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Sample letter to Saint Nicholas from a child. Writing a letter as a family tradition. Practice writing skills

“I listened to my mom and dad, helped my grandma, learned to swim. Well... I almost always obeyed. Or, to tell you the truth, I didn’t listen often. But I promise that next year I will become better, you will help me, right? Beg. You know everything about me, but I still hope that you can give me the treasured....”

Just like that, in a few sentences of a letter to Santa Claus or St. Nicholas, a child reveals all his secrets, secrets, dreams and hopes. He also does a lot of work on his mistakes, shares his experiences and reveals his deepest desires. Let's help our children write such a simple and important letter. Perhaps this will become your good family tradition.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas

Atmosphere.Let's choose a quiet evening or day when there is time to help write such an important letter. Let's gather our thoughts together, remember the past year and all that was good in it. There is no need to remember what could have been better. Let's think about our loved ones and relatives. By writing a letter to Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus, children open up and sincerely tell us adults about what they want.

What to write on.Previously, this question did not arise - a page from a notebook, lined or squared, and off you go. But now there are a lot of New Year templates for letters to Santa Claus or St. Nicholas. It doesn’t matter so much what it will be - an ordinary sheet of white paper or a page from a notebook or a beautiful printed one new year template. The main thing is that we will write. You can buy the envelope at the post office, or you can also print and glue it yourself.

What should we write about? About everything. About Me.Tell us that you need to start with a greeting. Let the child tell you a little about himself: his name, how old he is, what he does and is interested in. Then ask them to tell you about your loved ones - about mom, dad, if there are any sisters and brothers. And also about grandparents and all those whom the child deems necessary to mention. If you have a little artist growing up, then let him draw a picture “My family and friends” - Santa Claus or St. Nicholas will be pleased.

About good deeds.Now the most important thing is what successes and achievements there were in the past year. Help your child remember all the good things he did. Here even the phrase “making a molehill out of a molehill” comes in handy: small good deeds should not go unnoticed. Whether you learned to count to 10, dress yourself, or won numerous dance competitions, everyone has their own reason to be proud.

Dreams Come True.Now let's get down to the actual request for gifts. Tell your children that on holidays their most cherished dreams come true, so there is no need to write about the entire assortment of the toy store. Let him write about whatever he wants. But at the same time, do not forget to remind about modesty - there are many children in the world, and it will not be possible to give everyone everything at once. To avoid disappointment, prepare your children for the fact that perhaps there will be only one gift, which will be chosen by Santa Claus or St. Nicholas himself.

And also offer to write about what, in his opinion, he should give to his loved ones. What do they dream about and what do they want? I think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you learn.

At the end of the letter to Santa Claus, together with your child, ask for intangible, but very important things in life: kindness, happiness, love, health and peace.

Finish the letterYou can send wishes and congratulations to St. Nicholas himself or Santa Claus (so that he has strength and health, so that he has time to congratulate children all over the world, so that he can read and respond to letters and requests from children from all over the planet).

Your baby doesn’t know how to write yet - it doesn’t matter, mom or dad will help you write a letter to Santa Claus or St. Nicholas, the main thing in this matter is desire. Plus, writing a letter can encourage learning about letters and writing. Perhaps next year your baby will write a few lines himself. Now let him choose the color of the pencil, pen or felt-tip pen with which the letter will be written, and dictate. She also creates drawings and illustrations for the text.

Where to send a letter

There are two options here. The first is to create the illusion of sending a letter to Santa Claus or St. Nicholas and leave the letter for the family archive. Believe me, when the children grow up, they will rejoice at such greetings from childhood. And the second is to send to a real address from our list. You decide.

Saint Nicholaswe are writing to his residence in the Carpathians

Saint Nicholas
st. Friendship, 84,
Kosiv, Ivano-Frankivsk region,
Ukraine, 78600.

To Grandfather Frostyou can write to two addresses

  • in Ukraine

Santa Claus Mail
st. Khreshchatyk, 22
Ukraine, 01001

  • in Russia

House of Santa Claus,
Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region,
Russia, 162390

A Santa Claus to Finland:

Santa Claus,
Post office Arctic circle,
96930, Rovaniemi, Finland

And if there is no time left to send a letter by regular mail, then you can send a letter on the website

What's next? How to get an answer?

Often, after writing a letter to Santa Claus, children eagerly await the answer. Having received the treasured envelope, the children are sure that what they shared was heard, and perhaps their requests will be fulfilled. You can make your own letter from St. Nicholas or Santa Claus, or you can resort to the services of specialized websites.

We write ourselves

So your childhood dream has come true - you will turn into a magical hero and on his behalf you will be able to say the warmest words to your child. Thank your son or daughter for writing and talking about themselves and their family. Remember the good deeds from the past year (helped mom set the table, made a bird feeder, won a city competition) and wish for what your child dreams of and strives for. Will this wish be material ( new constructor, toys or books) or intangible (trip, travel, friendship) - it’s up to you. The text can be written by hand, but there is a high probability that you will be exposed. Therefore, it is better to use a computer. Use templates - with their help, a letter to Santa Claus or St. Nicholas will look real. The envelope can also be printed, and then cut and glued. All that remains is to predict the right moment and drop the letter in the mailbox. We assure you that the child will appreciate such a surprise.

