Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

How to solve cases during an interview. Training methods: Case method. Examples of ready-made cases for management training. How to create a case Business cases for students examples

Description: The group is given information in the form of facts based on the actual situation and is asked to discuss problems, analyze issues and make recommendations. The case teaches you to make decisions or practice a new skill based on the analysis of input information. The case is created by the trainer in advance based on information received during the preparation of the training. You can also use ready-made cases. Or adapt a ready-made case to the needs of the training.

Impact on group dynamics:

Increases: incomprehensible instructions, the presence of the correct answer and searching for it, “pushed” by time,” comparison with others, incorrectly chosen time for the case (when there is no leader), the topic is distant or not clear, a sensitive topic, little time, lack of information.

Reduces: familiar topic, hints, jokes, removing boundaries, multiple solutions.

Number of participants: group of no more than 10 people

How to create a case during a training with the help of participants?

The group is divided into subgroups of 5–10 people.

Step 1 -
The group is given a task

Assignment: Describe a case from your experience regarding this topic. ( For example: a month ago, in our department, such a situation happened...")

Case requirements:

  • must be based on a real situation
  • the task (problem) around which the analysis is built is clearly defined. For example, the topic: “Methods of non-material motivation of personnel

The case must contain the following items:

  • places, positions and roles of the main characters. For example: director, employee, etc.
  • a brief description - only facts - of the main stages in the development of events and the actions of the characters. For example: “You are the new development director at the company. The company is entering a new market, you have been given a task...The employees react like this”

Step 2 – Groups change descriptions of situations

Assignment: Think over a solution to this situation, write options for solving this situation and justify the chosen actions.

Step 3 - Presentation of solutions and evaluation of solutions by groups

So the group that created the case gives feedback on the proposed solution.

Once, I conducted a training “Creativity in Business” for the Ingosstrakh company. And there I used the case method. Try to solve it too, but without this “Google help”.

Can you solve the case in 1 minute?

So, the case is called “Gallery Lafayette”, and it is based on real events.
At the initial stage of the development of her business, the young entrepreneur did not have enough funds for traditional methods of promoting goods to the market; she took a creative approach to solving problems and achieved her goal in very cheap ways. One day she came to conquer Europe, and the manager of the Parisian Galeries Lafayette refused to buy her products - new perfumes. But she never gave up. When our heroine wanted something, she was very creative in trying to get her way. The woman still found a way to prove to the manager in 5 minutes that her perfume could take its rightful place in the prestigious Lafayette gallery.
What did the woman do? What are your options?

And this is what it did. The lady suddenly opened her purse, took out a large bottle with some yellowish liquid and slammed it onto the floor. After just a few minutes, she couldn’t fight off the questions: “Yes, this is my new perfume,” she repeated, beaming with a smile. “This is Youth Dew, and my name is Estee Lauder.” You've never heard my name"

Examples of cases for training inEmployee management (motivation, mentoring)

Example of a sales case “Customer Profile”

Case No. 1 “Developing ways to influence an employee”

Based on the analysis of the situation, analyze the reasons for the change in Yu. Malevin’s behavior. Develop ways to influence Malevin to change his behavior. Fill out the table “Assessing the causes of behavior”

Description of the situation:

Yu. Malevin has been working at Tri Kita LLC since 2009 as a refrigeration equipment technician. During his work, he was noted three times for the high quality of his work and was regularly paid bonuses at the end of the year. However, over the past year, Yuri Malevin’s relations with his colleagues have become strained. He had never been particularly talkative, but now he demanded that his colleagues stay away from his workplace. Yu. Malevin made it clear that his tools were disappearing and he wanted to protect his workplace. The quality of his work has also deteriorated. About a year ago, the devices he produced were assessed as completely defect-free products. Currently, during random inspection, it turned out that his products require rework in three cases out of a hundred. Thus, the defect rate in his work increased from zero to 3%. Among his colleagues, defects do not exceed 1.5%.

Yu. Malevin's behavior caused concern among the division's leaders. A good worker turned into an average one. What could have caused the change in Yu. Malevin’s behavior?

Using table 2. Select possible reasons for behavior change from the list, rate them on a 7-point scale and comment on your ratings.

Table 2. Assessment of reasons for behavior

Comment on each of your ratings.

What can a manager do? Fill out the table. 3

Table 3. Interventions for behavior change

Source: “Organizational Behavior” by G. R. Latifullin

Case No. 2 “Employee selection”

Description of the situation: You are the Manager of five gas stations of the Lesnoy Gorod company in the city of N. One of your gas stations is Green Cedar. It has the maximum cross-country ability among your other gas stations. In this regard, the workload on staff is quite large. If your gas station attendants are still retained because they receive good tips in total, then your cashier turnover is quite high. So you are faced with the task of searching and evaluating a candidate for the position of cashier, since you do not have enough of them. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the Green Cedar gas station has a mini-market with an open display, so the cashiers have a lot of tasks, and they do not receive tips. In addition, the functionality of cashiers is wider than in other fuel companies, so it can be difficult to find a good candidate.

The functional responsibilities of cashiers of the Lesnoy Gorod company include:

  • Customer service at the checkout;
  • Acceptance of goods;
  • Control of expiration dates of goods;
  • Participation in the inventory of goods;
  • Execution of sales plan for promotional products;
  • Cleaning the premises (floors, shelves, toilets, etc.)

Working conditions: schedule 2/2 month per day from 9 to 21, month per night from 21 to 9 (by
agreements with the gas station manager are possible only during the day or only at night). It is more convenient for you as a manager if the cashier can go out both during the day and at night.

Task: Please think and write a profile of a candidate for the vacancy of a cashier at the Green Cedar gas station in the Lesnoy Gorod company. What characteristics and competencies (knowledge, skills, personality traits) should he have to successfully work as a cashier at your gas station?

Case No. 3 “Retail store”

Description of the situation: Seller Petrova A.K. has been working in the department for one year. During her work, she managed to sufficiently master the department’s assortment and establish friendly relations with the team of employees. Calm and balanced in character. He takes his work responsibly and shows a desire to work in the store. However, he does not show initiative in communicating with customers. She responds to questions and requests for help in choosing a product, is friendly, but tries to reduce this communication to a minimum. He is more enthusiastic about arranging goods, maintaining cleanliness and order in the sales area, and therefore potential buyers are often ignored by the seller and leave.

Exercise: think over and compose a motivational conversation with employee Petrova A.K. to take initiative in communicating with customers.

Case No. 4 “Pharmacy”.

Description of the situation: Pharmacist Vasilyeva N.N. has been working in a pharmacy for a long time. She is well versed in the assortment and is active in communicating with customers. Most often he takes the position of “adviser”. He has his own idea about which drugs are preferable for children, insists on his opinion, and evaluates the buyer’s choice.

Exercise: think over and draw up a motivational conversation with employee N.N. Vasilyeva. to implement its main function - to sell goods based on customer requests.

Case No. 5 “New employee”

Seller Ilyina M.K., 19 years old. At the company on a probationary period. What I like about my job is the opportunity to communicate with people, I am interested in gaining experience as a salesperson, and I am proactive in working with customers.

Systematically violates the requirements for the seller's appearance (youth style, exposed parts of the body), citing the fact that he does not have the funds to update his wardrobe, citing a low salary.

Exercise: think over and compose a motivational conversation with employee Ilyina M.K. for compliance with appearance standards. Cases for sales training can be


Andrey Alyasov

founder of the National Case Study League Changellenge

If you want to work in a well-known company and in a good position (for example, Alfa Bank, EY, KPMG, McKinsey, PwC or Unilever), sooner or later you will face a case interview. Employers use case interviews because during it everything is clearly visible: how you know the industry, how you know how to search for information, what experience you have, what you are like in general.

What is a case interview

A business case is a real situation from the life of a certain company that needs to be analyzed in order to offer your own effective and preferably original way to improve the situation. Moreover, recruiters will expect you to get to the heart of the problem and find the right path as quickly and confidently as possible.

Solving cases can easily unsettle an uninitiated person. It is impossible to prepare for them in one day. I advise you to start training at least three months in advance: spend a week or two studying the theory, searching and reading books, spend another couple of weeks doing mock interviews, and then spend a month or two practicing for interviews in companies that are less interesting to you. All types of selection during which cases are used can be divided into four types.

Online tests based on cases

This is the Problem Solving Test (PST) and its analogues - a kind of correspondence case interview with answer options that allows the recruiter to assess the ability to make decisions and the ability to perceive large amounts of information.

To prepare, you should practice your calculation skills and take a couple of practice tests (on the McKinsey website you can find a document with a detailed description of the Problem Solving Test, BCG has the same example).


Small problems related to non-standard calculations. For example, the classic one: how many ping-pong balls will fit into a Boeing 787. Greater accuracy is not critical here. The main thing is to demonstrate an atypical approach to solving a problem, logical reasoning, the ability to make decisions in a non-standard situation and quickly count in your head.

The same problem about Boeing and tennis balls can be solved without knowing the exact numbers of the dimensions of the aircraft and the diameter of the balls. It’s enough to figure everything out well and make all the necessary calculations, and out loud, so that the interviewer can hear you reasoning: “The width of the cabin is, say, six meters, that is, the cross-sectional radius is three meters, and the area is 3 * 3 * 3.14 - approximately 28 meters. The length of the cabin is 60 meters, which means its volume is approximately equal to 1,700 cubic meters, or 1,700,000,000 cubic centimeters. The radius of a tennis ball is two centimeters, which means the volume is approximately 33 cubic centimeters. It turns out that the cabin can fit about 50,000,000 balls - and let's remove
15%, since there will be empty space between them. I think the answer is 38 million marbles."

You can search for brainteasers on the Internet - collections of some of them roam social networks from year to year. You also need to start training your mental counting skills. During the interview you will have to think very quickly, they may not give you a calculator, and doing calculations in a column on a piece of paper will look unprofessional. You can use any free minute for training - for example, adding up car numbers in your head when you walk down the street, or solving problems in convenient mobile applications like Elevate.

Individual cases

Cases of this type are perhaps the most difficult. Here you will have to not only think, calculate, demonstrate your knowledge of the industry and analytical skills. Sometimes the case assignment and related information are given immediately, then the candidate only needs to engage in situational analysis. In other cases, the interviewer gives only the general picture (for example, asks to tell how to increase the profitability of the retail segment of a commercial bank), and you need to find out the details using the right questions.

Mostly such cases are related to the activities of the company. But there are also those who like to give tasks on an abstract topic. The interviewer may deviate from the prepared case and give an original one - for example, ask how to increase the competitiveness of the Russian army or the average score on the Unified State Exam in the region, ask to calculate the minimum required population of the country, or suggest thinking about how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

Test cases will help you prepare for such a test. Look at examples on the websites of the companies themselves - BCG cases with their analysis can be found. For the most persistent candidates, there are special services (including paid ones) that allow you to train under the guidance of a real consultant - for example,

Team case

If during the selection process for a company you are invited to an assessment center, be prepared to solve a team case. You will have to analyze the problem together with complete strangers and part-time your competitors. Moreover, they will look not so much at the quality of the decision, but at your ability to work in a team, the ability to lead it to a unified decision in a difficult situation and to defend your position with arguments. You need to understand that the team does not need people who silently wait for a common decision, and upstarts who always pull the blanket over themselves.

Please note that different companies are interested in different types: in consulting they are looking for competent team players, in FMCG they are looking for people who are able to show the most creative approach and lead others.

To practice properly, you should submit your resume to as many companies that provide assessment centers as possible, even if you are not interested in working for them. In addition, you can take part in case championships, which in recent years have been held both by the companies themselves and by independent case associations - for example, the National League of Cases Changellenge.

Date of publication: 05/14/2012


In the modern economic situation, a large number of surprises are presented to the manager not only by the wayward actions of employees, but also by the machinations of competitors, and the “innovations” of the authorities, and in recent years, global crises.

But human intellectual capabilities develop poorly. This is especially true for managerial competencies in terms of making the right decisions. As the author’s experience shows, since 2005, university courses such as “Development of management decisions” do not provide such competencies.

Western business schools use the case method, but it is very ineffective. Cases are usually large in volume and require time to study. But there is no methodology for developing the right decisions. It is believed that discussing a problem situation is enough for the student to gain experience in finding solutions.

Can be formulated problem: The need for the right decisions is increasing in all areas of activity, but human capabilities and personnel training systems remain the same. What is required is an “upgrade” of decision-making in all spheres of human activity - a transition to more advanced technologies for developing, making and monitoring the correctness of decisions.

The need to improve the efficiency of decisions is already recognized in the highest authorities.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy initiated the creation of a Commission on measuring economic efficiency and social progress under the leadership of Nobel laureates Joseph Stiglitz and Amartya Sen.

The head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Sergei Stepashin, defined “assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of executive authorities” as the most important area of ​​work his institutions.

The Message of the President of the Chuvash Republic for 2011 said:

“in difficult economic conditions it is important to take timely, competent and effective management decisions».

Thus, it can be argued that the need for the right solutions that guarantee the efficient use of resources has already been formed. It remains to find ways to satisfy it.


The successful use of Inventive Problem Solving Technology (TRIZ) since 1946 by specialists of the International TRIZ Association in Russia and abroad convinces: you can not only look for solutions by trial and error, but also “calculate” them, approximately in the same way as quadratic problems have been solved for more than 400 years equations using Cardano formulas.

The algorithm includes 7 steps:

  1. Description of the situation is the first step towards its analysis.
  2. Identification of “actors” (subjects and objects)
  3. Identification of connections, relationships between “actors”
  4. Formulation of the problem
  5. Determining the cause of the problem
  6. Setting goals and objectives to eliminate the cause (the actual solution)
  7. Checking the solution for correctness according to the criteria.

A distinctive feature of the algorithm is the introduction at step 3 of graphical notations that make it possible to classify the connections (relationships) of actors as:


Weak (insufficient);


Necessary but missing.

Thus, graphics have been introduced into the practice of making management decisions, similar to how it is done in engineering and scientific activities. Graphic models allow you to “break down” complex situations into simpler ones and more accurately determine the causes of emerging problems, as well as set goals for eliminating them.

