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Filling out the railway waybill for dangerous goods. Railway waybill reverse side. IV. Filling out the invoice by the carrier along the route

How to issue a railway waybill?

The organization uses rail transportation services. What documents is the transport organization required to provide - read the article

Question: LLC purchases goods, delivery of which is carried out by rail. The consignee is a third-party organization with which a custody agreement has been concluded. Who should retain Sheet 1 of the railway consignment note? If from the consignee, then with what document does the buyer organization confirm the fact of delivery of the goods to the storage location?

Answer: There are no official clarifications on this issue.

The main transportation document confirming transportation is the railway bill of lading. The railway consignment note consists of four sheets. Sheet 1 is the original invoice. It is issued by the carrier to the consignee. Sheet 2 – road report. Sheet 3 – the spine of the road report. It must remain with the carrier. And the last sheet 4 is the cargo acceptance receipt. It remains with the shipper (Letter dated August 21, 2009 No. ШС-22-3/660@).

Based on this, we can conclude that the railway consignment note is not transferred to the buyer. It will remain with the consignee - the organization with which the custody agreement was concluded.

To protect yourself, include in the contract a condition on providing a copy of the railway invoice to the buyer.

The primary document on the basis of which the goods are accepted for accounting by the buyer can be a consignment note in form No. TORG-12. Moreover, if the goods are delivered by rail, then along with the consignment note, a railway consignment note is required. This document serves as confirmation of the transportation of goods.

But if the buyer is not the customer of the transportation, then the current procedure does not require him to have a railway bill of lading. In this case, the presence of a consignment note in form No. TORG-12 is a sufficient condition for recognizing expenses for the goods (by analogy with delivery by road).


From an article in the magazine “Seminar for Accountants”, No. 6, June 2009
We send cargo by rail and don’t worry about documents

BY YOURSELF. What to pay attention to when concluding a transportation contract with JSC Russian Railways

Let's consider the first option, when you send your cargo yourself. First of all, you must enter into a transportation agreement with Russian Railways OJSC. To do this, submit an application for the transportation of goods in the form GU - 12. The application form is given in the order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated June 16, 2003 No. 21 “On approval of the rules for accepting applications for the transportation of goods by rail.” This must be done at least 10 days before the start of cargo transportation. If you have cargo for export, then at least 15 days before the start of transportation. This is what Article 11 of Federal Law No. 18 of January 10, 2003 says - Federal Law “Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation”.

In the application you indicate the full name, postal address of the shipper, that is, your company, railway stations of departure and destination. And also provide accurate information about the cargo: name, weight, number of wagons, carrying capacity and number of containers.

The application must be completed in triplicate. Each of them is signed by the director and certified by the company seal.

Within two days, the carrier must agree on it and return you one copy of the application with the appropriate mark. If the application is not approved, then two copies of the application will be returned to you with a reasoned refusal attached (Clause 11 of the Rules approved by Order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated June 16, 2003 No. 21).

After the application is accepted, a contract for the carriage of goods is drawn up. If your company plans to systematically transport goods by rail, it is better to enter into a long-term contract. Then, in your transportation requests, you immediately indicate the contract number.

The contract defines the expected volumes of cargo transportation, terms, delivery conditions, payment procedures, responsibilities of the parties, as well as other conditions for organizing transportation.

The contract of carriage may provide for auxiliary services and work related to the transportation of goods: loading and unloading operations, supply and cleaning of wagons, storage of goods and containers, etc. Accordingly, the payment for them will be included in the total cost of transport services for the delivery of goods in addition to the railway tariff for transportation.

I would like to note that in some cases it is necessary to conclude a separate agreement on the supply and removal of wagons, not with the railway, but with the owner of the railway access track. To make it easier for you to understand what kind of situation we are talking about, a few words about the structure of the railway tracks. There are public railway tracks and railway access tracks, that is, non-public tracks.

Railroad sidings are adjacent to public railroad tracks and are designed to serve specific shippers and consignees.

They may not belong to JSC Russian Railways, but to another owner: an individual or a legal entity. If a company, which is a shipper or consignee, has warehouses and loading and unloading areas on a “foreign” access route, then it draws up an agreement on the supply and removal of wagons with its owner. Provided that the access track is serviced by its owner's locomotive.

In this case, the railway is not involved in the calculations. The company receives documents confirming the costs of supplying and cleaning cars from the owner of the access track. These are acts of work performed, invoices.

– And if the access road is served by a railway, what documents should we receive?

– List of supply and cleaning of wagons.

The main transportation document confirming transportation is the railway bill of lading. It is issued by the shipper and accompanies the cargo throughout its entire route. This is indicated by paragraph 25 of the Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation. When the cargo arrives at the destination station, the consignment note is handed over to the consignee.

The railway consignment note consists of four sheets. Sheet 1 is the original invoice. It is issued by the carrier to the consignee. Sheet 2 – road report. Sheet 3 – the spine of the road report. It must remain with the carrier. And the last sheet 4 is the cargo acceptance receipt. It remains with the shipper.

Please note that an invoice is drawn up for each shipment of cargo.

The forms of railway transport invoices are given in the Rules for filling out transportation documents for the transportation of goods by rail, approved by Order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated June 18, 2003 No. 39, as well as in the Rules for the carriage of goods by rail in universal containers, approved by Order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated June 18, 2003 No. 30.

Thus, having submitted a request for transportation, you must fill out a railway waybill and hand it over to the carrier along with the cargo. You will have a receipt for accepting the cargo in your hands. That you have received the receipt, you sign in the appropriate column on the counterfoil of the road ticket.

When accepting the cargo, the carrier must affix a calendar stamp on all sheets of the delivery note.

If special equipment, materials, and devices are required for loading, securing and transporting cargo, you make a corresponding note in the railway bill of lading.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the marks that are placed on invoices are important when resolving disputes. For example, in case of violation of the cargo delivery time or delay in its delivery. Since the claim to the carrier must be accompanied, in addition to other documents, by waybills* (Article 120 of the Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation).

Settlements with the railway, as a rule, are carried out non-cash through technological centers for processing transportation documents (Technical Documents) of the railways.

In this case, payments for the transportation of goods and additional fees can be transferred in the order of scheduled payments or advance payment* (Clause 1 of the Regulations on the procedure for conducting operations on income accounts of the Ministry of Railways, approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 82, Ministry of Railways of Russia No. TsF - 244 of March 25, 1994).

You can also pay for transportation in cash through the railway ticket office.

As a rule, payments are made by the shipper before the goods are accepted for transportation. The exception is situations when transportation is paid by the recipient of the goods. Then, upon a written application from the shipper, the carrier may authorize payment for transportation at the destination station. In this case, the contract of carriage provides for guarantees for payment of freight charges.

Final payments for transportation are made by the recipient upon arrival of the cargo at the destination railway station until it is issued.

Please note that late payments may result in additional costs. You will have to pay interest for the use of other people's funds in accordance with Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. And besides, wagons and containers that have not been issued to the consignee will be subject to critical downtime and you will also have to pay for their use. This is indicated by Article 30 of the Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation.

Now, regarding the carrier's liability. For loss or shortage of cargo, the railway compensates for damage in the amount of its value. For the loss of cargo handed over for transportation with declared value - in the amount of the declared value. For damage to cargo - in the amount of the cost of the damaged part.

The cost of the cargo is determined based on its price indicated in the seller’s invoice or stipulated in the contract. If the value of the cargo cannot be determined from the documents, then the price for similar goods under comparable circumstances is taken.

The carrier must also return the fee for the transportation of cargo and other payments in proportion to the amount of lost or damaged cargo, if this fee is not included in the cost of such cargo* (Article 96 of the Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation).

If the carrier does not submit wagons, containers for loading at the specified time, or they turn out to be unsuitable for transportation, he pays fines provided for in the rules of Article 100 of the Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation.

Let me clarify that a delay of wagons for loading of less than fifteen minutes is not taken into account. A delay of cars from fifteen minutes to one hour is taken as a full hour.

– And if the cargo arrives at the destination station late due to the fault of the carrier, does he have to pay a fine?

– In this case, the railway does not pay a fine, but a penalty in the amount of 9 percent of the fee for transporting goods. This follows from Article 97 of the Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation.

Among other things, if during the delivery of cargo wagons and containers that do not belong to the carrier are damaged or lost, he must compensate their owners for losses.

Editor's comment

How to determine the delivery time of cargo

The cargo delivery period must be counted from 00.00 o'clock on the day following the day of documentary registration of cargo acceptance for transportation. The carriers indicate the date of acceptance of the cargo in the original invoice and roadbill in the column “Calendar stamps”, in the spine of the roadbill and the receipt of cargo acceptance in the column “Carrier’s calendar stamp at the departure station”. The expiration date of the cargo delivery period is indicated by the carrier on all sheets of the invoice. Partial days are considered full days when calculating cargo delivery times. Estimated time is Moscow. The carrier is obliged to notify the consignee about the cargo arriving at his address no later than 12 o'clock on the day following the day of arrival of the cargo. The procedure and method of notification are established by agreement of the parties.

In what order should goods be received?

Is it possible to capitalize goods without a consignment note in Form No. 1-T. The supplier delivers the goods to the buyer by road. The buyer is presented only with a consignment note in form No. TORG-12

It is possible, but only on the condition that the buyer is not the customer of the transportation.

The primary document on the basis of which the goods are accepted for accounting can be a consignment note in the form No. TORG-12 (instructions approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 No. 132). Moreover, if the goods are delivered to the buyer by road, then along with the consignment note, a consignment note is required, for example, in form No. 1-T (or a consignment note in the form approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2011 No. 272). This is due to the fact that the consignment note is a document intended for payments for the transportation of goods by road (Section 2 of the instructions approved by Clause 2 of Article 785 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

This document serves as confirmation not only of the transportation of goods, but also of their shipment. Therefore, on its basis, the buyer can reflect the receipt of goods in accounting (clause 2.1.3 of the Methodological Recommendations approved by the letter of the RF Committee on Trade dated July 10, 1996 No. 1-794/32-5, instructions approved by the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 28 1997 No. 78, paragraph, Methodological guidelines approved

1. Cargo transportation is processed railway bill of lading a single sample in the form given in Appendix 1 to these Rules.
Railway invoice drawn up by the sender and presented to the contractual carrier.
Graphs railway bill of lading filled out by the sender and the carrier in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.
2. Railway invoice is a complex document consisting of six numbered sheets and the required number of copies of the “Road Sheet (additional copy)” invoice sheet.

