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Spain visa letter of guarantee sample. Sections and themes. Requirements for a sponsorship letter

Spain is a warm and beautiful country, where most citizens of our country dream of spending a vacation. But, at the same time, it occupies a leading position in terms of quantity.

But temporarily unemployed people can also visit the country - it is enough to present a sponsorship letter for a visa to Spain. What is this document, how to get and use it, we will understand in the article.

The Spaniards are very hospitable people, but, despite this, they are in no hurry to issue a visa to everyone, but they do it very selectively. The thing is that the authorities must be sure that after the expiration of the visa to Spain, a person will not stay in the country illegally, but will return to his homeland. Other documents are required.

That is why the tourist must convince the employees of the Consulate that he has enough material resources in order not only to go abroad, but also to return back. Works great in this case, a certificate from the place of work, which indicates the average wage, not less than 500 euros per month. Unfortunately, in a crisis, not everyone can boast of such a high level of income.

In this case, the only option is a sponsorship letter for a visa to Spain. It is in it that a person undertakes to cover all the expenses of a tourist for flights, meals and accommodation, pay for medical insurance and other expenses that are coming during the holidays.

Written sponsorship letter will be required:

  1. Able-bodied citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have a sufficient level of income per month. For example, it can be housewives or workers who receive their salaries in envelopes.
  2. Disabled persons and disabled people of different groups.
  3. Pensioners.
  4. Children who study at school, college or university.
  5. For a child aged 14 to 18 years. Until the age of 14, a child can be taken abroad without additional documents. It is enough that it be indicated in the passport of one of the parents. At this time, the second must write an agreement to take the baby out of the country.

Another interesting nuance is that if a person who wants to visit a country does not have a sufficiently high salary, but bank account a significant amount of money has accumulated, then the departure may be allowed without a sponsorship letter.

What is included in the sponsorship letter?

In order for the document to be executed correctly, the following facts must be indicated in it:

  • The country where the citizen plans to go.
  • Start and end dates of stay in the country. It is desirable to indicate the number of full days in brackets.
  • Full passport details of the guarantor who undertakes to fully pay for the trip.
  • Sponsored person's passport details.
  • Be sure to mention the relationship that exists between the guarantor and the applicant. It can be business, related, friendly, family and other.

To make it even clearer how to issue a letter, you can look at a sample sponsorship letter for a visa on the Internet.

Who can submit a sponsorship letter?

The first question that often arises among tourists is who can provide a sponsorship letter for, and on what rights.

Of course, the best and most reliable guarantor is your close relatives. These include parents, siblings, children or grandchildren. If the child is adopted, then this list also includes guardians.

Many countries with a visa regime, such as, have already strictly limited the circle of persons who can sponsor such trips. The Spanish government has not yet taken such measures. But not all emails are checked. In some cases, it is considered relevant sponsorship provided by common-law spouses. But in order to definitely relax in Spain, it is better to simply transfer the necessary amount to the account, and not wait and worry to the last.

Additional documents

In addition to the main sponsorship letter, you will also need paper that can prove the relationship with the sponsor. For this, a certificate of marriage, birth, adoption, and the like is suitable.

You will also have to confirm the solvency of the philanthropist himself. It is best to use a bank statement form for this, which shows not only the state of the account, but also the last manipulations with it. A certificate of income from the place of work, which indicates the amount of monthly earnings, is also perfect.

If the purpose of the trip is business, then the enterprise or organization, at the invitation of which the person leaves the native country, can also provide a sponsorship letter.

One of the countries. If you are going to visit her, then you should pay attention to the fulfillment of one of the basic requirements for, namely, the presence of a sponsorship letter for obtaining a visa.

These expenses include:

  • transport;
  • guide services;
  • all kinds of tours and excursions around the country;
  • accommodation;
  • medical care, if needed.

Download sponsorship letter sample.

