Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Practical work development and justification of labor standards. Scientific substantiation of labor standards. Classification of labor processes

Department vocational education Tomsk region

"Tomsk Communal Construction College"


Deputy Director of MMR


HE. Kudryashova

Guidelines for practical work

on the topic: “determination of production standards, time standards, material consumption rates”

by discipline

"rationing of labor and estimates"

in the specialty of secondary vocational education

Installation and operation of equipment and gas supply systems

for part-time students

Tomsk - 2016

Compiled by: Shachneva O.A. - teachers of OGBPOU "Tomsk Municipal Construction College".

Guidelines for the implementation of practical work in the discipline "Rationing of labor and estimates" / Compiled by:

Shachneva O.A. - Tomsk, 2016. 37 p.

For execution practical work in the discipline "Rationing of labor and estimates" by students of the specialty "Installation and operation of equipment and gas supply systems"

© Regional state budget professional educational institution

"Tomsk Communal Construction College"

© Shachneva Oksana Anatolyevna


Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………… ……4

Basic concepts of labor rationing………………………………………………………4

Tasks for independent solution……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Internet resources, additional literature…………………………………………..11


This collection is intended as guidelines for carrying out practical work on the program of the discipline "Rationing of labor and estimates" for the specialty "Installation and operation of equipment and gas supply systems."

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:

have an idea:

    On the organization of design and estimate work;

    About various methods of cost calculation in construction;

    On the basics of pricing in construction;


    Composition, procedure for the development, approval and approval of design and estimate documentation;

be able to:

    Compile cost estimates using standard reference literature.


Labor rationing one ofbranches of economic science,studying the labor activity of a person in order to minimize the cost of labor and vital energy of a person to perform a given amount of work.

The regulation of labor is closely related to its organization. With the development of socio-economic and industrial relations, the main purpose of labor rationing is changing. From a means of coercion to workrationing turns into a means of measuring the production factor "labor", a means of organizing the labor process, a tool for reducing production losses, increasing the level of content labor activity.

In modern conditionslabor rationing it is no longer enough to consider it as a definition necessary costs time.

The essence and definition of labor rationing consists ofanalysis of the organizational and technical conditions for the performance of work, methods and techniques of labor, the development of measures for the introduction of NOT and the most rational procedure (technology) for the performance of standardized work, followed by the establishment of labor cost standards.

The use of an effective system of labor rationing at the enterprise ensures an increase in the efficiency of using not only work force, but also improving the use of technology and technology, raw materials and materials, increasing the efficiency of organizational activities.


Labor intensity - the amount of labor of workers spent on the production of high-quality products (person-min, person-hour, person-shift).

Machine capacity - the amount of machine time spent on the production of high-quality products (mash-minutes, mash-hours, mash-shifts).

Norm time (Hvr) (labor intensity of the operation) - the necessary time spent by one or more workers to perform a production operation.

Hvr \u003d T / O, where

T is the amount of time spent;

O - the number of manufactured products, in the appropriate dimensions.

Norm workings (Нvyр) - the number of units of products manufactured by one or a group of workers for a certain period of time (usually for one shift).

Nvyr = O / T.

The main condition for high technical and economic indicators of links and teams that characterize labor productivity is the rate of output in physical terms per shift or per hour. The better the organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of construction and installation processes that meetnormals process the higher the output.

Normal process - these are the most effective values ​​of the factors influencing the process, introduced into the labor norm.

Norm costs labor (Nzt) - the amount of labor costs required to perform a unit of production, man-hour / unit. product measurements.

Nzt \u003d PM / O,

where N is the number of workers.

There is a relationship between the norms of time, norms of labor costs and output, which is determined by the formulas:

Hvyr = 1/ Hvr, Hvyr= H/Nzt.


Two workers in 6 hours produced 4 m3 of high-quality products. What are Nvr-? NZT-? Nvyr -?

Hvr = 6/4 = 1.5 h/m3;

Nzt = 6×2 / 4 = 3 person-h/m3;

Hvyr = 4/6 = 0.67m3/hour.

The production rate can be determined through the time rate: Hvyr = 1/1.5m3/hour.

Norm time cars (Nm.vr) - the amount of time the machine is used, set to perform a unit of high-quality products under the correct organizational and technical conditions of production and labor of workers operating the machine, machine-hour / unit of production.

Between the rate of machine time and the rate of labor costs of workers involved in its management or maintenance, there is a relationship expressed by the formula:

Nzt \u003d H x Nm.vr.

Norm performance cars (Npr) - the amount of high-quality products that must be performed by the machine per unit of time under the correct organizational and technical conditions of production and labor of workers operating the machine, units. /hour.

Npr \u003d T / Nm.vr

The rate of time of the machine and the rate of productivity of the machine are in the following relationship:

Nm. vr \u003d Ts / Npr. With;

Nm. temp = 1/ Ex. h;

For example. c \u003d Tc / Nm. vr;

For example. h = 1/Nm. vr,

where Nm. vr - the norm of the time of the machine;

Тс – shift duration, hour;

For example. c - the norm of the machine time per shift;

For example. h - the rate of productivity of the machine for 1 hour.

Examples By definition norms workings

construction teams.

Example. Determine the production rate of 2 masons in 5 shifts when performing brickwork with an average architectural design for jointing two bricks thick. The labor cost rate is 3.7 man-hour / m3

Solution. Nvyr \u003d C x Tem x Kch / Nzt (vr),

Нvyr = 5 x 8 x 2 / 3.7 = 22, 16 m3, where

C is the number of work shifts; Tem - duration work shift(8 hours); Kch - the number of workers, people; Ntr (vr) - the norm of labor (time).

Example 2. What volume of plaster should be completed by a team of 5 people in two days at a rate of time = 2 person-h / m2?

Solution. Hvr \u003d T / O, O \u003d T / Hvr \u003d (8 x 5 x 2) / 2 \u003d 40m2.

Example 3. How long will it take for a team of plasterers of 3 people to plaster 50m2 of walls according to the norm, if the norm of time = 2 man-hours/m2?

Solution. Hvr = T/O, T = Hvr xO = 100 man-hours, 1= 100/8×3 = 4.17 days.

Calculation norms workings machines

The rate of production of machines plays a significant role in the productivity of labor at construction sites. The amount of good-quality products that a machine must produce in accordance with its passport data always depends on the technical condition, conditions for the implementation of construction and installation processes and the organization of the workplace, as well as the qualifications of machine operators. These elements of the characteristics of the mechanized process, the design and operational features of construction machines, introduced into the norm of the time of use of the machines, will dictate the value of the rate of production of machines.

Workers controlled by machines should be focused on working out, taking into account the correct selection of organizational and technical conditions and the calculations of the norm itself.

The rate of production of machines is calculated by the formula:

Nvyr. M. \u003d CxTsm / Nmash., Where

C is the number of machine shifts;

Tcm. – shift duration, hour;

Nmash. - the rate of time for the use of machines, machine-hour.

Example. Determine the production rate of a tower crane with a lifting capacity of up to 3 tons per shift when concrete is supplied by a hopper with a capacity of 0.75 m3. In accordance with EniR-87, we have: the norm of the time of using the machine is 0.11 mash-hours/m3.

Solution. Nvyr m = 8: 0.11 wh/m3. = 72.72 m3 for 1 shift.


Production consumption rates building materials are a tool for planning, recording and controlling their spending. Technically sound norms for the consumption of building materials serve as the main basis for the development of estimated norms.

The technically justified rate of consumption of building materials consists of three parts: the net rate, the rate of hard-to-remove costs, the rate of hard-to-remove losses.

net norm (constructive) - the amount of materials that is necessary for the production of a unit of quality products, excluding waste and losses arising from processing, storage, movement within construction site and laying in the case of relevant materials.

The consumption rate of building materials provides for their direct costs per unit of measurement of production, as well as waste and losses acceptable under these conditions.

Consumption rates of building materials are established by laboratory, production and calculation and analytical methods.

The consumption rates of building materials are determined by the formula:

But \u003d Hk + Hoth + Hp, where

But - a technically justified consumption rate of building materials;

Hk - constructive (net) consumption rate of building materials;

Noth. - the rate of industrial waste;

Np - the rate of loss of building materials.

Waste building materials are:

removable (in norms are not included), arising from a careless attitude to materials, poor-quality materials, non-compliance with the rules for the production of work, etc .;

intractable (from the recycling of building materials, which are difficult to avoid with the rational use of materials)

Losses there are:

transport, arising in the process of transportation and loading and unloading; warehouse, arising from improper storage;

Mounting losses And waste occur during the installation and laying of building materials.

Depending on the characteristics of the materials, appropriate rationing methods are applied.

Methods rationing expense construction materials.

Analytical Method - this is a scientifically based method that establishes a comprehensive analysis and actual implementation of the labor process, the most rational methods for performing each element.

research method - it is a kind of analytical method. Research is carried out in the most rational organizational and technical conditions for a given enterprise with the obligatory use the best experience workers.

Laboratory research associated with the establishment of rational operating modes of equipment and modeling processes, when the result is determined by the productivity of machines. It is used in setting standards.

Calculation method was reduced to the development of several variants of the process with the help of instruments and computers and the choice of the best of them according to the economic criterion (minimum costs) with strict observance of psychophysiological and social restrictions.

Experienced method this is a subjective method based on industrial experience. The time standards are set by the rater or master (experienced specialists, based on personal experience).

statistical method, when the norms are established on the basis of statistical data (according to primary documentation, reports, records) on the average actual labor costs for the same work in past periods and information on the fulfillment of production standards by workers in the same period. With this method, norms are often set by eye.

The production method is used in the technical regulation of the consumption of building materials that have hard-to-remove waste and losses.

To ensure the qualitative performance of all necessary measurements on the consumption of materials, the following measures are taken:

1) ensure the accuracy of measurements coming to workplace materials using measuring containers, scales, etc.

2) construction and installation processes by skilled workers capable of producing high-quality products with economical use of materials;

3) the normalized process is organized using progressive technology;

4) measures are developed to eliminate or reduce the loss of materials;

5) collection of waste and losses is organized to account for their quantity.

With the production method, in order to obtain a technically justified consumption rate of building materials, it is necessary to carry out several measurements, the number of which depends on the required accuracy of the norms, determined by the category of materials and the dispersion coefficient Kr.

Coefficient scattered it is the ratio of the maximum value of the observed quantity to the minimum value of the observed quantity.

When determining the number of measurements, all materials are divided into 4 categories with different allowable error standards.

3 category – quantity measurements, which are made by determining their linear measurements and subsequent calculations. Permissible error of norms - 0.75%.

4 category – quantity measurements, which are made by determining their linear measurements and physical characteristics with subsequent calculations. Permissible error of norms - 1.5%

Example. Determine the total consumption rate of galvanized sheet per I m2 during roofing, if the constructive consumption rate of materials = 1.02 m2, the waste rate is -3% of the net rate, the loss rate is -1.5% of the net rate.

Solution: Ho = Hc + Ho + Hp, Hotx = 1.02 × 0.03 = 0.0306;

Np= 1.02×0.0015=0.0016; But \u003d 1.02 + 0.0306 + 0.0016 \u003d 1.052 m2.


Option 1

Five workers produced 12 cubic meters in 6 hours. m. of products. Determine the rate of time, the rate of labor costs, the rate of output-?

Option 2

How much time will it take for a team of plasterers of 4 people to plaster 50m2 according to the norm, if time hole = 2 people. h/m2?

Option 3

What volume of plaster should be performed by a team of 4 people in two days at the norm of time = 2 people - h / m2?

Option 4

How long will it take for a group of masons of five people to complete 5 m3 of brickwork, if the time norm = 12 people - h/m3?

Option 5

Four workers produced 4 cubic meters in 4 hours. m of products. Determine the rate of time, the rate of labor costs, the rate of output -?

Option 6

How long will it take for a team of 3 stonemasons to

performing Z6mZ brickwork, if the time rate = 12 people - h / m3?

Option 7

What volume of plaster must be completed by a standard team of 5 people in four days with a standard time = 2 man-hours / m2?

Option 8

Two workers made 6 cubic meters in 4 hours. m of products. Determine the rate of time, the rate of labor costs, the rate of output -?

Option 9

What volume of plaster should be completed by the norm by a team of 8 people in four days with a norm of time = 2 people, - h / m2?

Option 10

How long will it take for a team of masons of six people to complete 50 m3 of brickwork, if the time norm = 12 people-h/m3?


Main sources:

    Ardzinov V.D., Baranovskaya N.I., Kurochkin A.I. Estimate in construction. Self-instruction manual. 2nd edition. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Peter", 2011.

    I.A. Lieberman.Technical rationing, wages and design estimates in construction: Textbook. - M.: INFRA - M, 2010. - 400s. – (Secondary vocational education).

    Ardzinov VD, Alexandrov VT Pricing in construction and real estate appraisal. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2013. 384 p.

Additional sources:

        1. I.A. Sinyansky. Design and estimate business - M .: Academy, 2005.

          Workshop on the organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at the enterprise: study guide / V.P. Pashuto. - 2nd ed. Ster. – M.: KNORUS, 2010. – 240p.

          Workshop on economics, organization and labor rationing: Proc. Allowance / ed. Prof. P.E. Shlender. - M .: Vuzovsky textbook, 2007. - 319 p.

4 . MDS 81-3.99. Guidelines for the development of estimated norms and prices for the operation of construction machines and vehicles. - M .: Gosstroy of Russia, 1999.

5.MDS 83-1.99. Guidelines to determine the amount of funds for wages in contract prices and estimates for construction and wages for workers of construction and installation and repair and construction organizations. - M .: Gosstroy of Russia, 1999.

    7MDS81-33.2004 Guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction.

    8MDS81-2.99 Guidelines for the development of collections (catalogues) of estimated prices for materials, products, structures and collections of estimated prices for the transportation of goods for construction and overhaul buildings and structures.

    MDS81-3.99 Guidelines for the development of estimated norms and prices for the operation of construction machines and vehicles.

    MDS81-25.2001 Guidelines for determining the amount of estimated profit in construction.

    MDS81-25.2001 Guidelines for the development of State elemental estimate standards for equipment installation.

    MDS81-27.2001 Guidelines for the application of the State elemental estimated standards for commissioning (GSNp-2001).

    MDS81-28.2001 Guidelines for the application of the State elemental estimate standards for construction and special construction works(GSN-2001).

    MDS81-29.2001 Guidelines for the application of the State elemental estimated norms for the installation of equipment (GSNm-2001).

    MDS81-30.2002 Temporary guidelines for determining the cost of work in the construction and repair of roads.,

    MDS81-32.2003 Guidelines for the use of federal unit prices for construction, installation, special construction, repair and construction and commissioning (FER-2001) when determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    MDS81-33.2004 Guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction.

    MDS81-35.2004 Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    MDS81-36.2003 Guidelines for the application of federal unit rates for construction and special construction work (FER2001).

    GSN 81-05-02-2001 Estimated norms and additional costs in the production of construction and installation works in winter.

    GSN 81-05-01-2001 Estimated cost rates for the construction of temporary buildings and structures.

    GESN-2001 and GESNr-2001 State estimated norms for construction and repair and construction work.

    FER-2001 and FERr-2001 Federal unit prices for construction and repair and construction works.

    TER-2001 and TERr-2001 Territorial unit prices for construction and repair and construction works.

    Information and analytical bulletin "Price indices in construction" M., KO INVEST

    Information and legal system "Consultant Plus", "Garant".

It is generally recognized that the projects of labor organization and the norms corresponding to them should be selected taking into account a complex of technical, economic, psychophysiological, social factors.

Until recently, in the regulation of labor, the greatest attention was paid to technical factors, which are the parameters technological process, equipment, tools, fixtures, technical requirements to product quality. Technical factors usually also include the characteristics of the equipment maintenance system and workplaces that are taken into account in the norms. Sometimes these characteristics are classified as organizational factors.

TO economic factors include characteristics of the volume of production, the cost of various types of resources, productivity indicators, the state of the markets for goods and resources, the possibility of expanding production, obtaining loans, tax rates, etc.

Under psychophysiological factors understand indicators that characterize the influence of the labor process on the body of workers: their energy costs, the degree of fatigue, etc.

TO social factors include the content of labor, its diversity, the presence of creative elements in it, the nature of relationships in labor collectives, etc.

To reveal the essence of the processes of complex substantiation of labor standards, one should proceed from the fact that the task of substantiating the norms makes sense only insofar as various variants of the norm itself or the characteristics of technological and labor processes that determine it are objectively possible. Term<обоснование>cannot have any constructive content other than choice the best option what is justified.

In rationing tasks, options may differ, primarily in terms of the magnitude of the labor standards themselves. So, if the time of operation of the machine without the participation of a worker and the time of employment of a worker on one machine are non-multiple, various options for service standards and numbers for multi-machine workers are possible. As a rule, variants of service standards, numbers, manageability, forms of division and cooperation of labor directly follow from the essence of a particular task.

A different situation arises when justifying the norms of time. The values ​​of these norms are unambiguously determined by the accepted options for technological and labor processes. Therefore, the validity of the time norm is determined by the validity of each of its components: the main time must correspond to the optimal processing mode, the auxiliary time must correspond to the optimal methods of work of the employee, the time for servicing the workplace and the preparatory-final time must correspond to the optimal system for servicing jobs and the optimal mode of work and rest. If the time norm is established as a result of optimization of the relevant elements of the technological and labor processes, then it can be called optimal. Strictly speaking, only such a norm of time can be considered fully justified.

