Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Hexagram 5 interpretation from different aspects. “What injustice I do to another becomes my own destiny,” Bert Hellinger. The world is ruled by love, not inevitable revenge. If a person has changed and repented, why would he continue?


Wait, expect; pay attention to what is needed; wait for the right moment; participate in the sacrifice.

Figurative row
To the owner of truth - the original accomplishment.
Fortitude is fortunate.
The ford across the great river is favorable.

This is a time to wait and study the situation. Find out what is required in a given situation. Wait for the right moment to act. Communication with the spirits (original accomplishment) will ensure success. The path is open (happiness). Soon the time will come to step into the river of life with your goal, start a project or start an enterprise.

Take the time to evaluate events and carefully carry out all current tasks. Sharing food and drink with others is in harmony with the spirit of the times. This is not the time to step forward, stand up for principles, or conquer mountain peaks.

The situation is full of beneficial relaxation, peace of mind, contentment and harmony. Have patience. Waiting can lead to fame and great achievements.


  1. The full moon signifies the prospect of a very successful career.
  2. The gate means that heaven always leaves the door open.
  3. A person holding onto the dragon's tail means "trying to achieve success by holding on to the coattails of a great master."
  4. A monk registrar means that you will be guided by a distinguished person.
  5. The grave means that twelve is a lucky number.
Expectation. If you are sincere, great success will come. Fortitude is fortunate. A favorable time to cross the great river.
  1. This is the hexagram of August. It is good for spring and winter.
  2. Water (upper trigram) evaporates and becomes clouds in the sky. The peasant waits for the clouds to become rain. But this takes time.

sky overcast with clouds.
Symbol: The clouds are gathering, but it is not raining.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou Gong

First Yao.

Starting nine. Waiting in the meadow. It's good to continue with what you have at the moment. This is the right approach.
  1. Wait a little, because the right time has not yet come.
  2. Put aside your newly conceived plan.
  3. Your partner is in trouble and he or she can't give you what you ask for.
Second Yao.
Nine second. Waiting on the sand by the river. An unpleasant gossip was started. In the end there will be luck.
  1. Your friend may be in trouble; don't get involved in this.
  2. When genuine dedication is visible, the whole world will step aside to let you pass.
  3. Calm down. Don't get into litigation.
Third Yao.
Nine three. Waiting in the mud, the enemy is approaching.
  1. You encounter general opposition due to your carelessness.
  2. If you don't take care of yourself, you'll end up in poverty and your girlfriend will find new love.
Fourth Yao.
Six fourth. Waiting is in the blood. Try to get out of the hole.
  1. Don't try to resort to violence.
  2. The situation is very dangerous. We must stand still and let fate choose its course.
  3. The patient needs surgery.
Fifth Yao.
Nine five. Waiting for food and drink. The persistent will get good luck.
  1. Calmly wait for good news.
  2. Good food is not a luxury for you now.
  3. You will recover from your illness.
Sixth Yao.
Top six. Falling into a hole. Three unexpected guests appear. Entertain them, and in the end there will be luck.
  1. The wait is over. To move forward in this situation, you need to take precautions.
  2. If the three of us go, at least one of the other two is qualified to become my teacher in some field.
  3. Three years of hard work will be crowned with success.

General interpretation of the hexagram according to Yu. Shutsky.

In the process of development of the underdeveloped, it is with particular force that the need for planning and endurance emerges, i.e. "the need to wait." And regarding self-education - one of the types of education in general - Myn-tzu gives the following parable:

"It is necessary [all the time] to work [on oneself], but not to [count on] immediate success. Let consciousness not forget about this matter, and not “help growth.” You don’t need to be like one person from the Song inheritance, who was depressed that his seedlings were not growing, and began to pull them out.

Having worked so hard, he returned home and said to his family: “How tired I am today! I helped the seedlings grow.” His son ran to look at the seedlings, but they had already dried up. There are few people in the world who do not “help” to grow like this.”

However, what is meant here is not a passive expectation of favorable circumstances, but, on the contrary, the most active preparatory activity: the lower trigram is “creativity,” which is still concentrated inside and has not yet manifested itself outside, because it is surrounded by fog and clouds (the upper trigram is external world- water).

