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Write a letter to Santa Claus by mail. Letter to Santa Claus. How to write: text options with printable templates and addresses. Sending addresses for mail and e-mails

New Year is the most magical holiday, which all children and even, what is there to hide, adults are looking forward to with such impatience. We are all waiting and preparing for the arrival of a miracle, making our deepest desires. Children's faith in fairy tales is especially strong. So let's support her and help write a letter to Santa Claus - the main sorcerer and fulfiller of desires.

After all, this is such a great opportunity to spend time with a child, find out what he dreams of and fulfill this childhood dream, becoming a magician himself. Can you do it family tradition and save these letters. How great it will be to re-read them to a grown-up baby!

How to write a letter to Santa Claus, when to write a letter, how to issue it, how and where to send it, a letter template to Santa Claus - our advice will help you answer all these questions.

New Year's letter to Santa Claus from children

You can start writing a letter to Santa Claus with your baby from a very young age. It does not matter that the child does not yet know the letters - after all, it can be drawn, and the mother will write down the text.

Children of the younger school age how to write a letter to Santa Claus is already well known themselves. Here it is very important to tell the child that in the letter it is worth asking for a gift not only for yourself, but also to mention a younger brother or sister, parents, grandparents. This will be a wonderful lesson in kindness for the baby.

Preparing to write a letter to Santa Claus

It's time to write a letter to Santa Claus, because 2019 is just around the corner. Do not put off such an important matter until the very end of December. After all, it is better to know in advance about the dream of your child and fulfill it by putting it under the Christmas tree in new year's eve. If the gift made by the baby is not included in your plans (unfortunately, not everything in this world is subject to us) - you will have time to gently correct this and direct the child's thoughts in a different direction.

And in order for the writing process to captivate the baby and remember him for a long time, you should follow some simple tips.

  • Be sure to first discuss with the child to whom you are writing a letter and why. With very young authors, you can watch a cartoon about the kind Grandfather Frost, older children will surely remember many fairy tales about him.
  • You can discuss where exactly Santa Claus lives, with whom, how does he manage to visit all the children on New Year's Eve, who are his assistants? Do not hold back your imagination, together come up with a story about how Grandfather himself celebrates the holiday, what dishes he puts on the table, who are his guests?
  • It will be interesting for a child to know that Santa Claus speaks different languages ​​and has many names: for French children he is Papa Noel, for English children he is Santa Claus, for Italian children he is Babbo Natale.
  • Often, kids want not only to receive a gift, but also to catch the very moment of the arrival of a good wizard. If the invitation of a costumed Santa Claus was not included in your plans, explain to the child that Santa Claus is in a hurry to have time to call on all the children and he does not have time at all.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus. What to write about in a letter

How should a letter to the main children's wizard look like? A letter to Santa Claus can be written according to a model found on the Internet. It is not at all necessary to repeat it word for word, you can simply take them as a basis to give the child an idea. Do not limit the kid's imagination - after all, such letters will be the most touching and sincere. But still, it is worth adhering to some recommendations.

  • No matter how much the baby would like to immediately start a conversation about gifts, explain to him that it is extremely impolite to do so. First you need to say hello to the wizard and write your name so that Santa Claus does not confuse him with anyone, because he receives great amount letters.
  • Remember all the good deeds that the child did during the year, his achievements and successes (he studied with excellent marks, learned to skate, began to take out the garbage on his own, learned letters). But remember that this is not an educational hour: you should not focus on bad deeds so as not to spoil the magical expectation of a miracle.
  • It would be good manners to ask Grandfather about his health, congratulate him on the upcoming holiday, thank him for the gifts that he gave to the child last year.
  • Remind your child that Santa Claus will be very pleased to receive a beautifully designed letter, without strikethroughs, blots and obvious errors. Therefore, it is worth considering carefully how your message will look like.
  • If there are younger brothers and sisters in the family, it would be good for the older child to mention in the letter about their desires and dreams. Messages in which children ask not only material gifts for themselves, but also health for grandparents, for example, do not forget about mom and dad, look so touching.
  • It's time to move on to the most pleasant - the request for a gift. Remind your child that this should be a polite request, not a demand. Do not forget about such words as “please”, “I would like”.
  • On this stage many parents are faced with the fact that the child may ask for a gift that is too expensive or that it is impossible to give for some other reason (for example, the baby dreams of a cat, but this is impossible for health reasons). Here you have to apply all your imagination to direct the child's dream in a different direction.
  • A good solution would be to offer your son or daughter to write several options for the desired gift, and Santa Claus himself will choose the most suitable one, in his opinion.
  • At the end of the message, you need to say goodbye, wish the New Year's wizard happy holidays and sign the letter.

Letter to Santa Claus. Sample letters

Examples of messages to Santa Claus might look like this:

Example 1

Maxim Petrov is writing to you, I am 3 years old and go to kindergarten.

