Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Lexical topic: Poultry. Chicken sounds: what sounds do chickens make? Development of general speech skills

Guess a riddle!

Clucking, clucking, calling the children together,
He gathers everyone under his wing.

A tail with patterns, boots with spurs.
I wake everyone up, even though I don’t wind the clock.

He appeared in a yellow fur coat,
Goodbye, two shells.

Red paws, pinching the heels,
Run without looking back.

The barrel is rolling, there is not a knot in it.

Finger gymnastics “Chicken”

The chicken went out for a walk and nibbled some fresh grass.
(clap hands on knees)
And behind her are the kids - yellow chickens
(we walk our fingers on the table)
Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, don’t go far!
(we shake our fingers)
Row with your paws
(raking with our hands)
Look for grains.
(peck the grains with our fingers)
Ate a fat beetle, an earthworm
(we show with our hands how fat the beetle is)
We drank a full trough of water
(we show how we scoop water and drink)

Didactic game "Who is screaming?"

The goose cackles
duck - quacks,
the chicken clucks
rooster crows,
chicken - squeaks,
the turkey is chattering.

“Name your parents!”

The chicken has a hen, a rooster;
for a turkey - turkey, turkey;
the duckling has a duck, a drake;
the gosling has a goose, a gander.

"One is many"

Goose - geese - a lot of geese,
duck - ducks - ducks,
rooster - roosters - roosters,
chicken - chickens - chickens,
drake - drakes - drakes,
gosling - goslings - goslings,
goose - geese - geese,
duckling - ducklings - ducklings,
and turkey - turkeys - turkeys,
turkey - turkeys - turkeys,
turkey poults - turkey poults - turkey poults.

"Call me kindly"

Rooster - cockerel - cockerels,
grain - grain - grains,
chicken - chicken - chickens,
chicken - chicken - chickens,
duck - duck - ducks,
goose - gander (gosling) - gander (goslings, goslings),
goose - goose - goose,
duckling - duckling - ducklings,
turkey - turkey - turkeys,
turkey - little turkey - turkey poults,
egg - testicle - testicles,
wing - wing - wings.

Physical exercise “Turkey”

A turkey walks around the yard (Steps in place)
Among ducks and girlfriends.
Suddenly he saw a rook, (Stop, look down in surprise)
Got angry.
He stomped in the heat of the moment, (Stamp his feet)
He flapped his wings. (Use your hands like wings to pat yourself on the sides)
All swollen up like a ball (clasp rounded hands in front of chest)
Or a copper samovar,
Shake his beard (Shake his head)
He rushed like an arrow. (Running in place)

“Compare and name according to the example”

Beautiful is more beautiful, soft is softer,
hard - harder, long - longer,
short - shorter, kind - kinder,
evil is angrier, strong is stronger,
weak - weaker, high - higher,
low - lower, thick - thicker,
thin - thinner.

Game “What’s wrong?”

The cat mooed on the sofa.
The dog barks at his own people.
The horse gives eggs.
The goat pecks milk.

“Which word is the shortest?”

Dog, cat, cow, goat.
Rooster, turkey, goose, chicken.

Game “What is common and how is it different?”

Tit and goose.
Chicken and duck.

For home reading:

Geese goslings

Geese goslings on their legs
The red ones put on their boots
And they went in single file, in a string,
To drink water from the trough.
Ten brothers drank water,
We started swimming in the trough.
It's good to swim in a trough!
Gosling geese, swim!


Living balls squeak
Millet is pecked from the hand.
I don't know where the chickens are,
Where are the cockerels?
The chicken clucks loudly
She's excited:
Probably for small children
You can't give millet.

Ducklings and chicks
The mother hen walked importantly through the yard and led her chickens. She walked slowly, because the chickens kept finding food and stopping to peck a worm or a seed.
And a mother duck was walking towards her. She walked quickly, and the ducklings ran after her just as quickly. They did not stop and did not pay attention to the worms and plant seeds, did not pay attention to the bread crumbs and grains. The chickens were surprised, they even wanted to ask where the ducklings were in such a hurry, but they didn’t have time: the mother duck crawled through the crack in the fence, and the ducklings followed her.
The most curious chicken finally decided to see what was there behind the fence and where the ducklings were hurrying. He looked out and even opened his beak in surprise. Behind the fence there was a pond, and ducklings swam on this pond. They swam and kept dipping their heads into the water. And when they picked them up, they had something in their beaks. This means they find food in the water! But the most interesting thing is not this. After all, the ducklings were also one or two days old. But they not only knew how to run, but also swim very well.
According to Yu. Dmitriev

