Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The text is a fairy tale about smart pies and learned shoes. Graduation script from elementary school The play is a fairy tale about smart pies

A long time ago, there lived a baker in a small town. Every day he baked several huge loaves of bread, and for the children - many small fragrant buns. His bread was the most delicious in the city, so all the people went to buy bread to him.
This baker had to work from dawn to dusk. But he always
coped with the work, because he had an assistant - the daughter of Dunyasha.
She was only seven years old, but she knew how to do everything: both knead the dough and lay it out on
special forms, and even melt the oven.
And then one day a royal messenger galloped up to the baker's house. He demanded that the baker go with him to the palace - exactly three days later the king was going to celebrate the wedding of his daughter and arranged a feast on this occasion. There is nothing to do but get ready to go. The baker wanted to take Dunyasha with him, but the guards stood their ground: "It is not ordered to take children." The baker kissed his daughter and left.
Dunyasha cried for half a day, she was so sorry to part with her father. A
still more because they did not take her to the feast. “Well, let it be,” the girl said when Dunyasha ran out of tears. - Well, let. I will arrange the feast myself. Only not so big, but smaller. Not a real feast, but a small one - a pie.
And, rolling up her sleeves, Dunyasha set to work. In a large cup, she replaces
dough strength. And when it began to rise, grow and even crawl out of the cup
right on the table, began to make buns. She wanted to treat them to all the poor.
And to her best friend, the daughter of a retired general, who
day came to them to buy bread, Dunyasha decided to bake an unusual
bun. Inside she put a finely chopped apple. This idea Dunyasha
She liked it so much that she stuffed the next bun with cabbage. Then in
the course went jam and even buckwheat porridge left over from dinner.
When everything was ready, Dunyasha called the whole city together and began to treat them. There were enough buns not only for the poor, but for everyone who wanted to try her invention - a bun stuffed with all sorts of things.
And then the father returned. He was very worried about his daughter. And when I saw
her alive and well, then wept for joy.
After a while, the baker's eyes fell on his work table,
filled with empty pots of porridge, cabbage, jam.
What is this? he wondered.
This is ... - not knowing what to say, Dunyasha was embarrassed. - It's a pie.
Pie? Father shrugged again. He walked closer to the table, carefully took the last bun left especially for him.
The bun turned out to be with his favorite viburnum jam.
What a delicious pie! - the baker was amazed.
And what a good daughter you have! - added people passing by.



Song "Planet of Childhood"

We will remember more than oncethat good planet

Where with rays of eyesdawns meet,

Where are the sunny dreamswhere are the star trails

Where in the songs are heardlaughs and sadness.


They walk through the streetsmysterious fairies,

And the knights carryfor fairies briefcases,

And the calls are ringingcrystal melody,

And the first verseswarmed by the first secret.

They believe in magic herehere are friends with miracles.

All fairy tales are realcome to visit on their own.

Here the clouds are not visible,here from smiles closely.

Under the sail of springthe Planet of Childhood flies.


1 presenter We are funny kids ran into this class.

We were given the ABC with pencils for the first time.

2 leading With this very first book, each path began,

To pass the route true to the coveted pass.

Farewell song "Hope" (to the motive of the song "Hope")

A familiar star shines on us

What is called Primary School,

Here we were always happy

The sun warmed us up.

But we're going to 5th grade

It's time for parting

Lots of good words and phrases.

I want to say goodbye to you!

Chorus: Teacher! You are always near.

A great mom will help us.

We were sometimes wrong

Sometimes, a little stubborn.

But 4 years behind

We have become more serious and smarter.

Thank you for those gardens

What they raised, not sparing the soul.

It's time for you to harvest

And it's time for you to sum up.

To send pets to the 5th grade -

Thank you our teachers!


3 leading Today we remember what we were then, 4 years ago.

1 presenter We will tell and show how we lived these 4 years.

2 leading Flipping through the pages of school life.

3 leading We open the first page of our magazine "First Time in First Class"

A fairy tale about smart pies and learned shoes.

Storyteller Go, my friend, to the west, and then to the east,

Then turn north and a little south

Then you are without error and certainly on time

You will find the kingdom of Unseen sciences.

In the cheerful kingdom of Unseen sciences

This is the story that just happened today.

Jester For many years I served as a jester in the royal family,

He was friends with a dog and a cat in the royal family.

I knew the princess from the first days in the royal family,

And as a child I played with her in the royal family.

But now seven years have passed, and, following the progress,

I gave my parents advice: it's time to teach the princess.

The song "What they teach at school"

Write different letters with a thin feather in a notebook,Subtract and multiply, do not offend kids,They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Add two to four, read the words syllable by syllable,They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.Good books to love and be educated,They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

About the verb and about the dash, and about the rain in the yard,They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.Strongly and firmly friends, from childhood to cherish friendship,They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

The Queen and the Princess appear, pulling a satchel by the strap.

Queen Oh, I'm crying in earnest, in anticipation of trouble,

After all, tomorrow the poor child will be sent to lessons!

Princess No, I don't want to study, I'd rather fly into space,

Or maybe I'll go to Hawaii by tram!

Enter the King

King Alas, child, no way! You have to obey.

We have a nobleman and the poor are obliged to work.

Queen Poor dove! Ah, my blood

Here she pouted her lips, there are tears in her eyes!

Princess The fun is over, the pain has begun

And what am I, right, this training?

Jester You will receive different knowledge at school.

Queen Why is this torture for a child?

Princess Have pity on the royal daughter!

I don't want to study - period!

King Send out swift-footed messengers and gather wise men-cunning!

Come, who can help teach the royal daughter!

Storyteller By the highest order

In all cities and in all villages

Among peasants, townspeople and artisans

Look for wizards and sorcerers!

Jester And they say that you can’t take a fish out of the pond without difficulty.

The princess tries to catch up with him, but he hides behind the backs of the King and Queen.

Princess Better shut up, you stupid jester, otherwise I'll send you to the fish in the pond.

Jester And they say a lazy person in the mouth and an apple will not fall.

Princess Yes, what is it! Leave me alone!

Jester You can't eat without taking a bite,

You can't see without opening your eyes

And no one has yet been able with someone else's mind

Think even of yourself!

Princess Well, we'll see, we'll see!

The whole kingdom is with me, and you, my friend, are alone!

Storyteller Over the poor royal child

The cook and the cook were crying.

They baked in pies and gingerbread

Various smart books.

The Cook and the Cook come in with a huge platter of pies.

cook What a wonderful scent! Wonderful life for cooks!

A mountain of rosy pies! Hurrah, my friends, hurrah!

Cook We bring your information, our august family,

That the whole encyclopedia from letter A to Z

In our magic pies and in every spoonful of porridge.

cook And so that the child does not wither, feed him, mother!

Princess Pie, pie, come on, jump in your mouth, my friend!

Porridge, soup and sandwich, go straight to your mouth!

The princess, dancing, eats, everyone looks into her mouth.

Queen How the Princess has grown wiser - it can be seen by eye.

Answer, little one, boldly - you know your lesson!

Princess The sea has water and land.

All Right!

Princess The elephant has big ears.

All Right!

Princess In the near future we plan to transfer our country to the moon!

All Ah, this is very bad!

Princess Take the pies, get your feet up!

Only fools can eat seas, continents, letters and prepositions!

Storyteller To them a ladies' tailor from the suburbs

Welcomed with good news.

