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Lesson in the senior group “Parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night. When night falls... Quotes and aphorisms

Night is not just the dark time of day when life comes to a standstill. Very often it happens quite the opposite; it is at night that real life begins. At night, people take off their masks and allow themselves to be who they are. Night is a time of sincerity, love and reflection. We offer you a selection of quotes, sayings and statuses about the night. Share them on in social networks, let them help you find out what night means and to whom.

Night is an opportunity to rest and gain strength. But at night the law of meanness also comes into force, especially when you need to get enough sleep before a big day. Then, as luck would have it, thousands of thoughts come into your head, and insomnia sets in. But for young people, life is just beginning at night; clubs, night parks and loved ones await them. Students see a special meaning in the night, especially during the session. For them, the night is an attempt to learn everything that others have been learning for six months. This is probably where the expression comes from: sometimes you can learn a hundred times more in one night than in a whole year.

Night is the time of love. To do this, it is not at all necessary to fall asleep with your loved one in the same bed. In order to fall asleep, it is important to simply hear your own voice at night or read a sincere wish for good night.

Quotes and aphorisms

For the morning to be good, the night must be passionate.

A night spent with your loved one is the key to a successful day.

The best thoughts come at night.

It’s strange, why then only crazy people come to me?!

During the day we all ordinary people. At night we have our own crazy life behind a closed door.

At night, someone becomes a star, someone a millionaire, someone an astronaut... And so on until the morning.

You learn more in one sleepless night than in a year of sleep.

Especially when it's the night before an exam.

The night was tormented by aching darkness,
I was frightened by the inaccessibility of knowledge.
I just saw: grandeur and peace,
Harmony and mystery of the Universe.

The night is filled with mystery and the magic of darkness.

If you don't sleep at night, you can see something that many have never even dreamed of.

A sleepless night is the key to a nightmare day.

At night people take off their masks of the day.

The night comes so that everyone can be themselves.

Summer nights are the wildest, the most restless.

Summer nights are a time for new life.

The night exists to say what you cannot repeat in the morning.

Night hides shyness and gives courage.

Every night needs its own menu. (Honore de Balzac)

It just seems to us that all nights are the same, but in fact, every night, like every day, is special.

A person is always different at night than during the day. (Erich Maria Remarque)

This is because at night he becomes himself, and during the day he plays different roles.

At night, thoughts have a way of breaking free and roaming free. (Stephen King)

Those who think a lot are unlikely to sleep at night.

Night, street, lantern, pharmacy,
Pointless and dim light.
Live for at least another quarter of a century -
Everything will be like this. There is no outcome. (A. Blok)

At night life stops in order to continue during the day.

Doing anything at three in the morning is either too late or too early. (J.P. Sartre)

The best thing to do at three in the morning is to sleep soundly.

How good it is to stay awake at night. Then it’s easier to talk. (E.M. Remarque)

Night gives you courage and makes it possible to talk about what everyone is silent about during the day.


There is no better sleeping pill than a “good night” message from someone whose thoughts keep you awake...

A good night will happen when someone wishes it to you...

White night is when ladies are invited for the night?

No, it’s when you get up and you can’t figure out if it’s still night and you can sleep, or it’s already morning and you’re late for work...)

Night gives shine to stars and women.

By morning both of them fade away...

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens when night falls.

Night is a time for love, not friendship.

People can live without sleep, but not without night.

Even those who are not going to sleep await the night.

The night is a world of only sweet dreams,
A world without sadness and without tears,
A world where no extra words are needed,
I wish you tender, sweet dreams!

At night, words are really unnecessary.

Coffee at night - extends your online time in VKontakte.

But in the morning after a night online, even coffee seems to act as a sleeping pill...)

Summer nights are not made for sleeping.

Summer nights are made for living.

Without your “good night” every night becomes more and more restless.

The night is restless not when your loved one is not around, but when he does not wish you good dreams.

And the night lasts longer than a century when the daughter is at the disco...

Do you want to know what eternity is? Let your child go to the disco...)

Good night! May your dreams be so soft and fluffy that they make you purr in the morning!

The main thing is that the wool does not start to fall off...)

Good night everyone. I went to frame the mattress, hug the pillow and stick to the blanket.

Yes, it turns out that you are a little naughty...)

When they say good night in ICQ, something is wrong, and when you receive an SMS on your phone, it’s a thrill!

In ICQ they wish good night to friends, and via SMS to loved ones.

Love is when you call him in the evening to wish him good night, and you cover the conversation with the phrase: “Damn... it’s already eight in the morning, I’m late for work...!”

This is not love, this is talkativeness...))

At night the city looks mysterious and dreamy, you want to dream and relax with it.

At night, everything dreams—both nature and people.

The real enemy of sleep is the Internet. In world wide web the night flies by like one hour. Online is more addictive than any drug, so if you want to get some sleep, find the strength to get offline and turn off your computer in time. Whatever plans you make for this night, remember - the main purpose of the night is to get enough sleep. A healthy and sound night's sleep is the key to a successful and fun day.

Once upon a time, when our planet did not yet look like a shimmering New Year's ball, when the light magic of electricity had not yet touched humanity, and people had not equated themselves with gods, the night ruled the world. It came slowly, seeped through the fading rays of the saving day and filled the world with ashen darkness. And then people left. Powerless against the night, they locked themselves in their houses, lit candles in the secret hope that their fire would burn out the hated darkness, but it only gratefully accepted their warmth, mercifully leaving people a little light. They were afraid. The night contained pain, danger and, worst of all, monstrous creatures hiding under its cover. People were afraid of death. And they received it. The night brought them suffering. With the sunset, life froze, ceased to exist, until the darkness receded. But is she so scary, cruel and dangerous?..

Sandwiched between low stone houses, the street was full of people. Trading tents, blacksmith shops, flower shops, carts, horses, street musicians, and children took over the street so much that the wide avenue now resembled an impassable forest path. Loud voices, cheerful, simple music, the ringing clatter of hooves on stone paving stones merged with the aromas of fresh bread, herbs and new fabrics. All this, accompanied by the dusty city air, stretched all the way to the gates of the royal castle. Behind their heavy wooden doors with eternally bored, gloomy guards, the quiet splash of ocean waves could be heard; driven by the wind, they tried in vain to reach the walls of the castle, securely sheltered by the height of a steep hill.

The girl approaching the gate, without removing her hood, turned around. Through the people clinging to the side of the road, a blond guy walked quickly, behind him, hiding the unsuccessful guards, rested snow-white wings.

