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What should a work project contain? schedule of demand for basic construction machines. What is included in the development of PPR in construction

3. The procedure for preparing work projects and technological maps.

3.1. Before the approval of the rules for the execution and execution of text and graphic materials included in the design and working documentation, the execution and execution of design and working documentation must be carried out in accordance with state standards of the design documentation system for construction (SPDS), as well as state standards of the unified design documentation system (ESKD) and other current technical documents (see letter from the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 24, 2008 N 15/36-SM/08).

3.2. The preparation of text and graphic materials for work projects and technological maps is carried out in accordance with GOST 21.101-97 “SPDS. Basic requirements for design and working documentation."

3.2.1. Text and graphic materials, according to GOST 21.101-97, are usually completed in the following order:
- cover;
- title page ;
- content;
- project composition:
- explanatory note;
- basic drawings required by building codes and regulations.

3.2.2. Since the requirements of GOST 21.101-97 are mainly advisory in nature, for ease of development and familiarization with the PPR, it is advisable to divide the project into the following main parts:
- Total information ;
- explanatory note;
- The grafical part ;
- applications.

3.3. The list of ESKD standards that must be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction is given in Appendix B, GOST 21.101-97.

3.4. Text and graphic materials must be prepared on sheets of standard format, in accordance with GOST 2.301-68 “ESKD. Formats" (A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) with a frame and a stamp of the form established for each sheet, according to Appendix D, GOST 21.101-97.

3.5. When drawing up an explanatory note, you should be guided by the requirements of GOST 2.105-95 “General requirements for text documents.”

3.5.1. According to clause 4.1. “Construction of a document” GOST 2.105-95, adhere to the same sequence of numbering of chapters, sections, paragraphs, subparagraphs for all sections in the explanatory note (i.e., each paragraph of the explanatory note must be numbered). Tables, diagrams, drawings, etc. included in the explanatory note should be numbered in the same way.

3.5.2. According to clause 4.2. “Construction of a document” GOST 2.105-95 The text of the document must be short, clear and not allow for different interpretations. When setting out mandatory requirements in the text, the words “must”, “should”, “necessary”, “required that”, “only allowed”, “not allowed”, “prohibited”, “should not” should be used. When setting out other provisions, the words “may be”, “as a rule”, “if necessary”, “may be”, “in case”, etc. should be used. It is allowed to use a narrative form of presentation of the document text, for example “apply”, “indicate”, etc. The documents must use scientific and technical terms, designations and definitions established by the relevant standards, and in their absence - generally accepted in the scientific and technical literature. If a document adopts specific terminology, then at the end of it (before the list of references) there should be a list of accepted terms with appropriate explanations. The list is included in the contents of the document. The following is not allowed in the document text:
- use colloquial speech, technicalism, and professionalism;
- apply for the same concept various scientific and technical terms that are similar in meaning (synonyms), as well as foreign words and terms if there are equivalent words and terms in the Russian language;
- use arbitrary word formations;
- use abbreviations of words other than those established by the rules of Russian spelling, relevant state standards, and also in this document;
- abbreviate the designations of units of physical quantities if they are used without numbers, with the exception of units of physical quantities in the heads and sides of tables and in the decoding of letter designations included in formulas and drawings.

3.5.3. According to clause 4.3. “Design of illustrations and applications” GOST 2.105-95, the number of illustrations should be sufficient to explain the presented text. Illustrations can be located both throughout the text of the document (possibly closer to the relevant parts of the text) and at the end of it. Illustrations must be made in accordance with the requirements of ESKD and SPDS standards. Illustrations, with the exception of illustrations of applications, should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. If there is only one picture, then it is designated “Figure 1”. Illustrations of each application are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the application designation before the number. For example - Figure A.3. It is allowed not to number small illustrations (small drawings) placed directly in the text and to which there are no further references. It is allowed to number illustrations within a section. In this case, the illustration number consists of the section number and the serial number of the illustration, separated by a dot. For example - Figure 1.1. Illustrations, if necessary, may have a name and explanatory data (text below the figure). The word “Figure” and the name are placed after the explanatory data and arranged as follows: Figure 1 - Parts of the device.

3.5.4. According to clause 4.4. “Construction of tables” GOST 2.105-95, tables are used for better clarity and ease of comparison of indicators. The title of the table, if available, should reflect its content, be accurate, and concise. The title should be placed above the table.
When transferring part of a table to the same or other pages, the title is placed only above the first part of the table.

