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What you need to organize children's parties. How to open a holiday agency and succeed. How to start in a crisis or the rules of mindset for success

Many people think about how to organize their business from scratch at different stages of their lives. Some are looking, others are trying to find a business idea in the production of food or materials, others prefer. They are all united by a common goal - the opportunity to work for yourself, do what you love and make a profit.

In today's article, we will talk about another small business idea - opening a holiday agency. How to properly implement and implement your project? What to focus on and how short time open your business in the service sector with minimal investment?

Organization of children's holidays: how to start a business?

Tell me, which of you doesn't like holidays? Rest in a homely atmosphere, a noisy party in honor of the hero of the day, a wedding or a corporate party, all these celebrations are an occasion to relax and unwind, forget about work and problems. We are all different from each other, some prefer beer, while others prefer kvass, some like noisy parties in a big company, while others like a cozy evening at home. But, despite the different types of recreation - the process of organizing a holiday, this is a rather troublesome business, which today can be entrusted to a special agency.

The demand for the services of organizing and holding holidays is very high, so the competition in this field of activity is quite serious. But, despite this, there will always be a place for creative people who are eager to work and develop. Therefore, if you want to start your own organizing and holding events, then this article will surely help you.

How a holiday agency works

Holiday agency business plan

The first thing to do is to compose detailed business plan with calculations that will help you to gradually follow the goal, correctly distributing the available budget.

Competition is a significant factor that significantly affects profits. Therefore, be sure to study the demand for the service and the level of competition in your region. It is not difficult to do this, as a rule, you can find the information you need about the activities of agencies on the Internet. Evaluate your capabilities, niche occupancy, service demand, and only after that, make the final decision on organizing a business in the chosen direction.

Business registration

The collection and execution of all documents is a very troublesome and costly process in terms of time and finances. You can entrust this case to an experienced lawyer or go through the registration procedure yourself.

As for the substantive form of activity, it is best to register the Company with limited liability(OOO). After all, the clients of your agency can be not only individuals, but also companies ( legal entities), which will order, for example, the organization of a corporate party.

After registration, select suitable system taxation. As for licenses and permits, they are not needed. The only thing that is needed is to obtain permission from the SES and the fire service on the compliance of the premises with norms and standards.

What services do holiday agencies provide?

As a rule, agencies organizing holidays are distributed according to directions. After all, it is quite difficult to cover the entire niche, so it is easier to focus on providing services in a particular area.

Depending on the budget, competition, demand and personal preferences, choose the direction in which you want to develop. It's very important to do right choice on this stage, because this will depend on the profit and payback period of the business.

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Holiday agency services

Organization and holding of children's holidays. Business in this area involves the provision of services for organizing children's matinees, birthdays, as well as larger events, such as preparation for. To open an agency for organizing children's parties, you will need to hire the appropriate staff: animators, clowns, presenter, etc.

Organization of parties and birthdays. The usual events are already rather fed up, I want something non-standard, interesting and memorable. Therefore, many people turn to agencies that organize fun events for help.

Wedding agency. A wedding is the most long-awaited, responsible and exciting moment in life, so you want everything to go perfectly. Therefore, almost every couple entrusts the organization of the wedding to the agency in order to save themselves from the surprises associated with the organization of this event.

Organization of corporate events. Even the smallest firms once or twice a year hold corporate parties that require competent organization. Therefore, if you decide to work in this direction, then you will have orders all year round.

As a rule, agencies clearly define the list of services provided. The client can always use one or more services to choose from.

Renting premises and furnishing an office

In order to have a place to receive clients and store inventory, you will need to rent a room, which should be divided into separate zones. It is advisable to rent a place in the city center, so to speak, in front of people.

Office for receiving clients. The reception should be well renovated, furnish it with expensive furniture, hang photos from previous events. In general, it is necessary to create an inviting atmosphere in order not to frighten off the client, but to convince him to use the services of your agency.