Why does the Rooster crow three times a night?
(Fairy tale)
In the old days, the Rooster had the most beautiful tail, and the Peacock walked with a short tail. He had a tail, but it was not a tail, but just a misunderstanding. The Peacock was jealous of the Rooster.
One day the Peacock came to the Rooster and said:
- Rooster, oh Rooster! Lend me your tail, otherwise I need to go on a visit, so I want to dress up.
“What are you talking about,” says the Rooster, “do they borrow a tail?”
- Yes, I’ll give it back! - says Peacock.
- When will you give it back?
- Yes, I’ll come as a guest. Maybe in the evening, maybe at midnight, or even until the morning.
The Rooster gave him his tail. The peacock got dressed up and was like that!
The Rooster sits without a tail and waits for the Peacock to return from the guests. So evening has come, and still no sign of Peacock.
The Rooster jumped up on the fence and sang: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”
Peacock is not coming. Lo and behold, it’s midnight, it’s dark, you can’t help but gouge out your eyes. “Eh,” the Rooster thinks, “I hope the Peacock doesn’t get lost.” Petka jumped up and started crowing. He shouted and shouted - no, the Peacock is not coming. The Rooster dozed off again, but he couldn’t sleep – he felt sorry for his tail. The Rooster jumped up at dawn. Petka shouted again:
- Ku-ka-re-ku! Peacock! Come here!
And what kind of “here” is there! The peacock ran all the way to India overnight and settled there. Remember his name.
Many years have passed, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, the Rooster has already grown a new tail, but he still cannot calm down.
So since then he has been screaming three times every night - who knows, maybe Peacock will return Petka’s old tail.

“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”,
"Polkan and the Bear"
“Black barrel bull, white hooves”,
"The Bremen Town Musicians",
"Three piglets",
“Cockerel is a golden comb.”
“Straw bull – tar barrel.”
N. Nosov. "Living Hat"

Abstract educational activities in the 2nd early age group for speech development

Theme: Rooster, hen, chick.

Educator: Sitdikova L.I.

Target : expand ideas about poultry, enrich children's vocabulary.


1 cultivate a kind and caring attitude towards poultry and animals;

2 develop memory, logic; encourage dialogue and bring joy to children;

3 enrich children’s vocabulary with words: “rooster”, “hen”, “chicken”, “pecking” (using lightweight words, simple phrases, reproducing the intonation of an adult); arouse educational interest in birds; reinforce onomatopoeia.

Equipment. Toys: 2 roosters, a hen, 2 chicks, a cat, a dog, a cow, a box, a large bag, a bowl of “crumbs”, boiled eggs according to the number of children.

Preliminary work.Learning the physical education lesson “Chicken”; looking at a rooster, learning the finger game “Chicken”.

Progress of direct educational activities.

I Organizational moment.

We walked, walked, walked,

We found something.

Guys, what is this? (bag) A large, heavy bag. Let's open it and see what's there. (takes out a rooster)

Who is this? (rooster) How does the rooster crow? (ka-ka-re-ku individual answers)

II Examination of a toy (rooster, hen, chick).

Let's look at the rooster. (Children sit on chairs). Where's the head? Scallop? Does he have eyes? Where is the beak? Neck? Where are the wings? How does it flap its wings? Where are the paws? Torso?

Petya, Petya the cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard!

That you get up early

Don't you let the kids sleep?


Who is the cockerel calling? (takes out the chicken)

Who is this? (chicken) How does a chicken scream? (ko-ko-ko)

Let's look at chicken. Where's the head? Eyes? Beak? Where are the wings? Torso? Where are the paws?

Ko-ko-ko! Who is Ryaba the hen calling? (takes out the chicken)

Who is this? (chicken) How does a chicken scream? (beep-beep-beep) What is he like? (small, yellow, fluffy, soft) Where are his parents? Who's dad? Who's mom? Is the rooster big or small? Is the chicken big? This is a family: dad, mom and chicken.

III Finger game.