Algorithm testing

In the process of training students in the specialty “organizational management”, it was found that the use of an algorithm and a system of increasingly complex cases makes it possible to quickly find the right solutions - and, importantly, check them according to the following criteria:

- efficiency(for compliance with the laws of farming);

- environmental friendliness(for compliance with the laws of Nature);

- ethics(for compliance with the laws of human relations).

Thus, students get the opportunity not only to “create, invent, try” by trial and error, but also to develop a solution according to the rules and evaluate it according to the criteria of reasonable activity. The further development of their decision-making skills depends only on the intensity of application of the algorithm and the criteria for evaluating the solution.

Analysis of the results showed that a stable skill is developed in 20% of students after 4-5 solved cases.

Continued work

At the next stage, it is necessary to test the algorithm in field conditions, in the real practice of existing managers and specialists. This requires cooperation with organizational leaders who are aware of the need for the Right Solutions for the organization’s prosperity and who are committed to introducing advanced technologies into practice.

Possible forms of cooperation with organizations:

Joint formalization of situations of employees and managers (formation of a mini-case) and application of the Algorithm to find the right solution (examples of mini-cases are given in the Appendix);

Training managers in using the Algorithm through the training “Correct decisions in management.”

Expected results

It can be expected that the widespread introduction of technology for producing Correct Solutions into the activities of organizations and society will help solve many problems, both global and local.


Examples of mini-cases

Three “good” mini-cases are given. A good case has the following features:

  1. small in volume (printed text is about half A4 size);
  2. contains enough information to obtain a solution, or part of the information can be obtained in the process of analyzing the situation;
  3. the description is made without a large number of special and rarely used terms, or they are explained;
  4. the description of the text directly indicates the undesirable phenomenon or it can be detected during the analysis process;
  5. From the description it is clear who exactly is interested in obtaining a solution.

The professional content of the situation is practically irrelevant, since most emergency situations arise at the intersection of specialties.

1. Case “Chipping ice in the port”

In autumn there are often storms in the port. Water floods the quay wall and freezes. And the pier is covered with a thick layer of ice. In this case, mooring the ship to the wall becomes impossible.

The port administration tried to send workers to chip away the ice. But it ended sadly - workers were injured, and one worker almost died. Then they decided to make a machine for chipping ice. It turned out to be ineffective.

The port manager again faced the question - what to do?

A comment

The situation is interesting because it demonstrates two “wrong decisions”. It is typical for everyone - costs are incurred, but there is no result. Moreover, costs are rising, but there is no progress towards a solution. This situation refers to “emergency situations”: something needs to be done, but “experience” and “common sense” cannot suggest anything.

The problem that has arisen is difficult to attribute to any specialty. It is clear that the chief engineer of the port was assigned to deal with it. But he was not taught to deal with the consequences of storms.

The situation is real and the solution proposed by TRIZ Master G.I. Ivanov has been implemented. The costs were “meager”.

The use of the case in teaching practice showed that without preparation it is impossible to find the right solution here. According to the popular classification, this is an “unsolvable problem.”

2. Case "Sustained decline in income"

The Obmen company has been operating in the market for providing intermediary services in real estate transactions since 1995. Since the founding of the company, the branch network has been developing and the number of employees has been increasing.

Currently, the branch network of the secondary housing department includes 28 branches throughout the city and occupies about 25% of the market in terms of transaction volumes. Each of the departments is practically a separate company, with its own administrative, technical and production divisions.

Since September 2008, all branches of the department have seen a decrease in profits. The peak of the decline in income came in December 2008 and to date no positive dynamics have been observed.

The company administration conducted an analysis and found that there was a decrease in the number of newly concluded service contracts and an increase in the number of terminations under newly concluded contracts across all branches.

The question arose: what to do?

A comment

A competent analysis of the situation should, first of all, answer the question: what and at what point was not done in a timely manner by the Administration, which led to the problematic situation.

The situation can be classified as abnormal, since the Administration has not encountered anything like this before and does not have “experience” in solving such problems.

3. Case of Norbit "Modernization of the sales department"

You have headed the sales department of a company that has been operating in the market for a long time and has an established sales department with three employees. One of them works with 70% of the company's clients, the second with 20%, and the third with 10%. Sales results are highest for the second employee (50% of the total volume), and worst for the third (10%). At the same time, the first employee has the most new clients (70% of all new clients are attracted to the company), while the third does not work with new clients at all.

It is obvious to the company’s management that this team of salespeople could achieve better results, and they set this task for you with the condition that you will not dramatically change the existing work rules, redistribute clients between sellers and reclassify sellers by sales stages - now they are all are engaged in working with the client from the first call to the shipment of products.

The following questions need to be answered:
. What opportunities for improvement do you see in this situation?
. Establishing what standards would help in the future improve the performance of each salesperson and the sales department as a whole?

You noticed changes in the appearance and clothing style of one of the students in your class (Sergey, 15 years old). The teenager began to wear a very short haircut, heavy high black boots with white laces, jeans, stripes, and badges. Sergei is physically strong, an average student, and does not show much interest in studying. The family has two children, there is an older brother, a complete family with average income. This student's friends told you that he recently took part in a mass brawl where people of Asian ethnicity were beaten. Your class is multinational.

Isolate the problem(s) from the situation

Antisocial behavior that may lead to criminal offenses

Challenging social norms (use: patches, badges, uniforms, white lace-up boots, etc.)

Manifestation of tolerant intolerance towards people of other nationalities, extremism

Possible reasons

Sergei is 15 years old, a teenager. At this age, hormonal changes occur, which lead to changes in the functioning of the nervous system, increasing its excitability and influencing the general mental state of the teenager. Therefore, it can be assumed that at this age Sergei experiences mental or physical overstrain, some various experiences that affect the psychological state of the teenager, this state is expressed in irritability, a drop in productivity at work, aggression, desire, or any physical use of force ( violence).

Based on the external signs given in the situation, it can be assumed that Sergei belongs to the informal “skinhead” movement; representatives of this movement adhere to National Socialist ideology, one of the directions of the skinhead subculture. The activities of skinheads, as a rule, are extremist in nature and position themselves as a national liberation movement and fight for the ideas of superiority of the white, Aryan race, while striving for racial separatism. Cruelty, violence and a certain hatred towards other nationalities also prevail. So, from my assumption it follows that Sergei is passionate about the so-called subculture (skinheads), which also corresponds to age characteristics.

Another reason is also the manifestation of characteristics of a given age, such as the desire to belong to one or another group of one’s peers, for example, a subcultural group aimed at the interests of adolescents; to be among others, to express oneself among the crowd.

Sergei also has an older brother. Nothing is said in more detail about the older brother; it can be assumed that the older brother also belongs to an informal movement, for example, to the skinhead movement or to a subculture similar to this movement. And Sergei, as a teenager, tries to somehow be like his older brother. Or we can also assume that the older brother is well-educated, works, studies, etc. and his parents set him up as an example to his younger brother and Sergey is simply trying to somehow attract the attention of his parents. Show that he is not like his older brother, but an individual personality.


1. Through class hours, individual conversations, introduce the students of the class and student Sergei to the legislation and responsibility for antisocial behavior and the commission of criminal offenses.

Conduct a series of meetings with people who were members of similar groups, suffered punishment and changed their point of view

Arrange with a colony for minors or with other institutions involved in the re-education of people who have committed certain acts that resulted in criminal punishment, to conduct a tour and various conversations. Take a tour of a juvenile colony to show that every action has its own consequences, including criminal ones.

2. Conduct events that will introduce the diverse subculture of young people, while discussions are possible, for example, the positive and negative aspects of the phenomenon. To provide an opportunity to see options for young people’s hobbies and the use of their abilities and talents. You can introduce children to peers who have achieved something in their lives. For example, in competitions, youth movements, social projects, etc. You can introduce them to adults who organize youth sections and clubs.

3. Think over class work to get acquainted with the multinational culture of the class, our country, and the world. The main thing is that we are all different, no one is better or worse. We are united and developing together. Each nationality has its own characteristics, merits... which are worthy of attention, respect, and acceptance.

Think over a system of classroom hours for team building, a system of collective creative activities in which everyone could express themselves both individually and in a team. For example, “My small Motherland,” “Holidays of different nations,” “It is not the country that makes the man, but the man the country.”

Situation 2
Several students play "Battleship" in class...

Since this is said to the whole class, it is necessary to sacrifice time from the lesson. I think the children will wait to see how the teacher will react to this insult, humiliation, and the uselessness of this subject. It is pointless to continue the lesson, since such statements cannot be left unanswered, because the situation in this lesson will only get worse.

Let's start like this:

-Who else thinks that?

The children still raised their hands.

– Do you want to agree with you, if I now PROVE to you that you need this subject, even if there are no entrance exams for this subject, but it provides something more than just the need to study those subjects that are considered mandatory. Then I will no longer see those who play “Battleship”, sit in “ICQ” and are not late from the dining room. Well, how do you like the agreement? I’m listening to you, do you agree?”

Situation 3
Teacher: “Now, so that you can better remember what the circumstances are, let’s make a table.” There was a dissatisfied whining from the class: “Well, why?”, “Here we go again!”, “Let’s not do it,” “We’ll remember anyway.” Teacher (after a puzzled pause): “Well, okay, we won’t make a table, we’ll just make a reminder.” Again dissatisfied shouts from the class:

"For what?" “Come on, better table!” etc. Teacher: “Well, no, they didn’t want a table, we’ll make a reminder, we had to think right away.”


The teacher demonstrates to the students his weakness of will, self-doubt and some fear of the students themselves. The guys may not yet fully realize this, but any of them is capable of feeling it.


If such situations are repeated, there will be no talk of any discipline in the classroom, just as there will be no talk of respect for the teacher. Such open indulgence of the desires of the children is unjustified and, in the end, will affect the educational process itself, the quality of education and the attitude of students towards their teacher.


When planning work in a lesson, the teacher must initially decide which type of task is best suited for consolidating the material. And if he deviates from what was planned, then this decision should not be motivated by the fear that the students will not like the lesson and the teacher. In this situation, if during the lesson the teacher suddenly decided to replace one task with another, then the children need to explain the reason for this change. For example, the words: “Yes, you are right, we won’t have time to compile a table, we’ll just make a reminder,” would make it clear to the children that the change of tasks is motivated, and the teacher’s actions are not controlled by them or his whims. In addition, it seems to me that the teacher should make it clear to his students that whining and such a tone are unacceptable in the lesson.

Situation 4
German lesson.

In front of the teacher is not only his group, but also the group of the sick teacher.

The guys behave disgustingly: they speak loudly, swear, throw notes, airplanes, etc., and are rude to the teacher (but carefully, not directly).

One boy in particular stands out.

The teacher, trying not to pay attention, conducts the lesson, from time to time threatening the entire gallery with bad marks, the director and parents.

The next task is to prepare a retelling of the text.

After some time, the teacher asks the noisiest student if he is ready for a retelling. He replies that he can only retell the first sentence.

Teacher: “So I give you a two.”

Student: “No, in that case I’ll tell you again.”

Teacher: “It’s too late. You should have thought earlier"

Student: “Yes, I’ll tell you again.”

This squabble continues for several more minutes, as a result the teacher gives a bad mark, and the student, cursing at her, slams the door.

The teacher, without saying anything, continues the lesson.


There is a whole bunch of pedagogical situations taking place here, and it is clear that the relationship between the teacher and the students of the second group has long been neglected. But if we talk about the latter, the teacher openly vented his anger.

The injustice of such an act also lies in the fact that instead of giving a “two” for behavior (which would have been at least fair), the teacher preferred to give a “two” for knowledge (or rather, for ignorance), without giving the student opportunity to even respond.

Punishment is fair only if it is at least a punishment for a real wrongdoing. The teacher made it clear to the student, and to the class, that even if she was powerless in some way, she was capable of winning back in another situation, taking advantage of her position.

The boy left humiliated, with a feeling of deep injustice, angry at his own powerlessness and hating the teacher to the depths of his soul. A lesson for the whole class: revenge is completely acceptable and all means are good.


The mutual hatred of the teacher and this student will intensify even more. Such situations will continue to be repeated. Neither this boy nor the entire class will have respect for the teacher.


The teacher should have asked for a retelling if the student decided to try. You can calm down a student who is greatly interfering with the lesson by giving him some task that is quite difficult for him, for which he will receive a grade at the end of the lesson.

Situation 5
German lesson in 5th grade.

The teacher asks the student who is reaching out to start reading the text. The boy stutters, and the more he worries, the more he gets worse.

There is a hitch.

The teacher waits for a while, watching the boy’s attempts to overcome the first word, and then begins to shout that he probably didn’t do his homework again, that she, the teacher, is tired of such sloppiness and she will most likely call her parents.


A teacher’s raised tone is always unacceptable, and especially in this situation, especially since everyone knows about this student’s stuttering.


This student is always active in class, but stuttering naturally embarrasses him. Every time he delays an answer like that, he feels slightly guilty.

As a result of this incident (and similar ones), an inferiority complex may develop even stronger, the student will withdraw into himself and stop working in class.

In addition, since a clear injustice has been committed against him, this will also affect the teacher-student relationship. The children from the class who are present, although they feel that the teacher is acting unfairly, perceive this style of communication with their classmate as the norm. Children generally tend to laugh at a person who stands out from their group, and if the teacher also allows himself to laugh at such a person, then real bullying can begin in grades 7–8.


If the first word causes such difficulties, then it would be better for the teacher to read it himself, without focusing on it. If the teacher is calm, the student will calm down, and reading will go better.

Situation 6
After lessons, a first-grader timidly approaches the teacher and, terribly embarrassed, asks: Natalya Viktorovna, please give me Masha Eremina’s phone number

- Dima, why do you need it?

Lowering his eyes, the boy admits that he really likes his classmate, but he doesn’t dare talk to her at school. Maybe it will work over the phone? How to proceed?


The situation is quite delicate. On the one hand, I really want to help a shy boy, on the other hand, giving a girl’s phone number means acting incorrectly towards her: you never know how this could end. The teacher is faced with a difficult task that requires an inventive solution: he needs to help the boy and not cause inconvenience to the girl.