Sheet name Recipient of the sheet Purpose of the sheet
1 Original invoice Recipient
2 Road record Accompanying cargo to destination station
3 Cargo release sheet Carrier handing over cargo to recipient Accompanying cargo to destination station
4 Duplicate invoice Sender Issued to the sender after the conclusion of the contract of carriage
5 Cargo acceptance sheet Contract carrier Remains with the contractual carrier
6 Cargo arrival notification sheet Recipient Accompanying cargo to destination station
Without a number Road manifest (additional copy) Carriers Intended for carriers along the cargo route (except for the carrier releasing the cargo to the recipient)

The “Road Sheet (additional copy)” invoice sheet is issued in a quantity corresponding to the number of carriers participating in the transportation (except for the carrier issuing the cargo to the recipient). The need to prepare a sheet of the invoice “Road Sheet (additional copy)” for the contractual carrier is determined by him.
3. At the departure station, the information entered in the consignment note is corrected by the sender and the carrier by crossing out and entering new information. At the same time, each of them corrects the information that he entered into the invoice. The sender can make a correction in no more than one column or two interconnected columns, and in the “Sender’s Statements” column he puts the mark “Corrections made in column __”. The carrier certifies his corrections with a stamp.
4. The carrier, making changes and additions to the information provided for in these Rules in the consignment note, certifies them with a stamp.
5. If there is not enough space to record data in the corresponding columns of the invoice, this information is entered for each column in an additional sheet, the number of copies of which corresponds to the number of sheets of the invoice, which is attached to each sheet of the invoice. Additional sheets must be the same size as the invoice. In the corresponding columns of the invoice, a note is made: “See the data in the additional sheet.”
If there is a lack of sections A-E for calculating freight charges, an additional sheet is drawn up according to the form of the back of sheet 1 of the invoice, assigning a letter designation to subsequent sections, starting with the letter Zh.
The number of additional sheets attached to each sheet of the consignment note is indicated in the consignment note by the sender in the “Sender’s Statements” column, and by the carrier in the “Carrier’s Marks” column.
When transporting cargo in two or more wagons using one consignment note, the sender draws up a List of Wagons in the form given in Appendix 2 to these Rules.
When transporting several containers issued with one consignment note, the sender draws up a List of Containers in the form given in Appendix 3 to these Rules.
The numbering of the columns of the List of wagons and the List of containers corresponds to the numbering of the columns of the invoice.
The data in the “Total” column of the Carriage List or the Container List are entered in the corresponding columns of the invoice.
One copy of the List of Wagons or the List of Containers is attached to each sheet of the invoice, and in the column of the invoice “Wagon” and/or in the column “Name of cargo” the mark “See the attached statement” is made.
When reloading from wagons of one gauge to wagons of another gauge of cargo transported in two or more wagons under one consignment note, the carrier draws up a new List of Cars, attaches one copy to each sheet of the consignment note and crosses out the information in the original List of Cars, which also follows overhead.
At the top of the additional sheet, the Wagon List and the Container List, the shipment number is indicated, all of them are signed by the sender or the carrier, depending on who compiled them.
Additional sheets, the List of wagons and the List of containers are an integral part of the consignment note.
6. The invoice form, as well as additional sheets, the List of Cars and the List of Containers are in A 4 format and are printed in black on white paper.
When printing invoice forms, it is allowed to use paper with watermarks, microfonts, and holograms as security measures. These security measures must not make it difficult to complete or read the delivery note.
7. Information included in the consignment note, additional sheets, the List of wagons and the List of containers is written in or printed in black, or applied in the form of a stamp. The stamps applied must have clear imprints.
8. The accompanying documents attached by the sender to the consignment note must be attached to the consignment note in such a way that they cannot become separated en route.

II. Columns of the SMGS railway consignment note to be filled in by the shipper

1 "Sender"

- name of the sender (in accordance with the constituent documents), last name and first name (for an individual), postal address;
- the sender’s code assigned to him by the contractual carrier, if the contractual carrier carries out such coding (entered in the code field).

The sender's signature is affixed in accordance with the national legislation of the country of departure. The sender's signature confirms the correctness of the information entered into the invoice.

2 "Departure station"

- name of the departure station and abbreviated name of the railway;
- departure station code (entered in the code field).
When transporting cargo from a country in which SMGS is not applied, the name, station code for changing the regime of legal regulation of the contract of carriage, and the abbreviated name of the railway are indicated.

The following abbreviations are used for railways:

  • for railways of the Azerbaijan Republic - AZ
  • for railways of the Republic of Belarus - BC
  • for railways of the Republic of Bulgaria - BJ
  • for the railways of the Republic of Hungary - MAV
  • for the railways of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam - DSVN
  • for Georgian Railways - GR
  • for Railways of the Islamic Republic of Iran - RAI
  • for railways of the Republic of Kazakhstan - KZH
  • for railways of the People's Republic of China - KZD
  • for railways of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea - ZCh
  • for railways of the Kyrgyz Republic - KRG
  • for railways of the Republic of Latvia - LDZ
  • for railways of the Republic of Lithuania - LG
  • for the railways of the Republic of Moldova - CFM
  • for railways of Mongolia - MTZ
  • for railways of the Republic of Poland - PKP
  • for railways of the Russian Federation - Russian Railways
  • for railways of the Slovak Republic - ZhSR
  • for railways of the Republic of Tajikistan - TJ
  • for railways of Turkmenistan - TRK
  • for railways of the Republic of Uzbekistan - UTI
  • for Ukrainian railways - UZ
  • for the railways of the Republic of Estonia - EVR

3 "Sender Statements"

The following information is entered:
- specific transportation route for roundabout transportation;
- instructions on how to deal with the cargo in the event of obstacles to the transportation or delivery of the cargo;
- protective measures and temperature conditions when transporting perishable goods;
- description of damage to the car, ITU and vehicle provided by the sender, ascertained when the cargo or car was presented for transportation;
- when transporting motor and tractor equipment – ​​marks “Transportation without protection of breakable parts”, “Car key No. ______”;
- to indicate the method of cargo transportation agreed with the carrier (including an empty car), if transportation is carried out on railways of different gauges - marks: “Transferring to a car of a different gauge”, “Rearranging the car onto bogies of a different gauge (if there is an agreement for rearrangement, indicate the number and date of the conclusion)" or "Use of sliding wheelsets";
- statements from the sender about the corrections he has made to the invoice;
- when transporting frozen goods, an indication of the percentage of cargo moisture and the preventive measures taken (“The cargo is frozen”, “Sprinkled with lime in the amount of ___%”, “Treated with ___ oil in the amount of ___%”, “Arranged in layers with sawdust”, etc.) ;
- the name of the final recipient and his address when changing the regime of legal regulation of the contract of carriage (when transporting cargo to a country where SMGS is not applied);
- an indication of the direction of the consignment note when changing the regime of legal regulation of the contract of carriage (when transporting cargo destined to a country in which SMGS is not applied);
- scope of authority of the conductor;
- a note on the number of additional sheets attached to the invoice;
- when importing/exporting cargo by another type of transport - the mark “Imported by ____________ transport (indicate the type of transport) from ____________ (indicate the country of initial departure)” or the mark “For export by ____________ transport (indicate the type of transport) to ____________ (indicate the country of final destination)” ;
- when transporting cargo with a declared value - the mark “Declared value of the cargo ______ (amount in words)”;
- a note on the application of the conditions for placing and securing oversized cargo loaded on open rolling stock (except for conveyors) of 1520 mm gauge: “Clause____chapter___TU”, “NTU No.___”, “MTU No.___” or “Sketch No._____”;
- when transporting cargo in a wagon provided by the sender, with reloading into wagons of a different gauge - the mark: “After reloading the cargo at station ____ (the name of the transshipment station is indicated), the empty wagon should be released to ________ (the name of the recipient of the empty wagon and its postal address are indicated)” or “After reloading the cargo at station ________ (the name of the transshipment station is indicated), the empty car is sent to station ____ (the name of the station, destination road and recipient is indicated) through border stations ____ (their name is indicated), carriers ______ (their name)" and the name and freight charge payer code for each carrier participating in the transportation.

4 "Recipient"

- name of the recipient (in accordance with the constituent documents), last name and first name (for an individual), postal address;
- the recipient’s code assigned to him by the carrier issuing the cargo, if this carrier carries out such coding (entered in the code field).
A telephone and fax number with codes, and an email address may be indicated.
When transporting cargo to a country where SMGS is not applied, the abbreviated name of the carrier re-issuing the contract of carriage at the station of changing the regime of legal regulation of the contract of carriage is indicated.

5 "Destination station"

- name of the destination station and abbreviated name of the railway;
- destination station code (entered in the code field).
When transporting cargo with a destination to a country in which SMGS is not applied, the name, station code for changing the regime of legal regulation of the contract of carriage, the abbreviated name of the railway are indicated, and the mark “For transportation to the station ______ (name of the final station and country of destination)” is affixed.

6 "Border crossing stations"

The names of the exit border stations and their codes, the abbreviated name of the railway of the country of departure and the railways of transit countries along the cargo route agreed with the contractual carrier are indicated.
When transporting cargo using a ferry, the names of ports and transfer stations to/from the ferry are indicated.
If transportation of cargo from an exit border station is possible through several input border stations of a neighboring country, then the name of the input border station through which transportation will be carried out is also indicated.

General explanations for columns 7-12

When sending, simultaneously with the main part of the cargo, an excess mass of cargo reloaded into a separate wagon, the corresponding information about this wagon is entered.
The columns are not filled in when transporting containers that are loaded into a wagon by the carrier, or containers loaded by the sender onto one wagon provided by the carrier and issued with different invoices.
When transporting containers loaded onto one wagon provided by the sender and issued with different invoices addressed to the same recipient, information about the wagon is additionally entered into one of these invoices.

7 "Wagon" (filled by the shipper if he loaded)

The carriage number is indicated.
The name of the owner of the car and the abbreviated name of the railway where the car is registered are indicated.
When transporting cargo in a refrigerated section, the mark “RS - ______ (indicate the number of the refrigerated section) (______) (indicate the number of freight cars in the section)” is additionally affixed.
When transporting cargo on a coupling of wagons, the numbers of all wagons are indicated and the “coupling” mark is affixed.
When transporting cargo in two or more wagons under one consignment note or several containers loaded onto two or more wagons provided by the sender, the mark “See attached statement” is placed on one invoice.
When transporting cargo, the number of the vehicle (each section), the number of the car or the mechanism on rails is indicated on its axles.

8 "The carriage was provided"

“P” – when the carriage is provided by the carrier;
“O” – when the carriage is provided by the sender.
The carriage actually provided by the recipient is equivalent to the carriage provided by the sender.

9 "Carrying capacity" (filled in by the shipper if he performed loading)

The carrying capacity indicated on the car in tons is indicated. If several load capacity values ​​are indicated on the car, the maximum load capacity in tons is indicated.

10 “Axles” (filled in by the shipper if he performed loading)

The number of car axles is indicated.
When transporting cargo on its own axles, the number of axles of the machine (each section), car or mechanism on rails is indicated.

11 "Tare weight" (filled in by the shipper if he performed loading)

The tare weight of the wagon indicated on the wagon is indicated.
When determining the mass of an empty car by weighing, the mass indicated on the car is included in the numerator, and the mass determined by weighing is included in the denominator.

12 "Tank type" (to be filled in by the shipper if he performed loading)

When transporting cargo in a 1520 mm gauge tank car, the calibration type of the tank is indicated, marked on the tank under the car number.