Citizens covered by the sponsorship letter

  • Children. Sponsors of children (adults and minors) can be parents, grandparents. Possible sponsorship from adult brothers or sisters;
  • Students. The guarantors are parents, grandparents. Sponsorship from brothers and sisters who have reached the age of majority is possible, but this is rather an exception;
  • Spouses. A husband can write a sponsorship letter for his wife or vice versa.
  • Pensioners. Adult children can be sponsors of this category of citizens;
  • Disabled people. Sponsors are the same as in the case of students;
  • Unemployed.

A child who is accompanied by a parent does not need a sponsorship letter.

Citizens who have an unofficial source of income or a small one should also acquire a similar letter. Already at the consulate, you should clarify the required amount of income. Usually this amount is within 40 thousand rubles per month. In case the trip is purely business or work, the costs of it are reimbursed by the employer or the host.

If you are going to visit Spain and do not work at the same time, then it is enough to show that you have the required amount of funds in your account and their movement. The statement must be certified by the bank. In this case, there is no need to submit a sponsorship letter.

Attention! People who are not blood relatives, as well as spouses in a civil marriage, can act as a travel sponsor, but the letter may not be accepted by the consulate.

Documents that accompany the letter

In addition to the letter itself, it is necessary to collect and attach a number of documents that can confirm the viability of the sponsor. These documents include:

  • Guarantor's passport, copies of pages with photos and registration;
  • A document that confirms the family ties between the sponsor and the traveler. This document must be notarized;
  • If the guarantor and the traveler have different surnames, then it is necessary to present a document confirming the change of surname;
  • with a seal providing data on the size of the sponsor's salary. Moreover, it must be issued no earlier than 30 days before the required visa issuance. The minimum monthly salary must be more than 500 Euros. The document should contain such data as the position of the sponsor, the term of employment, contact numbers of the director of the company and the chief accountant, the address of the place of work (a sample certificate of employment in Russian can be downloaded, in English);

Sample letter of employment

  • If the guarantor is a wealthy person, you will need a document or a bank statement confirming that there is enough money on the account to support travelers during the trip. As an example, the sponsor assumes the obligation to pay the expenses of two people during the seven days of their stay in Spain. The minimum amount per person per day is 90 euros, but cannot be less than 810 euros (living wage for 9 days). It follows from this that the bank statement must contain the amount of 810 euros * * 2 pers. =1620 euros.

All documents, except for passport data and bank statements, submitted to the embassy must be translated into Spanish or English language. It is better to use the services of specialized companies. It is not required to certify documents with a notary.

When entering most European countries tourists are required to issue. To do this, you need to submit a certain set of documents. One of the important documents is a sponsorship letter for a Schengen visa.

A sponsorship letter for a visa is an obligation of a relative or several relatives of a tourist to pay all expenses associated with a visit to the EU countries.

Who submits the sponsorship letter?

The obligation to submit such a letter arises from the requirements of the EU Visa Code, according to which a visa is issued with a guarantee of full financial coverage of the entire time spent in the country and return travel. Since people with income themselves confirm their financial capabilities to visit the EU countries, it is obvious that a letter of sponsorship is required for those citizens whose income cannot ensure their stay in the Schengen countries.

The following citizens include the sponsor's letter in the application package for submission to the visa center:

  • Children under 14 traveling alone. If the child is traveling with parents, then writing a letter is not required, a bank statement on the account balance will be sufficient;
  • Students and pupils;
  • Persons of retirement age and disabled people;
  • Unemployed.

Attached is a letter of sponsorship. citizens with unofficial sources of income or low incomes. It is better to clarify the desired amount of income at the consulate of a particular country, but in most cases for EU countries, the traveler's income should exceed 15-20 thousand rubles per month (and to provide for himself on a trip, a tourist must have 50 euros for each day of stay).

Who can write a sponsor letter?

The sponsor of the tourist can be a close relative who has the necessary income to pay for the trip. In practice, the sponsor's letter is submitted by parents (or legal guardians), siblings, children or spouses.

If the marriage is not registered, then when submitting a letter from an unofficial spouse, there is a high risk of refusal to issue a visa, and countries such as and do not accept letters of guarantee from non-relatives.

If the visit is of a production nature, then the employer or the host party will reimburse the travel expenses.

