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Economy class chain cafes. Economy class chain cafes Cafes of Russian cuisine with waiters

Hi all!

Cafe "Mu-mu" deserves to be displayed on the Irecommend map. There are now 39 cafes from this chain in Moscow, you can choose the one closest to you and visit it if the opportunity arises. I visited the Mu-mu cafe twice with my children and my husband’s mother, when we visited Moscow in April and lived near the Barrikadnaya metro station. This cafe was recommended to us as inexpensive and clean.

Name- "Mu Mu"

Address- st. Barrikadnaya, 21/34, s. 3.

Opening hours

Every day from 9:00 to 23:00

Evening food sale

Weekdays from 22:30 to 23:00, daily


At the entrance there is a large plastic cow, so it is impossible to pass by and not notice this cafe.

Entering the cafe, we see an iron staircase; you need to climb it to the second floor, because that’s where the food is sold and the cash register. This is the main inconvenience of the cafe. Everyone stands in their coat, buys food, then goes downstairs with it, where they undress and eat. Of course, if there are several of you, then someone can sit below, with clothes. That's what we did. The children sat downstairs with a stroller and clothes, and we quickly bought food. True, it was scary to go downstairs with trays of food - the stairs are steep.

There is a counter where dishes are prepared on the grill, other dishes are served separately, and confectionery products are sold separately..

Food is served as in a canteen - it lies in different trays along the line along which the trays travel.

Various side dishes and drinks. There is tea, coffee, compote, juice, water.

Soups are served in pots with lids, so they do not cool down quickly.

Bakery products are also widely represented. We took bread, another time small baguettes.

The dishes are not disposable, everything is quite clean and stable. This is important because Let me remind you that with the tray you will have to go down from the second floor to the first.

All the food was of decent quality; it could feed both a child and an elderly person. My favorite was the homemade vinaigrette. Not all cafes do this.

Business lunch

Every day of the week a different business lunch is offered, which includes salad, soup, main course and compote with bread. You can also take all the food separately. I’ll show you one such set on our tray.

Cash register

There are only 3 cash registers for such a large cafe, the queue is a kilometer long. Everything is quickly calculated at the checkout; you can pay by card or cash.

“Korovka” candy is provided with each business lunch.


Small, tiny booths. I could only seat my daughter with the cubicle door open, otherwise she and I wouldn’t fit there. There is a sink where you can wash your hands.

Two halls - on the first floor and on the second. Zoning has not been done, so it is very noisy. Narrow passages between tables, there was nowhere to put a stroller. There were few serving staff, so the trays were piled up next to us, there was no one to remove them.


Orders over 850 rubles will be delivered free of charge, so office workers can work all day and not go anywhere.


Free, good quality.


Foreign, from very close abroad. They speak and understand Russian well.

Children's room

Some cafes of this chain have children's rooms, but there was none on Barrikadnaya. The children ran around the hall and were left to their own devices.

My impressions

I didn't like the fussy environment. It feels like we are at a train station and everyone is late. People often make comments to each other, talk loudly on the phone, it’s somehow not pleasant to eat in such an atmosphere. My mother-in-law was reprimanded for putting the tray in the wrong place. Moreover, a woman came up to me and said: “I’m sorry that you have such a grandmother,” and stuff like that. You know, my husband's mother is from small town, this is visible to the naked eye and one could have been more respectful to a very elderly person.

The staff gave out stickers for every 500 rubles. They didn't give it to us on the first day. On the second day, I came up with a receipt and asked for our stickers - they told us that they were supposed to give it to us, but now they won’t give it to us. It’s not nice to have this kind of attitude towards tourists, it’s easy to just deceive them. There was a promotion that gave one business lunch for free for 5 stickers, we could just get such a gift.

A small toilet and a steep staircase are two minuses for which I am taking off a star.

Tourists can also touch this catering facility; eating here is safe for the stomach. If you want a cozy atmosphere and to sit and chat, then better look for another place.

Thank you for your attention!