For effective work you will need to equip the place of employees with everything necessary (computer, printer, scanner, telephone, table and chairs). In the waiting room for clients, put a soft sofa and a TV to brighten up their waiting time.

The second part of the premises should be turned into a warehouse where inventory and equipment necessary for events will be stored.


As for the equipment, it all depends on the specifics and the chosen direction. For example, if your agency specializes in weddings, then you will need to purchase decorations for the hall, musical equipment, attributes for an exit photo session and much more. For children's holidays, you need to have a lot of costumes (clown, favorite cartoon characters), buy trampolines, inflatable slides and other entertainment for children.

Naturally, the purchase of everything necessary equipment Immediately - a financially costly business. Therefore, at the initial stage, you can rent the necessary accessories for the holiday or conclude cooperation agreements with the same animators, lessors of children's slides and trampolines.

Selection of qualified employees

The success of the agency for organizing and holding events depends entirely on the well-coordinated work of the team. Therefore, it is necessary to form a qualified staff.

Depending on the chosen direction, decide on the number of employees. It is not necessary, at the initial stage, to hire a lot of people. Having a florist, photographer and artist in your arsenal is, of course, good, but how do you pay them if there are few orders? Therefore, beginners need to acquire useful connections, find contacts good photographers, musicians, presenters, conclude agreements with transport companies transporting people, etc. Over time, having become popular and having earned authority, you will be able to afford such a luxury as a staff of qualified workers who will work for the good of the common cause.

To get started, hire an experienced event organizer and a few assistants, this is quite enough in order to unwind and get your first clients.

How to attract customers with advertising?

  • Office in the city center with a bright sign. Nothing attracts attention like an aesthetically designed sign that beckons from afar and involuntarily makes every person passing by turn around. Therefore, pay due attention to this point;
  • A website that advertises the services of a holiday agency. You can not neglect and lose sight of this effective way to attract customers. Modern people spend a lot of time on the network, respectively, all necessary information they search on the Internet. Therefore, you cannot do without a promoted site. Hire an experienced specialist who will promote and promote your resource;
  • Advertising in the media. It is advisable to place announcements about the provision of services for organizing events in popular publications (women's magazines, newspapers);
  • Advertising around the city. Rent several billboards that will contain information and contacts of the holiday agency. Give preference to crowded places so that as many people as possible notice the advertisement.

Financial expenses

Opening your own holiday agency is a rather costly business option. But, despite this, there is a sense, because the payback of this way of earning is quite fast, and the profit is large.

Main costs:

Room rental and renovation. The rental price depends on the region, area, condition of the premises. As for the repair, we have already discussed this issue.

Purchase of equipment. It is quite difficult to name the exact amount necessary for the purchase of inventory and equipment. As noted above, it is not necessary to purchase all the equipment at once, do it gradually. At first, you can conclude rental agreements for decorations, transport, attributes for the event and thus save a lot.

Paying staff;

The post has been changed:

How to open a holiday agency?

The theory of the famous Scottish economist Adam Smith that demand generates supply has so far been refuted by no one. And that's exactly how the business operates today. There is a need for a product, which means it will be produced and sold. However, people now live more according to the principle of the ancient Romans, who shouted to their rulers: “Bread and circuses!”. And they knew how to organize spectacles. The theme of entertainment events is relevant even today, and since it is truly good show few can put it, and therefore only a few remain “afloat” among such companies, I decided to tell you how you can create an agency for organizing holidays, what “pitfalls” a novice entrepreneur can avoid, and how to achieve success in this business if possible.

