previous thoughts and all previous experience. Therefore, the first steps were, although uncertain (which made you often stumble), but firm enough not to go astray.
But until you correct the mistakes made earlier, it is dangerous to move on. As the creators of the text of the Book of Changes emphasize, trying to achieve more and more new results would do you more harm than good. Do not strive now to "climb to the heights" - the place of your activity so far is at the "foot of the mountain".

Start "correcting" your actions with

relationships with others. As a rule, it is in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife that we make the most mistakes. No need to be scared: no matter what mistakes you make, they will not lead to catastrophic consequences. But in any case, it is necessary to fix the spoiled one.
Also, do not strive to immediately establish warm friendly relations with people you are interested in. This is exactly the case when it is worth remembering the saying “The slower you go, the further you go.” Take your time - and you will achieve much more than by trying to immediately get on a first-name basis with people you know only superficially.

The same can be said

O work : do not rush to take on those things that will require a huge expenditure of effort and energy. You are not yet ready for such serious activity. Try to put in order what was spoiled or unfinished at the previous stages - this will bring you considerable benefit and teach you self-discipline.
Think in advance about how you will spend your vacation. Don’t let everything take its course - it’s better to postpone impromptu until future times. Slowly plan for the future; You'll thank yourself for such foresight later!

Your wish will come true, if you ask fate for not very “major” gifts. It is unlikely that you will be able to find an ancient treasure in the near future, but you are quite capable of fulfilling some modest desire. However, do not rely only on fate: the more effort you make yourself, the faster you will receive what you wished for!

Further progress will be possible after you correct the mistakes you made earlier. At this period of life, disappointment in a loved one is possible, but this should not be perceived as a tragedy. Now is a very good time for good earnings, but extremely unsuitable for long trips. There is no need to attach so much importance to little things - they are not worth your attention.

your wish

Although you have already missed your best chances, if you are moderate in your desires, they will come true.

Explanation of the hexagram

full explanation of the 62nd hexagram → Xiao Guo: Superiority (overdevelopment) of the small

Explanation of each trait

explanation of the hexagram features from bottom to top

At the previous stage, the inner truth was worked out, so the mistakes that can still occur cannot be big and serious mistakes. One must have confidence in the truth itself, for it will guide the activity of man. Therefore, if any re-development is possible, i.e. violation of harmony, then only the re-development of the small. In order to achieve the correct development that corrects the error of actions, the steadfast adherence to an honest course of action as the results of truth is necessary. A person can act here in small things, but not in great things, because here the activity of an individual already created and saturated with inner truthfulness is just beginning. Any desire to rise above one's capabilities leads to the loss of what can be achieved. Like a bird, this opportunity flies away from a person, and only its voice reaches the person. This voice moves from above downwards, and pursuing it would only lead to the loss of it. On the contrary, being downstairs can lead to him being heard. The image of a bird, which is given here, is seen by some commentators in the very image of the hexagram. It has two strong features in the middle. They depict the body of a bird. Below and above them we see a pair of weak features, and these weak features, sometimes understood as soft, depict the soft wings of a bird. Therefore, to express something emanating from a person, the image of a flying bird is used here. The harmony of the hexagram image itself, its symmetry, according to Wang Yi, should indicate the harmony of a person’s actions, his distance from both extremes. And this is necessary in order to find the right way out of those small mistakes that may occur when individual activities an individual person. This idea is expressed in the text as follows: Overdevelopment of the small. Accomplishment. Favorable fortitude. You can act in small ways. You cannot act in greatness. All that remains of a flying bird is its voice. You shouldn't get up. You should get up. You should go down. Then there will be great happiness.

The first moment an error occurs is not the time when it can be corrected. Therefore, here, at the first stage, only the departure of truthfulness is characterized, its disappearance at the moment of committing a wrong act. In the text we read: At the beginning there is a weak line. Flying bird. And maybe - misfortune.

The insignificance of the error that may arise here and from which the text of the Book of Changes warns may consist, first of all, in the fact that the previous step - the threshold of the goal - can be mistaken for the last step, for the goal itself. In the quest for an ancestor, a person may first meet his foremother and stop there. The mistake will be that he may pass by his ancestor, he may pass by his goal and be satisfied with something that almost replaces the object of his aspirations. But since he achieves something, the Book of Changes speaks of a result that is generally favorable. So, in the text here we read: The weak point is in second place. You will pass by your forefather and meet your foremother. Before you reach your sovereign, you will meet his servant. There will be no blasphemy.