13 "Weight of cargo after reloading" (not to be filled in by the shipper)

14 "Number of places after transshipment" (not filled by the shipper)

15 "Name of cargo"

The name and 8-digit code of each cargo are indicated in accordance with the harmonized nomenclature of goods.
The signs, brands and numbers applied to the cargo are indicated.
During transportation dangerous goods the name of the cargo and information are also indicated in accordance with Appendix 2 “Rules for the transport of dangerous goods” to SMGS.
During transportation perishable cargo the mark “Perishable” is affixed, and when transporting cargo in covered wagons with ventilation, the mark “With ventilation” is also affixed.
During transportation frozen cargo the mark “Freezing” is put down.
During transportation animals“Animals” and “Do not go down the slide” marks are placed.
During transportation flammable cargo“Flammable” and “Cover 3/0-0-1-0” are marked.
When transporting goods accompanied by guides:
- the mark “Accompanied by the sender’s guides” is affixed. If the conductors are in a separate carriage or accompany several carriages with cargo, the mark “Conductors are in carriage No. _________” is additionally affixed;
- enter the names and surnames of the conductors, as well as the numbers of their documents required to cross the state border. If conductors accompany several wagons with cargo or are in a separate wagon, this information is indicated in the consignment note for the wagon in which the conductors are located;
- in case of replacement of conductors along the route, the note “Replacement of conductors at __________ (name of the station and railway where the conductors will be replaced)” is entered;
- when installed in a car with heating (stove) equipment conductors, the mark “With stove heating” is entered.
When transporting cargo from use of transportation devices the name of these transportation devices is indicated under the name of the cargo for which they are used.
In the field marked with a dotted line
When transporting IT, ATS The following information is entered:
- when transporting a road train, car, trailer, semi-trailer or detachable car body, the specific name and identification number of the ITU, vehicle, and composition of the road train must be indicated, and the mark “Spare wheels ___ pieces”, “Do not go down the hill” is indicated;
- when transporting a universal medium-tonnage container, the mark “Container ________ (indicate its nine-digit number)” is affixed;
- when transporting a large-capacity container, an 11-digit container identification number is indicated, consisting of four letters of the Latin alphabet (of which the first three letters indicate the code of the container owner, the last “U” means a cargo container) and seven digits; after the container number, separated by a dash, is the four-digit code of the size and type of the container, then in brackets is the printed gross weight of the container;
- when transporting two or more containers under one consignment note, the mark “See the attached statement” is affixed.
During transportation long cargo A mark “Do not go down the hill” is placed on the carriage coupling.
During transportation unusual cargo marks are placed:
- when transporting oversized cargo – “Oversized cargo _____ (oversized cargo index)” – on 1520 mm gauge railways, “Oversized cargo on ____ (abbreviated names of railways)” – on other railways;
- when transporting oversized cargo with a control frame, in the consignment note issued for the transportation of oversized cargo - “The control frame is installed on car No.____”, and in the consignment note issued for the transportation of a car with a control frame - “The car is occupied under the control frame for cargo loaded in car No.______” – if the control frame is installed on an empty car, and “The control frame is installed on the car for the cargo loaded into car No.______” – if the control frame is installed on a loaded car;
- when transporting oversized cargo and cargo on a conveyor - “Do not go down the slide” or “Do not pass through the slide” (the need to mark them is determined by the carrier);
- when transporting cargo that requires a speed limit due to its technical characteristics - “Speed ​​no more than ________ km/h.”
During transportation cargo loaded within preferential or zonal loading limits, the marks “Preferential clearance” or “Zonal clearance” are marked, respectively.

16 "Type of packaging"

The type of packaging of the cargo loaded into the wagon, ITU or vehicle is indicated.
When transporting cargo in packages, the following is indicated: in the numerator – “package”, in the denominator – the type of packaging of the unit of cargo in the package, and if the unit of cargo is not packaged – the mark “unused”.
When transporting cargo without containers and packaging, the mark “not packed” is affixed.

17 "Number of seats"

The numbers indicate the number of pieces of cargo in one line with the name of the cargo.
When transporting cargo in bulk, in bulk or in bulk, the mark “bulk”, “in bulk” or “in bulk” is affixed, respectively.
When transporting cargo on open rolling stock or in open containers with more than 100 pieces of cargo, the “Bulk” mark is affixed.
When transporting cargo in packages, the fraction indicates: the number of packages (in the numerator), the total number of units of cargo placed in these packages (in the denominator).
When transporting cargo using multi-turn transport devices, the number of these devices is indicated.
When transporting cargo in an ITU or ATS, the number of pieces of cargo loaded into them is indicated. When transporting goods in a road train, the number of pieces of cargo in the car and trailer and the total number of pieces of cargo in the road train are indicated.
When transporting empty ITUs or vehicles, their quantity is indicated.

18 "Weight (in kg)"

Indicated by numbers:
- gross mass of cargo (including packaging) for each cargo in one line with the name of the cargo (including the mass of the cargo on its axles);
- tare weight of ITU or ATS;
- the mass of transportation equipment not included in the wagon tare weight;
- total gross weight of the cargo.

19 “Seals” (to be filled in by the shipper if he performed loading)

The number and marks of seals affixed to cars, ITUs or vehicles transported unaccompanied by a conductor are indicated, and when using the ZPU - the name and control sign of the ZPU, the abbreviated name of the railway of departure of the cargo.

20 "Loaded"

The mark “carrier” or “sender” is affixed, depending on who loads the cargo into the wagon: the carrier or the sender.

21 "Method for determining mass"

Depending on the method of determining the mass of the load, the following marks are placed:
“on the scales” (indicate the type of scales);
"on a stencil";
“according to standard”;
"by size";
"by measurement";
"according to the counter."

22 "Carriers"

The abbreviated names and codes of the contractual carrier (indicated first) and subsequent carriers (the carrier issuing the cargo is indicated last) and the corresponding sections of the route along which each of the carriers carries out transportation (the boundaries of the section - stations and their codes) are indicated.

23 "Payment of freight charges"

The abbreviated names of carriers are indicated in the order corresponding to the priority of their transportation in accordance with the data in the “Carriers” column, the names of the payers for each of them and the grounds for payment (payer code, date and contract number, etc.).

24 "Documents attached by the sender"

A list of accompanying documents attached by the sender to the invoice is entered. If the document is attached in several copies, then the number of copies is indicated.
If the accompanying documents named in the consignment note are intended for seizure en route, then after their name the abbreviated name of the railway on which they are seized must be indicated in the form of a mark “for _____ (abbreviated name of the railway on which they are seized).”

25 "Information not intended for the carrier, supply agreement No."

The sender's information is entered that relates to this shipment and is not intended for the carrier.
If the document required to complete administrative formalities is not attached to the invoice, but is sent to the administrative control body, the mark “____ (indicate the name, number and date of the document) submitted___ (indicate the name of the administrative control body)” is placed.
Other information may be entered, including the number of the supply agreement concluded between the exporter and the importer, if this agreement has only one number for both the exporter and the importer. If the supply agreement has two numbers, one for the exporter and the other for the importer, then the exporter’s agreement number is entered.

In the process of transporting goods by rail, special documents are used. These include the railway waybill. How to fill out such an invoice correctly?

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The railway waybill serves as confirmation of acceptance of the cargo by the railway. It is filled in during the transportation process at several stages. How to fill out a railway waybill correctly?

Basic moments

Freight transportation by rail is rightfully considered the most economical and convenient. Even very large objects can be transported in this way.

Almost any type of transport loses in comparison with railway transport. Due to this, rail transportation does not lose its relevance and is always popular.

But like any transportation of goods, transportation by rail requires documentary evidence. Documents must certify not only the fact of transportation, but also identify the cargo being transported.

It says here that on the basis of a contract for the transportation of goods, the railway delivers goods from the shipper to the consignee.

In this case, the conditions of transportation must be observed, subject to payment by the shipper for railway services. In addition to the contract, there are a number of documents confirming the acceptance of the cargo, describing its characteristics and features.

Appendix No. 1 to the Rules provides forms of transportation documents that are uniform for all parties to the transportation process of transporting goods by rail.

Rules for filling out a railway bill of lading

The railway waybill is filled out by the sender and the carrier, in accordance with the current Rules.

An additional sheet “Road Sheet” is created in a quantity that corresponds to the number of carriers participating in transportation, except for those transferring the cargo to the consignee.

Corrections can be made to the completed consignment note, but only at the departure station. Each party has the right to correct only information directly entered by it.

When there is not enough space in the invoice columns to display all the necessary information, the required number of additional copies of the required sheet is created.

In this case, in the columns of the main document, the mark “Look in additional. sheet." The railway waybill is filled out manually or printed, in black.

The overlay stamps are also black. , additional sheets and accompanying documentation are fastened so that they do not become separated along the route.

Instructions for registration

According to the registration instructions, when drawing up a railway waybill, the shipper fills in the following fields:

"Sender" The name of the shipper, his postal address, if necessary, contact information and personal signature are written down
"Departure station" Write the name of the departure station and the name of the railway in an abbreviated version
"Sender Statements" Information is entered about the transportation route, transportation methods based on the characteristics of the cargo, the name of the recipient and his address, corrections made, the number of attached sheets, and other important nuances
"Recipient" Enter the name of the recipient, his postal address, code assigned by the carrier, contact information
"Destination station" Write the name of the station where the cargo is to be delivered
"Border Crossing Places" The names of the exit border stations are written with their codes indicated.

The following columns, from seven to twelve, relate to the characteristics of the car:

The sender does not fill out columns 13 and 14. The following is the information about the product:

  1. "Shipping Name".
  2. "Kind of packaging." 17. “Number of seats.” The name of the cargo and the number of pieces are indicated.
  3. "Weight (in kg)."
  4. "Seals."
  5. "Loaded."
  6. "Method for determining mass."
  7. "Carriers".
  8. "Payment of freight charges."
  9. "Documents attached by the sender."
  10. “Information not intended for the carrier.”

The shipper does not fill out other columns.

Document approval

The sender is allowed to import cargo into the station only after a visa has been affixed to the consignment note. A special mark is placed by the cashier who has checked the accuracy of filling out the documents and determined the possibility of accepting the cargo for shipment.

Video: drawing up an invoice / invoice / certificate of completion of work

In the absence of a visa, the weigher has no right to accept cargo from the sender. The visa is affixed in the form of a number assigned by the carrier, and the railway invoice number is confirmed by the signature of the carrier.

Before issuing a visa, the data specified in the invoice is checked, in particular:

  • the possibility of transporting the specified cargo;
  • compliance of stations with transportation operations;
  • restrictions and prohibitions on the transportation of specific cargo;
  • completeness of information about the consignee;
  • making required payments for the provision of services by the carrier.

Sample filling

The railway waybill can only be filled out on the form provided by the railway.

The shipper is responsible for the accuracy of the specified data, even if the consignment note was filled out by a representative of the railway.

The presence of the sender's signature on the invoice means agreement with all the information entered. Depending on the characteristics of the transportation, Russian Railways may use forms in the following form:

  • – original railway invoice;
  • GU-28;
  • – traffic record, etc.

If international

When carrying out international rail transportation, an international railway consignment note is used.

In this case, the form created on the basis of SMGS (Agreement on International Freight Transport) is most often used. It consists of five sheets, which indicate the name of the destination, the name of the cargo, its value and payment for transportation.

The consignor issues a consignment note, the carrier endorses it, and together with the accompanying documentation, the consignment note accompanies the cargo until receipt.

Transportation within European countries not participating in SMGS is carried out on the basis of the COTIF consignment note, developed on the basis of the “Convention on the International Transport of Goods”.

The advantages of transporting goods by rail are safety and the ability to transport large cargo. Transportation of goods carried out using transport by rail is accompanied by the necessary documentation, as a result of which users are increasingly searching in search engines for an answer to the query “railway consignment note form and sample.”

What basic information does the original invoice contain?

Table 1 presents the basic information that the sender of the goods fills out in the original transportation document on the basis of the Rules, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Railways 06/18/2003 N 39.