  • Economy class chain cafes, some of which are open 24 hours a day, are available in all parts of the city, and their total number is approaching a thousand.
  • Self-service cafe chains: “Mu-mu”, “Rake”, “Obed Bufet”, “Marketplace”, with an average check for lunch from 270 rubles.
  • Chain of Russian cuisine cafes with waiters, “Yolki-Palki” also offers “Telegu” (analogous to a buffet), which will cost 600-800 rubles.
  • « Brothers Karavaevi" And " Stolle» ready-made dishes are displayed in the window; you can eat them in the establishment or take them with you.
  • American pizza chains Papa John's, Domino's Pizza, and Pizza Hut will serve you pizza, sandwiches, nuggets, salad and other snacks.
  • « This and that. Sushi! offers the most popular dishes in one menu different cuisines peace.

Economy class cafe chains are well developed in Moscow. The number of chain establishments in this category is approaching a thousand and they can be easily found in any part of the city. Here you can inexpensively and in comfortable conditions have a hearty meal of Russian, European or Asian cuisine. The average bill in this category is from 400 to 800 rubles, with complex offers for breakfast and lunch in the range of 250-400 rubles. Conventionally, such establishments can be divided into 1) self-service cafes; 2) classic cafes with waiters; 3) cafe-coffee shops, in which a noticeable emphasis is placed on desserts and drinks. Some establishments are open 24 hours a day.

Self-service cafes (canteens)

The form of a dining room, or as it is now commonly called “free flow,” is when you, moving along the food displays, place the dishes you like on a tray, pay at the checkout and go into the hall to a free table.

Mu Mu. The most developed chain in this group of cafes is “Mu-mu” (38 establishments in the city). The central establishment of the chain is located directly opposite the Kremlin, in the Okhotny Ryad shopping center. There is a cafe not far from the Tretyakov Gallery, in Klementovsky Lane (pictured), on Old Arbat, and in other busy areas. The cafe's menu is very large, with dishes of both traditional homemade Russian cuisine and signature dishes. There are breakfasts, lunches, and dinners with hot dishes of meat, poultry, fish and soups (about 10 types of soups only). There is even sushi, pasta, pizza, desserts and pies. The drinks menu includes coffee, tea and traditional Russian drinks: jelly, fruit drink, compote, kvass. The interior is designed in a rustic style; at the entrance to each establishment there is a black and white cow - a symbol of the chain. The cafe offers set breakfasts (from 9 to 11.30) - 99-150 rubles. and lunches (from 12 to 16.00) – 275 rubles for soup, main course, salad, bread.

Online " Rake» (10 cafes in Moscow) as in “Mu-Mu”, the interior uses the theme of landscape design: artificial flowers, orange trees, gazebos, garden benches, tile mosaics, etc. On tourist routes, “Rake” is located next to the Kremlin, on Tverskaya Street (18, building 1), and next to the Tretyakov Gallery, on the street. Pyatnitskaya, 27. There is a "Rake" next to - in the children's mall"Central Children's World" (Teatralny Proezd, 5, building 1). The menu includes dishes and drinks of Russian and European cuisine (more than 200 items). There are set lunches and breakfasts. The set breakfast includes: porridge/omelet (scrambled eggs), a dish of your choice (cheesecakes, casserole, salad), drink. Price - from 130 to 195 rubles. The “Lunch Formula” set lunch includes: light salad, soup, main course, drink and bun. Cost 270 rubles. The offer is valid from 12 to 16.00 on weekdays.

Lunch Buffet. A young, but already positively proven project (4 canteens in Moscow, including on Novy Arbat). The menu includes 350 dishes from seven cuisines of the world. There is a counter where they cook in front of you: sushi, wok dishes, grill. There is a bar with cocktails and alcohol. Salads, side dishes and desserts are paid for by weight; at the counter where they are laid out the price is indicated for 100 grams; for soups the price is fixed (70 rubles per serving). The average check for lunch is 600 rubles. Since the dishes are prepared every day, from 22:00 they are sold out with a 30-50% discount. There are vegetarian options, frozen yogurt and ice cream. Parents with children can receive a 30% discount on cold and hot salad bar items. There are also discounts on breakfast, from 8 to 9 o’clock - as much as 50%. Opening hours from 8 to 24 hours from Monday to Friday, from 10 to 24 on Saturday and Sunday.