3.5.5. According to clause 4.5. “Footnotes” GOST 2.105-95, if it is necessary to clarify individual data given in the document, then this data should be indicated by superscript footnotes.
Footnotes in the text are placed indented at the end of the page on which they are indicated, and separated from the text by a short, thin horizontal line on the left side, and to the data located in the table, at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

3.5.6. According to clause 4.5. “Examples” GOST 2.105-95, examples can be given in cases where they clarify the requirements of the document or contribute to a more concise presentation of them

3.6. Drawings of the graphic part (plans and sections) must be carried out on the scale established by GOST 2.302-68 “ESKD. Scales”, while Stroygenplan is carried out, as a rule, on a scale of 1:200 and 1:500. Technological diagrams can be made on an arbitrary scale, provided that the basic proportions are observed and the actual dimensions, marks, etc. are indicated, in accordance with GOST 2.701-84 “Schemes. Types and types. General requirements for implementation."

3.7. When executing design, working and other technical documentation intended for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, one should be guided by the requirements of SPDS standards, as well as the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD).
The list of ESKD standards that must be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction is given in Appendix B, GOST 21.101-97.

3.8. Drawings are made on an optimal scale, taking into account their complexity and richness of information.

3.8.1. The scales on the drawings are not indicated, with the exception of product drawings and other cases provided for in the relevant SPDS standards.

Competent organization of construction work is impossible without drawing up correct design documentation. All documents are drawn up in accordance with approved rules and regulations. The purpose of drawing up documentation is to improve technical culture, introduce new construction technologies, reduce costs for building materials and increase work safety.

When developing, the following projects must be drawn up:

  • traffic organization (TMO);
  • construction organizations (POS);
  • production of work (PPR).

These documents help ensure the safety of employees when working on a construction site, improve the organization of the work process, increase labor productivity and the quality of results. With the high standards required for construction work these days, technological solutions and technical equipment must be worked out especially carefully before any work begins. For this reason, special attention at the preparatory stage should be paid to the PPR document.

What is PPR?

The work project includes: technological rules, requirements for labor protection and environmental protection. The PPR serves as the basis for compiling a list of necessary resources and materials, regulates the organization of work activities, and allows one to determine the timing and risks of future construction.

How is the PPR developed?

Who draws up the work project?

The general contracting construction and installation company is responsible for drawing up the PPR for the construction of a new or reconstruction of an old building. A third-party design organization can undertake the preparation of the document if an order is placed with it.

In some cases, when the volume of work being carried out is very large, the PPR may not be developed for the entire facility, but, for example, only for the installation of scaffolding, roofing, etc. Before the introduction of SNiP 3.01.01-85, such documents could not bear the name of a work organization project. Now they are called PPR, but it is always specified that the project was drawn up for specific work. If roofing installation or other special work is performed by third-party companies, they also develop PPR.

What is needed to develop a PPR?

  1. A task for a design organization drawn up by the customer. It is imperative to indicate the time frame within which the project must be completed.
  2. The assignment must be accompanied by a PIC and all required working documentation.
  3. Information on the supply of materials and equipment, the use of construction equipment, personnel.
  4. Data on technical research of operating enterprises, buildings and structures. Requirements for construction work in existing production conditions.
  5. Special construction conditions - low temperatures, groundwater levels, high humidity, etc.
Basic documents of the PPR

The most significant document in the PPR is the calendar plan. The correctness of its preparation plays a big role. The success of the project as a whole largely depends on this document. The schedule lists the sequence of construction work and the time frame within which it must be completed.

Another significant document as part of the PPR is the master plan, which for brevity is called the construction plan. Its goal is to reduce construction site preparation costs, as well as provide builders with safe working conditions.

The technological map is another important document included in the PPR. Contains information about the most productive ways to perform work and their sequence. This is also where labor costs are calculated, resources are determined, and the labor organization process is planned. The technological map may also include a breakdown of the facility into sections indicating workplaces. All technological maps are divided:

  • to standard ones, tied to an object;
  • to standard ones, not tied to an object;
  • to atypical ones, tied to an object.

The last significant document in the PPR is an explanatory note, which includes labor protection measures, calculation of the complexity of construction work and the need for additional warehouse and utility structures. The explanatory note also contains information about the economic and technical components of construction.

Who approves the project?

  • Contractor's Guide.
  • Representative of technical supervision.
  • Chief engineer or other customer representative.