Mom told me a lot about you, read winter tales and showed pictures in a book. I know that you are kind and love children. I love the New Year very much and look forward to your visit. I'm already learning a beautiful poem for you. And for your horse, mom and I will prepare a sweet carrot as a gift. I really like to play fire trucks and would like to get a big red fire truck as a gift.

Happy New Year to you!

Maxim Petrov.

Example 2

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Happy New Year! My name is Katya Vasilyeva, I am 4 years old. I go to dances and for the holiday we teach in a group new dance which I will dance on the Christmas tree. You will definitely like it. I love dolls very much and would like to have a new princess Cinderella in a beautiful dress and glass shoes.

I don’t know all the letters yet, so my mother writes the letter for me, and I drew a picture for you. I'm looking forward to your visit.

Katya Vasilyeva.

Example 3

Hello dear Santa Claus!

My name is Artem Malyshev, I am 6 years old. I am writing you a letter for the first time. My mother used to do this for me. But this year I have learned to write and I am very glad that I can write you a letter myself. In a year I will go to school, so I really want to get a real school backpack and a pencil case with a racing car as a gift.

I congratulate you on the holiday and wish you good health!

Artem Malyshev

Example 4

Hello dear Santa Claus!

Timur Semyonov is writing to you, I am 8 years old and I am in the 2nd grade. I try to study well, for fours and fives. I love to read, especially encyclopedias. They have written so many interesting things about you too. For example, that you live in the city of Veliky Ustyug, far to the north. And I live in the city of Rostov-on-Don, it is very far from you. But I still look forward to seeing you. I have a younger brother Vanya, he is 3 years old, he still cannot write, so this letter is from the two of us. We would like to receive as a gift a big track with cars to play it together.

Happy New Year to you, Grandpa! Merry holidays to you!

Timur and Vanya Semyonov

You can use ready-made templates for letters to Santa Claus. There are a lot of them on the Internet. They will only need to be printed on a color printer, fill out the template itself and send it by mail.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus in verse

Or maybe you and your child will like this unusual kind of appeal to the New Year's sorcerer? Of course, rhyming your gift can be difficult. But it does not matter - you can start in poetic form, and end in prose.

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
I'm waiting for you very much.
And I want you to bring
New Year's Eve
Delicious holiday sweets
Sweet tangerines
And my dream is a tablet,
To watch cartoons
Good books to read
Learn new things
And play a little
In ninja turtles.
I will try to be
Polite, obedient,
Don't be lazy, don't be naughty
And study better.
Dear Santa Claus,
Come soon,
So that I grow up happy
I believe in a magical world.

Santa Claus, I know -
You are already preparing the sleigh,
So that all obedient children,
The kindest, the best,
Come to visit in the New Year,
Bring them gifts.

Santa Claus, I confess
What always didn't work
Be obedient and diligent
But I'll tell you honestly
That I tried every moment
Be good to your family.

I sincerely apologize
For bad behavior
I promise not to be lazy
Listen to your mother, study.
Just getting ready to go
Don't forget about me.

And my big dream
I draw beautifully
To make you happy with me
And for the New Year's holiday
You came to my house
And brought my gift.

Santa Claus has been my friend since childhood,
Since birth.
I'm in the Great City of Ustyug
Sent congratulations.

Yes, I did not ask in the letter
Give me something
And wish you good health
Grandpa with three boxes!

And he only asked for one thing:
"Santa Claus, dear,
I want you to live
In our refrigerator!

How to make a letter to Santa Claus with your own hands and how to decorate a letter

Of course, a good wizard will be very pleased to receive a creative message made by the hands of a child. All you need is paints, pencils, colored paper, plasticine and a creative mindset. Here are the options we can offer you:

  • write a letter on a homemade postcard. Let the kid himself draw a picture on the New Year theme.
  • create a collage of magazine pictures (for example, a photo of the desired gift, and next to Santa Claus, who hands it).
  • make an application of Santa Claus himself, the Snow Maiden, a snowman from colored paper or plasticine.
  • make a "shiny" letter by coating the paper with colorless nail polish and sprinkling with foil-cut glitter.

Where to send a letter to Santa Claus

And now the letter is ready, it's time to send. This can be done in several ways. Very young children can put the message in the freezer with their own hands, from where it is slowly taken out on behalf of Santa Claus by their parents. Older children will be interested in sending the signed to the address.

In Russia, it is this ancient Russian city that is considered the birthplace of the New Year's sorcerer. Santa Claus lives there at:

Santa's mailing address


Moscow residence of Father Frost (letters from the capital will reach here much faster): 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky Forest, to Grandfather Frost

Santa Claus, Joulupukin kamman, 96930 Napapuri, Rovaniemi, Finland.
And you can not send letters. Put them under the tree. After all, Santa Claus will surely hear everything and fulfill the desires of children.