The girl sighed doomedly and, having drawn an incomprehensible symbol in the air, took off her light robe. At the same moment, the same snow-white wings covered the thin figure. The people standing around froze, lowering their heads. The guy approached the girl and, taking her arm, went into the gate that had opened by that time. When the noisy street was behind him, he stopped and looked into the girl’s red-brown eyes from the setting sun and asked with alarm:

Why did you go alone? It will get dark soon, but what if you got lost? Daria, you don’t know the city at all! - his wings opened a little.

If I sit in a castle, I will never recognize it. And these guards are just getting in the way.

The guy sighed tiredly and lowered his wings.

Don't do that again, okay.

The girl nodded.

I hope you're ready for tomorrow?

Daria looked at her interlocutor with confusion.

Wedding. Didn't anyone tell you?

The girl frowned thoughtfully, but then smiled and said joyfully.

Olien, this is wonderful! So fast!

Olien, noticing the girl’s fleeting thoughtfulness, became worried.

I'm leaving in 2 days for the Dark Lands. - Olien lowered his voice and lowered his head, - it is unknown when I will return.

Hearing this, the girl shuddered.

Dark lands. The name alone made me feel uneasy. The Eastern Forest, the only obstacle separating the kingdom of Olena from hostile peoples. Opponents of light magic, who have sent night to the whole world, who do not recognize laws. Why go to them?

As if he heard the girl’s thoughts, Olien responded. - They lived separately for too long. There are more of us. It's time for them to admit this and stop resisting light magic. The council decided that negotiations were needed, but.. - he fell silent for a second, and then added alarmingly - we cannot avoid a new war. After the wedding I will already be a king. This means they will have to reckon with my decision!

Daria saw a decisive sparkle appear in her light blue eyes. Will he really leave her alone? Unable to contain her emotions, the girl began to cry.

What about me?.. I'll be left here alone...

Olien wiped away the tears with his palm and smiled softly:

You are the princess of your kingdom, the future queen of mine. One of the two light magicians of this world. Can't you get over a few months of separation?

The girl sobbed one last time and said quietly.

You are right. I guess it's time for me to get ready.

At that moment, a tall man appeared in the castle courtyard, and when he saw the prince and princess, he stopped. Daria quickly walked away from Olien and, looking at the man, slightly bowed her head.


Princess Daria. - he answered her with the same bow and, looking at the prince, added, “Prince Olien, I ask you to come to the council.”

When Daria entered the room, a sharp, bitter smell hit her nose. The room was filled with cloudy, dark gray smoke coming from the depths of the bedroom. A thin, tall silhouette could be seen in the cloud of fragrant fog. The girl dispelled the smoke in front of her with a wave of her hand and walked through the resulting corridor. A woman in a simple dress walked by the window, waving a bunch of grass, her gray hair was loose, and her lips moved silently.

The girl sat down on the bed.

Maybe stop burning them? This smoke makes my eyes water.

The woman opened her eyes and dipped the bundle into a cup of water and stopped.

They help against night spirits,” she sat down next to Daria and hugged her with one hand and asked:

Something happened?

Daria abruptly got out of bed.

Why didn't you tell me the wedding was tomorrow?

You left again without permission, since the very morning, I didn’t have time. And then you're so worried? You yourself wanted this? - the woman stood up again and approached the girl, - Isn’t that right?

The girl looked out the window. The sun has almost set, its edge has already touched the blue surface of the ocean.

A month ago, having seen the prince, fair-haired, blue-eyed, with the same wings and so similar to an angel, she realized that she wanted to become his princess. Sitting in the garden of her castle, they talked all night long, and then, during boring meetings, sleepy and tired, they looked at each other and smiled. He was so sincere and won her heart. She fell in love. But now, somewhere in the depths of my soul, there lurks a doubt, annoying and too obvious not to notice.

Sorry, I just don’t like it when decisions are made for me.

The woman looked at her in disbelief, but didn’t say anything, just hugged the girl and left.

The last rays of the setting sun just touched the room, they slid along the floor, felt the walls, as if saying goodbye to the familiar world. In the bright colors of the sunset, the girl's red hair turned fiery red, and her brown eyes turned into two flaming rubies. Seeing her reflection, she whispered

Ice and fire,” and then, after a short pause, she added dreamily, “perfect.”

An hour later, there was no reminder left of the warm and noisy day. The entire kingdom fell into silence. Not a single rustle, knock, or creak. It’s as if somewhere out there, in incomprehensible and distant lands, someone, tired of the bustle and unbearable noise, put the world to sleep. The birds and animals fell silent, it seemed even the wind died down, listening to his quiet lullaby.

But Daria did not like lullabies. She, wrapped in a blanket, peered into the impenetrable darkness of the empty room. Objects familiar to her suddenly became enemies. The floral patterns on the walls resembled a web of terrible spells that were about to come to life and fill the bedroom with their deadly poison. And the only ray of light, reflecting from his favorite mirror, became like a row of sharp teeth sparkling through a malicious smile. The girl hugged the blanket closer to herself. There, in her distant domains, she dreamed of getting here. The kingdom, surrounded by a dark forest and a mesmerizing blue ocean, washing a deadly, dangerous and therefore even more beautiful cliff, is the largest and strongest among the 10 countries of their world. The only one who dared to live on the border with the Dark Ones. Daria hoped that there would be no closed windows, frightened people and this piercing silence. But no. Having traveled half the world, she realized that this world is not ruled by people, not magicians, not Gods, this world is ruled by fear. It permeates everything: the earth, water, flowers and even the singing of birds. People breathe this fear, revel in it and thirst without realizing it. It creeps through the veins, chills the blood, puts you to sleep and rules. Undivided and eternal.

But how tired she was of living with this fear. I’m tired of falling asleep as soon as the sun’s disk touches the horizon, tired of stupid people, maddened by the love of light. What hides with the border of the day? Why is night equated to death? Nobody remembered how it all started. It has always been this way, which means it is necessary. Then why was doubt lurking in her mind.

A sharp pain hit my head, along with it a clear thought - this is not right. This cannot continue. You need to kill the annoying fear and stop hiding behind stone walls.

The girl sat down hesitantly on the edge of the bed.

How can you love freedom if you spent your whole life in chains? How to reject fear if it has been written on your soul over time?

Suddenly, laughter came out of nowhere. Daria began to look around in fear. The room is immersed in the usual darkness: the same silhouettes, oppressive silence. But something has changed. It seemed? Or is the night laughing at the arrogant thoughts of a man who will never know her secret? Or the girl is just going crazy. Getting out of bed no longer felt safe. But something didn’t give me peace. Daria looked at the window again and, instead of the usual dark rectangle, saw a girl in front of her. My heart shattered like a snow globe hitting its target. Another second and she will leave this world. There will be no more fear, stupid people and razor-sharp silence. You need to be careful with your thoughts, fate does not tolerate doubts.