If every event has its own cause, then by correctly creating the causes of future events, we prepare them correct implementation. By creating the truth now, its implementation can be left to the future, when it manifests itself. Therefore, at this stage, “possession” is essential, and then its “brilliance,” its obviousness, will develop by itself.

With such a distribution of activity, the “need to wait” itself takes on a slightly different meaning, and it is here that it is appropriate to indicate its final result, the opportunity to undertake a large and serious undertaking - to cross the great river - across the entire stream human life to fruitfully achieve the highest ideal of human perfection.

This image finds support in the hexagram itself: with all the fullness of the internal forces of creativity, courage and clarity in the face of the dangerous watery abyss of the environment - and decisively move into it.

These thoughts are expressed in the text as follows: The need to wait. Own the truth. Then its brilliance will develop, and its endurance will be fortunate. The ford across the great river is favorable.

Wait, expect; pay attention to what is needed; wait for the right moment; participate in the sacrifice.


Xu (Need to wait): take care, look after, serve; provide what is necessary; wait, hesitate, doubt; have patience and focus; wait out the rain. The hieroglyph depicts rain and a sign indicating both a stop and a source. This implies the need to wait.

Figurative row

To the owner of truth - the original accomplishment.
Fortitude is fortunate.
The ford across the great river is favorable.

This is a time to wait and study the situation. Find out what is required in a given situation. Wait for the right moment to act. Communication with the spirits (original accomplishment) will ensure success. The path is open (happiness). Soon the time will come to step into the river of life with your goal, start a project or start an enterprise. Take the time to evaluate events and carefully carry out all current tasks. Sharing food and drink with others is in harmony with the spirit of the times. This is not the time to step forward, stand up for principles, or conquer mountain peaks. The situation is full of beneficial relaxation, peace of mind, contentment and harmony. Have patience. Waiting can lead to fame and great achievements.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Water and Sky

Internal focus counters external danger through watchful waiting.

Hidden opportunity:

The expectation contains hidden opportunity resolution of internal conflicts.


The immature needs nourishment and support. Realizing this implies the need to wait.


Waiting means no performance.


Clouds cover the sky. Expectation.
A noble man eats and drinks for rest and joy.

Hexagram lines

First nine

Waiting on the outskirts.
Constancy of activity is favorable.
There will be no blasphemy.

Waiting precedes the start of action. This is the threshold of knowledge, when consistency in mastering what has been learned is necessary. No one can blame you for being slow.

Nine second

Waiting on the coastal sand.
There are minor conversations to be had.
In the end - happiness.

Waiting on the shore reflects inner doubts and the struggle between old and new. You are surrounded by insignificant people and insignificant conversations. Adapt to this. Wait out the situation and the path will be open (happiness).

Nine three

Waiting in the mud.
The arrival of the robbers is approaching.

You have taken a step forward and are now in danger. Vulnerability allows the inertia and darkness (robbers) to gain an advantage over you. You still have time to consider this warning.

Six fourth

Waiting is in the blood.
Exit from the cave.

Tension increases to such an extent that it can only be expressed in the image of a bloody battle. Getting out of a situation can be compared to leaving a cave; from darkness - to the light of awareness.

Nine fifth

Waiting for wine and food.
Fortitude is fortunate.

Overcoming the crisis gives way to a period of rest. By feasting with others, you reduce your waiting time. Calmness comes with experience. The path is open (happiness). The worthy is separated from the unworthy.

There's a six at the top

You will enter the cave.
There will be the arrival of three leisurely guests.
If you honor them, there will be happiness in the end.

The first mention of fortune telling from the Book of Changes dates back to 672 BC. But to this day, any Chinese family uses interpretations of the I Ching in various everyday situations. The basis of fortune telling is the toss of three coins. If two or three coins are heads up, then the questioner draws a solid line on the paper. If it's heads, then it's intermittent. So, for the fortuneteller, hexagamma 5 fell. This means that the time of waiting has come.

Translated from Chinese, “Xu” (that’s what this hexagram is called) means “the need to wait.” Other meanings of the symbol are care, waiting, slowness, doubt, concentration, the need to have patience. It's like waiting out the rain. It is rain and the sign indicating a stop that hexagram 5 depicts. There are classical and modern interpretations of the hexagram. Moreover, any of them should be perceived not only logically, but also include sensory perception, taking into account what associations the interpretation evokes personally for the one who turns to the Book of Changes. This is her secret, that for different people the same text will have a completely different meaning and expected scenario. If you follow the recommendations received, you can find the best way to solve the problem.