In this situation, the main thing is not to make mistakes. It is incorrect to give a girl’s phone number without asking questions, as the child’s parents or the girl herself may not like it. It is useless to distract the boy from this idea and switch his attention to something else: if the child has decided to take such a step (ask the teacher and ask), then he is unlikely to simply refuse. Not giving a phone number (saying that you don’t have one) and leaving it at that is also wrong: the child may lose trust in you once and for all.


The best thing a teacher can do is tell the boy that you don’t have a phone, but you will try to help him in some way. This will build your child's trust in you and allow him to take his mind off the idea of ​​a phone call and think of other ways to build a friendship.

From the next lesson, you can put this boy with the girl he likes under any pretext (for example, he can’t see well from the last desk, and the girl is sitting close). Another option is to give a boy and a girl a joint educational task, to involve them in a common cause, which will allow them to get to know each other better, and perhaps become friends.

Situation 7
There is a weak child in the class, and the children do not miss the opportunity to mock the physically and psychologically undeveloped boy.

When the teacher calls him to the board, he only hesitates and stammers, afraid that everyone will just laugh at his answer. The teacher just sighs, reproaches and gives a 2.


A weak boy, bullied by the ridicule of his students, needs outside support and encouragement. Otherwise, he will develop an inferiority complex, he will remain a poor student, a backward student and will grow up to be a weak, insecure person, embittered at the whole world. The rest of the children mistakenly believe that they have the right to mock others, weaker ones, and do not realize that they need to help their peers. They develop selfishness and cruelty.


To create harmony of relationships in the class in this situation, the teacher needs to support the weak student, help him express himself on the path of personality development. To do this, you need to give the student a special task, for example, a creative task, an introduction, the result of which can arouse the interest of the whole class. This will help the boy open up, show his dormant abilities and untapped possibilities. Or maybe he’s not weak at all? For the same purpose, he can be seated more often at a desk in pairs with different children, so that they get to know the outcast student better.

Situation 8
In front of the teacher is not only his group, but also the group of the sick teacher. The guys behave disgustingly: they speak loudly, swear, throw notes, airplanes, etc., and are rude to the teacher (but carefully, not directly). One boy in particular stands out.

Teacher's actions

The teacher, trying not to pay attention, conducts the lesson, from time to time threatening the entire gallery with bad marks, the director and parents. When the teacher asks the noisiest student to retell the text, he refuses, but when the teacher threatens to give him a bad mark, he immediately changes his mind and even expresses a desire to complete this task. However, the teacher does not give him such an opportunity. An argument begins. It continues for several more minutes, as a result the teacher gives a bad mark, and the student, cursing at her, slams the door. The teacher, without saying anything, continues the lesson.


The mutual hatred of the teacher and this student will intensify even more. Such situations will continue to be repeated. Neither this boy nor the entire class will have respect for the teacher. The boy left humiliated, with a feeling of deep injustice, angry at his own powerlessness and hating the teacher to the depths of his soul. A lesson for the whole class: revenge is completely acceptable and all means are good.


In this situation, the teacher openly vented his anger.

The injustice of such an act also lies in the fact that instead of giving a 2 for behavior (which would have been, at least, fair), the teacher chose to give a 2 for “knowledge”, without giving the student the opportunity to even answer.

Punishment is fair only if it is at least a punishment for a real wrongdoing. The teacher made it clear to the student, and to the class, that even if she was powerless in some way, she was capable of winning back in another situation, taking advantage of her position. She should have asked for a retelling if the student decided to try. You can calm down a student who is greatly interfering with the lesson by giving him some task that is quite difficult for him, for which he will receive a grade at the end of the lesson.

Situation 9
The teacher asks the student who is reaching out to start reading the text. The boy stutters, and the more he worries, the more he gets worse. There is a hitch. The teacher waits for a while, watching the boy’s attempts to overcome the first word, and then begins to shout that he probably didn’t do his homework again, that she, the teacher, is tired of such carelessness and she will most likely call the parents.


This student is always active in class, but stuttering naturally embarrasses him. Every time he delays an answer like that, he feels slightly guilty. As a result of this incident, an inferiority complex may develop even stronger, the student will withdraw into himself and stop working in class. In addition, since a clear injustice has been committed against him, this will also affect the teacher-student relationship. The children from the class who are present, although they feel that the teacher is acting unfairly, perceive this style of communication with their classmate as the norm. Children generally tend to laugh at a person who stands out from their group, and if the teacher also allows himself to laugh at such a person, then real bullying can begin in grades 7–8.


A teacher’s raised tone is always unacceptable, and especially in this situation, especially since everyone knows about this student’s stuttering. If the first word causes such difficulties, then it would be better for the teacher to read it himself, without focusing on it. If the teacher is calm, the student will calm down, and reading will go better.

Situation 10
During class, a note is passed from the end of the row. The students read it silently, look at the ceiling and giggle, after which they pass the note on, not really hiding it from the teacher. The teacher sees the note, takes it, unfolds it and sees the message “ look at the ceiling" He looks up at the ceiling as the class erupts into a burst of laughter.

The teacher loses his temper. He tries to find out who initiated this idea, threatens to give bad grades and call his parents to school.


In this situation, students try to test the teacher and see what emotions and actions he will perform. If the teacher starts to panic/scream/threaten the director, this will cause protest and negative attitude from the students. The teacher will lose the trust and respect of the students, since he succumbed to provocation, and the children, not yet realizing, but feeling that the teacher can be easily provoked, will continue in the same spirit.


The teacher could treat this with humor, smile and express his attitude to the situation, dwelling on the positive and negative aspects. Possible phrases: “I like that this situation shows that you as a class are united, true to the idea, with such a sparkling sense of humor” or: “I won’t ask, look for the one who came up with it - what’s done is done - let’s Let’s extract useful points from this for ourselves - let’s try not to follow the “herd mentality”, but let’s each take care of ourselves.”

Another option (if the situation in the lesson allows), you can consider such a continuation of the situation, in which you can trace the speed of reaction and ingenuity of the teacher. For example, the teacher may respond by innocently making fun of the students and laughing with them. This will strengthen the relationship between the children and the teacher.

Situation 11
An English teacher comes into the 9th grade and sees that the students have hung all the posters with grammar diagrams on the new grammar rules upside down. The girls decided to joke in the hope that the teacher would spend a few minutes of the lesson hanging posters, and they could go about their business for a while longer.

The teacher began to scold the children, accuse them of disrespect for themselves, forced them to hang up the posters, and in the end they would get what they were seeking.


The teacher will not gain the respect of the girls by swearing and threats, but will only lose authority. Since children, when committing such actions, expect just such a reaction from the teacher. It will serve as an incentive for them to continue the bullying. After all, any teacher is in danger of having a nervous breakdown if they continue to react in this way.


Lesson option. As if nothing had happened, the teacher begins the lesson and begins to explain the material. The rules are very complex, they are not in textbooks, and copying is inconvenient. Many students do not have time to copy the diagrams into their notebooks. At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives a ten-minute test to initially consolidate what has just been completed, while removing the diagrams. The teacher’s reaction turned out to be unpredictable, but at the same time reasonable and logical. Firstly, the students themselves created tension during the entire forty minutes of the lesson, as a result of which they fidgeted and became restless during the explanation of the material, when they could have written down the rules from the teacher’s words and written an independent work without using a poster. Secondly, the teacher very competently demonstrated who was in charge in the lesson, and according to whose scenario the lesson unfolds: she did not swear or shout, but silently shamed the students, showing them their actions from the point of view of an intelligent and calm person.

Situation 12
At recess, two fifth-graders - a boy and a girl - are arguing loudly.

The teacher comes up and finds out that the boy broke the girl’s new player, which she brought to school. The boy assures that it happened by accident. And the girl demands money for a broken thing or a new player.

The teacher scolded the girl for bringing an expensive thing to school, giving it to a classmate, and now she blames him.


The psychologically comfortable environment in the classroom largely depends on the behavior of the teacher, whose task is not only to instill in children knowledge within the framework of the educational program, but also to teach them to be more tolerant of each other and try to compromise. The authoritarian behavior of a teacher in such a situation is unlikely to become a good example for students; moreover, the number of interpersonal conflicts in the class will increase, which can lead to confrontation between students or between teacher and student.


The teacher could talk confidentially with the children, convince them that it is better to sort things out calmly, rather than starting quarrels, and find a solution to the problem that would satisfy everyone, for example, try to find a person who could fix the player. In my opinion, the best solution to the problem is to persuade the children to reconcile without any conditions or compensation, but if this option does not suit the girl’s parents, then you should talk with the parents of both students so that they resolve the issue of compensation on conditions that would suit both sides.

Situation 13
Algebra lesson. About 10 minutes before the end of the lesson, the teacher calls Vasya to the board. He must solve the example using the formulas learned in class.

The bell rings. The teacher asks everyone to leave the class, and Vasya to stay and solve the example. But the students do not leave, but surround Vasya, who is standing at the blackboard. The remarks are heard: “Are you really stupid,” “This is elementary,” etc. As a result, this begins to irritate Vasya, and he asks the teacher to ask the others to leave the class.

The teacher approaches the crowd and looks at the board: “Ay-ay-ay Vasya. You can’t even copy an example correctly from a textbook.” The students start laughing, and Vasya grabs his briefcase and runs out of the classroom.


Vasya hoped for help from the teacher, but she did the same as the others, that is, she laughed at him. Most likely, she did not want to offend the boy and did not say this out of malice. But, knowing Vasya’s explosive nature, she could have guessed the ending of this situation.

Vasya was offended by the teacher and his classmates because they did not help him in a difficult situation. At the next lesson, no one remembered this incident. But perhaps Vasya will not help his classmate in the same situation, but will laugh along with the others.


If you were the teacher, you could ask the other students to leave the class and be left alone with Vasya. Ask him to calm down, concentrate, find the mistake and solve the example, or ask him to stay in the office to help erase the board, lay out the notebooks (for example), so that he calms down a little. Since he could start a fight with the offenders.

Situation 14
The student answers the lesson. He knows the material, but cannot present it; amuses the rest of the group and the teacher with his answer. The boy is pleased with himself and continues in the same spirit. When they give him a “4”, he doesn’t understand why: he answered, the teacher smiled at him, which means she liked the answer.

To his bewilderment, the teacher replies that he made many mistakes. The guys stood up for him and asked him to give him a “5”, but the teacher remained unconvinced. The child was offended.


The current situation will not affect the attitude of other students towards him (the guys will not change their good attitude towards him). And the boy will decide that the teacher is unfairly picking on him, and his trust and good attitude towards the teacher will be shaken.


This situation arose due to the fact that the personal relationship between the teacher and the child collided with the business one. The teacher did not point out specific errors during and after the student’s response. He expected that he would answer well and receive a high mark. It is necessary to name the mistakes that he made, voice them, so that there is no feeling that the teacher is biased. When answering, he used specially prepared illustrations, so you can ask additional questions and give you the opportunity to get a good mark.

Situation 15
A respected teacher with extensive experience enters the classroom and sees a caricature of himself on the board. She is expressive, funny, precise. The class silently waits for the teacher's reaction.

The teacher looks at the cartoon with interest and says:

– Since it was drawn very well, I’m sorry to erase it. Let the artist put it on paper first. I commend the talented cartoonist.


In this situation, the teacher demonstrated his maturity. He did not take this caustic cartoon as his personal insult. He did not take offense at the child's prank. He did not look for the culprit and did not try to shame him. He avoided fruitless teachings and moralizing. Instead, he encouraged creative initiative and showed respect for art. This reaction from the teacher allowed the children to see the teacher’s strength, his self-respect, and restraint. They saw that they did not have the power to influence the emotional state of the teacher, and next time they would not have the desire to do so.


A talented and wise teacher never evoked negative emotions in his students. He was always polite and frank with them. This situation could have arisen due to the general mood of the class (the class was tired, the class wanted to misbehave, they wanted to prove themselves, to attract attention), which could not find another outlet for their emotions, could not find another way of self-realization. No complaints were made directly against the teacher. This behavior of the teacher (calm interest, interested calmness) disarms and pleasantly amazes the children. Using a positive example, they learn to respond to life situations in the future, learn to respect other people, the work and efforts of other people.

Situation 16
The art teacher showed two drawings to his students and asked them to say which one they liked best. Alyosha, twelve years old, hesitated for a long time before answering.

Teacher says:

- We have little time. Use your mind if you have one.

Having seated the boy, who blushed with shame, the teacher continued the lesson to the friendly giggling of his classmates.


It is not pedagogical to expose a student to ridicule. A slow student cannot be corrected with sarcasm, and mental activity cannot be stimulated with mockery. These kinds of situations breed hatred and encourage revenge. Such a selfish teacher will never be able to create an atmosphere of good cooperation and pleasant creativity in the classroom, which is especially important in fine arts lessons.


It is not the child’s fault if the structure of his brain does not allow him to draw quick conclusions or quickly and clearly respond to the question or situation posed.

These are structural features of the child’s body, and not its deficiency.

The teacher showed his tactlessness, showed his power over the children.

A wise teacher knows and takes into account (try to take into account) the characteristics of his students, directing the course of the lesson in the right direction. To a hesitant and doubting child one might say:

– Yes, it’s really not easy to decide. It's hard to make a choice. There seems to be something in both drawings that you like. Choose what your heart tells you.

Such an answer would give the child time to think and choose what he really liked. And his decision would come from the heart, it would be sincere. The teacher apparently forgot that aesthetic taste cannot be instilled in a non-aesthetic way.

Situation 17
The lesson is going on, the teacher is talking about a new topic, but the student is not listening to him and is playing on the phone.

This problem can be solved like this:

“Ilya (or whatever the child’s name is), let’s come to an agreement. You’ll put your phone away now, because I need to continue a new topic, at the next lesson you’ll be writing a test on it together with everyone else, and I don’t think you’ll get a good grade if you listen to it now. And I would really like you to have an excellent grade in my subject, and your parents would be very pleased to see you happy. And what do you think?"

Situation 18
Several students were 15 minutes late for class...


