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Seller's shipping method tracking of parcels. Seller’s Shipping Method - tracking parcels in Russian and delivering postal items Logistics company seller’s shipping method

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Many who have been shopping at one of the largest trading platforms AliExpress is familiar with this type of delivery firsthand, and they understand what they are getting into when ordering goods that will be delivered this way. By the way, for those who want to make their purchases not only enjoyable, but also a little profitable, it will give you back part of the amount spent. Well, now directly to tracking Sellers Shipping Method parcels.

It is immediately worth noting that, along with the usual postal services, such as and other state postal services in China, the Sellers Shipping Method is no less popular and very often sellers indicate it as the delivery method. Due to the increasing number of questions to help track a parcel, this time we will answer questions regarding the tracking of Seller Shipping Method parcels, and we will analyze in detail what type of shipment it is and possible ways to track it.

How to track your parcel Sellers Shipping Method

Many who make a purchase for the first time, etc., pay little attention to the type of delivery offered, but in vain, because both the speed of delivery and the ability to track their parcel directly depend on it. Basically, the main argument for making a purchase simply becomes the lowest cost of the product, based on which the buyer makes an order. But if you have already made a purchase, the seller has sent it, the status has changed to “Shipped”, and Sellers Shipping Method is specified as the delivery method, then how to track such a parcel?

In the vast majority of cases, such parcels cannot be tracked and all your attempts to track such an order will most often be in vain (), but why then do sellers use this delivery method? The answer is obvious, due to the lowest shipping cost, due to which the final price of the product becomes more attractive to the buyer.

The thing is that such parcels are not registered by the local post office in China, in the usual sense of the word, but are simply accepted for further international delivery. Due to these circumstances, the seller does not pay a fee for tracking such parcels and delivery becomes a little cheaper.

But still, a small probability that allows tracking of parcels remains. The thing is that by this type of delivery, many sellers mean one of the usual postal services that they most often use, and do not want to initially indicate which one. postal service will be sent. This is influenced by many parameters, so indicating that the parcel will be sent China Post, the seller undertakes to send you the parcel using this particular postal service, but what if China Post is currently overloaded? Despite this, he sends you the parcel using the stated service and due to congestion at the sorting points, you can wait for your parcel up to 60 days, when he could indicate Seller Shipping Method as delivery and choose, for example, or, whose sorting points are less busy and you received I would like your goods in 20-30 days.

Another reason why sellers indicate this type of delivery is competition among sellers, they simply do not want to reveal their logistics to direct competitors, which allows them to sell products at a lower cost due to cheaper delivery, thereby appearing more attractive to potential buyers in in terms of the cost of similar products among competitors.

Why is Sellers Shipping Method not being tracked?

However, tracking the Sellers Shipping Method is not always a useless exercise. Those who frequently make transactions can determine which postal service their track belongs to only by one type of issued track code and subsequently track it. Usually, having chosen this type of delivery, the seller, after sending the goods, will indicate a number consisting exclusively of numbers as a track code, here you can already understand whether it will be possible to track such a parcel or not.

Here are a couple of examples of orders on AliExpress where the Sellers Shipping Method was specified as delivery and the track codes of which were tracked.

  • 02335343993 - at first glance, this set of numbers has nothing to do with track codes, but Lately This format is used by China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus and parcels are perfectly tracked.
  • 44874692416 - similar to the previous example, this format is also used today by China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus.

We have given several examples so that you understand that not everything is so bad and you can always try to track your parcel; in addition, when sending in this way, the seller also indicates the site where you can track such a parcel.

If the seller sent you in this way, giving you a number longer than or equal to 20 characters, without indicating the site where you can track such a parcel, then, most likely, you will not be able to track it, you will only have to wait and monitor the protection time on AliExpress.

Not so long ago, the management of Alibaba Group bought the once simple Chinese parcel tracker CIANIAO, on the basis of which they first established, and now have gone further, and are launching their own logistics operator based on it. In a word, now an ordinary buyer can track Sellers Shipping Method parcels by clicking search, which will display all available information on your shipment.

Despite the fact that parcels from TMALL are also perfectly tracked in this way, they still have their own characteristics, which we discussed when talking about specific examples, indicating courier services acting as contractors in terms of delivery of goods from this subsection of AliExpress.

Delivery Time Sellers Shipping Method

Considering that parcels are sent mostly by ordinary Chinese postal services and local logistics companies, the delivery time of Sellers Shipping Method takes approximately 20-35 days from the moment of dispatch from China, namely dispatch, by this we mean the export of the parcel from China, and not the status of AliExpress that the package has been sent.

If delivery is carried out from, then most often the goods will be delivered within 7 days from the date of dispatch, and for Moscow and St. Petersburg even less, up to 2-day courier delivery.