Table 1. Information filled in the railway consignment note by the sender of the goods

Column name Information to be filled in
Speed The speed category at which the cargo must be transported. The speed category is determined based on the criteria established by the Ministry of Railways.
Car type The type of car that was noted in the application for the transportation of this cargo.
Car no.
Car load capacity
Number of axes
The information in this column is filled in based on the information printed on the railway car.
Tank type/volume The information in this column is filled in based on the information printed on the railway car. The indicator characterizing the volume of the tank is indicated only for tanks of type “25”.
Oversize index Information about the degree of oversize cargo, which is indicated by an index. The index consists of five characters:
  • 1st character - “N” is affixed - letter;
  • subsequent signs reflect the degree of oversize (the second sign shows the bottom oversize; the third sign shows the side; the fourth sign shows the top). The fifth character indicates the vertical average size.
If there is no oversized cargo, this column is not filled in.
Carrier Information about the cargo carrier indicating the OKPO code.
Departure station Information in this column contains the code of the station from which the cargo is sent and its name. The station code is entered based on the tariff manual. Information in this column can be entered using the stamp of the station from which the cargo is sent.
Destination station Information in this column contains the code of the station to which the cargo is sent and its name. The station code is entered based on the tariff manual.
Consignor (Consignee) Information about the sender (recipient) of the cargo, indicating its name and OKPO, information about the code assigned by the carrier to the sender of the cargo. If the sender is an individual, OKPO is not indicated, his full name is indicated, and the code is indicated “1000”.
Shipper's postal address
Mailing address and telephone number to contact if you have any questions.
Payer If the payer is a legal entity, then its full name is indicated. If the payer is an individual, then his full name is recorded. The payer code, which is assigned to him by the carrier, is also indicated here.
Transfer station Codes of stations where carriages are transferred. Codes are assigned based on the tariff manual.
Loading onto the wagon by means There are two options for loading onto the wagon (by the carrier or the sender of the cargo). The unnecessary option must be crossed out.
Number of seats Depending on what type of cargo is being transferred, this column indicates:
  • number of pieces of cargo (for packaged cargo);
  • “in bulk” (for cargo that is transported in bulk”);
  • “in bulk” (for cargo that is transported in bulk);
  • “in bulk” (for cargo transported in bulk";
  • a fraction is indicated, where the numerator is the number of packages, and the denominator is the number of places in one package (for cargo that is transported in packages).
Package If unpackaged cargo is transported, “N/U” is reflected, if packaged cargo, the name of the packaging (in abbreviated form) is reflected.
Shipping Name The name of the transported cargo and its code, affixed in accordance with the tariff manual.
Load weight in kg Who determined the weight of the cargo - three options are given (by the carrier, the sender of the cargo or jointly), unnecessary options must be crossed out.
Total net weight
Wagon container
Gross weight
Information about the indicators obtained when weighing on carriage scales:
  • gross weight - obtained on scales during weighing;
  • wagon packaging;
  • net weight, defined as the difference between the gross weight and the tare weight of the wagon.
Total places Information on the total number of pieces of cargo (in numbers and words).
Total weight Information about the total weight of the cargo.
Method for determining mass Information about methods for determining mass.
Information about the ZPU Information about the locking and sealing device (ZPU), its type, control mark; It is noted who performed the sealing.
Declared value The value of the cargo declared by the sender.
I am responsible for the correctness of the information entered in the invoice Prepared by the sender of the cargo, indicating the position and full name
According to application no. Relevant request for cargo transportation
Loading scheduled for The date is indicated in accordance with the date in the application agreed upon by the cargo carrier.

Information is located on the reverse side of the document.

In accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law "Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 2, Art. 170) I order:

1. Approve the attached Rules for filling out transportation documents for the transportation of goods by rail.

2. Recognize as invalid Order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated January 19, 2000 N 2C “On approval of the Rules for filling out transportation documents on railway transport” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 17, 2000, registration N 2119).

G.M. Fadeev

Rules for filling out transportation documents for the transportation of goods by rail

By order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia
dated June 18, 2003 No. 39

(as amended by orders of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 25, 2007 No. 196, dated October 3, 2011 No. 258)

I. General provisions

1.1. These Rules are regulated on the basis of Article 25 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 18-FZ “Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 2, Art. 170, N 28, Art. 2891; 2006, N 50, Article 5279; 2007, N 27, Article 3213, N 46, Article 5554; 2008, N 30 (Part II), Article 3616) (hereinafter referred to as the Charter) procedure for filling out transportation documents for transportation by rail cargo, as well as empty wagons that do not belong to the carrier (hereinafter referred to as own empty wagons).
These Rules also apply to the transportation of empty wagons owned by the carrier.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2011 N 258)

1.2. The forms of transportation documents given in Appendix 1 to these Rules are the same for all participants in the transportation process on railway transport.
The specifics of filling out transportation documents for the transportation of military cargo by rail are established by the Charter of Military Rail Transportation and other regulatory legal acts.

1.3. The transportation document - the railway transport bill of lading (hereinafter referred to as the waybill) consists of four sheets:

  • sheet 1 - original invoice (issued by the carrier to the consignee);
  • sheet 2 - road manifest (drawn up in the required number of copies provided for by the Rules for the carriage of goods by rail - for the carrier and participants in the transportation process, including at least two additional copies for each infrastructure involved in the transportation of goods - one copy for the entrance railway station (hereinafter - station) located in this infrastructure, the second - for the exit station from the infrastructure);
  • sheet 3 - the spine of the road manifest (remains with the carrier);
  • sheet 4 - receipt of cargo acceptance (remains with the shipper).

1.4. Transportation of goods by wagonload, small shipments, as well as empty wagons not owned by the carrier, is formalized in one of the following forms:

1.4.1. sheet 1 - on the form GU-27, sheets 2,3,4 - on the machine-printed form GU-29u-VTs. Sheet 1 is filled out by the shipper and handed over to the carrier for further completion. Sheets 2,3,4 are filled out by the carrier using a computer based on sheet 1;

1.4.2. sheets 1,2,3,4 - on forms GU-29-0. Sheets 1,2,3,4 of the waybill are filled out by the shipper and handed over to the carrier for further processing. The shape of sheets 1,2,3,4 of the invoice allows you to fill out identically located columns using carbon paper;

1.4.3. sheet 1 - machine-printed form GU-27u-VTs, sheets 2,3,4 - machine-printed form GU-29u-VTs. Sheet 1 is filled out by the shipper using a computer and transferred to the carrier for further processing, as well as for the computer generation of sheets 2,3,4 of the invoice on its basis.

1.5. The forms of transportation documents and the specifics of their completion when transporting goods, as well as empty wagons and containers not owned by the carrier by route or group shipments, are given in the rules for transporting goods by rail in groups of wagons under one consignment note, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.6. The forms of transportation documents and the specifics of their completion when transporting goods in containers, as well as empty containers not owned by the carrier, are given in the rules for transporting goods by rail in universal containers and the rules for transporting goods by rail in specialized containers, developed in the prescribed manner.

1.7. The forms of transportation documents and the procedure for their execution when transporting goods in direct mixed traffic are carried out in accordance with the rules for transporting goods in direct mixed traffic, developed in the prescribed manner.

1.8. Sheet 1 of the invoice on the form GU-27 and sheets 1,2,3,4 of the invoice on the forms GU-29-0 are produced by typographic or computer methods and printed in black font on A4 paper.
Sheet 1 of the invoice form GU-27u-VTs and sheets 2,3,4 of the invoice form GU-29u-VTs are computer-produced and printed in black font on A4 or roll paper.

1.9. Sheets 1,2,3,4 of the invoice are filled out by typewriting, including by computer. Certain information may be indicated in the form of stamps.

1.10. The boxes circled in the sheets of the consignment note on the forms are filled out by the carrier.

1.11. Erasures and blots in transportation documents are not allowed. If it is necessary to change the information entered by the shipper in the transportation document, the shipper fills out a new document form. Changes and additions of information made to the transportation document by the carrier are certified by the signature and lowercase stamp of this carrier.

1.12. The procedure for providing the shipper with forms of transportation documents by the carrier is determined by agreement of the parties.

1.13. Registration of transportation documents in electronic form - an electronic transport railway consignment note (hereinafter referred to as the electronic consignment note) is carried out:

  • the shipper and the carrier if there is an agreement on electronic data exchange or exchange of electronic documents between the shipper and the carrier;
  • by the carrier when transporting goods accompanied by an electronic consignment note;
  • the consignee and the carrier if there is an agreement on electronic exchange of documents between the consignee and the carrier.

1.14. When transporting goods documented in paper transportation documents, the original invoice along with the road manifest should accompany the goods to the destination station. The original invoice is issued to the consignee against signature in the road manifest. A receipt for acceptance of cargo is issued to the consignor against signature in the corresponding column of the counterfoil of the road manifest. If there is an agreement on electronic exchange of documents between the carrier and the shipper, the shipper is issued an electronic receipt for acceptance of the cargo, signed with an electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS) of the carrier. Confirmation of receipt by the shipper from the carrier of an electronic receipt for acceptance of cargo is an electronic stub of the road manifest, signed with the shipper's digital signature. The travel manifest remains with the carrier at the departure station.

1.15. Cargo transportation using an electronic consignment note is accompanied by an electronic consignment note without paper transportation documents. If there is an agreement on electronic exchange of documents between the carrier and the consignee, the carrier at the destination station issues an electronic original of the consignment note to the consignee, signed with the carrier’s digital signature. Confirmation of receipt by the consignee from the carrier of the electronic original invoice is an electronic road manifest signed by the consignee's digital signature. In the absence of an agreement on the exchange of electronic documents between the carrier and the consignee, the carrier at the destination station issues the original invoice in the form GU-27u-VTs to the consignee, certified in the manner established in paragraph 5 of these Rules, against signature in the road manifest of the form GU-29u-VTs.

1.16. It is not allowed to issue one consignment note:

  • cargoes that, due to their properties, are not allowed to be transported together in one car;
  • cargoes requiring special precautions during transportation, with cargoes that do not require such measures;
  • cargo that requires compliance with sanitary, veterinary, and other special norms and rules with cargo that does not require compliance with such norms and rules.

When transporting perishable goods in the refrigerated section, transportation documents are filled out for each freight car.

1.17. Transportation of goods (except for transit) moving through the ports of the Russian Federation in indirect international traffic is documented with transportation documents provided for in paragraphs 1.3 - 1.6 of these Rules.

1.18. The carrier, at the request of the shipper, may draw up a consignment note for him in accordance with the contract. In this case, the correctness of the information entered in the consignment note is certified by the signature of the shipper.

1.19. In accordance with Article 27 of the Charter, the carrier has the right to verify the accuracy of the weight of goods and other information specified by shippers in the waybills.

1.20. Shipping documents, along with text information, contain encoded information. Places for coded information are provided in the corresponding places of transportation documents.
The procedure for coding information contained in transportation documents is established by the Russian Ministry of Railways.

1.21. The list of authorized persons of the carrier, whose responsibilities include filling out the relevant fields of the invoice at the stations of departure, destination and en route, is established by the carrier.

II. Filling out the consignment note by the shipper

2.1. In the "Speed" column it is indicated what speed category the cargo should be transported at (freight or large). The criteria for determining categories of speed of cargo transportation are established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia. If transportation of cargo is allowed only at high speed, the shipper must indicate exactly this speed.