Consequences of violating the regulations

Violation of project documentation, norms and standards entails serious consequences:

  • administrative fine for citizens - up to 1000 rubles;
  • for officials - up to 10,000 rubles;
  • for entrepreneurs who are not a legal entity - up to 10,000 rubles (suspension of activities for a period of up to 90 days is also possible);
  • for legal entities - up to 100,000 rubles (or suspension of activities for a period of up to 90 days).

If the work affected elements related to the reliability of buildings and utility networks, an administrative fine will be imposed:

  • for citizens - up to 5,000 rubles;
  • for officials - up to 50,000 rubles;
  • for entrepreneurs who are not a legal entity - up to 50,000 rubles (or suspension of activities for up to 90 days);
  • for legal entities - up to 500,000 rubles (or suspension of activities for up to 90 days).

Construction is an important area of ​​development for the country and private business. This area is controlled by the administration and executive authorities and is regulated by current legislation and regulations. They contain a set of norms, rules and mandatory requirements for organizing the activities of contractors and crews.

Let's consider defining one of the mandatory items that the developer must have in advance. What is PPT (territory zoning) and work project (WPP) in construction - this is a package of technological and administrative documentation, including a master plan, decisions on labor protection, industrial safety. On their basis, work is carried out in a standard environment and conditions when there is a likelihood or influence of hazardous factors at the site where construction, reorganization, technical transformation of buildings is taking place, as well as the commissioning of hazardous facilities.

It is being developed for the construction of a full-fledged building or local parts:

  • roof, balcony, additional greenhouse;
  • underground premises;
  • a flight of stairs;
  • floors.

It is also possible to develop for individual technically complex construction, installation and repair work during the preparatory period.

The general contractor or a responsible company with a license for the type of activity provided is responsible for its implementation. The head of this organization approves the project and no later than 2 months before the expected start of work, transfers it to the construction site. If the activity is carried out at an existing enterprise, the document must be agreed upon with the client.

Package development

Compilation is carried out in accordance with occupational safety and industrial safety requirements.

To do this prepare:

  • POS (POS – point of sales – place of sale);
  • materials of technical inspection of structures subject to reconstruction, with analysis results and conclusions, as well as established requirements for work under operating conditions of the premises;
  • the mechanization base existing in the organization;
  • confirmation of special conditions, potentially unsafe production factors;
  • basic working documentation.

What is included in the development of PPR in construction

To guarantee the safety of the future building, it is necessary to accurately determine the design of the structures, calculate the load, spend money, attract special equipment and labor. Therefore, when drawing up a project, they rely on:

  • Inventory of technical equipment, equipment for installation.
  • General construction layout. The boundaries of the object, the location of mobile and erected structures, tracks, underground and above-ground utility networks, and communications are indicated here.
  • Schedules for the receipt of raw materials and equipment at the site, the movement of workers on it.
  • Calendar schedule. It establishes the deadlines allotted for the implementation of the assigned tasks, their sequential implementation and priority.
  • Technological maps. Decisions made by the commission regarding the conduct of geodetic activities and safety issues.
  • Schemes for correct slinging of loads.
  • Explanatory note. It is the rationale for the adopted proposals on production issues and the costs of energy resource needs. It also stipulates the conditions for assigning mobile buildings and mechanized units to the site, lists measures to ensure the complete integrity and safety of property and protect objects from damage, measures and actions taken to protect the environment.

The preparation of PPR in construction is regulated by legal acts adopted by executive authorities.

Software for developing project documentation

Most contracting organizations are switching to an automated accounting system. The software greatly simplifies the task and reduces the time spent. This process almost eliminates the human factor, which is the most common precedent for accidents.

Utilities that are used to computerize the creation of a construction work plan:

  • Microsoft Project.
  • A combination of SmetaWIZARD + PlanWIZARD.
  • Excel.
  • Rillsoft Project.
  • Hector: Designer – Builder.
  • and others.

A requirement for a number of software is the presence of AutoCAD, NanoCAD, Compass. The products sold by ZWSOFT are also suitable for this. This software is an analogue of ACAD, but its cost is significantly lower, so both large companies and small organizations and educational institutions can afford it.

Why is PPR needed in construction?

The purpose of the creation is to develop methods of construction activities for its most efficient implementation, as well as possible reduction in the cost of materials, human resources and the use of special equipment. The requirements for documents are established by SNiP 3.01.01-85, which provides explanations for the correct preparation of a package of papers for the possibility of erecting a building.