The status “Shipped” does not indicate the actual shipment of the goods, so you should not try to track anything immediately after receiving the track code, as the vast majority of users do. With a high degree of probability, you will not see any statuses based on the track code in the first days of receiving it, for which there is a completely logical explanation.

Typically, your package will arrive at your local China Post Office approximately 3-7 days after your order status changes to “Shipped”. After this, you can already try to track the track code issued to you on the website specified by the seller. For parcels sent from Russian warehouses, the first movement statuses may appear as early as the next day from the moment the track code is issued.

If, after 1-2 weeks from the moment the track code is issued, no status about the movement of the parcel appears, then it’s worth clarifying what’s wrong. It happens that due to the influx of orders, the seller may miss sending your product, even if it is positive, human factor and heavy workload take their toll. But in such situations, large sellers usually apologize, issue a new track code if required, and in addition to your order, put some small gift in the parcel.

If you have any difficulties and want to clarify something about your parcel, do not hesitate to ask questions in the comments, and indicate in detail when the parcel was sent, by which postal service and the track code itself.

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In this article I would like to talk about seller's shipping method and tracking parcels by this postal item. And also briefly, I will tell you what kind of service it is and why sellers from China very often choose it.

Whoever read the article “” saw how many popular and famous there are postal items. But not everyone knows that there are also small, little-known forwarding services that sellers on sometimes use; these are called seller's shipping method in English (seller's delivery method).

Don’t worry and think that if the forwarding service is unknown, then your package will not arrive. It will come! Don't be scared! This has never happened in my practice. Anyway, read my article “”, when I thought that my package was lost and would not arrive, and I returned the money, but it arrived the next day. By the way, back then there was also a sellers shipping method.

Seller's shipping method parcel tracking

How to track this strange delivery method Seller's shipping method? In fact, there is nothing complicated in tracking this shipment. When the seller sends it by mail, he indicates where you can track your parcel.

To do this, go to “My Order”, “Select the desired order” and look for the shipment tracking tab, and on the right there is a message approximately like the one below:

And here is the site that I highlighted, it tracks my track number.

Or here's another:

To track your parcel Seller's shipping method in Russian, use the site shown in the screenshot above

Seller's Shipping Method is a method of delivering goods from AliExpress, which is used by many online store sellers to send goods to customers. Delivery times for parcels using this method range from 30 to 60 days.

In reality, Seller's Shipping Method means that the seller will ship the order transport company, which he chooses independently. At the same time, the seller guarantees delivery of the goods to the buyer, indicating the buyer's protection time. If the postal item does not arrive within this period, the buyer has the right to open a dispute and demand a full refund for the product.

The processing and delivery of Seller’s Shipping Method parcels can be handled by both small and large postal companies, the names of which can be found out in personal correspondence with the seller or when the goods are delivered.

Seller’s Shipping Method shipment tracking in Russian

Due to the lack of information about the carrier company, tracking Seller’s Shipping Method shipments is quite difficult. In addition, parcels delivered by this method are often assigned internal tracking numbers. This means that until the moment of receipt, the location of the postal item cannot be determined.

If the parcel has an international tracking number, you can use the following tools to track the movement of your order:

  1. “Tracking” section– a tool for tracking parcels with an international track number, which is available to all visitors to our website.
  2. 17track- a service that supports most of the shipping methods that sellers use to send orders to their customers. Seller’s Shipping Method shipments are tracked in Russian.
  3. Cainiao is a tool owned by AliExpress. Allows you to determine the location of parcels sent by popular methods of delivering goods from an online store. The site language is English.

Let us remind you that the international track number consists of 13 characters, the first and last two characters are Latin letters, and there are 9 digits between them. Example – RS123456789CN

In many foreign and Chinese internet stores, there is a very popular type of delivery called Seller's Shipping Method. Very often there are difficulties with tracking such parcels; the track number may not be tracked and most often consists only of numbers.
Sellers Shipping Method is not a postal service or an international postal company, this type of mail does not exist and this name is translated from English something like “Seller’s Shipping Method”. Most often, this delivery method comes across when ordering inexpensive goods on Aliexpress and in 95% of cases, it is impossible to track such a parcel.

