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Nativity. Script of the play for children of the Children's Sunday School. Scenario for Christmas - children's musical play Christmas Star Short children's scenes for Christmas


A star shone in the sky,She told the secrets of heaven.And the wise men came to the mangerThey brought gifts to God.Gold, frankincense and myrrhEverything was brought in abundance.They gave everything they could,And they bowed.

What can I do
Should I give the Christ child?
What can I give Him?
How to repay for salvation?
What can I give for salvation?
Gold of the whole worldPeople bring idols.Is it only necessary for Christ?The mortal gold of the earth?They compose songs for heroes,Thrones are erected for kings.But Jesus, will he acceptHonors, glory and throne?

This gift from God is pricelessDon't pay for the whole universe.Jesus brought us freelyFree from tears everyone.I bow before the Child,I humble myself with a trembling heart.Tenderness, love I give,Your heart and soul.

0,1,2,3,4,5,6 – sound tracks that accompany the script.


Hello, friends!

Today we will tell you a story that happened on Christmas Eve.

After all, we usually all expect a miracle at Christmas.

And this story will tell us that you and I can do miracles ourselves...



It's Christmas Eve. IN small town Children played happily in the streets.

An old shoemaker walked along the street, moving his feet heavily. Before entering his workshop, he waved to the children. Everyone loved the kind old shoemaker.

Entering his workshop, he began to work: sewing and repairing shoes.


I make all kinds of shoes, I sew at night so that everything is ready by morning!

I craft from pieces, I sew shoes, boots, in the morning everything is ready!

One two three four,

Well, again, again.

Five, six, seven, eight,

The new shoe is ready!

All I see are shoes.

It's not easy for me.

Early in the morning

I sew a lot, but I can’t become rich.

Still, I smile and do not lose heart!

One two three four,

Well, again, again.

Five, six, seven, eight,

The new shoe is ready!

The old man went to the window; he heard the loud laughter of children playing on the street. But his thoughts were far away. He had no family. And on Christmas Eve he was left all alone.

He sighed, took a leather-covered book from the shelf, and sank into his big old chair.

He began to read, running his finger over the book. It was a story about how the wise men brought Jesus gifts, the best they had. The old man scratched the back of his head, looked around his small room and thought:

- If Jesus came to me, what would I give him?

He sat comfortably in a chair, covered himself with his favorite warm blanket and dozed off.

It got dark outside and the children began to go home.( THE CHILDREN ARE GONE)

Not far from the old shoemaker lived a very poor family.

Mother and father worked hard from morning until late at night, but the money was barely enough to barely feed their family.

Christmas was approaching.

The children that evening, as indeed on many other evenings, were alone at home.

They didn't have a festive dinner, a Christmas tree, and didn't even have shoes to join fun games on the street…..

They thought sadly about the holiday, about their friends who were joyfully racing down the hill.

And it seemed that the flooded stove, near which the children warmed their bare heels, was also crackling sadly.........

- Everyone is having a holiday, the children are having fun... Will we have a holiday? The air smells so delicious of apple pies and raspberry jam.

- I saw through the window how other children had fun playing snowballs and sledding down the mountain. Do you think that if we tie old bags around our bare feet, perhaps then we too will be able to go outside, as if wearing felt boots?

- Do you think God remembers us?

(Mom comes in ….)

- Of course, children, He sent you His gift. . ( The mother lays out the small apples that were in the bundle in front of the children, the children gratefully inhale the aroma of the apples)


2 SONG (child sings)

Shadows fall to the ground

A star twinkles above

We bow our knees in prayer

Before God in the silence of the night

And listening to the children's prayer,

The Lord sends peace

Let the night outside the window embrace you

In space with a mighty hand

No night terrors, no shadows

Nothing will disturb our sleep

My prayer, without a doubt

I believe He is listening

Shadows fall to the ground,

Everything fell asleep peacefully in silence

We bow our knees before God

In the arms of the night silence

Opposite this poor house, an old shoemaker was quietly snoring in his small workshop.

Suddenly a voice rang out: “Dear old man, you were thinking about what you could give Me, today I will come to you. I won't tell you who I am, but you will recognize Me ».

- Jesus will come to me! What should I give him? On this cold day He will want to drink something hot. I'll put the kettle on the fire. He will probably want to eat something. And I...what do I have here...fresh bread and soup. You just need to warm it up. When Jesus comes, I will seat Him in my favorite chair, give Him hot tea and feed Him delicious soup and fresh bread .

But tomorrow is Christmas! And he wanted to give Jesus something special.....

- I will make a new pair of shoes for Jesus. So! Although, what size is His foot? It is necessary to sew shoes of different sizes, then He will be able to wear those that will fit Him just right.


I make all kinds of shoes

At night I sew

So that everything is ready by morning!

I craft from pieces,

I sew shoes, boots,

Everything is ready in the morning!

One two three four,

Well, again, again.

Five, six, seven, eight,

The new shoe is ready! 4 times

While working, the old man heard footsteps approaching. He quickly walked to the window.

But it wasn't Jesus! It was a young man who lit lanterns in the streets. He was wearing an old shabby jacket and was simply shivering from the cold.

- How chilled he was! I'll give him my warm blanket!

- Hey, boy! Boy, come into the house!

The old man invited the young man to his workshop. I covered him with my favorite warm blanket. The guy stopped shaking, smiled and moved on with gratitude.

- It's okay, I have more gifts for Jesus .

- Isn't this Jesus?

The old man hurried to look outside. But it wasn't Jesus! These were children who sang Christmas songs.

The old shoemaker smiled:

- My dears, you sang so well, and you sang in the cold. Perhaps you want to drink something hot? Come on, I'll give you some tea.

He gave the children hot tea and waved goodbye to them...

- It's okay, I have more gifts for Jesus.