Consequently, the justification of the labor norm is the choice of the optimal value of the norms of labor and technological processes. The choice of the best variant of labor standards is carried out on the basis of optimality criterion. This is an indicator that, as a result of solving a problem, takes an extreme value (minimum or maximum). The system of constraints accompanying the optimality criterion can be divided into four groups.

Determines the required production results (production program).

Characterizes sanitary-hygienic, psycho-physiological, social and legal conditions.

It characterizes the modes of the technological process, in which the specified product quality and the normal functioning of the equipment are ensured.

Determines the organizational and technical conditions of production, including the volume of available production resources: the number of pieces of equipment, the number of employees different groups, stocks of objects of labor at various stages of production.

In the process of building a system of restrictions, data from technical, biological, economic, and other sciences are used. The system of restrictions determines the range of permissible values ​​of labor standards and options for its organization.

In most of the practical problems of labor rationing that are being solved, the main and often the only criterion is the minimum of total costs (the costs of living and embodied labor).

Options for organizing work can be admissible And optimal.

Permissible- these are such options for the organization of labor, in which restrictions are met for all four groups.

Optimal are the options that achieve the minimum total costs required to obtain a given production result.

Thus, the task of substantiating labor standards is to find a labor norm and a variant of its organization, in which all necessary restrictions and the minimum cost for a given volume of output is achieved.

Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau" BIBCOM " & LLC "Agency Book-Service" Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation ”, 062100 “Personnel management”) / Comp. O.V. Jester. – Omsk: Omsk. state un-t, 2004. - 68 p. The guidelines provide materials on the main sections of the course "Rationing of labor": the classification of the cost of working time and methods for studying them; types of labor standards, the procedure for their calculation and methods used in the regulation of labor; organization of work on labor rationing at enterprises; the specifics of labor regulation in various industries production. They give the basic theoretical concepts and provisions for each topic, questions for discussion and practical tasks, some reference materials, examples of solutions to typical problems in some sections of the course. For each topic, a list of recommended literature is provided to prepare for practical exercises. For practical training for full-time and part-time students. REGULATION OF LABOR Guidelines for practical exercises (for students of the Faculty of Economics, specialties 060200 "Labor Economics", 062100 "Personnel Management") "Kniga-Service Agency" Introduction Labor rationing is a scientific discipline that has a special content, scope of research and methods for studying human production activities. Labor rationing is the basis for creating at enterprises, in its divisions a system of objective, accurate norms of labor costs, which makes it possible to evaluate the contribution of each employee to the results of activities labor collective, develop on this basis modern systems organization, management and wages. In the course of practical classes, students will get acquainted with the methods of measuring working time and processing the data obtained, with the methods of labor rationing, the classification system of norms and standards, the methods of development and the procedure for their application in enterprises, with the specifics of labor rationing of certain categories of workers in various forms of labor organization, will receive ideas about ways to improve labor rationing in various industries. The purpose of the guidelines is to develop in students the logic of thinking and the ability to be guided by the methodological principles of labor rationing in the practice of professional activity. In preparation for classes Special attention should be given to topics that allow acquiring practical skills: - study of the cost of working time by various methods and processing of timekeeping data and photographs of working time, calculation and establishment of time norms based on the results of observations; − calculation of unit time norms in various types of production and industries; - use of the main methods of labor rationing, etc. In preparing these guidelines, the following literature was used: 1. Bychin V.B., Malinin S.V. Rationing of labor / Ed. SOUTH. Odegov. M., 2000. 2. Genkin B.M., Petrochenko P.F., M.I. Bukhalkov et al. Labor rationing: Textbook for university students / Ed. B.M. Genkin. M.: Economics, 1985. 272 ​​p. 3. Lyasnikov I.A., Nikitin A.V. Collection of tasks on economics and labor rationing in industry / Ed. P.F. Petrochenko. M.: Economics, 1973. 4. Pashuto V.P. Organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise: Proc. settlement 2nd ed., rev. and additional Mn.: New knowledge, 2002. 319 p. 3 5. Pogosyan G.R., Zhukov L.I., Gorshkov V.V. and others. Workshop on economics, organization and labor rationing: Proc. allowance for universities. M.: Economics, 1991. 192 p. 6. Razumovsky Yu.I. Technical regulation of labor: Guidelines for practical exercises for 4th year students of the specialty "Labor Economics". Omsk: OmGU, 1980. 83 p. Theoretical and practical material is presented in accordance with the requirements for the course "Organization and regulation of labor", approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and presented in the state standards of specialties 060200 "Labor Economics", 062100 "Personnel Management". Themes of practical exercises No. Name of the topic p / p 1 The essence and tasks of labor rationing. The history of the development of labor rationing 2 Production and labor processes: structure and classification. 3 Classification of the cost of working time. 4 Methods of studying working time. 5 Methods of labor rationing. 6 Comprehensive justification of labor standards. 7 Types of labor standards and the procedure for their calculation. 8 Normative materials in the regulation of labor. 9 Revision of labor standards at the enterprise. 10 Analysis of the state of labor rationing and designing measures to improve it. 11 Organization of work and management of labor rationing at the enterprise. 12 Labor rationing for machine tools. 13 Rationing of labor in multi-machine maintenance. 14 Rationing of labor in the brigade organization of labor. 15 Rationing of labor of workers engaged in maintenance of production. 16 Rationing of labor of managers, specialists and employees. Topic 1. The essence and tasks of labor rationing. The history of the development of labor rationing (2 hours) 4 Number of hours 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 4 2 production must correspond to more advanced forms of labor organization, and the organization of labor requires the establishment of quantitative norms for labor costs, that is, it requires labor rationing. Labor rationing is understood as the determination of labor costs for the manufacture of a unit of output in given organizational and technical conditions. The purpose of labor rationing is the most accurate determination of the necessary costs and their reflection in the norms of labor costs. Objectives of labor rationing: 1. Ensuring rapid and steady growth of productivity and labor efficiency through the introduction of a rational organization of production and labor, the most productive use of working time; 2. Introduction into production of technically sound norms that reflect the current level of development of technology and organization of production; 3. Implementation of the correct organization of wages; 4. Creation necessary conditions labor, contributing to the introduction of advanced production experience. In modern conditions, two more tasks can be added: − Expansion of the scope of application of norms and regulatory materials; − Increasing the accuracy and validity of labor norms and standards. The subject of labor rationing is the measurement of labor by establishing scientifically based norms. The labor rate is the basis for creating at the enterprise, in its subdivisions, a system of objective, fairly accurate norms of labor costs, which makes it possible to compare the contribution of each employee to the common cause, to develop a wage system on this basis. Functions of labor rationing: 1. Planning and economic, i.e., norms act as a measure of the validity of plans, calculations of labor intensity, number of employees, production costs, the amount of equipment needed, etc. 2. Remuneration function: labor rationing performs a function depending on the type of tariff system. 5 3. Labor rationing acts as a measure of organization: the norms should stimulate the rational organization of labor, determine the order in which work is performed. Principles of labor rationing: 1. Observe the unity of labor standards for the same types of work; 2. Establish, if necessary, standards for all types of labor; 3. Ensure the progressiveness of the norms based on advanced technologies and organization of production; 4. Involve employees in the rationing process and develop initiative in developing and setting standards. Questions for discussion 1. Expand the place of the science "Labor regulation" in the system of labor sciences. 2. Describe the fundamental theories of the classics of management and labor rationing (F. Taylor, F. Gilbraith, G. Ford, G. Emmerson, etc.). 3. Highlight the main features of the development of labor rationing in the USSR within the framework of the movement for the NOT (20–30s of the 20th century). 4. Describe the problems of the development of labor rationing in the USSR in the postwar years (50–80s). Reveal the causes of the crisis of NOT and labor rationing. 5. Analyze the features of labor rationing in the transition to market relations. 6. Describe the current state of labor rationing in Russia. 7. Make an analysis of the foreign experience of labor rationing and the possibility of its application in modern Russia. Recommended literature 1. Zubkova A. Labor rationing in the conditions of formation market relations// Ros. economy magazine 2000. No. 2. S. 87–95. 2. Zubkova A., Suetina L. Rationing of labor in market conditions // Man and labor. 2000. No. 2. S. 81–85. 3. Kravchenko A.I. Classics of the sociology of management: F. Taylor, A. Gastev. SPb., 1999. 320 p. 4. On the concept of improving the organization and rationing of labor in the context of the transition to a market economy: Decree 6 social issues. 1991. No. 3. 5. Slesinger G.E. Labor in a market economy: Tutorial. M.: Infra-M, 1996. 6. Sofinsky N. Labor rationing: domestic realities and prospects // Man and labor. 1998. No. 12. S. 83–86. 7. Suetina L., Korneva E. Labor rationing and production management // Man and labor. 2000. No. 10. S. 84–86. 8. Suetina L., Korneeva E. On the revival and development of the science "Rationing and organization of labor" // Chelovek i trud. 2001. No. 4. 9. Taylor F. Principles scientific management. M., 1991. 10. At the origins of NOT: Forgotten discussions and unrealized ideas. L.: Izd-vo LGU, 1990. 336 p. 11. Ford G. My life - my achievements. Moscow: Finance and statistics, 1989. 12. CIT and its methods NOT. M.: Economics, 1970. 13. Emerson G. Twelve principles of productivity. Moscow: Economics, 1972. 14. Yakovlev R. Labor rationing: necessity and tasks of revival // Ros. economy magazine 2001. No. 9. S. 64–68. Topic 2. Production and labor processes: structure and classification (2 hours) In the process of manufacturing products, the object of labor undergoes various mechanical and physico-chemical changes. The worker, performing labor actions, directly changes the shape of the object of labor, its size, appearance, physical and chemical properties, monitors the progress of production, controls it. All these actions of the worker constitute the labor process. There are also natural processes that occur without human intervention. The totality of interrelated labor and natural processes aimed at the manufacture of certain products is called the production process. Part production process includes its main part - the technological process, as well as the processes of preparing production, transport and transfer, control and sorting, energy processes to maintain 7 production tools in working order and other processes, which in turn are divided into operations, techniques, movements. With all the diversity, production processes have a number of common features that allow them to be classified into homogeneous groups depending on certain goals. 1. By type of organization of production (mass and large-scale; mass production; small-scale and single production); 2. By the frequency of repetition and the duration of the processes (continuous; discontinuous); 3. By the degree of participation of machines and mechanisms in the manufacture of products (manual; manual-mechanized; machine-manual; machine; automated; hardware); 4. By the nature and content of the processes: mechanical (mining; processing; processing; shaping; assembly) and physico-chemical (chemical; thermal and diffusion; melting; thermal). A comprehensive study of the production and labor processes in the regulation of labor is necessary to establish the most rational composition, content and sequence of performance of the labor actions of the worker, the mode of his work and rest. Questions for discussion 1. What is the structure of the production process? Describe the main elements of the production process. 2. What is the difference between technological and labor process? Give examples of technological and labor processes. 3. On what grounds can labor processes be classified when establishing labor standards? 4. Give examples of machine, hardware, machine-manual, manual, discrete, continuous processes. 5. Give examples of the division of an operation according to labor and technological characteristics. 6. List the rules for dividing an operation into its constituent elements. 7. Name the factors that affect the duration of the operation. Recommended literature 1. Bychin V.B., Malinin S.V. Rationing of labor / Ed. SOUTH. Odegov. M., 2000. 8 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 2. Genkin B.M., Petrochenko P.F., M.I. Bukhalkov et al. Labor rationing: Textbook for university students / Ed. B.M. Genkin. M.: Economics, 1985. 272 ​​p. 3. Scientific organization and rationing of labor in mechanical engineering: Textbook for engineering and economic universities and faculties / Ed. A.P. Stepanova, I.M. Razumova, S.V. Smirnova et al. M.: Mashinostroyeniye, 1984. 4. Scientific organization of labor and labor rationing in mechanical engineering: A textbook for students of engineering specialties of universities / S.M. Semenov, N.A. Seroshtan, A.A. Afanasiev and others; under total ed. CM. Semenov. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1991. 5. Pashuto V.P. Organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise: Proc. allowance. 2nd ed., rev. and additional Mn.: New knowledge, 2002. 319 p. Topic 3. Classification of the cost of working time (2 hours) The basis of labor rationing is the study and rationing of working time. Working hours - the length of the working day established by law, during which the worker is obliged to perform the work entrusted to him. As a measure of labor costs work time has a complex organizational structure. The classification of time costs can be carried out in relation to three elements of the production process: the subject of labor, workers and equipment. The basis of these classifications is the allocation of two components: the time of the production process and the time of breaks. The time of the production (labor) process is divided into: - the time of work to fulfill the production task (the time of operational work, the time of preparatory and final work, the time of maintenance of the workplace); - the time of work, not due to the performance of the production task (time to perform random work, time for unproductive work). When calculating labor standards, the following costs of working time are established: preparatory and final, operational, maintenance of the workplace, rest and personal needs, and regulated (normalized) breaks. 9 In the practice of labor rationing, the following generally accepted designations (indices) of the costs of working time are used: regulated breaks for org.-tech. reasons Time of unscheduled breaks Time of breaks caused by disruption of the normal flow of the production process Time of breaks caused by disruption labor discipline PZ OP O V ABOUT TECH ORG EXC NR P PT PN PNT PND Issues for discussion 1. Expand the concept of "operational time", describe its structure. 2. What is the difference between time for rest and personal needs, time for organizational services and preparatory and closing time? 3. What characterizes overlapped and non-overlapped machine time? Give examples. 4. What are the features of regulated breaks for organizational and technical reasons? 5. What time costs are included in the time allowance? 6. Index the following costs of working time: − receiving technological map and tasks; − receipt of blanks from the warehouse; − obtaining a cutting tool; − adjustment of the machine at the beginning of the shift; − turning of the roller on the machine; − change of cutting tool; − machine lubrication; − cleaning chips from the machine; 10 Copyright JSC "TsKB "BIBCOM" & OOO "Agency Kniga-Service" − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − lunch break; processing of parts on the machine; delivery of quality control products at the end of the shift; left for the adjuster; receiving a new task and technological map; surrender of the old and receipt of a new instrument; changeover of the machine; talking to another worker; conversation with the master on the technological map; machining of a part on a machine; early departure for lunch; being late after the lunch break; troubleshooting the machine by a mechanic on duty; tool change; tool sharpening in the presence of a grinding area; machining of a part on a machine; cleaning of the workplace; premature end of work. 8. Slesinger G.E. Labor in a Market Economy: Textbook. M.: Infra-M, 1996. 9. Handbook of the machine builder: In 4 volumes. M.: Mash. published, 1961–1962. Topic 4. Methods for studying working time (6 hours) Recommended literature 1. Bychin V.B., Malinin S.V. Rationing of labor / Ed. SOUTH. Odegov. M., 2000. 2. Genkin B.M., Petrochenko P.F., M.I. Bukhalkov et al. Labor rationing: Textbook for university students / Ed. B.M. Genkin. M.: Economics, 1985. 272 ​​p. 3. Genkin B.M. Rationing of labor for maintenance of production. Leningrad: LIEI, 1987. 4. Genkin B.M. Optimization of labor standards. M.: Economics, 1982. 5. Scientific organization and regulation of labor in mechanical engineering: Textbook for engineering and economic universities and faculties / A.P. Stepanov, I.M. Razumov, S.V. Smirnov et al. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1984. 6. Scientific organization of labor and regulation of labor in mechanical engineering: A textbook for students of engineering specialties of universities / S.M. Semenov, N.A. Seroshtan, A.A. Afanasiev and others; under total ed. CM. Semenov. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1991. 7. Pashuto V.P. Organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise: Proc. allowance. 2nd ed., rev. and additional Mn.: New knowledge, 2002. 319 p. Checking the production capabilities of each workplace, studying the experience and the most advanced labor methods, identifying intra-shift losses and obtaining the necessary materials for the development of standards and norms require systematic monitoring and analysis of the cost of working time in production. According to the content of the studied time costs, two main methods are distinguished: timing and photography of working time. Timing is understood as the study of operations by observing and studying the costs of working time for the execution of individual elements of the operation that are repeatedly repeated with the manufacture of each unit of production. As a rule, these are elements of operational time, preparatory-final and workplace maintenance time. Under the photograph of working time is understood the type of study of working time by observing and measuring all costs without exception throughout the working day or a separate part of it. When analyzing the results of observations, it is necessary to calculate the following indicators: 1. Coefficient of use of shift time (Ksp): Ksp = Tpz + Top + Tobs + Totl (n) / Tsm, where Tpz - preparatory and final time; Top - operational time; Tobs - the time of service of the workplace; Totl (n) - time for rest and personal needs is taken into account within the standard; Tsm - the duration of the work shift. 2. Loss coefficient for organizational and technical reasons (Kpot): Kpot = Tpot / Tcm, where Tpot is the time of interruptions caused by violations of the normal course of the process. 3. Coefficient of loss of working time due to violation of labor discipline (Kptd): 11 12 Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau" BIBCOM " & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Kptd = Tptd / Tcm, where Tptd is the time of breaks due to violation of labor discipline . 4. The coefficient of a possible increase in labor productivity, subject to the elimination of direct losses of working time (Ppt): Ppt \u003d [(Tpot + Tptd) / Top] 100. To calculate the standard balance of working time, time standards for preparatory and final operations, maintenance of the workplace are used , for rest and personal needs approved for this type of work. Operational standard time is determined by the formula Top (n) \u003d (Tcm - Tpz) / 1 + [(Nobs + Notl) / 100], where Nobs and Notl are, respectively, the time standards for servicing the workplace and for rest and personal needs as a percentage of operational time. Maximum possible increase productivity while eliminating all losses and extra costs working hours (Ppt) is calculated by the formula Ppt = [(Top (n) - Top (f)) / Top(t)] 100, where Top(t) is the actual operational time. To obtain the most accurate data on the cost of working time by the method of momentary observations, it is necessary to establish the number of moments or measurements and record them during the observation. The method of moment observations is based on the theory of probability and is a kind of sampling method. In order for the results of observations to reflect the actual use of working time, the following conditions must be observed: observations of certain expenditures of working time must be random and equally possible; the number of observations should be large enough to reliably characterize the observed phenomenon as a whole. The number of observations is determined by the formula: М = α2 (1– К)/Кр2, where α is the coefficient associated with reliability, i.e., with the confidence probability that the observation error p does not exceed the established limits; (1 TO) - specific gravity breaks or downtime, i.e. the likelihood of a worker or equipment being idle; K - the coefficient of use of working time, the value of which is taken from the data of previous observations or is taken approximately; p is the permissible value of the relative error of the observation results, taken within 3–10%. The number of walks (Cobx) is determined by dividing the total number of observations (M) by the number of people or pieces of equipment to be surveyed (N): Cobx = M/N. The duration of one bypass is set on the basis that 0.01 min is spent on one step 600 mm long. Ch Tobx = Σ Li · 0.01, where Li is the length of the route in this section, m (steps); h - the number of sections (individual routes). To solve practical tasks on this topic, some reference materials are needed, which are presented in Table. 1, 2, 3. Table 1 Approximate number of time measurements during timing Type of production Operation duration, min. 0.25–0.5 0.5–1 1–2 2–5 5–10 10–20 Approximate number of observations (at least) Mass 50 35 25 20 15 12 Large35 25 20 15 12 10 Serial Serial – – 15 12 10 8 Small-scale – – – 10 8 6 More than 20 – – 6 5 Table 2 13 14 Copyright OJSC “Central Design Bureau “BIBCOM” & LLC “Agency Book-Service” Normative coefficients of stability of time series Operation element duration, sec. Up to 3 From 3 to 6 From 6 to 18 From 18 and above Types of work Mash. Manual Mash. Manual Mash. Manual Mash. Manual Bulk 1.8 2.5 1.5 2.0 1.3 1.7 1.2 1.5 Large2.2 2.8 1.8 2.5 1.5 2.0 1.3 1.7 serial Serial – – 2.0 2.8 1.8 2.5 1.5 2.0 Fine – – 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.8 1.8 2.5 Serial Type of production Table 3 Required number of measurements when photographing working time using the method of momentary observations (mass production) Permissible relative error, % 3 4 5 6 8 10 0.1 0.2 Load factor 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 .9 Number of measurements 20000 11250 7200 5000 2700 1800 8890 5000 3200 2220 1250 800 5180 2920 1870 1300 730 490 3330 1870 1200 830 470 300 2200 1250 800 550 310 200 1480 830 530 370 210 135 670 540 340 240 130 85 560 250 310 140 200 90 140 60 80 35 50 20 Practical tasks Example 1. Calculate the average duration of each element of the operation, of the entire operation as a whole and the norm of piece time according to the following data recorded in the chronocard (current time (in minutes), small-scale production) (Table. 4). Table 4 Operation element Observation number 15 Installation of part a0 Turning on the machine, bringing the cutter Turning the part a Retracting the cutter, turning off the machine a Removing the part a 1 0.3 2 21.4 3 43.0 4 63.9 5 89.7 0.9 22.2 44.0 64.8 90.4 18.7 40.3 61.5 86.5 19.5 41.0 62.3 87.3 21.0 42.6 63.5 89.4 107, 0 107, 8 110, 0 Solution. 1. Calculate the duration of the elements of the operation: the first - 0.3 min. – 0 = 0.3 min; the second - 0.9 min. - 0.3 min. = 0.6 min; third 18.7 min. - 0.9 min. = 17.8 min. etc. As a result, the following chronosequences are determined: 1. Installation of the part: 0.3; 0.4; 0.4; 0.4; 0.3. 2. Turn on the machine, bring the cutter: 0.6; 0.8; 0.7; 0.9; 0.7. 3. Part turning: 17.8; 18.1; 17.5; 21.7; 16.6. 4. Remove the cutter, turn off the machine: 0.8; 0.7; 0.8; 0.8; 0.8. 5. Part removal: 1.5; 1.6; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2. 2. We exclude erroneous and random measurements. There are no such measurements in this timeline. 3. We compare the actual coefficients of stability of the chronoseries with the normative ones. 1.3 2.5 2. Turn on the machine, move the cutter: 1.5 2.5 3. Turn the part: 1.3 1.8 4. Move the cutter, turn off the machine: 1.1 2.5 5. Removal of the part: 1.5 2.5 As a result of the comparison, it was found that all rows are stable, since the inequality Cust.f is valid for each row< Куст.н. 4. Далее рассчитываем среднюю продолжительность каждого элемента операции: по 1-му элементу t1 = (0,3+ 0,4+0,4+ 0,4+ 0,3)/5 = 0,36 мин.; по 2-му элементу t2 = (0,6+ 0,8+0,7+0,9+0,7)/5 = 0,74 мин; по 3-му элементу t3 = (17,8+18,1+17,5+21,7+16,6)/5 = 18,34 мин; 16 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» по 4-му элементу t4 = (0,8+ 0,7+ 0,8+0,8+0,8)/5 = 0,78 мин; по 5-му элементу t5 = (1,5+1,6+1,2+2,1+2,2)/5 = 1,72 мин. 5. Общая продолжительность выполнения всей операции tоп = =0,36 + 0,74 + 18,34 + 0,78 + 1,72 = 21,94 мин. 6. Норма штучного времени определяется по формуле: ТШТ = tоп (1 + К/100) = 21,94 · 1,08 = 23,7 мин., где К – время на обслуживание рабочего места, отдых и личные надобности в процентах к оперативному (в нашем случае оно равно 8 %). 8 9 10 Пример 2. По записям в наблюдательном листе фотографии рабочего дня (табл. 5) определить коэффициент использования рабочего времени, коэффициенты потерь, возможное повышение производительности труда при сокращении прямых потерь рабочего времени на 50 % . В расчетах использовать следующие данные: норма подготовительно-заключительного времени – 10 мин на 8-ми часовую смену, на отдых и личные надобности – 7 %, на обслуживание рабочего места – 8 % оперативного. Начало смены в 8.00. 11 12 Таблица 5 17 18 № п/п Наименование затрат времени Текущее время 1 1 2 Пришел на рабочее место Открывает шкаф, раскладывает инструмент Получает задание и знакомится с чертежом Налаживает станок Установка и обработка детали № 1 Ожидает доставки заготовок 3 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 2 Установка и обработка Продолжительность, Индекс мин. 4 5 8 час. 01 мин. 01 ПНД 8 час. 07 мин. 06 ПЗ 8 час. 10 мин. 03 ПЗ 8 час. 12 мин. 02 ПЗ 9 час. 30 мин. 78 ОП 9 час. 45 мин. 15 ПНТ 3 10 час. 56 мин. Окончание табл. 5 4 5 71 ОП 17 13 14 15 16 детали № 2 Уходит по личным надобностям Установка и обработка детали № 3 Обеденный перерыв с 12.00 до 13.00 Пришел с обеденного перерыва, курит Обработка детали № 3 Ожидает доставки резцов Установка и обработка детали № 4 Отдыхает Установка и обработка детали № 5 Простой по технической причине Уборка рабочего места Сдает чертеж и детали мастеру 11 час. 05 мин. 09 ОТЛ 12 час. 00 мин. 55 ОП 13 час. 10 мин. 10 ПНД 13 час. 30 мин. 20 ОП 14 час. 02 мин. 32 ПНТ 15 час. 20 мин. 78 ОП 15 час. 31 мин. 11 ОТЛ 16 час. 40 мин. 69 ОП 16 час. 55 мин. 15 ПНТ 16 час. 57 мин. 02 ОБ 17 час. 00 мин. 03 ПЗ Решение. 