Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The essay is a letter to Rodion Raskolnikov from the last century about the essence of our time, my contemporary and about me. Essay letter to Rodion Raskolnikov Write a letter to Raskolnikov from the 21st century

Tell me, why was it necessary to kill this old pawnbroker? I do not dispute that she behaved very cruelly towards poor people, and in particular towards you. Rodion Romanovich, I, of course, understand that you were desperate at that moment, but who gave you the right to kill the old woman and her sister Lizaveta, because you are not God, you did not give them life, and you have no right to take it away? It turns out, Rodion Romanovich, that you are an egoist!

And the point is not only that you committed murders, but also ruined the lives of living people!

Remember how your mother suffered, how she suffered when she was waiting for you... Did she deserve it?

Of course not! And Sophia? Her stepmother already ruined her life, and she also had to go to hard labor for you. You are a cruel man, Rodion Romanovich!

Also, Rodion Romanovich, I am surprised by your ideology about dividing people into two layers.

You understand what I'm talking about.

I can say that this is your right, your thoughts, but again you cannot decide other people's destinies. Absolutely everyone is equal before the law, be it a peasant or a landowner... It doesn’t matter.

Rodion Romanovich, I think that while you were in hard labor, you realized what you had done.

Of course, if it weren’t for life’s difficulties, you would hardly have accomplished all this.

But you can’t blame everything on these difficulties. You have your own head on your shoulders, and you must think about how to do the right thing, and not just for your own good.

Letter to Raskolnikov from the 21st century

To be honest, I’m trying to hide it in order to avoid the criticism that is being thrown at you.

In one of his last speeches, “the sun of Russian communism” V.

I. Lenin said that even after three revolutions, “the old Oblomov remained, and he had to be washed, cleaned, scuffed and torn for a long time in order for any sense to come out. It makes me sad that for all the lazy people, most of whom are completely different from you, they came up with a collective image based on your last name - the Oblomovs. Admit to yourself, Ilya Ilyich, that you are lazy.

In my opinion, he is the sweetest and kindest of all the lazy people I know.

Raskolnikov's house after European-quality renovation

But with Dostoevsky everything is in sight, everything is wide open. And it’s not “Poor People”, not “The Humiliated and Insulted”, they could somehow be reduced to social criticism, but a novel from which the youngest and most inexperienced Baba Yaga should have shrunk away like the devil from incense, and exclaim to the whole forest: “Fu-fu-fu, it smells like the Russian spirit!” What can we say if in this novel a Soviet schoolchild read the Gospel for the first time or even learned about the existence of this book.

This is today Sunday schools, smart sermons, church shops with soul-saving literature and even rare programs about church life on television, but then? At best, we listened to the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” on reel-to-reel tape recorders.

Basic requirements for essays

This first of all means that the topic must be presented clearly, reasonedly, deeply, the individual parts of the essay must be interconnected, the transitions from one thought to another are consistent and convincing, the judgments are reasonable and evidence-based.

The main idea of ​​the essay develops according to the plan (although it is not necessary to write the plan itself).

It is important to analyze not only the ideological content of the work, but also its artistic side.

Applicants' essays do not always meet these requirements.     So, writing an essay means conveying in a systematized form a series of thoughts and facts, presented from a certain angle, with a motivated explanation of the author’s point of view.

Letter to Raskolnikov (based on the novel by F.

A person cannot only be good or bad, but under the influence of specific situations and circumstances, positive or negative traits take over. And until their last breath, people have the right to choose, they have their own life. There is a chance. A chance to become better, kinder, a chance to do something that I had been meaning to do for a long time, but lacked the courage or patience, a chance to give warmth and love to my neighbor, to help those who have an even more difficult time; a chance to realize that every minute of life is still happiness.

And no ideas of the common good can be a justification for depriving another person of such a chance, even if he is evil, cruel and useless.

I'm afraid I can't tell the story here about how the author of the letter looked for Mr. Raskolnikov's address. I also don’t know whether the letter reached the recipient or was lost somewhere.

But I can give the text of the letter itself, which I do below.

Forgive me generously for daring to write to you. I am forced to do this by the inability to hide my feelings. But to the point. The day before yesterday I read your article “On Crime” in the newspaper “Periodicheskaya Rech”, which I found quite by accident in one archive. This article greatly amazed me and inspired me to think in various ways. In this connection, I decided to write to you personally, as the author. Of course, first of all, I was struck by the revelation with which you speak about dividing people into two categories.