The meaning of the I Ching hexagram advises the fortuneteller to wait for the right moment to active actions, which have no place now. Very soon the time will come when you will need to gather all your strength and plunge into the deep river of life and begin to implement your plans. Assertiveness and hasty actions can only do harm now. At the moment, it is necessary to carefully carry out current affairs and responsibilities, think through and evaluate everything planned, and study the situation. If you do this properly, help and support will come even faster. This time can be devoted to communicating with friends, sharing food and drink with them, which exactly corresponds to the spirit of this period, full of good rest, peace, tranquility and harmony. After some time, a certain person will appear - he will provide such help that you could not count on before. A sudden improvement in financial situation and the emergence of feelings for a person older than the fortuneteller are possible. The interpretation advises not to show this interest too much. The Chinese hexagram recommends patience: waiting can lead to fame and grandiose deeds. In general, the situation is favorable for the fortuneteller.

How to apply this interpretation to a particular situation in life? For example, in business, when a project is just beginning, it is necessary to attract investments to bring it to life. Obsession with the idea and the upcoming prospects from its implementation haunts us day and night. But doubts also have a place in life. In order to somehow clarify the situation, a person turns to the Book of Changes with the question “Is the idea destined to come true?”, and he gets hexagram 5. How can its interpretation be compared with events in life? First of all, the hexagram advises to wait, not to rush and start planning, act carefully, but without abandoning your goal.

Help will come - you just have to wait: the more serious the planned matter, the longer the wait will be. And only after this will the time come for decisive actions that will lead to glory and grandiose deeds. It’s worth double-checking everything thousands of times, even if you immediately receive an offer for financing. There are a lot of scammers in this environment, and if an offer comes on behalf of some reputable company, it is not a fact that this is really the case. You can also prevent communication with scammers and possible material losses.

This will be the caution that the Chinese hexagram advises. The grander the idea, the greater the likelihood that even loved ones will not provide support and will interfere with the implementation of plans. After all, the time spent thinking about the idea and searching for information could be devoted to your family. They are absolutely confident in the correctness of their actions when they demand attention to themselves to the detriment of grandiose, but still unlikely plans. Here it is worth showing persistence and determination, as the interpretation advises. See the goal in front of you and make efforts despite all the obstacles. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Time will pass, and the investor will provide his help, the money will come, and the work will require maximum concentration of effort. In the meantime, you should devote time to current affairs - albeit not so grandiose, but still necessary. The situation is favorable and we must take advantage of it.

I Ching hexagrams will answer any questions - do they concern business sphere or love. It often happens in life that a woman cannot find her happiness, which in her understanding means family life. Time is running, but a loved one never meets on the path of life. How to apply the interpretation of hexagram 5 to this situation? During the waiting period, you can devote yourself to your loved one, self-education, communication with friends, find a new hobby, relax and enjoy life. Harmony, agreement with yourself, positive attitude will help you blossom both externally and mentally. A new hobby for dancing, yoga or something else will expand the circle of acquaintances, and after a while the one and only one will meet. Life will shine with new colors, because more than one example has proven that there is a place for happiness at any age.

In this hexagram, the lower primary trigram, Heaven, also bears alternative name- “creativity”, because its main characteristic is to create, to create. It suggests activity, movement and positive force. Above it is Water, which symbolizes danger and thereby prevents activity. Consequently, the fifth hexagram speaks of the need to wait in order to avoid danger.

Waiting for the right moment is one of the key signs of the I Ching, and in this situation it is given special importance.

As a matter of principle, give up vigorous activity, curb your impatience and calmly wait for a more opportune moment before thoroughly getting down to any business.

Be determined to achieve this attitude and resist the urge to act hastily, because assertiveness will lead you straight into the abyss and result in failure and suffering.

However, if you carefully continue to move forward, step by step, you will be able to achieve your goal later. The same advice is given by the nuclear trigrams - Fire and Water - symbolizing warmth and joy. Therefore, persistently adhere to the advice of the hexagram. When a sage stands on the bank of a flooding river, he will wait until the water level recedes before crossing it calmly.


It cannot be done now. If you wait wisely, things will soon turn to your advantage.


Maintain and patiently nurture the relationship. Be honest and you can count on luck. Impatience will lead to a breakup, followed by humiliation.