There are many exits and approaches. If this happened once, then you can say this: “I’m not very pleased that you are late for my lesson. Let's do it this way. Please finish your bun in the corridor and then come in. But let this be the first and last time. Agreed?".

If this is already part of the system, then a set of rules needs to be defined that states that if students are late, they will receive extra homework.

Situation 19
At the very beginning of a lesson, or after you have taught several lessons, a student tells you: “I don’t think that you, as a teacher, can teach us anything.”


You need to find out from the student why he thinks this way and talk to him about this topic.

Situation 20
The teacher gives the student a task, but the student does not want to complete it and at the same time declares: “I don’t want to do this!”


The teacher should ask the student why, listen to him and try to prove that he needs to do this task.

Situation 21
The student is disappointed with his academic performance, doubts his abilities and that he will ever be able to properly understand and master the material, and says to the teacher: “Do you think I will ever be able to study perfectly well and keep up with the rest?” guys in class?


The teacher must find out why the student doubts himself. If necessary, conduct an additional conversation with parents.

Situation 22
The student says that this subject (mathematics) will not be useful to him in life and he does not want to study it.


You can try to explain to him using real-life examples that mathematics is necessary and without it, at least for today, he simply will not receive a certificate. Also find out whether the math teacher may be biased towards the student, and therefore he does not want to teach his subject.

Situation 23
The student attends school well, with the exception of one lesson. He says that he is not interested there.


First, you need to talk to your child and find out the real reason why he doesn’t go there. Secondly, you need to talk with the class teacher and the teacher who teaches this subject.

Situation 24
A student tells the teacher: “I forgot to bring my notebook again.”


The teacher should have a serious conversation with the student, find out whether he deliberately does not take the notebook because he did not do his homework, or because he is absent-minded. Also talk to parents so that they make sure that the student takes all textbooks and notebooks.

Situation 25
A first-grader (in 1998) was given a non-standard task:

– What year did your grandmother start first grade? This is not an easy task, but I am sure, the teacher said, that you can solve it yourself.

– My grandmother is now 50 years old.

– How old was she when she went to first grade?

– The same age as me, 7 years old.

- Okay, how can you find out how many years have passed since your grandmother went to school, if she is now 50 years old, and she started school at the age of 7?

“She went to school at the age of 7, which means,” the kid reasons, “she went to first grade—subtract 7 from 50—43 years ago.” Subtract 43 from 1998 and you get 1955. Hurray! I know what year my grandmother went to first grade - in 1955.

- Well done! You reasoned correctly and successfully completed such a difficult task.

Questions and tasks

1. When does acquired knowledge become personally significant and personally perceived?

2. What is the relationship between a first-grader and his studies, himself and his grandmother?

3. What principles guided the teacher?

4. What can you say about the atmosphere in the lesson?

5. What type of relationship with students is the teacher focused on?

Justify your answer.

Situation 26
The boy Yura, who was not doing well in Russian, was transferred to 6th "a". In the class where he ended up, the Russian language was taught by a very attentive and talented teacher. The teenager was a smart and quick-witted student, but the relationship with the Russian language teacher in the previous class did not work out. And Yura began to skip Russian language lessons and was careless about assignments in this subject.

After a few lessons, the new teacher suggested that Yura study extra after school. Once, in a moment of frankness, he told her: “Ekaterina Alekseevna, don’t work in vain.” Don't waste your time. Nothing will help me. I won’t be able to keep up, I’ve known this for a long time. I'm incapable.

- How do you know?

- Everyone says like that.

- And you believe in this?

- I believe...

- You'll have to prove the opposite. Have you heard the expression: whoever wants, will achieve it? And you can achieve it. You just need to work hard. Let's get busy.

They studied diligently for a whole quarter. And so Yura received the first B in Russian. It was well deserved. The boy responded well in class and completed the written assignment correctly.

The next day, Yura’s mother came to the teacher.

– Please tell me, is it true that my son received a B in Russian?

- Is it true. He began to study better.

– Ekaterina Alekseevna, you can’t imagine what happened at our house yesterday.

Yuri comes running from school and shouts from the doorway:

- Four! Four!

“I didn’t immediately understand what was going on. I ask: what four?

– The teacher gave me a B in Russian.

Success inspired the teenager. Since then, Yuri began to study harder not only in Russian. There were, of course, mistakes. But he was already doing well in Russian and went to class with interest.

Questions and tasks

1. What is the basis of Yura’s success?

2. Evaluate the teacher’s pedagogical actions.

3. Does the above fact confirm the statement of V. A. Sukhomlinsky that “learning is not a mechanical transfer of knowledge from teacher to child, but first of all human relationships”?

4. Name the main mechanism for changing Yura’s attitude towards learning.

Situation 27
– Tanya, try to come early today. Our new neighbors invited us for tea, let’s get acquainted,” my mother asked.

- Ciao, mommy. I'll come at six. “And my daughter ran out into the street.

“On the bus, when we were driving home, Marina and I saw empty seats, immediately sat down on them and began talking about what happened at school today. At the bus stop, an elderly woman came in and stood right next to us; she had two full bags in her hands.

“Girls,” I hear someone say, “you should give way to a woman with bags.”

- Here's another! – we answered sharply.

- Yes, the youth have gone...

- Well, they started...

We were so carried away by the conversation with Marina... And then everyone immediately began to educate us, talking to us in a rude tone. We also did not remain in debt.

At eight o'clock in the evening, my mother, father, and I, dressed up, knocked on the door of our new neighbors.

“Please, you’re welcome,” the door opened, and my feet were rooted to the floor. “The same woman from the bus stood on the threshold, and on the table there were treats from those same heavy bags...”

Questions and tasks

1. What idea did the neighbor get about the manners of Tanya and her friend when they met on the bus?

2. What might the neighbor think about Tanya’s family?

3. What does it mean to be a well-mannered person?

4. How could this story end, in your opinion?

Situation 28
“I used to be very weak and kind. I didn’t know how to express myself strongly or defend myself. Now I’m completely different, everyone is afraid of me... You can be talented, even triple talented, but if you don’t have at least a little cruelty, if you’re not a strong personality, then you’re not worth a penny... Our time is the time of strong people who know how to defend their place in life.”

“It seems to me that I can answer the question: why don’t my peers especially want to achieve something, do something, try for something.

This “something” does not exist for us... If we had lived during the war, we would have been different. Then everything was clear to everyone - either you are an honest defender of your Motherland, or you are a traitor. Now what to protect, who?

Questions and tasks

1. What do these judgments indicate?

2. Compare judgments and draw conclusions.

3. What can be said about the value orientations of young people?

4. What pedagogical advice can be given in the first and second cases?

Situation 29
Daughter (D): Dad, what did you like about girls when you were a boy?

Father (O): Sounds like you want to know what you need to do to get boys to like you?

D. Yes. It seems to me that for some reason they don’t like me, and I don’t understand why?..

A. You can't understand why they don't like you.

D. Well, let’s say I don’t talk much. I'm afraid to talk in front of boys.

A. So in the presence of boys you feel constrained and find it difficult to relax?

D. Yes. I'm afraid I'll blurt out something that will make them think I'm a fool.

A. You don't want them to think you're stupid?

D. Of course. And when I am silent, I do not take any risks.

A. It is, of course, safer to remain silent.

D. Yes, but it doesn't do anything for me because it makes them all think I'm boring.

O. Doesn't silence give you what you want?

D.: It doesn’t. Perhaps we still need to take a risk?!

Questions and tasks

1. What conclusion can be drawn from the content of the dialogue?

2. What style prevails in the relationship between father and daughter?

4. What is the role of parents in preparing children for adulthood?

Situation 30
Katya, a 7th grade student, suffers from the fact that her height is already 171 cm. She is taller than everyone in the class. He comes to the board hunched over, draws his legs up, and slouches. Every time you go to the board is suffering. Therefore, sometimes he refuses to answer - it’s better to say “two” than another humiliation. In her mind, the boys’ remarks are constantly heard: “Hey, tower!”, the teachers’ remark: “What is it that’s twisting you so much?” when she went to the board, the mother’s request: “Don’t slouch, straighten your shoulders, look at your figure pretty." And then she likes Pashka, and he is half a head shorter than her. Looking at herself in front of the mirror in the evenings, Katya grieved: “Oh, these terrible hands, they are below the knees!” Well, does a normal person have such arms?.. And the neck is long, but you can come up with something with it if you pull it in or raise the collar, but where can you put your legs?..

Questions and tasks

1. What psychological characteristics of adolescence determine Katya’s judgments and actions?

2. How can I help Katya solve her problems?

3. What influence does the process of self-knowledge have on a person’s upbringing?

Situation 31
At the beginning of the lesson, the student discovered that his homework notebook had disappeared from his desk. He... (How did he react and what did he say to the teacher?). At the next break, a girl from a parallel class approached the injured student:

- Excuse me please! We had a previous lesson in the same office, but after the lesson I had to call home, I ran to the lesson before the bell rang, in a hurry and grabbed your notebook.

“It happens, but next time try to be more attentive,” the boy said in response.

Questions and tasks

1. What does this situation tell you?

2. What information do you receive about the upbringing of a boy and a girl?

3. Can we say about them that they are well-mannered? Why?

Situation 32
Sasha came to a new school in the 11th grade. It soon became clear: his even character, friendly demeanor, and most importantly, wide erudition promised many good moments of interesting communication with this young man. Somehow, everyone immediately reached out to him.

But a month or two passed, and Sasha increasingly entered the classroom alone. The teachers paid almost no attention to this circumstance. But one day in a physics lesson, after Sasha’s fascinating answer about the philosophical significance of the theory of relativity, the teacher invited him to prepare a report on this. Sasha refused. The refusal itself did not bother the teacher; time to prepare for final exams was worth its weight in gold, and perhaps her proposal violated his plans. But, wanting to soften the refusal, he suggested: “I don’t understand what the point is in such a report?!” It is you, the teacher, who already imagine my capabilities, but for them,” he nodded (and quite politely) towards the class, “this is of no use.” Everyone can and should search for themselves...

Questions and tasks

1. What information about Sasha’s value orientations did you receive from this situation?

2. What style of relationship between Sasha and the students in the class, between Sasha and the teacher is visible in this situation?

3. What can you say about Sasha’s self-esteem?

4. Is it possible to determine the teacher’s line of behavior from these sketches?

Situation 33
A very capable young man was invited to a family celebration at one house. Many guests had gathered, and everyone did not sit down for a long time, waiting for him. But he was late. Without waiting, the tired guests finally took their seats. The young man appeared an hour later. He didn’t try to apologize for being late, he just said cheerfully as he walked: “I met an acquaintance, you know” (he casually mentioned the name of a famous scientist), and he started chatting. Then, squeezing with difficulty between the furniture and causing inconvenience to the guests, he walked around the table and familiarly extended his hand to each person sitting. At the table he behaved animatedly, talkatively and took over the table conversation for the entire evening. He almost didn’t let others open their mouths - he spoke himself or commented on every word of those around him.

Questions and tasks

1. Give an assessment of the young man’s behavior.

2. What does every person need to know about communicating with people?

3. What could be the reason for this type of behavior in a young person?

4. What would you do if you were in the company of such a person?

Situation 34
My friend and I argued a lot about what profession to choose. And it doesn’t seem to fit, and this...

– I know exactly where I won’t go: to become a teacher - I don’t want to spoil my nerves; I won’t go into chemical production, because dealing with chemicals can cause you to lose your health; I won’t go to the factory, because there you will turn into a robot, doing mechanical and monotonous work. I want my work to be healthy and interesting. I wanted it to be related to animals and a lot of travel.

“Then you need to go work at the circus!” - exclaimed my friend and added, - but for me - as long as I get decent money.

I thought for a long time afterwards. I doubt if I have the talent for the circus. Maybe your friend is right, and if there is no calling, you need to think about making money?

Questions and tasks

1. What are the motives for choosing a profession for girls?

2. What method of pedagogical influence was used in this situation?

Situation 35
During the alumni meeting, the following conversation took place between the guys.

Vera is a small, thin girl. She is already a pharmacist. It’s a pleasure to listen to her talk about her profession:

“Medicines for children,” she says, “are very responsible.” The slightest mistake, and it’s even scary to think what could happen... They could get poisoned. I almost got poisoned myself, I tried so hard... She rattles off names of medications and recipes. The guys laugh:

– It’s impossible to speak Russian with you, everything is Latin and everything is about medicine.

“So this is my job,” she smiles. Among the graduates is another future physician, Alla P. She will be a dentist.

- Alla, why did you go to the dentist?

– Marina decided, well, I’m with her.

- And how do you like it?

– Nothing, just a lot of, you know, different unnecessary items. Well, at least English. Why does a dentist need English? In general, I want to go to dental college. I'll be a technician.

– From university to technical school? But why?

– I got tired of studying, and then we did an internship at a clinic, so I learned that a technician can earn more than a doctor.

Questions and tasks

1. Compare two positions regarding the choice of profession.

2. What criteria for evaluating work do girls use?

3. How do you understand professional self-determination and creative self-realization of a person?

Situation 36
– Please sit down and open the primer on the page where the letter “I” is! And the children read a story about how little Paata, having learned all the letters, comes home joyful and asks his grandmother: “Do you want me to teach you to read? It's quite simple!

– Now read another story on the next page!

– There are no more pages!

- Why not?

- We finished the book!

- Completely finished!..

– Then close the textbook... And let’s talk: what did he teach you?

– He taught reading and writing!

– Taught me my native language... How to speak correctly! Gave me knowledge!

– He taught us to be kind, to be friends!

- Respect your parents!

- Be polite!

– It has a lot of funny and cheerful drawings!

– There are also puzzles, crosswords, tongue twisters!

– I really love this book! When you allowed me to take her home, I put her under my pillow and she slept with me!

- And I showed it to everyone, including the neighbors!

- Now put your heads down on your desks! Close your eyes! – the teacher lowers his voice. – I feel like you loved your first book, right?

“Yes,” the children whisper.

– And you probably want to say kind words of gratitude to her?

“Yes,” the children whisper.

“So think about what words you would use to express your gratitude to her.”