Death,” the lips themselves whispered something that I didn’t even want to think about.

The stranger laughed, clear and loud, like glass falling on marble. Blue eyes, like the waters at the bottom of the ocean, sparkled, reflecting non-existent sparks of light. Silver hair scattered in a misty haze around the soft blue light dress. Admiration for a moment replaced fear.

The laughter died down.

I am not death, to my regret and your happiness. - the girl turned around and sat down on the low stone windowsill.

Hearing this, Daria felt a slight regret. But she has already said goodbye to this hated world. But after a moment she was happy, deciding not to tempt fate. She looked at the stranger and seemed to stop thinking. There were no questions, no interest. I just wanted to look and feel someone’s presence nearby. She felt so calm, as if she had known this girl, as if they had been together all their lives and a little more. Only a minute later she said thoughtfully:

If death were as beautiful, there would not be a soul left in this world.

They called me different things, but I like Darkness better, as if answering someone’s question, the stranger said, in such a tone as if they were having a small talk.

Brown eyes looked with surprise at the guest - so fragile, childishly cheerful and bright.

Dark? I imagined you differently... - Daria got out of bed and, walking barefoot on the cold floor, timidly sat down next to her.

The darkness chuckled briefly.

I already existed when all the planets and stars were just shining dust scattered throughout the universe. Try to live at least half of it and you will know what boredom is, not just from your appearance, even from your own thoughts,” and with a vague shrug, she added, “I like it better this way.”

From such funny and human simplicity, Daria could not help but smile.

If this is Darkness, then why is everyone so afraid of it? Why do they hide children and shudder at the mere mention of her name? The smile faded from her lips. What if she's just pretending?..

The darkness apparently sensed her doubts. Slowly extending her thin, fragile hand, she raised the girl’s head, looked into her fearful eyes and said carefully.

Your watch has stopped.

The girl involuntarily looked at where the large wall clock, brought from her home, hung. It was difficult to see anything through the darkness. But Daria suddenly realized what had changed then. The sound of the pendulum, which had been spreading through the room so habitually that it had long since become an imperceptible murmuring ringing, stopped. The darkness, as if not noticing her bewilderment, continued:

They walked next to you all your life. They talked about when to get up, when to go to bed, when to love and when to say goodbye to this world. But today you didn’t lie down, didn’t listen to their many years of wisdom, suspected them of lying. And they stopped. In a well-functioning organism that had been working for centuries, the arrows stopped their measured, unpretentious course.

The girl frowned thoughtfully:

They need to be started...

Really? - The darkness smiled mysteriously, - is it necessary to start the old mechanism if...

If you can create a new one.

The darkness nodded with satisfaction:

You just need to find the gear that once flew out and reinsert it.

Daria continued to peer at the clock hidden in the darkness. Once, as a child, her father told her a story about this very clock, which then hung over a hotly blazing fireplace.

Once upon a time, everyone had a watch. In any house, on all the towers of the world. They helped make decisions, gave advice, and most importantly, maintained the balance of time. Watchmakers ensured that the watches were in good working order, and they, in turn, helped them maintain their magical vitality. Night was equal to day, and light to darkness. But one day all the clocks stopped. The night conquered the world for many years. People lost in time and deprived of their advisers plunged into despair. The watchmakers could not live without their friends. Chaos has eclipsed the world in the form of terrible monsters and spirits.

Only 12 watchmakers, with the help of magicians, were able to survive and put pieces of their souls into the best watch mechanisms, becoming inseparable from them. Having formed 12 castles, they began to rule the world and fight the horrors of the night. And the darkness began to recede. But 2 kingdoms came to her defense. They were against destroying the night and abandoning the last ritual. Nobody supported them. And the war began, cruel and useless. And only when almost all the magicians and people were killed, and the dragons and spirits were destroyed, the war stopped. Everyone lost. And a truce was concluded. The Light Ones could not fight the night without the help of the Dark Ones, who went beyond the boundaries of their former lands, exploring new wild territories beyond the impenetrable forest that once belonged to the first Dark Witchers. The remaining 10 kingdoms were left to be content with the rare hours of the day and hide from monsters during the long and dark nights.

And now the clock has stopped again.

How can I fix them without watchmakers, without magicians? How do I find the part I need?

The blood of both flows in you. Moreover, you yourself stopped them. At that very moment when I realized that fear had ruled the world for too long. When I found a mistake. The card is hidden here,” she placed her palm where her heart was beating at a frantic rhythm.

The darkness waved its hand and the heavy shutters hiding the night scattered across the stone floor like fireworks.

Just a step. “Spread your wings,” she pointed to the open window with a smooth gesture.

The girl froze as if frozen in ice. She saw the night for the first time. And for the first time she had to use wings, which in her entire life had never even lifted her into the air, let alone flew. Daria generally doubted that this was possible. Suddenly, a cold wind hit the face, then lightly touched the soft feathers, which came to life as if many years of ice had been removed from them. The wings seemed to fill themselves with welcoming air and rose, filling the entire room.

The girl felt a surge of joy that she had not experienced for a long time. Laughing, she folded and spread her wings several times, as if not believing that they were not just a formality, like a crown. And then, accepting the caring hand of Darkness, she closed her eyes and stepped into the frightening night.

She greeted her with an icy gust of wind, which touched her snow-white wings and, like a fallen leaf, whirled him in one famous dance. Daria enjoyed her role as a dancer in the autumn dance for several long moments.

She felt how the frosty currents penetrated under the thin fabric of the dress, how they penetrated under the chilled skin, turning bones into fragile ice figures. The wind wandered through a thin web of nerve threads, reaching her most intimate, deepest fears. He easily blew away their centuries-old seal and took them with him to distant and unknown worlds.

The free, light element so decisively occupied her soul that it seemed that she herself became the wind. No fear, no doubt, just calm. Then she opened her eyes.

