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Bogatikov Alexander Alexandrovich business. Bogatikov Alexander Alexandrovich and the Business Lines scam: criminal for billions. Interests and hobbies

Alexander Bogatikov is now well known among many Russian citizens. It is difficult not to notice his talented influence on the development of many industries in the country. Thanks to the brilliant entrepreneur Alexander, many businessmen are confident in their business partner, and transportation of goods throughout Russia and abroad is stable and of high quality.

It is Alexander Bogatikov who is the head of the Business Lines company, a leading cargo transportation company. The organization is actively developing and is already using air transport for its transportation.

Owner's life

Bogatikov Alexander, whose biography is filled with various funny incidents and facts, has many achievements. They are the ones who motivate modern businessmen - beginners.

He was born in 1997, in the summer, in the Stavropol Territory. It was there that he spent his entire childhood and adolescence. For Alexander, the city of his childhood became a picturesque region, rich in vibrant landscapes and architectural monuments.

The future leader, from a young age, showed himself to be an obedient, concentrated and intelligent child. And many adults could envy his thirst for knowledge. After graduating from school, Alexander Bogatikov was able to enter the Belarusian State Technical University named after Ustinov without any difficulties. Even then, options crept into his thoughts entrepreneurial activity, in connection with this, Alexander began to study logistics. Having become successful, Alexander answered reporters that this area did not develop in its region, but was in demand, this was exactly the niche that should have been occupied.

BSTU named after. Mr. Bogatikov graduated from Ustinov with honors, and two options for further developments appeared before him:

    scientific activity, development of modern technologies;

    entrepreneurial activity, development of modern business.

As we understand, preference was unmistakably given to the second.

Emergence and development " Business lines»

Of course, before you find yourself in life, you need to try a lot. Bogatikov Alexander Alexandrovich did not immediately gain success in transportation, but began his journey with trade. This life stage gave him invaluable experience, useful acquaintances with suppliers, as well as with people who later became loyal and reliable partners.

Together with these people, Alexander has been running the Business Lines company since 2001. The company started out with minimal capital compared to other companies. In this regard, it was assumed that the work would be limited to the Northwestern Federal District. Relying on this plan, the main office was registered in St. Petersburg

The main goal of the organization was to simplify the long and complex transportation process. To solve this difficult problem, the manager constantly studied new technologies and, whenever possible, introduced them into the work of his employees, as a result he was able to create ease of transportation. An example was his foreign colleagues and partners, whose work he analyzed in detail.

Now the company is a leading leader in logistics and transportation. In addition it serves a shining example for those who are just starting to take their first, uncertain steps in transportation.

Alexander Bogatikov pays serious attention to the selection and retention of his staff. He believes that the active development of the company and the quality of services depend directly on the employees. As a rule, in “Business Lines” you can build a career, starting with a simple employee and developing to top managers and directors.

Numbers will describe success

Now “Business Lines” of Alexander Bogatikov is developing. The experience of cooperation with foreign colleagues has helped to provide everyone with the opportunity to transport goods by different types of delivery:



    light transport;

    by air transport.

Alexander Alexandrovich can imagine:

    a vehicle fleet that includes more than 4,000 vehicles;

    staff of more than 20,000 people;

    arrived growing in algebraic progression;

    140 branches in Russian cities.

Personal life, hobbies and entertainment

Alexander Aleksandrovich Bogatikov “business lines” gives preference to active recreation and physical activity. Most of all he loves football, both watching and playing. In addition, he is a music lover and enjoys classical and modern literature. Loves to visit new countries and delve into new cultures. There are already about 40 countries on his list. With special trepidation, Alexander Alexandrovich remembers America, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina. He even maintains his own blog. In the future, the entrepreneur plans to visit Ecuador, Malaysia and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and is also thinking about New Zealand and Alaska. He is confident that every entrepreneur must develop; Alexander’s numerous travels and huge plans for the future help him in this.

Bogatikov Alexander Alexandrovich is one of the examples of a successful businessman who created his own company from scratch. He readily communicates on business topics, but prefers to keep his personal life and family away from camera flashes.

The basis of entrepreneurship

The biography of Alexander Bogatikov is not distinguished by spectacular turns; in his youth, he set a goal for himself and methodically achieved it. Born in St. Petersburg, he entered the BSTU. D.F. Ustinov, where he was interested in the history of entrepreneurship and the development strategy of world business leaders. Even then, he had the idea of ​​​​building his own logistics company, which would take a leading place in the transportation system in Russia.