2.2. The column “Type of car” is filled out in accordance with the column “Type of car” of the application for the transportation of goods by rail (hereinafter referred to as the application), agreed upon by the carrier.

2.3. The columns “car number”, “Car load capacity”, “Number of axles”, “Tank type/volume” are filled in based on the data printed on the car; the tank volume is indicated only for tanks of type “25”.
When transporting goods in refrigerated sections, in the column "N of the car" it is indicated as a fraction: in the numerator - the number of the refrigerated section, in the denominator - the number of the car.
When filling out the column “Wagon N”, in addition to the wagon number, the digital code of the railway administration that owns the wagon is additionally indicated through a dash in accordance with the Agreement on International Rail Freight Transport (SMGS).

2.4. In the column "Oversized Index" the degree of oversize is indicated with a five-digit index in the following sequence: 1st character - the letter "H", 2nd character - degree of lower oversize, 3rd character - degree of side oversize, 4th character - degree of upper oversized, 5th character - vertical oversized. If the cargo is not oversized, the column “Oversized index” is not filled in.

2.5. In the "Carrier" column the name of the carrier and its code are indicated according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO).

2.6. In the column "Departure station" the exact name and code of the cargo departure station are indicated in accordance with the tariff manual. This column can be filled out by the carrier by affixing the stamp of this station.
When transporting goods under customs control, imported through the ports of the Russian Federation in indirect international traffic with destination at a station of the Russian Federation, the name and code of the port station are indicated in the column “Departure Station”. In this case, the “Import” mark must be made in the upper right corner of all sheets of the invoice.
When filling out the electronic consignment note, the name and code of the departure station are indicated in accordance with the station classifier according to the tariff manual for the Automated Railway Transport Management System.

2.7. In the "Destination station" column, the exact name and code of the cargo destination station are indicated in accordance with the tariff manual.
In cases where the cargo proceeds to the destination station for unloading onto non-public railway tracks, in the “Destination station” column under the name of the station a note is made “with delivery to the access track” indicating the owner of this track.
When transporting goods under customs control, sent from railway stations of the Russian Federation and exported through ports of the Russian Federation and other transshipment points for water transport in indirect international traffic, the name and code of the port station are indicated in the column “Destination Station”. In this case, the “Export” mark must be made in the upper right corner of all sheets of the invoice.
When filling out the electronic consignment note, the name and code of the destination station are indicated in accordance with the classifier of stations according to the tariff manual for the Automated Railway Transport Management System.

2.8. In the column "Consignor" the full name of the consignor and his OKPO code for a resident of the Russian Federation are indicated, in brackets - the four-digit code assigned by the carrier. If the cargo is sent by an individual, the surname, first name and patronymic (in full) of the person sending the cargo are indicated, the OKPO code is not filled in, the code “1000” is indicated in brackets.

2.9. In the column "Postal address of the shipper" the full postal address (with index) of the shipper with the name of the region, republic, region, district, city, village, street, house number, office (or apartment) number, contact telephone number is indicated.

2.10. The columns "Consignee" and "Recipient's postal address" are filled in in a manner similar to that provided in paragraphs 2.8 and 2.9 of these Rules.
When sending cargo to ports, in cases where the port is not a consignee, the consignor in the “Consignee” column additionally indicates the name of the port in brackets.

2.11. When filling out the columns “Consignor” and “Consignee”, indicate the name of only one legal entity or individual.

2.12. The “Payer” columns indicate the name of the legal entity or the surname, first name and patronymic (in full) of the individual making payments for the transportation of cargo, respectively, upon dispatch and delivery, as well as the payer code assigned by the carrier.

2.13. In the column "Transfer stations" the names and codes of stations for transferring loaded and empty cars from one infrastructure to another along the cargo route are indicated in accordance with the tariff manual. In addition, the column indicates the name and code of the station where the line under construction joins the public tracks, as well as the name and code of the station for reloading cargo from wagons of one gauge to wagons of another gauge when transporting cargo according to transportation documents issued for the entire route.

2.14. In the column “Loading into the carriage by means”, unnecessary items are crossed out. When loading cargo using the shipper's means, "Carrier" is crossed out; when loading cargo using the carrier's means, "Consignor" is crossed out. In the electronic waybill forms, fill in “Carrier” or “Consignor”.

2.15. In the column "Number of places" the following is indicated:

  • for packaged unit cargo - the number of pieces of cargo in the shipment. If a shipment contains cargo of the same name in different packaging, or cargo of different names, the number of pieces of cargo is indicated separately for each name of cargo, or for each type of packaging;
  • for goods in transport packages - as a fraction: in the numerator - the number of packages, in the denominator - the number of places in one package;
  • for goods transported in bulk - the word "Bulk";
  • for goods transported in bulk - the word "Bulk";
  • for cargo transported in bulk - the word "Bulk".

2.16. In the "Packaging" column it is indicated:

  • for packaged cargo - the abbreviated name of the cargo packaging, for example, "box", "box", "barrel", "basket". when packing goods, respectively, in boxes, boxes, barrels, baskets;
  • for unpackaged cargo - abbreviation "N/U".

2.17. In the column "Name of cargo" the name of the cargo and its code are indicated in accordance with the tariff manual.

When indicating in a column different names of goods belonging to the same item of the goods nomenclature, the item code is indicated as a code in accordance with the tariff manual. When indicating in the column different names of goods related to different items of the cargo nomenclature, the code for groupage shipment is indicated as a code in accordance with the tariff manual.

If there is not enough space in the consignment note to list all the goods transported in one shipment, the shipper uses forms (the format of the form must be similar to the format of the transportation document) to draw up a list indicating the number of pieces, packaging, name and weight of all goods transported. The list is compiled in four copies, certified by the seal used in financial transactions and the signature of a person authorized by the shipper. The total number of pieces and weight of cargo are indicated in the corresponding columns of the consignment note, and in the column “Name of cargo” the “List of cargo is attached” is indicated for cargo of different names related to the same item in the cargo nomenclature, “Combined shipment, list of cargo is attached” for cargo of different names, relating to different positions of the cargo nomenclature. All copies of the list must indicate the shipment number and affix the carrier’s calendar stamp “Documentary registration of acceptance of cargo for transportation.” Copies of the list are firmly attached to the sheets of the invoice. One copy of the list is issued to the shipper with a receipt for acceptance of the cargo.

When using an electronic invoice, the list is signed and certified in a manner similar to that established for an electronic invoice.

When returning an empty car assigned by the carrier at the request of the shipper or consignee to a specific station for loading or unloading cargo, in the column “Name of cargo” the following is indicated: “The car is assigned to the station ______. From under ___________ (name of the cargo).”

When sending empty specialized insulated cars (refrigerated cars, thermos cars) for washing and veterinary and sanitary treatment in the first category, in the column “Name of cargo” it is indicated: “For washing” or “Veterinary treatment in the first category”.

When sending specialized isothermal wagons (refrigerated wagons, thermos wagons) and covered wagons for veterinary and sanitary treatment in the second and third categories, the column “Name of cargo” indicates: “For disinfection” and the category of treatment.

Empty specialized insulated cars (refrigerated cars, thermos cars) of the carrier that do not require washing are sent according to the regulatory task with the indication in the column “Name of cargo” - “Empty, for loading”.

When presenting for transportation an empty car that does not belong to the carrier or leased by him, in the column “Name of the cargo” the following is indicated: “Empty car not owned by the carrier. From __________ (name of cargo). Owner _______" or “Empty car, handed over for rent. From under _________ (name of cargo). Lessee _______".

When presenting for transportation an assigned wagon or an empty wagon that does not belong to the carrier or is leased by him, following the loading of a certain cargo, it may additionally be indicated “For loading ____________ (name of the cargo).

(paragraph given as amended by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2011 No. 258)

When filling out an electronic consignment note, the name of the cargo is indicated in accordance with the cargo classifier for the Automated Railway Transport Management System.

In the column "Name of cargo" under the name of the cargo the following is also indicated:

  • emergency card number - when transporting dangerous goods;
  • the number and height of the main stacks and the number of stacks laid in the upper narrowed part of the loading outline (in the “head”) - when transporting timber cargo using the upper narrowed part of the loading outline;
  • the height of loaded timber and lumber above the level of the side of the gondola car - when transporting timber cargo and lumber;
  • filling height, density, temperature of the cargo - when transporting cargo transported in bulk, if this is provided for by the rules for transporting bulk cargo in tank cars and bunker gondola cars;
  • surname, name and patronymic of the conductor (conductors), series, passport number and travel certificate number - when transporting goods in constant accompaniment of the conductor (conductors) of the consignor (consignee) along the entire route;
  • the name of the legal entity authorized by the consignor (consignee) to protect the cargo, and the number of the security agreement - when escorting the cargo along the entire route by replaceable guards of departmental security, authorized by the consignor (consignee) to protect the cargo (for example, “departmental security of railway transport, agreement N ____");
  • number of the agreement between the carrier and the shipper for the transportation of goods on special conditions - when transporting goods on special conditions in accordance with Article 8 of the Charter;
  • “The car is assigned to station _______” - when transporting cargo in a car assigned, at the request of the consignor or consignee, to a specific loading or unloading station;
  • “The car does not belong to the carrier. The owner is ______” or “The car is leased. The lessee is ______” - when transporting cargo in cars that do not belong to the carrier or are leased by him;
  • “When transporting cargo as part of a train formation that does not belong to the carrier, in the column “Name of cargo” of the transportation document under the name of the cargo it is indicated: “The carriage that does not belong to the carrier travels with its own (rented) locomotive. The owner of the carriage is _____." or "A leased carriage travels with its own (rented) locomotive. The renter of the carriage is _____.".

When presenting such an empty car for transportation, in the column “Name of cargo” of the transportation document, the following is indicated: “The empty car, not owned by the carrier, travels with its own (rented) locomotive. From under _____ (name of the cargo). The owner of the car is _____.” or "An empty car, leased, travels with its own (rented) locomotive. From under _____ (name of cargo). The lessee of the car is _____.".
When running your own (rented) locomotive, in the column “Name of cargo” of the transportation document, indicate: “Locomotive No. _____, not owned by the carrier. Owner _____.” or "Leased locomotive. Lessee _____.";
information about removable equipment or insulation materials (name, quantity, weight) - if a universal car has removable equipment or insulation materials installed on it when transporting goods with insulation, which, when the cargo is delivered at the destination station, is removed from the car and issued to the consignee along with the cargo ;
other information provided for by the Cargo Transportation Rules, tariff guidelines and technical conditions for stowing and securing cargo.
If there is no space for this mark, it is made in column 2 of the reverse side of the original invoice.
Other features of filling out transportation documents when presenting your own empty cars for transportation are established by Chapter X of these Rules.

