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Beautiful envelope template for money. How to make an envelope from A4 paper? To make an envelope for money we will need

Often we need to make an envelope. This can be an envelope for money, a congratulatory envelope in which we will put a greeting card, an envelope for seeds and other types of envelopes. An envelope is quite easy to make from paper. You just need to cut out a blank from an A4 sheet according to the sample and glue it together. In the review on our website you will find a large number of templates for all occasions, including envelopes without drawings or decorations, which will serve as a basis for your creativity.

Envelopes at boobooka. on this site, in addition to wedding envelopes, envelopes for birthday cards, you will learn how to make romantic scrapbooking envelopes for money.

The most diverse templates in the vk group– a huge collection of a wide variety of envelopes, constantly updated with new copies. You can find an envelope for every taste and on any topic.

You will find the most unusual templates for envelopes and mini-packages in the Do It Yourself blog post. Despite the fact that there is a relatively small collection here, there are original copies.

Blank Mailing Envelope Templates - Standard envelope templates with no extra graphics for free download. White “blank” envelopes do not limit the flight of your imagination.

You can download from the well-known site Here you will find sources for Photoshop in good quality.

6 envelopes for all occasions. This is a children's envelope, and an envelope for a wedding, for birthdays and anniversaries, as well as a universal envelope for money.

40+ envelopes various forms, including in the shape of a heart, and with torn edges, and with rounded valves you will find on this English site. The templates here are presented mainly without drawings and patterns in Word and PDF formats.

Envelope box - here you will find an envelope template in which you can put something more substantial and voluminous than money or letters. These could be seeds, buttons, paper clips, coins and other small parts.

We often decide to give money instead of a gift. But it is not customary to give money without an envelope. You can buy an envelope for money, or you can download, print, cut and glue. The second option is preferable, since you can both sign and select an image.

  • any of the envelopes will fit both Russian rubles and dollars;
  • the size of the glued envelope is 160 x 70 mm;

Women's money envelope "Happy Birthday!"

A photo with red roses was used as the background of the envelope. The inscription "Happy Birthday!" written in capital letters. In order to print the template, you need A4 paper.

Men's envelope for money “Happy Birthday!”

This envelope template for men features a nautical background that features a map and compass. The inscription "Happy Birthday!" is also present.

Children's money envelope

For children, the envelope should be colorful and cheerful. This is exactly what this template is. It depicts a blue sky, the sun, ducks and flowers. You can download and print this template for free.

Envelope for money for a wedding

Money is often given as a gift for a wedding or wedding anniversary. And you simply cannot do without a beautiful envelope for this purpose. This template will look great printed even on plain paper.

Universal envelope for money

Most often, we are used to giving money on birthdays, especially if it is not just a birthday, but a round date, an anniversary. After all, it is quite difficult to guess a person’s tastes if, for example, he is some distant relative or a work colleague he barely knows. It’s another matter if you know the birthday person very well, then you can somehow find out through your friends what exactly the person would like to receive for his birthday, what would be preferable to him, and even then it’s quite difficult, since you might not understand something and they will miss, and somehow both you and the person you are congratulating will feel uneasy. But giving money is the most optimal of all gifts today. But to present it you definitely need an envelope, since handing over money just like that is both uninteresting and quite banal. In addition, there should still be some memory of you, so a congratulatory envelope is simply necessary. And here, as they say, there is a huge choice, both in factory execution and in our own production of the envelope thanks to technology. Handmade envelopes and postcards differ from simple ones in that they are made with love and soul, and also in an original and exclusive design, since repetition is almost impossible even due to the fact that each master’s hand is individual and copying 100% of the work unreal.