Tailor enters

Tailor Needles and threads are a simple tool

But how can one not marvel at miracles?

A simpleton will become a beauty at the moment,

The child will turn into a sage.

Allow me, dear princess, to offer you for interest

Scholarly velvet cap - used like this.

The tailor puts a cap on the princess.

King What is a capital?

Princess This is a city where people come to have fun.

King So. And who rules our country?

Princess Ladies tailor.

King Yes, how is it? After all, I am the king! Well, keep the answer if you please!

Tailor What a disgrace! What an embarrassment! Noah fix everything!

King Drive the scammer away! Should he teach the royal daughter!

The Jester pushes Tailor away.

Storyteller The shoemaker came to the reception, his product is with him.

The shoemaker enters

Shoemaker I'm an old shoemaker, I've been a loser

And finally I got to the palace.

I made a wonderful shoe for the little one.

She doesn't need to think now.

As soon as she puts on a shoe,

How to immediately answer her tongue.

The princess puts on a huge shoe.

King What is six six?

Princess Sheep have thick wool.

King How much is three times eight?

Princess After spring comes autumn.

King Where do rhinos roam?

Princess They sleep in a den in winter.

Queen Oh, our daughter is in trouble! She has a mess in her head

Leapfrog and rubbish. Throw that shoe away forever.

The Queen pulls the shoe off the Princess.

Jester Go home, shoemaker, to the house of your mistress wife.

Do not teach someone else's mind unfortunate lazy!

From pies and shoes, alas, there will be no sense

The one who does not take a book or a needle in his hands.

Storyteller The traveler is knocking at the palace,

He carries a large chest with him.

Princess No, no, I've had enough of various charlatans!

I will not try on shoes or caps.

King And, as our faithful jester said,

For the fish you need to climb into the pond.

Queen You can’t sit on everything ready with someone else’s catch.

Jester Whoever sat his pants at a small desk,

He could not even find his own country on the map.

And you will agree with me - when it's time to study,

Neither the shoemaker nor the tailor will be of any use.

Princess And it's unlikely to be useful

Who is accustomed to living with someone else's mind.

The Stranger enters.

Wanderer I'm not a magician and not a magician, not a circus fakir,

Before the child, I will open the whole world anyway.

I am a teacher, not a magician.

And I brought my textbook with me.

To the music, the Teacher, the Jester, the King, the Queen and the Princess With pre-hidden satchels go backstage.

Storyteller Ah, even in the kingdom of Unseen sciences

Parents and servants cannot be sent to school.

This show is over for you.

And we will all go to 5th grade without a doubt.

1 student The first time we came to the first class,

We carried flowers on a line,

We were given nice uniforms.

The bell rang for the first time.

There were joys, there were hardships.

Our teacher and first lesson

This is how the school years began.

2 student We remember that cheerful call,

What rang to us for the first time,

When they entered the school with flowers,

In your best first class

As the teacher met at the door,

Our faithful friend for many days,

And the noisy family is big

New girlfriends and friends.

Sitting down at the desk carefully

So as not to crush the school uniform,

We opened our ABCs,

Opened a school notebook.

Song of the first grader (To the motive of the song "Cheburashka")

    I was a simple child

preschool child,

To such a toddler

Nobody will fit.

Now I'm a first grader

And every high school student

When meeting, he immediately gives a hand

    I will study at school

And I'll be smart soon

I will study for a long time -

One and 10 years.

Even if you travel around the whole world

Right and left,

There is no better school in the world!

3 student I'm in class for the first time

Now I am a student.

The teacher entered the classroom

Get up or sit down?

They tell me: "Go to the blackboard",

I raise my hand

And how to hold a chalk in your hand,

I don't understand at all.

I'm in class for the first time

Now I am a student.

I'm sitting right at the desk,

Although I can't sit.

4 student A cheerful bell rings, the children rush to class.

The doors of the school are open and we are in the second grade.

Song to the motive "Here they run clumsily ..."

Here they run clumsily

Sophomores in the puddles,

They are not too lazy to run to the lessons.

And understandable to passers-by

This day is bad

The kids have a school day ahead of them.

Chorus: Compositions, expositions

You can write on this day.

Because in bad weather

You still can't walk.

Second grader dreams

multiplication table,

The equations are solved

He knows a lot

And he wants to know more.


Second grader, second grader

It's not your first year at school.

And very proud of it

Our friendly people.

5 student The second year I study at the school, which stands in a large garden

And with excellent mark going home for the first time.

I value five - I'll show everyone in the apartment!

All neighbors will be happy, everyone - both adults and children,

Even our kitten Pushka, because the five is not a toy!

6 student I recognize Volodya's marks without a diary.

If a brother comes with a triple - three calls are heard,

If suddenly a ringing starts in our apartment -

So he got 5 or 4 today.

If a brother comes with a deuce, I hear from afar,

There are two short, hesitant calls.

Well, if the unit, he quietly knocks on the door.

1 leading We open the second page of our magazine "Parade of School Sciences"

7 student Grammar, grammar, science is very strict.

I always take a grammar book with anxiety.

It is difficult, but life would be bad without it.

Do not compose a telegram, and do not send a postcard,

You can't even wish your own mother a happy birthday.

Scene #1

The teacher addresses the new student:

Are you chatting in class?

- No.

- Do you write?

- Yes you!?

- Are you fighting?

- Never!

- Do you have any shortcomings?

- I lie a lot.

Scene #2

Teacher Tolya, you're telling Pavel! I'll give you a "2" for the hint!

Student "2"? But I told Kira too! Maybe put "4"?

Couplets on the motif of Kurochkin's couplets from the film "Wedding with a Dowry"

1 I won't lie, of course,
I will speak the truth.
As soon as I get out of bed -
I run to learn the rules.

That grammar is the queen
I won't deny.
Need to learn to read
To write well.

2 How do verbs conjugate?
What is the inclination to call
Dealt with this for a long time
But he began to understand.

Time flies like a bird
Even in a fairy tale you can’t catch up.
We must strive for knowledge
educated to become.

3 I write all the words correctly
With a combination of "zhi" and "shi".
I declare with confidence
That I know all the cases.

According to the composition of the word immediately
Take it apart on my shoulder.
Even in clear weather
I remember about "cha" and "chu".

4 I know all the parts of speech,
There are only six main ones.
She's still in the service
There are three more in addition.

Will not answer who does not know
phonetic analysis.
How many sounds are in the word "press"
How many in the word "conversation".

5 I am any spelling
I can easily find it in the text.
And what are the suggestions
I will not forget and in delirium.

Ah, how fast time flies
But I can tell you:
I will continue to study
Next in class number five.

8 student Mathematics is difficult, but I will say with reverence,

Mathematics is essential for everyone.

To become a doctor, a sailor or a pilot,

First of all, you need to know mathematics.

And there are no professions in the world, mind you,

Wherever you need math.

Scene "About the strangeness of love"

Mother Picking up my sweet son for school in the morning.

Dressed, shod, washed, instructed -

There is no point!

Student Oh, I don’t want to study, I really want to walk!

The control room is knocking on the door, which means you get a deuce!

Control Lazy lazy, tremble, seek salvation in the labor!

When the control hour strikes, you can disgrace the class!

Dramatization of the song "I teach mathematics ..." to the motive of the song "Blue Wagon"


The minutes are slowly drifting away

Water flows from pipe to pipe...