After training, I participated in several projects, tried to implement individual commercial ideas, not all of which were successful. The most successful of them turned out to be the transport and logistics company “Business Lines”, whose goal is to organize cargo transportation and provide other logistics services, including storage of goods. The company began its work in 2001, when it was created as a company for the transportation of goods within the city of St. Petersburg and the North-Western Federal District. Gradually expanding, the company has taken one of the central places among logistics companies in Russia and today is ready to enter the international market. Thus, the activities of Business Lines are already manifested within the customs union.

Locomotive for business

According to the founder of the Business Lines company, Alexander Bogatikov, success is achieved through perseverance and smart plans. The knowledge gained during his years of study, as well as the experience of past entrepreneurial projects, helped Alexander Bogatikov build a successful transport empire, which became a leader in his field. To achieve such a result it was necessary to invest a lot of time and effort. The basis for building the company was the experience of global carriers. Success was achieved through reducing operating costs and high operational efficiency. The company’s employees were able to develop the most convenient routes for traffic, make automatic processes for acceptance and accounting of cargo, to work out a high level of interaction between departments in different cities.

The central office of the company is still located in St. Petersburg, where the main development concepts are being developed and the company’s mission is being formed: to make transportation, which is quite complex in the conditions of domestic reality, simple and affordable. It is the ability to short time delivering cargo to different parts of the country allowed the Business Lines company to become so popular among customers. It also has other advantages:

    the ability to order transportation online;

    wide network of delivery offices;

    the ability to track the movement of cargo and others.

Today, the Business Lines company can be imagined as a locomotive, followed by other logistics companies. This is precisely the situation that Alexander Bogatikov considers correct. He prefers to remain the market leader that others follow.

The high level of workload of Alexander Alexandrovich Bogatikov in managing Business Lines leaves him with little personal time. However, it is known that the entrepreneur is interested in photography and loves to read. An important part of his life is occupied by charity, in which he continues the traditions of Russian philanthropists.

Bogatikov Alexander Aleksandrovich (born in 1978, Kaliningrad, RSFSR, USSR) is a Russian businessman, co-founder and main owner of the company "".

In 1999 he graduated from the Baltic State Technical University "Voenmech" named after Dmitry Fedorovich Ustinov (BSTU "Voenmech" named after D.F. Ustinov).

Since 1999 he has been engaged in private business. In 2001, together with businessmen Igor Bogatyrev and Sergei Demidov, he founded the road transportation company "Business Lines". As of 2018, he was its main beneficiary.

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The name of Alexander Alexandrovich Bogatikov is known to many of our compatriots - citizens of Russia. After all, this, without the slightest bit of exaggeration, a brilliant entrepreneur contributed to the development of many industries in our country. Thanks to this, many Russians currently have a reliable partner that provides high-quality and stable transportation of goods throughout the country, as well as beyond its borders.

It's about about a company called “Business Lines” - the flagship among numerous cargo transportation companies. Today, the company has many achievements, and has also begun to carry out air cargo transportation.

Owner's biography

The biography of Alexander Bogatikov is rich in numerous interesting facts, as well as achievements that have become motivation for many aspiring businessmen. Alexander was born in the summer of 1977. He spent his entire childhood and youth in the Stavropol region, which is rich in picturesque landscapes, historical monuments and has beautiful nature.

Since his school years, the future entrepreneur has shown perseverance and a desire for knowledge, so immediately after graduation he passed the entrance exams to the Ustinov Belarusian State Technical University without any problems. It was during his student years that he began to think about entrepreneurial activity. In particular, he began to actively show interest in the field of logistics. Alexander Bogatikov himself explains this interest by the fact that in the entire Stavropol Territory there were no reliable and competent employers in this industry.

After a brilliant graduation from university, future entrepreneur I found myself at a crossroads and for a long time could not choose between pursuing scientific activities and entrepreneurship. In the end, the choice fell on the latter.

Founding and flourishing of “Business Lines” by Alexander Bogatikov

Before realizing his dream in practice, Alexander Bogatikov was engaged in business in the trade sector for some time. This period helped him not only gain experience and knowledge, but also establish connections with suppliers, and most importantly, meet wonderful people who became his reliable partners!

Together with them, Alexander Bogatikov was able to successfully found Business Lines already in 2001. The company had a modest start-up capital by industry standards, therefore it was initially planned that it would provide its services only within the Northwestern Federal District. It was this circumstance that led to the fact that the main department was located in St. Petersburg.