(Paragraph introduced by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2011 No. 258)

2.18. When determining the mass of cargo by the shipper or the shipper jointly with the carrier, on the invoice forms in the column “Weight of cargo in kg, determined,” the words “By the Carrier” and “Jointly” or the words “by the Carrier” and “Consignor” are respectively crossed out. In machine-printed forms of the electronic consignment note, one of the following options is filled in: “Consignor”, ​​“Carrier”, “Jointly”. The columns “Total net weight”, “Wagon container” and “Gross weight” are also filled in.
When transporting cargo on its own axles, the columns “Total net mass” and “Wagon container” are not filled in, and in the columns “Cargo mass in kg, determined” and “Gross mass” the mass of cargo transported on its axles is indicated.
When determining “Total net weight” on carriage scales, the following is indicated in the appropriate columns:

“Total net weight”, defined as the difference between the gross weight of the wagon and its container;

  • gross weight of the car, determined by weighing on scales;
  • tare weight of a wagon, when determining the tare weight on the scales, the information obtained by weighing is indicated with the abbreviation “from br.” crossed out; if the tare weight was determined based on the information on the wagon, then the abbreviation “prov” is crossed out. The tare weight of a wagon is determined taking into account the mass of removable or non-removable equipment contained in it, which is not issued to the consignee at the destination station along with the cargo, but is not included in the tare weight of the wagon.
    When indicating in the column “Name of cargo” different names of cargo or cargo of the same name in different packaging, in the column “Weight of cargo in kg, determined,” the mass of cargo of each name must be indicated separately for each type of packaging and the total mass of cargo in the shipment.

2.19. In the column “Total places” the total number of cargo places in the shipment is indicated in numbers and in words.

2.20. In the column "Total weight" the total weight of the cargo for shipment is indicated in words, including the weight of removable equipment (filled in in cases where the weight of the cargo was determined by the shipper).

2.21. In the column “Method of determining the weight” (filled in in cases where the weight of the cargo was determined by the shipper or the shipper together with the carrier), one of the methods specified in the consignment note is indicated.
In addition: when determining the mass of a load on scales or by calculation, the value of the maximum error in mass measurement is indicated in accordance with the requirements of standards or methodological instructions of the State Standard. (For example, on carriage scales, +1.5%, on scales in motion +1.5%; on scales in motion +2.0%, etc.; on commodity scales + 0.1%, by calculation + 0.5%);
when determining the mass of cargo according to the standard, the standard mass of one package is indicated: the numerator is the gross mass, the denominator is the net mass.

2.22. In the column “Information about the sealed seal” it is indicated who performed the sealing: the shipper or the carrier.
The column “ZPU Type” indicates the type of locking and sealing device (hereinafter referred to as the ZPU) installed on the car.
In the column “K/signs” the control sign of the ZPU is indicated.
The columns “ZPU type” and “K/signs” are filled in for all ZPU installed on the car in accordance with the rules for sealing cars and containers.

2.23. For cargo that requires special precautions during transportation and storage, in the upper part of the consignment note ("Place for special marks and stamps"), the shipper puts down the inscriptions provided for by the rules for transporting this cargo, including in the form of stamps, and other marks characterizing the special properties of the cargo .

2.24. In the column “Declared value” the amount of the value of the cargo declared by the shipper in rubles is indicated in words.

2.25. In the column "Tariff marks: Exceptional fare N" the exclusive fare code announced by the carrier is indicated.

2.26. In the column “I am responsible for the correctness of the information entered in the consignment note,” the shipper clearly signs and also indicates his position (except when the shipper is an individual, or a power of attorney was issued to a person who is not an employee of this legal entity), surname and initials.
When filling out an electronic invoice, information about the position, surname and initials of the person responsible for the correct completion of the invoice is entered into it.

2.27. In the column “By request N” the number of the request for cargo transportation agreed upon by the carrier is indicated.

2.28. Column "Loading is scheduled for..... date..... month." is filled out in accordance with the “Date” column from the application for cargo transportation agreed upon by the carrier.

2.29. On the reverse side of the consignment note, in column 1 “The cargo is placed and secured in accordance with §§ ____ Fig. ____ chapter ____ section ___ Technical conditions correctly” is filled in in accordance with the requirements of the technical conditions for placing and securing cargo in wagons and containers (hereinafter referred to as the technical conditions). This information is certified by a signature indicating the position, surname and initials of the representative of the shipper responsible for placing and securing the cargo.

2.30. In column 2 of the reverse side of the consignment note “Special statements and notes of the sender”, in cases provided for by the relevant rules for the carriage of goods by rail and technical conditions, the shipper makes the following notes:

  • “transportation in open rolling stock has been agreed upon with the consignee, permission from ____ N___.”;
  • number of pallets - when presenting cargo for transportation on pallets;
  • types of preventive measures taken by the shipper to protect cargo from freezing;
  • the presence of visible damage to the unpacked cargo presented for transportation, for example (“a part is broken off the machine”, “the headlight of the car is broken”);
  • the names of the documents attached to the consignment note by the shipper (for example, specifications, technical passport, drawings for fastening the inventory permanent fastening, etc.) in accordance with the requirements of the relevant rules for the transportation of goods, as well as documents established by the requirements of the bodies authorized to exercise state control. The attached documents must be firmly attached to the original invoice;
  • information about removable or non-removable equipment that is not issued to the consignee at the destination station along with the cargo;
  • “For transfer to water transport....(indicate the country and port of destination)” - when transporting export goods in indirect international traffic through the ports of the Russian Federation;
  • “For transfer to railway transport......... (indicate the country, port of departure)” - when transporting imported goods in indirect international traffic through the ports of the Russian Federation.

The shipper has the right to make other marks in column 2 that are not provided for by the relevant rules for the transportation of goods by rail (for example, information necessary for the consignee about the range of goods, brand of products, etc.).

2.31. Additional requirements for the preparation of transportation documents for the transportation of certain types of goods are established by the rules for the transportation of these goods.

2.32. The shipper also places on the consignment note, in accordance with the tariff manual, other marks necessary to determine freight charges.

III. Filling out the consignment note by the carrier at the departure station

3.1. In the column “Place for special marks and stamps” the following marks are placed:

  • on the necessary covering of a car as part of a train in cases provided for by the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by rail, the rules of technical operation of railway transport and instructions for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo on 1520 mm gauge railways, instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation ;
  • “do not go down the hill” - in cases provided for by the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by rail, the rules of technical operation of railway transport and the instructions for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo on 1520 mm gauge railways;
  • "Departure route N __ direct", "Departure route N ___ with spraying at station ______" or "Departure route N _____ in disbandment at station______" when transporting cargo by departure routes at station ___, "Stepped route N_________ direct", "Step route N_____ with spraying at the station__________" when transporting cargo on step routes.

In addition, in this part of the consignment note, a “Security” stamp is affixed indicating the code of the railway station - in case the cargo is escorted along the entire route by replaceable conductors of departmental security.

3.2. The line “Delivery period expires” indicates the estimated expiration date of the cargo delivery period.

3.3. In the "Invoice N" column, the shipment number assigned by the carrier is indicated.

3.4. When determining the mass of cargo by the carrier, in the column “Cargo mass in kg, determined”, the words “By the shipper” are crossed out, and the columns “Total net weight”, “Wagon container” and “Gross weight” are filled in in the manner similar to that specified in paragraph 2.18 of these Rules .

The columns “Total weight” and “Method of determining weight” are filled in by the carrier when determining the weight of the cargo in a manner similar to that specified in paragraphs 2.20 and 2.21 of these Rules, respectively.

3.5. The columns “Tariff marks”, “Calculation of payments for __ km”, “At departure” - are filled in in accordance with the tariff manuals. At the same time, when transporting goods between public railway stations and stations of lines under construction, in the column “Calculation of payments for ______ km” the following is indicated in fractions: in the numerator, the distance from the departure station to the junction station of the line under construction and public tracks, in the denominator - the distance from the junction station to the destination station. In the column “Upon departure”, the carrier who accrues or collects payments for the transportation of goods is obliged to indicate the size of the freight charge, the fee for the travel of the conductor (conductors), the fee for the declared value of the cargo and other notes on payments, including those due for each participant in the shipment. transportation of infrastructure goods."

When transporting as part of a train formation that does not belong to the carrier, in the “Tariff Marks” column in the “Type of Dispatch” line of the transportation document, a mark is placed depending on the type of locomotive traction used, that is, “VO-INE”, if transportation is carried out by an electric locomotive, and “ VO-INT" if transportation is carried out by diesel locomotive.

If one type of traction is replaced by another along the route, then the mark VO-INE/T is entered in the “Tariff Marks” column - if the type of locomotive traction is changed from electric to diesel along the route, and VO-INT/E - if en route The type of locomotive traction is changed from diesel to electric locomotive. In the column "Special statements and notes of the sender" the station for changing the type of locomotive traction is indicated.

(Paragraph given as amended by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 25, 2007 No. 196)

If the carrier, at the request of the shipper, agreed upon with the consignee, decides to pay him freight charges at the destination station, then the column “Upon departure” is not filled in.

3.6. In the column "Payments made at the departure station" - indicate the number and date of the receipt for various fees.

If a decision is made to pay freight charges to the carrier at the destination station, then in the column “Payments made at the departure station”, “Calculation of payments at the destination station” is indicated.

The information specified in this column is certified by the signature of the carrier’s representative indicating his position, surname and initials. When filling out the electronic consignment note, information about the position, surname and initials of the representative of the carrier who filled out the electronic consignment note from the carrier is entered into it.

3.7. In the column “Carrier Brand” (to be filled in when transporting goods in small shipments), the serial number of the brand determined by the book for accepting cargo for departure at the departure station is indicated.

3.8. In the column “The mass of the cargo was determined with the participation of the carrier in cases where the mass of the cargo was determined with the participation of the carrier,” the carrier’s representative at the departure station must sign legibly. When filling out the electronic consignment note, the last name and initials of the carrier’s representative are entered into it.

3.9. In the "Visa N" column the number assigned by the carrier when the invoice was endorsed. The assignment of a visa number by the carrier is certified by the signature of the carrier’s representative indicating his position, surname and initials. When filling out the electronic consignment note, information about the position, surname and initials of the representative of the carrier who endorsed the electronic consignment note is entered into it.

3.10. In the column “Calendar stamps documenting the acceptance of cargo for transportation” on the reverse side of the original invoice and road manifest, as well as on the front side of the spine of the road manifest and receipt of cargo acceptance, a calendar stamp “Documentary registration of acceptance of cargo for transportation” is affixed.

When registering cargo transportation using an electronic consignment note, the date of documentary registration of acceptance of the cargo for transportation is entered in the electronic consignment note.

3.11. The carrier at the departure station also puts other marks in the consignment note in accordance with the tariff manual, necessary to determine freight charges.

IV. Filling out the invoice by the carrier along the route

4.1. Along the route, all the marks provided for by the relevant rules for the carriage of goods by rail are made by the carrier on the reverse side of the original invoice in column 3 “Carrier’s Marks”.

4.2. When drawing up reports on the route related to a given transportation, indicate the number of the report, the date of its preparation, what the report was drawn up about (for example, “about a shortage of ..... places”, “about a shortage of weight ..... kg”) , station for drawing up the act. When transporting cargo using an electronic consignment note, in addition, a commercial fault code is entered into the electronic consignment note (when drawing up a general form report) in accordance with the commercial fault classifier approved by the carrier.

4.3. When redirecting cargo according to the original transportation documents, the name of the destination station and its code, the consignee and its code in the original invoice and road manifest are crossed out (so that, if necessary, the crossed out can be read), and new data and their codes are indicated in accordance with the redirection order. Corrections are certified by the signature of an authorized representative of the carrier and the stamp of the forwarding station.

