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Mongolian mail track. Mongolia Post tracking mail. Mongol Post Tracking

Mongolian post. Mongolian stamps.

Mongolian Post is one of the oldest postal services in the world. The postal history of the Mongolian state dates back to the 13th century. With the emergence of the Mongol Empire, its rulers laid down a postal system known as urton mail. The founding date of the Mongolian mail is considered to be 1234, and its creator is Ogedei Khan (the second great Khan of Mongolia, the third son of Genghis Khan).

Even under Genghis Khan, in order to convey his orders to the people, he organized a detachment of horsemen, in our terminology, orderlies or couriers, who "like arrows" flew to all subject lands. In the steppe state, in the absence of modern concepts of mail, telegraph and railways, the organization of such horse couriers was an extremely reasonable innovation, not yet practiced anywhere before Genghis Khan, at least on such a large scale.

Later, this organization was introduced throughout the Mongolian state, having been further developed in the form of the establishment of a network of "pits" - yam stations, which, on the one hand, were stages for the transmission and further forwarding of mail, and on the other hand, bases for officials and couriers who especially important written or verbal orders and communications were entrusted.

It was an advanced postal system based on the use of horse messengers and the very rapid transmission of messages by relay race. The messengers were able to deliver a letter from one end of the empire to the other in two weeks, covering about 200 km a day. In ancient times (XIII century), the postal messengers of the empire of Genghis Khan were given a wooden, bronze, silver or gold plate - paiza (paisa or paisa). She gave the messenger the right to freely replace his tired horse with a fresh one. The paizakh were inscribed with an image of a flying falcon or a lion's head. The messengers, who had paizi from the khan himself, could cover distances of up to 300 km per day.

History of development Russian mail is closely connected with the pits - postal stations established in the XIII century, during the Golden Horde, for quick communication with its outskirts. During the expansion of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century to the west, the Tatar-Mongol invaders arranged a postal message on the territory of Rus', relying on the postal roads and postal stations that already existed there. After the collapse of the Golden Horde, the Yamskaya system in Russia was preserved and used for communication between Russian cities. Yamskaya duty was served by the entire surrounding population, which was obliged to deliver horses with guides to certain points.

However, it should be noted that the beginning and development of postal business in Russia dates back to the time of natural postal duty, which consisted in giving the princely messenger a horse and feed. IN Kievan Rus already in the 10th century there was a “cart” - the duty of the population to provide horses “from camp to camp” for princely messengers and servants.

The early Mongolian postal service was an important link in the administration of the empire and existed in Mongolia in one form or another almost until the beginning of the 20th century.

In the second half of the 19th century - at the beginning of the 20th century, in conditions of poor local postal service, post offices functioned in Mongolia Russian Empire (Russian post).

In 1863 Russian merchants organized the regular delivery of light mail to Mongolia (bales of letters, newspapers and magazines weighing up to 1 pood), as well as heavy mail (weighing up to 25 poods). Russian merchant guilds in Kyakhta, Urga and Sair-usu carried out postal communication along the “tea road” route through the Gobi desert to Kalgan and Beijing.

Russian merchant mail played a progressive role in the development of postal communications in Mongolia, delivering and receiving correspondence four times a month for light mail and once a month for heavy mail. Merchant mail in Mongolia operated until 1870, after which it was formed on its basis state Russian post.

Until 1898, a frontier post office was opened in Kyakhta to send state correspondence. In addition, in 1863, the Russian consular post began to operate in Urga.

In addition to Urga, Russian post offices were also established in Kobdo, Ulyasutai, Tzain-Shabi (Tsetserleg).

In addition to Russian mail from 1909 to 1912 and from 1919 to 1921, Urga also worked Chinese post office. Before the release of its own postage stamps in 1924, postal circulation in Mongolia included Chinese stamps.

After the people's revolution in 1921, the government of Soviet Russia began to help the Mongolian people in organizing the postal service. Newly created Mongolian post the existing post offices of Russian mail with all the preserved equipment were transferred.

The Mongolian post received its modern development after the formation of the MPR, namely since 1924.

First Mongolian postage stamps appeared in 1924, with the proclamation of the Mongolian People's Republic. They were printed in Shanghai, although Moscow is indicated in foreign catalogs. The series included postal miniatures of seven denominations, from 1 cent to 1 dollar, each bearing the Buddhist symbol eldev-ochir. In 1926, the overprinted fiscal stamps of the second postage issue entered the postal circulation. The overprints of three colors (violet, black and red) contained inscriptions in English (“Postage” - “Post collection”) and Mongolian.