Works on a similar concept Marketplace. So far, this St. Petersburg chain has only one cafe in Moscow (Myasnitskaya St., 13, building 3).

Cafe of Russian cuisine with waiters

Net " Tree sticks» is one of the oldest in Moscow in this class (includes 9 cafes). These establishments are located outside the main tourist routes, but there are cafes near the train stations (Kievsky, Belorussky, Leningradsky, Yaroslavsky and Kazansky). The menu includes dishes of traditional Russian cuisine: pancakes, pies, cheesecakes, dumplings, dumplings, soups (ukha, borscht, etc.). The specialty of the Yolki-Palki establishments is in the “Cart”: that’s what the buffet is called here. For 600-800 rubles (depending on the choice of drinks) you can take an unlimited number of approaches to the table. The interiors are in the style of a Russian village house, with high-quality wooden furniture. Lunch from the main menu (soup, dumplings, pie, coffee) will cost 600-700 rubles.

Cafe-culinary shop

We include in this category places where ready-made dishes are offered in an open display case and can be either eaten in the establishment or sold for takeaway. These places are distinguished by their relatively small size.

Brothers Karavaevi. The dishes are prepared in the chain’s huge factory-kitchen and delivered daily to the culinary shops. The chain has 13 locations in Moscow. In all stores they are presented in large display cases, so you can clearly see it before ordering the product. The menu includes fresh pastries, salads, meat and fish dishes, and so on. For breakfast they serve hot sandwiches, porridge, omelettes, casseroles, and cheesecakes. For hot dishes, you can take meatballs, stewed or fried beef, chicken, and pork. There are no soups on the menu. The drinks menu includes coffee, tea, and traditional Russian berry juice. The interior of the establishments is deliberately simple. All shops are open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Stolle is a chain of pie shops (20 cafes). The creators of the network specify that it is pie, not pirozhki, because pie is a large dish. Here they sell pies whole or in pieces of 250 grams, so one is enough to fill you up. Some cafes sell not only pies, but also soups, hot dishes from beef, chicken, fish and fruit drinks. The cost of a serving of pie is from 130 to 320 rubles (meat ones are more expensive, sweet ones are cheaper vle). The choice is very large: sweet ones include pies with apples, cherries, lingonberries, and cottage cheese. Unsweetened - with meat and cabbage, chicken, a variety of fish, including salmon. Tea and coffee are offered with the pies. As the owners of the chain note, they tried to recreate the taste of pies of pre-revolutionary Russia in their cafes. The dishes are based on old Russian recipes and original interpretations. In a cafe, you order pies at the counter and take a table, and the waiter brings your order. The interior contains Viennese chairs, wooden tables with cast iron legs, and on the walls are photographs of Russian cities of the early 20th century. The average check for lunch (soup, salad, main course, fruit drink) is 850 rubles. But you can fill up on tea with one or two pieces of pie; it will be noticeably cheaper - from 410 to 700 rubles.


"Papa Johns". American chain of pizzerias operating in Moscow since the 1990s (58 establishments). In total, the chain has more than 4,700 restaurants in 37 countries. The restaurant's menu includes pizza, salads and appetizers, and desserts. The largest selection of pizzas - more than 20 varieties. Among the snacks in the cafe you can order, for example, nuggets, chicken wings, cheese sticks, and country-style potatoes. The cost of a 35 cm pizza is 700-800 rubles, a salad – 329 rubles, a drink – 159 rubles. The average bill for this set of dishes for two (pizza, two salads and drinks) is 800 rubles.

DoMino's Pizza. it's the same American company, operating in Russia since 1998. In recent years, it has been developing rapidly and now the company has almost 80 establishments in Moscow. The menu includes more than 20 types of pizza. The most budget-friendly - “Margarita” will cost 580 rubles. The most expensive pizza is 840 rubles. Nuggets, chicken wings, country-style potatoes and other snacks (all for an average of 250 rubles). The establishments are represented in almost every district of the city. Average check – 800 rub.