They are hungry. Let's give them some crumbs. (children crumble crumbs - imitate)

How do they bite? (puts a bowl of “crumbs” in front of the birds)


Poor little chicken (children clasp their fists at each other)

Woke up and wanted to eat.

Beats with a finger like a beak (tapping the index fingers on the knees)

It's like it's pecking at millet.

They say thank you.

IV Physical education session.

Guys, come to me.

The chicken went out for a walk (the teacher imitates a chicken)

Pinch some fresh grass,

And behind her are the children - (children pretend to be chickens)

Yellow chickens.

“Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! (threatening with index finger)

Don't go far!

Row with your paws (imitate movements)

Look for grains."

Ate a fat beetle (stroking their bellies)


We drank some water

A complete mess. (spread arms to the sides)

The chicken will sit down to lay eggs, and you and I will play. Sit on the chairs.

V Speech game “Who is screaming?”

Let's introduce the chicken to other pets and birds.

(The teacher takes turns putting a rooster, a chicken, a cat, a dog, a cow, a chicken out of the bag and pronouncing the words of A. Barto’s poem)

Ku-ka-re-ku! I look after the chickens.

Drink, drink, drink! Drink some water.

Mur-mur-mur! I scare the chickens.

Am-am! Who's there?

Mu Mu! Milk for anyone?

Where, whack, whack! She got carried away in the bushes.

VI A surprise moment.

- (Raises the chicken) What is this? (testicles) They were laid by the hen Ryaba. Look how many there are. The hen Ryaba liked what you were doing and gives you testicles. (hands out eggs to the children) What should we say to the chicken? (thank you) (goodbye)

Laysan Sitdikova

Target: expand ideas about poultry, enrich children’s vocabulary.


1 cultivate a kind and caring attitude towards poultry and animals;

2 develop memory, logic; encourage dialogue and bring joy to children;

3 enrich children's vocabulary words: « rooster» , « chicken» , « chick» , "pecks"(use of lightweight words, simple phrases, reproduction of an adult’s intonation); arouse educational interest in birds; reinforce onomatopoeia.

Equipment. Toys: 2 rooster, chicken, 2 chicken, cat, dog, cow, box, big bag, bowl with "crumbs", boiled eggs according to the number of children.

Preliminary work. Learning physical education minutes "Hen"; examination rooster, learning finger play « Chick» .

Progress of organizational and educational activities.

I Organizational moment.

We walked, walked, walked,

We found something.

Guys, what is this? (bag) Large heavy bag. Let's open it and see what's there. (takes out rooster)

Who is this? (rooster) How he screams rooster? (ka-ka-re-ku individual answers)

II Looking at the toy ( rooster, chicken, chick).

let's consider rooster. (Children sit on chairs). Where's the head? Scallop? Does he have eyes? Where is the beak? Neck? Where are the wings? How does it flap its wings? Where are the paws? Torso?

Petya, Petya- cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard!

That you get up early

Don't you let the kids sleep?


Who is he calling? cockerel? (takes out chicken)

Who is this? (chicken) How he screams chicken? (ko-ko-ko)

let's consider chicken. Where's the head? Eyes? Beak? Where are the wings? Torso? Where are the paws?

Ko-ko-ko! Who is Ryaba the hen calling? (takes out chicken)

Who is this? (chick) How he screams chick? (pee-pee-pee squeaks) What is he like? (small, yellow, fluffy, soft) Where are his parents? Who's dad? Who's mom? Rooster big or small? A big chicken? This family: dad, mom and chick.

III Finger game.

They are hungry. Let's give them some crumbs. (children crumble crumbs - imitate)

How do they bite? (places a bowl of water in front of the birds "crumbs")


Poor little one chick(children press their fists to each other)

Woke up and wanted to eat.

Beats with a finger like a beak (knock their index fingers on their knees)

It's like it's pecking at millet.

They say thank you.

IV Physical education session.

Guys, come to me.

The chicken went out for a walk, (the teacher depicts chicken)

Pinch some fresh grass,

And behind her the boys - (children pretend chickens)

Yellow chicks.

“Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! (threatening with index finger)

Don't go far!

Row your paws, (imitate movements)

Look for grains."

Ate a fat beetle (stroking bellies)


We drank some water

A complete mess. (spread their arms to the sides)

- The hen sits down to lay eggs, and we'll play with you. Sit on the chairs.