In 1943, the inscription in the Mongolian language “Mongol Shuudan” (“Mongolian Post”) appeared for the first time on the postage stamps of the country, which is still used today. In 1946, the first commemorative stamps were issued, and in 1961, the first postage block. In 1951, the first stamp of Mongolia with a portrait of V. I. Lenin was published.[

During the first forty years, from 1924 to 1963, a total of 303 postage stamps and six blocks were issued in Mongolia. The inscriptions on the original stamps were made in English ("Mongolia" - "Mongolia"; "Postage" - "Post collection") and in the Mongolian language (Russian alphabet): "Mongol Shudan", "Mongol Shuudan" ("Mongolian mail") and "Mongol Ulsyn Shuudan" ("Post of Mongolia"). During the years of the People's Republic (until 1992), many stamps were issued dedicated to V. I. Lenin, the successes of the Soviet Union in space exploration, Mongolian-Soviet friendship and other topics.

On June 5, 1961, the first airmail stamps and blocks appeared in the postal circulation of Mongolia, and on December 22 of the same year, postal-charity stamps appeared.

August 24, 1963, Mongolia became a member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU). In May 2003, the country's parliament approved the postal law of Mongolia, according to which the official state postal operator in the country is Mongol Shuudan company(translated from Mong. "Mongolian mail").


The building of the Central Post Office of Mongolia. "Mongol Shuudan". E. Kulakov, 2011.
Note. in 2013, the tower finally got rid of the nifty Coca-Cola advertisement.

And therefore there is nothing to be surprised. As a rule, parcels are sent without problems and are divided into traceable and those that do not imply tracking from the very beginning. Let's talk with you about the goods sent by Mongolian post ( Mongol Post).

Mongol Post - what kind of delivery?

Mongol Post - what kind of delivery?

Popularity this method increased after it began to be actively used by sellers gear best. Since recently, all shipments from Europe have been under special control, and even parcels with simple and harmless batteries have been sent back. In principle, smartphones and tablets pass without problems, but 4 AA batteries can turn back.

To avoid such situations, sellers began to send their goods through Mongolia. In essence, everything remained the same, but only the delivery time became a little longer by about a couple of weeks. Although, you see, it is better to wait a little longer than not receive the parcel at all.

Mongolia was not chosen by chance. It has quite a convenient location between China and Russia. In addition, no batteries raise questions from postal workers.

Mongol Post is part of the international postal union, and therefore the track numbers have the usual format: RT103736389MN.

As always, at the very beginning of the track number there are two unique letters. Mainly RT, but there may be others. And two letters at the end indicate belonging to Mongolia.

Mongolian Post - Mongolian Post Track: how to track a parcel in Russian on the official website, and where to receive a parcel from Aliexpress?

You can use universal trackers for tracking, for example, the service 17track. This is true if you have to keep track of several products at once. The principle of tracking in this case is no different.

Mongol Post - delivery time and terms from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine

On average, the delivery time is 15-30 days from the moment the goods were actually sent. After sending the goods, it is sent first to Mongolia, and from there it goes to your country.

As a rule, export and customs clearance takes no more than two weeks. After that, the parcel is sent to Russia and already goes to the recipient. In the country, the goods go on average 1-2 weeks.

As you can see, the delivery time is a little different from the usual China Post, but sometimes parcels arrive much faster due to the light load on this direction.

Mongol Post delivery reviews

Mongol Post delivery reviews

There are both good and bad reviews about the work of the Mongolian Post, but mostly they are still positive. If there are any misunderstandings, then this is more often the fault of the seller, and not the service.

Moreover, if you consider that now there is no other way to send batteries, then this option is quite good.

You can find out about other delivery methods by clicking on the corresponding name.

Mongolia Post is a provider of postal and logistics solutions. Tracking Mongolia Post by number is a new available service. Mongolia Post is a national operator that connects the world's advanced technologies, high quality, excellent service to meet the needs of each person. The origin and development of the Mongolian post, which is considered a pioneer in the field of communication, is of paramount importance. The company has a long history that has allowed it to become an advanced leader. The company has a wide domestic and international network, which consists of 21 centers, 22 district government services, 330 branches and a main office in Ulaanbaatar. The main branch has more than 900 employees who work and provide 38 postal services.

The company has more than 30 thousand mailboxes, over 200 thousand subscribers and more than 10 million postal items in year. A modern postal operator will help you place an order in record time and deliver a package anywhere in the world. The service specializes in sending parcels both within the country and abroad. Mongolia Post is a strategically oriented company aiming to expand the range of services by implementing non-traditional solutions in the industry.

Simple Solutions

The company provides high quality forms and methods of customer service through the introduction of advanced technologies. Tracking a Mongolian Post parcel by number will allow you to forget about the difficulties that may arise during delivery. To check the location of the order, only a postal identifier is required, consisting of numbers and Latin letters. The track code can be found on the sales receipt, ask the seller if the order is placed in the online store, or look at the page on the site. Mongolia Post tracking by ID is easy and convenient way control the delivery process.