How to get a personalized letter from Santa Claus

Santa Claus loves not only to receive letters, but also to answer them .. Just imagine how much delight will be in the eyes of the baby when he receives an answer to his message! But to do this is not at all difficult.

You can write a letter from Santa Claus yourself, print a template from the Internet, or you can apply for this service to special organizations that can offer many options for congratulations.

Hello, Santa Claus! We need "magnetic resonance imaging"
Happy New Year to you, Grandpa! Merry holidays to you!

Galina Zhidkova

Santa's mailing address
Official mailing address Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug:
162340, Russia, Vologda region, the city of Veliky Ustyug, the house of Father Frost
Moscow residence of Father Frost (letters from the capital will reach here much faster): 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky Forest, Grandfather Frost

And may all your innermost desires come true! Let's believe in a fairy tale. After all, miracles only happen to those who believe in them.


On the eve of the New Year, not only children, but also adults want to believe in miracles and a winter fairy tale again. Everyone is looking forward to New Year's Eve to make a wish under the chiming clock. In addition, many try to send Santa Claus a letter indicating what they really want to do. It is in vain to think that this is just children's fun, such an action will be useful for adults as well. Find out, how to write a letter to santa claus by all means to get what you want.

Read this article:

Why write to Santa Claus?

At first glance, it might seem that this topic irrelevant. It would seem that anyone at a conscious age will engage in such pampering, because only kids believe in Santa Claus and his magic. Try to look at it from the other side.

Who said that an adult cannot believe in miracles and wait New Year's fairy tale? Many only in maturity begin to understand: dreams come true when you really want something very much and sincerely believe that it is possible. At a conscious age, everyone has a moment when nothing works out, there are only problems and troubles around, it seems that the whole world is against you. It is then that faith in the New Year's miracle can save.

Of course, no one will force you to write a letter to Santa Claus if you do not believe in magic, and this is not necessary. Only with the belief that the impossible is possible, one should expect the fulfillment of one's desires.

A few tips on how to write a letter to the New Year's wizard:

      1. Despite the fact that it is preferable to write a text with wishes on foreign language, which Grandfather speaks, it is permissible to do this in your native language.
      2. Do not forget about courtesy: it will not be superfluous to say hello, congratulate the recipient on the upcoming holiday, you can put a poem of your own composition or a drawing in the envelope.
      3. If you want to receive a response message from Santa Claus, do not forget to indicate the return address and index so that he will respond and send a gift.

The desired message can be sent not only before the New Year holidays, but also a couple of weeks after they end.

What should the letter look like?

This template will tell you how to write a message with wishes for the New Year's wizard:

      1. The first step is to politely greet Grandfather, you can say: "Hello" or "Hello."
      2. Show attention and care by inquiring about the health or well-being of the recipient, ask: “How are you?”, “How do you feel?”, “How are you?”.
      3. Introduce yourself and tell about yourself, while you should not remember your entire biography, the Wizard already has a lot of work. Write your name, age, city of residence. Describe your interests, hobbies, significant events of the outgoing year. Do not forget about the good deeds that you have done, share secrets and experiences.
      4. Only after that you should move on to requests, but you don’t need to be greedy and demand too many gifts. It is enough to limit yourself to a couple of desires, you can have an intangible nature, for example, ask to meet love, health to loved ones, and so on.
      5. It is very important to finish the message beautifully. Thank Grandpa for his patience, attention to your message, wish you health, good luck, Happy holidays Say hello to the Snow Maiden. Don't forget to say goodbye.

The letter will look more attractive and interesting if it is not made in the form of an official form, but decorated with various drawings, patterns, applications. Seeing such a message, the New Year's wizard will immediately understand that the sender put a piece of his soul into it, approached writing responsibly and creatively.

An approximate sample of the text of a correct letter looks like this: “Hello, dear Santa Claus! How are you doing? How is your health? My name is Dasha, I am 18 years old. I live with my parents and younger brother, I love my family very much and try to please them only. This year I'm finishing school, I dream of going to college to become a doctor. I promise to do everything in my power for this - to study diligently, go to additional classes, develop, help people, obey my parents. I hope for your help too. And I really want my family to never get sick. Thank you for your attention to my letter, I look forward to hearing from you. Say hello to the Snow Maiden and your magical helpers. I wish you fabulous holidays!”

Other examples, as well as tips on how to format a message, can be found on the Internet. It is also worth watching thematic videos to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of magic and a New Year's fairy tale.

Interesting design options

Of course, it is easy to write a letter by hand on a regular sheet from a notebook or even on a landscape one, but such a message will not be imbued with the spirit New Year's magic And winter fairy tale. Some prefer to print a message created on a desktop computer. At the same time, you can even pick up the original design right away, which is not difficult to find on the Internet.