Before he could get back to work, he heard approaching steps again...

- It must be Jesus!

The old man looked out the window.

In the distance he saw a woman walking quietly with children.

How hungry and tired they were!

- Mom, I’m very cold, let’s knock on that beautiful house to warm up...

- Cheerful children's voices are heard from there, they are probably spinning around their beautiful Christmas tree, I really want to see their decorated Christmas tree.

- No, children, they won’t let us in... Be patient, we’ll get there soon..

- But my legs are very tired...

- Okay, let's sit down a little to relax....



- Let's go inside, don't sit out in the cold.

I'll feed you soup. Sit down baby. And fresh bread.

I prepared them for a special guest, but I'm sure he won't be offended... Help yourself, help yourself!

Meanwhile, the children in the poor family were going to bed.

We pray together one prayer

let someone remember us until the morning,

so that in the morning we know if someone remembers us...

Wrapping themselves in a blanket, the children fell asleep.

Meanwhile, in the old man's house, the poor woman and her children thanked the old shoemaker. They were full, warmed up, and with gratitude they moved on.



- It’s okay, I have more gifts for Jesus!

Time passed, the shoemaker looked at his watch, it was already late. But he really wanted to do moregifts for Jesus!


Tick, tick, tick, time flies so quickly, but it’s still not there, morning comes.

Tick, tick, tick, time flies so quickly, but it’s still not there, morning comes.

One two three four,

Well, again, again.

Five, six, seven, eight,

The new shoe is ready! 2 times

The old man kept looking out the window to see if Jesus was coming. But no one came. At dawn he finished his work. He made a pair of boots in each size. But Jesus did not come for a gift...

- Now what to do with all these shoes?

The sun has risen.

The old man decided to look out the window for the last time and suddenly...

his gaze fell on the poor neighbor's house,

a wonderful idea was born in his head,

he wiped away his tears

and began to collect all the shoes in a bag….

Leaving his workshop, he went to the poor house, quietly he made his way inside, and next to each crib he placed a pair of new shoes.

Then, just as quietly, he returned back to his workshop.



He anointed himself in his favorite chair and closed his eyes... And then he heard the same familiar voice that he heard last night..

- Thank you, kind old man. I promised and came to you four times. I was chilled and you warmed Me. I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink. I was hungry, and you fed me, you took care of Me, giving Me the best shoes in the world. Everything you did for these people, you did for Me.

When the children woke up and found gifts, Christmas bells were already ringing in the air. Joyful and happy they ran out into the street..

The old shoemaker joined the Christmas ceremony. It was the most joyful, happiest Christmas of his life.


At Christmas the earth sings; God has revealed the Savior to us.

What gift will I bring to the newborn King?

Know what you have done for people, everything is for the Lord,

Our Father is the Heavenly King of Kings, God of Gods.

final SONG

And we are robbers, robbers... The robbers are sitting in the forest and waiting for their next victim. It happens on Christmas Eve. So in their conversation the thieves mention the birth of Jesus. Suddenly a lone traveler appears, whom they try to rob. He found nothing valuable except a piece of paper with a song. When the stranger sings his song to the robbers, they think about their lives.

God is closer than you think One man did not believe in God. The Lord appeared to him in the form of a passerby when he was hit by a car. The man heard two voices. Someone was talking about him. He is given one last chance - he needs to find a person who will agree to die for him. Thanks to his believing wife, the main character learns that Jesus died for him. It happens around Christmas.

God's Messenger for Christmas One person tells a boy from a poor family about the Savior at Christmas. The boy tells his mother that the Lord has come to people. Mom doesn’t believe that God cares about them, because on their table there is only black bread and water. But then God’s messenger comes - a rich gentleman with gifts.

The Savior came into the world This performance tells the events of Christmas in an accessible form for children. The shepherds, the wise men, Joseph, Mary and the Baby Jesus are shown.

At Christmas everyone is a little wise man The Magi see a new star in the sky and rush to bow to the king. In the following scenes they meet with Herod and the shepherds. The performance is structured in such a way that children take part in it from time to time: they recite poems, sing songs and receive gifts.

What is Christmas all about? The TV show host asks his guests what Christmas is all about. Everyone has their own opinion.

Great Commission The main character of this scene is Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. At first, viewers see her as a little girl, dreaming that God would perform His miracles through her. Then on the stage is Mary the Bride, to whom an angel appears and announces the great commission of God. But it turns out that it is not so easy to implement.

Bethlehem (Christmas scene for children) Children (snowflake girls) participate in this small scene. The angel tells the snowflakes how he announced the good news of the birth of the Savior to the shepherds, and how the wise men went to worship Jesus.

Star of Bethlehem (children's Christmas party) A beautiful scene for children in verse. It is the Star of Bethlehem that tells the children the events of Christmas: about the wise men, the shepherds and Herod. At the end she leads everyone to Bethlehem. As the scenario progresses, children are asked biblical riddles.

Bethlehem night In the center of events is a small hotel in the city of Bethlehem, its owners and inhabitants. As a result of the census declared by Caesar, there were no vacancies left in the hotel. And one married couple is allowed to spend the night in the stable...

Christmas influence At the beginning of the scene, a modern family is shown. Mom, dad and their children are preparing for Christmas - buying gifts. At the same time, they swear and quarrel all the time. The girl turns to God asking for help, she wants to find out what Christmas really means. An angel appears to her and her brother, and then there are scenes of the Nativity.

Meeting at Christmas A small scene in which three girls or three teenage girls play. Two of them go to church for a Christmas service and are joined by their non-believing friend. The girls tell her why Christ was born and what He did for us.