After all, you weren’t afraid to write your thoughts so directly! I sincerely admire your honesty, dear Rodion Romanovich! But this letter is being written not only to express my respect to you, as the author.

Letter to Raskolnikov (based on the novel by F.

At first glance, your theory seemed absurd to me.

Is it really possible to divide people into “drawing creatures” and “those who have the right”! After all, wherever fate takes people, so many obstacles, so many destinies, so many characters, so many beliefs... Everyone is endowed with their own talents, each has their own path. A person cannot only be good or bad, but under the influence of specific situations and circumstances, positive or negative traits take over.

And until their last breath, people have the right to choose, they have their own life.

There is a chance. A chance to become better, kinder, a chance to do something that I had been meaning to do for a long time, but lacked the courage or patience, a chance to give warmth and love to my neighbor, to help those who have an even more difficult time; a chance to realize that every minute of life is still happiness.

My letter to Rodion Raskolnikov

Hello, Rodion Romanovich!

Of course, I am already late to you with my letter.

But nonetheless. Of course, I have no right to condemn your action. But what happened to you is... that you ended up in hard labor, it’s only your fault. Tell me, why was it necessary to kill this old pawnbroker? I do not dispute that she behaved very cruelly towards poor people, and in particular towards you. Rodion Romanovich, I, of course, understand that you were desperate at that moment, but who gave you the right to kill the old woman and her sister Lizaveta, because you are not God, you did not give them life, and you have no right to take it away?

It turns out, Rodion Romanovich, that you are an egoist!

And the point is not only that you committed murders, but also ruined the lives of living people!

Remember how your mother suffered, how she suffered when she was waiting for you. Did she deserve it? Of course not!

And Sophia? Her stepmother already ruined her life, and she also had to go to hard labor for you.

Essay on a letter to Raskolnikov from the 21st century

Dear Ilya Ilyich, my friend! Oh, what a pity that the golden age is far behind us - the 19th century, when it was customary to communicate epistolary.

So nice even in this day and age high technology receive even a short letter from a friend! Letters are what help diversify everyday life. I sincerely hope that you will also enjoy my messages. My dear Ilya Ilyich! I must admit to you that our characters are similar. To be honest, I’m trying to hide it in order to avoid the criticism that is being thrown at you. In one of his last speeches, “the sun of Russian communism” V.

I. Lenin said that even after three revolutions, “the old Oblomov remained, and he had to be washed, cleaned, scuffed and torn for a long time in order for any sense to come out.

It makes me sad that for all the lazy people, most of whom are completely different from you, they came up with a collective image based on your last name - the Oblomovs.

Essay letter to Rodion Raskolnikov

Hello, Rodion!

Perhaps my thoughts will not be entirely clear to you, because we are separated by two centuries. And if we met, we probably might not understand each other. But at all times, such concepts as good, evil, beauty, personality, talent, principles and others have been and will be.

As a person of the 21st century, I am concerned about other problems, and I dream about something completely different. But what you experience is understandable to me, although not all of it.

Your questions, your theory that there are “ordinary and extraordinary people” still resonates today. You know, now many people do not want to communicate with those who do not hold any positions, who do not have the right friends, who do not have enough money in their family.

Of course, this is not at all similar to your theory, but the meaning is the same.

Basic requirements for essays

    An essay on literature is an indicator of the intellectual development of the examinee, his aesthetic taste.

In your theory, the division of people “Man or trembling creature” occurs due to the fact that some people should not transgress the law, but only “preserve the world and increase it,” while extraordinary people can transgress the law only because they are not like others and they have talent or even genius.

This is the final type of work, the result of everything that you have achieved while studying Russian language and literature. It testifies to your knowledge of the text of the work of art about which you are writing, the ability to analyze it, the maturity of your judgments, and the breadth of your horizons. Independent work with the text of the work and critical literature provides insight into the author's intention and comprehension of the objective meaning of the work.

    One of the main requirements for an essay is the logical consistency of the presentation. This first of all means that the topic must be presented clearly, reasonedly, deeply, the individual parts of the essay must be interconnected, the transitions from one thought to another are consistent and convincing, the judgments are reasonable and evidence-based.

Essay - Letter to Rodion Raskolnikov

Hello, Rodion Romanovich! I learned about you from Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.”

What feelings did your offense, or rather, the crime you committed, evoke in me?

Surprise, fear, condemnation... what more? At first I really judged you.