V Speech game “Who is screaming?”

Let's introduce chicken with other pets and birds.

(The teacher takes turns laying out from the bag rooster, chicken, cat, dog, cow, chicken and pronounces the words of A. Barto’s poem)

Ku-ka-re-ku! I look after the chickens.

Drink, drink, drink! Drink some water.

Mur-mur-mur! I scare the chickens.

Am-am! Who's there?

Mu Mu! Milk for anyone?

Where, whack, whack! She got carried away in the bushes.

VI A surprise moment.

- (Raises chicken) What is this? (testicles) They were laid down by the hen Ryaba. Look how many there are. The hen Ryaba liked what you were doing and gives you testicles. (hands out eggs to children) What should we say to the chicken? (thank you) (goodbye)

If you hear a loud “Crow!” or some chicken sounds early in the morning, this means that a chicken family lives somewhere nearby. The well-known rooster crow has several meanings. For the chicken flock, this cry serves as a call, a reminder that here he is, the rooster, is nearby.

For a possible opponent, this is a sign that the territory is occupied. If the opponent is weak, he will pass by; if he is strong, he will try to get into a fight and conquer the territory.

In a word, the sonorous “crow” can be deciphered as follows: “I’m here!”

If a rooster approaches a hen with certain intentions, then he makes a sound in a low voice, similar to a squeal.

In case of danger emanating from the earth (beast, dog, man), the rooster loudly warns his family with the same squeal, but with higher notes. In the wild, this would be regarded as a command “everyone urgently climb into the trees - there is danger from below.” At such an alarm signal, domestic chickens run for cover or climb onto roosts.

But here are the sounds chickens make when their egg-laying period ends: they begin to “cluck.” This “clucking” continues throughout the entire period of incubation on eggs and nursing of chicks. With this gentle sound, the hen calms the chickens, calls them together, and invites them to peck the food next to her. When danger approaches, the hen, like the rooster, makes a sharp and drawn-out “re” sound. With such a warning, chickens instantly hide under the chicken.

If danger threatens from above: a large bird flies by, someone throws a stone over the heads of the chickens, or a helicopter flies low, then the rooster makes a peculiar “re” sound. It is pronounced drawn out and hoarsely and means an order to hide, to hug the ground. With such a warning, chickens huddle in corners or freeze in place.

Another characteristic sound is made by the leader of the chicken flock - this is an invitation to feast with him. Having found something tasty, the rooster evenly and for quite a long time pronounces something similar to “tuck-tack-tack-tack.” The call continues until the chickens come running for a treat. After this, the chicken leader can smugly utter the sound “ko-ko” and even crow.

The chicken is a rather silent bird, unlike ducks and geese, which constantly “talk” to each other. All chicken sounds also have a strictly defined meaning. So, the sounds of a chicken clucking are produced in two cases. Firstly, this is a message to the entire surrounding world about the egg that has just been laid. Leaving the nest with an egg, the hen clucks loudly. As a rule, other chickens echo her. But their cackling does not last long, the herd quickly calms down.

Secondly, a chicken cackles if it is scared of something or someone. In this case, the chicken’s cry is picked up by the entire flock, and such a general “chorus” can last for several minutes, even if the danger has already passed. If you catch a chicken and take it away from the chicken coop, the other chickens will cackle anxiously for a long time.

A frightened chicken may not cluck, but simply scream, especially if it is suddenly grabbed by the wings and lifted from the ground. This cry is very alarming, and it causes panic among the other chickens. In order for the bird to lay eggs and not get sick, it is advisable not to expose it to such stress.

It should be noted that a chicken clucks even if it is not assigned to hatch chickens. And this clucking will only end with the beginning of the next egg-laying period. Such breaks in egg production can occur two to three times a year.

The chicken can calmly walk around the room, silently rake the litter with its feet, and then begin to “sing” in a low voice. She makes the well-known “ko-ko-ko” sounds.

This may mean that the hen is ready to lay an egg soon. But some chickens make these sounds just like that.

Chicken - Domestic bird, but remnants of instincts wildlife she still has some. To raise healthy livestock, you need to listen to the sounds that birds make. A sick chicken is usually very “silent”. And such silence should alert the owner.