1. Индексируем затраты времени. 2. Составляем сводку одноименных затрат рабочего времени (табл. 6). Таблица 6 № п/п Наименование затрат времени Потери, связанные с нарушением трудовой дисциплины 2, 3, Получение задания, налаживание стан4, 18 ка, сдача готовых деталей мастеру 1, 10 Продолжительность, Индекс мин. 11 ПНД 14 ПЗ Окончание табл. 6 5, 7, Установка и обработка деталей 9, 11, 18 371 ОП Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 13, 15 6, 12, Простои по организационно16 техническим причинам Отдых, уход по личным 8, 14 надобностям 17 Уборка рабочего места Итого: в) время на отдых и личные надобности ОТЛ = 408 х 0,07 = 29 62 ПНТ 19 ОТЛ 02 480 ОБ мин.; г) нормативный баланс рабочего дня сопоставляется с фактическим, и выявляются излишние затраты рабочего времени (табл. 7). 7. Рассчитывается максимально возможное повышение производительности труда при условии полной ликвидации всех потерь и излишних затрат рабочего времени: Ппт = [(Топ(н) – Топ(ф))/ Топ(ф) ]100= [(408–371)/371] 100 = 10%. 3. Составляем фактический баланс рабочего времени: 19 Фактические затраты времени, мин. Излишние затраты времени, мин. Недостающее время, мин. 4. Находим коэффициенты использования рабочего времени и коэффициенты потерь: Кисп = (ПЗ + ОП + ОБ + ОТЛн)/Тсм = (14 + 371 + 2 + 18)/480 = 0,843 (84,3%); Кпнт = ПНТ/Тсм = 62/480 = 0,13(13%); Кпнд = [ПНД + (ОТЛф – ОТЛн)]/Тсм = /480 = 0,027 (2,7%) Сумма трех коэффициентов должна быть равной 1 (100%): 84,3%+ + 13% + 2,7% = 100%. 5. Рассчитываем возможное повышение производительности труда при сокращении прямых потерь рабочего времени на 50 %. Ппт = [ПНТ + ПНД + (ОТЛф – ОТЛн) Кс]/Топ, где Кс – коэффициент сокращения потерь рабочего времени; Ппт = / 371 = 0,01 (10%). 6. Составляем нормативный баланс рабочего дня: а) нормативное оперативное время Топ(н) = (Тсм – Тпз)/К, где К – коэффициент, показывающий, насколько увеличивается штучное время по сравнению с оперативным, равный (1 + (8+7)/100); Топ(н) = (480 – 10)/ 1,15 = 408 мин.; б) время на обслуживание рабочего места ОБ = 408 х 0,08 = 33 мин.; Таблица 7 Нормативные затраты времени, мин. Затраты времени, мин. 14 371 02 62 11 20 480 Индекс Индекс ПЗ ОП ОБ ПНТ ПНД ОТЛ Итого Подготовительнозаключительное время ПЗ 10 14 4 – Оперативное время ОП 408 371 – 37 33 2 – 31 29 20 – 9 – 62 62 – – 11 11 – 480 480 77 77 Наименование затрат времени Время обслуживания ОБ рабочего места Время на отдых ОТЛ и личные надобности Простои ПНТ по оргтехпричинам Простои из-за наруПНД шений дисциплины Сменное время Тсм 20 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Задача 1. По данным хронокарты (табл. 8) определить, достаточное ли число наблюдений было проведено, вычислить продолжительность каждого элемента операции, очистить хроноряды от ошибочных замеров и проанализировать их устойчивость; рассчитать время оперативное, штучное, штучно-калькуляционное (при n=10 шт.) и норму выработки на восьмичасовую смену при условии, что Тпз на партию – 5 мин., Тобс и Тотл – 8 % оперативного времени. Ошибочные и дефектные замеры: элемент 3, замер 6 – падение напряжения в сети. Таблица 8 Элемент операции 1 2 Номер наблюдения 3 4 5 6 7 8 Текущее время (в мин. и сек.) Установить деталь в –10 2–21 4–25 патроне Включить станок, под- –12 2–24 4–29 вести резец Обточить деталь за 2–01 4–08 6–27 один проход Отвести резец, вы2–04 4–12 6–31 ключить станок Снять деталь 2–10 4–17 6–37 и отложить Разговор – – 6–52 с мастером 9 10 7–04 9– 46 12– 10 17– 07 19– 56 22– 47 25– 12 7–09 9– 49 12– 16 17– 17 20– 01 22– 50 25– 18 9–09 11– 16– 51 42 19– 34 22– 21 24– 44 27– 30 9–15 11– 16– 55 45 19– 39 22– 25 24– 48 27– 37 9–22 12– 16– 01 54 19– 44 22– 33 25– 03 27– 43 – – – – – – – Задача 2. Проведен цикловой хронометраж. Хронометрируемая операция состоит из четырех элементов продолжительностью менее одной секунды каждый. При цикловом хронометраже в один цикл объединены два элемента. Рассчитать продолжительность каждого элемента и всей операции в целом (табл. 9). 21 Таблица 9 Показатель Элементы операции, вошедшие в цикл Среднее время по хронометражу, сек. Цикл наблюдения 2 3 1 4 1и2 2и3 3и4 4и1 1,5 1,2 1,3 1,6 Задача 3. По данным, полученным в результате индивидуальной фотографии рабочего времени, рассчитать коэффициент использования сменного времени, потерь и возможного повышения производительности труда при полном устранении данных потерь (ОТЛн = 50 мин.). Подготовительно-заключительное время а Оперативное время а Обслуживание рабочего места а Отдых и личные надобности а Простои по оргтехпричинам а Простои в связи с нарушением дисциплины а 15 288 30 67 45 35 Задача 4. Баланс рабочего времени бригады за смену представлен следующими показателями (в % к нормальной продолжительности смены): подготовительно-заключительное время 4 оперативное время 72 время на обслуживание рабочего места 4 отдых и личные надобности рабочих 7 простои по орг.-тех. причинам 8 нарушения трудовой дисциплины 5 Бригада выполнила сменное задание на 103 %. Рассчитать возможное выполнение задания при условии полной ликвидации потерь рабочего времени из-за простоев и нарушений трудовой дисциплины, а также дополнительный выпуск продукции, если при существующем положении он составляет 68 000 руб. в месяц. 22 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Задача 5. В результате обобщения 100 самофотографий рабочего дня, проведенных самими рабочими, установлены следующие суммарные потери и лишние затраты сменного времени (в мин.): отсутствие или ожидание доставки материалов 960 временное отключение электроэнергии 340 ожидание доставки или заточки инструмента 665 отвлечение на работы не по специальности 1394 Рассчитать средний коэффициент использования рабочего времени и возможное повышение производительности труда при условии сокращения потерь и лишних затрат рабочего времени на 75 %. Тсм= 8 ч. Задача 6. Затраты рабочего времени рабочих изучаются методом моментных наблюдений. Для обеспечения точности и достоверности данных наблюдатель должен провести 2 860 наблюдений. Объекты наблюдения (рабочие места) расположены на разных этажах. Полный их обход занимает 18 минут. Требуется установить, сколько дней наблюдения должен проводить нормировщик, если на выполнение этой работы он может выделять не более 3 часов. Задача 7. При изучении затрат рабочего времени группы исполнителей в течение смены методом моментных наблюдений нормировщик за 9 дней, совершая 18 обходов в день, провел 2 270 наблюдений. Требуется определить численность рабочих, использование рабочего времени которых изучалось. Задача 8. Кратковременная операция по штамповке детали хронометрировалась путем киносъемки со скоростью 16 кадров в секунду. Определить норму оперативного времени на штамповку одной детали (в мин.) на основании данных о подсчете отснятых кинокадров в массовом производстве. Нормативные коэффициенты устойчивости для массового производства: машинная работа – 1,2, машинно-ручная – 1,5, наблюдение за работой оборудования – 1,5, ручная работа – 2,0 (табл. 10). 23 Таблица 10 Элемент операции Взять заготовку и подать в пресс Нажать педаль пресса, штамповать Извлечь деталь, посмотреть, положить в ящик Цикл киносъемки 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 44 48 45 43 89 50 40 51 30 35 32 38 40 31 63 33 81 69 73 75 84 90 78 70 Задача 9. В течение одной недели (6 раб. дней) нормировщику поручено изучить затраты оперативного времени бригады машинистов заверточных машин численностью 26 человек. Сколько часов в день должен уделить нормировщик выполнению этого задания, используя метод моментных наблюдений, если необходимое количество наблюдений – 1680, время, необходимое для полного обхода рабочих мест, – 25 мин. Задача 10. Определить методом моментных наблюдений число замеров, которые необходимо выполнить наблюдателю при изучении затрат рабочего времени на основную работу 21 работницы малярного участка, если известно, что доля основной работы в балансе фактического использования рабочего времени составляет примерно 82 %, а точность полученных результатов должна находиться в пределах ± 5 %. Рекомендуемая литература 1. Бычин В.Б., Малинин С.В. Нормирование труда / Под ред. Ю.Г. Одегова. М., 2000. 2. Генкин Б.М., Петроченко П.Ф., Бухалков М.И. и др. Нормирование труда: Учебник для студентов вузов. М.: Экономика, 1985. 272 с. 3. Научная организация и нормирование труда в машиностроении: Учебник для инженерно-экономических вузов и факультетов / А.П. Степанов, И.М. Разумов, С.В. Смирнов и др. М.: Машиностроение, 1984. 4. Научная организация труда и нормирование труда в машиностроении: Учебник для студентов машиностроительных специальностей вузов / С.М. Семенов, Н.А. Сероштан, А.А. Афанасьев и др.; под общ. ред. С.М. Семенова. М.: Машиностроение, 1991. 5. Нормативные материалы по нормированию труда. М.: Госкомтруд СССР, 1987. 24 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 6. Нормирование труда в промышленности: Teaching aid for the system of advanced training for managers and industry specialists. M.: Economics, 1982. 296 p. 7. Pashuto V.P. Organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise: Proc. allowance. 2nd ed., rev. and additional Mn.: New knowledge, 2002. 319 p. 8. Problems of organization, regulation and labor productivity (materials " round table"). M.: Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, 1995. 9. Sergeev A.V. Technical regulation in machine shops. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1969. 10. Smirnov S.V. Mechanization of calculations of time norms in mechanical engineering. M.: Mashinostroyeniye, 1976. Topic 5. Labor rationing methods (2 hours) The rationing method is understood as a set of methods for establishing labor standards, including: analysis of the labor process; design rational technology and organization of work; norm calculation. The choice of labor rationing method is determined by the nature of the rated work and the conditions for their implementation. According to the principle scheme of establishing norms, the methods of labor rationing are divided into analytical and summary. The analytical method involves: analysis of a specific labor process; dividing it into elements; designing rational modes of equipment and methods of work of workers; determination of norms for the elements of the labor process, taking into account the specifics of specific jobs and production units; setting a standard for surgery. Varieties of the analytical method are as follows: 1) an analytical calculation method that establishes the norms of labor costs on the basis of existing standards and reference books; 2) analytical research method, which is more focused on the study of the actual state of affairs; 3) combined method, which takes into account directories and analyzes existing conditions. The total method involves the establishment of labor standards without dividing the process into elements and designing a rational organization of labor, i.e., based on either the experience of the rater (experimental method) or statistical data on the performance of similar work 25 (statistical method). The norms established with the help of summary methods are called experimental-statistical. These rules do not allow efficient use production resources and should be superseded by standards established by analytical methods. Varieties of the summary method are: 1) experimental method; 2) norms are established by analogy; 3) the norms are established based on the results of the group examination. The summary method is used for single production, emergency work, i.e., work of a non-repetitive nature. There is another group of methods - methods based on the microelement rationing system. Microelement labor rationing is the establishment of labor standards according to pre-developed microelement standards for individual labor movements. Advantages this method are that: 1) the quality of labor standards is increasing, they are approaching socially necessary costs; 2) the level of planning increases. There are several systems of microelement regulation, each of which is based on the principle of dividing the labor process into elementary components. The selection for each elementary part of the microelement standard of time takes place in accordance with the conditions of implementation. Any system of microelement standards consists of 3 main parts: a table of time standards for movement; explanations for the establishment of time standards in accordance with the conditions of implementation; maps of possible combinations of movements. Practical tasks Task 11. Purpose of the task: to acquaint with the methodology for determining the time spent on the basis of microelement standards. Initial data. The “bring the cutter to the part” technique consists of the following movements. 1. Extend both hands to the caliper handles at a distance of 250–200 mm: the right hand to the caliper carriage handwheel, the left hand to the caliper transverse travel handle. 2. Grasp the handles with the fingers of both hands: the handwheel with the right hand, the caliper lever with the left hand. 3. Move the caliper carriage longitudinally, to do this, make two turns of the handwheel (handwheel diameter is within 250–500 mm, consider half a handwheel turn as one movement). 4. Move the caliper transversely by 10 mm (feed per one revolution - 2 mm, half a revolution is considered as one movement (diameter of the caliper handle - within 125–250 mm). 5. Set the cutter to the size, for which it is necessary: the carriage until it touches the workpiece (approximately); − move the transverse support along the limb to set the cutter to the desired depth). The work is carried out on a large DIP-300 lathe, so the worker is at such a distance from the caliper handles that he must first approach them, taking three steps and two turns of the body. Determine: the duration of trace elements and intake in general. Recommended literature 1. Aron E.I., Kalitich G.I. Microelement regulation and labor design. Kyiv: Technique, 1983. 2. Bukhalkov M.I. Rationing of labor during the period of mastering the profession. M.: Economics, 1986. 62 p. 3. Genkin B.M. Optimization of labor standards. M. : Economics, 1982. 4. Godionenko V.N., Manevich V.M. Methods of microelement, differentiated and enlarged labor rationing: Proc. allowance. L., 1980. 67 p. 5. Jurabaev K. T. Rationing of labor at industrial enterprises. Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1970. 64 p. 6. Zubkova A. New quality of labor rationing // Man and labor. 2001. No. 11. S. 86–87. 7. Normative materials on labor rationing. M.: Goskomtrud USSR, 1987. 8. Rationing of labor in industry: Educational and methodological manual for the advanced training system for managers and industry specialists. M.: Economics, 1982. 296 p. 27 Topic 6. Comprehensive substantiation of labor standards (2 hours) In order to correctly establish the necessary time spent on performing a certain job, it is necessary to take into account the complex impact of technical, economic, organizational, psycho-physiological and social factors that affect the value of the norm. Economic factors include characteristics of the volume of production, the cost of various types of resources, productivity indicators, the state of the markets for goods and resources, the possibility of expanding production, obtaining loans, tax rates, etc. Psychophysiological factors are indicators that characterize the impact of the labor process on the body of workers: the cost of their energy, the degree of fatigue, etc. Social factors include the content of labor, its diversity, the presence of creative elements in it, the nature of relationships in the team, etc. Justification of labor standards, taking into account the totality of these factors, is called a comprehensive justification of labor standards. In practice, taking into account all these factors when setting labor standards can only be ensured if the process of setting standards itself is considered as a process of choosing the most effective (optimal) option for organizing and setting labor standards. When setting any optimization problem, the following must be defined: a set of options, a system of constraints, and an optimality criterion. In the tasks of substantiating labor standards, the options may differ primarily in terms of the magnitude of labor standards. In the general case, the number of options for labor standards is determined not only by the possible values ​​of the standards themselves, but also by the options for processing modes, the sequence of labor actions, etc. The choice of the best option for given conditions is carried out on the basis of the optimality criterion, taking into account the system of restrictions. The optimality criterion is an indicator that, as a result of solving a specific optimization problem, takes on an extreme value. The mathematical expression of the optimality criterion is the objective function. The system of restrictions determines the area of ​​permissible values ​​of labor standards, within which they comply with the specifics and scale of products, the parameters of the objects and means of labor used, the psychophysiological characteristics of workers and are provided conditions for their creative attitude to work. Practical tasks Task 12. Compile mathematical models of the following tasks: 1. Given: profit from the sale of a unit of each product, labor intensity (in man-hours) of each product for all types of work and the available time fund of each profession in the planning period. Find: the optimal range of products of the enterprise. 2. Given: the price per unit weight of each of the possible food products, the content of each of the necessary nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc.) in each of the products and the required amount of each of the nutrients in the daily diet. Define: optimal diet. 3. The following are given: labor costs for groups of workers, productivity of each employee for each type of work, available time funds of employees and planned volumes of work. Find: best option division of labor among workers. Recommended literature 1. Bychin V.B., Malinin S.V. Rationing of labor / Ed. SOUTH. Odegov. M., 2000. 2. Genkin B.M. Rationing of labor for maintenance of production. L.: LIEI, 1987. 3. Genkin B.M. Optimization of labor standards. M. : Economics, 1982. 4. Genkin B.M., Petrochenko P.F., Bukhalkov M.I. and others. Rationing of labor: Textbook for university students. M.: Economics, 1985. 272 ​​p. 5. Problems of organization, regulation and productivity of labor (materials of the "Round table"). M.: Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, 1995. 6. Slesinger G.E. Labor in a Market Economy: Textbook. Moscow: Infra-M, 1996. Topic 7. Types of labor standards and the procedure for their calculation (2 hours) , controllability norms and normalized tasks. Features of the flow of various production processes and the organization of labor corresponding to them predetermine the use of unequal methods and formulas for calculating norms. The normalized time includes the time of operational work, time for servicing the workplace, time for rest breaks and personal needs and objectively determined breaks, as well as preparatory and final time. Nvr \u003d Tpz + Top + Tobs + Totl + Tpt. All costs of working time, except for the preparatory and final, are determined by the unit of work accepted for calculation and constitute the rate of piece time (Tsht). Tsht \u003d To + Tv \u003d Tobs + Totl + Tpt. For machine work in serial production, where the time for maintenance of the workplace, for rest and personal needs of the worker is calculated as a percentage of the operational time, piece time is determined by the formula time for maintenance of the workplace from operational time; αex - the percentage of time for rest and personal needs of the worker from the operational time. For machine work in mass and large-scale production, where the maintenance time of the workplace is calculated as a percentage of the main time (αtech), and the organizational maintenance time is calculated as a percentage of the operational time (αorg), the unit time formula takes the form α + α α Тsht = That (1 + obs exc) + That tech. 100 100 In the case of detailed costing, it is necessary to calculate the rate of piece-calculation time according to the formula: Tsht-k = Tsht + Tpz / n, where n is the number of items in the batch. The formula for the time norm for manufacturing a batch of parts looks like this: Tpar ​​\u003d Tpz + Tsht n. 30 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & OOO "Agency Kniga-Service" The following formula is used to determine the output rate: Нvyr = Тcm/Нvr. In those industries where the preparatory and final time, as well as the time for servicing the workplace, personal needs are normalized per shift, the production rate is calculated using the following formulas: Hvyr = (Tsm - Tpz) / Tsht; Nvyr \u003d [Tcm - (Tpz + Tobs + Totl)] / Top. The relationship between the norm of time and the norm of production can be expressed by the following relations: Х = (100 у)/100–у; Y \u003d (100 x) / 100 + x, where x is the percentage increase in the production rate; Y is the percentage of the reduction in the norm of time. This relationship between the norm of time and the norm of production is widely used in the practice of work. industrial enterprises particularly in the revision of labor standards. The service rate is calculated by the formula Ho = Tcm/Vnr.o, Ho = Tcm/Hvr n k, where Hvr.o – the time norms for servicing a piece of equipment; n - the number of units of work performed during a certain period (shift, month); k is a coefficient that takes into account the performance of additional functions that are not taken into account by the norm of time, as well as time for personal needs. The required number of workers engaged in maintenance of production is determined by the formulas Hch \u003d O / No or Hch \u003d (O Hvr.o) / Tcm, where O is the total number of serviced pieces of equipment. Practical tasks Тsht \u003d Tot (1 + α obs + α exc) \u003d 15 (1 + 8/100) \u003d 16.2 min.; 100 2. Calculate the piece-calculation time: Tsht-k = Tsht + Tpz / n = 16.2 + 30/20 = 17.7 min.; 3. The norm of time for a batch of products in small-scale production is calculated by the following formula: Tpar ​​\u003d Tpz + Tsht n \u003d 30 + 16.2 20 \u003d 354 min. Task 13. Calculate the rate of production of a machine operator serving 10 automatic machines for cold stamping of contacts, if the hourly productivity of each machine is 8 thousand contacts, and the coefficient of utilization of equipment operation time for an 8-hour work shift is 0.94. The time of passive observation of the operation of the machines overlaps the ETL standard. Task 14. Calculate the rate of piece, piece-calculation time and the rate of production for an 8-hour shift, if the time of the main work performed manually is 12 minutes. per operation, auxiliary work time - 6 minutes, ETL and OB standard - 10% of the operational time, PZ for 16 identical operations - 10 minutes. Task 15. Calculate the rate of production in m3 of soil in the array and the rate of time in man-hours. per 1 m3 when excavating the soil with a bulldozer according to the following initial data: PZ time = 14 min., OB = 25 min., ETL = 40 min. for an 8-hour work shift; the average time for one cycle (set, moving the soil into the embankment, return stroke) is 4 minutes. The volume of loose soil moved by the bulldozer in one move is 2.3 m3; soil loosening coefficient 1.2. Example 1. Calculate the norms of piece, piece-calculation time and time per batch of products in small-scale production if Top = 15 min. For a part, Tobs and Totl = 8% of the operational time, the number of parts in a batch is 20 pcs., Tpz per batch is 30 min. Solution: 1. Calculate the piece time according to the formula 31 32 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & LLC Agency Book-Service Task 16. In the machine shop, parts are processed in batches (N=15) with the following time standards for operations for each part * (tab. eleven). Table 11 Item number 1 2 3 4 Operation name 0 2.0 4.0 * Tpz, Tosn, Tvsp - given in minutes; Tobsl, Totl - given as a percentage of the operational time. Determine: 1) norms of piece time for operations; 2) norms of piece-calculation time for operations; 3) norms of time for a batch of parts for operations; 4) production rates for operations per shift (8 hours). equal to 0.89; service rate - 2 machines; hourly production - 11 pieces; theoretical productivity of one machine per shift - 84 pieces; useful time coefficient 0.96; the coefficient taking into account the incomplete use of the technical capabilities of the equipment for reasons related to the technology and organization of production - 0.97. Recommended literature 1. Bychin V.B., Malinin S.V. Rationing of labor / Ed. SOUTH. Odegov. M., 2000. 2. Genkin B.M. Optimization of labor standards. M. : Economics, 1982. 3. Genkin B.M., Petrochenko P.F., Bukhalkov M.I. and others. Rationing of labor: Textbook for university students. M.: Economics, 1985. 272 ​​p. 4. Sergeev A.V. Technical regulation in machine shops. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1969. Topic 8. Normative materials in labor rationing (2 hours) Task 19. In a continuous production process, determine the rate of production and the rate of equipment productivity if: the duration of the calculation period is 8; coefficient that takes into account equipment downtime in preventive maintenance. Labor standards, which are regulated values ​​of equipment operation modes, time costs, work volumes and the required number of employees, are guiding material in setting labor standards by the analytical and calculation method. Standards are developed for certain organizational and technical conditions for the performance of work. Preparation for the development of standards includes the choice of a standard standardized process and organizational and technical conditions, as well as the development of layout tables of standards. Based on the developed models of normative tables, the necessary initial data and materials for the development of norms are determined. The standards will be better if they reflect all the options for performing the researched work. However, it is not possible to cover the variety of applied options and therefore, as a rule, the most rational of them are chosen to be the basis of new standards. For this purpose, factors affecting the duration of the operation and the mode of operation of the equipment are determined. The number of observations depends on the limiting values ​​of the factors and will be the greater, the greater the ratio of the extreme values, but it is 33 34 Task 17. Calculate the norm of piece time in small-scale production, if the operational time for processing a part is 10 minutes, the time for servicing the workplace, time for rest and personal needs and breaks due to technology and organization of the production process, respectively, is αobs = 3.5%; αexc = 3 and αprt = 2.5% of operational. Task 18. Determine the shift rate of output at Tcm = 480 min., if the operational time for processing the part Top = 10 min., αobs = 3%, αexc = 3.5, αprt = 2% of the operative, and Tpz = 20 min. for changing. It is planned to increase the production rate by 20%. Determine how the time rate will change. Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" the number should not be less than three. The number of observations required to identify patterns of influence of factors on the amount of time according to this species work is calculated by the formula: N = √ Фmax/Фmin + 3, where Фmax is the maximum numerical value of the factor; Фmin is the minimum numerical value of the factor. The interval between adjacent values ​​of the factors with a rectilinear dependence is determined by: U = (Фmax – Фmin)/ n–1. If the dependence is power-law, then the interval is calculated: LgU = (lgФmax – lgФmin)/ n–1. When constructing a normative dependence of time on two factors (x1, x2), two normative lines are built, while one of the factors varies with a constant value (usually average) of the other factor: Y = b1 + a1x1 (at x2 = const); Y = b2 + a2x2 (for x1 = const). The empirical formula for dependence on two factors is as follows: Y = b + a1 x 1 + a2 x 2 , where b = [(b1 + b2) – (a1x1const + a2x2const)]/ 2. the execution time of an element of the labor process of three factors. Practical tasks Task 20. When developing standards for operational time for winding coils with wire (wire diameter 0.15 mm) for various products, the factor affecting the winding time is the number of turns. The range of the factor is 500:30,000 turns. Determine: 1) the required number of factor values ​​at which timing should be carried out; 2) the interval between adjacent values ​​of the factor, to identify the nature of the dependence; 3) specific factor values ​​for timing. Construct, using a graph-analytical method, the normative dependence of the operating time of winding various types of coils on the number of turns, using the following data on the average duration of the operating time of winding (in hours): y1 = 0.43, y2 = 0.71, y3 = 0.85, y4 = 1.41, y5 = 1.68, y6 = 1.8, y7 = 2.0, y8 = 2.16, y9 = 2.34, y10 = 2.51, y11 = 2.69. Task 21. Based on the plotting of the normative line, derive an empirical formula for calculating the standard time for the “Removal of the part in the press” reception. The factor influencing the execution time of the reception is the mass of the part. When calculating, take into account the following results of chronometric observations (Table 12). Table 12 Part weight 0.5 1.0 2.2 2.8 4.0 (x), kg Setting time 0.05 0.09 0.17 0.19 0.3 (y), min. 7.5 8.5 12.0 15.5 20.0 26.0 30.0 0.4 0.7 0.8 1.4 1.9 2.2 2.8 normative dependence of the time of execution of the operation "Pouring of molds with metal". The operation time is influenced by two factors: x1 - the area of ​​the flask, m2 and x2 - the total height of the form, m. When carrying out chronometric observations, the following results were obtained (Table 13). Table 13 Area 0.08 0.10 0.12 molds (x1), m2 Time for pouring 5.0 6.6 8.6 forms (y), min. Mold area х1 = const= 0.16 m2 Height 0.20 0.25 0.32 molds (х2), m Time for 5.2 7.0 7.6 36 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 9.3 7.3 12.4 15.0 10.2 0.38 0.40 0.50 0.54 0.56 8.9 9.0 13.5 16.1 17.0 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" mold casting (y), min. Mold height х2 = const = 0.32 m On the basis of the empirical formula obtained, calculate the normative values ​​of the time for filling molds with metal for the following factor values: х2 = 0.16; 0.25 x1 = 0.08; x2 = 0.16; 0.20; 0.32; 0.10 x1 = 0.10; x2 = 0.20; 0.25; 0.40 x1 = 0.12; x2 = 0.20; 0.25; 0.40 x1 = 0.14; Recommended literature 1. Normative materials on labor rationing. M.: Goskomtrud USSR, 1987. 2. Rationing of labor in industry: Educational and methodological manual for the system of advanced training for managers and industry specialists. M.: Economics, 1982. 296 p. 3. Pashuto V.P. Organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise: Proc. allowance. 2nd ed., rev. and additional Mn.: New knowledge, 2002. 319 p. 4. Problems of organization, regulation and productivity of labor (materials of the "Round table"). M.: Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, 1995. 5. Sergeev A.V. Technical regulation in machine shops. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1969. 2. Establishment of uniform labor standards and rates for homogeneous work carried out in different shops, but under the same conditions; 3. The introduction of new labor standards based on the implementation of the planned organizational and technical measures and the instructing of workers on their implementation. Work on the revision of labor standards at the enterprise begins with the preparation of calendar plans for the replacement and revision of labor standards, which should be linked to targets for the growth of labor productivity and wages for the planned period, as well as a plan of organizational and technical measures to reduce labor intensity. Outdated norms are subject to replacement; erroneously established norms; low standards. As a result of the revision of the norms, the following indicators are improved: - labor productivity increases; - the labor intensity of manufacturing products according to certain types And production program generally; − the quality of existing labor standards is improving due to the increase in technically justified standards. Practical tasks Task 23. The revision of the norms according to the report of the enterprise is characterized by the data presented in Table. 14. It is required to assess the work of the enterprise on the revision of standards and identify deviations from the established procedure for the revision of standards. Topic 9. Revision of labor standards at the enterprise (2 hours) Revision of labor standards is a complex organizational, technical and economic event that provides for the systematic replacement of experimental statistical norms with technically justified ones. The main purpose of the revision of labor standards is to reflect the conditions for the performance of work, fix the achieved level of labor productivity in labor standards, and make it mandatory to adopt the experience of leading workers. Revision of labor standards includes: 1. Simultaneous revision of labor standards for individual and multi-machine work; 37 38 Copyright JSC "TsKB "BIBCOM" & OOO "Agency Kniga-Service" Table 14 No. Key factors for reducing labor intensity and revising standards 1 Replacement of standards in connection with the introduction of organizational and technical measures and rationalization proposals Including: a) directly during the implementation of organizational and technical measures b) which were not revised in a timely manner during the organizational and technical measures Revision of obsolete norms Including: a) replacement of experimental statistical norms with technically sound ones b) revision of norms due to a high percentage of their implementation Replacement of temporary norms for constants 2 3 The share of factors in the overall reduction in labor intensity 50.8 Task 26. There are 1,500 workers at the enterprise, the proportion of pieceworkers is 66.7%, the average fulfillment of production standards by pieceworkers is 110%, each of them worked for a month 168 hours. Determine the proportion of technically justified norms in terms of labor intensity and the number of workers who worked according to these norms, if 80 thousand norm-hours were spent on the performance of work according to experimental-statistical norms. 11.0 39.8 45.6 23.5 Task 27. Determine the fulfillment of production standards, if 135 parts were made per shift with a production rate of 125 parts; 52 man-hours are required for the manufacture of a batch of parts according to the norms, and 56 man-hours were spent. 22.1 3.6 Task 24. Analyze the impact of the revision of standards on labor productivity of workers, depending on the size of the reduction in time standards, based on the following data (Table 15). Number of cases of revision of norms Sizes of decrease in norms of time, % Table 15 Up to 10 10–20 Over 20 Total: 175,126 63,364 First month Average for 3 months after revision after revision capacitance deviation of norms of norms 0.95 0.86 0.74 0.88 0.93 0.92 0.90 0.92 39 0.98 1.07 1.22 1.05 0.95 0.86 0, 74 0.88 0. 95 0.93 0.92 0.93 Task 25. There are 260 pieceworkers at the enterprise, each of them worked 1,750 hours a year, the average performance of production standards is 120%. Calculate the proportion of technically justified norms in terms of labor intensity. How many people, on average, worked according to technically justified standards, if 382 thousand standard hours were spent on the performance of work according to technically justified standards. Recommended literature 1. Bychin V.B., Malinin S.V. Rationing of labor / Ed. SOUTH. Odegov. M., 2000. 2. Genkin B.M. Optimization of labor standards. M.: Economics, 1982. 3. Genkin B.M., Petrochenko P.F., Bukhalkov M.I. and others. Rationing of labor: Textbook for university students. M.: Economics, 1985. 272 ​​p. 4. Zubkova A. New quality of labor rationing // Man and labor. 2001. No. 11. S. 86–87. 5. Karpov S.A. Revision of labor standards at the enterprise. M.: Economics, 1986. 64 p. 1.00 1.08 1.24 1.066 40 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Topic 10. Analysis of the state of labor rationing and designing measures to improve it (2 hours) Analysis of the state of labor rationing at the enterprise is carried out with the aim of maintaining a high level of tension in the current standards, expanding the degree of coverage of various categories of workers by rationing, checking and improving the quality of existing regulatory materials, developing plans for revising existing standards and measures to improve work on labor rationing. The analysis of the quality of the current norms includes: - operational analysis of the state of labor rationing of workers on the basis of statistical and operational information, primary accounting materials; - targeted analysis of labor rationing of piecework workers, based on selective verification of norms by methods of technical rationing; − analysis of applied normative materials; − analysis of the state of labor rationing of time workers; − analysis of the state of labor rationing for specialists and employees; − development of measures to increase the level of labor regulation at the enterprise. In the course of analyzing the state of labor rationing, it is necessary to perform the following calculations. 1. The maximum allowable deviation in the level of compliance with the standards due to differences in the individual labor productivity of individual workers (D): D = (Pv.p M) / (√ n 100), where M is the maximum deviation of the labor productivity of individual workers from the average level ( taken equal to 33% for machine and machine-manual work and 50% for manual work); n is the number of piecework workers in this unit. 2. Tension level of norms (Un): Un = ∑ tF C / ∑ Nd, where ∑ tF is the sum of the actual time spent on the analyzed operations, min.; ∑ Нд - the sum of the current norms for these operations, min.; K - coefficient taking into account the standard time for OB, EXL, PZ. 41 3. Number of norms to be verified (n): n = (3.83 σ2 N) / (N ∆2 +3.83 σ2), where N is the total number of norms in force in the given subdivision; σ2 is the standard deviation of the percentage of workers fulfilling the norms from the average for the department; ∆2 is the marginal sampling error (for mass - 0.05, for large-scale - 0.075, for serial - 0.1, for small-scale - 0.15). 4. The index of labor productivity growth that can be achieved as a result of tightening the existing standards (Ip): Ip = 100 / (Pv.p Un), where Pv.p is the average percentage of performance of the norms by piecework workers of this unit. Based on the results of the analysis, measures are being developed aimed at improving the quality level of regulation and expanding the scope of its application. The main areas of measures to improve labor rationing are: − expanding the scope of labor rationing; − increasing the dynamism and quality of norms and standards; improvement of the normative economy; - expansion of work on conducting observations and laboratory research, etc. Practical tasks Example 1. Determine the fulfillment of production standards if the worker passed the QCD the following number of parts: bushings - 20 pcs., Hvr - 0.15 man-hours; rollers - 5 pcs., Hvr - 0.7 man-hours, hairpins - 18 pcs., Hvr - 0.1 man-hours. The whole job took 8 hours. 12 min. Solution: Vn \u003d [(20 0.15 + 5 0.7 + 18 0.1) / 8.2] 100 \u003d 101.2%. Task 28. Determine the fulfillment of production standards if a worker in a month (23 shifts of 8 hours) completed the following amounts of work according to the specified shift production standards: assembly of A-24 units - 16 pcs., Nvyr - 2 pcs; production of the K-10 part - 150 pcs., Nvyr - 9 pcs.; production of the M-20 part - 10 pcs., Nvyr - 8 pcs. 42 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & LLC Agency Kniga-Service Task 29. Determine the fulfillment of production standards for shift and actual hours worked if 120 products were manufactured (Hvr - 4.82 man-hours per 1 piece) , additional time spent on deviation from normal working conditions amounted to 18 standard hours, 77 shifts of 8 hours worked. and 15 o'clock. overtime; intra-shift downtime was 45 hours. Task 30. Determine the number of norms subject to random verification, based on the following data: there are 769 norms in the shop, the standard deviation of the percentage of their implementation is 0.08. The marginal sampling error for small-scale production is 015. Task 31. Based on the data given in Table. 16, calculate the deviation of the percentage of compliance with the standards in individual units from the average for the enterprise (including due to the weak tension of the standards - for this it is necessary to take into account the indicator of the maximum allowable deviations in the level of compliance with the standards due to differences in individual labor productivity). Determine on this basis the units where work on the revision of the standards is required. Table 16 Departments Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Workshop 4 Workshop 5 Workshop 6 of the average level (in %) 33 33 33 50 50 50 Task 32. Process the results of a random check of the norms in one of the shops of the enterprise (calculate the level of tension of the norms and reserves for increasing labor productivity) (Table 17). Table 17 43 Number Piece time tech. 4 7 10 15 20 35 38 42 45 51 0.2 0.1 0.15 0.40 0.6 0.12 0.18 0.35 0.45 0.75 Actual costs of PZ, OB, ETL of working time as a percentage of the timing, hours of operational time 0.15 12 0.07 10 0.1 10 0.3 12 0.38 14 0.07 12 0.11 12 0.2 12 0.3 14 0.55 12 Recommended literature 1. Genkin B.M. Rationing of labor for maintenance of production. L.: LIEI, 1987. 2. Genkin B.M. Optimization of labor standards. M.: Economics, 1982. 3. Genkin B.M., Petrochenko P.F., Bukhalkov M.I. and others. Rationing of labor: Textbook for university students. M.: Economics, 1985. 272 ​​p. 4. Scientific organization and regulation of labor in mechanical engineering: A textbook for engineering and economic universities and faculties / A.P. Stepanov, I.M. Razumov, S.V. Smirnov et al. M.: Mashinostroyeniye, 1984. 5. Scientific organization of labor and regulation of labor in mechanical engineering: A textbook for students of engineering specialties of universities / S.M. Semenov, N.A. Seroshtan, A.A. Afanasiev and others; under total ed. CM. Semenov. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1991. 6. Pashuto V.P. Organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise: Proc. allowance. 2nd ed., rev. and additional Mn.: New knowledge, 2002. 319 p. 7. Problems of organization, regulation and productivity of labor (materials of the "Round table"). M.: Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, 1995. Topic 11. Organization of work and management of labor rationing at the enterprise (2 hours) is understood as a set of organizational, technical, economic and social measures for labor carried out with the aim of producing products with the lowest labor costs based on the use of all reserves for increasing labor productivity. The rationing of labor in associations and enterprises is carried out by the service for the organization of labor and wages - OtiZ, the technological service, and the information and computer center. At small enterprises, rationing groups may be part of planning and economic departments. The content of work on the organization and regulation of labor at enterprises is determined by their production structure, nature, type and volume of production. The regulation of labor and the design of technological processes are closely related. The designed technological process serves as the basis for establishing labor standards. At the same time, labor standards act as a criterion for choosing a variant of the technological process. In this regard, the establishment of labor standards should be carried out in a methodological and organizational unity with the design of the technological process. In practice, there are various options for the participation of the functional services of enterprises in the work on labor rationing. The scope of work on labor rationing involves the development, implementation and revision of technically sound labor standards and standards, ensuring their progressiveness; the most complete coverage of labor rationing of employees of the enterprise; identification and use of reserves to reduce labor costs by improving equipment, technology, organization of labor and production, management. The department of organization and wages, together with the planning and economic department, the chief technologist and other departments, on a scientific basis, develops proposals and recommendations for labor collectives on the organization and standardization of labor. Such comprehensive recommendations are reviewed and discussed by the work team. After taking them to general meeting or council of the labor collective, they become binding on the administration, which organizes their practical implementation within the established time frame. The labor rationing management system includes: organization of the development, approval and implementation of methodological and regulatory materials, organization of work to establish, review, and record the implementation of standards, planning work on labor rationing. There are several types of labor processes. Among them are manual work, machine-manual, machine and mechanized, automated work and hardware processes. The most widespread mechanized work. In mechanized processes, a significant proportion in the norm of time is occupied by the main (technological) time. Its duration depends on the operating modes of the equipment. When rationing labor on metal-cutting machines, a technically justified norm of time for an operation should be calculated 45 46 yes, analysis of the use of working time, organization of the study and dissemination of best practices in the field of ore rationing, organization of training and advanced training for labor rationing, analysis of the state of labor rationing. Issues for discussion 1. Bodies involved in labor regulation issues: goals, objectives, organizational structure. 2. The main tasks solved by the labor rationing service. 3. Functions performed by the rate-setter of an industrial enterprise. 4. The relationship of representatives of the labor rationing service with other departments of the enterprise. 5. Features of the work on the regulation of labor of specialists and employees. Recommended literature 1. Zubkova A. New quality of labor rationing // Man and labor. 2001. No. 11. S. 86–87. 2. Zubkova A. The prerogative of enterprises // Social. defense: Bull. "Labor Relations". 2000. No. 12. S. 24–26. 3. Problems of organization, regulation and productivity of labor (materials of the "Round table"). Moscow: Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, 1995. Topic 12. Rationing of labor on metal-cutting machines (4 hours) the main cutting factors (depth of cut, feed, cutting speed, tool life), which ensure the highest labor productivity and the lowest cost of processing, i.e., the cost. When choosing the most rational cutting mode, the following provisions are taken into account: 1. When choosing the depth of cut and feed, it is always more profitable to work with a greater depth of cut, increasing it by reducing the feed; 2. When choosing feed and cutting speed, it is always more profitable to work with a higher feed, increasing it at the expense of cutting speed. The main (technological) transition time for turning, boring, drilling, etc. is determined by the formula: To = L/nS = [(l + l1 + l2)/nS] I, where L is the length of the path traveled by the tool in the feed direction, mm; l is the length of the machined surface in the feed direction, mm; l1 – length of plunge and overrun of the tool, mm; l2 – additional length for taking test chips, mm; n is the spindle speed per minute; S – tool feed per spindle revolution, mm/rev; I is the number of passes. Practical tasks Example. The length of the workpiece processing on a lathe is 400 mm; feed - 0.5 mm / rev; number of revolutions - 250 rpm. Auxiliary time is 20% of the main; αorg = 2.4%; αexc = 3, αprt = 2% of the operational time, and βtech = 2.5% of the main time. Determine the main, operational time and the norm of piece time in the conditions of large-scale production. Solution. 1. On machine work, the main time is determined by the formula To \u003d (L / S n) i, ​​then To \u003d 400 / 0.5 x 250 \u003d 3.2 minutes. 2. Top \u003d To + TV \u003d 3.2 + 0.64 \u003d 3.84 min. α + α β 3. Tsht \u003d Top (1 + org exc) + To those \u003d 3.84 (1 + 0.074) + 3.2 0.025 \u003d 100 100 \u003d 4.2 min. 47 Problem 33. The blank of the roller for turning on a lathe has a length of 280 mm. Turning is performed under the following cutting conditions: feed rate - 0.7 mm / rev, spindle speed - 380 rpm, number of passes - 1. According to the standards TV = 0.9 min., αtech = 3.5%, αorg = 2.1%, αexc = 2%. Determine the norm of the main (machine) time, the norm of unit time. Task 34. Calculate the machine, piece and piece-calculation time for turning a roller 540 mm long on a lathe, if l1= 3 mm, l2= 4 mm, V = 189 m/min., S= 0.4 mm/rev, D= 100 mm; time for installation and removal of the part 2.8 min., additional time for ETL and OB - 11%, tpz for a batch of parts 18 min., N=12, machining allowance 4 mm per side with a depth of cut of 2 mm. Task 35. Calculate the machine and piece time for milling the plane of a part with a length of 650 mm, the infeed and overrun of the cutter are 14 mm, S = 120 mm/min., the time for installing and removing the part is 2.9 minutes, for the transition - 1, 2 min., EXC AND OB - 8% of the operational. Problem 36. Calculate the machine time for a section of a solid section roller D= 120 mm per pass, n= 120 rpm, S= 0.3 mm/rev. Determine the rate of piece time and the rate of production, if Tcm = 8 hours, ELT and OB - 10% of the operational time, tpz = 10 minutes per shift, tv = 1.5 minutes. on the roller Task 37. Calculate machine, piece and piece-calculation time for a two-step turning operation: longitudinal turning L = 320 mm l1, l2 = 2 mm, n= 420 rpm, S= 0.5 mm/rev; piece of non-continuous section D= 140 mm, d = 50 mm, n= 150 rpm, S= 0.2 mm/rev. The time to install and remove the part is 3.2 minutes, the transition is 2 minutes, tpz for a batch of parts is 15 minutes, N=10, the time for ETL and OB is 8% of the operational time. Task 38. Calculate the machine and piece time for drilling 4 holes in the part: L = 40 mm, additional values ​​for insertion and exit 48 \u003d 150 rpm, S \u003d 0.4 mm / rev, time for installation, removal of the part and transitions - 2.5 minutes, EXC AND OB - 10% of the operational time. Task 39. Calculate machine, piece and piece-calculation time and total time for a batch of 40 parts when they are processed on a planer: planing width in feed direction B = 450 mm, cutter overrun 60 mm., n = 8 moves, S = 4 mm/stroke, machining allowance 9 mm, planing depth 3 mm, time to install and remove the part - 3 min. Task 40. In the machine shop, parts are processed in batches with the following time standards for operations for each part (Table 18). Table 18 No. p/n 1 2 3 4 Name of operation Turning Drilling Milling Grinding ,0 2.0 2.0 4.0 4. Scientific organization of labor and regulation of labor in mechanical engineering: A textbook for students of engineering specialties of universities / S.M. Semenov, N.A. Seroshtan, A.A. Afanasiev and others; under total ed. CM. Semenov. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1991. 5. Normative materials on the regulation of labor. M.: Goskomtrud USSR, 1987. 6. Rationing of labor in industry: Educational and methodological manual for the system of advanced training of executives and industry specialists. M.: Economics, 1982. 296 p. 7. Pashuto V.P. Organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise: Proc. allowance. 2nd ed., rev. and additional Mn.: New knowledge, 2002. 319 p. 8. Sergeev A.V. Technical regulation in machine shops. M.: Mashinostroyeniye, 1969. 9. Handbook of the machine builder: In 4 volumes. M.: Mash. published, 1961–1962. 10. Cold G.N. Regulation of labor in industry. M.: Economics, 1978. Topic 13. Labor rationing for multi-machine maintenance (4 hours) The number of parts in a batch is 15 pieces. Production is small-scale. Determine: 1. Standards of piece time for operations; 2. Norms of piece-calculation time for operations; 3. Norms of time for a batch of parts for operations; 4. Norms of output for operations per shift (8 hours). Recommended literature 1. Bychin V.B., Malinin S.V. Rationing of labor / Ed. SOUTH. Odegov. M., 2000. 2. Genkin B.M., Petrochenko P.F., Bukhalkov M.I. and others. Rationing of labor: Textbook for university students. M.: Economics, 1985. 272 ​​p. 3. Scientific organization and regulation of labor in mechanical engineering: Textbook for engineering and economic universities and faculties / A.P. Stepanov, I.M. Razumov, S.V. Smirnov et al. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1984. In the conditions of intensification of production, multi-machine work is one of the important areas for reducing the need for workers. The creation of qualitatively new means of production automation significantly expands the technical possibilities for the development of multi-machine work. The effective use of these opportunities largely depends on the methods of labor rationing for multi-machine operators and adjusters. When rationing multi-machine work, it is necessary to solve three main tasks: - to find the optimal service and number standards for operators and adjusters, taking into account their interaction and the characteristics of team work; - determine the duration of the production cycle of a unit of production on one machine, taking into account its possible downtime while waiting for service by workers; − to set the norm of time per unit of production for the workers of each group based on the norms of duration, service and number. 49 50 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & OOO Agency Kniga-Service To calculate service rates and headcount, two quantities are used as initial data: free machine time and time of one-time employment of one worker on one machine. Free machine time is determined by the formula: Tms = To - Tzp, where To is the main time; Tzp - the time of employment of the worker, overlapped by the machine time of the equipment. The time of one-time employment of one worker on one machine is calculated as follows: Тз = Тр + Тмр + Тan + Тоbх, where Тр is the time for performing manual operations; Тмр - the time of execution of machine-manual methods; Tang - the time of active monitoring of the operation of the machine; Tobh - time to approach the machine. For the conditions of multi-machine maintenance, a typical structure of the norm of piece time is used: Tsh = Top + Ttech + Bargaining + Totl. Practical tasks Example. Determine: the rate of service for a multi-machine worker, the duration of one cycle, the free time of the worker in each cycle when working on the same type of machines. In the calculations, use the following data: the worker's employment time is 6 minutes, the machine-automatic time is 13 minutes, the allowable employment coefficient is 0.9. Solution. 