Sponsor letter requirements

The sponsorship letter is drawn up in any form by hand or typewritten. It must contain the following data:

  • Dates of arrival and departure;
  • Name of the host country;
  • Mention of family relationship with a sponsored citizen;
  • Sponsor's passport details;
  • The amount of his income;

The letter confirms the sponsor's commitment to financial security travel, accommodation, food, medical insurance and other expenses incurred by the tourist. It is recommended to notarize the sponsorship letter, this will increase the chances of issuing a visa. The sponsorship letter is written in Russian, but sometimes embassies are asked to submit a document in English.

Sample sponsorship letter

Here is an example of a sponsorship letter.

sponsorship letter

I, Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov, born on March 21, 1960, passport series 99 01 No. 102105, issued by the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Tverskoy District of Moscow on May 21, 2005, subdivision code 991-001, I undertake to pay for the tourist trip of my daughter Lavrova Svetlana Sergeevna, passport series 99 02 No. 102106, issued by the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation for the Tverskoy district of Moscow on 05/22/2012, to Spain from 06/01/2019 to 06/20/2019 and guarantee the reimbursement of additional expenses incurred during this trip.

You can contact me by phone +7 977 177 01 02

07.05.2019 Lavrov S.V.

A sample sponsorship letter for a visa in .doc format can be downloaded.

This is an example of a sponsorship letter, however, the content may vary slightly depending on the rules of a particular state. The letter may contain the details of an all-Russian passport or a foreign one. If the trip involves visiting several countries, then it is advisable to list them.

Required Applications

Documents confirming the specified information must be attached to the sponsorship letter of guarantee. An approximate set of documents submitted with a sponsorship letter looks like this:

  1. A notarized copy of a document confirming family relations. If the employer undertakes to pay for the trip, then you should attach a certificate from work with a justification for the production need for the trip and a copy of the employment order;
  2. If the sponsor and tourist have different surnames, it is required to provide a document supporting the change of surname;
  3. A copy of the applicant's passport, including the registration address page;
  4. issued no earlier than one month before the visa was issued. The certificate must contain the following data - the applicant's position, salary, contact numbers of the head and chief accountant, company address and a blue stamp. If the head of the employing organization is a relative or namesake of the sponsor, then the presence of a second signature is mandatory. If the sponsor is employed by an entrepreneur, then a copy of the certificate of state registration of the individual entrepreneur is required to be attached to the certificate. They can be notarized, this will increase the chances of issuing a visa. If the sponsor belongs to the self-employed categories of citizens ( individual entrepreneurs, notaries, private lawyers), then instead of a certificate from the employer, a bank statement confirming the availability of funds for sponsorship is submitted. He must also submit a copy of the state registration certificate, the latest income tax return and an extract from the IP register for a period of less than a month of the month. By general rule sufficient amount for the trip is 62 euros per day. But it is better to clarify the required amount of funds at the consulate of a particular country. For example, for a visit to Greece, a sponsorship letter can be issued by a citizen with an account balance of 30,000 rubles or more.

In some visa centers, when applying for a visa, it is allowed to issue a letter from a person who is not a relative. But in this case, its notarization is mandatory.

Features of submitting a letter of sponsorship for different countries

Many countries have their own additional requirements for the design of the sponsorship letter and supporting documents for it. You can find out the specific conditions at the embassy of the host country.

  • For example, for registration it is not enough to provide information about the amount of funds in the bank account of the sponsor. It is required to present a certificate of the movement of funds on his accounts for the last three months. To visit Italy, you will need to notarize not only the sponsorship letter, but also documents indicating the family relationship between the sponsor and the tourist.
  • For registration, the sponsor's income must be at least 40 thousand rubles (the higher the income, the lower the risk of visa refusal), as well as the availability of funds in the account in the amount equivalent to 50 euros per day + 500 euros.

A sponsorship letter is required not only for a visa to the EU countries.