And our problem is not solved,

Oh, this plumbing for me!



Slowly, slowly our lesson drags on.

We will get a deuce, because there is no solution!


Everyone, everyone believes in the best,

Maybe someone can give me an answer?


I've been standing at the blackboard for half an hour,

I multiply and divide again.


And the pipe is running out of water

I can't understand anything!


If one pipe runs out of water...


All the water will be in the other pipe again.


Only I understood that the great genius


And mathematician...

STUDENTS (together): I can't be anymore!

Student A bright camp in a clearing, the sound of a guitar, the sound of hooves!

I’ll run to the gypsy soon, let her tell me how to be!

Gypsy Well, throw in a coin here, the one that was given for lunch.

Take good care of your excellent neighbor, neighbor!

1 presenter And he quickly rushed for useful friendship.

All week he was kind to his neighbor.

The student sings the song "I'll call you dawn" 1 and 3 verses.

I often sit and think
How can I call you,
Modest, quiet, sweet?
How can I praise you
humble, quiet, sweet
How can I honor you?

I'll call you dawn
Just get up early.
I will call you sunshine
Just do it everywhere.
I will call you sunshine
Just do it everywhere.

A neighbor sings the song "Do you love me?"

It's raining outside, it's slushy outside

And they don't care.

They go together, they have one umbrella, they go from the cinema.

A little girl asks a little boy a question:

- "What is the sky? What is the sun? What is love?"

-And do you love me?

- Yeah.

-Will you be with me?

- Yeah.

-What will mom say? What will dad say? When we walk together.

After all, they don’t let you go anywhere, they don’t let you play with you!

-And do you love me?

- Yeah.

-Will you be with me?

- Yeah.

-So we will be together, so we will always be next to you!

-Let's not talk to anyone yet.

Until the moment comes when you can love!

-And do you love me?

- Yeah.

-Will you be with me?

- Yeah.

-So we will be together, so we will always be by your side

Neighbor He carries a briefcase for me, asks about my health,

He smiles hazily and looks terribly strange!

Girls Oh!

Student Life will be like a fairy tale, my mother will be pleased with me.

Provided a hint at work on the control!

2 Lead No, the hint won't help! Headache is waiting for you!

Fear and horror gnaw at the heart!

Student Again a couple, again a deuce!

(neighbor) Why are you making eyes at me?

What an unfortunate neighborhood!

From you I expected hints, not stupid coquetry.

Neighbor sings to the tune "As you were, so you remain")

As you were, so you remain

Such a lazy, such a dunce.

Why, why did you meet me

Why didn't you meet someone else?

Why did you stare at me?

I didn't learn my lesson again!

I don't want to sit next to you.

Neighbor leaving

Student Thrown books, notebooks aside!

Okay, boys. Goodbye girls!

The heavy burden of study has been dropped!

Forgotten and school, great time!

Friend From morning to morning have fun and play!

Walk and walk and do not know worries!

1 presenter Happy days fly by like an hour

And now it's time to go back.

On the very threshold of the awakened school

Our hero felt pricks in his heart.

Student A neighbor passes by and does not raise her eyes,

It's like he doesn't remember a familiar name.

As if she wasn't in love!

So, it means she fell out of love with me!?

2 Lead And the heart is broken like a trough ...

And then again the control is waiting.

Now only dad will save the hero.

Papa comes out (eccentric and disheveled)

Dad I don't have a lot of money, but I'm a true friend to you.

I am a professor, academician of fantastic sciences.

Arithmetic is a trifle, put your notebook away.

Listen to a new article about flying saucers!

2 Lead But what use is this knowledge to him?

You can't bring dad to class.

Someone else can not learn the mind!

You will have to study on your own.

1 presenter Let's repeat this moral in the lesson:

Love is not a carrot! Not a walk - learning!

Love excellent students for their intelligence and pigtails,

For songs and laughter, for funny habits,

For a pleasant voice, for lovely eyes,

But love them for the tips!

Don't hide gaps behind daddy's back -

This is not good for either father or son.

And let's say goodbye:

Do not go to gypsies for advice!

9 student Reading is a great lesson! Lots of good stuff in every line.

Whether it's a verse or a story, you teach them, they teach you.

In every house, in every hut, in cities and in the countryside

An inquisitive reader keeps a book on the table.

The book will tell you everything, the conversation will not get bored with it.

She will show her native land and teach you to love.

Song to the motive "I'm lying in the sun"

I'm sitting on the reading

I look at the book for a long time.

I'm all sitting and looking

I don't find any sense in it.

I would like to read comics

Play and dream

Well I'm sitting here

And I look in the textbook.

That's according to the books all for a long time

It would be better to make a movie

I would be excellent

I would teach everything on TV.

10 student They taught us to love our land and observe nature,

How to protect all animals, protect both forest and water.

We talked about everything: about mushrooms and flowers,

About birch and aspen, about fields and meadows.

Song-clip "Russia"

Khokhloma, Volga reach,
The expanse of fields, weeping birch-
It is you, my Motherland!
It's you, Russia!

Domes, sky up,
For you our life!
It is you, my Motherland,
There is no more beautiful in the world...

Russia, Russia, you are my star
Russia, Russia, you are my destiny
Russia, Russia, I repeat again,
Russia, Russia, you are my love!

Cranes, poplars,
Bread and salt, Kremlin peak,
It is you, my Motherland,
It's you, Russia!

Children's laughter, dance,
Kindness blue eyes
It is you, my Motherland,
There is no more beautiful in the world!

Russia, Russia…

11 and 12 students 1 What is physical education? Training and play.

2 What is physical education? Fiz and kul, and that, and ra?

1 Hands up, hands downphysical .

2 We turn the neck like a steering wheel, this is -sack .

1 Dexterously high jump isthat.

2 Run for half an hour in the morning - this isra.

1 Do this business, you will become dexterous, strong, courageous.

2 Plus - a good figure. That's what phys-cul-tu-ra means!

Gymnastic composition

13 student The music teacher entered the spacious classroom.

And with music we enter the class together.

And pure sounds are pouring from us.

And we sing better every year.

14 student Music directions
We are friends, do not count.
And, of course, each has its own charm,
Everyone understands, too.
Punks, heavy metal
Manifest miracles;
Retro, country, songs of bards,
All sorts of pop...
We remember how in the first grade
Somehow they tried to sing...
Since then we have matured
And sing like this...


    Answered by Andrey lesson
    The teacher fainted.
    From his ignorance
    The teacher is unconscious.

    Yarik shook his knapsack for a long time,
    To find notebooks
    But notebooks every time
    They played hide and seek with him.

    Nastya - kind soul -
    Everyone is nice, good.
    Loves school, loves work.
    And a true friend to everyone in the class.

    Irishka rode down the hill
    - Was the fastest
    Ira even their skis
    Overtaken along the way!

    Sooty saucepan
    Julia cleaned with sand.
    Two hours in Yulia's trough
    My grandmother washed it afterwards.

    Oh spring, spring, spring,
    Be honest with girls
    Give everyone your freckles
    Well, we will sing ditties!

    There are girls in our class
    Smart, beauties!
    And we'll tell you a secret
    We love it!

    Vova rubbed the floor to a shine,
    Made a vinaigrette.
    Mom is looking for what to do:
    There is no work!

    Let's dress up for the holiday
    And we will show a master class:
    Sing and dance non-stop
    We can do it for an hour!