1. Nobs \u003d [(Tma / Tz) + 1] Kd.z \u003d 13/6 + 1 0.9 \u003d 2.88 ≈ 3 machines; 2. Tc \u003d Tma + Tz \u003d 13 + 6 \u003d 19 min.; 3. Тс = Тц – ΣТц = 19 – 6 3 = 1 min. Task 41. Determine the time of employment of a multi-machine worker, operational, cyclic, piece time, service rate and shift time rate, if: Tmash-aut = 14 minutes, time for auxiliary work - 3 minutes, active observation time - 0.8 min., transition time - 1.5 min., ETL = 1.5%, OB = 3.5% - to the operational time, Tsmen = 480 min. 51 Task 42. Determine the possibility of introducing a multi-station service, as well as the service rate and cycle duration, if Tmash-avt = = 7 min., time for auxiliary work - 5 min., active observation time - 2 min., transition time - 1 min. Task 43. Determine the service rate and operational time. If Tmash-avt = 20 minutes, the time for auxiliary work is 3.1 minutes, the active observation time is 1.5 minutes, the transition time is 1.7 minutes. , build a maintenance schedule. Problem 44. With an individual form of organizing multi-machine service, the time of employment of one machine operator on one machine is 5 minutes, and the time of machine-automatic work is 15 minutes. 100 backup machines work simultaneously in the workshop. Determine the number of workers in the conditions of individual and brigade labor organization, if collective organization busy time will be reduced by 15%. Task 45. When working on backup machines, the machine-automatic time is 13 minutes, the employee’s employment time is 3 minutes, the ETL and OB standards are 2 and 4% of the operational time, respectively. Determine the optimal rate of service, the rate of piece time, the rate of output of an employee for an eight-hour shift, draw up a service schedule. Task 46. Operations are performed on three machines with the following ratios of free machine-automatic time and the time the worker is busy on each machine (Table 19). Table 19 Types of time costs Tma Tz Top Time, min. machine 2 11 3 14 machine 1 7 7 14 52 machine 3 12 2 14 service. Problem 47. When working on semiautomatic lathes, the main (machine) time for the operation is 14 minutes, the auxiliary non-overlapping time is 4 minutes. During machine work, the machine operator for 2 minutes. is busy with the implementation of certain auxiliary methods of maintenance work, actively observes the operation of the machine, moves from one machine to another. Determine the free machine-automatic time and the time the worker is busy for the operation; the rate of maintenance of the machine operator with the development of a schedule for multi-machine maintenance Task 48. When working on backup machines To = 15 minutes, including free machine-automatic time - 13 minutes, Tv = 3 minutes, αtech = = 1.5%, αorg = 2%, αexc = 5%. Determine: 1. Service standards in the presence and absence of free time for the worker, not busy servicing machines, with the development of corresponding schedules for multi-machine maintenance; 2. Norms of piece time; 3. Production rates for an eight-hour shift. Task 49. Operations are performed on three machines with the following ratios of free machine-automatic time (Ta) and the worker's employment time on each machine (Tz) (Table 20). Table 20 Types of time consumption Ta Tz Top Time, min Machine 2 10 2 12 Machine 1 9 3 12 Machine 3 8 4 12 Determine the rate of multi-machine maintenance provided that there are no downtime due to coincidences of interruptions in the operation of machines based on an analysis of the use of equipment and working time . Problem 50. The machine-automatic time of one machine is 17 minutes, the worker's employment time is 5 minutes, calculate the norms of multi-machine service for two options: 1) with full use of the equipment in conditions of incomplete use of the free time of the machine operator; 2) with full use of the working time of the machine operator and minimal interruptions in the operation of the equipment. Determine the cycle time, machine downtime in both options and choose the best option that provides the highest productivity. Recommended literature 1. The method of labor rationing for multi-machine (multi-unit) maintenance. M.: Inform-Electro, 1984. 2. Scientific organization and regulation of labor in mechanical engineering: Textbook for engineering and economic universities and faculties / A.P. Stepanov, I.M. Razumov, S.V. Smirnov et al. M.: Mashinostroyeniye, 1984. 3. Scientific organization of labor and regulation of labor in mechanical engineering: A textbook for students of engineering specialties of universities / S.M. Semenov, N.A. Seroshtan, A.A. Afanasiev and others; under total ed. CM. Semenov. M.: Mashinostroyeniye, 1991. 53 54 Copyright OAO Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Agency Book-Service 4. Smirnov V.M. Multi-station service: development and economic effect. M.: Economics, 1976. Topic 14. Labor rationing in a brigade organization of labor (2 hours) The object of labor rationing in a brigade organization is a collective labor process. Despite the fact that most brigades maintain time limits for individual operations performed by members of the brigades, ultimate goal rationing is the establishment of a complex time norm per unit of the final product of the team: a set of parts (team-set), assembly, product. The basis for establishing a comprehensive time norm for the team is the operating time norms calculated for individual work. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the effect of collective labor (division and cooperation of labor, combination of professions, expansion of service areas, etc.). The advantages of using complex rules are to reduce the volume of documentation; the possibility of registration in intermediate types of work is eliminated, the interest of employees in the final results of the work of the team as a whole is increased. Types of complex norms: 1. Norm of time for performing operations (tasks); 2. Production rate; 3. Service rate; 4. Number norm; 5. Normalized tasks. If each operation is performed by one worker, the following formula is used to calculate the complex time rate for the team: Nbr = Σ Tshti Kef, where Tshti is the time norm of the 1st operation; n is the number of operations assigned to the brigade; Kef is a coefficient that takes into account the effect of collective labor. If some operations employ several workers, this rate is calculated by the formula Nbr = (ΣТshti Nchi) Kef, 55 where Nchi is the rate of the number of workers performing the 1st operation. Normalized task - a list of work (operations, parts) that must be performed by a team of workers for a certain period of time, time standards for each type of work, the amount of labor costs for each operation and in general for all types of work. It is important to choose a planning and accounting unit that regulates the composition and quantity of work performed by the team. The methodology for developing standardized tasks depends on the nature of the labor processes. With a stable scope of work (known in advance), the normalized task is set according to the norms of time for each operation, with an unstable one - on the basis of photochronometric observations. Practical tasks Task 51. Calculate the production rate for a team of steelmakers serving an electric furnace for steel melting ΣTz = 23 hours, A = 1.5 tons, Top = 90 min. PZ, OBS = 8%, Tcm = 8 hours, Totl = 40 min. Task 52. Calculate the complex norm for a team of machine operators for the manufacture of a roller with a recessed keyway and threading on both sides into 1 finished part (roller). The element-by-element norms and scope of work are as follows (Table 21). Table 21 Operation Unit rev. Quantity Norm of time per unit, in min. 1.4 1.15 Rough turning 100 mm 5.3 Fine turning –//– –//– 2 10.5 foot thread, l = 25 mm Keyway milling 1 7.0 –//– Calculate also the headcount rate and the production rate per shift for the team, if the planned production volume is 1,270 pcs. per month, the planned percentage of fulfillment of production standards is 107%, the planned working time fund is 20 days, the working day is 8 hours. 56 Copyright JSC "TsKB "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" Task 53. Calculate the complex time norm and the chord task for a team of 10 people. with the following scope of work and operational time standards (Table 22). The length of the working day is 8 hours, the planned percentage of fulfillment of production standards is 109%. The deadline for completion of the task is determined in working days. Table 22 Operation Unit rev. Scope of work Preparation of the workplace Unloading of materials and components Preparation of metal structures for installation Installation of metal structures Electric arc welding Painting of metal structures Cleaning of fixtures and man-hour waste 10 Norm of time per unit, person-hour. 1.00 t 150 0.59 t 140 0.95 t linear m m2 man-hour 140 1500 20 6 2.40 0.25 0.35 1.00 Task 54. Calculate the norm of time for the manufacture of each part included in the brigade set, and the complex time norm for the brigade set according to the following data (Table 23). Table 23 Name of parts and operations included in the brigade set Operation Part A 1 2 3 Part B 1 2 Part B 1 57 Norm of time, man-hours. 0.15 0.20 0.18 0.17 0.22 0.23 2 3 4 0.24 0.22 0.26 Part G 1 2 3 0.17 0.18 0.21 Part D 1 2 3 0.19 0.22 0.16 Determine the complex output rate for a team of 15 people. At Tcm = 8 hours and the coefficient of efficiency of team work Kef = 0.91. Problem 55. Calculate the monthly production rate (30 days) for the daily brigade of apparatchiks serving the continuous apparatus, if the hourly productivity of the apparatus is 1.5 tons; according to the schedule, scheduled preventive maintenance is provided for two shifts, the device operates on holidays and weekends, the duration of shifts is 8 hours. Task 56. Determine the complex norm of time for a brigade set, if there are two time workers and one specialist in the brigade. Calculate the complex time rate for the labor costs of pieceworkers according to the conditions of the previous task; Kef = 0.89; shift task of production output - 40 brigade sets. Recommended literature 1. Gromov G.A., Zhukov L.I., Zavarina G.V. Brigades: development and efficiency. L., 1984. 2. Zhukov L.I., Ovchinnikova A.A., Pogosyan G. R. Economics of brigade labor. M.: Higher school, 1988. 3. Genov F. Psychology of the brigade. Moscow: Progress, 1987. 4. Gudskov A.K., Levin A.E., Uvarovsky M.A. Production team: organization, rationing and remuneration. M.: Economics, 1981. S. 68–88. 58 Copyright OJSC “Central Design Bureau “BIBCOM” & LLC “Agency Kniga-Service” Topic 15. Labor rationing for workers engaged in maintenance of production (4 hours) Auxiliary workers include all workers in auxiliary workshops, as well as workers in the main workshops who are engaged in servicing equipment and jobs. The main features of the work performed for the most part by auxiliary workers are their diversity, irregular repetition, and the difficulty of measuring the quantity and quality of labor. Since the activities of auxiliary workers are determined by the requirements of the main production, the methods for establishing labor standards for auxiliary workers have their own characteristics. To standardize the work of auxiliary workers, it is recommended to apply the following types of standards and norms. Number standards for determining the number of those groups of auxiliary workers whose labor rationing is carried out by direct calculation, based on the complexity of the work they perform. Service rates and service time rates are used for the following purposes: - rationing of works that are unstable in terms of volume, but have periodically repeating elements; − placement of workers at workplaces performing unstable work in terms of volume and repeatability. But \u003d (Tcm H) / Tvr.o, where Tcm is the working time fund per shift; N - the number of workers in a group, brigade (if the service rate is set for one person, then N = 1); Tvr.o - the norm of service time for one object. The norms of time and norms of production are intended to normalize the labor of auxiliary workers performing homogeneous work. The latter include works that are stable in nature, their volume, composition and content are relatively constant. The methodology for calculating the norms for such work is similar to the calculation of norms for the main workers. In addition to establishing the number, the listed types of norms and standards are used to develop monthly and shift assignments for auxiliary time workers. Problem 57. Determine the rate of service for one storekeeper and the rate of the number of storekeepers of the warehouse of finished parts in an 8-hour work shift, if the rate of time for issuing finished parts of the storekeeper is 15 minutes. (per 1000 pieces of parts) and the number of parts passing through the warehouse during the shift - 200,000 pieces. Task 58. Determine the norm for the number of inspectors of the machine shop in an 8-hour work shift, if the time spent on the control of parts per shift, calculated on the basis of the norms of time for one control element, is 2,850 minutes. Task 59. Calculate the standard number of adjusters, if the service rate is 10 units, the number of units in the workshop is 80, the work is three-shift, the nominal working time fund is 306 days, the real one is 275 days a year. Problem 60. The average service rate of one electrician is 32 machines per shift. Determine the attendance number of electricians for the first shift and for a day, if the shift ratio is 1.8, and the number of machines in the workshop is 256. Task 61. Calculate the number of production teams that one work distributor should serve if the average time to service one team is 45 min., time for transitions around the workshop and paperwork - 30 min. for a shift, PZ and EXL - 34 min. Practical assignments 59 60 Copyright OJSC “TsKB “BIBCOM” & LLC “Agency Book-Service” Task 62. The norm of time for servicing one main worker is 0.3 man-hours. In the shop of the machine-building shop, 534 machine operators work in one first shift, the shift ratio is 1.5. Calculate the planned average rate of the number of service workers if the ratio of Fn to Fr is 1.14. Shift - 8 hours. Determine the number of main workers who should be served by the supplier of blanks, if the average time for the truck to move from the warehouse to the workplace is 6 minutes, back - 5 minutes, loading and unloading takes 3 minutes each, Excellent and PZ per shift is 40 minutes. Each delivery is made 2 times per 8-hour shift. Task 63. Calculate the maintenance rate of machine tools for a lubricator for an 8-hour shift according to the following time standards: PZ = 12 min., ETL = 25 min. for changing; Nvr. service = 0.3, Nvr. lane = 0.05 man-hours The machine must be lubricated every 2 hours of operation. Task 68. The norm of time for servicing one main worker is 0.2 man-hours. Calculate the service rate for one auxiliary worker in an 8-hour shift, if PZ = 15 min., ETL = 40 min. to replace, Nvr. lane = 0.05 man-hours Maintenance should be done 2 times per shift. Task 64. Calculate the production rate in tons and ton-kilometers for the carriage of goods by cars based on the following standards: distance 10 km, speed with a load of 40 km / h, empty 60 km / h, loading time 10 minutes, unloading - 8 minutes. per flight, the carrying capacity of the vehicle is 5 tons, the utilization factor of the carrying capacity is 0.85. Time for PZ and OB - 40 min. for a shift, the ETL time is covered by downtime during loading and unloading. The movement time is calculated by the formula (L: 60) / V; where L is the distance, km; V – speed, km/h. Problem 65. Determine the rate of service for the adjuster, if during the shift he must perform one adjustment and three sub-adjustments on each machine. The norm of time for one adjustment and one sub-adjustment is 35 and 8 minutes, respectively. The coefficient taking into account the additional time spent is taken equal to 1.11. Determine the norm for the number of adjusters for two-shift work, if there are 100 machines in the shop. Task 66. The time of employment of a worker who monitors the operation of the device for the oxidation of diacetone sorbase, according to observations, is 305 minutes. The time for caring for the workplace, for rest and personal needs is set for a shift in the amount of 20 minutes. The duration of the shift is 8 hours. Determine the rate of service for one apparatchik. Problem 69. The average service rate for one adjuster is 15 machines per shift. Determine the standard number of workers, if the number of machines in the workshop is 345, the work is two-shift, the ratio of Fn to Fr is 1.28. Recommended literature 1. Bychin V.B., Malinin S.V. Rationing of labor / Ed. SOUTH. Odegov. M., 2000. 2. Genkin B.M. Rationing of labor for maintenance of production. L.: LIEI, 1987. 3. Genkin B.M. Optimization of labor standards. M.: Economics, 1982. 4. Genkin B.M., Petrochenko P.F., Bukhalkov M.I. and others. Rationing of labor: Textbook for university students. M.: Economics, 1985. 272 ​​p. 5. Scientific organization and regulation of labor in mechanical engineering: Textbook for engineering and economic universities and faculties / A.P. Stepanov, I.M. Razumov, S.V. Smirnov et al. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1984. 6. Scientific organization of labor and regulation of labor in mechanical engineering: A textbook for students of engineering specialties of universities / S.M. Semenov, N.A. Seroshtan, A.A. Afanasiev and others; under total ed. CM. Semenov. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1991. 7. Normative materials on labor rationing. M.: Goskomtrud SSSR, 1987. Problem 67. 61 62 Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau" BIBCOM " & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 8. Pashuto V.P. Organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise: Proc. allowance. 2nd ed., rev. and additional Mn.: New knowledge, 2002. 319 p. The variety of work performed, the lack of unified algorithms for their implementation, the subjective features of the thinking process when processing the necessary information and making decisions determine the use of various methods in the regulation of the work of managers, specialists and employees. For senior managers, the determining factors that are taken into account in the process of determining their number are the number of subordinate employees or departments, the cost of working time to perform assigned functions (works). Theory and practice for the head of the enterprise determined the norm of the number of subordinate links of the management apparatus in the range from 5–6 to 8–10 divisions, services, industries, workshops, the work of which he can effectively manage. If this norm is exceeded, the need for substitutes is established by calculation. The regulation of the work of managers also includes the regulation of the schedule of their working day and working week: setting the time of meetings and their duration, receiving visitors, considering correspondence, visiting workshops, etc. For line managers, when determining the norms for the number of subordinates, the degree of centralization of functional services is taken into account. If services report directly to the head of the shop, the number of services is taken into account on a par with production sites . If the number of services exceeds the norm of subordination, the positions of deputies for preparation of production and for shifts are introduced. Masters have the highest standards of subordination. The number of workers subordinate to 1 foreman ranges from 10 to 60 people or more, with an average rate of 25 people. Such differences are associated with the type of production, the complexity of the work performed and other indicators that characterize the existing production conditions. In each specific case, the norm of subordination for shop foremen can be set according to the following formula: Нп = (Кхс/Сур) Z, where Z is the largest value of the norm of subordination for a given group of shops (within 30–50 people); Кс is the coefficient of specialization, expressing the ratio of the number of jobs in the workshop to the number of technological operations assigned to them; Ср - the average category of work in the shop; X is a fractional exponent at the value of the average coefficient of specialization; Y is a fractional exponent at the value of the average rank of work. For functional managers, the number of employees subordinate to them is determined by the complexity and laboriousness of management processes. Therefore, the number of this category of workers is calculated according to the norms of manageability. For functional managers, the number of bureaus, groups, sectors, etc. subordinate to them should be in the range of 5–10. When concretizing the norm, it is necessary to take into account the scope of duties of the head. For example, if a leader combines the main functions of leadership with executive functions, the minimum value of the norm is taken. For specialists who carry out economic and organizational and design and technological preparation of production, enlarged headcount standards have been developed that allow calculating the number of functional units. The rationing methodology developed by NIITruda is based on the use of actual data on the number of these categories of workers in functional units at the best factories. Using the correlation analysis of the dependence of the number on the most important factors, calculation formulas were developed. The initial formula has the form: Hch = K XaYbZc, where K is a constant coefficient expressing the relationship of norms with the numerical value of the factors; X, Y, Z - numerical values ​​of the factors; a, b, c - exponents with numerical values ​​of factors characterizing the degree of influence of the corresponding factor on the number of employees by management functions. On the basis of this formula, the number of employees of the functional divisions of the enterprise can be determined. In jobs that are stable in content, relatively simple, consisting of a limited number of repetitive operations that are easily regulated, time and output standards are established. In this way, the labor of typists, workers is 63 64 Topic 16. Rationing of the labor of managers, specialists and employees (2 hours) services, etc. In this case, centrally developed standards can be used with their mandatory verification using methods for studying the costs of working time. Practical tasks Task 70. Calculate the standard for the number of accountants at the enterprise, if the total labor intensity of work per year is 25,600 man-hours, the number of working days in a year is 240, the working day is 8 hours. Task 71. The standards for determining the number of raters of an enterprise are as follows (number of workers per one rater): - for forging and pressing shops - 100 people; − for shops for cold working of metal - 75 people; − for assembly shops – 150 people; − for auxiliary workshops – 200 people. Calculate the standard for the number of raters if the enterprise has 3,600 pieceworkers, of which 20% are in forging and pressing shops, 29% in mechanical, 36% in assembly and 15% in auxiliary shops. 3. Normative materials on labor rationing. M.: Goskomtrud SSSR, 1987. 4. Rationing of labor in industry. Educational and methodological manual for the system of advanced training for managers and industry specialists. M.: Economics, 1982. 296 p. 5. Pashuto V.P. Organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise: Proc. allowance. 2nd ed., rev. and additional Mn.: New knowledge, 2002. 319 p. 6. Problems of organization, regulation and productivity of labor (materials of the "Round table"). M.: Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, 1995. 7. Slesinger G.E. Labor in a Market Economy: Textbook. M.: Infra-M, 1996. 8. Suetina L., Korneva E. Labor rationing and production management // Man and labor. 2000. No. 10. S. 84–86. Problem 72. Calculate the standard number of employees general department institutions. If the volume of document circulation on average per month is 5,300 units, then 1,520 units of them require an answer and 3,780 units do not require an answer (information). According to the norms, the average time for processing one document requiring a response is 0.5 man-hours, and for processing a document that does not require a response - 0.2 man-hours. The real working time fund per employee is 150 hours. per month. Recommended literature 1. Bychin V.B., Malinin S.V. Rationing of labor / Ed. SOUTH. Odegov. M., 2000. 2. Genkin B.M., Petrochenko P.F., Bukhalkov M.I. and others. Rationing of labor: Textbook for university students. M.: Economics, 1985. 272 ​​p. 65 66 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" Contents Introduction................................................... ................................................. .......................3 Theme 1. The essence and tasks of labor rationing. The history of the development of labor rationing .............................................................. ...............................................4 Topic 2. Production and labor processes: structure and classification .............................................. ................................................. ...7 Topic 3. Classification of the cost of working time ..........................................9 Topic 4. Methods of studying working time .............................................. 12 Topic 5. Methods of labor rationing .............................................. ...........25 Topic 6. Comprehensive justification of labor standards .............................. ........28 Topic 7. Types of labor standards and the procedure for their calculation .............................. ....... 29 Topic 8. Normative materials in labor rationing .............................. 34 Topic 9. Revision of labor standards at the enterprise .. .................................... 37 Topic 10. Analysis of the state of labor rationing and designing measures to improve it ................................................. ...41 Topic 11. Organization of work and management of labor rationing at the enterprise.................................................. ................................................. ...............44 Topic 12. Labor rationing on metal-cutting machines .................. 46 Topic 13. Labor rationing for multi-machine maintenance ... ..50 Topic 14. Labor rationing in the brigade organization of labor .......... 55 Topic 15. Labor rationing of workers engaged in maintenance of production................................... ................................................. ............................................... 59 Topic 16. Labor rationing for managers, specialists and employees. ................................................. ................................................. ..63 Oksana Vladimirovna Shutina LABOR REGULATION Methodological instructions for practical exercises (for students of the Faculty of Economics, specialties 060200 "Labor Economics", 062100 "Personnel Management") Technical editor N.V. Moskvicheva Editor L.F. Platonenko Signed for publication on 09.04.04. Paper format 60x84 1/16. Pech. l. 4.25. Condition-print. l. 4.0. Uch.-ed. l. 4.3. Circulation 150 copies. Order 187