A more soulful and unusual design option will be a hand-made postcard from improvised materials. If fantasy allows, you can come up with something new and interesting by connecting creativity. On the other hand, it is permissible to use ready-made recommendations:

      1. Children's New Year card from colored cardboard, decorated with various decorations. Cotton wool, rain, pieces of fabric, beads, nutshells, even splinters Christmas decorations- all this will help in creating original congratulations on the New Year theme. It will turn out very colorful, festive and fun. And how much pleasure it will give the child to create such a masterpiece with his own hands together with mom or dad.
      2. Collage - in the absence of artistic talent, there is a simpler, but no less interesting solution - to make a collage letter. To do this, it is enough to cut out pictures from glossy magazines that correspond to the atmosphere of the New Year - Grandfather Frost, a Christmas tree, toys, children having fun, gifts, and then stick them on a future postcard.
      3. Family departure - you need to come up with titles for all family members and write a message in beautiful handwriting on thin parchment paper. At the end of the text, you will need to depict the family coat of arms and put a seal. It will look very solemn and formal.
      4. A magical 4D postcard is an unusual and even magical way of designing a letter that will definitely be remembered. The main feature of this craft is that you can rotate changing pictures as much as you like. It is made of white cardboard, on which special markings are applied. The entire procedure can be found on the Internet in a detailed video instruction.

In addition, you will need to pay attention to the choice of the envelope. The usual packaging that is sold by mail is not suitable for these purposes, it should be bright and elegant. You can buy a large colored envelope in stationery store Or make your own out of colored paper. Interesting applications with the image of a Christmas tree decoration, a snowman or other holiday paraphernalia will look original on it.

What should not be forgotten?

It is wrong and impolite to ask something from Grandfather without offering him anything in return. When you write about your request, you need to promise to do something in return, while the wishes must be commensurate with your promises.

Most often, children and adults ask for completely different gifts. The best present for a baby New Year becomes:

      • Toy - doll, car, designer, children's transport;
      • Modern gadget - smartphone or tablet;
      • Pleasant impressions - a ticket to the game of your favorite football team, a trip to an amusement park, a meeting with an idol.

The most desired gifts for adults:

      • Material - an apartment, a car, a large amount of money;
      • Intangible - to meet a soul mate, the long-awaited replenishment of the family, to find a good job.

Depending on the significance of your wish, promise the Wizard something in return:

      1. To obey the parents.
      2. Study well.
      3. Help the elders, spend more time with relatives.
      4. Exercise.
      5. Quit bad habits.
      6. Do charity work.

It is important not only to write your promise, but also to keep it. Only then can you expect your wish to come true.

How to send a message?

Correctly writing a letter to Santa Claus is only half the battle, you also need to know how to send it and to what address. After all, no one knows the exact place of residence.

There are several options for where to write your wishes:

      1. Put your message in an envelope on which you can simply write “Santa Claus”. Surely, your wonderful message will not be the only one, so the postal workers will definitely figure out how to deliver it to the recipient.
      2. On the Internet, they offer to send a message to Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region, indicating the index 162390. Sending a letter traditional way, do not forget to buy a stamp, otherwise you will receive it back to your address.
      3. You can go the modern way by writing to Grandfather on email or by visiting its official website for free, where there is a corresponding section.

If you choose an advanced means of communication and want to receive a guaranteed answer or a present from the New Year's wizard, be prepared to pay a symbolic amount for this. More details about this can be found on the pages of the site.

Of course, this is not the only address where the Wizard receives New Year's messages. His residences are located all over the world. If you wish, you can send letters to several addresses at once, even to different countries. Agree, it will be nice to receive in response not one, but many congratulations.

In Russia, magic mail works not only in Veliky Ustyug, but also in other regions:

      • City of Monchegorsk, Murmansk region, index - 184506;
      • Udmurt Republic, Sharkan village - 427070;
      • Tatarstan, the village of Yana Kyrlay - 422035;
      • The city of Olonets of the Republic of Karelia - 186000.

In addition, residences fairy tale character are located in other countries, in each of them the usual for us Grandfather is called in his own way:

      • Santa Claus - in Australia, Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, USA;
      • Saint Nicholas - in Belgium;
      • Mikulas - in Hungary;
      • Weinachtsmann or Nicholas - also in Germany;
      • Babo Natale - in Italy;
      • Julenissen - in Norway;
      • Ezhisek - in Slovakia and the Czech Republic;
      • Joulupukki - in Finland;
      • Pierre Noel - in France;
      • Yultumte is in Sweden.

In Belarus, as well as in our country, this is Santa Claus. Before writing a letter to Grandfather from another state, check how it is customary to call him there.

How to know that the letter has reached?

