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Participation in an electronic auction: step by step instructions. Sberbank AST is an electronic trading platform for bankruptcy. Instructions for participating in auctions How to find out who is participating in the auction

The state order is considered to be no less effective measure to maintain business than subsidies or benefits. In addition, state and municipal customers are required by law to place 10 to 20% of the annual supply of goods, work and services with small businesses. The calculation here is simple: small and medium-sized enterprises often specialize in a narrow line of products and can potentially offer interesting products. High Quality. But usually only large enterprises can afford to maintain a dedicated tracking department. interesting competitions and registration of applications for participation in them.

Few people know that in Moscow, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to undergo free training in the methodology for selecting tenders and the procedure for participating in tenders.

State state-financed organization"Small Business of Moscow" in January 2013 opened the Unified State Order Center, which conducts such courses.

The placement of a government order can be carried out in several ways: either through bidding (competitions or electronic auctions), or it can be a request for quotations, as well as a purchase from sole supplier(performer, contractor). The request for quotations is made only for lots worth no more than 500 thousand rubles, and tenders are held in the case of "difficult" purchases that require evaluation not only by price, but also by many other criteria. Usually competitions are held for purchases in the defense industry, high technology, Sciences.

Today, electronic auctions are the main way of placing state orders, their share is about 59% of the total volume of auctions. Electronic auctions are considered to be an effective tool in the fight against corruption. The meaning of the system lies in the anonymity of participants, transparency of information and high competition. Bidding on electronic platforms allows you to eliminate bribes at the stage of placement and bidding.

Consider the stages of participation in an open online auction.

1. Finding the right auction

Notice of any auction is published on the Official All-Russian website and posted on the official website at least 7 or 20 days before the deadline for submission of applications for participation, depending on the initial maximum price. In total there are five federal electronic trading platforms:

  • State Unitary Enterprise "Agency for State Order, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan"

Each site has a registry of auctions and a search form. In addition, a summary list of all auctions can be found on the official information site of the Russian Federation on placing orders. The search is carried out according to several criteria, which facilitate the procedure.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is responsible for the legal regulation of the state order, the Federal Antimonopoly Service controls the placement of orders, and in some cases - federal Service by defense order.

2. Obtaining an electronic digital signature (EDS)

You can buy an EDS at any certification center that has received accreditation on the electronic platform where you are going to trade. Website addresses of authorized certification centers can be found on the official website in the section "Information for customers and suppliers".

The procedure for obtaining an EDS takes 2-3 business days. The signature allows you to assign electronic document legal status and thus confirms the financial responsibility of the participants for the decisions they make in the bidding process.

3. Accreditation on the trading floor

No company is allowed to participate in electronic auction without accreditation on the trading platform. For each of the five sites, accreditation must be obtained separately.

The procedure itself is as follows. You need to go to the website of the site, fill out an accreditation form and an application for opening an account, attach a number of documents (an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRIP for individual entrepreneurs), a constituent document, a power of attorney for the right to participate in the auction, a protocol or decision on the appointment of a head, certified by the seal of the organization, a scan of the card details of the company).
It is necessary to deal with all the requirements of the site. In particular, to participate in the auction, you must configure the browser in the right way.

The site operator reviews the application within five days and confirms the possibility of access to participation or refuses accreditation. The refusal must be accompanied by comments indicating the mistakes made. The sites do not set limits on the number of attempts to pass accreditation. But each submitted application will be considered within five working days.

To participate in the auction for each accredited supplier within the platform, a Personal Area. The functionality of the personal account allows you to apply for participation in auctions, directly participate in them, submit requests for clarification auction documentation and much more.

4. Transfer money to the account

The next mandatory step is to transfer money to your account on the trading platform in order to ensure your participation in electronic trading. As a rule, if the auction is held among small businesses, this payment is 2% of the maximum initial order value, in all other cases - 5% of the maximum initial order value. After the end of the auction, this amount is unlocked and can be withdrawn from the account.

As soon as the money is credited to the account of the electronic trading platform, the supplier has the opportunity to send his application for participation in the auction.

5. Drawing up an application

Drawing up an application for participation in the auction is the most important stage. To correctly compose this document, you need to read the auction documentation very carefully. The application consists of two parts. The first part must be anonymous, it contains the consent of the participant to supply the required goods (works, services) and a description of their characteristics. The second part contains information about the participant, documents confirming the participant's compliance with the requirements established in the auction documentation (various licenses and certificates).