Right now, together with you, we will learn how to make such a money envelope with a bunny and take it for work:
Blue album sheet of leather-look cardboard;
Scrappaper in blue with daisies;
Pictures with a bunny and a bouquet;
Carved mother-of-pearl butterfly in dark blue;
Stamp "Happy Birthday";
A piece of pearlescent blue cardboard;
White large hydrangea made of paper;
Shiny hollow blue cabochon, as well as a flower cabochon;
Blue rose in latex tulle;
Stamens with glitter;
Green paper petal on a stem;
Light blue polka dot ribbon made of satin, 5 mm wide;
Blue grosgrain ribbon with polka dots, 10 mm wide;
Curb hole punch;
Satin white ribbon with lurex;
Half beads;
Glue gun;
PVA glue;
Double-sided tape;

We lay the blue cardboard vertically, measure three bases on it in height: 8 cm, 9 cm and 9.5 cm. We measure 17.5 cm in width, cut off the excess. We separate each part along the bend and fold the workpiece.

Using a hole punch, we make the bottom and top into floral borders. We measure 15-16 cm from satin ribbon with polka dots, cut it and burn it, stick it with tape on the back and front parts.

We cut out the following scrap rectangles from scrap paper: 7.5*17 cm, 8*17.5 cm and 8.3*17 cm.

We use a hole punch to go along the side of the larger rectangle, and also make a blue openwork strip. On a white sheet of paper we make two stamps “Happy Birthday”.

We glue inscriptions and pictures onto both rectangles. We glue a mother-of-pearl openwork strip and a grosgrain ribbon onto the front blank. We glue each scrap rectangle to the base. We sew each one along the edges with a machine.

I needed an envelope here for one thing (I wanted to convey my congratulations sealed), and since the card was of a non-standard size, I had to quickly make an envelope with my own hands (fortunately, I have enough paper at home). And then everything was as usual - I showed it to my friends, and now I’m already making invitation envelopes for one, and the other is asking for a template for an envelope for money to present a large sum to her husband’s parents for their golden wedding.

I decided, without further ado, to just write a small instruction on how to make envelopes. Yes, it seems to me that this is obvious, and each person can guess how to fold the sheet and glue it to make an envelope, but as practice shows, it is easier for many people to work according to the instructions, especially when it comes to needlework.

For what? My husband asked me this question when he saw me burying myself in my scrapbooks. He seems to understand the purpose of the postcards, but the envelopes turned out to be something transcendent for us. So, what are envelopes for?

  • as a packaging for a letter (yes, someone writes paper letters and sends postcards);
  • for packing postcards - printing an envelope is much more exciting than just opening a greeting card;
  • handmade envelopes for money will help out when you want to give someone a certain amount of money;
  • for romantic notes and secrets.
Of course, except postal item, all these reasons are not a necessity, but rather a whim. But here I am categorical as never before - sometimes you need to allow yourself joy and whim just for fun, otherwise life will become boring and gray. And handmade gifts are perfect for this.

Different ways

There are many ways to pack a postcard, money or a letter so that outsiders cannot look into them, and, perhaps, talking about all the ways is a bad idea, the post will turn out to be too large and rare bird will reach its end. Therefore, we will do the following - I will tell you about the main ways to make an envelope for money with your own hands, and at the same time I will show the work that inspires me. Using basic techniques and templates, you can make an envelope for any occasion with your own hands.

By the way, about templates: I advise you to save the templates you like, so you can be sure that you always have them at hand. I started a regular folder on the desktop, where I add the pictures I like in word files. However, I will talk about using word further.

Simple option

Sometimes you have to make a regular postal envelope for a letter or postcard yourself - either the nearest store doesn’t have it, or the format is inappropriate. I usually use a sample for this - I take an existing envelope (for example, from a postcard), measure it with a ruler and make the same paper envelope. But you can go the other way and learn how to make an envelope from A4 paper.

And in order for you to get an ordinary rectangular envelope, you need to mark a pattern on it, as in the diagram.

The two large parts are the walls of the envelope, it also has a long turn-down flap, and sides that need to be glued. It is best to glue it inside, so that there are no seams on the outside. Make a mark on your piece of paper, cut out the piece with sharp scissors, and then glue the sides.