Overdevelopment is, in a sense, a movement that misses the goal. If a person passes by a goal without noticing it, then in a certain sense he does not achieve it, even if he did more than was required of him by his very position in life. Thus, an unattained (i.e., unconscious and unnoticed) goal standing behind a person as if presents him with a certain score, attacks him from behind. Here, in the third position, this is exactly what is meant. If a person acts outwardly without realizing and thus without achieving those internal goals that should have been achieved in the previous one, if a person does not protect himself from a possible attack from his own conscience, then misfortune awaits him. That's why the text here says: Strong trait in third place. If you don’t defend yourself while passing by, someone will attack you from behind. Misfortune.

The dynamics of the fourth position in its pursuit of the fifth position can only strengthen such a movement that is passing by its own goal. The non-stop nature of this movement can be experienced as something terrible. In order to avoid it, you need to set certain prohibitions for yourself and not devote yourself too intensely to activities. That is why in the text here we read: The strong trait is in fourth place. If you don't see him while passing by, the performance will be terrible. Bans are necessary. Don't act. Eternal endurance.

By its nature, the fifth position should depict an activity that is aimed at benefiting the people around us. But there are errors, albeit small ones. And this activity, giving to others, is impossible under these conditions. All the forces to help others are present here, and yet this help does not come here. Like dense clouds that come from the western outskirts, perceived by the authors of the “Book of Changes” as land that belongs to them, do not give rain. However, this position itself can be helped by the forces of the previous one. If the fifth position in social symbolism depicts the king, then the fourth depicts the prince; the person occupying the fifth position in this situation (since he does not go beyond himself) is exactly sitting in a cave. The influence of the previous position on this one is expressed in the image of a shot that hits someone sitting in a cave, i.e. in personal isolation, a person. Therefore, in the text we see the following images here: Weak trait in fifth place. Dense clouds and no rain. They are from our western outskirts. The prince will shoot and hit the one in the cave.

A small mistake in the case of its overdevelopment becomes a major mistake. Overdevelopment is characteristic of the top position. Therefore, nothing favorable can be on it. This unfortunate situation is expressed in images that are already familiar to us and do not require special decoding. So, in the text we read: Above is a weak feature. You will not meet, but you will pass by. The flying bird will move away. Misfortune. This is called calamity and trouble.

The Book of Changes or I Ching has been one of the most advanced divination systems for about 3 millennia. Throughout her existence, she has helped millions of people who were caught in the web of darkness and needed help to regain happiness and light in their souls.

This is a powerful magical tool that, through the use of cosmic and spiritual forces, can determine the connection between the questioner and his activities. This book uses the mystical knowledge and subconscious of a person, his inner voice, and on these grounds is able to suggest the right decision and possible future.

In order to correctly interpret all the predictions and advice that the book gives, you need to carefully master its technique and practice a little. After this, you can discover the huge world of the oracle, which will tell you the deepest secrets and reveal accurate predictions for the future.

To start guessing with this book, you need to immediately relax and focus on the question. You should ask only precise and simple questions, before thinking several times about its meaning and wording. Also, you can not only ask direct questions, but also ask for advice from the I Ching.

The book itself contains 64 characters that have different meanings. One of the most controversial and mysterious is hexagram 62. In Chinese, this symbol is designated as 小過 and is called Xiao-guo, which translated into Russian means “overdevelopment of the small.”

If this symbol appears, then in the future the questioner may be disappointed in a person close to him, but Chinese wisdom says that there is no need to despair too much, much less make a tragedy out of it. The best chance that was given to fulfill your desires and goals has already been missed, but a new chance is just around the corner.

This is the time when you can improve your financial situation well, but not career. At such a moment, it is also worth abandoning large-scale trips and recreation. This hexagram says that the time has come for small things, and not for great and large-scale ones. At present, a certain situation has already developed, and if mistakes are made in the future, then, like everything else in this period of life, they will not be too global, much less not correctable.

You need to believe in the truth, which will be the active force of subsequent actions and situations. This is quite controversial, at one time positive and at other times negative hexagram. The Book of Changes says that if this symbol appears, then harmony in a person’s life is disturbed, but not in large, but in small matters and situations. To balance the situation, you need to clearly, correctly and honestly follow each stage in life.

Also, Chinese masters argue that at this moment you need to be content with what you already have, because if you try to improve and raise your position, then there is a huge chance of losing what a person already has. On the contrary, if you stay down and in the shadows, there will be a chance that someone will come to your aid, which will influence the development of something bigger and better. The hexagram itself is symmetrical and harmonious, it consists of six lines: the lower two and upper two are broken lines, and the middle two are solid. Even the symbol indicates that there should be harmony in all human actions, that extremes should be avoided.

Each line of the hexagram has its own interpretation. The first means that a mistake that has already been made cannot be corrected, as a result of which a discord in harmony arises.

The second shows that a person’s mistake is that without achieving the goal to the end, but only some part of it, he stops, which becomes the reason for the overdevelopment of the small.