  1. For example, for non-working citizens or persons with insufficient income, it is required to submit a sponsor's letter with a mandatory translation into English. Notarization of the translation is not required. All supporting documents (certificates from the employer, bank statements, proof of family ties) must also have a translation. If there is no family ties between the sponsor and the tourist, the reason for the sponsorship should be explained in detail in the letter.
  2. For getting

Spain is visited by many tourists with different countries the world, including from Russia. According to the statistics, this is due to the pleasant climate of the state, the friendliness of the peoples living in it, and the amazing monuments of art, museums and architectural structures.

To visit Spain, citizens of Russia and the CIS countries need to obtain a Spanish visa. It can be Schengen and national. Their differences lie in the long-term stay, as well as the fact that using a Schengen visa to Spain in 2019 you can visit other Schengen countries.

What documents are required to obtain a visa?

To obtain a Schengen Spanish visa, you need to collect the following list of documents:

  • Valid foreign passport. An important requirement is that after the end of the trip, the period of its validity must be three months. The passport must have at least two blank pages. If the applicant has old foreign passports, the validity of which has expired or is still ongoing, they are also required to hand over (originals and copies);
  • Help received from the workplace. It must be drawn up on the letterhead of the company and certified by the seal of the management or the chief accountant. It must include information such as salary, position held and length of service. If the applicant is a schoolchild or student, then he must present a certificate from the educational institution along with a photocopy of the student card;
  • Two photographs, 35x45 mm. Requirements for pictures - the face should occupy more than 70% of the image, color, no corners, the head is located in the central part, a light background, eyes are open and look directly into the camera, no glasses or other accessories;
  • Health insurance. To obtain a Spanish visa, you need to take out insurance. This can be done in Russian or Spanish companies, and it is recommended to make a choice in favor of the latter. The sum insured must not be less than 30,000 euros;
  • A photocopy of a civil passport;
  • A completed application form, a sample can be found on the official website;
  • Additional documents to increase the chances of obtaining a Spanish visa in 2019: round-trip air tickets, hotel or hostel reservations, rental agreement for a house or apartment, evidence of real estate ownership in Russia, documents confirming that close relatives remain in Russia ( certificate of marriage, birth of children).

A mandatory document is a bank statement. It is necessary for the consul to make sure that you have enough funds to make the trip. The calculation must be carried out taking into account the fact that 57 euros are required per day per person, if you receive a national visa, then 60 euros.

sponsor letter

A sample sponsorship letter for a visa in .doc format can be downloaded.

If you don't have enough money, you can ask a sponsor for help. He will sponsor the entire trip, including visa costs. To confirm that the trip is paid by a third party, an appropriate sponsorship letter is required. It should contain the following information (according to the model):

  1. Name of the person who will pay for the trip;
  2. Place of work of the sponsor;
  3. Consent to reimbursement of travel expenses.

If a visa is issued on the basis of a sponsorship letter, then it is required to attach to the package of documents:

  • A photocopy of the civil passport of the sponsoring person;
  • Certificate from his place of work;
  • If he is an individual entrepreneur, he must present a certificate of registration with the tax authorities;
  • Bank account statement.

Attention! The sponsorship letter must be certified by a notary, otherwise it will be invalid.

The sponsor himself does not need to visit the visa center. Documents together with the letter can be submitted by the applicant for a Spanish visa. The person paying for the trip also does not need to be present for the interview.

In order to travel to one of the countries of the Schengen zone, a citizen will have to contact the visa center and provide a set of documents, which includes a questionnaire, a passport and a copy of it, color photography 3.5 by 4.5 cm, health insurance for at least 30,000 euros*, etc.

A mandatory requirement is the presentation of documentation indicating a sufficient level of income.

General information about Spain

Spain is enough large country occupying most of the Iberian Peninsula. It has a high human development index (0.884), and therefore is attractive to tourists and investors.

Since 1955, Spain has been a member of the UN, since 1986 the country has joined NATO. In addition, Spain is a member of the European Union.

In Spain, there is a significant contrast in climatic conditions in the north and south of the country. In the northern regions, the climate is similar to Central European, in the more southern - to African.