    Oh! Fine, I'm learning
    And I won't lose count!
    For myself and a friend
    Count all the freckles!

    We have a silent Artemka:
    Kind, affectionate, like a hamster,
    But does not hide in reserve,
    All the last will give.

    Shurik, Shurik - laughter -
    Everyone laughs out of place
    Bursting with loud laughter,
    At the lessons of all in a row.

    No homework
    Not today, not yesterday.
    Pasha will say without suffering:
    "Nothing, it will come down and so ..."

    Our Timosha is a generator,
    He has so many ideas.
    Just very, very loud.
    He calls the children.

    There is a rumble in the classroom
    It's like an all-terrain vehicle.
    After all, Danila is ours from Kamchatka
    He has disputes with Zhenya.

    We finish singing ditties,
    And we promise to all adults:
    Let's grow good
    To behave.

2 leading Opening the third page - "Change"

Scene "Change"

1 The guys sat in the sun in a row

And quietly they talk about school.

2 “I like school,” Karina said.

All my life, guys, I dreamed about school!”

3 "I like the teacher.- Sasha said.-

He is strict, which I have not yet seen.

4 “And to me,” said Sonya, after a little thought, “

I like change the most."

All Turn?

4 Change.

15 student Change, change! - the call is poured.

The first Vova will certainly fly over the threshold.

Flies over the threshold, knocks down seven.

Is it really Vova, who has dozed off the whole lesson?

Is it really Vova who couldn't say a word at the blackboard 5 minutes ago?

If he is, then there will certainly be a big change with him.

You can’t keep up with Vova - he looks like a troublemaker.

16 student He managed to redo a bunch of things in 5 minutes:

He set up three steps (Tyoma, Pavel and Timoshka),

Rolled somersault, sat on the railing,

Famously flopped off the railing, got a slap on the back of the head,

On the move, he gave someone change, asked to write off the task.

In a word, he did everything he could! Well, here comes the call again.

Vova trudges into class again. Poor guy, no face on him.

- Nothing, - Vova sighs, - let's have a rest at the lesson!

17 student Wet hair, disheveled look

A drop of sweat runs down the neck.

Maybe Masha, Uliana and Zhenya

Did you dive in the pool all the time?

Or were they attacked, the unfortunate ones?

Or were they shoved into the mouth of a crocodile?

No! During the break they rested!

Dance "Get Up"

3 leading The next page of our magazine is "Parental Suffering"

All our failures and blunders were experienced by our closest people, our parents, together with us. They were worried, worried, and such sufferings were born.

Song to the motive "Whether there will be more ..." (parents sing)

Entered the first grade, began to study,
And they did not think then that everything would happen like this:
At work until five, in the evening lessons,
Hands on household chores do not reach.

It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning
Oh. Oh oh! (sung 2 times)

Broken all the brains with this Peterson.
Our children are weaklings, but we are Newtons.
Learning languages, writing essays,
Behind scientific works we aim for candidates.

Chorus (2 times).

Here comes the graduation party! Everyone is happy, of course.
That we could live with you until this date.
We are waiting for summer holidays more than kids.
Eh, I should rather throw diaries and books on the table!

Chorus (2 times).

Song to the motive "Call me with you"

It's not easy for mom and dad to study now,
Everyone knows this.
Everything that the teacher gives us at home at school,
They repeat.
It is not easy for them to solve problems with us,
repeat the rules
Great books to read.


At the hour when mother comes home,
Charter from work.
Will explain to me tasks all night long,
I installed bots.
Without a belt, it is difficult for us to solve problems,
repeat the rules
Great books to read.

And my parents also go with me at 5,
And today, like everyone else, they do not find a place for themselves.
We will sing a song to them and we will clap our hands,
After all, we still have many more years to stomp around the school together.

1 presenter Not only our teacher and parents helped us learn. We would never get along without our grandmothers.

Scene "Grandmothers and grandchildren"

Two grandmothers on stage

1 grandmother Hello my dove. Let's go for a walk in the park.

2 grandmother Yes you! I haven't learned my lessons yet.

1 grandmother Which lessons?

2 grandmother Now fashionable do homework for the grandchildren. Here I want to try. Although, this is probably not pedagogical.

1 grandmother Why is it not pedagogical!? Yes, I have been doing lessons for my grandchildren all my life. If anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience.

2 grandmother Well, if it's not difficult, check how I learned the poem.

By the seaside, a green oak,

Golden chain on an oak tree...

1 grandmother So good.

2 grandma... Day and night scientist dog...

1 grandmother What other dog?

2 grandmother Well, I don't know what breed he is. Maybe a Doberman Pinscher?

1 grandmother Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat. Understood?

2 grandmother Ahhh... got it, got it! Well then, I'll start first.

By the seaside, a green oak,

Golden Chain on Oak Vol.

Day and night the cat is a scientist

With a string bag he goes to the grocery store ...

1 grandmother With what bag? Which deli? Learn the poem again!

2 grandmother Oh, I have so many more lessons! One grandson is in the 6th grade and the other is in the first. His teacher asked to bring cash to school.

1 grandmother What checkout? From a store? Don't drag me into this!

2 grandmother Well, where is the store? Cashier is the alphabet. Okay, I'll do it myself. And you help me solve the problem.

1 grandmother So, “2 pipes are connected to the bathroom ...” Remember, in order to correctly solve the problem, you need to carefully imagine what it says. “2 pipes are connected to the bathroom” - can you imagine?

2 grandmother (runs away) Introduced!

1 grandmother Wait, where are you running?

2 grandmother Water pours out, it can flood the entire floor!

1 grandmother Calm down! In fact, the water does not pour out. This is only mentioned in the task. Now tell me, when will the bath be filled?

2 grandmother It will never fill up, they themselves said, the water does not pour.

1 grandmother All goodbye. You will be taken to the hospital. And my homework has not yet been done: I need to conduct an experiment in botany - to grow beans.

2 grandmother Oh, yes, yes, I remember you took beans from me.

1 grandmother Yes, something does not grow these beans! Looks like poor quality!

2 grandmother How poor quality? Well, do good to people! It can be said that I tore off the beans from myself - I took them out of the soup.

1 grandmother Wait, wait, how - from the soup? It's me, it turns out, raised boiled beans? Thanks, cheered up!

2 grandmother Well, I didn’t know why you need beans, don’t be offended.

1 grandmother What do you think, if you and I continue to work so hard, maybe they will give us some kind of assessment?

2 grandmother (whispers) between us, it has already been placed.

1 grandmother Yes? And what is the rating?

2 grandmother Kol!

1 grandmother Why such a bad rating?

2 grandmother Because we don't mind our own business!

1 grandmother Adults do everything for the children, and then they are surprised: “Ah, they grow up with white hands.”

The song "Your role is honorable and enviable" for parents (to the motive of the song of the guards from the "Bremen Town Musicians"

2 leading We open the fifth page of our magazine - "Entertainers"

Let's remember how we prepared for the holidays, how we looked for interesting questions and assignments for classroom hours How interesting were our contests and quizzes.

Song "Serve Russia" (boys)

And banners rustle proudly.
Battalion commander and private, common fate
We are connected with you, my friend.

In the fearlessness of attacks, we saved the Russian flag,
And the native home, and our songs.
And, if trouble comes, then we ourselves
We will cover the fatherland, my friend.