Holding her breath, Daria spread her wings and stopped abruptly, flying back a little. She stared in amazement at the dark canvas of the sky, with difficulty forcing the wings that were so far beyond her control to keep her in the air. Countless flickering lights were scattered across the endless black and blue sky. Reflected in the impenetrable waters of the ocean, they made you believe in a miracle. It seemed as if the whole world had drowned in this world of darkness and stars. And among this magically bewitching portal, two thin arches of light, similar to lullabies, ready at any moment to receive a tired star. For a second, Daria herself wanted to become this very star and fall asleep in a cozy heavenly bed. The girl turned around. The city was left behind, sleeping and silent, the roofs of its houses were slightly illuminated by the light of the stars, and the bright castle, which seemed to be about to fall from a precarious cliff, against the backdrop of the starry blue sky, looked like a small toy made of a glass snow globe. Daria involuntarily began to peer into the depths of the dark alleys, trying to find the horrors from which they had been hiding all their lives. But the darkness was silent - no monsters, no spirits, no impenetrable blackness of death. It was as if the world had changed its mantle, covered itself from human vanity, and plunged into a beautiful dark blue fairy tale. Kind, quiet, caring. This whole night, darkness and wind is an endless, mesmerizing freedom that makes you want to scream.

“It’s time for us,” said a voice next to the girl, whose eyes reflected admiration.

The darkness was still there, patiently waiting for its turn. She doesn't need wings, she herself was part of the night.

Where? - the girl asked without taking her eyes off the sleeping city.

“Listen to your heart, it always knows the answer,” said Darkness, and then as if whispered into the void, “even when it seems that there is none.”

The girl held her breath, closed her eyes and, after thinking for a second, turned slightly and looked forward. In the distance, crashing into the surface of the ocean, stretched a wide strip. The girl shuddered and whispered:

Dark forest...

She looked questioningly and as if hoping for a mistake into the darkness. She nodded.

The heart does not make mistakes, no matter what we think and no matter how much we want it.

The wind, as if feeling its uselessness, disappeared. Every minute there were more and more heavenly lights, as if they were coming from the distant expanses of the Universe to look at their reflection in a huge water mirror, into which the usually raging ocean had turned. Daria flew over the water, sandwiched between two star worlds. The wings were already obediently giving in to her mental orders, the guiding thread visible to her alone was leading further and further from the place that had almost become her home. She flew and increasingly did not understand how the people serving dark magic would save her world from the exhausting multi-day night? But somewhere in the depths of her consciousness she felt the familiar ringing of doubt. Is she flying for salvation?

Daria, listening to her feelings, began to fly away from the already familiar water further and further towards an unfamiliar shore. And just a few minutes later, the unknown travelers were greeted by a dark forest, the almost black trees of which were so tall that the girl could hardly fly without touching their dense foliage. Gnarled, dry branches occasionally peeked out from the tree crowns, as if trying to grab the uninvited guest.

The girl looked with horror into the blackening depths of the forest and her imagination itself imagined those who had been hiding behind an insurmountable barrier for so many years. Dark power always leaves an imprint on the one who uses it. How badly has she corrupted her centuries-old servants? Scary monsters. Living in impenetrable forests and swamps. Creatures that have nothing in common with those who once mastered these lands. With every second, children's horror stories came to life, causing a terrible desire to return. To long nights and unbearable short day, to your beloved prince and books. The girl turned around - she was completely alone: ​​no Darkness, no wind, no ocean. Beyond the edge of the dark forest, unfamiliar meadows and fields were visible, covered in the haze of darkness - she saw neither the city nor even a hint of its existence.

Tears began to shine in my eyes. What if there was no Darkness? What if night spirits still exist? Maybe this is how they deal with their victims?

From the despair that suddenly rolled in like a tsunami, the girl’s strength left her, the wings began to lower her lower and lower, sending her into the arms of gnarled branches. They touched exposed skin, scratching it. The wings, entangled in the web of foliage, became motionless again. Closing her eyes, which still reflected the heavenly world, Daria obediently sank into the treacherous clutches of the forest.

The body ached with slight pain, and the draft covered the skin with a scattering of goosebumps. Through an unrelenting sleep, Daria pulled the blanket over her head and buried her face in the pillow, soft and for some reason unusually large. When the kingdom of dreams had already opened its gates to her, a fire of memories suddenly flared up in the girl’s mind. They flew by like a flock of birds, driving away the persistent drowsiness.

Daria stood up abruptly and opened her eyes. The body instantly reacted to this impulse with sharp pain, like glass fragments. My head began to spin and the room blurred, like colors doused in water. A weak groan escaped from her throat and the girl collapsed onto the bed again. After a few minutes, the dizziness passed, then Daria looked around the room with a smooth gaze, as far as the candle fire allowed, diluting the darkness with its warmth. The girl found herself in a spacious, even huge bedroom, furnished with flowers. The ceiling and stone walls were painted with large, but incomprehensible in the dark patterns. A large wooden bed, closed from the rest of the room by translucent light curtains that swayed in the draft, was almost the only piece of furniture. When Daria sat down, she understood why. On the floor, covered with a soft-looking carpet, there were scattered a lot of completely different pillows: from the largest, the size of a chair, to very small ones that could fit in the palm of your hand; patterned, plain and colored, they filled the entire room. And among all this comfort, softness and flowers, steel looked so absurd and strange. The swords, axes, spears and daggers of various colors, sizes and shapes that obscured the stems sparkled under the heat of the candles. Arrows hanging around the bow created a simple large flower, complementing and at the same time contradicting the wall patterns. The dark columns were hung with beads of silver stars, small sharp blades and feathered needles at the end.

The weapons that were out of place in this room looked like pictures cut out of books that had been pasted here by mistake. Coming out of her rapturous stupor, the girl felt a wave of fear, driven by her wild fantasy, filling her from the inside. Forgetting about the pain, she stood on the airy-soft, feather-like carpet and, suppressing the rolling dizziness, headed through the doors, touching patterned pillows and dangerous smooth blades along the way. The hilt of each sword was a work of high art and craftsmanship, and the scratches, chips and scars on the devilishly sharp blade told more about the battles than the most true stories. An amazing combination of transcendental beauty and mortal danger - this is what a real weapon should be. Strength, faith, courage and love - that’s what Daria felt when she touched each of them. The fear disappeared and only impatiently fervent interest remained. Finally the girl reached the wooden door.