Or you can make this simple and cute option:

And from 4 circles you can get the following envelope:

The video shows how to assemble it:

How to decorate such an envelope from A4 sheet:

  1. Use watercolor paper on which you can create colorful splashes and streaks.
  2. Make beautiful stickers - you can use ready-made ones, or you can download any picture from the Internet and print it.
  3. You can tie it up.

Manufacturing method without glue

Gluing an envelope is not difficult, but simply folding it out of paper is a little more difficult. Of course, the post office is unlikely to accept such an envelope, but for an accompanying card for a gift it is perfect - the congratulations will look cute and touching.

How to make an envelope without glue: you need to look through the origami templates and choose the one you like; make a pattern; cut the workpiece; fold and iron well. Or you can fold the paper as in the video below: no scissors or glue is needed, just an A4 sheet.

At first glance, everything is easy, right? The second one is also easy, but I advise you to still try to make the beautiful envelopes you like with your own hands, first from plain paper, and only then from scrapbooking paper. Of course, you can immediately practice on scrap paper, but it’s not a fact that the envelope will turn out neat the first time, and creases made on thick scrap paper will be much more difficult to correct.

How to decorate an envelope folded from paper without glue:

  • punch several holes with a hole punch and tie a beautiful ribbon on the envelope;
  • use a figured hole punch to decorate the edges and corners of the envelope;
  • make an applique from contrasting paper or special cutting.


I admit honestly, origami is a dark forest for me, but I have made several such envelopes (although, of course, I prefer scrapbooking money envelopes). So, what does it take to make an origami envelope for money?
  1. Square sheet of paper.
  2. Ruler for straight bends.
  3. Rolling needle (if you are folding origami from thick paper).

By the way, you can make an origami envelope out of paper without glue, which is also sometimes very convenient, but such envelopes are not suitable for mail. However, they are very, very beautiful, and it seems to me that if you use such an envelope for money for a birthday, the birthday person will feel all your care and attention.

Complex options

I’ll tell you a little about how to make scrap envelopes not according to a lesson, but simply using master classes for inspiration.

Scrapbooking is good because it allows you to make envelopes, postcards, albums and other amenities from literally nothing. Yes, now you can buy a variety of scrapbooking kits, but if you think about it, this technique came to us from the past, when women simply decorated their personal diaries and albums with lace, cuttings, stamping. All these techniques can be used now.

If you are into scrapbooking (or, like me, you just periodically buy materials and can’t pass them by), then you have certain supplies - lay them out on the table and try to combine one with the other. For example, select a couple of sheets of paper, select a die cut for them, decorative tape, ribbons.

If you don’t have all this stuff, don’t be upset, and you don’t have to run to the store. Because you probably have something. And from this something you can most likely make a gift envelope. What may be useful:

  • scraps of cardboard, beautiful colored paper;
  • felt and decorative fabrics;
  • unnecessary postcards and photographs;
  • printouts with any patterns;
  • paper of different quality and purpose (even pieces of wallpaper will do);
  • ribbons, bows, laces;
  • buttons (by the way, a very fashionable trend in scrapbooking);
  • miniature figures;
  • trimmings of lace and thin fabrics;
  • nail polishes, decorative glitter and even unnecessary shadows (they are used to make pseudo-craquelure).
I think you already understand - almost anything can be used to make an envelope!

I will give a step-by-step video lesson that I liked - I have nothing to add here, except that a DIY wedding envelope or an envelope for a gift card using this MK will be very, very beautiful.

General templates and some more lessons and examples

I think now you more or less understand how to make an envelope out of paper with your own hands, and my other examples of how to make an envelope for money are just inspirational speeches and various life hacks in this regard, because you got the main idea.

If the envelope for money for a wedding with your own hands is not very neat, wrap it with lace - it will hide the flaws and at the same time give the product a finished and festive look. A small envelope can be wrapped entirely, but a large envelope is better draped gracefully. By the way, wedding card usually large - so that toast can fit there. If you just want to attach a card to a gift, or a certain amount of money, then it is better to use a small congratulatory envelope.