In addition, in column 3 of the original invoice and at the top of the paper road manifest, a note is made: “The cargo was forwarded by order of _______________ (position and full name of the person who signed the order) dated _____________, N _______ to station __________________________________ (name of the new destination station) for delivery to the recipient (name of the new recipient, its OKPO code and four-digit code assigned by the carrier)."

The mark is certified by the signature of an authorized representative of the carrier and his stamp at the forwarding station.

When transporting cargo using an electronic consignment note, similar information is entered into the electronic consignment note. The original electronic consignment note printed in the form GU-27u-VTs when registering the forwarding is certified in the “Carrier’s Marks” column with the signature of the carrier’s authorized representative and the stamp of the forwarding station.

4.4. In the event of reloading of cargo en route to another wagon or container, information about the wagon or container is crossed out (so that, if necessary, the crossed out can be read), in the original waybill and road manifest, and then new data about the wagon or container into which the cargo is reloaded is entered . These corrections must be certified by the signature of an authorized representative of the carrier and the stamp of the station at which the cargo was reloaded into another wagon or container.

When transporting cargo using an electronic consignment note, similar information is entered into it. When printing the original electronic waybill form GU-27u-VTs, in the columns “Wagon type”, “Wagon N”, “Car load capacity”, information about the wagon into which the cargo was reloaded is entered. In addition, in column 3 of the original electronic consignment note form GU-27u-VTs the following mark is placed: “The cargo was reloaded at station _____ from a wagon, container No. ______ into a wagon, container No. _____. position and full name of the authorized representative of the carrier.” The mark is certified by the signature of an authorized representative of the carrier and the stamp of the station at which the cargo was reloaded into another wagon or container.

V. Filling out the original waybill and road manifest by the carrier at the destination station

5.1. The column “Upon arrival” indicates the amounts of carriage charges and fees payable to the carrier.

5.2. In the column “Payments made at the destination station” the number and date of the receipt for various fees are indicated.
Collection of payments by the carrier from the consignee at the destination station is certified by the signature of an authorized representative of the carrier indicating the position, surname and initials.

Similar information is entered into the electronic consignment note.

5.3. In the column “Calendar stamps of arrival at the destination station” of the original invoice and road manifest, the authorized representative of the carrier affixes a calendar stamp for the arrival of the cargo at the destination station. When unloading wagonloads and small shipments at public places into warehouses owned by the carrier, the date and time of unloading of the cargo from the wagon is indicated in the “Date and time of unloading” column, and the location of the cargo after unloading is indicated in the “Place of unloading” column.

When the carrier issues an electronic original of the consignment note to the consignee, the carrier enters similar information into the electronic consignment note.

5.4. In the column “Calendar stamps for notifying the consignee of the arrival of the cargo,” the corresponding calendar stamp is affixed indicating the time of notification in the column “Time __ hours ___ minutes”, the name of the person who made the notification in the column “Carrier” and affixing his signature.

When the carrier issues an electronic consignment note to the consignee, similar information is entered into the electronic consignment note.

5.5. The issuance by the carrier of the original invoice to the consignee (crediting of transportation documents) is certified by the carrier by affixing the date stamp for issuing the original invoice to the consignee on the original invoice and on the road manifest. The original invoice is issued to the consignee in the manner established in paragraph 1.9 of these Rules.

The issuance of an electronic consignment note by the carrier to the consignee is certified by the carrier by entering into the electronic consignment note the date of issue of the electronic original consignment note to the consignee. The electronic consignment note is issued to the consignee in the manner established in paragraph 1.10 of these Rules.

5.6. When redirecting the cargo to the destination station with the registration of new transportation documents, the following mark is placed in column 3 of the reverse side of the original waybill and at the top of the road manifest:

  • in the initial transportation documents - “The cargo was forwarded by order of _________________ (position and full name of the carrier who signed the order) dated ____, N ___ to station ____________ (name of the new destination station) for delivery to the consignee _______ (name of the new consignee and OKPO code)”;
  • in the new transportation documents - “The cargo was forwarded by order of _______________________ (position and full name of the person who signed the order) dated ___ city N ____, original waybill N _____, departure station __________, destination station __________.”

The marks are certified by the signature of an authorized representative of the carrier and the stamp of the forwarding station.
When transporting cargo using an electronic consignment note, similar information is entered into the electronic consignment note. The originals of the new and original electronic invoices in the form GU-27u-VTs, printed when registering the forwarding, are certified in the column “Carrier’s Marks” with the signature of the authorized representative of the carrier and the stamp of the forwarding station.

Registration of cargo redirection according to the original transportation documents is carried out in the manner established in paragraph 4.3 of these Rules.

5.7. In column 4 “Marks on the release of cargo” on the reverse side of the original invoice, the carrier places marks on the release of cargo, provided for by the rules for the release of goods on railway transport. When the carrier issues an electronic consignment note to the consignee, similar information is entered by the carrier into the electronic consignment note.

VI. Filling out the road manifest by the consignee at the destination station

To confirm receipt of the original invoice and payment for transportation, the consignee fills out the following columns of the road manifest:

6.1. In the line "The original invoice received........ date........ month.............." The date of receipt of the original invoice is indicated.

6.2. In the line "By power of attorney N......... dated........ 20....." The number of the power of attorney to receive the cargo and the date of its issue are indicated. The line is filled in if his representative by proxy acts on behalf of the consignee,

6.3. In the line “Passport series...... N....... registered in the city ....... st....... house N......... apartment N........... indicate the series and number of the passport, as well as the address at which the owner of the passport is registered. The line is filled in if the recipient of the cargo is an individual or a representative of the consignee by proxy.

6.4. When filling out the electronic consignment note, the data specified in paragraphs 6.1 - 6.3 of these rules are entered into the electronic consignment note:

  • by the consignee - if there is an agreement on electronic exchange of documents between the carrier and the consignee;
  • by the carrier - in the absence of the agreement specified in this paragraph.

6.5. The information entered by the consignee is certified: in the road manifest by the signature of the consignee’s representative indicating his surname and initials, in the electronic road manifest with the consignee’s digital signature.

VII. Features of filling out transportation documents when registering the transportation of goods across infrastructures of different gauges

7.1. Registration of transportation documents for the transportation of goods along the entire route from the narrow gauge departure station to the broad gauge destination station is carried out in compliance with the following conditions.

7.1.1. The name and code of the transshipment station from narrow gauge to broad gauge are indicated in accordance with the tariff manual, by the shipper in the column "Transfer stations"

7.1.2. In the free upper part of the front side of the original waybill and road manifest, the numbers of all narrow gauge wagons in which the cargo is loaded, related to one shipment, are indicated. Other data about narrow gauge cars (type, load capacity, etc.) are not indicated in the transportation documents.

7.1.3. The shipper indicates the cargo data for each narrow gauge car in column 2 of the reverse side of the consignment note and certifies it with his signature. After transshipment of goods from narrow gauge wagons to broad gauge wagons, the numbers of narrow gauge wagons in the transportation documents are crossed out (so that, if necessary, the crossed out can be read) and the wagon number, type of wagon, carrying capacity and other data are recorded in the corresponding columns of the original invoice and road manifest. , relating to a broad gauge carriage.

7.1.4. The carriage list is prepared by the carrier for each narrow gauge carriage. It is allowed to draw up one wagon list for a group of wagons traveling on one consignment note. For this purpose, large format carriage sheets are used. At the top of the wagon sheet, the dispatch number is indicated, and in the column “N of the waybill” - the numbers of narrow gauge cars, indicating for each car all the data provided for in the form of the wagon sheet.

7.2. When registering the transportation of goods for the entire route from the broad gauge departure station to the narrow gauge destination station, the shipper in the transportation documents in the "Transfer Station" column indicates the name and code of the transshipment station from the broad gauge to the narrow gauge in accordance with the tariff manual. When reloading cargo from a broad-gauge wagon into a narrow-gauge wagon, following documents drawn up for the entire route, the number and other data about the broad-gauge wagon are crossed out in the original waybill and road manifest (so that, if necessary, the crossed-out can be read), and in the upper part the numbers of all narrow gauge wagons into which the cargo is loaded are indicated. Other information about narrow gauge cars (type of car, load capacity, etc.) is not indicated in the transportation documents. After reloading, a wagon list is drawn up for each narrow gauge car in accordance with paragraph 7.1.4 of these Rules.

7.3. In the invoice, in the column “Calculation of payments for _____ km,” the carrier at the departure station indicates the fraction: in the numerator - the distance from the departure station to the cargo transshipment station, in the denominator - the distance from the cargo transshipment station to the destination station.

VIII. Filling out the forwarding invoice for the transportation of empty wagons belonging to the carrier

8.1. Transportation of empty tanks, freed after unloading cement, lime and other materials transported in bulk, cement hopper tankers, mineral tankers, grain tankers, apatite tankers, pellet trucks, platforms for the transportation of cold-rolled steel, covered wagons for the transportation of paper, covered wagons for the transportation of passenger cars, double-decker platforms for the transportation of passenger cars, all-metal freight cars (TSMGV), transporters, gondola cars, platforms and covered cars belonging to the carrier, over infrastructure owned by the carrier, a forwarding consignment note form GU-27sp (Appendix to these Rules) is issued.

8.2. Transportation of empty tanks and bunker gondola cars belonging to the carrier is processed:

  • forwarding consignment note form GU-27ds (Appendix to these Rules) - when transporting empty tanks from the discharge of light petroleum products;
  • according to the forwarding consignment note form GU-27dt (Appendix to these Rules) - when transporting bunker gondola cars and empty tanks from the discharge of dark oil products.

8.3. The forwarding invoice is drawn up by the consignee for each wagon unloaded by him and is presented to the carrier simultaneously with notification of the completion of unloading (unloading) of the cargo. The carrier will not accept wagons without presentation of the forwarding invoice.

8.4. Simultaneously with the forwarding invoice, the consignee fills out the forwarding invoice for each wagon unloaded by him, which remains with the carrier at the departure station of the empty wagon.

8.5. The carrier, having received the consignment note from the consignee, checks that it is filled out correctly and that there is a legible signature and seal (stamp) of the consignee in the column confirming the completeness of unloading (unloading) and cleaning of the car.

8.6. In forwarding invoices for empty cars released after the cargo has been unloaded (drained) from them by military units, as well as by institutions of the federal executive body in the field of justice, the columns about the name of the organization that unloaded or unloaded the cargo and the position of the agent of the cargo recipient are not filled in, seal or stamp is not affixed by the consignee.

8.7. The reverse side of the forwarding invoice, containing the results of the inspection of the arrived wagon, is filled out by the carrier at the new loading station for this wagon in cases of incomplete unloading, uncleaning and unsuitability of the wagon for the next loading.

8.8. All forms of delivery notes are typographically numbered and consist of a waybill and the spine of the waybill. The forwarding invoice accompanies the transportation of an empty car, and the stub of this invoice remains in the carrier’s files at the station for unloading (unloading) and departure of the empty car.

Forms of forwarding invoices are handed over to the consignee by the carrier when clearing transportation documents for arriving loaded wagons.

IX. Filling out the delivery road manifest

9.1. The forwarding road manifest is filled out by the carrier along the route in cases of separation of cargo and transportation documents when forwarding the cargo to the destination station, as well as separation of part of the cargo from the main shipment.