Gifts of Artaban Artabanus is one of the wise men (magi) discussed in the Bible. The wise men, seeing a new star in the sky, went to Judea to worship the born King. Artaban fell behind his comrades and continued on his own. On the way, he squandered all his treasures, which he was going to give to the Child, helping some people. He saw Jesus only on the cross. The Lord consoled him: “Everything you did for these people, you did for Me.”

The Little Match Girl (Christmas performance) This performance is based on the fairy tale of the same name by H.H. Andersen. A little girl tries to sell matches to passers-by. The girl is hungry and very cold. But people are like blank walls - no one pays attention poor girl attention. Other children, from rich families, leave the toy store with their parents - something our girl can only dream about. Giving up hope of selling matches, the chilled girl sits on the ground in some nook and starts lighting matches to warm up. At the same time, she sees what she is deprived of, what she dreams of: delicious food, a sleigh drawn by three horses, her beloved home and her grandmother, who has already died. The girl burns the remaining matches, trying to prolong the moments of vision of happiness... And so, the grandmother appears, gently takes the girl and goes with her to celebrate Christmas in heaven...

Merry Christmas indeed One woman could not understand the meaning of Jesus' birth. One Christmas day she saw a parrot freezing and tried to catch it to take it into the house. But the bird didn't give in. “If I could turn into a little bird, I would tell him how good and warm it is in my house,” our heroine thinks. - I understood! This is probably why Jesus became the same as us, to show us the way to heaven, to the Heavenly Father. And I understood! Jesus was born for me!

Birthday without a birthday boy The sketch shows modern Christmas, when people celebrate it, completely forgetting about the Birthday Boy.

Children's Christmas production "Gift to the Savior" A short children's skit. Two boys invite two girls to Jesus' birthday party. What to give him, the children think. Obedient heart!

Children's holiday program "Christmas Miracle"

Why did Christ come? In the days of December, one studio is preparing to shoot a film about Christ. A discussion begins about what Jesus was like and why He came.

Good Shepherd (Christmas program for children)

If animals could speak This Christmas scenario is intended for children and includes their participation. The scene is played by animal actors who seem to have witnessed Christmas.

If Christ had not come One person wonders what would have happened if Christ had not come. What our world would look like, what laws there would be in society. He is having a dream.

If Christ had not come-2 If Christ had not come

If Christ had not come-3 Slightly revised production script If Christ had not come

Animals at the Christmas Bonfire On Christmas Day, animals gather around the fire. They remember Bible stories. For example, about how David took his sheep from the lion, or how the rooster crowed three times before Peter’s denial. But the most important Christmas story is told by a sheep. A skit for young children.

Jehovah Jireh“Jehovah Jireh” means “God will provide.” This is what Abraham said to his son when he asked where the lamb was for sacrifice. This scene shows an analogy between the sacrifice of Old Testament times and the perfect sacrifice of Christ.

Jesus and the President main topic of this Christmas scene: Our Lord Jesus came to simple poor people and was available to them. Unlike our earthly rulers, who are sometimes difficult to reach, the King of kings always hears us and knows our needs. The scene takes place at Christmas.

Jesus Comes to Visit (Christmas Movie Script) In this production (it could be made into a film), the actors are mostly teenagers. Three children are waiting for Jesus to visit them for Christmas, as He Himself promised them this. But instead of Jesus, the heroes of the film encounter people in need, to whom I provide my help.

Birthday boy A person's birthday is coming. His friends come, but for some reason they don’t pay any attention to him and even give gifts not to him, but... to each other. This is what happens at Christmas. People forget who the birthday boy really is and who needs to be remembered on Christmas Day.

The story of one guy (performance for children from orphanages) This is a story about a young man who grew up in an orphanage. One day he came across a Bible, donated to an orphanage by a group of Christians for Christmas.

Who sleeps in the manger? (Christmas recitation for children 3-6 years old) This short recitation skit is designed for the youngest actors (children 3-6 years old). Children depict animals in a stable and stars. They talk about the Baby Jesus.

Star Boy The script is based on the fairy tale of the same name. The action takes place during Christmas, and the play includes a Nativity scene with Joseph and Mary.

Wise Men from the East The scene shows the wise men from the East (magi) before they set off on their journey to retrieve the Christmas star.

Museum of Christmas Stories (children's matinee) A very original Christmas party. The hall of the room where the matinee takes place is divided into two parts: the Museum and the Show. Children take turns going to one or the other room. In the museum hall they see mini-scenes with the participation of Biblical heroes (the Magi, Herod and his family, shepherds), and in the Show hall the children participate in various competitions (reciting poems, answering questions).

Musical card (Christmas script for church and guests) Two young people (Lena and Max) accidentally meet on the Internet and start talking about Christmas. The skit explains the meaning of the Christmas holiday, the meaning of the name Jesus Christ and other topics. The performance can be periodically interrupted for the performance of other numbers (chants, poems, etc.).

Musketeer of Jesus Christ (Christmas scene with children) Children and teenagers play in the skit. It begins with two musketeers fighting with swords. Each of them defends their worldview (one believes in God, the second does not). Unexpectedly, it is a star. She tells them about the birth of Jesus. The forest animals all speak about God's love and care.

Nadezhda Afanasia Main character in this production - a slave named Athanasius. It turns out that he goes to herd sheep with other shepherds. And on Christmas night an angel appears to them and tells them the good news.

The sheep didn't listen (Christmas scene for kids) This short sketch was written specifically for kids. Both older children and adults dressed in sheep costumes can play sheep. The story begins with a sheep going off on its own and being rescued by a shepherd. After this, the Christmas shepherds and Joseph and Mary appear on the stage.

The Night After Christmas (Animals Testify) The animals in the barn remember the events of Christmas. The scene takes place in the days when Herod ordered the killing of all the babies in Bethlehem.