Writing a letter with assistants

There are several sites offering to fulfill the dream of receiving a letter from St. Nicholas himself (or Father Frost, Santa Claus) for small sums.

Here, for a clearly defined amount (160 UAH), you can order a letter from Santa Claus to your child. The letter will be written by professional copywriters, taking into account the child’s characteristics, which you will describe in the application. In addition to the letter, a notepad also comes in an envelope. It’s a small thing, but it’s nice for the child.

Several letter options (costing from 60 to 199 UAH) will allow you to congratulate not only your child, but also your mother, father, grandparents, and even your boss at work. You choose the template you like, edit the text and place your order. Letters arrive at the address you provide at the end of December. There is one drawback - since the beginning of November the site no longer takes orders.

On this site you can order not only a letter, but also a video message. Prices range from 100 to 280 UAH and different options - from receiving a disk with a souvenir by mail to a link to download congratulations. Well regular letters there will also be some in the envelope.

A letter to Santa Claus or St. Nicholas is another reason to believe in children's fairy tales and that miracles happen. By writing uneven lines on paper, children share their love for loved ones, faith in goodness and hope that their deepest wishes will come true. And how much joy there will be if they also receive an answer. What else do we parents need? Happy family holiday!

How to write a letter to Saint Nicholas

For the holiday of St. Nicholas for children different countries It is customary to write letters. It is on this day, according to one of the legends, that Saint Nicholas descends to earth on a silver rope and sets off on a journey across the entire planet. On the night of December 18-19, the kind grandfather puts his gifts in the shoes, holiday socks and under the pillows of all obedient children. And what’s surprising is that children are always delighted that their kind grandfather guessed their wishes.

In order for Saint Nicholas to guess with a wish, you need to write him a letter in advance. How to write a letter to St. Nicholas and what to ask for in it worries all children. There is one tradition according to which you should write a letter. To do this, you need to put it on the windowsill and wait until the angel or another assistant of St. Nicholas picks it up and delivers it to the desired addressee.

Typically, you need to write a letter to St. Nicholas in advance, otherwise how will he know what you would like to receive as a gift.

At the beginning of the letter, try to describe your good deeds and good deeds for whole year. Also, don’t forget to make a beautiful holiday envelope with your own hands for the mysterious letter or buy it in the store. Be sure to put a small spruce branch in it, and let this gesture be your “hello” to the good wizard.

It is worth noting that to send your wish, it is best to write the text in neat handwriting on beautiful paper with a gold pen. Next comes the text of the description of the gift itself, and an explanation of why you want to receive it on this fabulous night. Do not try to type the text of your message on a computer, because there is nothing mysterious or mysterious in it, and most likely your letter will be ignored by the addressee.

Sample of writing a letter to Saint Nicholas:

“Hello dear Saint Nicholas! I am very glad that you will read my letter. Throughout the year, I was an obedient child, helped my mother clean the house, always put away my toys, diligently learned to read and write, and studied well. I know that you are a good wizard, so you will not refuse my request to fulfill my cherished wish. My wish is to receive a Lego constructor for the holiday, and I, in turn, undertake to learn how to fold it correctly. St Nicholas! Please fulfill my deepest desire, and I, in turn, undertake not to disappoint you throughout the whole year."

On St. Nicholas, children from all over the world call to write leaves. On this very day, according to one of the legends, Saint Nicholas descends to earth on a sacred path and sets out on his journey throughout the entire planet. On the night of the 18th to the 19th, my good grandfather puts out his gifts in slippers, Christmas scarves and under pillows for all hearing children. And what’s the matter, the children will always be buried because of how good I will be in guessing their duties.

In order for Saint Nicholas to guess the legends, he needs to write a piece of paper behind him. How to write a letter to St. Nicholas and what you need to ask - I praise all children. There is one tradition, following which a sheet is written. For this purpose, you need to place it on the porch and soak it until the yangolya, otherwise another assistant of St. Nicholas will not take it and deliver it to the required addressee.

Typically, you need to write a letter to St. Nicholas in advance, otherwise the stars will be able to find out what you are about to receive as a gift.

On the beginning of the leaf, try to describe your good deeds and good deeds for the whole river. Also, don’t forget to make a special holiday envelope with your own hands or buy one in the store. It’s a good idea to place a small yalin top at his place, and let this gesture be your “hello” to the good charmer.

Varto means that to send a message to your beloved, it is best to write the text in neat handwriting on a piece of paper with a gold pen. Next, the following is the text of the description of the gift itself, and an explanation of why you want to get away from this Kazkov nothing. Do not try to write the text of your message on a computer, because there is nothing secret or mysterious in it, and most likely your letter will be ignored by the addressee.

Illustration of a sheet of paper written to St. Nicholas

“Hello dear Saint Nicholas! I am more than radium (a) that you read from this sheet. Over the years, I have been a well-heard child, helping my mother clean the house, putting away my toys, diligently learning to read and write, getting good. I know that you are a good charmer, and you don’t see me in my beloved wickedness. My darling is to be sacred Lego constructor, and I’m trying to learn how to fold it correctly in my goiter. Saint Nicholas! Vikonai, be a caress, my dearest love, and I promise you in my heart not to disappoint you for the rest of your life.”