If you are making an envelope from paper without glue, then support this idea in the design - for example, fold several origami figures with your own hands and decorate an envelope for money with them on your birthday - for example, you can fold a flower, a heart or a crane, which represents a wish for happiness .

Don't want to sign the envelope manually? See how to make an envelope out of paper for money using word templates. You can download the money envelope template below. Choose your favorite templates.

There is another way - first you print wishes or an address on a printer, and then watch a master class on how to make an envelope from a sheet of the required format.

How to make a chic origami envelope out of paper? Take three or four sheets of paper for practice, and try to make your own using this master class beautiful envelope.

In general, do not hesitate to use Word to print diagrams - it is much easier than cutting them out. Also, the Word will help to make a beautiful inscription for congratulations (and we all do not write too smoothly). If you use self-adhesive paper to print the word file, you don’t even have to decorate a regular paper envelope with anything - you can download the simplest template and decorate it with stickers.

If you need a lot of envelopes for a holiday (for example, for wedding invitations), then it is better to use folded envelopes - this category of products looks very presentable, they are made quickly, and if you do not use glue, then the likelihood of spoiling something is much less.

Do not forget that any master class needs to be watched and completed in stages - first view it completely, and then repeat what the master does - first print, then fold, then glue. This way you can get the same result as shown in the photo.

Going to a birthday party with friends, relatives or relatives, we sometimes do not dare to buy a gift on our own, but prefer to present a certain amount of money as a gift so that a person can buy for himself what he really needs. And you can beautifully present such a gift by packing the money in an original hand-made envelope for money.

To make an envelope for money we will need:

  • yellow cardstock
  • red sisal roll
  • red satin fabric
  • mother of pearl half beads
  • stationery scissors
  • curly scissors
  • ruler
  • candle
  • matches
  • organza ribbon
  • red needle and thread
  • glue moment transparent
  • heat gun
  • simple pencil

Envelope for money “Happy Birthday” - template and photo master class:

Take a yellow A4 cardstock sheet, scissors, a ruler and a simple pencil.

The length of the envelope is 21 cm, we need to measure the width of the envelope twice by 10.5 cm and once by 5 cm as indicated in the photo.

Cut off the excess paper using curly scissors.

We get a wavy edge.

Using a stack or a special creasing tool, draw lines drawn with a simple pencil under the ruler.

We bend the paper along the drawn lines. Do not forget to erase a simple pencil on paper with an eraser. The blank for the envelope is ready, you can start assembling and decorating.

To decorate the envelope for money, we need sisal in a roll 21 cm long and 10.5 cm wide.

On the title side of our envelope, we apply Moment transparent glue, distributing it over the surface with a toothpick. Carefully glue the sisal to the envelope, pressing lightly with your fingers over the entire surface so that the glue sets.

We glue the edge with the curly side to the sides. We cut another piece of rolled sisal with sides of 4.5 cm and a length of 21 cm. Apply glue with a toothpick to the envelope lapel, distribute it evenly and fix the sisal.

To make roses, we take satin and cut out many circles of different sizes from it.

We light a candle with matches and bring each petal to the fire, lightly processing the edges of each petal.

Next, we take several petals at a time, thread a red thread into a needle and string the petals onto it, piercing them in the central part. Stitch lightly several times.

These are the cute roses you get.

In the center of each rose we glue one pearl half-bead with hot glue.

We will print the inscription on the printer, which we create in the font we like in a Word document.

Cut 15 cm organza ribbons.

We burn each ribbon along the edges with matches and glue it to the center of the bottom edge of the back and front sides of the envelope.

In the upper left corner we paste the inscription on Moment glue.

We glue the roses to the envelope with hot glue, distributing them in the order in which you consider the most advantageous and beautiful.