Questions and tasks

1. What pedagogical tasks does the teacher solve in this situation?

2. What concept or learning model does this passage demonstrate?

3. What patterns are observed by the teacher in organizing pedagogical interaction in the lesson?

4. What features of the teacher’s pedagogical activity does this situation indicate?

Situation 37
Petya (P.): I want a truck! Give me the truck! Let go! Let go!

Gena (G.): I took it first! And he came and took it from me. Let him give it to me!

Father (O.): I see that you really have a problem with the truck. Maybe we can go into this room and talk? I would like to help you discuss this problem.

G.: I want a truck! Give me! Dad, let him give me the truck!

O.: Gena, do you want the truck returned to you?

G.: But I took it first!

O.: Gena, do you think that you should have the truck because you took it first? Petya, you heard. What solution does Gena propose?

P: What else can he offer? The main thing for him is to insist on his own.

A: Gena, Petya says that he doesn’t like your decision, because in this case you will win and he will lose.

G: Okay, I'll let him play with his cars until I get tired of the truck.

A: Petya, Gena suggests another solution - while he plays with the truck, you can play with his cars.

P: And then he will give me the truck?

O.: Gena, can Petya be sure that you will give him the truck after you’ve played enough?

G.: Okay. I won't play for long.

O. Petya, Gena says that everything will be fine - he won’t deceive you.

P. Well then, okay.

A. I hope you have solved your problem now, don't you?

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation and identify the causes of the conflict.

2. What principles did the father follow in guiding the process of resolving the conflict between his sons?

3. What attitude does the father demonstrate towards one and the other son? What is it expressed in?

Situation 38
Child (crying): Car, car! Where is my car?

Parent: Do you need your car but can't find it?

Child (runs around the rooms, looks under the sofa).

Parent: There’s no car there.

Child: Where is my car?

Parent: Maybe your car is lying around among the toys in the closet?


Child (runs to the closet with toys, throws everything around, but doesn’t find the car there and again looks expressively at his parents).

Parent (is silent and pauses, giving the child the opportunity to take the initiative in the search).

Child (runs to the kitchen and finds his typewriter under the table): Here it is!

Parent: Well done! You found your car yourself.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze each answer option and the parent’s actions.

2. What features of the parent’s behavior and what nature of the developing relationship with the child does this situation indicate?

3. What type of upbringing is visible in this situation?

Situation 39
Edik is one of the boys who are called “mama’s boys.” His mother considered it necessary to contact the principal, then the teachers, or the parents of his classmates for any reason, although it was necessary to deal only with her son. As a result, by the age of fifteen, Edik was completely unsuited to real life, did not know how to understand a simple situation, stand up for himself, not understanding that at his age it was indecent to turn to his mother for protection over any trifle.

As a rule, the reasons for all his conflicts boiled down to the following:

“I was pushed”, “I was called a name”, “I was not invited”, etc.

Grandparents came to visit, they lived abroad and therefore had not seen their grandson for almost eight years. My grandfather, a retired military man, observed the behavior of Edik and his daughter-in-law for several weeks.

After another incident, the grandfather decided to talk with his grandson alone:

“I want to talk to you not only about this incident, but about your life in general.” You are already fifteen years old, and you must understand in what cases you should call your mother for help, in what cases you should turn to her for advice, and in what cases you should not involve your mother in your affairs at all. Look how selfish you are: you worried your mother to tears, but in general, you could have sorted it out without her.

And further. You understand that your mother will not always be there, and you must be able to protect yourself, defend your interests, analyze what happened and the future yourself. Well, today, if you thought that you were right, then why didn’t you ask the teacher to explain why your grade was lowered? And you put your mother forward, complained to your mother about the teacher. After all, you are already old enough to express any request, claim, or question yourself.

You will have to solve very difficult problems in life: be able to judge other people, be able to defend your honor, the honor of your family, be able to stand in the way of a bully, defend the honor of your girlfriend, be able to defend the Motherland. And you need to learn all this now.

A week ago I heard you and your mother talking about a conflict with a classmate. You said that your friend was wrong. But how did you react to this: you started spitting, scratching, running after your mother...

This mother should already see in you protection, her assistant. And you're acting like a baby!

Let's agree that if something happens, you won't bother your mother, but come and consult with me, and together we'll first think about how best to proceed.

And one more condition, you are a young man and let’s develop the will to do and decide everything for ourselves. Build character! After all, you are the grandson of a military officer!

If it gets difficult, I will always help you. Agreed?

Well, let's go have dinner, mom and grandma have been waiting for us.

Questions and tasks

1. Describe the type of family relationship that has developed between mother and son.

2. What is the parenting style of your mother and grandfather?

3. What do you see as the difficulties of family education?

4. What pedagogical mistakes should we beware of?

Situation 40
Vadik had a difficult character, the teenager was distinguished by obstinacy, excessive pride, and mischief. Smoking, skipping classes - all this was repeated almost every day. Traditional measures of influence were exhausted: requests, demands, coercion, proposals, punishments, establishing patronage, an attempt to distract, transfer to a parallel class, etc. The teachers did not raise their hand to expel Vadik from school or transfer him to a boarding school: the guy had a clear head . Despite his militant idleness, he excelled in almost all subjects. And in matters of class life, he was, as a rule, fair, had a sense of humor, and could accurately and ironically ridicule anyone. But his insolence led to conflicts with both teachers and classmates. The school director, who taught history lessons from Vadik and therefore knew him well, at the beginning of the second quarter called the boy to his office and placed in front of him a ticket to the famous “Artek”:

- A trip now costs a lot of money. However, you will receive this ticket for free. I give you 2 days to get ready. In truth, I am obliged to give this ticket to the best student in the school, but now you will get it. Here's your profile. Read.

– Do you agree with this characterization? The boy lowered his head and muttered “no.”

- Yes, you're right, it says what you should become. Why am I doing this? I'll explain now. I really like you, you are a smart and strong guy. But I need to give you right now the opportunity to change yourself before it’s too late, and in the new environment it’s a little easier. No one knows you there, and you will be able to show your best abilities. Of course, I risk my honor, my dignity, maybe even my position and place of work, by believing in you. Therefore, if you lose your temper and commit a bad act, it will be a betrayal. And remember: while no one at school should know about this, it is your and my secret. And I’ll talk to the teachers myself.

Vadik stood in front of this graying man, dumbfounded and amazed.

As the director walked the teenager to the station, he hugged the boy and said:

– I believe in you and hope that you will not commit treason. After 10 days, the first letter came from Vadik addressed to the school director:

“...a week has already passed. I’ve never stolen anything and I’ve never smoked – I’m holding on... So sleep well (for now!). I’ll make up for everything later at school.”

Literally before his arrival, the director received another letter from Vadik. He apologized for the last words of his letter, which were more of a “tribute to the past.” There were also the following lines: “Vasily Petrovich, every day I struggle with myself and repeat to myself: “I will not commit betrayal.”

It would be an exaggeration to say that upon arrival at school, Vadik became a completely different person. Of course, he changed, somehow matured and became more restrained. It was clear that he had experience of self-education, valuable moral experience of good behavior, experience of patience and endurance, experience of trust and friendship with a wise and intelligent person.

Questions and tasks

1. Evaluate the director’s pedagogical find.

2. Name the methods used in educational work with Vadik.

3. What helped the teacher choose the right decision regarding Vadik?

4. What is the role of the teacher in the process of self-education of a teenager?

5. How does self-education affect personality development?

Situation 41
Kolya did not learn his lesson, which was clear to everyone. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t remember anything. Kolya stood and was annoyed with himself, with his neighbor at his desk Lena, who could not give him any advice, with the teacher who, in his opinion, always asks so much about history. Completely annoyed, he could not stand it and insulted the teacher.

– It’s not clear why this story is needed at all? And what a problem if someone doesn’t know in what century Tutankhamun ruled, on whose name one can break one’s tongue. Chemistry or physics are a different matter; you don’t waste any effort or time on them.

- Why did you speak out? - his friend Kostya reproached him during recess. - Now he’ll fly in. Mother, just wait, they will call you.

– But if I really don’t like history! - Kolya got excited.

“He doesn’t like...” Kostya mimicked mockingly. - Do you think I love you painfully? Science is not ice cream to love. You don’t love them, but you have to study them, understand? Go and apologize to the teacher. I got excited, I said, I said too much, sorry.

“But I really don’t like history.”

“And I’m not scolding you for this, but for your stupidity.” You never know who doesn't like something. Don't forget, soon they will write characteristics about us.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the dialogue between Kolya and Kostya.

2. What mistakes are there in education?

3. How do you think this situation will continue?

Situation 42
My daughter returned from school.

Daughter (D.): Today I was called to the head teacher.

Mom (M.): Yes?

D.: Yeah. Svetlana Ivanovna said that I talk too much in class.

M.: I see.

D.: I can’t stand this old woman. When it itches, Galya and I tell each other jokes.

M. (raises his eyes from knitting to his daughter)….?

D.: After all, teachers are not chosen. Of course, I'd better accept it.

For some reason there are more bad teachers in our school than good ones, and if I quarrel with each of them, I will not be able to go to college.

It turns out that I am making things worse for myself.

(During this remark, the mother does not say a word.)

Questions and tasks

1. Explain the mother’s behavior and its influence on her daughter’s future attitude towards teachers and school.

2. Do you agree with the mother’s reaction to her daughter’s words?

3. How would you react to such words?

4. Does silence have an educational function? Give your examples of the educational (positive and negative) impact of silence on human behavior.

Situation 43
Third graders are active: everyone strives to notice a friend’s mistake and correct it. In their zeal, some even begin to fantasize: seeing an error where there was none at all. One of the girls meticulously watches Ira, who is reading at the blackboard, and persistently waves her hand, wanting to correct the mistake. She doesn’t care that Ira reads better - she only has a desire to express herself, demonstrate that she can do better than Ira, and earn the teacher’s praise.

Questions and tasks

1. How can we explain this attitude of students towards their classmates?

2. What style of relationships between students is formed in such conditions?

3. What conclusions should the teacher draw?

4. How can Ira feel in such an atmosphere?

Situation 44
During an art lesson, the teacher suggested drawing a round cup, which he placed on the table as a model. The boy sitting in front looked at the cup for a long time and finally raised his hand.

– Can I draw not a cup, but something that I have never seen? - he asked.

-What do you want to draw? – the teacher was surprised.

“Eucalyptus tree,” the boy said thoughtfully.

“Draw,” the teacher agreed.

The boy sat silently for some time and looked ahead. Then he raised his hand again.

Can I draw something that only a few have seen? – he turned to the teacher again.

“Please explain what this is,” the teacher said with interest.

“Blue bird,” the boy said very seriously. The whole class creaked their pencils diligently. But after a while the boy raised his hand again.

“I would like to draw something that no one has ever seen,” he said quietly. - Can?

- For example?

“Mammoth, when he wakes up,” the boy said guiltily.

- Mammoth? – the teacher asked, looking at him carefully.

“Mammoth,” the boy sighed.

“Well,” said the teacher. – In the end, you can have a mammoth. You need to decide quickly, Sasha, otherwise the lesson will end soon.

And indeed, five minutes later the lesson ended, and Sasha was still left with a blank sheet of paper from a beautiful album.

Questions and tasks

Situation 45
– A teacher is then a teacher when he knows his subject brilliantly, because from this, from his scientific baggage, the recognition of students, and then parents, begins.

– Since the child’s soul is revealed more fully not in the classroom, but in some extracurricular activities and in the process of communication, then only the master teacher who is fluent in communication techniques can make the life of a student interesting.

– We must teach a child to learn throughout his life and constantly work on himself, enriching himself spiritually – this is the main thing for a teacher.

– Culture, outlook and intelligence are important indicators of a person’s quality as a teacher.

Suddenly Natalya Mikhailovna took off her glasses and, in a tone indicating that the teachers’ statements had somehow hurt her pride, said loudly:

“And I believed and still believe that the main thing in a teacher is conscientiousness.” – And after a short pause she continued. “For twenty-five years now, I’ve been the first to come to school and the last to leave.” I give all of myself to my children. You need to give your all to children - that’s what makes a teacher a Teacher!

“But you still need to have something to give to the children,” one of the teachers added.

“So I - of course, together with my colleagues - brought into life several hundred boys and girls. Two academicians, three doctors and five candidates of sciences grew up from them, and there are countless engineers, doctors, teachers,” Galina Arkadyevna intervened in the conversation.

- Galina Arkadyevna, how many people didn’t you save? – the young biologist asked her a question.

– What do you mean – you didn’t save it, from what or from whom did you not save it? – the colleague did not immediately understand the question.

- Well, how many of these thousands of graduates are those who drank themselves to death, or ended up in the dock, or, although they didn’t commit a crime, became a bad person? – the biologist did not let up.

- Yes, you are right, Tolya. I never counted those I couldn't help. I, like others, have always been pleased to work with strong, capable, bright guys who themselves wanted to learn.

Questions and tasks

Which interlocutors do you think are right? Give reasons for your answer.

Situation 46
– You don’t know arithmetic. “Cut it down,” the teacher says to the student solving an example at the board.

– You said you don’t have to cut it! - a remark from the class.

The student stands at the blackboard, waits and does not write.

“Write,” the teacher demands again.

- What are you writing? - he snaps angrily. There is laughter in the class.

- Who will go and write? - the teacher addresses the class - Shuvalov addresses the blackboard. Talk!

Questions and tasks

1. Describe the actions of the teacher and students.

2. Name the mistakes in the teacher’s actions.

3. Suggest ways to solve this problem.

Situation 47
At the school where Marina studied, many children wore beautiful clothes and could boast of many expensive things. Their parents managed to adapt to new market conditions and earned a lot of money, so these children could come to school in new clothes every day and afford expensive entertainment. Marina had to wear old dresses, sewn by her mother or grandmother, in which she seemed old-fashioned to herself. Why did others have such beautiful things, but she had almost nothing? Some of her friends brought a lot of money to school and stopped at kiosks on the way home to buy chocolate. Her best friend from school hardly spoke to her now. She communicated only with the “chosen ones.” Sometimes Marina didn’t even want to go to school. What happened to her parents? Why can't they do what her friends' parents do? Maybe they are not smart enough or too lazy?