The third trait shows that an unachieved goal will always haunt a person, and if he does not correct this situation, then in the future this will lead to negative consequences and failures. The fourth line indicates that certain actions need to be prohibited. The fifth component of the hexagram, a trait, should indicate an activity that influences others. But due to the slightest mistakes, this is impossible. And the sixth line says that if a small mistake is made and is not corrected through rethinking, then it can develop into a larger and more global one, which can subsequently bring failure.

The book of changes carries such an ambiguous and mysterious interpretation, in the case of the 62nd hexagram, and only specialists can interpret it correctly. But if it falls to the questioner, then there is still a chance to change everything and turn fortune around.

Fortune telling for the betrothed "My beloved"

They guess the name quite often. Any girl wants to know what her future husband’s name will be, and whether there are any people she knows with that name. There are a great many ways here. For example, everything...

The symbol indicates the time of transition from small to large, it symbolizes the need to painstakingly attend to details in order to achieve success in the great plan.

You will be deeply disappointed in your loved one, but you don’t need to take everything too tragically. Take what is happening with optimism, as an unexpected chance to meet a new great love.

The period is marked by emerging opportunities for good earnings. You will have the opportunity to receive good money. Your main efforts are aimed at various little things, you are wasting your energy and time. You attach too much importance to details, and thereby humiliate and waste yourself.

Now is not the right time for long trips and travel.

The best chance, which contributed better than others to the fulfillment of your desire, has already been lost for you. But don't despair. New opportunities and chances will soon open up.

To interpret the next hexagram, go to page.

Explanation for the interpretation of hexagram 62. The superiority of the small

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not completely clear and seems vague to you, read the explanation of the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you more correctly understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Xiao-go - The superiority of the small.

Xiao - small, insignificant, light, ordinary, insignificant. Decrease, become invisible, fade; yin energy; adaptation to all things;

go - exceed, transcend, go beyond, spread beyond; overfill, overflow. Get rid of, overcome; to exceed the norm, to suppress vice; too much, out of bounds.

Semantic connections of hexagram 62. Xiao-guo

Read associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing a time of transition. Act discreetly, be very careful. Adapt to everything, hide your power. Do not impose your will on your path, under any circumstances. Whatever happens, stay downstairs and do the little things. Then there will be enlightenment and success.

Now is not the time to lead others or start anything significant. Prudence and diligence will open the way to your true greatness. For now, it's wise to focus on the details.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the sixty-second hexagram.

[Accomplishment; durability is favorable. Small things are possible; Great deeds are impossible.

You should not climb; should go down. Then there will be great happiness]

I. At the beginning there is six.

A flying bird, and therefore - misfortune!

II. Six second.

You will pass by your forefather and meet your foremother,

you will not reach your sovereign and meet his servant.

- There will be no blasphemy.

III. Nine three.

If you don’t defend yourself while passing by, someone will attack you from behind.

- Misfortune!

IV. Nine fourth.

If you don't pass by, you'll meet. Departure is terrible.

Bans are necessary. Don't act with eternal fortitude.

- There will be no blasphemy!

V. Six fifth.

Dense clouds - and no rain; they are from our western outskirts.

The prince will shoot and hit the one in the cave.

VI. Six at the top.

If you don't meet, you'll pass by.

The flying bird will move away. - Misfortune!

This is called disaster and trouble!

Canonical text

Accomplishment; durability is favorable. Small things are possible; Great deeds are impossible. All that remains from a flying bird is (its) voice. You shouldn't go up, you should go down. (Then there will be) great happiness.

  1. A flying bird, and therefore a misfortune.
  2. You will pass by your forefather and meet your foremother, you will not reach your sovereign and you will meet his servant. - There will be no blasphemy.
  3. (If) while passing by you do not defend yourself, (then) someone from behind will attack you. - Misfortune.
  4. There will be no blasphemy. (If) you don’t pass by, (then) you will meet. Departure is dangerous. Bans are necessary. Do not act (with) eternal fortitude.
  5. Dense clouds - and no rain; (they) are from our western outskirts. The prince will shoot and hit the one in the cave.
  6. If you don't meet, you'll pass by. The flying bird will move away. - Misfortune. This is called natural disaster and calamity.