You and I are destined to serve Russia,
Serve Russia, an amazing country,
Where the new sun rises in the blue sky.
Russian troops march shoulder to shoulder
And let the military road is not easy,
We will faithfully serve Russia.

The shelves go like a wall, they keep the order beautifully
And the whole of Russia is with us.
And he, and you, and I are an army family,
And that's what makes us strong, my friend.

You and I are destined to serve Russia,
Serve Russia, an amazing country,
Where the new sun rises in the blue sky.
Russian troops march shoulder to shoulder
And let the military road is not easy,
We will faithfully serve Russia.

Dance (girls)

3 leading We open the sixth page of our magazine - “Hurrah! Holidays!"

18 student They only went to school, but they sat at the desk,

Yes, they signed in notebooks, listened to all their friends -

Suddenly, for some reason, the holidays came crashing down on us.

19 student The holidays are here, goodbye, school!

We will not meet with you soon.

But how happy we are after the golden summer

To your doorstep, school, come back again.

Song "Primary School"

Let autumn pass golden
The blizzard will cease to rage

And the sun, laughing and sparkling,

Look into elementary grades.

Here they hurried to new knowledge
Together with the first teacher,

Grew up, wondered, made friends

And they sang their favorite songs.

September leaves rustling

May is blooming again.

We will love you

Elementary school, know!

Our class, mischievous and cheerful.
Tests, lessons, tasks...

Primary school today

We wish you good luck in life!

The doors will open and again
You will meet your first graders.

We know elementary school

You will remain in our heart!

20 student We fell in love each other,

Our friendship is strong.

Together with us our friendship

moving on to 5th grade.

21 students We are armpit bags and skipping,

And together we walk over the school threshold.

And there, beyond the threshold, rustling foliage,

Maples sway, poplars rustle ...

And all this means that summer has begun,

That forests and fields await us.

22 student Finished the last lesson today

The last bell rings in the corridor.

And wherever I am, wherever I go,

No matter how many new friends I find

On the river and in the field, I remember the school

I remember that in the 5th grade I moved.

Song to the tune of "Song of the Little Red Riding Hood"

If it's long, long, long
If long in our school
In the first, in the second and in the third
And sit in the fourth
Perhaps, then of course
That's probably right, right
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible
You can go to the fifth!

Ah, in the fifth lesson here is such a width!
Ah, in the fifth task is so complicated!
Ah, math and Russian,
Ah, and English and French,
Ah, stay at home, do not walk!
Ah, stay at home, do not walk!

If only, only, only
If only in our school,
If only in the fifth grade
Can you do something
Any teacher immediately
Educator and parent
Even sometimes the director
How to praise you!

Ah, well done, that you solved the problem,
Ah, well done, that you composed poems,
Ah, danced and somersaulted,
Ah, winked and smiled,
Ah, keep up the good work!
Ah, keep up the good work!

1 presenter With the next song, we close our magazine and say goodbye to elementary school.

Song "Goodbye Elementary School"

Silence in our room
You can even hear the beating of hearts
Goodbye elementary school
This school is a road of miracles.

We are sad, we roar, parting,
Remembering happy days
How did we get here as kids?
And how we left you.

Friends break up
Tenderness remains in the heart
Let's keep friendship

In this class you dreamed with us
And they led the way of Knowledge,
Here we met our friends,
We made discoveries here.

Do not be sad, our beloved teacher,
We will come running to you, and more than once,
Let others come to replace us
We are the only one with you.

Friends break up
Tenderness remains in the heart
Let's keep friendship
Goodbye, see you again.

23 student The fanfare ceased.
The dancers are tired
The main action is waiting in this room.

Looking forward to the award ceremony

The highest award for years of teaching.

Teacher The most solemn and most exciting moment has come. You are awarded a Diploma of Completion elementary school.

3 months will pass and you will come back to school. But you will come to this class only as guests. I will have new students, you will have new teachers. I want you to find them mutual language. You will get older and smarter. But let a particle of childhood live in your heart and let your future be clean and bright.


Leaders 1-2 in turn. Dear guests! Today we have a special, solemn day - we see off our graduates to school.
We invited you to the ball
In an elegant music hall,
Where there will be music and laughter
And setting for success
Smiles, games, songs, speeches,
Hope to meet in the future
The fragrance of flowers
And the chirping of children's voices,
Gifts, dances and sweets,
Chastushek voiced couplets,
In love, an awkward confession
Honor and glory for calling
Great - to love children,
Give the warmth of your hearts,
Where in the waltz memory will swirl:
“Do you remember?..” “It can't be…”
"How they matured ... matured ..."
"We didn't have time to look back..."
And eyes wet with tears
Everything has its time, its time!
Go ahead baby! Go!
You are full of strength, hope, love.
We believe that your destiny is
Always be happy!

Music sounds, children enter the hall in pairs, balls in hand the host announces each pair.

Presenter: The hall does not accommodate today
All the assembled guests.
Today we see off our dear children!
Child: And mothers look with excitement
For yesterday's preschoolers.
And dad's eyes warm,
And winks brother.
Child: Even grandma furtively
She brought a handkerchief to her eyes.
Will be a student from now on
Dear granddaughter!

Child : We ourselves from excitement
Forgotten all the verses.
Were just preschoolers
Now, students!
Child: Educators and children
teachers, cooks,
And our manager
medical nurse
Child: Everyone dressed up today
And worry in the morning.
Do not be sad! visit you
We will all be sometimes!
Child: We say "thank you very much"
For leading us through life
Because we were loved with all our hearts,
That our pranks have always been forgiven by you!
So let the sun shine on you more generously.
From all the guys that are near and far,
To you, those who let pets go to school,
We send our bow - from heaven to earth.
The song "Kindergarten is our dear"

Leading. Today we see off our children to the first class. And we ask them to dance the preschool waltz now.
Waltz or dance.
After the dance, the children sit on chairs.
Leading. Dear Guys! On this festive day, new paths, new roads open before you. And everyone who came to the holiday today dreams that you study well at school, grow up healthy, cheerful, so that you do not forget our kindergarten.

1 child . Everyone in the world dreams of something
We all lack something a little.
Someone wants to grow up quickly
Someone - a funny puppy to get.
2 child . Someone dreams that everyone smiles,
They became friends and met more often.
Know that there is no unimportant dream!
Believe and hope, and you strive for it!
Leading. I dream to come true soon
All the dreams of honest and kind children!

I propose to listen to what our children dream about and smile.

It was evening, there was nothing.

Sasha sang, Matvey was silent, Gleb drove on roller skates.

Varya wrote SMS, Alexandra kept playing.

So let's start over, "What?" and "How?" and "Why?"


How can I find in this life

The surest best way

How can I not stumble anywhere,

And I can't turn away from it?


Who will tell, who will teach?

How can we work better?


I will be a businessman

Let me teach!

I will buy a fur coat for my mother,

Dad - "Jeep" cooler!


Businessman? Fine! And the model is better!

I want to be on shows

Let me teach!

To get the crown

Beauty will conquer the whole world!


Well, model, well, what is it?

What did you find cool about her?

I'll run for president

I will receive gifts

I will rule the country

Raise everyone's wages!


President - good, but I'll go to the bankers!

I will make money, as all fakirs can.

My bank will prosper

To give to everyone at interest!

Child :

That's when I grow up

I'll get married right away

I will choose a husband, like a dad,

To meet me at the gangway.