Other regulations, bills and resolutions:

  • PPB 01-93 “On fire safety in the Russian Federation.”
  • SNiP 12-04-2002 “On labor protection in construction.”
  • SNiP 12-03-2001 “Part 1. General requirements”.
  • PB 03-428-02 “Code of rules for the construction of underground facilities.”

How to develop PPR in construction on a computer

This is a labor-intensive and long process. It requires special training and sufficient qualifications. Due to the lack of experienced workers and shorter deadlines for preparing pre-project documentation and PD, which sometimes affects the quality of task completion, organizations are increasingly turning to modern information technologies.

To make a layout using a program, decide what components it should include. General wishes of most contractors responsible for drawing up the package of papers:

  • current GESN, EniR with the ability to set your own prices;
  • transfer of data from estimates of other programs;
  • critical path calculation;
  • deleting and adding roads, buildings, equipment;
  • automatic drawing of a master plan and additional schemes (electrification, water supply, communications) with minimal human participation;
  • calculating the costs of energy, special equipment, materials and other resources;
  • accounting for cycles of completed volumes with the designation of repetition of identical work in the schedule;
  • release of an explanatory note;
  • entering the contractor's equipment into the database.

Take advantage of a tool that makes work easier and cheaper by providing ready-made, tried and tested solutions, automating the design of graphic and text documents.

Taking into account the wishes of specialists, computer software developers are offering more and more products that are in demand.

Before drawing up a construction design plan using a PC, consider 3 basic principles that serve as the foundation for most design utilities:

  1. Organization of an information base, including methodological and regulatory parts necessary for the correct formation of incoming and outgoing data.
  2. Possibility of structuring and systematizing production goals and objectives.
  3. Automation of specific PPR tasks using software modules with graphical components. They can be implemented as an add-on to the latest versions of the ZWCAD or NanoCAD package. Calculation ones can work in C++ and FoxPRO.

Using cranes as an example, let’s consider what these plugins are required to do:

  • create technological schemes;
  • select a crane based on certain parameters and load lifting height;
  • record the needs for inventory facilities;
  • design pits automatically and calculate water reduction;
  • determine an effective option for transport and earth-moving equipment;
  • calculate and select lighting fixtures;
  • analyze loads and electricity consumption;
  • draw a crane, tying it to objects located on the site.

An important point for the designer is the prompt provision of an information base, which includes:

  • methods that determine the need for materials, special equipment, technical equipment, various equipment and inventory;
  • requirements for storage, safety, transportation of raw materials and special structures, installation of scaffolding with examples of their possible location;
  • instructions on safety and health, fire and environmental safety;
  • terms of production control of work performed and their quality;
  • other information on PPR issues.

As a result, the data obtained using the program must represent organizational and technical documentation, drawn up in accordance with current standards and legislation - in the form of calculation, text and graphic solutions. This is an adaptation of GeoniCS for the ZWCAD 2017 PRO version. It is intended for design and survey work - the production of drawings in which the necessary stamps and explications are filled in and can be divided into sheets of a certain format.

  • . Using this package, utility networks are designed using BIM technology for ZWCAD 2017 PRO, AutoCAD, BricsCAD in the areas of:

    1. water supply;
    2. storm and ordinary sewerage;
    3. heat saving;
    4. gas pipeline.

    Performs many tasks - creates a basic plan and a summary plan for utility networks, details wells, creating a table, plots geological wells on a diagram.

  • . This is an embedded application for ZWCAD+. Automates the creation of administrative and working documentation for the construction field, based on norms and acts.
  • , where it is possible to create 2D and 3D modeling and image editing. There is VBA/.Net support; / ZRX, display of CAD elements and many other useful functions are built-in. A simple interface and intuitive editor will make work a pleasure.
  • Geoinformation system Spatial Manager, which allows you to load geospatial data from almost any format and design new ones, place information about existing objects directly on the map, taking into account the topology of the area.
  • Choose a convenient program to make your work easier.

    For advice on a question you are interested in, use the feedback form, by email or by phone.

    Here we will briefly consider the main issues related to PPR and PPRk (this section is constantly being updated):

    What are the dangers of working without PPR?