At the previous stage, the inner truth was developed, so the mistakes that may still occur cannot be large and serious mistakes. One must have trust in the truth itself, for it will guide human activity. Therefore, if any redevelopment is possible, i.e. a violation of harmony is only an overdevelopment of the small. In order to achieve the correct development that corrects erroneous actions, it is necessary to persistently adhere to an honest course of action as the result of truth. A person here can act in the small, but not in the great, because here the activity of an individual already created and saturated with inner truthfulness is just beginning. Any desire to rise above one's capabilities leads to the loss of what can be achieved. Like a bird, this opportunity flies away from a person, and only its voice reaches the person. This voice moves from top to bottom, and chasing it would only lead to its loss. On the contrary, being below can lead to him being heard. The image of a bird, which is given here, is seen by some commentators in the very image of the hexagram. She has two strong features in the middle. They depict the body of a bird. Below and above them we see a pair of weak features, and these weak features, sometimes understood as soft, depict the soft wings of a bird. Therefore, to express something emanating from a person, the image of a flying bird is used here. The harmony of the hexagram image itself, its symmetry, according to Wang Yi, should indicate the harmony of a person’s actions, his distance from both extremes. And this is necessary in order to find the right way out of those small mistakes that may occur during the individual activity of an individual. This idea is expressed in the text as follows: Overdevelopment of the small. Accomplishment. Favorable fortitude. You can act in small ways. You cannot act in greatness. All that remains of a flying bird is its voice. You shouldn't get up. You should go down. Then there will be great happiness.


The first moment an error occurs is not the time when it can be corrected. Therefore, here, at the first stage, only the departure of truthfulness is characterized, its disappearance at the moment of committing a wrong act. In the text we read: At the beginning there is a weak line. Flying bird. And maybe - misfortune.


The insignificance of the error that may arise here and from which the text of the Book of Changes warns may consist, first of all, in the fact that the previous step - the threshold of the goal - can be mistaken for the last step, for the goal itself. In the quest for an ancestor, a person may first meet his foremother and stop there. The mistake will be that he may pass by his ancestor, he may pass by his goal and be satisfied with something that almost replaces the object of his aspirations. But since he achieves something, the Book of Changes speaks of a result that is generally favorable. So, in the text here we read: The weak point is in second place. You will pass by your forefather and meet your foremother. Before you reach your sovereign, you will meet his servant. There will be no blasphemy.


Overdevelopment is, in a sense, a movement that misses the goal. If a person passes by a goal without noticing it, then in a certain sense he does not achieve it, even if he did more than was required of him by his very position in life. Thus, an unattained (i.e., unconscious and unnoticed) goal standing behind a person as if presents him with a certain score, attacks him from behind. Here, in the third position, this is exactly what is meant. If a person acts outwardly without realizing and thus without achieving those internal goals that should have been achieved in the previous one, if a person does not protect himself from a possible attack from his own conscience, then misfortune awaits him. That's why the text here says: Strong trait in third place. If you don’t defend yourself while passing by, someone will attack you from behind. Misfortune.


The dynamics of the fourth position in its pursuit of the fifth position can only strengthen such a movement that misses its own goal. The non-stop nature of this movement can be experienced as something terrible. In order to avoid it, you need to set certain prohibitions for yourself and not devote yourself too intensely to activities. That is why in the text here we read: The strong trait is in fourth place. If you don't see him while passing by, the performance will be terrible. Bans are necessary. Don't act. Eternal endurance.


By its nature, the fifth position should depict an activity that is aimed at benefiting the people around us. But there are errors, albeit small ones. And this activity, giving to others, is impossible under these conditions. All the forces to help others are present here, and yet this help does not come here. Like dense clouds that come from the western outskirts, perceived by the authors of the “Book of Changes” as land that belongs to them, do not give rain. However, this position itself can be helped by the forces of the previous one. If the fifth position in social symbolism depicts the king, then the fourth depicts the prince; the person occupying the fifth position in this situation (since he does not go beyond himself) is exactly sitting in a cave. The influence of the previous position on this one is expressed in the image of a shot that hits someone sitting in a cave, i.e. in personal isolation, a person. Therefore, in the text we see the following images here: The weak point is in fifth place. Dense clouds and no rain. They are from our western outskirts. The prince will shoot and hit the one in the cave.


A small mistake in the case of its overdevelopment becomes a major mistake. Overdevelopment is characteristic of the top position. Therefore, nothing favorable can be on it. This unfortunate situation is expressed in images that are already familiar to us and do not require special decoding. So, in the text we read: There is a weak line at the top. You will not meet, but you will pass by. The flying bird will move away. Misfortune. This is called calamity and trouble.

In the external - Excitement and mobility, in the internal - Stay and steadfastness. If the internal is not ready to change when meeting with mobility and excitement in the external, then a person is inclined to consider these external changes as a natural disaster and misfortune. You still don’t notice that everything is changing: you go to the sovereign, and there is his servant; instead of the forefather you meet the foremother; you expect an attack from one side, but it happens from the other, etc. All actions are inappropriate, so it is better not to act at all and protect yourself with prohibitions than to make new mistakes.

Hayslip's interpretation

You may be disappointed in the person you love, but you don’t have to take everything too tragically. I must say that you missed that happy and best chance that would help fulfill your desire. But a new one will appear soon. This period is not suitable for long trips, but there is an opportunity to significantly improve your financial affairs. Don’t waste your time on trifles, don’t attach too much importance to them, it never benefits anyone.