One evening, as their family was getting ready to go out for a visit, tensions reached their breaking point. Everyone was waiting for the eldest daughter to get dressed. She stayed in her room for over an hour, trying on clothes and looking at herself in the mirror.

Afraid that they would be late, her father finally knocked on the door.

- What?!! – Marina shouted shrilly from behind the door.

– Marina, we are all waiting for you, are you ready? We may be late,” said the father.

- I'm not going! – Marina shouted.

- Why? What's the matter? – the father asked calmly.

- I'm sick of this junk. I'm like an old woman in it. I'm tired of not having anything to wear. Why don't you and mom never buy me anything? I can't stand my clothes! I hate her!

She began to sob. There was a long pause. The parents didn't know what to say. Really, what could they say? They strived to give the children the best, but now it turns out that this is simply not enough. Their hearts were torn that their daughter was unhappy. They felt like failures who had nothing more to give her, and they didn't know what to do.

Questions and tasks

1. What is the role of socio-economic factors in a person’s upbringing?

2. Analyze the behavior of the parents and Marina.

3. How to resolve this conflict? What is the most appropriate action for parents in this situation?

Situation 48
It's already 11 pm and still no daughter. The mother is very worried and called all her classmates and relatives. The daughter was nowhere to be found. The mother cannot find a place for herself.

Around midnight, Ira came home cheerful and happy.

-Where have you been hanging out? Who gave you permission to come home so late? If you are in the 11th grade, have you decided that you are already an adult?.. You would rather study than disappear into nowhere! – the mother reprimanded in her hearts.

“Mom, why are you so worried, I was with Seryozha at the disco at his school,” the girl tried to defend herself.

– With what else Seryozha? With this? – she snatched a photograph of the young man from Ira’s diary. - I'll show you how to party before final exams! – she screamed and angrily tore Sergei’s photograph to shreds.

- How dare you! – the girl screamed in turn, rushing to collect the pieces that had scattered around the room. Having picked them up, she closed herself in her room with tears.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the dialogue between mother and daughter.

2. Evaluate the behavior and actions of the mother and daughter.

3. What to do to relieve tension in the family?

4. How should parents feel about the appearance of the first feeling in their children (boys or girls)?

Situation 49
In general, Kolka Virusov is not a bad person and is not a coward at all, but he is terribly afraid of math tests. Lately, he started getting bad marks on his tests. And showing your mother bad marks is not a very pleasant thing.

On this day after classes, Tamara Stepanovna said:

- Everyone get ready. Tomorrow is the test....The next morning Kolka resorted to his usual trick. He wrinkled his shirt and hung it back. And... whined:

- Mom, my shirt is wrinkled!

- So what?

- Like what, pet it!

Mom took the iron and set it to heat.

But Kolka whined again:

- My head hurts!

The mother took the thermometer and gave it to Kolka, and she went out into the kitchen. Kolka waited until her steps in the corridor died down. Looking around furtively, he took a towel from the table and, wrapping a thermometer in it, applied it to the iron. After holding it there for a while, he took out the thermometer and put it under his arm. When she returned, mom just clasped her hands in surprise.

- Increased! Where did you catch such a cold? You won't go to school. Get to bed quickly. I'll call the doctor now.

Kolka, holding back a smile, climbed into bed. The doctor listened to Kolka, examined him, took his temperature, and said:

- The boy is completely healthy. The temperature is normal. Mom was surprised:

– Half an hour ago the temperature was so high, but now it’s not! Let him lie down today and go to school tomorrow.

Questions and tasks

1. What characteristics of the boy are manifested in this situation?

2. Is it really that bad if a boy shows creativity?

3. What information does this situation provide about the school and parents?

4. How would you behave if you were your mother?

Situation 50
Second-grader Yulia was cleaning up the dishes after herself in the cafeteria, since the school introduced elements of self-service in the elementary grades. But suddenly she tripped and broke the plate and glass into pieces. The girl became numb from surprise and fright, and then cried bitterly. Yulia was shocked: this was the first time this had happened to her at school. In addition, she was afraid of possible punishment. Will they understand her? Will they believe that this happened against her will and desire, by accident? She was also worried about the thought that she would have to buy new dishes to replace the broken ones. Such was the order at school. How will mom react to such a case, since it’s already hard for her to raise and feed two girls alone?

Questions and tasks

1. What should a teacher do in such a situation?

2. Suggest possible options for the teacher’s actions in such a situation.

Situation 51
Tanya was sitting on the edge of the sofa. The only thing she wanted was to leave quickly. Tanya really wanted to go to this party, all the guys were talking about it. She hoped that she would be able to have fun in the company, but now she was unbearably bored. Smoke filled the room, clouding the faces of those laughing and joking, although the speech of many seemed slurred and distorted. Some of the guys went into the back room from time to time, and sometimes the girls went with them. Tanya didn’t know what they were doing there, but it all seemed strange. Others drank wine and beer.

“Hey, Tanya,” a classmate called her. - Drink, relax, shake yourself up. Tanya reluctantly took the can of beer from Anya’s hands and took a long sip. The beer tickled her throat.

A handsome young man walked nearby. He had been attracting her attention for a long time. He took her hand.

-Are you Tanya? – he asked quietly.

- Yes! – she answered, pleased that she was recognized.

After this meeting, the party began to seem quite good to her. At first they chatted about various trifles, and then Alexander invited her into another room.

Flattered, Tanya followed Alexander. She felt like the beer had gone to her head, she was a little dizzy, but she wanted to be with Alexander.

There was a strange, unfamiliar smell in the room. Alexander introduced Tanya to his friends. They didn't seem to notice the girl, but she was touched by the guy's concern. Then they handed him some strange-looking cigarette. She was half the size of normal. Alexander sighed with satisfaction and thanked his friend. He took a deep drag.

“Great,” he said and handed Tanya a cigarette.

- What is this? – she asked. There was laughter in the room...

“Are you sure she belongs here?” – asked one of the guys.

“She’s fine,” Alexander answered confidently. - OK, try. It's marijuana, don't be afraid, you'll feel great.

Tanya was very scared. How could she do this? She knew she shouldn't do this... but she really liked Alexander. He'll never even look at her again if she doesn't try.

- What's the matter? – Alexander asked. - At least try it, everyone smokes it, it can’t be that harmful.

“Just bring it to your lips and inhale, take a puff,” one of the girls advised.

“Come on, try it... you’ll like it,” everyone persuaded her in one voice. Tanya took the cigarette and took the first puff.

Questions and tasks

1. What is the power of influence of the environment on a person?

2. Which person is strongly influenced by the environment?

3. Assess Tanya’s behavior.

4. What is the pedagogical meaning of this story?

Situation 52
In the summer, Dima's family moved to a new microdistrict on the other side of the city. Old friends were far away, I went once or twice, but somehow communication didn’t work out as well as before. He had not yet made any new friends at school - there were still two weeks left until the first of September. One evening, while walking around the yard, he met some guys much older than himself, and then willingly spent the remaining days of the holidays with them.

- It’s okay, school will start - he won’t have free time to walk with them. “And comrades will appear,” the father reassured the alarmed mother. However, the school year began, and Dima became even more attached to his dubious friends, began to skip classes and entire school days and, worst of all, took up smoking and alcoholic beverages. He responded to all his parents’ demands:

- Yes, I am like this! What can I do with myself? I feel good with them! Leave me alone.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the behavior of Dima’s parents.

2. What would you do if you were his parents?

3. What and who can help Dima in this situation?

Situation 53
Katya goes to school on a cold morning, wearing only a jacket.

“Put on your coat,” says the mother, “This jacket is too light for this weather.”

- Don't want! - the daughter answers.

“We both don’t want you to catch a cold, do we?” Is not it? - says the mother.

- Understand, I am sincerely worried about you. Please put yourself in my position and advise me what to do with such a child?

- Okay, let me put on a sweater under the jacket.

“Wonderful,” the mother agrees.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze Katya’s behavior.

2. What would you do if you were her parents?

3. What methods and techniques of education did Katya’s mother use?

Situation 54
Once Vasily refused to be on duty and said so:

- I won’t, that’s all!

The teacher did not become indignant and threaten various punishments, but only said:

- Let's calm down. Sit down, let's talk. Don't you want to be on duty?

- Don't want.

- But you are not alone in the class. Another 23 people. And everyone is on duty, because everyone’s duty is to help the cleaner, who cleans the entire school. And in any class of our school, the children take turns on duty. What kind of special are you? Everyone is on duty, and you say, “I won’t.” Think about how the guys will look at you. And you yourself: after all, that means someone has to clean up for you once again? Think again, don’t rush, and tomorrow we will return to this problem.

The next morning, Vasily approached the teacher and muttered under his breath:

- I'll be on duty. Just let someone else be on duty with me, not Petrova. And then she teaches and teaches what to do and how to do it. Tired of it.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze Vasily’s behavior.

2. What would you do if you were a teacher?

3. What methods and techniques of education did the teacher use?

Situation 55
Let's consider an example of one of the conflict situations that is not uncommon in our schools - a disrupted lesson. The lesson went on as usual. The drawing teacher began to explain. Suddenly she heard a distinct creak behind her. By the expression on her face, she immediately determined that it was Sasha who did it, and, without hesitation, she sternly told him to stop creaking, otherwise he would be removed from the lesson. She had no idea that the failure of her lesson began because she succumbed to provocation (she was unable to quickly analyze and evaluate the conflict situation). The teacher continued her explanation, but the creaking continued anyway. Then the teacher approached S, took his diary from his desk and wrote down a remark (transition to action - a conflict arose).


She made two pedagogical mistakes at once. First of all, if she had taken into account Sasha’s characteristics. (mischievous, arrogant, stupid, cowardly), then she would have realized that it was enough to take the diary and put it on her desk, thereby forcing Sashistimul to work well in class so that the remark would not be written down in the diary. The second mistake is the loss of precious time for the teacher to record a comment and attract the attention of the whole class to the conflict. Since the remark was recorded, Sasha. began to creak even louder, openly mocking the teacher. Barely holding back, she began to shout that she would remove him from the lesson. This was another mistake of the young teacher (she did not get out of the conflict, but aggravated it even more). In this case, the teacher put herself in a position where her authority publicly, in front of the children, falls. A teacher can “afford” such words (“I’ll remove you from the lesson!”) ​​only when he is firmly convinced that the student will obey his demand, when he has great authority and sufficient power.

She should have shown firmness and calmness, and not yelled uselessly at the student, thereby causing laughter from the other students.

Situation 56
There is a weak child in the class, and the children do not miss the opportunity to mock the physically and psychologically undeveloped boy. When the teacher calls him to the board, he only hesitates and stammers, afraid that everyone will just laugh at his answer. The teacher just sighs, reproaches and gives a “2”.


A weak boy, bullied by the ridicule of his students, needs outside support and encouragement. Otherwise, he will develop an inferiority complex, he will remain a poor student, a backward student and will grow up to be a weak, insecure person, embittered at the whole world. The rest of the children mistakenly believe that they have the right to mock others, weaker ones, and do not realize that they need to help their peers. They develop selfishness and cruelty.


To create harmony of relationships in the class (in this situation), the teacher needs to support the weak student, help him express himself on the path of personality development. To do this, you need to give the student a special task, for example, a creative task, familiarity with the result of which can arouse the interest of the entire class. This will help the boy open up, show his dormant abilities and untapped possibilities. Or maybe he's not a weakling at all? For the same purpose, he can be seated more often at a desk in pairs with different children, so that they get to know the outcast student better.

Situation 57
Girl, 6 years old. From the age of three he attends a choreographic club, from the age of 5 – vocal and theater studios. He often performs on stage and participates in various competitions. Before the next performance, while playing, he tries to guide his peers: “I know you better, I’ve already performed on stage many times, but you haven’t. So I will play the role of a fox.” The girls try to disobey her and go to the teacher for help.


1. Offer the girl the role of director in this game to help her friends express themselves. Show that their performances are also worthy of praise.

2. Conduct a conversation with the child aimed at analyzing the negative aspects of the behavior of the heroes of works of art (bragging, offending comrades, etc.), explain that other girls, her friends, also want to play this role. Offer to play in turns.

3. Invite the children not to quarrel, but to distribute roles using lots. It will be fair.

4. Organize a casting for the main role - the fox, select an independent jury (boys, children not involved in this game).

5. Seek advice from your children on how to solve this problem.

Situation 58
Boy, 7 years old. From early childhood he showed interest in modeling, drawing, and design. He draws well, sculpts, creates unusual designs, and fantasizes. The parents refused the teacher’s offer to send the child to an art studio, deciding that the boy should play sports. In kindergarten, he is not friends with anyone, he often conflicts with children, if they interfere with his drawing or building, if one of the children wants to join his game, most often he does not let him. He is very withdrawn, slow, it is difficult to distract him from his favorite activity, “a child in himself.”


1. A child with low self-esteem, he is not recognized by his parents. It is necessary to try to increase the child’s self-esteem, offer to participate in competitions, and display his work at exhibitions so that his success is appreciated by parents and children.

2. Conduct a sociometric research method, identify the preferences of this child and try to bring him closer to these children, giving them common instructions, and involving them in joint activities. Give this child a special task, and after its successful completion, a high assessment in order to increase his authority in the group.

3. Work with parents. Help them see and understand the child’s hobbies. Invite them to take into account the child’s opinion when choosing additional education, so that the child is passionate about the activity offered to him, he must have motivation, and not just “because mom said so.” And the whole family can play sports on weekends.

Situation 59
The boy Sasha, having stayed for another year in kindergarten in another group, misses his teachers, whom he attended for four years. Sasha often comes to visit her former group: she communicates with the teachers, plays with the kids, teaches how to create buildings from construction sets, etc. The teachers always accept the child, Sasha’s mother also likes these visits - she has a good, trusting relationship with the teachers. One day, picking up a child from kindergarten. Olga Petrovna (mother) found someone else's small car in his possession.


1. Ask your child:

- Sasha, whose car is this? You need to give it to the owner.