    When construction supervision checks the site and documentation for the lack of a work permit for the work being carried out, a significant fine is faced - up to 300,000.00 rubles, or suspension of the company's activities for up to 90 days. At the same time, having paid the fine, it will still be necessary to develop a PPR, otherwise a second fine will be imposed.

    If an accident occurs in the absence of a project on the site, criminal liability arises for various persons in the organization - the site manager, the chief engineer, the general director. In the best case, those responsible get off with a prison sentence for a period of 5 years.

    Who has the right to develop PPR?

    The following legal entities have the right to develop work projects:

    1. Individual entrepreneurs with industrial safety certification (issued by the Rostechnadzor department).
    2. A company where at least one employee has an industrial safety certification (issued by the Rostekhnadzor branch).
    3. Construction companies engaged in any type of construction (as their employees have industrial safety certification).

    What does PPR consist of?

    The work project in its general form contains:

    Explanatory note with the contents of the sections:

    • Total information;
    • preparatory activities;
    • work procedure;
    • occupational safety measures;
    • environmental protection measures;
    • bibliography.

    Graphic part with sheet contents:

    • situational plan of the facility location;
    • construction plan for the period of execution of the agreed works;
    • plans and sections for the most typical work areas;
    • slinging diagrams (not in all types of projects);
    • list of equipment and fixtures used;
    • calendar schedule of work (not in all types of projects).

    Applications to the project:

    • SRO certificates, etc.;
    • employee certifications;
    • SPR familiarization sheet;
    • PPR approval sheet.

    SRO approval is not required directly for the development of PPR. However, many organizations add their own SRO to the Appendices to the project.

    Is the Customer responsible for the lack of PPR?

    The construction customer does not bear any responsibility for the absence of a work plan at the construction site. The investor only risks his own finances if any accident occurs or construction deadlines are significantly delayed.

    Technical The Customer is already responsible to the main Customer (or investor) for possible missed deadlines and unforeseen situations.

    The general contractor and the contractor, in turn, are already responsible to the Customer and Rostechnadzor authorities.

    What types of PPR are being developed for?

    Work projects according to standards must be developed for all types of construction work without exception. However, in practice, it is accepted that PPRs are developed for the main types of work associated with danger - as a result of improper execution of which, emergencies and deaths may occur. The main list of works for which it is customary to develop projects is described. For less critical work, at the request of the Customer or investor, simplified work projects can be developed.

    Typically, PPR is developed for a specific type of work, for example, concreting monolithic structures. However, cases of combining several works into one project are not uncommon. In rare cases, general PPRs are developed for the entire facility as a whole. The final decision depends on many factors, including price.

    What initial data are needed to develop the PPR?

    The list of initial data required for the development of a project depends on the type of work for which it is being developed. However, this list can be roughly summarized:

    • construction plan from the PIC, or stage “P”;
    • projects for the structure under construction (AR, KR, KZh);
    • approved work schedule;
    • list of available equipment (cranes, lifts, etc.).

    To familiarize yourself with the task and determine the cost, the initial data in PDF format is sufficient. To develop a project, source materials are required in an editable format (usually in DWG), since manual vectorization of the necessary diagrams increases the time and cost of project development.

    How to force a contractor to develop a PPR?

    The need to develop a project is dictated by federal standards, therefore they are mandatory throughout Russia. The technical customer or investor has the right to demand a developed work plan for the type of work performed by the contractor. The following can be applied as additional pressure:

    1. The threat of not accepting the completed amount of work without a developed project (may take some time).
    2. Application of penalties, if provided for in the contract with the contractor (a likely solution).
    3. Inform the supervisory authorities of Rostekhnadzor about the absence of a project for the work being performed (extreme measures, but effective).

    Is there a need for PPR if there is a project?

    Design and working documentation must be available at each facility (if the design is not carried out in one stage). Regardless of the details of the working documentation for the building being constructed, the PPR is the necessary documentation for the execution of work. PPR is not a replacement, and should not duplicate (!) the construction project. The project must include diagrams. answering the question “How to do it”, not “What to do”. However, the completeness and information content of the project for the structure under construction still influence the timing and cost of project development - the more detailed the main technological activities in the project are described, the easier, and therefore faster and cheaper, it is to develop a PPR.

    What is the main task of PPR on site?

    The main task of the project is to properly organize the work of lifting equipment, the technology of work, to answer the questions “how and in what sequence to carry out construction work so that it is fast and, most importantly, safe.” The PPR cannot replace the main design and working documentation with its technical solutions - it is based on the main technical solutions of the main documentation.