Sheep celebrate Christmas (Christmas holiday scenario for children from 3 to 7 years old) This is a morning party script with games for preschoolers. The main idea: we are all God’s sheep, and the Lord is our Shepherd.

He came as a stranger Russian Tsar Alexander ends up in a small town disguised as a simple person. His goal is to see how the Russian people live and how they celebrate Christmas. They did not recognize the Tsar - he came to his own people, and his own people did not accept him, just as they once did not accept Christ the Lord.

Gift to Jesus Children are preparing gifts for Christmas. The girl Anya wants to give a gift to Jesus. Her sister and other guys join her. It turns out that the guys give all the gifts to the poor old lady living next door.

Helpers (children's Christmas scene) The Angel of God is looking among the animals for those worthy to serve the Baby Jesus.

Joy First, the presenter asks people what joy is. There are many joyful people, but it turns out that for everyone, joy is a passing phenomenon. And only the joy of Christmas is eternal.

Real Christmas At the beginning of the scene our real time is shown. The church is preparing for Christmas. One boy gets the role of a shepherd. He's not happy. The boy falls asleep and has a dream where he is a real shepherd on the birthday of the Messiah.

Christmas tree The legend of why the Christmas tree is decorated at Christmas.

Christmas night The scene shows us the times of the birth of Jesus Christ. A teacher in a synagogue gives his students a task - to calculate the time of birth of the promised Messiah. The boy Salmon calculated that the Messiah would be born this year. And soon he and his sister witness amazing events. There are many psalms in the scene. Words and notes are included.

Christmas Night (based on V. Hugo) This play is based on the book Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. The main character is a girl (according to Hugo - Cosette), who was left without a mother and lives in someone else's house, doing backbreaking work. A stranger who comes to this house on Christmas Day gives her a gorgeous doll and then takes her with him.

Christmas program for children “Journey to the Heavenly Country”

Christmas play Grandmother and grandson talking about Christmas. “Do you know what the first and most important gift was?” - asks the grandmother. The grandson doesn't know. Then scenes of the Nativity are shown (Mary, Joseph, shepherds, Herod, wise men).

Christmas Santa Two girls fall into a well and end up with Father Christmas, just like in Morozko’s fairy tale. He promises to give them gifts. Only these gifts must be earned. In addition to the fairy tale, the performance includes Christmas scenes.

Christmas performance for children in Ukrainian “A Gift for Jesus”

Christmas Journey Teenage friends get together to watch The Chronicles of Narnia, but instead end up in another world and become dolls. It turns out that in the world of dolls they also celebrate Christmas. But the meaning of Christmas is different for everyone. The characters in the scene learn the biblical story of Christmas.

Christmas cards (recitation for kids) The kids look like postcards (we need to make them costumes like this). Each “card” congratulates you on Christmas (tells a rhyme).

Christmas (skit + songs) A classic Christmas production, accompanied by three songs performed wonderfully by a children's choir (the song of the angels, Mary and the final Christmas song).

Christmas (sketch for young children) In this scene, along with the actors, dolls play. The main characters of the scene are boys and girls who do not believe that the Nativity of Jesus Christ really happened.

Christmas in the barn Animals gather in the stable: Bull, Donkey, Sheep, Lion and Jackal. The Donkey tells the Bull that his mistress is about to have a baby, all in anticipation of a great event.

Grandpa Nicholas's Christmas Jesus Christ Himself must come to old man Nicholas on Christmas Eve. He begins to prepare to welcome his dear Guest. But He still doesn’t come. But people in need of warmth, food and shelter ask to come to his house...

ROSE OF THE SHEEP I VISLYUCHKA (Christmas script in Ukrainian for children)

Pink snowflake (Christmas party for children)

Santa Claus (Christmas skit for children) The legend of where Santa Claus came from. Klaus was the name of a grumpy man who repaired shoes. He had a wife and children, but they died. Klaus hardened his heart. But one day the Lord shed His light on Him, and the old man began to see the needs of others. And he decided to do good to people and began giving poor children gifts for Christmas.

Fulfilled prophecies A short play that can be performed in church at Christmas. The main idea: there were prophecies about the birth of Jesus for 700 years. And so, they were fulfilled. At the end, an excerpt from the film “Jesus” about the birth of Christ is shown.

Light of Christmas (Three Angels of Christmas) A stingy man named Scrooge Ebenezer doesn't like Christmas. On Christmas night, three angels appear to him and show him pictures from his past and possible future. Scrooge regrets his stinginess and decides to change and do good to people.

The tailor's secret This performance tells the legend of how Santa Claus came to be. Klaus, an old tailor who lost his family, grieved for a long time and did not see the needs of others. But when he wanted to help poor children, the Lord gave him a different heart. On Christmas night, children from poor families received wonderful gifts that old man Klaus secretly brought to them and left at their door.

Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth! (Christmas scene for children) The beginning shows scenes of unfriendly relationships between a cat and a dog and between children in the same family. Nativity scenes follow. This sketch focuses on the peace of God that comes into human hearts.

Dream before Christmas A good, serious performance that can be shown to both believers and non-believers. A girl prays for her atheist grandmother. The Lord sends the grandmother an unusual dream in which she sees people awaiting the Last Judgment. Grandmother repents of her sins. The angel tells her the events of Christmas.

Christmas Events Quite a serious classic production about the events of Christmas. It starts with showing King Herod, then we see Joseph and Mary knocking on the houses of Bethlehem, shepherds, and finally Herod again, ordering the extermination of all the babies in Bethlehem.

Advice from the Good Shepherd (Christmas holiday scenario for children 7-12 years old) This is a matinee script with games for primary schoolchildren. The main hosts of the matinee are the Farmer and the Shepherd, who has no experience at all, but he is helped by wise advice from the Bible.