Surely you have heard that in Russia public holidays more than in any other country in the world. And it's true: our compatriots have come up with so many holidays that there are even more than 1/3 of them by working days. For example, this year we work 240 days and rest 125, that is, every 3rd day. The question is: when to work, and what are the dissatisfied with people who believe that they are overworking? One way or another, Russian people love holidays, and they are used to celebrating them on a grand scale - if you really go for a walk, so that later you will remember about it for a very long time.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:500,000 - 1,500,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with a population: from 100 000 people
Situation in the industry:supply market is saturated
The complexity of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: 1-1.5 years

Our citizens are quite successful in this, especially considering that in just a few days of the holidays they “lower” everything that they have managed to save up over several years. Vivid examples of this are weddings, anniversaries, the birth of a child, etc. So the sums in this business are quite considerable, and the "entry ticket" to the market for such services is also by no means cheap. But the agency for organizing holidays also receives orders all year round, in contrast to the seasonality of other areas of entertainment, such as, for example, beach attractions, or an open-air cinema.

By the way, according to the “fashionable” tradition today, to call everything that is possible and everything that is impossible in foreign words, you can now hear the expression “event” about agencies organizing holidays. Of course, the concept itself is somewhat broader than the word "holiday", but company owners do not particularly pay attention to semantics, proudly naming their company in a foreign way.

However, modern agencies for organizing holidays are engaged not only in the holidays themselves, but also in holding other events that can only be called holidays with a stretch:

  • Awards ceremonies
  • Organization of presentations
  • corporate events
  • Picnics
  • PR promotions
  • And so on and so forth

We draw up a business plan and register our activities

A business plan in any business is the foundation of the foundations, which not only allows you to paint a picture of the future of the business, but also to prevent the risk of failure, or “mitigate” the consequences of bankruptcy. I have already told my readers about how to create a business plan, I will not repeat myself. Those interested can see all the information on this link.

If you want to simplify your task and get advice from professional lawyers and accountants or assistance in processing all required documents, then you here.

We organize a workplace

Feel the difference? Not an office but workplace. Because almost always meetings and conclusion of contracts are held either in a neutral place (cafe, restaurant), or on the territory of the customer. Therefore, you will need the room mainly for work - discussing upcoming events with the team, writing scenarios, etc. But it also happens that the client wants to meet you at your square, and therefore the workplace must be designed accordingly.

Photos from various events you have hung on the walls (at first, these may not be your photos at all), good office furniture, testimonials from grateful customers - all this should impress customers. In addition, you should always have a portfolio at the ready, consisting of videos organized by you for the show.

Recruiting a team

The organization of holidays is just the kind of business in which "cadres decide everything." 2-3 specialists cannot “pull out” this business, except to work on holding events with a small budget. In order to achieve success in your business, you need a team of first-class specialists:

  • Animators
  • Drivers
  • Screenwriters
  • Leading showmen
  • Photographer, videographer

In addition, cooks, assemblers of light and other structures, dancers, circus performers, musicians of various genres, pyrotechnicians, waiters, decorators, and a bunch of other people will be required. Of course, it is simply impossible to keep all these people on the staff, so I put the specialists I needed first of all on the list, and listed the rest in the line.

Who exactly to invite to your team on an official basis, and who will be involved as necessary under the contract, is up to you. But the fact that in the course of the work of the agency organizing holidays you will have to “acquire tentacles” of useful connections is a fact, not only among the “sharks” of show business, but also among municipal authorities, directors of schools, kindergartens, theaters, cafe owners and restaurants, and other "necessary" people.

“Along the way”, several “related” businesses can be singled out as a separate direction: decoration with balloons, providing a bus for parties, etc.

Scenarios for holidays

A competent, interesting, exciting script is half the success of your team, so you can’t save on screenwriters. It is better if 2-3 people work on it, and the necessary adjustments will be made after writing by the whole team. You won’t surprise anyone with the usual “drinks-party-dances” now, people want creativity.

By the way, about saving. Since there is fierce competition among event agencies, and they literally “fight” for clients, especially large ones, you cannot save on all staff, especially if they are high-level professionals, since, having gained experience, gained certain knowledge, working in your team, no one will prevent them from leaving for competitors (such poaching is widespread in the entertainment business environment). Corporate "loyalty" should be supported not only by banknotes, but also by a loyal attitude towards employees, and some corporate "ideology", the cohesion of the entire team.