The corridor, contrary to her expectations, turned out to be completely simple - stone, with heavy curtains and dark stone columns. Without looking into any of the rooms, Daria headed towards the exit. It turned out to be very warm outside. When the girl went out onto the veranda and her bare feet touched the stone steps, she did not even feel the cold. But upon leaving the house, Daria froze like an icy garden statue, and a sigh of admiration escaped her mouth. Her feet sank into the soft brown-green grass. And around, covering the entire space, flowers grew. The scarlet, purple, pink and dark yellow fluffy buds amazed the girl so much that she did not immediately notice the path leading into the very depths of the fairy-tale jungle. Having enjoyed the warming touches of the grass, of which there is so little in her home country, the girl stepped onto the smooth, trampled ground. The night sky was as bright as summer, and the star cradles, almost half full, illuminated the amazing garden with their radiance. The black-green leaves of the tall trees hid soft brown branches laden with juicy and delicious fruit. Flowering trees, shrubs and bushes, emitting an intoxicatingly sweet aroma, parted in front of the girl, as if inviting her into their world. Huge buds were drowned in thickets of grass sparkling with berries. Velvet, smooth and prickly leaves rustling in the light night wind carelessly and affectionately touched open arms, face and wings, as if welcoming a new guest. The insanely mesmerizing garden with what seemed like a million different flowers was filled with a heady mixture of sweet vanilla aromas with the occasional hint of bitterness and dry spiciness. The further she went, the denser the plants became, describing which it was impossible not to say “dark”: dark green leaves, black and red flowers, deep purple buds. There were so many plants that if not for the narrow path in the exotic garden, mysterious from the moonlight, it would have been impossible to take even a step. Daria walked eagerly awaiting the next turn, with new mysterious trees and flowers.

And so, completely happy and having forgotten about everything in the world, the girl came out into a small clearing with spreading, terribly tall trees in the middle. Two intertwined trees - black and white - with fiery red leaves and berries hanging on it like a garland on a Christmas tree, hid the entire clearing under their thick shadow. Their roots spread out in an inexplicable pattern from the center to the edge of a dark green clearing surrounded by fragrant lilies. Such unnaturally fabulous contradictory beauty. Suddenly the girl noticed that at the base of an unusual tree someone was sitting, leaning his back against the side she could not see. The broad shoulders twitched slightly, and the head, shaded by the tree crown, barely turned to listen to the guest.

Are you already awake? - the notes of a deep, low, but youthful voice passed through the girl’s entire body with a pleasant vibration, “Sorry for leaving one,” there was not a drop of remorse in his tone. But from the velvety bass filled with power, a wave of trembling passed through Daria’s body, her heart began to beat faster. He hadn’t asked for anything yet, but he already wanted to listen to him.

“Did you like the lilies?” the stranger said thoughtfully and with slight surprise.

Daria could not answer anything, she just stood and listened, catching every word.

Hearing no answer, the stranger turned his head again, then hastily stood up and walked out of the shadowy curtain of the thick tree. It seems that Daria has never experienced such surprise, and it is unlikely that she ever will.

In front of her stood a tall, strong guy who seemed not much older than her. His tousled maroon hair had a row of silvery short locks that looked more like a streak of moonlight than real hair. Translucent green eyes almost sparkled on a pale, strangely ideal face. So light that just a drop would be enough to turn them completely transparent. And as if knowing about this danger, someone fenced these fragile lakes with a dark purple wall, preventing them from blurring.

Is this thoughtfully sweet guy really the owner of that voice? As if he had heard her doubts, he smiled with the most charming smile, which gave his face a self-confident, arrogant look beyond recognition, and slowly approaching her he said:

I am the owner of this house. Kai. - He frowned worriedly and thoughtfully and casually stroked his hair with his usual gesture.

From this ordinary action and deep voice, an incomprehensible warmth and awe spread inside the girl, surprising the girl. And she, constrained by feelings unusual for her, spoke in a worried voice.

Darkaria. Princess of the Northern Lands of the Light Magicians,” her lips uttered a memorized phrase before she had time to think.

Suddenly the guy laughed, sincerely and loudly. Daria frowned and looked at him embarrassedly and said quietly:

Maybe just Daria. Where I am?

Kai fell silent and holding back his laughter, said in a feignedly serious voice:

Yes, Daria is a little shorter. You are on the eastern border of the city - the capital of the United Dark Kingdom. Then he smiled broadly again and tilted his head into Daria's downcast face.

First of all, I'm hungry. Secondly, maybe it’s customary for you to walk around in night dresses, but for us it’s at least stupid,” he lightly touched the tip of her nose with his finger and, taking on his usual thoughtful expression, walked away along the only path so quickly that Daria didn’t even have time to be indignant his impudence.

The house in which Daria spent about 10 hours in an unconscious state turned out to be a miniature castle, surrounded by a fabulously beautiful and strange park and located on the very edge of the Dark Forest.

From the wide dirt road it looked like the only bright cloud in a gloomy stormy sky. Daria walked, trying to somehow cover herself with what Kai called a dress. The light fabric revealing almost the entire body caused the indignation of the girl, who was brought up according to completely different rules. In response to her protests, the guy just grinned and explained that in their country they don’t dress differently. A few minutes later, Daria gave up her futile attempts to correct her unusual clothes.

Thank you for helping me,” Daria looked at the guy walking slightly ahead. It's amazing how funny nature can be when creating people. Such a strange and attention-grabbing combination of darkness and light, wisdom and youth.

Please,” Kai answered casually, as if saving winged girls was his job.

They walked the entire way to the city in thoughtful silence. Kai hummed some vaguely familiar melody, and Daria eagerly looked at the meadows and fields that were no longer left in her world. During all this time, the arrogant and self-confident guy, contrary to the girl’s expectations, did not even try to ask her about what happened. It was as if he already knew everything. And this terribly annoyed and surprised the girl. How can he combine so much outright impudence and humble tact?

The night sky, illuminated by two crescents, was so bright, as if the night had decided to try on the mask of the day. In this light, the approaching city looked even friendlier and kinder. And its open wooden gates without guards and sharp peaks, which so surprised the girl, seemed to rejoice at every guest.

When the girl entered them, she still did not believe that she was in the world of the Dark Ones. It was all too different from her expectations and fears.

Kai pulled his hood up, almost completely hiding his face. And Daria looked around enthusiastically. The city looked like a huge settlement of fairy fairies. Snow-white stone houses coexisted friendly with small thatched huts located on indescribably tall dark blue trees. They hung over the city, connected by rope bridges and thick branches. Residents - girls with hair of incredible colors and in terribly revealing dresses and the same bright guys, only half dressed - floated around the city like feathers, without wings or any helpers. Behind the fused giant crowns of trees, not a glimmer of moonlight was visible; they, like a dome, covered the city, illuminated by small flying buds. Instead of the usual pavement, the girl walked on snow, the same as in her world, but warm, soft and as if alive. The walls of the stone and log houses were completely hidden behind vines hung with bright blue berries, and children played under the windows, hiding in the dense thickets of bushes. Along the snowy paths, like a fence, grew low trees with black leaves, covering small round houses from which small winged creatures similar to people flew out. Creatures of various sizes walked, ran and flew along the wide, spacious streets: little red men, winged fluffy creatures that looked like big cats with long spiky tails. Couples in love sat unashamedly in an embrace on a hanging swing. The whole city, buried in flowers and trees, was the real embodiment of beauty, kindness and comfort. Suddenly the girl stopped. Slightly to the side of her, sat a girl with protruding curls of bright red hair, like Daria’s, and yellow eyes. And a dark transparent spirit hung over her like a thundercloud. The girl took a step to help her, but Kai stopped her with a grin. Daria was scared, but did not dare to disobey him.