After the deadline for submitting bids, the customer forms a protocol for considering the first parts of bids, and the site operator is obliged to inform the supplier within the established time frame whether he is admitted to bidding.

Auction Process

When participating in an electronic auction, pay attention to the following main points: the time left until the end of the auction, and the step of the auction. The auction step is strictly defined by law - half a percent of the initial maximum order value. Each time the bidder is given 10 minutes to consider whether or not to propose a price reduction.

An open auction participant is not entitled to submit a contract price bid that is equal to or greater than the bids submitted by the auction participants earlier, as well as a contract price bid equal to zero. The participant also cannot submit an offer for a contract price lower than the current minimum offer for the price of a contract reduced by an auction step.

Bidding is considered completed if, 10 minutes after the presentation of the lowest bid, no one has made a better offer.

Within a few minutes, the system automatically generates a protocol with the results of the auction, where the best rates are indicated. All participants are hidden under numbers.

Only after the auction is held, the customers will receive the second parts of the applications, from which they will find out which companies are hidden under which numbers. Based on the results of consideration of the second parts of the applications, the winner is revealed, to whom the state contract is sent. It must be signed in electronic form within the stipulated time.

It is also necessary to provide contract security. Its size is determined by 94-FZ and is up to 30% of the initial maximum contract price. This amount can be transferred to the customer's temporary account or presented as a bank guarantee.

State companies, enterprises, municipal organizations and other large entities do not have the opportunity to choose a supplier of services or goods. According to 44-FZ, it is necessary to participate in open tenders. The Sberbank AST auction trading platform takes first place among other similar auction organizers. Let's figure out what AST from Sberbank is, how to participate in the auction.

What is AST from Sberbank:

  • AST - automated system bidding, where the winner is selected on a competitive basis;
  • bidding takes place in the form of auctions in different directions;
  • participants can buy something (services, houses, apartments, property of debtors, cars, goods, etc.) or sell them;
  • Any physical, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, foreign citizens and organizations that have gone through certain steps and submitted an application;
  • the winner is the participant who offered the least for their product or service.

How is the auction on the site of Sberbank AST?

The auction consists of several conditional parts:

  1. preparatory;
  2. main;
  3. final.

Applicants are carefully selected at the first and second steps. Not everyone can reach the final stage, since very often there are embarrassments in filling out questionnaires, documents even during the receipt of accreditation or application. You should carefully consider these points if you work on your own, or resort to the help of specialists.

How to apply and participate in the auction?

So, how is the electronic auction at Sberbank AST going?

The first part includes the following steps:

  • Obtaining an EDS. An electronic digital signature is required for signing and attesting documents. You can order it at any Certification Center online by paying the bill in advance, attaching Required documents. A list of organizations involved in issuing certificates can be found on the Sberbank website in the "Obtaining an EDS" section. It is issued at the CA branch only to the applicant upon presentation of the original documents. The term of issue is from 30 minutes, the validity period is 1 year.
  • Obtaining accreditation. Validity - 3 years. After registration, submission of an application and documents through the website, 5 days are counted, during which a check and a decision are made. Often new members get rejected. This happens as a result of incorrect execution of the required papers. Sberbank offers accelerated accreditation. Consideration of such paid applications (almost 10 thousand ₱) is carried out within 1 hour. After approval, a personal account is created for the accredited participant.

The main part includes:

  1. Auction selection. It is easy to find the one you need by the assigned registry number.
  2. Replenishment personal account. Usually it is up to 5% of the initial amount. It is advisable to have a reserve, since online replenishment is sometimes not available due to the system load.
  3. Application preparation. Application must be made in person. It consists of two essential parts. The first one is accompanied by various permits, technical parts, consents. The second includes the participant's documents: application form, license, tax returns, TIN, powers of attorney for employees (lawyer, accountant, and others). Everything is signed by EDS. Files are downloaded at the same time. After sending, a unique serial number is assigned, and a certain part of the money is frozen as a security (pledge). After winning the tender or losing the amount returned.
  4. Consideration of the first parts of applications. Deadline is a week. The Commission does not know which physical the person or company is being tested, so all contestants are on an equal footing. Next comes the admission of the participant to electronic trading in the auction room or the rejection of his application.
  5. Electronic auction. If the participant is approved by the commission, he can start trading. Usually they are held on the third day after the announcement of the results. It is important to have uninterrupted internet and electricity for the duration of the second part of the competition. After the opening of the session, each participant is given the opportunity to make a step of up to 5% of the initial price within 10 minutes. Then another 10 minutes are provided for the bet. The auction is closed if the last offer was in the previous 10 minutes. The participant with the lowest price wins. Also awarded second place during the second part of the session.
  6. Consideration of the second part of the application. The commission is considering the rest of the papers. After that, the candidate is approved or rejected. In case of refusal, the contract is signed with the next winner.