Old Shoes (Christmas production) One girl found old shoes. Being a Christian since childhood, the heroine was confident in her righteousness and spirituality. But the old shoes helped her make a journey into her own heart and see what reigns in it.

Chest of Offenses (Christmas play for children)

Scenario for Christmas “Treasure Hunt”

Scenario for New Year and Christmas parties for children This script is good for showing in a shelter or other children's institution where children are not familiar with the essence of the Christmas holiday. The matinee begins with the arrival of Santa Claus and other characters. Then Little Star tells the children the story of Christmas and shows how much better Jesus is than Santa Claus. The scenario contains several games and competitions.

Happy Star Do you know why the top of the Christmas tree is decorated with a star? This is in memory of the Star of Bethlehem, which showed the wise men the way to the Baby Jesus. The boy Kolya learns about this from a village boy. Kolya wants to see the Star of Bethlehem on Christmas night. The sketch is based on the film of the same name.

Happiness The main characters of the scene are several people. Each of them finds their own happiness in something. But it is easy to take away and destroy. The meaning is that happiness can only be with God. The skit uses excerpts from the Jesus movie or slides.

Three trees and four gifts Grandmother and granddaughter packing gifts for Christmas. The granddaughter finds four unusual boxes, inside of which are a manger, a boat, a cross and...). Grandmother tells her the story of three trees, each of which had its own dream. It turned out that they all served Jesus. What's in the fourth box?

What is Christmas to you (recitation)

What happened, shepherds? The shepherds, to whom the angel announced the birth of the Savior, come to the village and tell people about what they saw.

What is Christmas? The boy asks his mother, father and grandmother what Christmas is. But none of them can explain it to him. On the street, a boy meets children who sing Christmas songs to him.

The Nativity House A boy named Hans finds himself in the mysterious Nativity House on the eve of the holiday. He turns out to be a participant in all the episodes of the Nativity (Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, Herod, the Magi).

Scenario for a New Year's and Christmas party for children This script is good for showing in a shelter or other children's institution where children are not familiar with the essence of the Christmas holiday. The matinee begins with the arrival of Santa Claus and other characters. Then Little Star tells the children the story of Christmas and shows how much better Jesus is than Santa Claus. The scenario contains several games and competitions.

Lucky Star Do you know why the top of the Christmas tree is decorated with a star? This is in memory of the Star of Bethlehem, which showed the wise men the way to the Baby Jesus. The boy Kolya learns about this from a village boy. Kolya wants to see the Star of Bethlehem on Christmas night. The sketch is based on the film of the same name.

Happiness The main characters of the sketch are several people. Each of them finds their own happiness in something. But it is easy to take away and destroy. The meaning is that happiness can only be with God. The skit uses excerpts from the film "Jesus" or slides.

Three trees and four gifts. Grandmother and granddaughter are packing gifts for Christmas. The granddaughter finds four unusual boxes, inside of which are a manger, a boat, a cross and...). Grandmother tells her the story of three trees, each of which had its own dream. It turned out that they all served Jesus. What's in the fourth box?

Event program

  1. Introduction, greeting
  2. The appearance of the wise men (their task: to reveal prophecies about Jesus, ask questions)
  3. The appearance of the shepherds (they introduce themselves and play with the children)
  4. Singing "What a Child"
  5. The Appearance of Mary and Joseph (narration of the Birth of Jesus)
  6. Universal worship of shepherds and sages. Children's participation in the holiday
  7. Presentation: “Christmas is a birthday! Don't forget about the birthday boy"
  8. End of the holiday, presentation of gifts

Sages (2-3 people)
Shepherds (2-3 people)
Mary and Joseph
Children singing songs and poems

The progress of the holiday

Introduction, greeting
There are holidays that take place
Getting lost like the pages of a calendar,
But Christmas comes to us every day,
To illuminate souls with eternal light.

Christmas! - the very first and one of the greatest holidays of Christians all over the planet. Without Christmas there would be no Calvary, forgiveness and love.
Without Christmas, we would never know that there is resurrection and eternity.
Without Christmas, no one would ever tell us that God is our loving Father.
Christmas is an old holiday, 2000 years ago the Savior came into the world.
Christmas it is new holiday. Every minute on earth Christ is born in a dozen new hearts, which means 6,000 souls per hour and 14,000 per day.

Dear guys, we invite you to go on a journey in the footsteps of Christmas.

The emergence of the sages (their task: to reveal prophecies about Jesus, ask questions)


Wise Men in the Eastern Land
Saw in the sky at night
Unusual phenomenon:
A new star is born.

Sage1: Guys, we are wise men, we live very far from here, in the east. We watch the sky, or, to be precise, the stars. We each carefully watch how the starry sky changes, how they appear and disappear.
Sage2: But then one day we were amazed by what happened: a special star appeared in the sky! We immediately realized that her appearance meant some important event.
Sage 3: According to our legends, this meant that a special person had appeared in the world, endowed with qualities that would allow him to accomplish great things!
Sage1: And we immediately decided that the Great King had been born.
Sage 2: The star was truly unusual. She was moving! Without thinking twice, we set off on a long journey to get her!
Sage3: And now we are in search of this Baby. And we, passing by your holiday, could not help but look at you!
Sage 1: And, of course, we know that you already know a lot about the Bible, about God, and we would like to ask you a few questions.