    Does the PPR need to be coordinated with the general designer?

    The project for carrying out the work generally does not agree with the organization that designed the object, because the general designer is simply not interested in this. However, in some cases, the PPR must be agreed upon with the building project developer:

    • technical methods of work, reflected in the project, affect the safety and correct execution of building structures - the use of stressed reinforcement in cantilever floors;
    • construction work is carried out on an object of cultural significance (architectural monuments);
    • During construction work, it becomes necessary to transfer increased loads to the building, make installation openings, etc.

    How long does it take to develop the PPR?

    Typically, it takes an average of one week to develop a project. However, this indicator directly depends on the complexity of the documentation and the types of work reflected in it. Thus, the development time for the simplest PPR will be about 3 working days. The most complex project in our practice took more than two months to fully develop (before the final version was issued). Usually, if the development of a project is delayed due to its intensity, then the Customer is given separate sheets or diagrams as necessary to begin work.

    Who has the right to make changes to the PPR?

    The composition and content of a specific work project (WPP) are the intellectual property of the developer; the developer himself is responsible for the accuracy of the data in the project. In this regard, only the organization that developed this document can make changes to the work project. If it is not possible to contact the development organization, it is necessary to document the changes in the form of a separate PPR, formed as an addendum.

    Full and incomplete regulatory composition of the PPR

    The composition of work projects for industrial and civil construction is regulated by the Code of Rules SP 48.13330.2011 "Organization of construction" and according to clause 5.7.4 is divided into the following main types:

    • full composition of the PPR - for any construction in urban areas (with access to the roadway, or directly in the urban area ), during any construction on the territory of an existing enterprise (if the construction work area is not located on a separate territory of a separate launch complex ), as well as in difficult geological and natural conditions (for example, when working in mountainous conditions ).
    • incomplete composition of the PPR - in all other cases (when considering work carried out on separate construction sites and inside buildings under construction ).


    1. Works in urban areas- those works that are carried out directly near pedestrian zones and operated roads, as well as on buildings where people are located. In other words, when certain construction work is carried out with an increased risk of causing harm to people not associated with construction, as well as to the property of civilians or industrial enterprises.
    2. Work on the territory of an existing enterprise- those works that are carried out directly on the exploited part of the industrial territory - on the territory of the location and operation of technological equipment, the movement of technological liquids and gases. In other words, when certain construction work is carried out with an increased risk of harm to the workers of the enterprise, equipment and industrial machines, when there is a risk of an accident at the enterprise.
    3. Works performed in isolated areas, having fencing, checkpoints and signal signs, when safe distances from urban exploited areas are ensured - require incomplete staff project. Likewise, when certain species work is carried out inside buildings being erected are also sufficient incomplete staff PPR.

    Let's take a closer look: when performing, for example, interior finishing work, the likelihood of causing harm to strangers located outside the construction site is reduced to zero. Therefore, in such cases, an incomplete composition of the project is sufficient.

    Is the PPR developed by the customer or the contractor?

    The work project in most cases is developed by the contractor, who directly plans certain construction works. In some cases, when a specific contractor for construction and installation work has not yet been identified, or when the Customer wishes to determine in advance the order of work and the mechanisms used, the PPR can be developed on the Customer’s instructions by specialized organizations or on their own.

    Typically there is some dependency:

    The PPR is developed by the contractor when:

    • The contractor for a specific type of work has already been identified.
    • The contractor and the customer are unanimous in the methods and procedure for performing the work, as well as the mechanisms used.
    • The construction work carried out is not particularly responsible.

    The PPR is developed by the customer when:

    • The contractor for the construction work has not yet been determined.
    • There are significant differences in the methods of producing construction and installation work, the mechanisms used, etc. between a potential contractor and a customer.
    • The work being carried out is planned to be carried out at a unique facility, when this work has a significant public resonance and attracts media attention.

    Comments on the PPR

    Comments on well-developed PPRs do not appear often from the Customer or Technical Supervision - approximately in 15% of cases. The likelihood of receiving comments on your PPR depends on two factors - the completeness of the project and the scrupulousness of the inspector. In any case, comments to the PPR must simultaneously meet two requirements:

    • must be justified (based on modern standards);
    • must not deviate from the Technical Specifications.

    The validity of the comments comes from the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation. Here, references to methodological documentation (MDS, VSN, etc.) are not valid - that is, to those documents whose validity is not a “law” in construction. Read more about how to distinguish between standards and methodological documentation.