And one more thing about scripts: they must be protected by law. intellectual property, otherwise, after your holiday is “copied” by competitors, you will have to come up with something new every time.

Necessary equipment, inventory, and equipment

When organizing a business, the acquisition of all the necessary equipment and inventory will be perhaps the largest expense item. You will definitely need a car that will transport equipment and artists to the venue.

  • Light and sound equipment
  • Suits
  • Photo and video equipment
  • Scenery

- of course, you won’t succeed in everything you need, and you don’t need to purchase it right away, everything will appear in the process of business development, but you should have what is listed on the list.

We are looking for clients

The most important thing for you in business, especially in the first year or two, should be the filling of the portfolio. No one will trust a company that has several children's matinees on its account, couples proms, anniversaries, and one wedding, organizing a show for a hundred thousand dollars. That is why you should always aim upwards, developing a portfolio, and not being afraid to offer your services to eminent clients.

"Pitfalls" of the event agency

The main mistake of beginner event agencies is the desire to do everything, and therefore, without the necessary experience, they often take on events that, to put it mildly, are too tough for them yet. You need to move towards success smoothly, gradually, but steadily, and then you will definitely succeed.

Prepare a portfolio. Availability concrete examples your work demonstrates to future employers that you can be trusted and maintains the impression that you have knowledge and experience.

  • Record all the events that you helped organize. Take photos, save examples of invitations and customer references that testify to your reliability and experience. Put it in a professional looking binder or folder. If possible, scan all materials so they can be emailed to potential employers.
  • cook professional resume in which you describe your education and experience. Don't forget to list events where you have volunteered, as well as your involvement in professional and student organizations of which you are a member.
  • Write individual resume cover letters for each job opening. There is no one size fits all cover letter. Tailor your cover letter to address the client's specific needs and describe how you can meet them.
  • Start spreading the word online. Tell everyone you know you're looking for a job and ask them to let you know if anything comes up. You never know who someone else might know, or what someone else might hear about a painting.

    • Create an account on LinkedIn. This social network allows you to create an account and place a resume in it, which you can send out. You can also join groups and networks of other people in your industry.
    • Keep in touch with fellow students. If any of them got a job, ask them how they got it and if there are any other vacancies.
    • Make business cards and carry them with you at all times. Manufacturing business cards relatively inexpensive, they are a good idea to carry around, as you never know where and when life might put you in touch with someone who can help you find a job.
  • Look for a job online. So many jobs can now be found online that it's important to visit popular job sites. Also, certain organizations or specialized sites may post jobs in the field of event management, which allows you to focus your searches.

    • Superjob and HeadHunter are popular job search sites in Russia. Narrow your search down to "event planner", "event management", "wedding planner", "event coordinator", or "event management".
    • The Meeting Professionals International website has a Career Center where you can also search for jobs ( Also check out and (the National Catering Association job site).
  • Walk the streets. Look for event companies near you, stop by to leave them your CV. At times, a personal touch, especially in this communication-oriented area, can make all the difference.

    • Look your best and be professional when you show up to the company. You must know the manager's name in order to ask for a short meeting with him. If an appointment is not possible at the moment, politely leave your CV with cover letter with the secretary and plan to carry out subsequent phone call in a few days.
    • Carry your portfolio with you in case you get lucky enough to meet someone who hires you.
  • Consider freelancing or starting your own business. These may be steps you may want to take after a few years in the industry, or you may know right away that you want to work individually for yourself.

    • Explore the competition. See what event management companies already exist in your area, what they specialize in. If you are able to be different from them in one way or another, it can be an advantage for getting on your feet and getting clients.
    • Talk to other freelancers or entrepreneurs. There is no need to comprehend everything through thorns. Rely on the experience of those who can help you avoid some of the traps that self-employment can pose.
  • Don't stop trying. Finding a job in many areas is a difficult task. Persistence will pay off, so stay positive and keep looking.