Oh, I forgot to tell you

I will fly in the sky.

I want to be a stewardess

Child :

And I want to become an artist

To perform on stage

So that flowers are always given,

They were just talking about me!

To take me to the movies

The main roles were given.

Child :

Interested in you guys

Only glory and salary.

And I have my own dream, it has a simple beauty.

I want to become a teacher, let everyone be surprised.

After all, from kindergarten and from school, everything begins!

As a kid, an artist and a banker come to kindergarten,

And then they find themselves to conquer the whole world!

There is no better job! No profession is needed

Every day to give care - What could be more important!


You are 100 percent right, kindergarten is the head of everything!

Song "Who Become"

1. Sleep again! Same!
I would like to think and dream...
Let's imagine, let's say -
I'm in the car. I'm going. By the way -
No one has seen this!
The latest cars!

“Go,” the stars will tell me,
Step by step!
Who to become is a serious question -
Think well!"

2. I am the MANAGER in a large bank.
Everyone enters the office
I put a stamp on the form ...
Boring. Or not?
I'm on stage. With microphone.
There are thousands of people in the hall.
Bravo, bis! they shout from the balconies.
I am an ARTIST. Well, OK!
3. I will be a PROGRAMMER. Means,
I will like
"Zoo" e-mail dogs
And computer mice...
How to choose here? What's happened!
Eyes are closed.
I could build roads
Write different books
Shoot film on film
And play for CSKA...
Boy . And I want to talk about my dream.
I will be at school, I will definitely study at "five"!
I will keep my books and notebooks in order.
I'll be a student with a real diary!
Now take a look at my portfolio.
Who lives in it - guess, listen to a fairy tale, do not yawn.

A briefcase is installed in the middle of the hall.

Vedas. Our briefcase-teremok is standing in the field,

He is not low, not high.

He has a lock

I can easily open.

Who, who lives in a teremochka?

Who, who lives in the low?

Teremok is empty.

Here is a pencil case running to him.

Pencil case: What kind of terem-teremok?

He is not low, not high.

Hey, open the lock

Who lives in it respond. (pause)

Pencil case: No answer, do not hear,

I will live here. (Stands up for briefcase.)

Vedas: And then the primer came

He delivered this speech:

Primer: Who lives in a teremochka?

Who-who lives in the low?

Pencil case: Penal lives here

Everyone at school knows me.

Primer: I'm called the alphabet

I'm nice to everyone at school.

Let me live with you

We will be friends with you.

Pencil case: Come in. (They go for the briefcase.)

Vedas: Here the notebooks came running

And they began to ask in the tower.

Notebooks: We are school notebooks

And they should be fine.

At school, children need us,

We will be friendly with you.

Pencil case: Come in, so be it

We will be friends with you.

Vedas: They made room in the little house,

And the notebooks fit.

Estimates run to them,

In the teremochka everyone is waiting for them.

(Appears 5 and 4.)

5 and 4: We are good marks

getting us love kids.

Open your lock

Let us into the tower.

Pencil case: Come quickly

Together will be more fun.

Vedas: And suddenly a deuce rushes,

Behind her is a unit

In the teremok they want

It will fit too.

1 and 2: Take us to you

Let me into the teremok.

Not always get

All 4 or 5.

Together: And take your time

You won't be useful.

1 and 2: They won't let us in again

And the doors are closed.

They don't take us with you

Well, let's go to another class. (They leave.)

Children: Teremok sends greetings to you,

Do you recognize him, my friend?

Vedas: Kindergarten Do not forget,

Get only fives.

Boy. So my portfolio is assembled, goodbye toys.

Congratulations from the kids

Joke scene ( with parents)
Knock once again
Twig in the gate
Escorted to first class
Mommy (name)

Mother(looking at the child)
There are shoes, there are trousers,
White shirt.
You are a handkerchief
Put in pocket
I put all my notebooks
Books and pencils
Oh, undeniable strength
Possess Toddlers
(tests the briefcase for weight, bends under the weight)
Put your diary in your briefcase
Brush and pen
Only a smart student
Learn everything quickly
Listen, mom, if so
Everything is familiar to you
Go to first class
I'll wait for the second
Knock once again
Twig in the gate
Escorted to first class
Mommy (name)

presenter(to the boy). May I see your backpack? How wonderful it is, how many departments it has! Here you can put pencils, here you will find textbooks, notebooks… Oh, what kind of book is this? Fairy tales! Can? (Reads the cover) "The tale of smart pies and learned shoes." (Opens first page, reads)
Go buddy to the west
And then to the east
Then turn north
And a little south
Then you're wrong
And definitely on time.
Find a kingdom
unseen sciences.
In a happy kingdom
unseen sciences
This is the story that just happened today.

The Jester runs out to the soundtrack, he dances, teases the audience .
Jester: I served as a jester for many years
In the royal family
Friends with a dog and a cat
In the royal family.
I knew the princess from the first days
In the royal family
And like a child I played with her
In the royal family.
But it's been seven years now
And following the progress
I gave my parents advice:
It's time to teach the princess.
Meet King Charlie and Princess Vanessa!
The King and Princess appear, dragging a knapsack by the strap.
King: Ah, I'm crying, not joking,
In anticipation of darkness
After all, tomorrow the poor child
Send to class!
Princess: No, I don't want to study
I'd rather fly into space
Or maybe I'll go to Hawaii by tram!
King: Alas, child, no way!
Will have to obey.
We have a nobleman and a poor man
Committed to learning.
Poor dove!
Ah, my blood
Here pouted lips!
There are tears in the eyes!
Princess: The fun is over!
The torment began
And what, I'm right
Is this training?
Jester: you get at school
Various knowledge.
Princess: Why is the child
These tortures?
Have pity on the royal daughter!
I don't want to study - period!
The king grabs his head.
King: Send out swift messengers
Yes, gather wise men - cunning!
Come who can help
Easily teach the royal daughter!
Jester: And they say it's easy
You can't take the fish out of the pond...
Princess: Shut up, better, stupid jester,
And then I'll send it to the fish in the pond.
Jester: And they say I'm lazy in the mouth
And the apple won't fall.
Princess: Yes, what is it!
Leave me alone!
Jester: You can't eat without taking a bite,
You can't see without opening your eyes.
Princess: Well, we'll see!
We'll take a look!
The whole kingdom is with me
And you, my friend, are alone.
King: My loyal subjects, the jester says, you can't eat without taking a bite, let's check it out. Apples are hanging on a string in front of you, your task, without the help of your hands, is to try to bite it off. Whoever copes with the task until the last grain of sand falls in this clock, I will not order him to be executed, but I will order him to be pardoned.
The game is played to the music.