Santa Claus has a lot to do before the winter holidays, so friends help him read messages and respond to them. Finding out if your message has reached is simple - you will receive a response or the desired gift. In addition, it is important to make wishes correctly:

      1. Your dream should carry good intentions, you can’t wish for something out of envy or revenge.
      2. A cherished gift should be useful to the sender.
      3. You must not forget to indicate in the message which good deeds have been done by you, and which ones are yet to come.

No matter how old you are, it's never too late to dream and believe in miracles. And when, if not on New Year's Eve, will these dreams come true!

Have you already written a letter to Santa Claus with your child? No? Then let's write a letter together. It is a wonderful tradition to write letters to Santa Claus. It turns us, adults and serious, back into little children. After all, the New Year is a special holiday. We are waiting for this magical night with hope and faith in a miracle.

So, it's time to write a letter to Santa Claus. If your child is still very young and cannot write, then you will write the letter under his dictation. Or sit the baby on your lap and write it with your hand. And it doesn't matter if it turns out a little clumsy.

Well, if your child has already learned to write, then let him write himself and preferably secretly from everyone in a secluded place. You just discuss with your child how to write a letter to Santa Claus.

Such a "secret" writing of a letter is very useful for the mental and emotional development child. And you, adults, can learn a lot of interesting and unexpected things about internal state and the true desires of your baby. Only the baby, under no circumstances, should not know that his letter was read by you.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus

1. Be sure to prepare beautiful paper. Writing a letter for such an unusual grandfather on plain paper is no good. Beautiful New Year-themed paper can be bought at the store. But if you have a color printer, then there are a great many letterheads for New Year's letters on the Internet. You will also need beautiful envelope. You can buy it at the post office, make it yourself, download it on the Internet. For owners of a color printer, I suggest downloading a selection of archives with letterheads and envelopes. You can see samples below.

2. You will also need a beautiful pen (preferably new), felt-tip pens or colored pencils in case the child wants to draw something for Santa Claus. After all, Grandpa also loves to receive gifts.

3. Talk about the content of the letter. Remind you to say hello first. Say that Grandfather Frost is interested in learning about your name, how you live, and you can also tell him about your most secret Dream. Explain that demanding “I want this and that as a gift” is wrong. It is better to write that you dream about something. And it is better if it is not one dream, but several, so that Grandfather Frost has a choice.

Explain to the child that the possibilities of Santa Claus are not unlimited and that you need to be modest when asking for a gift. After all, there are a lot of children, and Santa Claus is one. Otherwise, it may happen that your financial capabilities will not be able to turn the New Year into a fairy tale. Do not take away the child's faith in miracles.

4. It’s not bad to put a gift in a letter to Santa Claus: some kind of craft or drawing. Let the kid put the letter and the picture into an envelope and drop it into the mailbox on the way to the kindergarten.

Where can I get the address of Santa Claus

Well, the address of Father Frost is very simple: 162390, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Father Frost's House. You can also write a letter on the website of his mail Personally, I prefer the old paper way.

Well, it’s even better if the letter to the magical Grandfather also gets there in a magical way. Leave the letter on the windowsill overnight. Tell your child that Santa Claus looks in the windows at night and takes the letters left for him.

My son and I had a funny experience about this. He was then five years old, maybe a little less. We wrote a letter for Santa Claus and left it on the windowsill. But in the evening everyone fell asleep, and in the morning my son Maxim woke up before everyone else. I woke up from his exclamation: “Mom, Grandfather Frost did not take the letter!” As I didn’t explain that Grandfather just didn’t have time to pick up the letter last night and will definitely do it today, Maxim lamented about this all day.

Suddenly I see Maxim put a chair by the window and climbs onto the windowsill.

“Where are you going,” I shout, “you will fall.”

- “I will open the window! my son answers. “And then Santa Claus will not be able to fly in again.”

So if you leave a letter on the windowsill, then try to find the addressee on the first night. And be sure to open the window.

And it will also be very good if the child receives a response letter from Santa Claus. Of course, you can order a letter from Santa Claus, but it's better if you write it. After all, who knows better than you what our children might like? Moreover, it is not difficult at all:

"Dear Marina! Thank you very much for your letter. You made me very happy, old man! I hung your drawing on the wall in my snowy chamber and often admire it. And my granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, likes your picture too. It’s cold here, and the snow keeps coming and going, filled up all the roads and bridges, but my snowman helpers have already cleared the way for the sleigh, in which the Snow Maiden and I will bring gifts to the children.

In general, something in this spirit.

The letter "Santa Claus" can be beautifully designed, stamped in the mail and let the child get it out of the mailbox.

And at the end of the post, I offer you a flash presentation: Where does Santa Claus live?

Good luck and have fun preparing for the New Year!