Simplifying the complex and lengthy transportation process is the main motto of the company, which has become its philosophy. To ensure simplicity and implement a transparent cargo transportation process and maintain it at the proper level, Alexander Alexandrovich Bogatikov is actively engaged in studying and implementing latest technologies. The experience of foreign colleagues helps him in this, which he began to study in detail during his student years.

Today, the company is a leader in the field of logistics and cargo transportation, and is also a clear example for other companies that strive to make their services high-quality, affordable and convenient for customers.

The owner of Business Lines, Alexander Aleksandrovich Bogatikov, pays considerable attention to his subordinates. He is sincerely confident that the success and development of any company directly correlates with the success and development of employees. Therefore, it is not uncommon for specialists from his company to build their careers from scratch; being ordinary workers, they “grew up” to become directors of entire departments.

Successes and achievements in numbers

Today “Business Lines” is actively developing, providing services for the delivery of groupage cargo various types transport: by air, by road, and also transports various cargoes by light-duty transport and eurotrucks.

The company boasts:

  • own fleet of vehicles, which contains more than 4,000 vehicles;
  • numerous employees, numbering about 20,000(!);
  • constantly growing turnover and profit;
  • branches in 140 cities and towns.

Among other things, the company has many warehouses for storage and also outsources logistics services.

Personal life, hobbies and entertainment

The founder of Business Lines, Alexander Aleksandrovich Bogatikov, admits that free time is a real luxury for him. However, when he manages to get it, he dedicates it to his own family - his wife and son.

Alexander prefers leisure and physical education classes. His favorite sport is football. He enjoys listening to music and reading classical and popular literature. Likes to travel to different countries and regions (hiking, camping).

The Business Lines business project, founded by Alexander Bogatikov back in 2001, is today the most famous and largest Russian carrier among road freight transport in our country (according to Infranews). Biography of Alexander Bogatikov The future entrepreneur was born in 1978. After finishing school I entered and received higher education at BSTU "VOENMEKH" named after. D.F. Ustinova. Already as a student, Alexander stood out from his peers in his business acumen, sharp mind and acumen in building a business.

During his student years, he intensively studied the best practices of successful foreign businessmen and the modern European approach to entrepreneurship. He was especially interested in logistics, and before graduating from university, he clearly outlined his goal: to establish his own logistics company, which will be based on advanced European experience in the field of transportation.

Business Lines Using trial and error methods, creating various projects, in 2010 Alexander Bogatikov brought to life his most successful and progressive project called “Business Lines”. The transport empire immediately confidently took a leading position in the cargo transportation segment in our country and became a leading domestic logistics company.

“Business lines” by Alexander Bogatikov have become the embodiment of innovative advanced technologies and techniques in tandem with high European standards of service.

Business Lines Company: history of creation

The main slogan of the company – “Make complex transportation simple” – fully corresponds to the work of the enterprise. With the advent of Business Lines on the cargo transportation market, the impossible became real. This was achieved thanks to the professionalism and talent of the company’s founder and his partners. A team of professionals has automated many processes; its fleet uses exclusively modern and powerful vehicles who quickly and efficiently complete any assigned tasks.

The company's central office is located in St. Petersburg, and its branches are located in all corners of our vast country.

Today, Alexander Bogatikov and his “Business Lines” have become a real breakthrough in the logistics business segment. Thanks to the determination, keen intelligence, enormous fortitude and hard work of the founder of the enterprise, the company occupies a leading position and a significant share in the entire segment of cargo transportation in Russia.

The success of the enterprise allowed him to go beyond Russian business, and at the current stage “Business Lines” carries out transportation not only in our country, but also in all countries of the Customs Union.

Hobby Alexander Bogatikov, through his personal example, confirms the popular truth - a talented person is talented in everything. As a comprehensively developed personality, Alexander Alexandrovich is interested in professional photography, and in the rare moments of rest that fall to his lot, he loves to read.

The biography of Alexander Bogatikov is not replete with information about his family life. Alexander’s personal life, like many other famous and successful entrepreneurs, remains behind the scenes. As a man of his word and the head of the family, he carefully guards his family from unnecessary attention from the public. But a successful entrepreneur willingly shares his experience. He always helps and advises his colleagues and new companies that are just starting the difficult path that Alexander has already passed with dignity.

The businessman is confident that only on the principles of mutual assistance and mutual support can a successful country be built, the basis of which will be high moral principles of relations between people and the economic stability of its citizens.