Tracking Mongolia Post by postal ID number is now carried out in a couple of steps. You should find the tracking number, which consists of several characters, and insert it into a special field. After the performed operations, the user will be able to see information about the status of the delivery of the cargo. For maximum convenience, you should register on the resource by creating Personal Area. By using account the sender will be able to save the track codes of previous parcels and control the status of the order. You can create a personal account in no time - come up with a username and password that meets the requirements of the system.

Delivery in a couple of clicks

Mongolia Post - reliable partner with a long history. It has a wide network of service points throughout the country. When you connect automatic notifications, the process becomes even more convenient. You no longer need to go to the post office - all changes in the location of the cargo will be reported in the form of SMS to your mail or mobile device. Tracking the postal items of the Mongolia Post by track number will not cause difficulties - anyone can handle it. Every day, Mongolian Post confirms its ability to serve, its readiness to meet the requirements of customers in all corners of the country.

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What kind of delivery methods did not have to deal with when ordering with and, those who often order are not surprised at all. For the most part, all shipments are divided into trackable and those that initially do not imply tracking. This time we will consider tracking the mail of Mongolia (Mongol Post), namely how the parcels go and how much the parcels arrive, in this seemingly strange way. If suddenly a parcel was sent to you through the postal service of Mongolia, then it will not be difficult to track it, but now we will tell you how to do it.

This method has gained particular popularity thanks to. The thing is that in connection with the latest events in Europe, postal items came under special supervision and those containing a battery were often turned back and sent back to the sender, of course, for security purposes. Not so long ago, almost every second parcel in the contents of which a battery was found was sent back by the postal service and. It cannot be said that they carped a lot about the content - the same smartphones and tablets are still transiting through Europe without problems, but if, let's say, you ordered separately, even if, then such a package may already raise questions and be deployed back.

In order to avoid such incidents, the first, working solution to this day, was found by many acquaintances chinese store GearBest, namely, began to send parcels in transit through Mongolia. In fact, nothing has changed, before the parcel went in transit through Europe, now the batteries are sent in transit through Mongolia, except that the delivery time has slightly increased, but it’s better to wait 1-2 weeks longer than to wait half a month and find out that your parcel was deployed back sender, for example.

Not surprisingly, as an alternative route, a new logistical route was developed, transiting through Mongolia. Firstly, Mongolia was chosen due to its territorial location - in the north it borders on Russia, and in the east and southwest on China, from where the shipment takes place. Secondly, goods such as batteries do not cause concern for the Mongolian postal service and are delivered without problems.

The Mongolian Postal Service (Mongol Shuudan) is a member of the International Postal Union (UPU), thanks to which it has familiar-looking track code formats, let's look at an example:

  • RT103736389MN

As usual, at the beginning of the track code there are two unique letters, on this moment most often found" RT”, but there may be others, followed by a unique nine-digit number and, at the end, two letters “ MN”, indicating that the parcel belongs to the Mongolian post.

Mongolian mail tracking is available on them, fortunately there is an English version, since there are not many experts in the Mongolian language. On home page click on the “Track Your Item” tab, after which, in the form that appears, select the second tab, enter your track code and click “Search”, as a result, you will receive all the statuses available at the time of checking the movement of your parcel in transit through Mongolia.

As you know, someone who often or most often has a whole set of all kinds of track codes and checking each one on the official website of the postal service is too tiring and takes extra time. Therefore, it has long been invented, thanks to which tracking Mongolian mail is no different from tracking on the official website, in addition to which, you can check all your remaining track codes in one place in one place.

As you can see, the statuses of the track codes are similar, moreover, if you have difficulty understanding the status of the parcel moving to English language, you can check the box, and all statuses will be automatically translated into Russian. Thus, it is possible to track the postal items of the Mongolian Post in Russian.

In the case of the track code from the example, the package arrived in exactly 18 days. However, the average delivery time is usually 15 to 30 days from the date of actual shipment. After or s has sent the package, it is sent from China, straight to Mongolia, where it enters the international exchange zone on the border with Russia.

The export process and customs clearance it usually takes from one to two weeks, after which the parcel enters the territory of Russia and is delivered to the addressee. In Russia, the parcel usually arrives in 1-2 weeks.

As you can see, the delivery time by Mongolian mail is not much different from the usual one, and sometimes, parcels arrive much faster, due to the fact that this logistics direction is not yet so heavily overloaded.

You can often find conflicting reviews about the Mongolian mail, but for the most part they are positive. If there are any problems during the delivery process, then most often it is the fault of the seller, and not the postal service of Mongolia.

In addition, given that at the moment there are no special alternatives for the delivery of batteries from China, except for Mongolian mail, the option is quite acceptable and does not stand out in any way from the others, in addition, Mongolian mail tracking works without any problems.

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