New Year is a magical holiday when dreams come true. But in order for the cherished desires to quickly get into the office of their main executor - Santa Claus, you need to write him a letter. You can come up with your own original text or use the template, which we will discuss below.

Rules for writing a letter

Santa Claus takes a very responsible approach to reading letters from children.

It is best to write to Santa Claus in the first half of December so that he has enough time to fulfill your desire. And don't worry if he doesn't respond to your message. Can you imagine how much correspondence he has to re-read and how many desires to fulfill?! But be sure that he will definitely fulfill your dream. Before you start writing your desires, be sure to get acquainted with the rules for writing messages to Santa Claus.

  • Start your letter with a greeting. Santa Claus likes well-bred children, so he reads letters from them and fulfills his wishes in the first place.
  • It is impolite and ugly to address Frost without introducing himself.. Therefore, after the traditional greeting (“hello”, “good afternoon”), state your name.
  • It would be nice to know about the health of the grandfather, because he is already old.
  • Tell us a little about yourself (write your age, what is the name of your hometown or village, what are you interested in) and describe your merits to Grandfather (how you studied, how you behaved, what new things you learned during the year).
  • After that, describe your New Year's wish and convince Grandfather that this particular gift is the most necessary for you.
  • At the end of the message, politely say goodbye, write the date, month and year when you send the letter, as well as your home address - Grandfather Frost must know exactly where he will have to deliver surprises.
  • Try to write without errors and blots. Agree, it's unpleasant when a letter looks sloppy. First write on a draft - it's easier to make corrections, and it's nice if one of the adults checks your text.
  • Do not forget to write also the address of Santa Claus. If you are writing a message on paper, then indicate on the postal envelope: 162390, Russia, Vologda region, the city of Veliky Ustyug, the house of Santa Claus. For Muscovites and residents of the region there is one more address: 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, Dedushke Frost. Although even if only “Grandfather Frost” is written, the message will still reach the addressee. If you write on the Internet, then you can publish a letter on the site

Samples in prose

Don't forget to put your letter in a nice envelope.

If you write without rhyme, that is, not in verse, then the letter may look like this:

Hello dear Frost! I'm Varya, I'm 8 and a half years old. With my beloved parents, I live in Vologda. I really like this city, because it is wonderful and beautiful, there are a lot of interesting things in it. This year I am already in the third grade, in all subjects I have four or five, the teacher and parents do not scold me. I have many hobbies: I dance and play the flute. I also like to weave different baubles from beads and beads. In the new year 2016, I would really like you to give me a little white kitten that I will love and take care of! Mom and dad allowed, so don't worry - they won't be angry! I really look forward to your answer, say hello to your granddaughter. Sincerely, Varya

Dear Grandfather, I have long believed in your existence, because whenever I wanted New Year's gifts, I always received them. But this is the first time I'm contacting you via the Internet. My name is Sashenka, I am 5 years and 3 months old. Grandfather Frost, I have an important request to you: I want to receive a two-wheeled bicycle as a gift. I always obey my mother, behave well in kindergarten And I don't hate guys. Until January 1, I will be looking forward to the gift, thank you, Frost, huge! Merry Christmas to you, Sasha. My address: xxx xxx xxx.

A letter can be composed not only from oneself, but also from sisters and brothers who are still too small and cannot write themselves. Here is an example of such a message:

Dear Santa Claus, hello! My name is Timur. My sister Arsyusha and I wish you all the very best and wish you all the best in 2016! All year we tried very hard to be obedient and behave well - my mother can confirm. We would like to receive from you as new year gift a pair of skis (this is for me) and a Barbie doll (this is for my sister). In advance Thanks a lot. Our address is xxx xxx xxx.

And here is another version of the letter:

Hello my dear Santa Claus! Anechka is writing to you, I turned 9 this year. We haven't seen you whole year and I really missed, grandfather, your kind eyes and sincere smile. Are you all right? How do you feel? Everything is fine with me, I study and go to the figure skating section. There I already learned how to do rotations and difficult steps.

Dear Santa Claus! I really want to win figure skating competitions! Give me some new skates, please. I think they will bring me good luck and I will become a real champion!

Samples in verse

Try to write nice and neat

To attract Special attention to your message, the letter can be composed in poetic form. As did Timur (10 years old) from Saratov.

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

How are you, red nose?

How do your friends live

I found out recently.

IN different countries, that's it,

Their weird names:

In the Netherlands, Sunderklaas

The Japanese have Oji-san,

In the USA - there is Santa Claus,

Karbobo - Uzbekistan.

There are also Korgyz and Nisse,

There are yellow pukki too.

How many Santa Clauses in the world

We can't even count them!

I studied the map for a long time,

Looking for distant countries

Where wishes come true

All Frosts - I found out.

Too bad it's on the map

There is no other side

And not all earthly countries

It's easy for me to see right away.