The girl drew a sign unknown to the girl in the air and placed her palm in the ground. In this place, it was as if the most ordinary rose bush had grown out of thin air, with green leaves and light red unopened buds. Then she looked at the spirit and nodded and moved away a little. The spirit immediately surrounded the bush and it disappeared for a few seconds behind a dark haze. When the spirit retreated, Daria saw the already familiar black-green leaves and brown-red buds. She looked questioningly at Kai. He shrugged his shoulders and, taking her arm, explained:

This is the same night spirit with which you scare children. Ordinary plants cannot live without sunlight. These spirits help us accustom plants to the moons. But their light is much weaker than the sun, so the plants darken a little, and sometimes completely change their color. They turned sharply and turned out to be a huge tree trunk. Kai stopped and said solemnly:

And here is the palace, Your Majesty.

Daria frowned and the guy looked up. The girl raised her head. Hidden in the giant bright red crown of the tree were many log buildings: towers, houses and huts, connected by corridors of vines. The girl thought about it.

When she first woke up in this world, her only desire was to leave here as quickly as possible. She herself asked Kai to take her to the palace so that its ruler would help her fly home. But when she found out about this world, she no longer wanted to return to hers.

She put on a smile and said:

Well, let's go to the prince?

Which prince? - Kai answered with feigned surprise

The one who will send me home and who lives here,” Daria spoke slowly and hesitantly, watching the guy’s reaction.

Kai shrugged.

There is no prince here. The castle seemed too big to him and he gave it to the school.

They went around the castle and, exiting through a small gate, found themselves on a moonlit beach. Its blue sand almost merged with the waters of the ocean, reflecting the stars, like the ocean that the girl saw only after rising into the air. But something was different. In this ocean, the stars seemed to create doubles for themselves in the swaying waves, who lived separately and happily in the water world. The ocean was not calm or raging, it was rustling, warm, as if alive...

Daria took off her sandals and walked to the very edge of the water, so that the waves barely touched her feet. Kai took off his cloak and, throwing it over the girl’s trembling shoulders, took her hand. Suddenly, from somewhere came a quiet, measured melody, spreading along the entire shore. The girl listened and, through the rustling of the waves and the whistle of the light wind, she recognized the lullaby that had been sung to her as a child.

Ai answered again before the girl could ask a question:

The ocean also has spirits. They fly over its waters waiting for guests. And when someone approaches the shore, they climb into his memories and look for a long-forgotten song there,” he said, looking somewhere into the distance, to where the brightening sky meets the ocean, and his voice sounded gentle and thoughtful.

After these words, they fell silent, listening to the quiet lullaby of the ocean. Daria fell more and more in love with this world. So simple and cheerful, without stupid rules and fear.

The silence was broken by a loud rumble coming from the ocean. It became louder and louder, and then the water seemed to boil and from there, cutting through the air, something quickly flew up. Daria couldn't believe her eyes. Against the backdrop of a starry blue sky, a real dragon flew with its wings folded along its body and its long neck stretched out. Having reached the highest point, he froze for a second, and then, turning around, flew down. A moment later, he landed next to them, spraying them with a million small drops. Daria was frightened, and the dragon glanced past her and, staring at Kai, submissively bowed its head. His wings, shining in the moonlight, looked like rods covered with soft but durable red leather, and his massive head and neck were decorated with bone horns and small sharp spikes, which either smoothed out or rose again with every breath he took.

Kai extended his hand and the dragon, wagging its tail like a palace dog, presented its head to him. Daria looked in horror at this cute and dangerous scene. The guy looked at her and laughed and asked:

Shall we go for a ride?

The girl looked at the sharp thorns with caution and, stepping back, said:

The guy rolled his eyes and, coming close to the girl, said in a low, deep half-whisper:

Are you going to let fear control you?

And from his decisive look and disarming voice, the girl forgot all the words of refusal.

The cool and smooth skin of the dragon turned out to be much more pleasant than the girl thought. When she, with the help of Kai, climbed onto the dragon, he snorted displeasedly and released a thin stream of fire. But one look into the orange-yellow eyes of the creature was enough for him, hiding his thorns, to obediently bow his head in front of her.

When Kai sat down, the dragon spread its giant wings and began to slowly rise into the air, constantly listening to its passengers. And then, as if on command, he rushed upward. Daria barely had time to grab the guy, who already had an impudent and smug smile on his face. From the fast flight, the stars merged into long thin stripes, and the approaching sky became brighter. It was becoming more difficult to breathe. Either from the lack of oxygen at altitude, or from emotions pouring over the edge. Daria flew on a winged miracle, and next to her sat the most sincere and arrogant man she knew. And for the first time in her life she did what she wanted - she screamed cheerfully and loudly.

The dragon began to slow down and soon stopped completely, flapping its wings only to keep itself in the air, as Daria once did. From a breathtaking height, nothing was visible except the outline of the blue ocean and black-green land. They were in heaven. In the same world, the reflection of which Daria saw in the calm waters of the ocean. Thousands of stars sparkled around them, the light of which could outshine the sun. In this light, every scale, every scratch of the dragon was visible, as it patiently hung in the air. The girl glared at the star closest to her, and then looked at Kai, who all this time was looking with satisfaction with his caring green eyes. He understood her immediately and nodded silently.

Daria stood on the dragon, holding the guy’s strong hand and, taking a deep breath, spread her wings again. They slowly and smoothly lifted her into the air and the girl, closing her eyes blinded by the light, extended her hand to the star. Warmth spread throughout her entire body, but no matter how hard she tried, it was impossible to touch the star. She was just a shining warm ball, radiating goodness and strength. It cannot be touched, it can only be felt.

Daria looked down at Kai's spellbound face and realized: he never reached the star, because there were no wings behind his back. And then she gathered all her strength and, placing her hand under the star, began to whisper a spell. After a few long seconds, the star obediently lay down on her palm and the girl, smiling contentedly, lowered it to her friend. He was silent, not taking his rapturous gaze off the shining ball. The girl sat down and extended her hand between them. Kai hesitantly extended his hand and, when the light touched his fingers, both he and Daria, involuntarily closing their eyes, felt an incredible surge of warmth, comfort and light. A moment later, when their gazes met, the star suddenly flared up and its smooth snow-white light was replaced by a sparkling glow of red and green. And then she took off and stood where she had lived for centuries, only now her light was alive.