Jester: Over the poor royal child
The cook and the cook were crying.
They baked in pies and gingerbread
Various smart books.
The cook and cooks enter with a huge dish of pies. One of the cooks carries a pot of semolina.
Cook: We bring to your notice,
our royal family
That the whole encyclopedia from letter A to Z
In our magical pies.
Pie, pie, come on, jump in your mouth, my friend!
cook: And here is semolina porridge,
Feed your daughter, dad! (gives the pot to the king)
King: Pie, pie!
Come on, jump in your mouth, my friend!
Porridge, soup and sandwich,
Go straight to your mouth!
The princess eats to the music, the cook feeds her, and the cooks dance.
"Dance of the cook"
King: How the princess grew wiser -
It's visible to the eye
Answer, little one, boldly!
You know your lesson!
Princess: The sea has water and land.
All: Right!
Princess: The elephant has big ears.
All: Quite right!
Princess: In the near future we plan to transfer our country to the moon!
King: Ah, this is very bad!
Jester: Of course, the little heiress -
A very pleasant conversationalist
But I'm afraid and very afraid
That I will not return from the moon!
Princess: Take the pies
Take your feet!
Only weirdos can
There are seas, continents,
Letters and sentences!
Cook: I failed to teach the princess the mind - the mind. So the princess will probably remain ignorant. Let's show the princess how smart and attentive you are, maybe then she will understand how important it is to study. Let's play the game "Edible - inedible" with you. I will list all the trees that I know. Some of them grow delicious fruits. When you hear the name of such a tree, then clap your hands. If edible fruits do not grow on the tree, then you are silent, take water in your mouth. Ready?
Clap game
Apple, pear, date, mimosa,
Christmas tree, pine, cherry, birch.
Cherry, coconut, baobab, tangerine.
Kiwi, aspen, lemon, rowan,
Oak, maple, poplar, plum
Mango, bamboo, fir, olive.
Princess: How are you still here? Get out of my kingdom! (The cook leaves)
Jester: We have a ladies' tailor from the suburbs,
He delivered good news.
Tailor: A needle and thread is a simple tool.
Well, why not marvel at miracles?
A simpleton will become a beauty at the moment,
The child will become a sage.
Allow me, dear princess,
you suggest for interest
Scientist velvet cap -
It's used like this.
The tailor puts a cap on the princess. The princess is in love.
The tailor distributes hats to all the girls. The princess and the girls are dancing.
Dance with hats
King(after the dance): We'll know for sure
Are you smarter than the cap!
What is a capital?
Princess: This is a city where people come to have fun.
King: So. And who rules our country?
Princess: Ladies tailor.
King: Yes, how so!
After all, I am the king! ( tailor)
Well, please keep the answer.
Tailor: What a disgrace! What an embarrassment!
But I'm going to fix everything!

Guys, help me get my good name back.

I have a magic watch, (disappointedly) only the hands are missing. Please help me find them!

Dance "Arrows"

Tailor: Dear princess!

I give you a watch

They will help you-

You will become smarter!

Princess: Drive the scammer away!
Should he teach the royal daughter!
The Jester pushes Tailor away.
Jester: The shoemaker came to the reception
His product is with him.
Shoemaker: I am an old shoemaker
I was a loser
But here, at last,
I got to the palace.
I know how to guess on a camomile, do you want me to show you?

Fortune telling on chamomile.
CHAMOMILE - 10 petals, on reverse side which the words are written: mom, dad, the child himself, the cat Vaska, the dog Zhuchka, neighbor, neighbor, the whole family, grandfather, grandmother. The presenter asks 10 parents to come out and tear off a petal. Then everyone asks a question, the answer is on the petal).
1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?
2. And who should follow the form of first-graders?
3. Who will get up at 6 am?
4. Who will eat breakfast first?
5. Who will have to collect the portfolio?
6. Who will read the primer every day?
7. Who will cry, left without strength?
8. Who is to blame if the child got a deuce?
9. Who will attend the meetings?
10. Who should take a first grader to school?
Shoemaker: I made a wonderful shoe for the little one.
She doesn't need to think now for a minute
As soon as she puts on a shoe,
How her tongue will immediately answer.
The princess puts on a huge shoe.
King: How much is two plus two?
Princess: Unknown words.
King: How much is two plus eight?
Princess: After spring comes autumn.
King: Where do rhinos roam?
Princess: They sleep in a den in winter.
King: Oh, our daughter is in trouble!
She has a mess in her head
Throw that shoe away forever!
The King pulls the shoe off the Princess.
Jester: Go home, shoemaker, into the house
To his wife - mistress
Do not teach someone else's mind unfortunate lazy!
From pies and shoes
Alas, it won't make sense.
For those who do not take
No book, no needle.
The shoemaker leaves.
Jester: The traveler is knocking at the palace,
He carries a large chest with him.
Princess: No - no, enough of me
Various charlatans!
No shoes, no caps
I won't try on.
Educator (leader 1): I am not a magician and not a magician,
Not a circus fakir
In front of a child, I
I will open the whole world.
I'm a teacher, not a magician
I brought my textbook with me.

And in the textbook in this riddle. Let's all guess them together:
1. At night, with his head up, the angry gray howls ........ (wolf)
2. Who knows a lot about raspberries? Well, of course gray ....... (bear)
3. Who likes to rush along the branches?
Of course, redhead........... (squirrel)
4. Having overcome all obstacles, the faithful hoof beats .......... (horse)
5. He loves the oak acorn, Of course - it's wild .......... (boar)
Presenter 2: Ah, even in the kingdom
unseen sciences
They won't teach you
Parents and servants.
On this show
It's over for you
And all of you, without a doubt,
Go to first class.
To the music, the actors bow and leave the stage, the teachers are the last to try to leave .
Children (educators): Wait, wait, please don't leave!
Dear ... (acting teacher, nanny - she is taken out of the hall)
Do you remember how at the very beginning
We came to you here, we are just kids,
For work, for patience, for life without sorrow
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!