    • Form a support group of friends who are also looking for work. Surrounding yourself with people who are in the same boat as you can alleviate the feelings of alienation and frustration that come with finding a job.
    • Celebrate small victories. Interviews, surveys, callbacks are all positive things. Even if they don't lead to getting a job at this moment, they let you know that you are on the right track and that there is interest in you in terms of finding out who you are and what you have to offer.
  • My name is Sergey Shcherbakov, I'm from Novosibirsk. Over the past six years, I have been actively organizing holidays for people, I have my own agency "Jubilee". The direction of the business is the organization of performances by various artists, the search for presenters, car rental (retro, limousines), ordering services in the media, organizing corporate and children's parties.

    In general, my agency carries out any organizational activities that are associated with certain events in the lives of clients.

    • My initial business costs are from 500,000 rubles;
    • Staff - 5 people;
    • Monthly income - from 1 million rubles.

    What does the agency do?

    Your task is to organize holidays for people and resolve all issues related to decoration. Final goal– to make sure that the customer and guests are satisfied with the event.

    A good agency should organize anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, children's parties, seminars, presentations, various parties, corporate events and so on.

    In general, the range of work is huge and requires creative thinking from employees and inexhaustible energy from you, as a manager and owner.

    How to open a successful event agency

    What are the features of the business?

    To stay afloat, you need to have at least 2-3 orders per month. Therefore, at the initial stage it is not required to hire a large staff.

    It is better to find a few clear-thinking people who know how to organize holidays and know how to do it. Naturally, it is important to be able to fit the flight of fancy into the financial framework of the customer.

    If the customer is not limited by finances, then extreme entertainment can be arranged, for example, skydiving. Various competitions are very popular, so it is necessary to prepare a database of options and gain experience from existing agencies.

    You must understand that it will be difficult to cover all areas at the initial stage, so it is better to do one thing, for example, birthdays, children's parties or weddings.

    Business plan for organizing holidays

    Without a novice entrepreneur having a business plan, starting in business is stupid and fraught with ruin even at the start. We recommend that you create your business plan before you start.

    By the way, you don't have to spend a lot of money to do this. It is enough to buy an inexpensive template and for little money recycle it in full accordance with your requirements:

    How to apply?

    If you plan to work seriously and for a long time, then registration of IP is mandatory. When choosing OKVED codes, give preference to two - 92.72 and 92.3.

    They are the ones that include different kinds activities related to the organization of holidays. As a rule, to obtain the status individual entrepreneur you are required to complete the required form and pay the state fee.

    The costs here are small, so it is not worth marking them as a separate item. If you plan to create a business together with partners, then you need to choose a more serious form - LLC.

    In this case, the registration costs will be much higher, and you will have to run around with papers.

    The total cost of registration can be from 30 thousand rubles.

    As for the license, in the case of a holiday agency, you can do without it.

    Opening a holiday agency is the right way!

    Do you need a room?

    Here you have two options:

    • work without an office at all. In such a situation, you can communicate with customers by phone, and then make an appointment somewhere in the park, cafe, come to the house and negotiate the conditions there. The advantage of this method is saving on office rent.

    The disadvantage is distrust on the part of more promising customers. In such a situation, people will be afraid of deception.

    • rent a small space.

    They stop at the organization of children's holidays as a promising new sphere. This direction has a lot of advantages: firstly, the costs of opening a company are low - at first you can meet only a few thousand, working alone and limited to a minimum of props. Secondly, orders come at any time of the year, and although summer is traditionally the season low sales, you will not be left without a job at all. Thirdly, this great option For creative people: you can fully show your imagination by creating scenarios for performances, thinking over the images of heroes, costumes, make-up, decoration of the room.