Quiz for kids
Sample quiz:

In the hot East, among the mountains and desert, lies the Holy Land... Palestine.
In that ancient country, known to all of us, there is a small city called... Bethlehem.
Once upon a time, by order of the king, Jesus’ family came there to enroll.
Now their names are known to everyone in the world: the carpenter Joseph and the virgin... Mary.
Then - unknown, and poor-looking, but both from the royal family... David.
Joseph and Mary walked through the entire city, but still they didn’t find shelter for themselves.
And only in a cave filled with cattle did they find their temporary... home.
In that same cave, a little later, the Virgin Mary gave birth to... a child.
And with joy an angel descended from heaven and appeared before the shepherds on the field.
“Do not be afraid, I brought you good news: today the Savior was born... Christ!
In the cave, in the manger, lying on the hay, you will see the Holy… baby.”
And immediately many angels appeared to them, singing and calling out: “Glory to the God.”
Immediately the shepherds went to the cave, and there Mary and the baby... were found.
In joy they prayed to God and the shepherds bowed low to Christ...
And then the Magi from the distant Persian... Land bowed to the baby.
For long days, a big... star led them here, appearing in the sky.
They passed mountains and steppes, seas to see the Baby… the King.
The star shone brightly before them until it led them to... Jerusalem.
The Magi went to the royal palace to ask about the great born... King.
They were met by the treacherous king... Herod, dressed in silk and purple, sitting on the throne.
He called the wise men and asked the question: “Find out where... Christ should be born?”
Having received the answer in a short time, Herod sent the wise men to... Bethlehem.
And again the star appeared in front of them, above the house with the Child... stopped.
The Magi bowed to Christ to the ground and presented gifts to Him as a King...
They handed over treasures to the Savior of the world: ... gold, incense and myrrh.
Having successfully fulfilled their entire plan, they returned by a different route... home.

The sages encourage children and thank them for their attentiveness.

Sage 1: Guys, we need to go, we will see you again, we hope that the traces of Christmas will lead you to Jesus.

Sage 2: After all, we celebrate His birth. Think about your gifts for Him for now. What will you give Him?
(The wise men leave)

The appearance of the shepherds (they introduce themselves and play with the children)
Oriental music sounds
Shepherd 1:
Oh, how many guys there are here! Tell me, why are you gathered here?
Celebrating Christmas?
Shepherd 2: This is the biggest holiday! Do you know who we are?
Yes, we are shepherds! We have the most interesting and fun job! We are herding sheep! And they can be so nimble! So restless! About the same as you!
Shepherd 3: Let's play!

Games (we offer sample games):

  1. Wolf and sheep (according to the “Geese-geese” type, a wolf is selected, the rest are sheep, the sheep’s task is to run from one part of the hall to another and dodge the wolf. If a sheep is caught, it becomes a wolf)
  2. Snowflakes (competition for kids). Snowflakes cut out of paper are laid out on the floor. The children's task is to collect as many snowflakes as possible. Then the counting takes place and the snowflakes are given to parents or adults who are sitting in the auditorium.
  3. Children are divided into two teams and three competitions are held:
  • Snowballs (10 pcs each) are laid out on both sides of the line while the music is playing, children throw the snowballs to the opponent’s side, as soon as the music stops, points are counted. This is repeated 2-3 times
  • Each player is given a snowball, his task is to hit a bucket from a distance. Music plays and the children take turns hitting the target.
  • running in bags (players stand in columns, a bucket marks the object that needs to be jumped around in the bag), the gnome shows how this is done.

The presenter sums up the results and praises the children.

Shepherd 1: How great you play! How clever you are!
Shepherd 2: But we have to go. The fact is that for us Christmas is the most important day of the year. Perhaps some of you have not heard what happened a long time ago with the shepherds in the field. Listen to this story. Let's go get ready for this meeting with Jesus!
(The shepherds leave)

Poem (Music sounds)
Long, long ago the herds grazed,
On a cool night they plucked food,
Suddenly a star flashed brightly
There's a new star in the sky,
This one has never been seen before.
Then suddenly an angel appeared
On a cloud from the night skies.
He was all beaming and all glowing
Like a miracle of miracles.
The shepherds were all amazed
And they looked at the sky in fear
And angels are as light as snow,
They flew across the sky and sang.
One said "Lord Christ,
A Savior was born on Earth!"
He said it loudly
It was as if light had spilled onto the field,
The angels sang about peace
And they praised God harmoniously,
Then they flew to the sky.
Everything became quiet and calm.
Everything became the same as it was before.
And the shepherds got ready to go
Find the baby in hope.
And find out at least something.
They took the lambs in their arms
I wanted to tell them all
About what we just found out.
Let's go on the road to Bethlehem.

The Appearance of Mary and Joseph (music sounds)

Joseph: Dear guys, my name is Joseph, and this is Mary. We are the earthly parents of Jesus. You know that on that wonderful night we had to face difficulties.
Maria: Yes, at that time the emperor issued a decree on a population census and on the eve of the birth of Jesus we had to go from Nazareth to the city of Bethlehem.
Joseph: The city was crowded, and we only got there in the evening. The owners of houses and hotels refused to give us overnight accommodation.
Maria: But God took care of us! We stayed overnight with one kind person in the barn. Back then it was called a stable.
Joseph: And it was there that Baby Jesus was born to us!

Poem (child reads)

In the manger I slept on fresh hay
Quiet, tiny Christ.
The moon, emerging from the shadows,
I stroked the flax of His hair...

The Bull Breathed on the Baby's Face
And, rustling like straw,
On an elastic knee
I looked at it, barely breathing.

Sparrows through the roof poles
They flocked to the manger,
And the bull, clinging to the niche,
He crumpled the blanket with his lip.

The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg,
Licked her secretly.
The cat was the most comfortable of all
Warm a child sideways in a manger...

Subdued white goat
I breathed on His forehead,
Just a stupid gray donkey
He pushed everyone helplessly:

"Look at the Child
Just a minute for me too!”
And he cried loudly
In the pre-dawn silence...

And Christ, having opened his eyes,
Suddenly the circle of animals moved apart
And with a smile full of affection,
He whispered: “Look quickly!”

Singing "What a Child" (during the song, shepherds and sages appear)

Sages: We came to worship Jesus, to bring him our gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh!