Final part:

  • Entering security. The winner replenishes the customer's account before entering into a contract as a guarantor.
  • Signing an agreement (contract). Papers are signed within 10-20 days. Everything is done in in electronic format. The security is returned to the participant's account.

Find out how many bids were submitted for the auction

It is impossible to know how many participants will be in the first competition (submission of applications and consideration by the commission). During the second part, all participants see each other.

How to view auction results?

3 days after the close of trading is published in public access final protocol, where the winner is indicated.

What is being auctioned?

Sberbank AST - electronic trading floor, conducts auctions for bankruptcy, as well as the sale of collateral. What can be purchased:

  1. the Sberbank AST trading platform sells the property of bankrupts whose debt exceeds ₱100,000 with the last payment more than 3 months ago;
  2. commercial or residential real estate (offices, houses, apartments, cottages, etc.);
  3. cars (cars, trucks, special purpose);
  4. land;
  5. jewelry (gold, silver, stones);
  6. antiques;
  7. equipment for enterprises and industries.

You can now find out which tenders an organization has participated in in Synapse.Pro.

The function of viewing purchases and deliveries is implemented in the section " Organization search ».

You will be able to find out all the existing tenders of the company, if it acted as an organizer, participant or became the winner of the purchase.

How to search?

1. Go to the tab "Search organizations"

fig.1 Search string for organizations search

2. Enter the name of the organization you are interested in in the search bar. For example, PJSC GAZPROM

3. Select the organization you need from the results.

fig.2 Organization search result

4. Go to the organization card

fig.3 Organization card

5. In the "Participation in tenders" section, information about all tenders of the organization will be available. You will find information not only about the purchases organized by the company, but also about those where it was a winner or participant.

You can also open the organization card by clicking on the link in the "Customer" field from the page with full information about the tender.

Fig.4 Complete information about the tender

The organization's lists of tenders can be downloaded to a computer in Excel format.

Hello dear colleague! I am often asked if it is possible to find out information about participants in an electronic auction before bidding. The same questions are full of "branches" of most public procurement forums. The question is really interesting and relevant. But I can immediately upset you. It is impossible to find out “on the forehead” such information in a legal way. However, there are still several ways in which you can quite legally identify potential bidders, but we will talk about this a little later. The very idea of ​​holding electronic auctions is precisely to make this procedure as transparent and not corrupt as possible. However, this is only in theory; in practice, the situation is different. I suggest you take a few minutes of free time and figure everything out in detail ... ( Note: this article was updated on February 21, 2019).

1. Application for participation in an electronic auction

According to part 2 of Art. 66 44-FZ, an application for participation in an electronic auction consists of 2 parts. The first part of the application should not contain absolutely any information about the participant, that is, the Customer should not know from whom this or that application was received. Each application has only a number assigned by the operator electronic platform. The customer receives information about the participants of the auction, only at the time of receipt of the second parts of the applications from the operator.

According to the requirements of Part 15 of Art. 66 44-FZ, the operator of the electronic site is OBLIGED to ensure the confidentiality of information about the participants in the electronic auction who submitted applications for participation in such an auction, and the information contained in the first and second parts of this application before posting the protocol of such an auction on the electronic site. For violation of this requirement, the operator of the electronic site is liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. How do participants act when they illegally receive information about their potential competitors?