That's why, Morozko,

I beg you very much:

Give me a blue globe

My old dream!

Just keep in mind that in your poem one rhyme will not be enough - you need to make sense in it. Show yourself as an educated child and explain why you need this particular gift.

And this poem for Grandfather was prepared by Vitya (9 years old) from Novocherkassk

Frost, welcome!

I missed you.

You are kind and funny

You will come to the Christmas tree at school.

I've been waiting for you all last year

And waited for it to pass...

I wanted to meet you again

And hug tightly.

I hope you bring gifts.

I'm sure you don't mind!

Read carefully my info -

Please give me one game...

Table football is my dream!

I think you will answer: "Yes"!!!

The message can be made combined: start with poetry, and continue with prose (to make it easier to describe your request).

Santa Claus in a red coat
He brought the snowman
The granddaughter will conjure
Light the miracle tree!

So that all the forest people
Have fun in the New Year:
To laugh and dance
Throwing confetti on the snow!

My name is Natasha, I am 10 years old. I love to write poetry, so I really want a beautiful embossed notebook and a set of pens for the New Year. If it's not difficult for you, please send me this set by January 2016. Sincerely, Nata. My address: xxx xxx xxx.

How to decorate a letter?

Letters via the Internet are easier to issue, but Grandpa likes original messages

Having decided on the text, you need to beautifully design the message (if you write on the Internet, there are many templates). But in decorating paper letters, you can not limit your imagination - there are many options to make the letter original.

  • Drawing. Frost loves creative children very much. Therefore, with special warmth, he reads letters with drawings made by the hand of the kids.

The drawing can be enclosed with the letter in a beautiful envelope Santa Claus is very happy when the kids send drawings with a letter

  • Application (in the form of a symbol of the New Year 2016 - a monkey, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden). He will be pleased. You can cut out pictures from magazines and stick them on a piece of paper or even on an envelope. The application looks especially original if it is made voluminous. To do this, set aside a couple of centimeters at the edges of the pictures for allowances, carefully fold them inward and glue them onto the sheet with the letter.

An application for a letter can be cut from an old book or magazine.

  • Collage. You can cut out a picture with a desire from a magazine (or draw it) and combine it on a sheet with your photo, Photo of Santa Claus - as if playing the situation of receiving a gift.

You can come up with a collage yourself: cut out pictures from old postcards and stick them so that you get an interesting plot

  • Stencil. If you are not very fond of making all sorts of decorations and drawing, then try downloading a letter template from the Internet. Just try to do it on a color printer - so the message will turn out bright.

There are templates in which a special field is allocated for the text of the letter There are black and white stencils that you can decorate as you like. The template for the letter can be with lines already drawn to make it easier for you to write.

Decorating a letter with decoupage can be done with friends

Roskomnadzor warns

Roskomnadzor warns that unscrupulous sites that publish forms for letters to Santa Claus ask you to enter your contact information (first name, last name, patronymic, residential address, etc.) in them. Do not do this!

Here is a sample letter for Moroz, which was compiled by Roskomnadzor employees and published on their website:

Here is a special letter form prepared by Roskomnadzor

New Year's messages to Santa Claus is a good tradition that not only helps the fulfillment of desires, but also shows your talents. Try to format the letter in such a way that Fairytale Grandfather understands what you are creative person. Then he will not only fulfill your wish with pleasure, but also save the letter to show it to his foreign colleagues.

Writing letters to Santa Claus and telling them about your most cherished desires is a good tradition among children all over the world. But if you can’t personally visit Grandfather, where exactly to send the cherished messages?

To the main Russian Santa Claus

The most important Santa Claus of our country has its own official Post Office. Many letters come here every year not only from Russia, but also from other countries of the world. Alas, not all messages are answered. But the most sincere and bright do not go unnoticed.

In addition, parents can pay in advance and choose the answer option of Santa Claus and small souvenir gifts from him. More information can be found on the Post Office website.

By the way, the reliability of a letter from Santa Claus is determined by three criteria: the original envelope (the assortment can be found at the Post Office), the stamp of the city of Veliky Ustyug with the date of departure, as well as the branded seal of the Santa Claus Post on each letter.

Address for letters.
162390, Russia,
Vologda region,
Veliky Ustyug,
Santa Claus mail.

Online messages for Russian Santa Claus can be left, for example, on the sites: “I want a Miracle" (registration is required, you can attach a photo) and " Father Frost's House". Responses are also sent via email.

There is also a postal service in the Moscow residence of the Russian Father Frost

Unlike the one in Veliky Ustyug, here they answer all the messages that come to Grandfather's address. And completely free! The main thing is not to forget to write the return address! The letter can be sent either by Russian Post, or personally come to the residence and drop it into a mail ball near the Snegurochka's tower, or into mailboxes at the entrance to the estate.