"The tale of smart pies and learned shoes"
Children's play script
Compiled by: Dochkina L.V., teacher of the preparatory preschool group, MBOU Orphanage No. 14.
Purpose: to develop interest in theatrical and gaming activities; to form the ability to convey by facial expressions, gestures the main emotions and feelings; teach children to follow the development of the action.
The progress of the performance.
-Go, my friend, to the west, and then to the east, then turn to the north and a little to the south,
Then you will find the kingdom of unseen sciences without error and without fail in time.
In the cheerful kingdom of unseen sciences, such a story suddenly happened today.
- For many years I served as a jester in the royal family, I was friends with a dog and a cat in the royal family. I knew the princess from the first days in the royal family, and as a child I played with her in the royal family. But now seven years have passed, and, following the progress, I gave my parents advice: it's time to teach the princess!
- Oh, I'm crying, not jokingly, in anticipation of trouble, because tomorrow the poor child will be sent to lessons!
- No, I don’t want to study, I’d rather fly into space, or maybe I’ll go to Hawaii by tram!
King - Alas, child, it is impossible in any way! Will have to obey. We have a nobleman and a poor man must learn!
-Poor dove! Ah, my little blood, she pouted her lips! There are tears in the eyes!
- The fun is over, the torment has begun, and what do I really need this training for?
- You will get different knowledge at school.
Why is this torture for a child?
- Have pity on the royal daughter! I don't want to study - _ period!
-Send out swift messengers and gather wise men-cunning!
Come, who can help teach the royal daughter!
- By the highest command in all cities and in all villages
Look for wizards and magicians among peasants, townspeople and artisans!
- And they say that you can’t take a fish out of the pond without difficulty ...
-Be quiet, you stupid jester, otherwise I'll send you to the fish in the pond.
- And they say, a lazy person in the mouth and an apple will not fall.
-Yes, what is it! Leave me alone!
- You can't eat without taking a bite at least once, you can't see without opening your eyes,
No one could even think about himself with someone else's mind!
- Well, we'll see! We'll take a look! The whole kingdom is with me, and you, my friend, are alone!
- The cook and the cook were crying over the poor royal child.
They baked various smart books into pies and gingerbread
-What a wonderful scent! Wonderful life for cooks!
A mountain of rosy pies! Hurrah, my friends, hurrah!
- We bring to your attention, our august family, that the entire encyclopedia from the letter A to Z in
Our magical pies ...
- ... and in every spoonful of porridge! And so that the child does not wither, feed him, mother!
- Pie, pie! Come on, jump in your mouth, my friend! Porridge, soup and sandwich, go straight to your mouth!
-How the princess has grown wiser, it can be seen by eye. Answer me, little one boldly! You know your lesson!
-There is water and land in the sea.
- Right!
-Elephants have big ears.
- In the near future we plan to transfer our country to the moon!
- Oh, this is very bad!
-Of course, the little heiress is a very pleasant companion,
But I'm afraid, I'm very afraid that I won't come back from the Moon!
-Take the pies, take your feet! Only fools can eat seas, continents, letters and prepositions!
- We have a ladies' tailor from the suburbs. He delivered good news.
- A needle and thread is a simple tool. Well, why not marvel at miracles?
A simpleton will become a beauty in a moment, a child will turn into a sage.
Allow me, dear princess, to offer you for interest
Scholarly velvet cap - used like this!
(the tailor puts a cap on the Princess)
-What is the capital?
- This is a city where people come to have fun.
-So. And who rules our country?
- Ladies tailor.
-Yes, how is it? After all, I am the king!
Well, keep the answer if you please!
- What a shame, what embarrassment!
But I'm going to fix everything!
- Drive the scammer away!
Should he teach the royal daughter!
- A shoemaker came to the reception, his product is with him!
-I am an old shoemaker, I was a loser, but finally I got to the palace.
I made a wonderful shoe for the little one. She doesn't need to think now.
As soon as she puts on a slipper, her tongue will immediately answer.
(the princess puts on a huge shoe)
- What is six six?
- Sheep have thick wool.
What is three times eight?
-After spring comes ... autumn (she herself is confused and surprised, throws up her hands)
-Where do rhinos roam?
- They sleep in the winter in a den (closed her eyes, shakes her head)
Oh, our daughter is in trouble! In her head she has leapfrog, leapfrog and rubbish.
Throw that shoe away forever!
(the queen takes off the shoe from the princess, gives it to the jester, he takes the old shoemaker by the arm)
- Go to your place, shoemaker, to your house, to your mistress wife. Do not teach someone else's mind unfortunate lazy! From pies and shoes, alas, there will be no sense to someone who does not take a book or a needle in his hands.
- A traveler is knocking at the palace, carrying a large casket with him.
PRINCESS (waves her hands in fright) No, no, I've had enough of various charlatans! I won't try on caps or shoes.
-And, as our faithful jester said, you need to climb into the pond for a fish. (Hugs the jester)
- You can’t sit on everything ready with someone else’s catch! (He also hugs the jester)
- Whoever did not sit out his pants at a small desk, he could not even find his own country on the map. And you will agree with me - when it is time to study, neither the shoemaker nor the tailor will be able to come in handy.
-And it is unlikely that there will be any benefit in someone who is used to living with someone else's mind.
Wanderer (included)
- I am not a magician and not a magician, not a circus fakir, before a child I will open the whole world anyway.
I am a teacher, not a magician, and I brought with me ... A TEXTBOOK.
ACTORS lined up in a row, they say in unison:
“Ah, even in the realm of unknown sciences, you can’t send parents and servants to school.
-That's the end of the show for you and all of you, no doubt, will go to class soon.

There lived a hare with her hares in the water forest. Everyone knows that hares are a cowardly people, but only the youngest hare was so cowardly that the old hares, who had seen the world, said: there was no such coward even in the hare family. And it’s true to say: the hare was so afraid of everything that he couldn’t take a step, so that he wouldn’t look back and tremble. All winter the hare sat at home and did not show his nose to the street. No matter how other hares called him to play and jump on snowdrifts, nothing helped.

The winter passed, the sun warmed up, the grass turned green on the dry glades, then the red summer came. The hares have something fun, but expanse: they jump, frolic. Only our cowardly bunny sits at home, does not look at the sun, hides in a dark corner.

Somehow a hare brought dough for pies, and the hare asks: “With what, mom, will you bake pies?” And take the hare and say, they say, how with what, with love, but with joy. And the bunny looks into the cups that are stuffed, and there are cabbage and carrots. The hare was surprised and asked again. And where, mother, is love here, and where is joy? The mother hare smiled and said: “I planted cabbage with love, looked after it with love - here it is with love and grew to fame. And I planted carrots - I thought how you bunnies would eat it and praise it, so I was happy. Here the carrot has grown for all of us to the delight. Well, the hare thinks - this is a miracle. It looks like cabbage, but in fact it is a stuffing out of love. It seems just a carrot, but in fact the filling is out of joy. Our hare was, though cowardly, but smart. He thought, he thought, and even asks the hare mother: “So you have a filling with love and with joy, but with courage do you have a filling?” Our own bunny was tired of being afraid for a long time, but he couldn’t do anything with himself.

Then the mother-hare says to him: “How not to be such a filling, of course, there is, and I prepared it especially for you.” Our bunny was delighted, where does such a filling say? And the mother hare says: “But the strawberry grows in the forest clearing - this is the courage that needs to be put in pies. Only I have not had time to go to the clearing and pick the strawberries of that one. ” Our bunny was upset, upset, began to ask his mother to go into the forest for strawberries, and bake pies with courage. And the hare mom says to him: “Whoever needs courage most of all, he should follow her. Go, bunny, and I will give you my magic pies with love and joy to help the ladies. If you get scared, quickly bite off the pie, but remember what I told you about - here my love and joy will come to you to help. The cowardly bunny didn’t want to go into the forest, but only the magic pies that the bunny baked, I really wanted to try, and it would be nice to pick up strawberries with the courage too. ”The bunny took pies, a basket for berries and left the house. And in the yard - the summer is red, the sun is warm. The bunny bit off a piece of the pie, and the pie is so tasty and fragrant. And it became so good for our bunny from mother's love and care that he himself did not notice how he ran to the strawberry meadow. The bunny began to pick strawberries in the clearing, and then the wind blows, the bushes rustled, the branches crackled - the bunny's heart sank into his heels. He buried his nose in the ground, from fear he could not move. He just smells something delicious - yes, it’s not a hare in the ground, but buried in a pie. And the pie smells like carrots, which the hare mother raised for the joy of everyone. Then our bunny felt better, he bit off a piece - a delicious fragrant, such a joyful pie. The hare looked around, looked - there was no one, only the wind was shaking the bushes. He collected the rest of the berries, and ran home. Runs, rejoices: the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and in the hands of a full basket of berries. And mom - a hare is already waiting for him. She saw him, was delighted and said: "Well, bunny, well done - not a coward, but a brave man." “What a brave man I am, mom,” says the hare, “I haven’t eaten pies with courage yet, and I was scared of the wind in the clearing.” And mother - a hare in response to him: “I gave you love and joy, and you yourself got courage in the forest today. Now she will always be with you. And pies with berries will be your reward. The hare baked pies with berries. Their hare began to eat, and remember the forest clearing. The hare eats pies, and thinks - these are so delicious, it would be necessary to run to the forest to pick berries. So that the mother hare baked a lot of pies for all the hares and the hares-neighbors had enough pies with courage. After all, courage never hurts hares.