You - a kind person, who loves his sister and mother, managed to understand Marmeladov, who had been thrown to the bottom, and reacted sympathetically to the drunk girl on the street. How could you kill a person, and more than one, with such cruelty? Even having gotten to know you, Rodion, better and having learned the reason that prompted you to kill, I still could not fully understand and accept your action.

You yourself did not fully realize what you had done, because the idea of ​​a “superman” was firmly ingrained in your mind.

I, in turn, cannot agree with you: a person is a person and there cannot be any “supermen”.

Letter to Sonya Marmeladova (based on the novel by F

Hello, dear Sonya! A girl from the 21st century is writing to you, who learned about your fate, about your life story from the novel by F.

M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment.”

First of all, let me express my deep respect and admiration for your immeasurable love for your neighbors, your wisdom, your enormous inner strength.

Yes, yes, it seems to me that these are the traits that best describe your personality.

Of course, due to your modesty and even shyness, you will say that all this is an exaggeration and that you are unworthy, especially if I know about your past.

But precisely because I know what you have doomed yourself to for the sake of your loved ones, it evokes in me (I won’t hide) amazement, but also great respect.

Hello, Rodion Romanovich!
Of course, I am already late to you with my letter. But nevertheless... Of course, I have no right to condemn your action.
But what happened to you, that you ended up in hard labor, is only your fault.
Tell me, why was it necessary to kill this old pawnbroker? I do not dispute that she behaved very cruelly towards poor people, and in particular towards you. Rodion Romanovich, I, of course, understand that you were desperate at that moment, but who gave you the right to kill the old woman and her sister Lizaveta, because you are not God, you did not give them life, and you have no right to take it away? It turns out, Rodion Romanovich, that you are an egoist! And the point is not only that you committed murders, but also ruined the lives of living people! Remember how your mother suffered, how she suffered when she was waiting for you... Did she deserve it? Of course not! And Sophia? Her stepmother already ruined her life, and she also had to go to hard labor for you. You are a cruel man, Rodion Romanovich!
Also, Rodion Romanovich, I am surprised by your ideology about dividing people into two layers. You understand what I'm talking about. I can say that this is your right, your thoughts, but again you cannot decide other people's destinies. Absolutely everyone is equal before the law, be it a peasant or a landowner... It doesn’t matter.
Rodion Romanovich, I think that while you were in hard labor, you realized what you had done. Of course, if it weren’t for life’s difficulties, it’s unlikely that you would have done all this. But you can’t blame everything on these difficulties. You have your own head on your shoulders, and you must think about how to do the right thing, and not just for your own good.
Forgive me, Rodion Romanovich, if something is wrong, if I offended you in some way, but this is my personal opinion and attitude towards your actions.
Best regards, Elena Dyakonova

Essay on literature on the topic: My letter to Rodion Raskolnikov

Other writings:

  1. Hello, Rodion Romanovich! I understand that now you are confused, not understanding who is writing you this letter. Let me introduce myself: Olga Kazakova, student. I heard your story (this is all we talk about now). I was very struck by all these incidents, Read More......
  2. Hello, Rodion! I would like to share with you my thoughts about your theory and life position. At first glance, your theory seemed absurd to me. Is it really possible to divide people into “drawing creatures” and “those who have the right”! After all, wherever fate takes you Read More......
  3. Hello, dear Sonya! A girl from the 21st century is writing to you, who learned about your fate, about your life story from F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.” First of all, let me express my deep respect and admiration for your immeasurable love for your neighbors, your Read More......
  4. There is one law - the moral law. Dostoevsky conceived his novel “Crime and Punishment” while still in hard labor, where he spent about four years. Over such a long period of time, he became close to real criminals: robbers, murderers, and thieves, and got to know their lives. He saw Read More......
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  6. Reflecting on the influence of the revolution on the soul and consciousness of man, we turn to the work of writers who stand on different, sometimes sharply opposed, positions: from I. Bunin to V. Mayakovsky. Isaac Babel occupies a special place among them. From other authors Read More......
  7. Emelyan Ivanovich! I am writing to you, having met you in absentia after reading A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”. In historical chronicles, you are mainly presented as a tough, daring and stern person. In Pushkin, your image is presented in a completely different way, from the pages of this work I Read More......
  8. In Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment,” the image of entrepreneur Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin is one of the “doubles” of the main character. It would seem, what is the similarity between these characters, so different in everything? However, looking more closely, we notice that the similarities between Raskolnikov and Luzhin Read More......
My letter to Rodion Raskolnikov

An essay for the competition “Dialogue with a Classic” was written by a student in grade 11-B.