Pizza Hut. Another American company whose pizzerias are open all over the world. There are few of these pizzerias in the center of Moscow; they are mainly located in residential areas. The most simple-in-ingredient pizza, “Margherita,” will cost 400 rubles here. The rest of the pizzas will cost between 500-620 rubles (diameter 30 cm). The menu also includes a variety of sandwiches, Mexican flatbread with filling (quesadilla), breaded chicken, hot dogs, country-style potatoes, chicken wings, and Caesar salad. The average check for lunch from a 30 cm pizza with a drink is 700 rubles.

Cafe-coffee shops

The largest chains of coffee shops in Russia are Coffee House and Shokoladnitsa. For a long time they were fierce competitors, but in 2014 they became parts of one large restaurant holding.

Coffee House. This is the first coffee shop chain to open in Moscow in 1999. The menu includes a wide selection of drinks (coffee, teas, cocktails), desserts, baked goods (pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, croissants), ice cream, toast and sandwiches. Breakfasts, business lunches and dinners are offered. Since these are coffee shops, the choice of food for lunch and dinner is limited. So, in the soup menu there is only one item - “soup of the day”; for main course they offer pasta, grilled chicken breast and all kinds of sandwiches. The salad menu consists of the most popular: Olivier, Caesar, vegetable salad, tuna salad. The cafe is served by waiters, but you can order yourself at the counter. Coffee is sold to go. The cafe is open 24 hours a day. The menu has complex offers at any time of the day, so you can have a full and quick meal here from 300 rubles. (breakfast) up to 600 rub. (lunch and dinner).

The Mumu cafe chain in Moscow is an establishment offering favorite dishes of Russian, European and Japanese cuisine, as well as desserts and drinks. As for the cost, here are the most affordable prices in the city.

The cafe provides high-quality service, a cozy atmosphere and deliciously prepared dishes. In total, there are currently about 39 establishments.

There are also “Food to go” and “Food delivery within the city” services.


The Mumu chain was founded by Andrey Dellos, a Russian businessman and famous restaurateur. Everything turned out according to his idea: the cafes are fast food, which operates on the principle of self-service, and the range of dishes mainly consists of traditional Russian, Japanese and European dishes.

Also in Mumu establishments in Moscow (in a cafe at the address next to your house) you can organize gala event, children's party, order food delivery to your home, office or take it with you.

For children there is playgrounds: in establishments of the capital (in the areas of metro stations: "Novogireevo", "Krylatskoye", "Semenovskaya", "Maryino", " Teply Stan", "Profsoyuznaya", "Timiryazevskaya", "Chertanovskaya"); the cities of Khimki, Zelenograd, Reutov, Novokosino, Mitino, Butovo.

As well as specialized children's rooms - with children's tables and chairs, coloring books, books, toys, where you can leave your child for a while under the supervision of a teacher.


For those who live in the busy rhythm of the metropolis, the Mumu cafe chain in Moscow, Khimki, Zelenograd, Reutov, Novokosino, Mitino, Northern and Southern Butovo offers a food delivery service to your address.

This is an excellent alternative if you are expecting guests or just want to organize a non-standard family or romantic dinner.

Because all dishes in the Mumu cafe (Moscow) are prepared from environmentally friendly products supplied by local farmers or trusted overseas suppliers (Japanese cuisine). There are about 100 menu items in total:

  • set breakfasts and lunches;
  • first meal;
  • hot dishes and side dishes;
  • salads, cold appetizers;
  • pizza, pasta;
  • sushi, rolls, sets;
  • desserts, drinks.

Delivery terms

  1. In order for dishes to arrive at a Moscow address for free, a minimum order amount of 950 rubles is required.
  2. Within Moscow, delivery is carried out 24 hours a day (MKAD).
  3. Sushi and rolls - only in Moscow.
  4. Pizza delivery takes longer - due to the fact that the order will be delivered from cafes in the Frunzenskaya and Dobryninskaya metro areas.
  5. Normal delivery time is 90 minutes.
  6. Fixed food delivery times in the cities of Khimki (daily 10.00-21.00), Zelenograd (Monday-Thursday and Sunday 11.00-21.00, Friday-Saturday 11.00-22.00), Reutov, Novokosino, Mitino, Northern and Southern Butovo (daily 10.00-21.00).
  7. The order can be made by phone, e-mail, on the website - at least 3 hours before the desired time.
  8. Payment is by cash only (non-cash - in certain cases).