9.2. The delivery road manifest is filled out on sheets 2 and 3 of the consignment note using the GU-29u-VTs form or the GU-29-0 form. Sheet 2 travels with the cargo to the destination station, sheet 3 remains with the carrier. When transporting cargo using an electronic consignment note, the carrier issues an electronic forwarding road manifest of the form GU-29u-VTs.

9.3. The delivery road manifest is filled out in the following order.

9.3.1. The name of sheets 2 and 3 of the invoice indicates “Additional”.

9.3.2. The column "Delivery period expires" is not filled in.

9.3.3. In the column "Type of carriage" the type of carriage is indicated.

9.3.4. The columns “N of the car”, “Car load capacity”, “Number of axles”, “Oversized index”, “Tank type/volume”, “Carrier”, “Transfer stations” are filled in in the same manner as specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules.

9.3.5. In the columns “Road Sheet N” and “Road Sheet N” the shipment number assigned by the carrier is indicated.

9.3.6. In the “Speed” column, “Freight” is indicated.

9.3.7. In the column "Departure station" the exact name and code of the station for issuing the destination road manifest are indicated in accordance with the tariff manual

9.3.8. In the "Sender" column the name and OKPO code of the carrier's representative who issued the delivery road manifest are indicated. The code in brackets is not filled in.

9.3.9. The columns “Postal address”, “Payer”, “Loading by means”, “Declared value” and “Tariff marks” are not filled in.

9.3.10. In the column "Destination station" the exact name and code of the destination station are indicated in accordance with the tariff manual.

9.3.11. In the "Recipient" column the name and OKPO code of the carrier's representative at the destination station are indicated. The code in brackets is not filled in.

9.3.12. Filling out the columns with information about the cargo and its weight is carried out on the basis of the information in the original invoice. In addition, under the name of the cargo, a note is made “To be sent to shipment N_______ for issuance of ________________ (name of the consignee, his postal address)”, information about the LPA, as well as about the drawn up general form act or commercial act is indicated.

9.3.13. The column “Payments made at the departure station” is not filled in, and in the column “Carrier” the position, surname and initials of the representative of the carrier who issued the delivery road manifest are indicated, and his signature is also affixed.

9.3.14. In the column “Calendar stamps for documenting the acceptance of cargo for transportation” of the road manifest and in the column “Carrier’s stamp at the departure station” of the spine of the road manifest, a calendar stamp for registration of the forwarding road manifest is affixed.

9.4. The forwarding road manifest is filled out by the carrier at the destination station in the manner specified in paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4 of these Rules.

9.5. The pre-delivery road manifest is filled out by the consignee at the destination station in the manner specified in paragraph 6 of these Rules in the following cases: when issuing cargo according to the pre-delivery road manifest for the arrived part of the cargo for the main shipment, as well as when the main transportation documents do not arrive at the destination station.

X. Features of filling out transportation documents when registering the transportation of your own empty cars

(introduced by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2011 No. 258)

10.1. Filling out transportation documents for the transportation of your own empty cars, including after unloading for loading, steaming, washing or veterinary and sanitary treatment, for and after temporary placement on public and non-public railway tracks of railway stations (hereinafter referred to as sludge), as well as for and after performing current uncoupling and scheduled repairs, it is carried out according to the general rules for filling out transportation documents, taking into account the features established by this chapter.

In the column "Consignor" the full name of the consignor is indicated (car owner, consignee sending his own empty car for steaming, washing or veterinary and sanitary treatment) and his OKPO code (if any), in brackets - the code assigned by the carrier to the consignor.

If the presentation of one's own empty car for transportation is carried out by a person acting on the basis of a power of attorney or other authority or instructions from the owner of the cars, the consignee (if, in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods by rail, he has the right to be the consignor of his own empty car), in the column "Consignor" the full name of the owner of the wagons (consignee) and his OKPO code for a resident of the Russian Federation are indicated, as well as the full name of the person presenting his own empty wagon for transportation, his OKPO code for a resident of the Russian Federation, in brackets - the code assigned by the carrier, as well as information about the authority or other instructions on the basis of which this person presents the car for transportation.

10.2. When sending your own empty cars to the points of washing, steaming or veterinary-sanitary treatment, as well as to the destination railway station with passage through the point of washing, steaming or veterinary-sanitary treatment with the issuance of one invoice for the entire route, the invoice shall indicate:

1) in the column "Name of cargo":
when sent for washing, steaming - "An empty car that does not belong to the carrier. From under _______________ (name of the cargo). The owner of the car is _______________. With washing (steaming) at station _______________ (name of the station where the washing, steaming point is located) under agreement No. _____ dated __________ G.";
when sent for veterinary and sanitary treatment - “An empty car that does not belong to the carrier. From under _______________ (name of the cargo). The owner of the car is _______________. Veterinary treatment of ___ category at station _______________ (name of the station where the veterinary and sanitary treatment point is located) under contract No. _____ dated __________, Veterinary appointment No. _____ attached.";

2) in the column “Special statements and notes from the sender” - “The delivery period is extended by ______ days.” in accordance with the contract for the provision of services for washing, steaming or veterinary and sanitary treatment of cars.

10.3. When transporting your own empty car to a railway station for laying down or for performing scheduled repairs, the consignment note in the column “Destination Station” indicates the name of the railway station where the laying down or scheduled repairs of your own empty car will be carried out, in the column “Name of cargo” indicates “Empty car, not owned by the carrier. From under (name of the cargo). Owner of the car - ", hereinafter - “To lay-up”, “To repair”, “Out of lay-up”. When transporting your own empty cars after scheduled repairs, the consignment note in the column “Name of cargo” indicates “An empty car that does not belong to the carrier. The owner of the car is _______________. From repair.

When transporting your own empty car to a railway laying station, the name of the owner of the infrastructure on which the laying will be carried out, or the owner of the non-public railway track, if the laying of your own empty car is carried out on this non-public railway track, is indicated in the consignment note in the column “Consignee”.

10.4. If, during carriage by carload, a technical malfunction is detected during carriage of your own empty car, which prevents further transportation, and it is necessary to carry out routine uncoupling repairs in relation to such car:

1) at the railway station when a technical malfunction is detected in the own empty car sent for repair on the basis of notification VU-23 (VU-23m), a mark is made on the back of the original invoice in the column “Carrier’s Marks” and in the road manifest in the column “Name of the cargo” with the following content: “The _______________ delivery period has been increased by days, general form report N ______ dated __________. Repairs at the _______________ station.” The mark is certified by the signature of an authorized employee and the lowercase stamp of the railway station where a technical fault was detected;

2) when sending your own empty car to the railway station for repairs, in the column “Destination station” under the name of the destination railway station in the original waybill and in the road manifest, as well as in the carriage sheet in the column “Place for marks”, a note is made “With repairs at the station _______________ ". The mark is certified by the signature of an authorized employee and the lowercase stamp of the railway station where the technical fault was detected.

At the railway repair station, in the original invoice and in the road manifest, calendar stamps with the date of arrival at the railway repair station and with the date of departure from the railway repair station are affixed in the section “Calendar stamps of the transfer station” of the road manifest; in the original invoice in the column “Carrier’s notes” and in the road manifest in the column “Name of cargo” - notes on the preparation of a general form report with information about the time the own empty car was under repair. The following note is also made: “Delivery time has been increased by ___ days.”
The repair company is given a copy of the original invoice marked “Additional”.

After repair, your own empty car can be sent to a new destination railway station, different from that specified in the transportation document, provided that the transportation document is cleared at the railway repair station, and the owner of your own empty car or another authorized person will present a new transportation document to the new railway station appointments. In this case, the sender under new transportation documents is responsible to the original recipient and is obliged to settle all payments with him without the participation of the carrier.

10.5. In case of detection during transportation by a group or route shipment of its own empty car, which has technical faults that impede further transportation and the need for routine uncoupling repairs:

1) in section 3 of the original invoice “Marks along the route” and in the road manifest for the main shipment, the carrier makes a note indicating the number of the uncoupled car, the name of the railway station for uncoupling, the reason for uncoupling, the number and date of the general form act drawn up on the basis of the notification form VU -23 (ВУ-23 m), the number of which is also indicated in the invoice. The entered data is certified by the signature of an authorized employee and the lowercase stamp of the railway uncoupling station. Data about the uncoupled car is crossed out by the railway station employee from the car list in the manner established in paragraph 8 of the Rules for the transportation of goods by rail in groups of cars under one invoice, approved by Order of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2003 N 32 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 23 2003, registration N 4815), taking into account changes made by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 10, 2007 N 76 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 6, 2007, registration N 9779);

2) after eliminating a technical malfunction at the railway station, its detection on the basis of a notification form VU-23 (VU-23 m), a general form act drawn up for the uncoupling of its own empty car, the carrier draws up a carriage list and a shipping road list with which this car follows to the railway station of original destination;

3) when a technical malfunction of an own empty car (group of cars) is sent from the railway station to the railway station for repairs by authorized employees of the carrier at the railway uncoupling station, on the basis of a general form report and notification form VU-23 (VU-23 m), a forwarding road statement is drawn up to an uncoupled own empty car (group of cars) from the uncoupling railway station to the original destination railway station with the passage of the own empty car (group of cars) through the repair railway station to the original destination railway station and the car sheet from the uncoupling railway station to the repair railway station.

The forwarding road manifest is filled out by the carrier on sheets 1, 2, 3 of the consignment note in the GU-29u VTs form or in the GU-290 form indicating the name of the sheets of the “Forwarding” consignment note in the manner established by these Rules, with the following features:

  • sheet 1 is drawn up in three copies: one for the repair company, the second for the recipient; third for the carrier;
  • in the column “Place for special marks and stamps” indicate “For repair”;
  • the column “Delivery period expires” is not filled in;
  • in the column “Departure station”, in accordance with the tariff manual, the exact name and code of the railway detachment station are indicated;
  • in the column “Consignor” the name of the carrier or his representative and the OKPO code of the carrier’s representative who issued the shipping road manifest are indicated. The code in brackets is not filled in;
  • the columns "Postal address" and "Payer" are not filled in;
  • in the column “Destination station”, in accordance with the tariff manual, the name (railway station of initial destination) and code of the destination railway station are indicated;
  • in the column “Consignee” the name and OKPO code of the repair enterprise are indicated. The code in brackets is not filled in;
  • in the column “Name of cargo” it is indicated “An empty car that does not belong to the carrier. The owner of the car is _______________. Uncoupled from shipment ________ according to the general form act N ______ dated ___________. Repair at the station (the railway station for car repair is indicated)”;
  • the "Tariff Marks" section is not filled in;
  • The column “Payments made at the departure station” is not filled in.

The transfer of uncoupled own empty cars to the person performing repairs at the railway repair station is carried out by the carrier with the issuance of sheet 1 of the delivery road manifest against signature in sheet 2 of the delivery road sheet, in accordance with these Rules.
After the repair is completed, the empty car follows sheets 1 and 2 of the forwarding road list to the original destination railway station.

10.6. When transporting your own empty wagon and cargo sent for loading according to an agreed application for the transportation of cargo in the wagon of the given owner, in the column “By application N” information is indicated on the application agreed by the carrier at the railway station of the wagon's destination for the transportation of cargo in the wagon specified in the owner's invoice. When redirecting your own empty cars at the request of their owner or another authorized person, new data on the application approved by the carrier is entered into the consignment note if the own empty car is heading to a new railway station of destination for loading."