Dialogue with a classic

Letter to Rodion Raskolnikov

I learned about you from Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.” What feelings did your offense, or rather, the crime you committed, evoke in me? Surprise, fear, condemnation... what more? At first I really judged you. You are a kind person who loves your sister and mother, you were able to understand Marmeladov, who was thrown to the bottom, and were sympathetic to the drunk girl on the street. How could you kill a person, and more than one, with such cruelty?

Even having gotten to know you, Rodion, better and having learned the reason that prompted you to kill, I still could not fully understand and accept your action. You yourself did not fully realize what you had done, because the idea of ​​a “superman” was firmly ingrained in your mind. I, in turn, cannot agree with you: a person is a person and there cannot be any “supermen”. There are talented, gifted, possessing oratory and similar people, but they are the same ordinary people, just like you.

Just look at what you have brought yourself to! Was this crime worth the suffering of you and your family? You have “cut yourself off” from people and found yourself alone. For what? However, I am very glad that Sonya was next to you, who managed to understand and support you. She finally found happiness. I’m glad that you, even if not immediately, realized your guilt and repented, admitting your mistake. This means you are a strong personality.

I, being on the threshold of independent life, want to ask you, what is the most important thing in life? What should we strive for and how should we live? I think that if we met, you would tell me the words spoken by Pierre Bezukhov to Andrei Bolkonsky. They sound like this: one must not only not do evil to others, but also do good. Agree, this phase contains human wisdom: treat people the way you would like to be treated.

As I say goodbye to you, I hope that common sense has won, and your soul, Rodion, is ready to live, love and create...

Letter to Raskolnikov (based on the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”)

You write in your theory that many of the rulers you admire rose above the crowd by sacrificing other people. But you didn’t take into account the fact that you can stand out and become interesting, original, and bring your abilities to life in other ways, as great artists, writers, and leaders did. After all, you have education, intelligence, perseverance. You are young and brave. You just need to want to act, and you will succeed.
I regard your action as a rebellion, as a rebellion against evil, injustice, and vices that reign in the world. This rejection and disgust for the tragic farce of life is reflected in your theory, cold and calculating. The idea that in the name of a new, better thing you can break the law, and if necessary, then “give yourself permission to step through the blood,” took possession of you and found its embodiment in the murder of a decrepit, petty, useless old moneylender. But, having stepped through a person’s life, you became a slave to your beliefs. I am glad that you rebelled and realized the inconsistency of your idea, realized and repented of your action.

I believe that you will be able to take advantage of the chance that I told you about. After all, the obstacles and battles of our lives are needed to teach us something, even those that we lose. Therefore, do not forget about your intentions, goals, and dreams. Everything is in your hands, the secret of success is this: don’t give up!

With wishes of happiness, your friend......!

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Letter to Rodion Raskolnikov

Creative work in the form of a letter to the hero of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” Rodion Raskolnikov from a 10th grade student at a Moscow school from the 21st century.


Hello, Rodion Romanovich!

I am writing this letter because your theory interested me very much and made me think. In your article you write that people are divided into two categories: “ordinary” and “extraordinary”. “Ordinary”, in your opinion, should only continue the human race and be obedient, and “extraordinary”, the rulers of humanity, can commit various crimes, murders, if they need it to implement their ideas. Of course, I agree that all people are different, have different abilities and talents, but everyone has the same right to life, no matter who they are. In my opinion, dividing people into only two categories is no longer acceptable. For example, a person has talent, he is a genius, he can bring new ideas and thoughts into society, thereby moving the world forward, but he will never decide to kill. Does this mean he is “ordinary”? I think no, he cannot be classified into any category at all. Let's consider you, Rodion Romanovich. So you decided to kill, you were able to step over yourself, but your conscience tormented you, so you concluded that you do not belong to the “chosen ones”. But can you be considered one of the “trembling creatures”? You yourself understand that it is impossible. Here's your proof

that people are not divided into two categories.

