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Presentation on the topic foliose lichens. Presentation on the topic of lichens. animals in the Far North

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The purpose of the lesson: to study the systematic position, structural features, nutrition, reproduction, significance and ecology of lichens as symbiotic organisms. Attention! Basic concepts: symbiosis, thallus (thallus), fruticose, foliose, scale lichens, lichenology, lichenologist.

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Lichens are symbiotic representatives of the fungi kingdom. The science of lichens is lichenology, a lichenologist is a person who studies lichens. Internal structure Lichens: Lichens are symbiotic organisms, their body is made up of algae and fungus. The body or thallus is represented by intertwining fungal threads and unicellular green or blue-green algae. Suction cups are sometimes formed on mushroom threads, which penetrate into the algae.

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Lichen nutrition: fungus filaments absorb water and minerals dissolved in it. Green algae cells in the light in the process of photosynthesis form organic substances. Lichens absorb the moisture of rains and fogs over the entire surface of the body. On hot days, they dry out so much that they seem completely lifeless, but as soon as the rain passes, they come to life again. Reproduction of lichens. Lichens reproduce mainly by pieces of the thallus, as well as by specialized cells that form inside the thallus and break it, going out.

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Classification of lichens according to the structure of the thallus: Scale foliose fruticose lichens Kaloplaka Omphalina Cladonia

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Crustaceous lichens have the form of a crust, tightly fused with the substrate (stone, wood, etc.). Lekanora Kaloplaka

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Leafy lichens have the form of a leaf-shaped plate, horizontally spread on the substrate. Lobaria Colemma

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Bushy lichens look like upright or hanging bushes, less often unbranched upright outgrowths. Cladonia Usnea

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Lichens are found in forests, mountains, parks, squares, meadows, swamps, that is, almost everywhere.

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Choose the correct statements: Lichens are representatives of the plant kingdom. Lichens are a single organism consisting of a fungus and algae living in symbiosis. Lichens absorb water from the soil through their roots. Lichens can be found in forests, mountains, and meadows. Algae synthesize organic matter, fungi absorb water and minerals. Cladonia are representatives of scale lichens. Lichens grow quickly. A person does not use lichens in his life. Results: 9 - 10 correct answers - well done! You did a good job. 8 - 9 correct answers - good, but you need to be more careful. Less than 8 correct answers is bad, you will have to return to this topic again.

"Gymnosperms" - Where are seeds located in gymnosperms? Seeds are located in cones on hard scales. Coniferous - plants that have modified leaves - needles. What is needles? Conifers are classified as gymnosperms. Biology. 7th grade. In a mature brown cone, the scales open. Artificial silk is made from pine wood, and paper is made from spruce.

"Higher spore plants" - Characteristics of higher plants. Lycopsoid. Spore plants. general characteristics sub-kingdoms of higher plants. vegetative organs. Flower. Postembryonic. Embryonic. Vegetative. Sporangium. Horsetail. higher and lower plants. Fetus. Ferns. Internal structure. Lesson topic. Root.

"Cotyledon" - Flower. Compositae or Aster family. Monocots. From the pistils of the raspberry flower, juicy drupes are formed - elements of the fruit - a polydrupe. The fruit is a pod or pod. Funnel-shaped. The fruit is a box (tobacco, fragrant tobacco, petunia, henbane). Inflorescence - brush. The fruit is a berry (nightshade, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers).

"The structure of flowering plants" - A flower is an organ of a flowering plant, consisting of corolla petals, stamens and pistil. Fetus. Flower. The root is the underground organ of the plant. Questions to the topic. The external structure of a flowering plant. Biology, 7th grade. What plant organ produces a fruit? Root. The seed is the reproductive organ of seed plants.

“Signs of lilies” - A, d, e, f b, c, e, f c c, d a, c b. An apple on an apple tree. Head of cabbage. Let's get acquainted with the plants of the Liliaceae family. poultry farmer. Bought multi-flowered and officinalis. Russian hazel grouse. Author Rachko S.N., teacher of biology of the highest category, Moscow School of School No. 29, Nizhnevartovsk. Flower structure. Guess the plants.

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Slides captions:

Lichens Completed by biology teacher MBOU Ustanskaya secondary school Malysheva Natalya Yuryevna

Purpose: To study the structure of lichens as symbiotic organisms consisting of fungi and algae.

Tasks: To acquaint students with the features of the structure and life of lichens. To reveal the adaptability of lichens to various habitat conditions, their role in nature. To continue the formation of a careful attitude of students to nature.

definition Lichens are a special group of organisms, consisting of a fungus and algae, that are in a symbiotic relationship.

Structure of a lichen

Lichen types scale (crustal) foliose (foliate) fruticose


Leafy Parmelia Xanthoria

Bushy Usnea Yagel

Reproduction, growth rate The spores that the fungus forms. Vegetative - breaking off pieces of thallus, then growing in a new place. Special formations, consisting of algae cells, are formed under the upper bark of the thallus. Grow slowly 1-3 mm per year.

Nutrition Fungal hyphae absorb water and minerals dissolved in it, and algae, which contains chlorophyll, forms organic substances through photosynthesis.

Habitat tundra forest tundra

Ecological role They form a vegetation cover. They cause harm to trees (insect pests settle in their thallus). They are pioneers in the development of lifeless spaces. Participate in chemical weathering rocks. Air purity indicators. They play an important role in biogeocenoses.

Human use of lichens Medicine Food use (Japan) Dyes Perfume industry

Check knowledge Define the term lichens. List the types of lichens. Name the representatives of lichens. How does a lichen eat? Tell the structure of a lichen Where do lichens grow? How do lichens reproduce? What is the ecological role of lichens?

conclusion Lichens are symbiotic organisms, the body (thallus) of which consists of two components: autotrophic (algae) and heterotrophic (fungus).

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Lichens (lat. Lichenes) - symbiotic

associations mushrooms

and microscopic green

algae and/or cyanobacteria

heterotrophic component


Autotrophic component of lichen

The body of a lichen is called a thallus





Lichens are the pioneers of sushi.

IN good conditions, with optimum humidity

and temperature

lichens grow several centimeters per year.

Lichens are indicators

atmospheric purity


The meaning of lichens

  • Lichens are organisms

indicators (bioindicators)

to determine the environmental conditions,

in particular,

air quality (lichen indication)

2. Make a significant contribution

in soil formation processes

3. The role of lichens in life is especially important

animals in the Far North,

where vegetation is sparse,

during the winter months they are

about 90% of the diet of deer.

Moss (reindeer moss) (Cladonia) is especially important for deer,

which they get with the help of hooves even from under the snow cover

Brown-winged plover nest made of lichen

4 . Have been used for a long time

lichens and as a remedy, Theophrastus pointed out this.

Lichens are used in traditional medicine, they also contain a wide range of ingredients of interest to pharmaceuticals.

In usnea (Usnea), the antibiotic usnic acid was discovered, used to treat skin and other diseases.

A dish of edible lichen of Fremont's bryoria (Bryoria fremontii)

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