Leading: Guys, do you have any gifts for Jesus? Maybe you're ready to recite a poem? Sing a song? Do not be shy!

Children's participation in the holiday (all children who wish recite poems and sing songs)

Shepherd 1: We don't have expensive gifts, we don't have talents like you guys...
Shepherd 2: What should we do then?
Shepherd 1: You know, it is much more important for God to see our pure hearts! Therefore, He will be glad to know that on His birthday we became better and kinder.

Presentation “Christmas is a birthday! Don't forget about the birthday boy"

Text for presentation (read during the film)

Guys, have you seen a miracle? If you say you haven’t seen it, you’re wrong!
Winter days delight each of you because you can enjoy the holidays, sunny but frosty days, fluffy snow.
You play snowballs, sledding, build a funny snowman.
And when you wake up in the morning, you immediately run to the window to check if the snow has melted?
You are waiting for the holidays to approach and you know that Christmas and New Year are coming soon.
You go with your dad and buy a Christmas tree, decorate it with beautiful and bright toys and wait for gifts.
All these preparations are very pleasant, and it’s good when they are endowed with a special meaning.
The word “Christmas” is not new to you, you hear it in cartoons, on TV, you see cards that say: Merry Christmas!
What is Christmas? Christmas is birth! This is the birthday of one Person. This is the day on which God came to our world from the heights of heaven. And even though you see a baby on postcards today, remember what His life was like: when he grew up, He was an obedient child and brought joy to his earthly parents, and when
became an adult man - He did a lot of good to people, he healed the sick, fed the hungry, helped those who needed help.
Each of you wants to become good, and if you did something wrong, you really want to correct it. When we are scared, we need protection, when we are lonely, we need a Friend. And our heart needs all this for it to change.
When we become different, when our heart changes, a miracle happens. For it to be in the life of each of you: whether you are five years old, ten or 12 years old - it doesn’t matter, this miracle will definitely happen, and each of you will become different, this is what Jesus gave his life for. You can read about this in the Bible.
Today is Christmas! Jesus' birthday... Remember the One who was born on this day!
Merry Christmas to you!!!

Common prayer (the presenter or pastor thanks God for His Son Jesus Christ)

End of the holiday, presentation of gifts

Christmas is perhaps the brightest and most joyful holiday of the year; it is not without reason that both adults and children look forward to it so eagerly. On this day, kids need to be given Special attention, explaining the importance and conveying to them the essence of this festival, so that Christmas becomes not just an occasion for fun, but a day filled with deep symbolism. If they are coming to you for Christmas and you want to please them with a children's party, you need to approach this responsibly.

In order to competently create a holiday scenario for Christmas, you need to take into account the age of the little guests, their preferences and possible food restrictions, choose age- and gender-appropriate entertainment in which the religious nature of the celebration can and should be incorporated. Bright childhood emotions, cheerful laughter and colorful memories of this event will serve as gratitude to you.

Create a magical Christmas story for children!

Preparing a children's party for Christmas

First, determine the parameters of the holiday in order to properly organize the table and space. Based on the age of the children, since it is much more difficult to monitor babies than older children. To ensure that the holiday passes without unnecessary incidents, invite no more than 4-5 children aged 4 to 6 years. If your guests are in the older age category (from 7 years), it is quite possible to organize a party for six or more guests.

Talk to the children's parents and find out if their child adheres to a sleep schedule - this will make it easier for you to determine the optimal time for Christmas celebrations. Discuss with your parents the approximate duration of the celebration. The best ending for the kids is receiving Christmas gifts, so prepare in advance (it's best if they're the same).

We decorate the room and create an atmosphere

For children's party they need space - unlike adults, they will not be able to just sit at the table for a long time. To make all guests feel comfortable, you need a large room without unnecessary furniture and fragile items. If you decide to organize competitions, dances or a round dance for children near the Christmas tree, take care of the musical accompaniment - prepare a track list made up of soundtracks from your favorite cartoons and themed Christmas and New Year songs.

Take care of a cozy festive atmosphere indoors

Turn on music only for competitions, since not all children tolerate prolonged noise well. Don’t forget about decorations, because children pay special attention to them and love to look at them. Choose a place for the New Year tree: if the room is large, you can install it closer to the central part to conduct round dances. If the space is not so large, then it is better to move the forest beauty to a corner.

In addition to traditional balls and toys, you can hang gingerbread, tangerines and sweets on the Christmas tree, and at the end of the evening you can distribute goodies to little guests. Sweet gifts for Christmas are generally relevant, so stock up on a couple or three. In addition, decorate the room with Christmas paraphernalia - angels and wreaths. Hang colorful LED garlands on the windows and decorate the glass.

Christmas table for children

The Christmas treat for a children's party should be thought out especially carefully, after talking with the parents of the little guests about possible allergies to a particular product. Remember: babies should not be given fatty or fried foods. Do not prepare several changes of dishes, because not every child will be able to evaluate and try everything. It’s better to stick to proven versions of everyone’s favorite treats.

You can choose baked meatloaf, turkey meatballs or oven-roasted chicken. For snacks, offer children sliced ​​cheese or bell pepper boats. The side dish can be limited to vegetable salad, mashed potatoes or French fries (this dish can only be served to older children). For dessert, serve fruit salads with yogurt dressing, marshmallows, gummies, cakes or pastries. As for drinks, it is better to opt for compote, uzvar, juices and fruit drinks.

When thinking over the menu, be sure to consult with the children’s parents

When setting the table, take into account the fact that in food for children it is important appearance, so you need to approach the design with imagination. For example, cottage cheese can be served in the form of mini snowmen with noses made from pieces of carrots, and fly agaric snacks can be made from eggs and tomatoes. If the process of organizing a full menu seems too complicated for you, simply set the table with fruits, cookies, gingerbread, waffles, compotes and juices.