I would also like to say a few words about the murder you committed. You say that “one tiny crime will be atoned for by thousands of good deeds.” Yes, I think you are right, but you haven’t thought about the fact that murder is far from a tiny crime. And anyway, why did you decide that you need to kill to promote your ideas? Let's remember the great scientist Isaac Newton, whom you mentioned in your article. He did not commit a single murder or other crime, which, however, did not prevent him from making a number of great discoveries that

brought humanity to a new level of development.
I want you to understand one thing: we all have the same right to life. Nobody

has no right to decide who lives and who dies. But I don't blame you. Yes, you committed a crime, but not because you are a villain. On the contrary, you know how to worry, have compassion, worry about others, and help your neighbors. I am sure that you have many positive qualities and will still have time to accomplish many useful and

necessary things for the whole society.
I hope my letter has given you some thought.

Sincerely, student of class 10A of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1970 in Moscow, Yana Snikhovskaya.

My letter to Rodion Raskolnikov

Hello, Rodion Romanovich!
Of course, I am already late to you with my letter. But nonetheless. Of course, I have no right to condemn your action.
But what happened to you, that you ended up in hard labor, is only your fault.
Tell me, why was it necessary to kill this old pawnbroker? I do not dispute that she behaved very cruelly towards poor people, and in particular towards you. Rodion Romanovich, I, of course, understand that you were desperate at that moment, but who gave you the right to kill the old woman and her sister Lizaveta, because you are not God, you did not give them life, and you have no right to take it away? It turns out, Rodion Romanovich, that you are an egoist! And the point is not only that you committed murders, but also ruined the lives of living people! Remember how your mother suffered, how she suffered when she was waiting for you. Did she deserve it? Of course not! And Sophia? Her stepmother already ruined her life, and she also had to go to hard labor for you. You are a cruel man, Rodion Romanovich!
Also, Rodion Romanovich, I am surprised by your ideology about dividing people into two layers. You understand what I am talking about. I can say that this is your right, your thoughts, but again you cannot decide other people's destinies. Absolutely everyone is equal before the law, be it a peasant or a landowner. It doesn't matter.
Rodion Romanovich, I think that while you were in hard labor, you realized what you had done. Of course, if it weren’t for life’s difficulties, you would hardly have accomplished all this. But you can’t blame everything on these difficulties. You have your own head on your shoulders, and you must think about how to do the right thing, and not just for your own good.
Forgive me, Rodion Romanovich, if something is wrong, if I offended you in some way, but this is my personal opinion and attitude towards your actions.
Best regards, Elena Dyakonova

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/ Works / Dostoevsky F.M. / Crime and Punishment / My letter to Rodion Raskolnikov

See also the work “Crime and Punishment”:

Essay letter to Rodion Raskolnikov

Hello, Rodion!
Perhaps my thoughts will not be entirely clear to you, because we are separated by two centuries. And if we met, we probably might not understand each other. But at all times, such concepts as good, evil, beauty, personality, talent, principles and others have been and will be.
As a person of the 21st century, I am concerned about other problems, and I dream about something completely different. But what you experience is understandable to me, although not all of it. Your questions, your theory that there are “ordinary and extraordinary people” still resonates today. You know, now many people do not want to communicate with those who do not hold any positions, who do not have the right friends, who do not have enough money in their family.

Of course, this is not at all similar to your theory, but the meaning is the same. In your theory, the division of people “Man or trembling creature” occurs due to the fact that some people should not transgress the law, but only “preserve the world and increase it,” while extraordinary people can transgress the law only because they are not like others and they have talent or even genius. Your point is clear. But today there are people living next to us who very easily break the law. And they do this not because they have any ideas, but because of the big money or simply because they are confident that no punishment will follow. And many of them think that they have the right to this, that everything is allowed to them.
See how your theory works today. And, to put it bluntly, this is your fault. Of course, you can tell me that your thoughts were far from senseless actions, but you also committed a crime. And it cannot be justified by any reason. Since each of us, people, has our own life, our own thoughts, love, dreams, family. And for everyone it is very expensive.

Someone in this life accomplished a feat - saved the life of another person. Someone made a discovery in science. Someone has achieved fame all over the world by creating paintings, works of art, music. And someone brings joy to loved ones every day, simply because they live, smile in the morning, make them happy with their grades, and so on. Can such a person be called “ordinary”? After all, for his family he is the best, the smartest, the very best.
And it seems to me that having committed a crime, you, Rodion, understood everything yourself. And that’s why you suffer so much, blame yourself. And it’s good that you have such kind people who love you next to you. They will help you.

If my words seemed harsh to you, I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help but tell you all this. Write. Suggest topics for conversation, I will definitely answer.
your name