Target: learn how to calculate labor standards (production rate, time rate, service rate, headcount rate).

Handout: lecture notes, initial data.

Brief theoretical information:

Rationing of labor is the establishment of the necessary labor costs for the performance of a certain work. Normalization tasks are:

Study and analysis of working conditions and production opportunities at each workplace;

Study and analysis of production experience to eliminate deficiencies in the workplace;

Establishment and implementation of labor standards, systematic analysis of the implementation of labor standards and revision of obsolete standards.

Labor standards for the production of products are developed simultaneously with the technological process. Normative materials can be uniform and standard. Uniform - mandatory for all enterprises. Typical - recommended for those enterprises that have not reached the level of work performance for which the standards are designed. By terms of validity, regulatory materials are divided into permanent, temporary, one-time. Constants are set to repetitive operations for stable operation. Temporary set for recurring operations for the period of development new products, after which they are replaced by work, not planned and are of a one-time nature.

On railway transport technically justified normative materials are applied. Technically justified are the norms established on the basis of a rational technological process for performing work and providing for the most efficient use of means of production and working time. Labor standards may be revised in connection with the improvement of technology, technology and organizational measures that ensure the growth of labor productivity, as well as in the case of the use of physically and morally obsolete equipment. The current norms are subject to mandatory verification when analyzing the quality of the norms. If it is recognized that the norm is outdated, it is subject to revision and replacement. The main indicators of the economic efficiency of measures to improve the organization and regulation of labor are the growth of labor productivity and the annual economic effect.

Various standards and norms are used in railway transport:

Consumption of fuel, electricity and spare parts;

Location of wagons at the station (transit without processing, transit with processing, local);

Time limits for receiving, departing and passing trains;

It is necessary to distinguish between the norm and the standard.

The norm is the volume of the labor task that the employee must complete during the established working hours.

A standard is a guideline, reference material containing initial data and calculated values ​​for establishing labor standards in relation to certain organizational and technical conditions of production.

Labor standards are issued in the form of collections. The main task of technical regulation is to establish, depending on the type and tasks of production:

Time limit;

production rate;

service rate;

Number norm.

The production rate is the amount of production or the amount of work that must be performed by one or a group of performers per unit of time (hour, working day, shift). Determined by the formula:

where T cm is the duration of a unit of time;

H vr - the norm of time.

The norm of time is the time in minutes or hours set for the manufacture of one product or the performance of one operation. Determined by the formula:

where T cm - the duration of the shift, working day or other unit of time;

Nvyr - the rate of production.

The service rate is a certain number of objects that an employee must service during a work shift. Determined by the formula:

N obl = N num. ×H cm,

where H is the number norm per one object;

H cm - the number of shifts.

The headcount rate is the number of workers required to complete a task at a given time. Determined by the formula:


where n is the number of objects;

N service - service rate.

Order of execution:

    Indicate the main types of norms and define each type.

    Solve the following problems using brief theoretical information:

Task number 1.

Determine the norm for the production of parts per shift lasting 480 minutes, if the norm of time for the manufacture of one part is known (table 5.1)

Initial data:

Table 5.1

Task number 2.

Determine how the production rate will change with a decrease in the time rate (table 5.2) with a working day of 11 hours, and the time rate for the manufacture of one part is 20 minutes.

Initial data:

Table 5.2

The amount of time norm reduction by options

Initial data:

Initial data:

Table 5.4


Number of tracks in the marshalling yard

The number of regulators according to the standard

1 person for 5 tracks

2 people for 7 tracks

3 people for 10 tracks

1 person for 4 ways

2 people for 9 tracks

3. Make a conclusion about the work done.


    Brief theoretical information about labor rationing, types of norms and rationing tasks.

    Solution of problems No. 1-4 (use the data of tables 5.4–5.4).

Control questions:

    What is labor regulation?

    What are the main tasks of normalization?

    What are technically sound norms?

    What standards are used on the railway. transport?

    What are the main norms of technical regulation?

    What is the difference between a norm and a norm?


    Petrov Yu.D., Belkin M.V., Organization of rationing and wages in railway transport. M.: Transport, 2000.

    --PAGE_BREAK--This workplace is equipped with the main (permanent) equipment - a personal computer, a server and auxiliary equipment - appropriate office equipment. Organizational equipment includes - desktop and chair.
    Workplace layout also plays an important role. All equipment must be located in a certain place. The layout of the workplace is a three-dimensional spatial arrangement of equipment in the workplace relative to the employee himself, as well as to another workplace.
    At the workplace under study, the main equipment is at the level of reach of the worker's hands. The location of the main equipment provides free access to areas that require viewing information flows. However, related office equipment is too far away, which increases the number of labor movements. One of the important areas of labor organization is the maintenance of the workplace.
    Maintenance of the workplace covers a system of measures to provide the workplace with the means, objects of labor necessary for the implementation of the labor process.
    The service system is a science-based set of measures to regulate the volume, frequency, timing and methods of performing auxiliary work to provide jobs with everything necessary for high-performance, uninterrupted work during a shift, week, month.
    At the enterprise under consideration, the service system is organized according to the following functions:
    1. production and preparatory, which includes the study of relevant information flows within the enterprise and its analysis;
    2. commissioning (equipment adjustment);
    3. repair and preventive maintenance includes maintaining the main and auxiliary equipment in working order;
    4. control, providing control over compliance with technology and quality, compliance with the technological regime by viewing video materials (photo);
    5. technical, which includes ensuring the operation of equipment in the IT field.
    The development of a workplace maintenance system includes choosing the form of its implementation, determining the professional composition of the maintenance personnel, providing them with appropriate technical and instructional documentation, calculating service standards, organizing labor and equipping the workplaces of auxiliary workers, as well as organizing regular and reliable communication between the workplaces of the main production and service personnel.
    There are no regulated breaks at MUE SAKH. At the workplace of a software engineer, working conditions correspond to the norm.
    2.3. Research and design of rational labor
    All labor processes are different in content, but they are united by what they perform with the working organs of a person. Based on this conclusion, a method for studying labor processes - a microelement one - was developed.
    The organization of the labor process, like other components of the organization of labor in the workplace, serves to increase labor efficiency. The study of the labor process was carried out using microelement analysis. In this study, the UdSU MTM system was used.
    Thus, the worker of the repair team for the maintenance of vehicles, the fitter, becomes the object of research. This worker performs two technological operations: installing the wheel and screwing the nuts.
    Microelemental analysis was carried out after the operation - installation of the wheel.
    As a result of microelement analysis, it was found that:
    - general work for all labor movements in the labor process is 106.64 kg cm;

    - there are no logical connections;
    - the time spent on the labor process is 14 seconds.
    The severity coefficient (CT) was 1.07, therefore, this work refers to the number of works of medium severity.
    The coefficient of complexity (KS) was 1.373, which indicates that this work is of medium complexity.
    The coefficient of working conditions in this case is equal to 1.
    The coefficient of labor intensity is 1.47.
    At this workplace, it is necessary to rationalize the layout of the workplace. The stand with wheels needs to be moved closer to the workplace. This event will lead to a reduction in work by 33.5 kg. see, and therefore the time to perform the technological operation will decrease.
    After rationalizing the layout of the workplace:
    - the total work for all labor movements in the labor process is 73.14 kg cm;
    - the total number of labor movements is 15;
    - there are no logical connections;
    - the time spent on the labor process is 11 seconds.
    CT=1.065 KS=1.373
    The labor intensity coefficient is 1.46.
    2.4. Conclusions and proposals on the organization of labor At MUP "SAR" great attention is paid to the organization of labor in the workplace. Each working room has a table and a chair where the employee can sit down and rest after the completion of the work operation. Well organized job site. The coefficient of working time utilization at the enterprise is quite high and is based on the level of 80-90%, but this indicator is not yet ideal and there is something to work on. This can be done by transferring labor functions those workers who are underloaded, from those who are loaded to the limit. You should also work on rationalizing the layout of workplaces.
    The calculation of the level of labor organization is very difficult, because it is difficult to choose the main technical and economic indicators that would reflect the essential features of the organization of labor in a particular workplace. Therefore, it is impossible to consider any indicator of the level of labor organization, specific topic or any other method, absolute, in any case, errors are inevitable.
    Labor organization can be assessed using the coefficient of the level of labor organization, which is calculated by the formula:
    where k1, k2…kn are the actual values ​​of individual partial coefficients of labor organization;
    n is the number of these coefficients.