Obstacles, delays and waiting. The only chance for success is a “long-distance run.” If you listen to the advice and behave appropriately, the marriage will work out.

Pregnancy, childbirth

There is a chance that the pregnancy period will last longer than usual. There won't be any problems. Regarding the gender of the child, the chances are fifty-fifty.

Health status

Diseases of the abdominal cavity, intestines, blood and brain. Long term illness.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

Circumstances are not in your favor. Make a compromise if possible. If not, abandon this matter completely or retreat.


There will be many delays before you begin your journey.

Exam, test

Worse than expected. You should be better prepared.

Work, business, specialization

Wait for a better opportunity.


Cloudy, showers later.

lucky color

Bright yellow, black.

Lucky numbers

1, 5, 6

Changing Traits


The peace has come to an end, problems arise from everywhere. You may feel like you are in a hopeless situation. Do not give up; remember: it is usually dark before dawn. Help will come suddenly, and the situation will change for the better if you can recognize the support. So be completely open.

Fifth (dominant)

For now, difficulties are expected. But remember that this is a temporary state of affairs. Use this period to reassess the situation more calmly and objectively. During this calm period, you should realize that the problem has not yet been solved, that difficulties will make themselves felt again, and that you still need to make a lot of effort to get help.


You bide your time in the midst of chaos. Any attempts to resist the problem will only make things worse. Immediately, trying not to attract attention, get out of this situation.


You begin to doubt that you can achieve anything worthwhile while on the Right Path. Anxiety causes you to take premature actions that leave you vulnerable to further attacks. The situation is not simple, because you are too scrupulous. Your only defense is extreme caution and the elimination of such base elements as doubt and fear.


Trying to achieve your intended goal will only lead to new difficulties. There is a chance that unpleasant rumors will spread about you. If this happens, don't try to make excuses. Remove yourself from the situation and achieve inner peace. The truth will eventually come out.


You may have the impression that a serious problem is looming, and this feeling makes you anxious. Prepare for this, but don't worry about imagining dangerous consequences. Better stay calm inside. Giving way to such a base element as fear, you only undermine your strength. Therefore, drop it and live your life as usual.

The Xu hexagram in the I-Ching love spread indicates that events will now develop slowly, since you simply do not have the strength to make a new round in your life. Even if it seems to you that you are now overwhelmed with love, your feelings are more intense than ever, but in reality this is not the case. Moreover, the Xu hexagram warns that if you feel something like this, then this is already a signal that you have overestimated yourself. Hexagram Xu advises you to stop and pause in your love relationships, otherwise, against the backdrop of internal devastation, you can make many mistakes, the consequences of which will be difficult to correct.

The appearance of the Xu hexagram in the I Ching love chart symbolizes the moment when you have reached a certain spiritual milestone, beyond which lies the territory of the unknown. Your love partner now does not notice what is happening to you, and you have begun to react too sharply to everything. It is clear that such a situation will very quickly lead to conflict. Therefore, the Xu hexagram says - hide, maybe it even makes sense to stop close communication for a while and take a break from each other for a day or two.

In addition, the Xu hexagram suggests that, oddly enough, your love relationships need planning. Depending on the context of I-Ching love fortune-telling, this may mean specific planning for a wedding or the nuances of living together, or during the period of a nascent relationship, it may mean that you should rethink the way you treat each other; it is likely that you have long been abandoned - you’re not happy with it and it’s time to change it. Just understand, the Xu hexagram says that now you need to plan how you will change this, and not actually go ahead in the relationship. This will only make things worse.

In some love fortune telling, the I Ching hexagram Xu means that you just need to wait, no matter how much you want the object of your heartfelt feelings to reciprocate your feelings, but so far, alas, not everything is so simple, so be patient and wait.

In addition, the Xu hexagram now recommends understanding yourself, namely, deciding exactly what you are willing to sacrifice for the sake of happiness in love and what you are not. Moreover we're talking about not only about external aspects, but also internal ones. That is, the Xu hexagram advises you to reconsider your life principles and decide which of them you are willing to sacrifice for the sake of your loved one and love in general. As a matter of fact, this is the most important thing that needs to be done in this period, for this reason there has been a lull in your destiny. The Xu hexagram reminds us that love is not only feelings, but also a choice.

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kupreichik