Neither Daria nor Kai were able to breathe. They did not take their incomprehensible, happy eyes off each other for a long time before the dragon, releasing a column of fire, began to descend back into their familiar world. And Daria and Kai laughed so sincerely and happily that this laughter, reflected from a thousand stars, sounded in the silence of the night for many centuries.

They sat on the cool sand, stroking the winged miracle sleeping from fatigue, and Daria listened to a pleasant, caring voice that told her a story that answered all the untold questions.

When night took over the world, our ancestors were the first to stop fighting it. Seeing her strength, they realized it was useless. The night came, not as a punishment for the evil of people, it came because it was necessary. Because that's nature. The night keeps the deepest secrets, fears and desires of people. Only under its cover can they fearlessly go out into the street. People did not die from the night, they died from monsters created by their own consciousnesses. But no one listened to the magicians, and then they went into unknown lands to create a world different from the one from which they were expelled. They began to be called the Dark Ones. The night rewarded them with knowledge. And they realized that magic does not respect borders. With her help they created a completely new world, alive, in which everything breathed. And the magic has not left us,” Kai held his hand over the sand and beautiful green-red flowers appeared in that place, thinning out the subtle sweet aroma.

Daria stood in the middle of the room, so familiar and dear, but it was no longer her room. This is the room of the naive girl she was no longer. Now she knew everything about the world in which she lived. She knew what the night hid and what those who write the history of kingdoms hid in its darkness. She knew how to preserve their fragile, dying world. But only one question remained in my head: how to unite the worlds that had been waging an unspoken struggle for many centuries.

Daria looked at the folded dark red piece of paper with the words carelessly written: “Open it when you get lost in thoughts again.” And without thinking she unfolded it. At the same moment, shining dust scattered across the room, which before her eyes turned into huge bouquets of lilies, filling everything from the walls to the ceiling. Her room looked like a fairy garden. And on an absolutely blank sheet of paper, in the middle, a short inscription almost shone: “I am that same prince.”

The room was filled with a heady, suffocatingly sweet smell that made the air almost tangible. And through this deep aroma, filling the ringing silence with meaning, a quiet measured knock spread;

I heard this story from friends. But I decided to experiment a little and try to write it in the first person. In general, read: a story from life (I hope!) in some kind of literary treatment...
Have you ever been afraid to go to bed? Have you looked at the clock with fear, mentally begging it so that night would never come? We buried our faces in the pillow, dreaming of only one thing: may morning come sooner? … No? Then you will hardly be able to understand me. But still…
… My parents always told me that I need to help people. I nodded in agreement and happily ignored their words. No, not because I didn’t think so! It’s just that my head was full of other, more important thoughts and commandments. Oh, how much I didn’t understand then!
I was sixteen years old when... When that memorable winter came. When frosts hit, completely unusual for our region. When the doorbell rang at my apartment... I opened it. On the threshold stood something, its head wrapped either in a huge frayed shawl or in a blanket. I felt scared. I wanted to slam the door, but then I heard a thin, trembling voice:
- Daughter, let me warm up!
My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the entrance, and I was able to see the visitor’s face. It was an old woman: small and slightly hunched over. Gray hair was sticking out from under the cape, which, apparently, was an old blanket. Deep wrinkles were visible on his dirty face. The only thing that brought at least some light notes into the creepy appearance of the old woman were her eyes. They—of course, faded and inflamed—still had a glimmer of life. And now they looked at me with hope.
“Darling,” the guest began again, “it’s cold outside, I’m very cold... But I have nowhere to go, I haven’t had a home for a long time... Please let me warm up with you for at least five minutes!” I won’t disturb you, I’ll just stand here for a while in the hallway.
The clock had already passed eleven. My parents were visiting late, and I was alone at home. I didn’t want to let a stranger into the apartment at all... And anyway, why on earth!? Why would some dirty beggar woman warm herself in my hallway? No, let him go to the neighbors and ask for help there!
- No! – I stated categorically. - I won’t let you in, go away!
- Please! – the old woman tried to hold the door, which I intended to slam again. - Don't send me away! I feel like I don’t have much time left, let me at least warm myself up a little before I die...
But I was adamant. I don’t know where so much anger came from in me, but at that moment I for some reason could not contain myself...
- Get out immediately! – I shouted at the unfortunate woman. “I have an apartment, not a rooming house, and I don’t want to let any stinking homeless people in here!”
- Please…
- No!
- I beg you...
- Get out of here, I said!
The old lady let go of my door and stepped back. I safely locked myself in the apartment. About ten minutes later my parents called and said that they would stay overnight... And in the morning, the residents of our building were awakened by a heart-rending female scream. Throwing on my mother’s fur coat, I, following the rest of the neighbors, rushed down the stairs. On the first floor, right near the exit from the entrance, we saw an old woman lying on the floor. Half covered with an old dirty blanket, she lay curled up, as if still trying to warm up. But in reality she was no longer breathing. Her face was white, her lips were blue. Wide-open eyes looked somewhere into emptiness. But there was no life in them anymore... Some of the neighbors groaned, someone winced with contempt (“the damn homeless people have become insolent, they’re already coming to our entrance to die!”), Galya from the second floor, who found the body , returning from night duty, they were already drinking valerian... I took off and rushed upstairs! After all, it was she - my uninvited guest at night...
The next night I couldn't sleep. She lay with her face turned to the wall, and kept trying to drive away dark thoughts from herself. At some point I felt a terrible cold throughout my body. An unknown force forced me to turn around. A few steps from my bed stood that same old woman, wrapped in her blanket. She didn't move, didn't make a sound. Her dead, motionless eyes stared at me. I wanted to scream in fear and run away, but I couldn’t do it. The body refused to obey, the scream seemed to freeze in my throat... I don’t remember how long I lay there like that, looking at her... I woke up only in the morning, as if after a heavy, unpleasant dream. I probably would have taken it for a dream if she had not come to me the next night... Then everything was repeated exactly: again I could neither move nor scream... Since then I have not remembered such a night that she did not came to my bed. This has been going on for several years now. She is still silent, and I... I don’t know how I still retained a clear mind...
Every day I ask myself the question: what if I had let her in then? Probably everything would have been different. She would have lived longer... Well, or at least died happy... But after every day comes night. God, how I fear its coming!
...Have you ever been afraid to go to bed?...

Ekaterina Kiseleva
Lesson in senior group"Parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night"

Senior group lesson.

Parts of the day: morning, day, evening, night.

Tasks: - expand ideas about parts of the day, their characteristic features, sequence ( morning, day, evening, night, - be able to determine parts of the day, introduce a generalizing concept "Day".