The Mumu cafe chain in Moscow also offers each client to purchase dishes directly at any point in the establishment and take them with them, or place an order on the website and pick them up themselves (and receive a 10% discount).

The cafe is located in almost all parts of the city, as well as outside the capital. Therefore, everything can be done in a short period of time.


Cafe "Mumu" (Moscow) opened in February 2000 in the area of ​​the Frunzenskaya metro station (Komsomolsky Prospekt, 26).

Over the years, the network has grown, and now establishments are located throughout the capital, as well as outside - in the cities of Khimki, Zelenograd, Reutov, Novokosino, Mitino, Butovo.

Some addresses of the Mumu cafe in Moscow:

  1. Arbat, 4, building 1 (metro station "Arbatskaya").
  2. Profsoyuznaya Street, 129-A (Teply Stan metro station).
  3. Yablochkova Street, 19-G (Timiryazevskaya metro station).
  4. Semenovskaya Square, 1 (metro station "Semenovskaya").
  5. Komsomolsky Prospekt, 26 (metro station "Frunzenskaya").
  6. Arbat, 45/24 (metro station "Smolenskaya").
  7. Koroviy Val Street, 1 (Dobryninskaya metro station).
  8. Leningradsky Prospekt, 62 (metro station "Airport").
  9. 9th Parkovaya Street, 61-A, building 1 (Shchelkovskaya metro station).
  10. Pokryshkina Street, 4 (metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya").
  11. Europe Square, 1-A (Kyiv metro station).
  12. Taganskaya street, 3 (metro station “Marksistskaya”).
  13. Maly (metro station "Pushkinskaya").
  14. Nakhimovsky Prospekt, 51 (metro station "Profsoyuznaya").
  15. Prospekt Mira, 114-B (metro station "Alekseevskaya") and others.


In each Mumu cafe in Moscow, the address of which is closest to home or work, you can taste or order the following dishes by category:

  • beef steak;
  • country sausages;
  • turkey cutlet with mozzarella cheese;
  • baked pork;
  • chicken with sauce;
  • lasagna;
  • beef "Rozhdestvenskaya";
  • boiled beef tongue;
  • pork steak on the bone;
  • dumplings with chicken and curry;
  • fried dumplings;
  • meat “French style”;
  • fish baked with sauce;
  • meat cutlet in tomato sauce;
  • pancakes with meat;
  • pancake with cottage cheese;
  • noodles with chicken;
  • potatoes fried with mushrooms, and more.
  • meat solyanka;
  • white cabbage soup with meatballs;
  • kharcho;
  • pickle;
  • borscht with beef;
  • chicken noodles;
  • fish soup;
  • mushroom soup and so on.

Salads and appetizers:

  • beef jelly;
  • smoked mackerel fish salad;
  • cabbage salad;
  • "Herring under a fur coat";
  • Greek salad";
  • squid salad;
  • the vinaigrette;
  • chicken salad;
  • "Caesar" and others.

Side dishes: potatoes, rice, buckwheat, vegetables.

Pizza (small, large):

  • "Vegetarian";
  • "Hawaiian";
  • "Mushroom";
  • "Margarita";
  • "Meat";
  • "Pepperoni";
  • "Caesar".
  • rice noodles with vegetables;
  • Farfalle pasta with salmon;
  • spaghetti carbonara;
  • Pene Rigatta pasta;
  • tagliatelli with mushrooms and bacon.

Sushi and rolls:

  • Philadelphia rolls;
  • "Canada";
  • "Fisher";
  • "Kasumi";
  • hot Philadelphia rolls;
  • baked salmon rolls;
  • spicy sushi;
  • salmon sushi;
  • sets.

Also drinks, desserts, sauces, bread.