“I went to visit Nina Ivanovna, taught the kids how to build a garage, and accidentally put it in my pocket,” Sasha cunningly says.

– Go to the kids tomorrow and return the car.

“No, I like her, I don’t have one,” the boy said stubbornly.

“Sasha, maybe this is a home machine, and the baby is crying and looking for it,” the mother convinces.

- No I'm not going. Nina Ivanovna will be angry and say that I stole, no, I’m ashamed.

- Sasha, let’s go together to Nina Ivanovna tomorrow and give her the car, okay?

2. Convince the child to return the car after discussing the situation with the teacher.

In the evening, before picking up the child, Olga Petrovna comes to Nina Ivanovna, talks about what happened and warns about her coming with her son. Nina Ivanovna supports the mother’s line of behavior and when the child returns the typewriter, she happily says:

- Oh, Sasha, you found Dima’s car! And we’ve been looking for her all day, Dima is crying, go quickly, give her to Dima, thank you very much.

3. Mom should take the typewriter herself and take it to Olga Petrovna. Explain the situation to her. But first, talk to your son about the fact that it is not good to take other people’s things.

Situation 60
Children of the middle group gather for a walk in the evening. Roma and Lisa have lockers for clothes next to each other, the children quarrel and interfere with each other. To resolve the situation, the teacher moves the bench to make it more comfortable for the children, but the children continue to argue and interfere with each other.


1. Invite Roma, as a true gentleman, to give way to a lady. To say that real men always do this.

2. Invite Lisa not to quarrel, take her things and move to another place.

3. If children often quarrel over lockers, then you can try to “move” them to other lockers.

Situation 61
In summer, children meet their parents at the playground. The children play before their parents arrive. Oleg and Vika collide while running and run into each other. Vika comes up to the teacher crying and says that Oleg hit her.


1. Explain the rules of the game before it starts. Discuss safety rules with children. Running children must look ahead and dodge other children to avoid being hit.

2. If a collision occurs, do not place the blame on someone else. Both are to blame, because they did not look forward. Stop the game and calm the children down.

3. Seek help from other children playing to find out how it all happened. Calm down and feel sorry for the children, once again remind them of the safety rules while running.

Situation 62
Sveta (6 years old) attends the preparatory group of the kindergarten. She can read, write, loves to dance, sing, and recite. Mom is proud of her, and Sveta is proud of herself.

One day, walking home with her mother, the girl said: “I won’t go to kindergarten tomorrow! They give me tasks that are more difficult than others, so that I don’t know how to answer.”

How should mom react?


1. Think about the possible reasons that influenced Sveta’s attitude towards the situation in kindergarten.

2 . Support your daughter: “That’s right, you’re my smartest. And if you don’t know the answer, let’s find out possible sources of information together.”

3 . Note! Perhaps the constant excessive praise of her daughter caused uncertainty in the first failures.

Situation 63
The child has a very good memory, so he easily remembers information, texts, songs. During holidays, playing his role, he prompts the roles of other characters, which prevents other children from expressing themselves and disrupts the course of the holiday.


Give the child a special role - a prompter. “Your task: to make sure that the children do not forget their words during the performance. If the child has forgotten, you quietly prompt him.”

Conversation with a child before the holiday “How a real artist behaves.”

Get the child interested in other types of activities (club work). Working with parents. Find out how parents feel about this behavior of the child. If parents are aware of the problem, then offer to attend practical classes with a psychologist on the formation of the volitional sphere with the child. Give recommendations “Formation of restraint in preschoolers”, “Areas of application of the ability to quickly, volumetric memorization” (chess, checkers, GO).

If the parent is not aware of the problem, then find common ground on the issues of forming adequate self-esteem.

Situation 64
Parents are often touched by the intricacy of children's speech, calling their children child prodigies.

When mom tells Dima: “Don’t run so far!” - Dima replies: “Don’t worry, mom, I’ll pull you away and hold you in check!”


This phenomenon is associated with imperfect mastery of the grammatical structure of speech. A child can give any new word the form that he has mastered. Elements of a child’s conscious mastery of this form trigger children’s word creation.

Situation 65
When communicating with their children, parents often compare them with other children.

Nina’s mother, pleased with her daughter’s behavior, often says: “You can do everything with me, you are the best,” “You are the most beautiful.”

But Tanya’s mother, wanting her daughter to be more organized and develop better, says: “All children are like children, only you are abnormal,” “Look how smart Katya is. Everything works out for her, but for you...”

Both mothers wish the best for their children, but which of them will achieve better parenting results?


Both mothers compare their children with other children, but the first mother uses a positive comparison, and the second mother uses a negative one. Thus, the “design” of Nina and Tanya’s behavior is different.

If a mother is a confident person, then, as a rule, she praises her child and distinguishes him from other children positively. This helps to improve the child’s social status and occupy a favorable place in the system of interpersonal relationships with peers.

If a mother is an insecure person who feels worse than other people in some way, she will treat her child the same way, passing on her own insecurity to him. The child of such a mother will have a low social status.

In general, it is better to compare the behavior of children with his own, which was yesterday, in the past.

Situation 66
We often hear how different mothers, when communicating with their children, assess their capabilities differently. Some say: “You can do what I can’t do!” You speak correctly, well done!”

And other mothers say: “You’re still little, listen to what the adults say! What do you understand, if you learn, then you’ll understand!”


Some mothers seem to instill self-confidence in the child (“If mom praises me, it means I’m worth something!”). They contribute to the child’s growth, create an active life position in him, and help his self-affirmation.

Other mothers, on the contrary, create self-doubt in the child, he develops anxiety, decreases activity, and develops a tendency toward pessimism. (“If my mother scolds me, it means I’m worthless, I’m bad!”)

Situation 67
“My son Misha (7 years old),” writes his mother, “is almost perfect. But in his group he is always silent in public. I tried to justify him with some reasons: he was tired, he was in a hurry to get home, etc. When he was home, everything was fine. But in public he becomes withdrawn. Please advise what to do? Give advice to mom.


Try to explain to Misha that shyness is often perceived as unfriendliness, and in order to please people, you need to be more sociable.

Situation 68
A 13-year-old girl, Ira, feels uncomfortable being around her peers due to the fact that she has poor eyesight and is forced to wear glasses with large lenses, so everyone teases her.


First of all, the class teacher needs to have a conversation with those students who laugh at Ira. Call them to account for their actions - inform parents that their children are insulting their classmate. Leave it after the lesson so that they can ask the girl for forgiveness.

Situation 69
The teacher addresses the student, who is holding a phone in his hands... I think in this case, it is necessary from the first lesson (or precisely from this case) to define a set of rules (done by the subject teacher, not necessarily the class teacher), which every student in this class must follow.


We are not late for lessons. And if you’re late, then... (some kind of punishment that the children themselves choose during class).

We don't use cell phones in class. And if you took your phone during class, then... And so on. But in this case it is necessary to continue the lesson. I think the teacher should say this: “Ilya (or whatever the child’s name is), let’s come to an agreement. You’ll put your phone away now, because I need to continue a new topic, at the next lesson you’ll be writing a test on it together with everyone, and I don’t think you’ll get a 5 if you listen to it now. And I would really like you to have an excellent grade in my subject, and your parents would be very pleased to see you happy. And what do you think?"

Situation 70
Imagine that you are a class teacher. Your students left the last lesson to go to the cinema and thus disrupted the lesson. The next day you come to class and ask who initiated the idea, and the answer is silence.


1. In this situation, you need to ask about what happened yesterday. That is, how children themselves evaluate their actions. If they said: “Nothing!” You could say: “You know, I somehow didn’t notice you all at the last lesson, can you tell me why?”

The most important thing in this situation is to find out the reasons for leaving the last lesson. If children trust you, I think they will tell you everything. It’s not even important that the initiator of the idea immediately raises his hand, it’s important to say it in such a way that he feels ashamed, and the guys can then discuss this action together.

2. The next day, the class teacher poses a problem to the children - 1) this is a disruption of the lesson; 2) consequences - a report from the teacher (whose lesson did not take place) addressed to the director, the subject teacher is upset (they dealt a moral blow, and how will the relationship develop with him later, after all, he will continue to study), the attitude towards the actions of the students from the parallel (that is the class that left should be punished so that it would not be the same for others), etc. These problems, which they created themselves, should be voiced by the class teacher, then the class. the leader poses questions that they must solve, specifically write them down on the board or paper, and gives time to solve them (How do you assess what happened, how to get out of this situation).

Situation 71
There is a new student in the class. A boy with dark skin. The students, seeing their new classmate, began to laugh and point their fingers.

Questions and tasks

2. What would you do (in the place of a class teacher or subject teacher) if a child of a non-indigenous nationality (race) arrived in your class?

Situation 72
A child with special needs in physical development (visually impaired, hearing impaired, wheelchair user, etc., severely stuttering) appeared in the class. The children reacted inadequately to the appearance of this child (they started calling names, laughing, etc.)

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the behavior of children in the classroom.

2. What would you (in the place of the class teacher or subject teacher) do if a similar child arrived in your class).

4. What preparatory work should be done with the class in such a situation.

Situation 73
One of the students in the class is constantly late for the first lesson. This has been going on for several weeks now. After listening to the teacher’s remark, the latecomer apologizes and promises not to be late. However, the delays continue.

Questions and tasks

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

4. What work needs to be done with this student.

Situation 74
There is a student in the class who is avoided by her classmates in every possible way. Almost no one communicates with her, and some children humiliate her.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the behavior of the girl and the children in the class.

2. What would you (in the place of the class teacher or subject teacher) do if there was a similar child in your class).

4. What work needs to be done with this student and class.

Situation 75
One of the children in class took out a mobile phone and started playing with it. After the teacher’s remark, he hid it, but then began to do the same thing again.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the child’s behavior.

2. What would you (in the place of the class teacher or subject teacher) do if there was a similar child in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

4. What work needs to be done with this student and class.

Situation 76
Recently, you have noticed that Petya (13 years old) from a sociable, cheerful child has become withdrawn and silent.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the child’s behavior and its possible causes.

2. What would you (in the place of the class teacher or subject teacher) do if there was a similar child in your class).

4. What work needs to be done with this student.

Situation 77
Have you noticed that in your class (7th grade) the children are divided into warring factions. Group confrontation manifests itself in almost everything and threatens to develop into a serious problem. The headman and class activist cannot cope with the situation. Hostility manifests itself even in the classroom.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the children’s behavior and possible reasons.

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

Situation 78
You found out that some children in your class (9th grade) use drugs. The information is confirmed by the inappropriate behavior of some teenagers.

Questions and tasks

6. What is the role of a social teacher and educational psychologist in solving such problems.

Situation 79
You found out that some children in your class (6th grade) smoke. During breaks, children gather in groups and run out into nearby courtyards to smoke.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the children’s behavior and possible reasons.

2. What would you (in the place of the class teacher or subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

4. What work needs to be done with the students in the class.

5. How can parents be involved in solving the problem?

6. Offer a system of preventive and corrective measures to combat bad habits for elementary, middle and high school students.

Situation 80
A child had an epileptic attack right during class. The boy was saved, but during the attack the child hit his head on the desk and vomited. The children watched all this. Some helped, some turned away and were in shock.

Questions and tasks

2. What would you (in the place of the class teacher or subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

4. What work needs to be done with the students in the class.

Situation 81
One of the students did not do his homework for the first time. Moreover, the teacher found out about this only when he asked for the notebooks to be checked. When the teacher asked “Why didn’t you do the assignment?”, the student muttered something incomprehensible. The teacher forgave the student on the condition that he complete the assignment for the next lesson.

The next day the student again came without homework. The teacher asked the student for a diary to record the comment. The student ran out of the classroom, slamming the door loudly.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze this situation.

2. What are the possible reasons for this behavior.

3. What would you (in the place of the class teacher or subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

4. How to properly resolve the current situation.

5. What work needs to be done with the student.

Situation 82
Have you noticed that lately Masha, a student in your class, has been coming to school in a depressed state and with bruises on her arms and face.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze this situation.

2. What are the possible reasons for this.

5. What work needs to be done with the student and parents.

Situation 83
At the beginning of the second quarter, the teacher offers primary school students:

- Let me seat you so that it is convenient for me to work with you. Those who received a 3 or lower rating, please sit in the row to my right. And those who received other marks, please sit to my left. For what? The fact is that as soon as you no longer get 3, but 5, I move you to another row, and as soon as you start getting grades below 4 again, I move you back. This movement game will clearly show your successes and failures in your studies. Those guys who sit on the right need my help and the help of their classmates more. They must study more diligently and change their attitude towards their work at school and at home.

Questions and tasks

1. What patterns does the teacher take into account when stimulating learning?

2. Is it possible to transfer this technique to teenagers?

3. What is the educational and educational value of such a pedagogical strategy?

Situation 84
The teacher organized a walk to the park. She chose the most picturesque place and warned everyone to take a picture frame with them.

When everyone climbed the hill, the teacher said:

– Today we will choose paintings depicting a winter landscape. Whoever of you chooses the most beautiful and can prove to everyone the beauty of this painting will receive a prize - a book about Russian painting.

-Where are these paintings? – one of the students asked.

- They are around us. Take your frame, point it at different parts of the living landscape and see what kind of picture you have in your frame. When you find the most beautiful one, invite us all to look. The students began to look for picturesque corners of the park, drew their frames, expressed delight, and invited everyone to have a look.

Everyone recognized Gena's picture as the best. He managed to choose a view that resembled a road into a gorge.

Joyful and excited by their emerging interest in painting, the children expressed a desire to paint the landscapes they saw.

Questions and tasks

1. What is the teacher’s style of activity and behavior?

3. What is the value of a teacher going beyond the traditional classroom-lesson form of teaching organization?

Situation 85
Walking to class, the teacher sees a crowd of children and two fighting teenagers near the office. The teacher asked everyone to go into the office and the fighters to stay in the corridor. Having closed the doors and being left alone with the boys, the teacher asks:

– Can you explain why you quarreled, what caused the fight? The boys are silent, they look at each other threateningly.

- It's a secret? – the teacher asks seriously.