Introductory word.

- Guess the riddle: I don’t walk and I don’t fly,

Try to catch up!

I can be golden.

Well, look into a fairy tale! (gold fish)

From what fairy tale did the Goldfish come to us?

That's right, the goldfish lives at the bottom of the sea, where it is always dark. So she can't tell the time days. Let's help her.

A day as a measure of time has its own specific quantitative characteristic - 24 hours, so time is measured in days. It is the first natural unit of time.

The day is usually divided into four parts: morning, day, evening, night.

Time days when the sun appears above the horizon is called morning which comes with dawn. The sun is just rising above the horizon, rising above the trees and roofs of houses higher and higher, giving us its bright rays and sunny smile.

in winter morning starts later, and earlier in the summer. And even in the summer, there is morning dew on the grass. This is when the grass is wet, as if it had rained, but in fact there was no rain, just night the air cooled and turned into small droplets of water that settled on leaves and blades of grass. Morning starts with waking up. Plants wake up, opening their buds, animals and birds wake up, crawling out of their holes and flying out of their nests. In the morning you need to get out of bed and make it carefully. Then go wash, brush your teeth, do exercises and get ready for kindergarten or school. Meanwhile in the kitchen in the morning Breakfast is already waiting for us, which my mother prepared. Listen poem:


Dawn rises over the river

A rooster is crowing in the yard.

Kittens wash themselves

The guys are waking up.

During the day a person is awake. Children playing in the yard of the house or kindergarten, schoolchildren study and return home after lessons, while adults work. Small children are supposed to sleep a little after lunch during the day, and schoolchildren do homework for older people to up evenings to do do your favorite things and go for a walk.

During the day, the sun rises high in the sky and moves from east to west across the sky, gradually descending in the afternoon towards the horizon. In summer the sun rises high above the horizon, and in winter it sets low and quickly.

During the daytime classes are held for children throughout the day in kindergarten and school, after which it is lunch time. Lunch consists of first, second and third, after which you need to rest a little, and for younger children "quiet hour".

Closer to evening It's time to have lunch. An afternoon snack is a small dinner, which consists of a bun with tea or fruit and juice, after which you can go for a walk.


The sun is high in her

It's a long way from sunset

The mouse drags the grains into the hole.

Baby learns the alphabet.

In the evening the sun sinks lower and lower and sets below the horizon. This time day is called evening. And when the sun disappears over the horizon, you can watch a beautiful sunset. It can be bright in yellow-red rays. in winter evening it comes early and the sun sets quickly, and in the summer evening long and the sun sets slowly.

Plants, animals and birds are preparing for sleep. Flowers close their buds, animals climb into their holes, an anthill in the forest closes, and birds sing lullabies near their nests.

Evening is the time when children come from a walk and adults from work. This is dinner time, after which you can play a little, watch TV or read an interesting book.

WITH evenings you need to prepare for tomorrow, pack your clothes, books for school, brush your teeth and go to bed. After evenings the darkest time is coming day - night.


The red sun has set.

The squirrel hides in a hollow.

Dryoma comes to visit us,

He takes the story with him.

At night all the people, animals and plants rest to gain strength for the next day. People sleep in their beds under a warm blanket, dogs and cats curl up in their cozy places, birds hide in the branches of trees, and plants have their buds closed. Some animals, such as owls, which sleep during the day, stay awake at night, but most animals at night They sleep in their nests and burrows. Night is a time of silence, rest and sweet dreams.

The sun is hiding far below the horizon and it is very dark around. But now you can see the stars in the sky and the month appears for a while. During the day, the stars and moon are invisible due to the bright sunlight, but at night in complete darkness they appear in all their glory.

At night a month appears in the sky. This is the moon - our satellite of planet Earth. When a month is full it is called a full moon. It comes in the form of a waxing or waning crescent. Or it may not happen at all - it’s called a new moon. While we last night, another parts the globe the sun is shining and it's going strong day.

– The earth moves around the sun and at the same time rotates around its axis. To make it clearer, look at this globe.


The stars are shining in the sky.

The birds are sleeping and the fish are sleeping.

Flowers sleep in the garden beds,

Well, we are in our beds.

Now let's warm up:

Big round moon

Rising in the starry sky.

(raise your hands up, hug your head).

She sends her bright ray to me

And whispers: - Too late!

(they raised their hand to their forehead and looked into the distance.


The moon rises, and I go to bed!

And you'll have to sleep until the morning!

(We raised our hands up and made a house above our heads.

Place your hands under your cheeks).

...Big Yellow Moon

He turns pale and leaves.

(Join your hands in a circle and lower).

The stars have gone out and you can see

Dawn. And the sun rises.

(Hands to the side).

I will get up, and the moon will go to bed!

Before she needs to sleep in the evening!

(We stretched, put our hands under our cheeks,

The index finger was raised to the lips and "chi-chi").

- And so, guys, you and I know what there is in a day day and night. It's light during the day. During the day in kindergarten there are classes, you can play, walk, nap.

What are you doing during the day?

It's dark at night. Almost all people are asleep. What are you doing at night? (I'm sleeping).

Evening is coming when it ends day and it starts to get dark outside. What are you doing In the evening?

(I return from kindergarten, walk, watch TV, get ready for bed).

– When it ends night, comes morning. The sun is rising. What are you doing in the morning? (I wake up, get up, wash my face, go to kindergarten).

Now let's play.

Didactic game “When does this happen?”

Target: consolidate knowledge about parts of the day; practice matching pictures with parts of the day: morning, day, evening, night.

The game can accept participation from 1 to 4 people.

Game rules: according to the word that the teacher says, show the card and explain why he chose it. Match this card with the models parts of the day(squares yellow, white, brown, blue).

Game action: search for the desired picture and its relationship with the model parts of the day.

Material: models parts of the day, pictures reflecting activities at different times days.

The sun is rising brightly, the cockerel is singing in the garden,

Our children wake up and get ready for kindergarten.

When does this happen? (in the morning)

The sun is shining brightly in the sky, the children have gone for a walk.

When does this happen? (in the afternoon)

The day has passed, the sun sets, dusk slowly creeps in.

Light lamps and candles. The dark is coming (evening)

The bears and elephants are sleeping, the hare and the hedgehog are sleeping,

Everyone around should fall asleep.

Our children too. When is everyone sleeping? (at night)

Children guess riddles and choose a picture for themselves and look at it carefully. Match the picture with parts of the day and correlate with the desired model, explaining why.


How else can you call it day? (day)

From which parts consists of a day? (morning, day, evening, night)