The main thing is to choose beautiful Christmas-themed dishes and colorful napkins, as well as place themed figures on the table. In the style of a winter holiday, you can even decorate glasses for guests: an inverted glass must first be dipped in syrup and then dipped in sugar so that “snow” appears on the edge.

How to entertain children at Christmas?

When thinking through the holiday scenario, consider the age of your guests. The baby’s attention will not be able to concentrate on one activity for a long time, so the fun should be simple, understandable and not too long. It would be better to discuss the games with the mothers of the young guests so that the baby has time to master them at home, in a familiar environment.

Be prepared immediately for the fact that the holiday may not go according to the pre-planned plan, because children's behavior is difficult to predict. Just try to react quickly and make changes to the script as you go. Alternate between quiet activities and active games so that children have time to have fun and relax. If a child does not want to play the proposed fun, then do not force him - let him watch how other children are having fun, stop being scared and decide to join the rest of the guests.

Plan to alternate outdoor games with creative activities

Games and entertainment for kids

You can have fun with your kids at a children's party in the following ways:

  • dance around the tree, simply moving in a circle or imitating the gait of various animals;
  • sing a few New Year and Christmas songs. Tell your parents in advance which songs will be used at the holiday, and offer to practice them a little at home;
  • perform a Christmas-themed puppet show. Choose a simple Christian scene and show it to the children, introducing them to the history of the holiday and Orthodox traditions in game form;
  • play active games like “Freeze! Get lost!”;
  • do it with moms. For example, you can make blanks for Christmas wreaths, prepare bows, gilded pine cones, tinsel, and invite children to create their own holiday wreath by gluing decorations onto the blank.

Games and entertainment for older children

For babies school age you can plan more complex entertainment. Offer them:

  • take part in making a Christmas ball with your own hands. To do this, buy light-colored plastic balls, prepare rhinestones, stickers, markers and glue. Children will be happy to make their own version Christmas decorations. You can also offer to make your own Christmas wreath or decorate an angel figurine. All kinds of activities related to creativity are primarily aimed at girls;
  • take part in the “Magic Bag” competition - the bag is filled with small objects, and the child must randomly pull out the object and, without looking, guess what it is. The person who guesses correctly can take the item for themselves, so buy a lot of small gifts of different shapes in advance;
  • play "Who's Last?" The presenter asks each of the children to name a word related to Christmas. You can think for no more than 10 seconds. If there is no option, the participant is eliminated;
  • organize a children's Christmas theater. Prepare the props, prepare a script for the Christmas scene and invite the children to participate in the production. It is best to assign roles to the actors in advance and rehearse the production at least a couple of times. You can show the skit to the assembled parents.

Introduce children to Christian customs in a playful way

Christian scenes for Christmas

With children you can put the following simple Christian scenes(scripts can be written independently or found on the Internet) that will tell them about the acts of Jesus and biblical events.

  • A scene about robbers. The story begins with the murderers holed up in a dark forest and waiting for the next traveler. The scene takes place before Christmas. When a lone passerby appears, the bandits attack him, but only find a piece of paper with a Christmas carol praising Christ. The traveler and the thieves sing a song, the criminals repent of their actions, rethink their lives and go to greet Jesus along with the traveler;
  • Sketch about an unbeliever. It tells about a man who did not believe in God. One Christmas Eve he had an accident and, while unconscious in the hospital, he heard voices arguing whether he should die or not (this is an angel and a devil). The voice that said it was time to die makes concessions, but with one condition: if there is someone who is ready to die for an unbeliever, then the person will receive another chance at life. Then the man woke up and told this vision to his mother, who was a believer, thinking that he had dreamed everything. Mom explains that he survived because someone was found who died in his place (Jesus);
  • Scene about the birth of Christ. Through the production, children are told about Christmas events, shown the arrival of the Magi, the spread of the good news about the birth of the Savior, the role of Jesus in the salvation of people;
  • A sketch about Bethlehem. The youngest children can take part in it. The presenter, dressed as an angel, will tell them about how he brought the joyful news of the birth of Jesus to the shepherds. Children dance in circles and sing a Christmas song;
  • Fairy tale production “The Star of Bethlehem”. It takes place in the form of an interactive matinee. This is a whole performance in poetic form, which tells about the wise men, shepherds, and the deeds of King Herod. Throughout the performance, children are asked biblical riddles, and at the end everyone sings songs;

Christmas performances will tell children about biblical events
  • A skit about an unbelieving girl. Several friends go to a festive church service on the eve of Christmas. They meet an unbelieving girl who asks where they are going and why. The girls take turns telling her about the birth of Jesus, his deeds and how he went to die for us;
  • A skit about animals talking around a fire. Christmas is coming and various animals gather around the bright fire of the fire. They tell gospel parables, for example, about David taking his sheep from the lion, or about the rooster that crowed before Peter denied. The smallest sheep recites poems about the birth of Jesus;
  • Scene “Christmas greetings”. The mini-performance is designed for the youngest children. The children's costumes are made in the form of postcards, each of them taking turns coming out and reciting;
  • Scene “Three Christmas Angels” is about a stingy man who hates Christmas. On the night of the holiday, three angels come to him and talk about his bad deeds, show him pictures from past life and talk about his possible future. A person repents and begins to do good;
  • Song performance “What is Christmas?”. It tells the story of a boy who asked his family what the Christmas holiday was, but no one could answer him. The boy gets upset and goes outside. There he meets other children who sing him songs about Christmas.

On the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ the main task parents - to turn the holiday season into a real fairy tale for children, instilling in them love and gratitude for Christ, who was born to save all people. Try to make this day not only enjoyable for the kids because of gifts, but also educational.