    Cat = 1.11
    The correct organization of labor activity at the enterprise has a huge impact on the work of the staff and therefore considerable attention should be paid to it by the management. However, labor organization measures, most often, cannot be implemented in practice. This is due to insufficient funding.

    3. Labor rationing
    Labor rationing is a type of production management activity, the task of which is to establish the necessary costs and results of labor, as well as the ratios between the number of employees of various groups and the number of pieces of equipment.
    Currently, enterprises and planning bodies use a system of labor standards that reflect various aspects of labor activity. The most widely used norms are time, production, maintenance, number, manageability, standardized tasks.
    3.1. Organization of labor rationing at the enterprise
    At the enterprise MUP "Spetsavtokhozyaystvo", the personnel department and accounting department deal with the issues of labor rationing. Their responsibilities include the following functions:
    - implementation of work on the improvement and standardization of labor;
    - implementation of the development of projects of staff, workers by jobs and professions, in accordance with the current standards for the number, service standards;
    - carrying out work on certification and rationalization of workplaces, combining professions and positions, expanding service areas;
    - development and implementation of OET for all types of work;
    - analysis of the degree of validity and intensity of the norms, work to improve their quality;
    The rationing engineer is directly involved in the rationing of labor. Qualifications for a regulation engineer include: higher professional (economic or technical education) and at least 3 years of work experience as an engineer in the organization and regulation of labor.
    Labor Engineer:
    - takes photographs of working time, identifying the degree and causes of discrepancy between the actual time spent and the normative ones, studying the level of compliance with the norms;
    - develops, by means of timekeeping, time standards for one-time and additional work related to the lack of technical processes;
    - checks the current labor standards in order to identify outdated and erroneously established ones;
    - analyzes the state of rationing, the degree of validity and intensity of the norms; conducts explanatory work among employees of departments on issues of labor rationing.
    The responsibilities of an engineer include:
    - development and implementation of technically justified norms of labor costs for various types works performed at the enterprise based on the use of intersectoral, sectoral and other labor standards, as well as local standards calculated on the basis of technical data on the performance of equipment, the results of an analysis of the cost of working time;
    - determination of the number of employees by management functions and structural divisions in accordance with industry standards for the number of employees;
    - analysis of the state of rationing, the degree of validity and tension of the norms;
    - Carrying out work to ensure equal intensity of norms in homogeneous jobs;
    - study of the level of compliance with the standards and verification of existing labor standards in order to identify outdated and erroneously established ones.
    Computer technology used in the calculations is very new. Each employee has his own computer, and most of them are new models. Calculations are carried out using a calculator and a computer.
    As for the revision of the norms, the norms are revised every quarter, or when new equipment, technology is introduced, organizational or other measures are taken to ensure the growth of labor productivity.
    Employees must be notified of the introduction of new labor standards no later than one month before they are put into effect.
    H.2. State of labor rationing of employees
    The main indicators characterizing the state of labor rationing at the enterprise include: the average rate of compliance with the norms, the total number of applied norms, their types, the proportion of workers whose work is rationed, etc.
    At the enterprise under study, 1740 norms were approved.
    Table 10
    Indicators for assessing the state of labor rationing
    Average compliance rate
    The share of workers whose work is standardized
    Number of applied norms
    Specific weight of OET
    Savings from reducing labor intensity, thousand rubles
    The table shows that the coefficient of overfulfillment of the norms in 2006 was 5.3%, and in 2007 - 6.7%, which indicates that the norms are slightly overestimated and are subject to revision. There was also an increase in the share of workers whose work is standardized from 95.2% to 96.6%, respectively, this is due to the fact that in 2007 there was an increase in the number of key workers. The number of applied norms is also growing, and at the same time the share of OET is increasing. 3.3 Identification of the actual balance of working time In the field of labor rationing, methods for studying the temporal parameters of the use of labor and equipment play a dominant role. One of these methods is an individual photo of working time. The photograph of working time serves to reveal the actual structure of time spent during the work shift or part of it.
    An individual photograph of working time allows you to solve the following tasks: to identify the actual balance of working time; determine the magnitude and proportion of losses of non-production costs of working time and identify their causes; determine the degree of employment of the employee and the possible increase in labor productivity; determine the actual production and establish the dynamics of performance during the shift; develop service standards and standards for the number of performers; identify the reasons for non-fulfillment of production standards by individual employees.
    An individual photograph was taken at the workplace of a vehicle maintenance and repair worker. As a result, the following data were obtained (see also the appendix):

    Table 11
    Working time balance
    Naming of expenditures
    Actual balance
    Regulatory balance
    Possible cost reduction, min.
    Preparatory and final
    operational time
    - 67
    Service time
    - 1
    Rest, personal needs
    non-production work
    Unscheduled breaks
    Breaks at the fault of the employee
    --PAGE_BREAK--for normative balance Tpz = 10 min, aobs = 3% of Тnop, Totl=20 min,
    10 + OP + 0.03OP + 20 = 480
    1.03 OD = 450 Þ OD = 437 min, RT = 13 min.
    According to the table, it can be seen that due to breaks due to the fault of the employee, non-production work, the operational time has decreased.
    This can also be seen when calculating the coefficients for the use of working time, loss of working time due to organizational and technical reasons, and loss of working time due to the fault of the employee.
    1.Coefficient of use of working time:
    KISP = (tPZ + top + tobs + tnotl)/TSM,
    where tPZ, top, tobs = corresponding elements of the actual balance of working time;
    trel - time for rest and personal needs for the project (normative balance);
    TSM - duration of the shift.
    KISP \u003d (13 + 370 + 12 + 20) / 480 \u003d 0.865
    From the obtained value of the coefficient it can be seen that the time is used by 86.5%, the remaining 13.5% are lost working time.
    2. The coefficient of loss of working time for organizational and technical reasons and through the fault of the employee:
    CPNT = (tPNT + tNR) / TCM
    CPNT = (0+ 15)/480 = 0.03125
    HPPV = (tLPN+ tREV - tNREL)/ TCM HPPC = (25 + 45 - 20)/480 = 0.104
    As a result of calculations, it was obtained that 3.125% of working time is spent on unscheduled breaks for organizational and technical reasons and 10.4% on breaks due to the fault of the employee.
    Based on the data obtained, it is also possible to calculate a possible increase in labor productivity by reducing direct losses of working time.
    PPT \u003d (tPNT + tPND + tEL - trel) * Ks / TOP * 100%,
    where PPT is the increase in labor productivity;
    Кс - coefficient of possible reduction of losses of working time.
    BSA \u003d (0 + 25 + 45 - 20) 0.7 / 370 * 100% \u003d 9.46%
    Consequently, with the elimination of direct losses of working time, it is possible to increase output by 9.46%.
    The maximum possible increase in the indicator of shift output (labor productivity), subject to the elimination of all losses of unnecessary and unproductive time spent during the shift, can be determined by the formula:

    Subject to the elimination of all losses, unnecessary and non-productive time costs during the shift, labor productivity can be increased by 18.11%.
    3.4 Development of norms and proposals for labor rationing
    The development of standards will be carried out on the basis of timing studies for specific workers servicing vehicles, specializing in the installation of wheels (2 wheels + spare wheel). For this, 15 observations were made.
    OPav=(2.2+2.1+2.4+2.3+2.2+2.5+2.1+2.3+2.3+2.1+2+2.4+2 .2+2+2.3)/15=2.227 min.
    To calculate the norm of time for the operation and the shift rate of production, you must use the following formulas:
    Nvyr \u003d (Tcm - (Tpz + Tobs + Totl)) / Top and Hvr \u003d Tcm / Nv
    The norms of time for maintenance of the workplace, preparatory - final time, as well as for rest and personal needs should be taken from the normative balance of working hours. => PZ=10min., OBS=13 min., ELT=20 min.
    The introduction of measures is necessary to increase the utilization rate of working time. Due to many objective reasons, it is impossible to eliminate all the losses of working time, however, with the right approach, they can be reduced. In this regard, it is possible to propose the following measures aimed at reducing losses and unnecessary costs of working time:
    - conduct chronometric studies in order to delegate work to employees with a low load factor so that they do not have time for extraneous matters.
    - improvement of labor discipline.

    4. Economics and sociology of labor
    4.1. Analysis of the dynamics of the main labor indicators
    The main labor indicators at the enterprise include the number of employees, their productivity and wage.
    Main labor indicators for the enterprise are presented in the table, then the growth indices of each labor indicator are calculated.
    Table 12
    Dynamics of labor indicators
    Unit meas.
    Growth rate, %
    1.Services provided
    (in comparable prices)
    Thousand rub.
    2. Average headcount
    3. Payroll
    Thousand rub.
    4. Labor productivity
    Thousand rub.
    5. Average salary
    The index of growth in the volume of manufactured products is determined by the formula:

    QOT - the volume of services provided in the reporting year;
    QB is the volume of services rendered in the base year.
    JQ = 6607350/ 3670750 = 1.8
    The calculation shows that the increase in the volume of services provided in the reporting period increased by 80% compared to the base period.
    Since two points are of decisive importance for the growth in the volume of services provided: the growth in the number of technical personnel and the growth in labor productivity, it is necessary to calculate their values ​​and correlate the coefficients obtained in the calculations.
    The index of the dynamics of the number of technical personnel is calculated by the formula:

    where CHOT is the average number of personnel in the reporting year;
    PB is the average headcount in the base year.
    JH \u003d 332 / 214 \u003d 1.55
    The dynamics of the number shows that there has been a significant increase in the number.
    Index of dynamics of labor productivity, calculated by the formula:

    where PTOT - labor productivity for the reporting year;
    PTB - labor productivity in the base year.
    PTOT = 6607350/332=19901.66; PTB \u003d 3670750 / 214 \u003d 17153.04
    JPT = 19901.66 / 17153.04 = 1.16
    Labor productivity increased by 16%.
    Since two points are of decisive importance for the growth in the volume of services rendered: the growth in the number of PPPs and the growth in labor productivity, it is necessary to consider the following relationship:
    JQ = JH * JPT
    1,8 = 1,55* 1,16
    We can say that the growth in the volume of services provided by 80% was achieved due to the growth in labor productivity by 16% and the growth in the number of personnel by 55%.
    According to the plan, the growth of labor productivity in the reporting period was supposed to be 9%, but in fact it increased by 16%. This is due to the fact that equipment breakdowns in the workshop were minimal. With an increase in labor productivity by 16%, the volume of output also increased by 16%.
    4.2. Factor-by-factor analysis of labor productivity In the economy, the following main groups of labor productivity growth factors are distinguished:
    A - increasing the technical level of production;
    B - improvement of the organization of labor production and management;
    B - change in the volume and structure of production;
    D - socio-psychological factors.
    To conduct a factor analysis of changes in labor productivity in the reporting period, it is necessary to calculate the change in labor productivity due to each of the factors.
    Group A.
    Due to the acquisition of more modern machines, there was a release - 23 people.
    Group B.
    Due to the improvement of the organization of labor, there was a release - 9 people.
    Group B.
    Also, the labor productivity index can be found using the indices of the effective use of working time funds.
    The real fund of working time in 2006 amounted to 44512 person/days, and in 2007 - 73040 person/days.
    Labor productivity increased by 5.8% due to the efficient use of working time.
    The savings in the number of workers can be found by the following formula:
    where E - savings in numbers, people.
    DPT% - change in labor productivity in percent.
    E \u003d 5.8 * 332 / (5.8 + 100) \u003d 18 people.
    Table 13
    Growth in labor productivity and savings in headcount
    by factors
    Number savings, pers.
    Increase in labor productivity in %
    Group A
    Group B
    Group B
    Group G
    Grand total
    According to the results of 2007, there was a positive saving in the number of 50 people. Labor productivity according to the factorial analysis completely coincided with the previously calculated value. Due to the increase in the technical level of production, labor productivity increased by 7.4%, due to the improvement of labor organization, this indicator increased by 2.8% and due to the effective use of working time by 5.8%.
    4.3. Calculation of the planned increase in labor productivity according to the identified reserves. According to the obtained photographs of the working time of a worker in the repair and maintenance of vehicles, it is also possible to calculate the maximum possible increase in labor productivity, provided that all losses of unnecessary and unproductive time spent during the shift are eliminated:
    PPT \u003d (TnOP - TOP) / TOP * 100%
    BCA = (437-370) / 370 * 100% = 18.11
    Therefore, subject to the elimination of all losses, unnecessary and non-productive time costs during the shift, labor productivity can increase by 18.11%.
    By increasing effective fund working hours, cancer same can increase productivity. In 2007 it amounted to 73,040 person/days, and for the planned period it should be 74,700 person/days.
    Provided that the number remains at the same level, the increase in labor productivity will be:
    It follows that due to the growth of the effective working time fund, labor productivity can increase by 2.3%.
    The reserve for labor productivity growth due to two factors amounted to 20.41%.
    4.4. Analysis of the applicable forms and systems of remuneration Since 2005, the company has been using a time-based form of remuneration. The following payments to employees for their work (wages) are established:
    - salary established in accordance with the staff list of MUP "SAR";
    - surcharges, allowances, compensations and incentive payments, in the cases and in the manner provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement of MUP "SAR", this regulation and other regulations.
    The amount of salary is set in accordance with the level of remuneration for professions and positions.
    The system of wage levels takes into account the correspondence between the position (profession), the level of payment and the salary of the employee.
    Employees employed on a fixed-term basis employment contract for the period of training for working professions, the salary is set:
    - for the category of main workers - in the amount of the minimum wage of the corresponding level;
    - for the category of auxiliary workers - in the amount of 70% of the minimum wage of the corresponding level.
    Individual labor achievements of each employee are taken into account by increasing the salary based on the results of the assessment of the quality of work.
    Evaluation of the quality of work is an assessment of the individual labor results of an employee, which is carried out 2 times a year in February and August. The first assessment of the quality of an employee's work is carried out no earlier than 3 months after hiring.
    Evaluation of the quality of work is aimed at:
    1. Achieving the planned level of quality of the work performed;
    2. Motivating staff for continuous learning, improving professional skills;
    3. Increasing labor discipline;
    4. Reducing costs, improving the culture of production.
    When assessing the quality of work, the principle is used - assessment of a lower-level employee by a higher manager:
    - CEO evaluates the functional directors and the chief engineer;
    - functional directors and Chief Engineer conduct an assessment of production managers, heads of workshops, departments and departments, their deputies;
    - heads of departments evaluate their deputies;
    - heads of departments evaluate their subordinates;
    - shift supervisors evaluate foremen;
    - foremen evaluate foremen and workers.
    Evaluation of the quality of work is carried out without fail for all personnel, with the exception of employees who, during the 6 months preceding the assessment, have committed gross violations of labor discipline or who have work experience of less than 3 months.
    The responsibility for organizing and conducting the assessment, as well as taking into account the criteria during the assessment period, rests with the heads of structural divisions.
    Each employee is evaluated according to 7 criteria. Each criterion is scored on a scale of 1 to 5.
    Evaluation criterion:
    1. Quality
    Group A - for personnel servicing vehicles, engineering departments:
    - for workers (the score in points is determined by the immediate supervisor):
    ● violation of technological discipline;
    ● transport failure.
    Group B - for personnel of other departments:
    ● execution official duties in full with the required level of quality;
    ● initiative, creative and responsible attitude to work.
    2. Continuous learning:
    ● development or application of innovative methods in work;
    ● training and professional development;
    ● participation in training or transfer of acquired knowledge to other employees.
    3. Teamwork:
    ● ability to work in a team;
    ● ability to work without conflicts, ability to find a compromise;
    ● willingness to help colleagues at work.
    4. Occupational health and safety:
    ● compliance with the requirements of safety, labor protection and fire safety;
    ● proposals for improving working conditions;
    ● maintaining a high level of organizational culture.
    5. Compliance with labor discipline
    ● Compliance with internal labor regulations.
    6. Work to reduce costs
    ● proposals for cost reduction;
    ● careful attitude to materials, tools and company property.
    7. General work experience at the enterprise
    ● up to 1 year - 2 points;
    ● from 1 to 3 years - 3 points;
    ● from 3 to 5 years - 4 points;
    ● over 5 years - 5 points.
    A score of 5 points corresponds to highly effective work, 4 points to qualified work, 3 points to satisfactory work, 2 points to work requiring improvement, 1 point to unsatisfactory work.
    In order to increase salaries based on the results of the forthcoming assessment of the quality of labor, the OOTS forms an additional salary fund without taking into account the salary fund of vacancies and employees who are not subject to assessment of the quality of labor:
    - by divisions (without the salary fund of the heads of structural divisions), by the heads of structural divisions, and approves it by the General Director.
    Two weeks before the assessment of the quality of work, the OHSiZ brings an additional fund for increasing salaries by category (main workers, auxiliary workers, RSIS) to the heads of structural divisions.
    Based on the fund for increasing salaries and the sums of assessments of all employees, the cost of the assessment score for the unit by category is calculated programmatically according to the formula:
    where SBkat is the cost of a point;
    FUOKat - salary increase fund by category;
    ∑ Okat - the sum of the ratings of employees by category.
    The amount of the increase in the employee's salary, corresponding to the average score of his assessment, is calculated as follows, rounded up to 10 rubles:
    where UOrab - the amount of the increase in the employee's salary;
    Orab - the average assessment of the employee in points.
    Supervisor structural unit draws up a “Decision on changing salaries based on the results of an assessment of the quality of work” for the unit by category and submits it to the OHS for organizing the payment of new salaries and controlling the budget for the whole enterprise.
    The amount of the increased salary is established from the 1st day of the month following the assessment.