They nod their heads.

- Then let’s do this, I give you 5 minutes - talk like man to man, only without fists and insults, quietly, peacefully sort out your relationship. And remember, you must enter the classroom stronger friends than you were before, show everyone how you can solve life's complex problems in a civilized manner.

Questions and tasks

1. Is the teacher right? What motivated him?

2. Do you agree with the opinion that in practice a certain idea of ​​“male” and “female” education should be implemented?

3. What decision would you make in such a case?

Situation 86
One day, the children and their teacher went to the forest to collect seeds of the white stock in order to sow the streets of a new building in the school neighborhood with them. The teacher said that there were very few seeds on the ground, since most of the dried pods were hanging on high branches.

Before the teacher had time to say this, Kolya, a very hooligan and conflict-ridden boy, was already on the tree. It was clear to everyone that he did this solely out of a desire to disobey, to show waywardness. But, to my surprise, the teacher praised Kolya:

- Look, children, what a great guy Kolya is! Now he will throw pods to us. This praise took Kolya by surprise. But there was no time to think, the guys were already seated under the tall acacia tree, and Kolya began to pick dry pods and throw them. The children vying with each other asked him:

- Kolya, throw it to me... Kolya, throw it right into the hat... The boy got carried away with his work. There was another brave boy who was not afraid of sharp thorns and thorns. And he and Kolya began to compete.

2. When does the teacher’s word produce an educational effect?

3. What should you remember when interacting with conflict-minded people?

Situation 87
A new kid appeared in the class - Vitaly. The first days the boy attended classes and behaved well. But after a few days he stopped showing up at school. The teachers learned from the policeman that Vitaly, along with a group of guys, stole audio equipment. The class teacher went to Vitaly’s home. She did not learn anything joyful and did not expect any help, since she learned that her father was gone and her mother was leading an immoral lifestyle.

And suddenly the teacher remembered the conversation with Vitaly and his friends. It was a meeting on the street, where Vitaly was drawing something on the asphalt. One of his friends spoke about Vitaly’s great drawing abilities. Having found out where this friend of Vitaly lived, the class teacher found Vitaly there too. Having met the teacher unfriendly, Vitaly was surprised by Tatyana Viktorovna’s unexpected offer to help in preparing visual aids for her lessons. To do this, she gave him money to buy paper, paints and other necessary materials.

The next day, at the teacher’s house, Vitaly was making crafts and preparing visual aids. As a result, he began to come to her home every evening with ready-made drawings and tables.

Only at the beginning of the next year, Vitaly asked the teacher to help him return to school, but only to her class.

It’s good that the school administration supported this interest, organizing training for Vitaly according to an individual program, so as not to lose him completely, so Vitaly began to regularly attend school and study hard.

Questions and tasks

1. What methods of pedagogical influence did the teacher use?

2. How can you explain the boy’s affection for the teacher?

3. Which side of human relations was reflected in the story with Vitaly?

Situation 88
A new girl came to class. Her wariness and reticence gave a group of boys the idea of ​​giving the new girl a “reception” in the best traditions of the bursa: “so that she would immediately understand where she ended up.” And when the girl left the classroom during recess, they hid her briefcase and began to look forward to the “show.” Everything worked out perfectly: the new girl immediately became nervous and began asking who took her briefcase.

Questions and tasks

1. Assess the microenvironment in which the event occurs.

2. Is it possible to judge by this act the spiritual impoverishment of modern teenagers?

3. Who and how regulates relations within the team in such cases?

Situation 89
The math teacher was explaining something, and Vitya, an impressionable boy who had just received a C in his favorite subject? history, sat and laid out some piece of paper on the table, thinking about his failure.

What are you doing over there? Why don't you listen?? Ksenia Vitalievna attacked him.? You started behaving badly...

So what!? Vitya muttered defiantly.

How do you talk to a teacher? Get up!

Why should I get up? I did not do anything…

Ah well? Well then get out of here!

But I won't go...

No, you'll go...

The teacher, taking the boy by the hand, forced him out of the classroom under the disapproving whispers of all the other schoolchildren.

Questions and tasks

1. Why did the boy’s behavior break down?

2. Analyze the nature of the teacher’s pedagogical influence on Vitya. 3. Give a psychological explanation and instrumentation for the methods chosen by the teacher.

4. What was the teacher’s pedagogical mistake?

Situation 90
With the advent of a new young teacher, the 8th grade students decided to make fun of her. No matter how hard she tried to calm the class at the beginning of the lesson, she failed. Whatever she did, she started screaming at the children, crying and threatening to invite the director. The students ignored her and, not paying any attention to her, continued to go about their business, make noise and have fun.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the perspective of the teacher, the student in the class, and the administrator.

2. What is the possible reason for this behavior of students?

3. What would you (in the place of the class teacher or subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

4. How to properly resolve the current situation.

5. What work needs to be done with the student.

Situation 91
In class, one of the kids lost an expensive phone from his bag. The teacher was sure that no one except him and the children of this class had access to the room. The teacher asked all the children to lay out the contents of all their bags. The phone was found in the bag of one of the guys.

Questions and tasks

2. What is the possible reason for this behavior of the student?

3. What would you (in the place of the class teacher or subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

4. How to properly resolve the current situation.

6. Is the teacher right in the above situation?

Situation 92
Your class took first place in the waste paper collection campaign. The class was given a certain amount of money as a reward. However, not all students took part in the common cause. Some children deliberately avoided work. When the time came to determine what and how to spend the prize money, the guys began to argue and could not come to a consensus.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the point of view of the teacher, the students in the class, and the administrator.

2. What is the possible reason for the behavior of students who have not shown proper hard work.

3. What would you (in the place of the class teacher or subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

4. How to properly resolve the current situation.

5. What work needs to be done with the student.

Situation 93
There is a lesson in the 10th grade. Viktor Petrovich, a mathematics teacher, is in a good mood. The whole class completed their homework with “good” and “excellent” marks. Unexpectedly, the teacher discovered that the assignment had been copied from the cheat sheet. What did the teacher experience at this moment - a feeling of disgust or annoyance, anger or resentment, or was he offended? He changed his face, sat down at the teacher’s table and...

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the point of view of the teacher, the students in the class, and the administrator.

2. What would you (in the place of the class teacher or subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

4. What work needs to be done with the student.

Situation 94
An upset physical education teacher entered the principal's office.

– What to do with Valery?

- And what happened?

“I stopped attending physical education classes, failed to show up twice for the training of the school basketball team, and a week later for the city competition. When we meet, I ask him a question: “Don’t you value the honor of the school?” - And he answered me: “I stand for the honor of society!”

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the point of view of the teacher, Valery and the administrator.

2. What would you do (in the place of the class teacher or subject teacher, director) if you had a similar problem at school).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

4. What work needs to be done with Valery and other students.

Situation 95
The class teacher unexpectedly learned that a group of boys and girls often gathers in the apartment of Tatyana, a student in her class: they drink, play cards, smoke, and stay overnight. Tatyana's parents are on a long business trip, and her grandmother is sick and cannot come to her granddaughter.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the point of view of the teacher, the students in the class, and the administrator.

2. What would you (in the place of the class teacher or subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

4. What work needs to be done.

Situation 96
There is a test in mathematics in class. The students began to complete the assignments. Almost half of the lesson has passed. The teacher, observing the students, discovered that two students were copying formulas from cheat sheets.

Questions and tasks

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

4. What work needs to be done with the students in the class.

Situation 97
Vasily is a fairly smart child. He solves problems well, but answers verbally at the board inconsistently and often avoids answering questions directly.

Questions and tasks

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

4. What methods and techniques are best to use when working with such a student.

Situation 98
During the lesson there is an oral examination of homework. The teacher interviews one of the students at the blackboard. The teacher asks an additional question. The student thinks, and at this time a hint comes from the audience, which the teacher also hears.

Questions and tasks

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

4. What methods and techniques are best to use when working with such a student.

Situation 99
One day, half a dozen Kyiv schools were “mined” by telephone. By 16.00 not all schools had been checked, but it became obvious that this was a “joke” by the schoolchildren. There was a suspicion that such “jokes” could be repeated. Then the teachers of secondary school No. 79, on the street. Shota Rustaveli, they found a way to fight the “miners”.

The head teacher of the school announced to all classes that the disrupted classes would be held on Saturday - during the second shift. As a result, students quickly realized that disrupting classes was not profitable.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the point of view of teachers, students, parents, and administration.

2. How adequate and correct was the administration’s decision.

3. What work needs to be done with school students to avoid such situations.

Situation 100
There is a test in chemistry in class. The students began to complete the assignments. Half of the lesson has passed. The teacher, observing the students, discovered that some students were copying from the “excellent” students. Moreover, the latter willingly shared their notebooks.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the teacher's point of view.

2. What would you (in the place of a subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

4. What work needs to be done with the students in the class.

Situation 101
The children wrote a rather difficult test in mathematics. Even the weakest students wrote their work “excellently.” However, the teacher is sure that they cheated. However, the teacher did not notice any external signs of this.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the teacher's point of view.

2. What would you (in the place of a subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the point of view of the teacher, the boy and the students in the class.

2. What would you (in the place of a subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

Situation 103
Grigory S. is a fan of “going out for a minute.” During a lesson, he can ask for time off 2 or even 3 times and is absent for 5 minutes or more. The teacher, noticing such a pattern in his lesson, once said “No.” Then Grigory began to clutch his stomach and pretend to have a terrible desire to visit the toilet. Realizing that the student may actually need to go to the toilet, the teacher dismisses the student. Grigory leaves and, as usual, is absent for a decent amount of time. One day, when Grigory once again left “for a minute,” one of the children said that he was just walking around the floors of the school and certainly wasn’t going to the toilet, as he himself told everyone. The teacher got angry. During the break, I asked another teacher, subject teacher Vasily Gavrilovich, how things were going with Grisha in his lesson, to which the teacher said that Grisha was constantly asking him to leave. Then the teacher said that the children reported that Grisha was just walking. A week passed and Vasily Gavrilovich was summoned to the director’s office. It turned out that he did not let Grisha go once again at his request, and Grisha “relieved himself” directly in his clothes. A scandal broke out. For the next physical education lesson, Grisha again had a request - Can I go out? The teacher didn't know what to do? Not letting go is dangerous, and letting go is dangerous, you never know what could happen to a child wandering around in class. What should I do?

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the teacher's point of view.

2. What would you (in the place of a subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

Situation 104
In 6 "A" there is a "non-standard" student - Dima K. Dima is overweight. He has to go to physical education because there is no exemption, there are only restrictions on the load. Dima suffers greatly, as he is the object of everyone's ridicule. The children laugh at the way Dima does exercises, at the way he tries to pull himself up, at his failures in games, sometimes they deliberately make Dima fall or stumble. The teacher also noticed that children often hurt Dima, catching the moment when the teacher turns away. They try not to take him on the team, don’t let him be the leader and interfere with him in every possible way. The teacher tried to show the children Dima’s positive qualities and praised him when the boy succeeded in something. But this caused a backlash from the class. They began to hate Dima even more.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the teacher's point of view.

2. What would you (in the place of a subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

Situation 105
In the middle of the school year a new student arrived. He immediately took a position in the lesson - I don’t want to, I won’t, you have no right to force, I don’t care about your bad marks and punishments! Any tasks were accompanied by similar remarks, and each remark of this kind only further lowered the teacher’s authority in the eyes of the students, who had already begun to be drawn into general laughter and rejoicing at such a reaction from the newcomer and the “weakness” of the teacher, finding entertainment in this. And the newcomer, seeing that he was becoming a “star,” began to cross all boundaries and rebel even more, and be less and less shy in his expressions and actions.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the teacher's point of view.

2. What would you (in the place of a subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

Situation 106
Student Misha L. was distinguished by his “cheerful disposition. He was amused by other people's failures in class, and he especially laughed when someone was hurt or offended to the point of tears. If a ball accidentally hits a student in the face, Misha is happy, someone pushes someone, Misha is happy, a quarrel breaks out over the rules, for example, Misha is rejoicing. And the person not only rejoices, but also gloats, makes offensive remarks, calls people names and laughs at them. Any punishments associated with such a violation of the rules of behavior in the lesson did not particularly affect Misha. The children, of course, did not like him, they even treated him with some caution, so as not to fall into the field of view of his jokes and ridicule. The parents threw up their hands. The class teacher remained silent. Leaving such behavior unattended is completely unrealistic.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the teacher's point of view.

2. What would you (in the place of a subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

Situation 107
Julia is an unusual girl, a “star” girl. Sings and dances great. He performs at shows of young talents and participates in various music competitions, but does not like physical education. He often misses classes for good reasons and for performances. And when he does attend physical education lessons, he does everything reluctantly, often conflicts with the teacher and “plays to the public.” Summing up the disappointing results at the end of the year, the teacher deservedly gave Yulia a “3” for the year. The next day the teacher came to work, where he ran into Yulia and her mother near the gym. Mom was initially determined and aggressive. From the conversation with her, the teacher understood one thing, “We need an A.” No arguments or explanations from the teacher about how Yulia is studying, the answer was the same;

– I don’t care what you say. Yulia has A's in all subjects and we don't need a C in some useless physical education that will never be useful to her. I insist on an “excellent” rating. Do what you want, but we don’t need your insignificant and unfair three.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the teacher's point of view.

2. What would you (in the place of a subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.

Situation 108
Daria Alekseevna worked all her life as a physical education teacher at school No. 136. She had only a year left until retirement. During one of the lessons in the 9th grade, everyone was doing pull-ups. One of the students, Oleg L., did two pull-ups and stepped aside. To the question why? He answered - I can’t and I don’t want to! Daria Alekseevna began to insist that Oleg pass the standard normally, and promised to give a negative mark if he did not agree. To which the student replied: “Or maybe you yourself will demonstrate your skills to us at least once?” What can a granny like you teach? All you know is to give bad marks and yell. The whole class heard friendly and approving laughter in the gym.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the situation from the teacher's point of view.

2. What would you (in the place of a subject teacher) do if a similar problem arose in your class).

3. How to properly resolve the current situation.