Check Sellers Shipping Method tracking in Russian: to track the package

Could there be any problems with this mail? Parcels sent through the Sellers Shipping Method arrive without problems, but on average such delivery takes 25-30 days from China (about the same from the USA).
The parcel can take a long time, because Sellers Shipping Method is not mail, and the seller himself chooses the delivery method, he can send the parcel by regular China mail without a track, pseudo-mail or through companies whose tracks are tracked only in China or the sender's country. Most often this is:

Yanwen (YW)
Wedo Logistics
17track (17 Post Service)
Special Line
SF Express
World-Shipping post
Hongkong Express Post (hongkongexpresspost)
4PX Worldwide Express
Flyt Express

In details about such fake tracks, what such track numbers look like (maybe you have something from this list) and the official websites of these pseudo-companies, where you can somehow track such track numbers: Fake and fake Chinese postal services, websites and services for tracking parcels from China

Or other fake or virtual mails, which on their “official” tracking sites take information about parcel tracking out of thin air (for example, after 15 days they write that the parcel departed from China, and after another 10 days it arrived in the sender’s country, in general they treat like fortune tellers ).

Most often, these are logistics companies that are engaged in packaging and delivery to the post office, but it is unknown what mail they will send and such a parcel is tracked in most cases only in China, and then you can only wait for notification at the post office (the postman will bring you a postal notification and put it in your post office). box, this will mean that you can go pick up the parcel from the post office)

How and where to track a parcel sent by Seller's Shipping Method from Aliexpress?

If you ordered a product on Aliexpress, then go to the "My Orders" section:

And next to your order, click the "Details" button (sometimes the information is duplicated from detailed description order and the tracking link are in the Aliexpress tracker, you can click the "Check tracking" button or just hover your mouse over this button):

Video on how to track a parcel from Aliexpress sent by Seller's Shipping Method in Russian

An example of how and where you can track a parcel from Aliexpress if it was sent by Seller's Shipping Method and what to do if the parcel is not tracked:

And here is the second way how to find out where to track Seller's Shipping Method:
Go to the My orders section:

Next to your order, click the "Check Tracking" button:

Now copy your tracking number and click on the word “here”, after this the website of the postal company through which the seller sent your parcel will open and you can track your tracking number there:

And don’t forget that parcels sent with the Seller’s Shipping Method mark are most often tracked only in the sender’s country and, at best, to the first point in the destination country. This is quite normal phenomenon On Aliexpress, probably 95% of goods under $10 are sent this way.

If you still have questions, you can ask them below in the comments...

The Aliexpress platform is one of the largest. Therefore, there are few who have not yet placed orders there. However, often on the product page the seller indicates that delivery will be by sellers shipping method, what does this mean in translation?

Literally translated, this means that sending the parcel will be a service of the seller's choice. As a rule, this delivery method will be chosen for goods that are of low value. Therefore, tracking such parcels has a number of nuances.

There is no need to worry about this. Your order will be shipped, the protection period will be valid until you receive the parcel. Even if, for example, the parcel clearly does not meet the delivery deadlines, you can always ask the seller to extend the protection period.

No one is interested in disputes and refunds. Besides, there is no need to be nervous either. Even if the package is stuck somewhere, it will still arrive. Otherwise, you can win the dispute, the money will be returned, and then the parcel will arrive. Somehow it doesn't turn out very nicely.

What is Sellers Shipping Method

As we already said, Seller's Shipping Method ships packages that cost less than $10. Often these are small companies, the name of which can be found on the page of your order after it has been sent. To do this, you need to go to the “My orders” section, then select the one you need, click “Details”. After this, a page with information will open. Here you can find the name of the company to which your order was sent and the tracking number.

It is with the help of the track number that you will track all the movements of your parcel on the way to you. True, there is one nuance. As a rule, such track numbers refer to unregistered mail items. Therefore, tracking of sellers shipping method is only possible in China until the moment of export. After that, all that remains is to wait.

Although there is one nuance here. The same small companies send two types of parcels. Registered, in this case, after export you will receive a new track number and track the shipment until the very moment of delivery. Those who are not registered very often have “tracking” only to the Chinese border. It will not be possible to track in Russia. Therefore, to avoid such a situation, it is better to contact the seller, pay a little extra and get the track number of the registered parcel.

However, Seller’s Shipping Method is sometimes found in expensive orders. If the item costs more than $10, it will be sent to you by normal postal service. It could be China Post, or E-Packet, or Singapore Post.

These services have tracks that are trackable in most cases. You can also understand the seller. He wants to get his money as quickly as possible. And he doesn’t want the client to wait a couple of months for the package.

How to understand that the parcel was sent without track

It is sometimes very difficult for beginners to determine whether the sellers shipping track will be tracked or not. There are several small companies that usually issue explicit no-tracks:

Therefore, only a few tips can be given here. When choosing a cheap product, contact the seller and pay extra for normal tracks. It’s better to pay a couple of dollars extra than to be nervous and worry about “where is my package.” By the way, one more detail. Not entirely honest postal employees “really love” trackless ones. After all, it is not possible to track such a parcel in Russia. Be careful.

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