    The comments made by the Customer must be based primarily on what was stated in the Terms of Reference for the contract. If the Customer finds it difficult at the initial stage to decide what he needs, a qualified designer will help him and explain all the nuances and possible consequences. If the Customer has agreed on a certain composition of the project in the assignment, then additions to the project not covered by the assignment are an increase in the scope of work and must be formalized in an additional agreement. Whether to increase the cost of the project is a joint decision of the designer and the Customer.

    Comments on the project must be formalized in an official letter addressed to the head of the development company (or to a private person, when working with freelancers). We recommend making comments in tabular form, leaving empty columns for the contractor (designer) to answer.

    Differences between PPR and PPRk

    PPR- project of work production, PPRk— project for carrying out work using a crane. The differences between the two projects are minimal and depend on what types of work the PPR is being developed for.

    Thus, the PPR for the installation of structures with a crane includes all the components from the PPRk for a given crane. However, the PPRk for (for example) a tower crane does not consider the process of installing something and arranging scaffolding, etc.

    The main task of PPRk— consider the work with a crane (plan, section, dangerous zones, slinging diagrams). The whole project comes down to the operation of the mechanism. Thus, the PPR for a tower crane does not include installation and dismantling of the crane itself (such work is considered in a separate PPR).

    The main task of the PPR— consider the safety of construction work. If such work is closely related to the operation of the crane, then the PPR includes all elements of the PPRk.

    Do you have your own questions about PPR (PPRk)? Ask them in the feedback form and receive a response by email!

    Is it possible to develop a PPR over a weekend?

    Yes, it's possible! We understand the issue of urgency and importance in the construction industry, so we undertake to do projects for you even on weekends. . The cost will literally increase by 3,000 rubles - 6,000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the project, but by Monday you will have the finished project in your hands.

    How does interaction occur when paying by bank transfer?

    We would like to immediately convey information about your advantage by working with us - we work on a general taxation system (18% VAT, issue invoices).. After receiving an advance payment of 50% on the account, we begin developing the project and send it to you e-mail ready version for review with the mark “for review”. After approval, you send the second part of the payment and we give you the project in beautiful printed form and all original documents (Agreement, invoice, deed and invoice).

    Who develops the PPR?

    Because In the construction industry, companies bear risks and responsibility for the destinies of people; it is important that an experienced developer with a higher construction education and a large stock of knowledge in the construction industry is involved in drawing up the PPR. And also, knowledge of GOSTs, SNIPs and laws in this area plays an important role.

    How to draw up a ppr yourself?

    If you do not have time to understand and make adjustments to the standard PPR, we will help in the individual development of the PPR for your facility (including developing a general plan and additional necessary drawings).

    What is included in the PPR?

    The PPR includes:
    - Work production schedule;
    - Construction master plan;
    - Schedules for receipt of building structures, products, materials and equipment at the site;
    - Schedules for the movement of workers around the facility;
    - Technological maps;
    - Solutions for geodetic work;
    - Safety solutions;
    - Lists of technological equipment and installation equipment, as well as load slinging diagrams.

    Explanatory note containing:
    - justification of decisions on the performance of work, including those performed in winter;
    - the need for energy resources and solutions to cover it;
    - a list of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures and devices with calculation of needs and justification of the conditions for linking them to sections of the construction site;
    - measures aimed at ensuring the safety and preventing theft of materials, products, structures and equipment at the construction site, in buildings and structures;
    - measures to protect existing buildings and structures from damage, as well as environmental protection measures.

    Purpose of PPR?

    The purpose of the PPR is the need for a detailed presentation of the features of construction organization related to development conditions, types and specifics of construction work.

    Deciphering the PPR

    Many people in the construction industry get confused with the meaning of numerous abbreviations. In our project field, the decoding of the PPR is the Work Project.

    Who approves the PPR

    In the standard scheme, the Work Project is an internal document that is developed by the contractor and agreed upon with the Customer/General Contractor (in other words, with the counterparty under the Contract). But there are cases when internal regulations (like many of our oil companies) or in certain cases (for example, the intersection of third-party communications when laying external utility networks or when combining work at a facility with related organizations) require approval from additional persons. For such cases, the project provides for a “PPR Approval Sheet”. The PPR is approved, as a rule, by the General Director, less often the Chief Engineer of the organization that developed the PPR.