The scheme of actions of such participants is quite simple. Having on hand a list of all participants in the auction, our participant, who owns the information, let's call him Mr. "X" begins to call all the participants in turn. In the conversation, Mr. "X" invites each participant to "keep quiet" at the auction, that is, not to submit bids in exchange for a fee. The amount of such remuneration, as a rule, ranges from 0.5% to 1% of the initial (maximum) contract price (IMCC). With a small number of participants, such a scheme has the right to life, but you should not expect a 100% guarantee from it. Some of the participants may refuse this illegal offer, and someone, having received a reward, will still take part in the auction.

In my practice, there were several such cases. Literally within 30-60 minutes after submitting an application for an electronic auction, I received a call from a person who informed me that we were participating in the same auction and offered a reward for me not to submit price offers. For my “silence”, he offered to transfer 1% of the NMTsK to the account indicated by me. In such cases, I always answered with a categorical refusal, which I recommend you do as well. participating in such activities is a crime.

3. What are the legal ways to identify potential bidders?

We have sorted out the illegal method of obtaining information about the participants in the auction (bribery of the operator of the electronic site). Now let's talk about the available legitimate ways that will allow you to predict potential participants in a particular auction.

First way. Find out the number of potential bidders

Until July 1, 2018, when applying for an auction, it was assigned a serial number. If the application of the participant was assigned, for example, number 4, then he understood that in addition to him there are 3 more potential applicants for this contract. Therefore, many participants tried to submit their application a few hours before the application deadline in order to roughly determine the number of potential participants.

What did this information give the participant? In fact, only one thing, if there are many participants, then for sure there will be a fierce struggle for the contract at the auction itself and, as a rule, the NMCC will be greatly reduced. Therefore, in most cases, participation in such an auction is not advisable. But there is one BUT that must always be taken into account - there are exceptions to any rule. It is not a fact that all participants who submitted applications will be admitted to the very procedure for participating in the auction. Not the fact that all participants will dump. And, finally, there is always a possibility that some participants may be rejected by the Customer based on the results of consideration of the second parts of applications.

However, since July 1, 2018, the situation has changed radically. Now the applications of participants are assigned not serial numbers, but identification numbers (part 9 of article 66 of 44-FZ). For example, you submitted an application and it was assigned the number 5367, the second application was assigned the number 15, and the third - 647. Thus, it is not possible to determine how many applications were submitted for the auction. Therefore, at present, this method has lost its relevance. However, there are ways much more effective, and we will talk about them below.

The second way. Manual analysis of similar purchases of the Customer for a certain period

This method allows you to predict with a certain degree of probability which suppliers will take part in a particular auction. To do this, you need to go to the site - And analyze completed auctions using the advanced search tool.

In the form that opens, you must fill in the fields in accordance with the search criteria. As a rule, this is:

  • FZ number - 44-FZ;
  • method of determining the supplier - electronic auction;
  • Date of information placement - the required time interval is indicated;
  • Federal District of the Customer - the required one is indicated;
  • Subject of the Russian Federation of the Customer - the required one is indicated;
  • Procurement stage - the procedure is completed;
  • District / city - indicated if necessary;
  • Address of the electronic site - indicated if necessary;
  • OKPD2 codes - the necessary ones are indicated.

After that, the analysis of completed electronic auctions is carried out, in particular, summarizing protocols.

In addition, it is also necessary to analyze the concluded contracts for a particular customer. Knowing the name of the Customer and his TIN, you can find information about the contracts he concluded with the winners of past purchases, similar to the one in which you plan to take part. This information is on the website. in the section "Register of contracts 44-FZ". This section is located at home page website in the "Contracts and agreements" tab.

This method is quite long and laborious, however, in the absence of paid analytical tools in the participant's arsenal, it is the only possible one.

The third way. Program analysis of similar purchases of the Customer for a certain period

The method of identifying potential bidders described above can be greatly accelerated and simplified by using the analytical tools that are currently available in most paid tender search programs. For example, such as tender plan, ist-budget, bicotender, seldon. In addition, some aggregators in the field of public procurement will provide you with the opportunity to independently analyze possible participants. Such a service is very convenient and extremely functional, and, most importantly, it is significantly lower in cost than many search programs. The approach is this - you will be given access to the most complete database of state tender participants with a history of 8 years, in which you, using the settings, set the search criteria of interest by field of activity, region and contract value - then the built-in crm system will do everything for you. You get the result without significant investments and resources. To date, perhaps the best such aggregator service is CRMBG.SU.