Medical insurance

It is worth evaluating the Spanish economy, one of the most developed components of which is agriculture.

Among Russians, the country is popular due to the presence huge amount attractions such as:

  • Cathedral of the Sagrada Familia;
  • Colomares Castle;
  • Park Guell;
  • Barcelona Cathedral;
  • Strait of Gibraltar etc.

In addition, numerous resort areas with beautiful landscapes can serve as a reason to visit:

  • Costa Brava;
  • Costa Blanca;
  • Sierra Nevada;
  • Baqueira-Beret and others.

Colomares Castle

What is a sponsorship letter

To travel to Spain, proof of financial solvency is required.

The main document for employees is a certificate from the employer.

Important! An extract from a bank account will also help to certify income. The main thing is that it be valid (valid for 21 days from the date of issue).

A sponsorship letter for a trip to one of the Schengen countries is provided by persons who are not officially employed or have a low income.

The letter is necessary in order to confirm the presence of a person who is ready to assume obligations for the financial support of a person traveling abroad.

Sponsor agrees to pay all costs, including:

  • transport;
  • services of guides (guides);
  • payment for tourist and hotel services;
  • medical care, accommodation, etc.

Who needs a letter

There are certain categories of people who are sponsored most often:

  • children - their parents (legal representatives) or other adult relatives can finance the trip;
  • students;
  • pensioners;
  • citizens with disabilities;
  • having no official place of work and source of income.

Who can act as a guarantor

As a rule, only close relatives of a citizen traveling abroad can issue a letter, namely:

  • mother or father;
  • wife or husband;
  • an adult child (in case he sponsors the trip of his elderly parents);
  • a guardian or custodian who has an appropriate contract in his hands.

Additional Information! Spain, unlike France and Germany, has not officially banned the issuance of Schengen visas with sponsorship not from relatives. In practice, though visa centers issue visas if the sponsors are the spouse.

General rules for filling

There is no unified form of the form, so the guarantor draws up a letter in free form, taking into account the following nuances:

  • the full name and passport data of the investor must be indicated;
  • you must also indicate the actual address of residence of the person who sponsors the trip + contact details (telephone, address Email and etc.);
  • in the text of the application it is written about the degree of relationship between the sponsor and the person leaving, as well as the exact dates of the trip.

Letter in English.

To increase the likelihood of acceptance of the letter, it should be translated into English or Spanish. The easiest way to make a transfer is to contact one of the specialized companies. If this is not possible, the 2018 Spain below will help.

List of required documents attached to the letter

After writing the letter and its translation, you should take care of the availability of a set of documentation confirming the financial solvency of the sponsor, namely:

  • a copy of the passport of the sponsoring person (turn and registration);
  • a copy of a document certifying the degree of kinship (certificate of marriage, divorce, birth, a copy of the decision to establish guardianship or guardianship, etc.);
  • if the guarantor and the departing person have different surnames, a document certifying the change of surname will be required;
  • reference from the place labor activity duly certified - it is important that the sponsor's monthly salary is not less than 500 euros* (the certificate must be issued no earlier than 30 days before the visa is issued) (download sample);
  • an extract from a current account from a bank confirming the presence of a certain amount in the account.

Current account statement in English

Note! The statement must contain an amount of 55 euros per day for 1 person* (or more). Example: if a trip is carried out by 3 citizens for a period of 8 days, then the minimum amount on the account should be: 55 * 3 * 8 = 1320 euros.

How to fill out a sponsorship letter for a child

If the child is traveling with their parent, no letter will be required. It is enough to issue a notarized permission from the 2nd parent (mother or father), which will contain explicit consent to send the child on a trip.

Important! The absence of the need to fill out a letter does not entail the absence of an obligation to enter data about the child into the parent's passport.

Where to submit a letter

The most common type of visa to Spain is the Schengen visa. Slightly less popular is the national visa type D (for long-term residence).

Sample Schengen visa

Registration is carried out after collection required documents and submission of biometric data. As a rule, the whole procedure takes no more than 4-6 working days (provided that everything is fine with the documents).