Address for letters.
109472, Russia,
Moscow, Kuzminsky forest,
Santa Claus.

And we leave an online message on the official website of the residence. You can attach a picture to your message.

Joulupukki - Finnish Santa Claus

To the Finnish Santa Claus, or rather, Joulupukki, in Lapland, on the Arctic Circle, people come to visit and write letters from all over the world. Especially a lot of correspondence - from Europe, Russia and the USA. Joulupukki dismantles it not alone, but together with funny gnomes and elves. Surprisingly, this wizard in a red cap and sheepskin coat understands almost all languages ​​of the world. Therefore, he can safely write in Russian. Don't forget to enclose the letter in an international envelope. The answer, stamped with a special magic seal, will also most likely come in Russian.

Addresses for letters.
Joulupukin Paäposti,
Joulupukin Pajakyla,
Tahtikuja 1, Rovaniemi
96930 Napapiiri,

On English language:
Santa Claus' Main Post Office
Santa's Workshop Village
Tahtikuja 1, Rovaniemi
96930, Arctic Circle,

Pakkaine - Karelian Santa Claus

In Karelia, Santa Claus is cheerful, young and single. He has no beard and no magic staff. It is not for nothing that he is called Frost (in Karelian - “Pakkaine”). He even has a personal page "In contact with" where you can write a message to him. A few years ago it was officially named younger brother the main Russian Santa Claus.

Address for letters.
186000, Russia,
Karelia, Olonets,
st. 30th anniversary of the Victory, d. 8,
Pakkaine Merchants Yard.

Kysh Babai and Kyr Kyzy - Tatar Santa Claus and his daughter

Anyone who writes a letter to Kysh Babai, the Tatar Father Frost, who can be easily recognized by his blue caftan and skullcap, will receive a response postcard in Russian or Tatar. By the way, the residents of Kazan are lucky - Kysh Babai and his snowy daughter Kar Kyzy have a personal mailbox. It is located in the "Museum of Fairy Tales" at the address: Bauman Street, house 23. If there is an opportunity (for example, a business trip), then you can also leave a cherished letter there, which will reach Grandfather, of course, faster than using regular mail.

Address for letters.
422035, Russia,
Tatarstan, Arsky district,
With. Yana Kyrlay,
Kysh Babai and Kar Kyzy.

You can try to send online messages “VKontakte - Kysh Babai has his own official page on this social network.

Yamal Iri - Yamal Santa Claus

Although the address of the gray-haired "Grandfather Yamal" with a magic staff and a tambourine is known, it will not be possible to write a letter to him on paper. Alas, his mail is only email. Yamal Iri is waiting for letters from children, their photographs and drawings on his website or at [email protected]. He also answers the e-mail, which must be indicated in the message to this Wizard from the ends of the earth!

American Santa Claus

American Santa Claus - Santa Claus - write letters to the North Pole, or rather, to Alaska. Every year it receives hundreds of thousands of postcards and envelopes from all over the world. You can write to him both in English (at the same time training skills), and in your native language. However, in order for the child to receive a response (also in English) to his letter, parents will have to pay for it in advance. You can check the details of payment and delivery to Russia on the official website (in English).

Address for letters.
santa claus house
101 St. Nicholas Dr.
North Pole, Alaska 99705

And in the United States in Indiana there is a city of Santa Claus. And, of course, it has its own post office and its kind Santa. You can send him letters all year round(better, of course, in English), and he will answer without asking for any additional money.

Address for letters.
santa claus
P.O. B0X 1,
Indiana 47579

Julenisse is a Norwegian Christmas gnome.

In Norway, the role of Grandfather Frost is played by a cute and kind Christmas gnome. He not only gladly receives guests at his residence, but also receives letters from children and adults from all over the world. He also has his own post office - Julenissens Postkontor. You can write to him in any language. He will understand. In response, you will receive a postcard (typical) in several languages ​​at once.

If messages to Santa Claus sent on the Internet are answered quickly enough, then ordinary letters have to wait a long time. In order to receive an answer in December, they say that the messages should have been sent almost in September. This is explained not only by the workload of such services, but also by the peculiarity of the mail. Alas, foreign messages may even get lost along the way. And it’s not snow blizzards and sluggish snowmen that are to blame. It's good that this doesn't happen often.

Therefore, in order not to spoil the mood of the child, it is better to beat this moment in advance and come up with some kind of explanation. For example, we can say that Grandfather Frost reads all the letters, but does not have time to answer everyone or at the wrong time, since he has a lot to do on holidays. Or that the answer might be delayed due to bad weather.

And most importantly, no matter which Grandfather, no matter how and where you and your child write a letter, do not forget to check the correctness of the sender's address! Even a mistake in one letter or number can be fatal.

Photos provided by the source

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