    Format and Cost Issues

    You can open your business on children's entertainment in just 1.5–2 months. The payback of the enterprise depends on the budget invested in the endeavor and on the range of services that you provide. So, a children's team building company, in which they invested about 100,000 rubles, will pay off in just a month, a mini-game zone, on the opening of which they spent the same amount, - in about 4 months. And if you have a large budget (about 1,500,000 rubles) and open a quest room, you will be able to break even in six months.

    So, what are the steps an entrepreneur has to go through to start making money on entertainment?

    Preparing the room and props

    An organizer who plans to open a children's club or a quest room, and those who plan to go to a client's house on their own or with a team, have completely different goals. In any case, if you intend to seriously engage in business, you cannot do without renting a room.

    If you would like to have an event space

    Looking for a suitable platform for children's center? To begin with, discard all options related to renting residential premises. Even if you intend to arrange a club in your own apartment, this can cause criticism from the neighbors, and complaints are constant checks, nerves and, in many cases, the collapse of the enterprise.

    Best place to rent mall– so that while the children are playing, parents can relax in a cafe or go shopping without going too far. If you wish, you can find many options, the rent of which costs less than 100,000 rubles per month.

    The advantage of such a find is also that you arrange and decorate the room according to your pocket and taste: buy a minimum of children's furniture - or put slides (from 1,5000 rubles), swings (from 250 rubles), a dry pool (from 600 rubles) And so on.

    If you go home

    At first, you can work alone, but if you intend to seriously engage in business, sooner or later you will have a staff - and, therefore, an office space will be useful. In this case, your site should consist of:

    • negotiation room;
    • a separate room for the work of sales managers;
    • warehouse for props storage.

    It is imperative to place computers (or laptops) in the office that allow employees to access the Internet, as well as a printer, telephone and small office supplies. Don't underestimate the importance of quality props. Buy not only costumes for each entertainment program, but also make-up, scenery, gifts for the participants of the show. Don't forget the little things like Balloons: this essential attribute of any children's holiday costs mere pennies and leads the children to a real delight. And you can always learn how to make funny figures out of balls.

    Registering an enterprise

    If you are purchasing a franchised kids club, you will need to make two installments:

    • lump-sum or initial: you pay once for the opportunity to use the brand and implement already found technical solutions;
    • monthly - de facto you deposit money, and the senior partner monitors your compliance with all standards.

    Buying a franchise ties the hands of an entrepreneur - so, you are unlikely to be able to realize many of your ideas for decorating a room, organizing certain events, and you will be forced to report on everything.

    A much more profitable solution may be to register your own LLC. In this case, you should either turn to specialists who will help you settle all the formalities for 2-4,000 rubles, or go through bureaucratic procedures on your own.

    If you plan to work alone, there is another option for registering an entertainment business for children - registering as an individual entrepreneur. However, in this case, you risk your property - for example, if your children's club has at least a small debt.

    We are looking for clients

    You have found suitable premises and registered the company, decided on the props, made up scripts for the holidays (or bought finished work), hired animators and make-up artists? Then it's time to look for the first customers!

    To promote a business on entertainment for children, like any other business, in no case should you save on advertising: if you are short on funds, it is better to save them by renting and decorating the premises. It is advisable to involve a PR specialist, but at first you can act on your own.

    First of all, try to attract people living in your area: advertise in local newspapers, send advertising booklets(which, of course, should be beautifully designed - do not skimp on the services of a designer!), instruct schoolchildren or students to distribute leaflets. Focus not only on individuals: the lion's share of earnings will be brought to you corporate orders gymnasiums, leisure centers. Do not forget about competent advertising on the Internet.

    A great chance could be a charity performance: give one or two free parties! This will help you build a portfolio and generally "light up", and word of mouth usually brings most of the orders to the organizer of children's entertainment.

    Organization of children's holidays: Video
